BREAKING: What Just Happened To President Trump Means FULL BLOWN WAR!!!
President Trump blasted the "Criminal Deep State" early Wednesday, suggesting things
have "turned around" in "SPYGATE," following revelations of a reported FBI informant
snooping on the Trump campaign, Fox News reports.
"Look how things have turned around on the Criminal Deep State.
They go after Phony Collusion with Russia, a made up Scam, and end up getting caught
in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before!
What goes around, comes around!"
~ President Donald Trump
"SPYGATE could be one of the biggest political scandals in history!"
~ President Trump
The Presidents comments come after reports that an FBI informant communicated with at
least three members of his campaign—Foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, Trump
aide Carter Page and campaign adviser Sam Clovis.
During a Tuesday appearance on 'The View', no less than the former Director of National
Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper described what was done by the Obama administration
to Donald's Trump campaign as "spying."
"With the informant business, well, the point here is the Russians.
Not spying on the campaign but what are the Russians doing?
And in a sense, unfortunately, what they were trying to do is protect our political system
and protect the campaign."
What's more, Blake and Clapper attempting to spin idea that the Obama administration
was spying on the Trump campaign for "friendly" purposes is beyond laughable, and we know
this was not the case for the reasons Hume points out: the Trump campaign was never informed
of this counter-intelligence operation for the simple reason that this counter-intelligence
operation had been launched against Trump and his campaign, Breitbart reported.
Chris "Badger" Thomas is a Veteran who served our country as an Army Combat Medic.
God Bless.
For more infomation >> BREAKING: What Just Happened To President - Duration: 14:52.-------------------------------------------
S.P.L. Sørensen Google Doodle and What is pH Scale? - Duration: 2:01.
Google observes Danish Biochemist SPL Sorensen for making pH scale with a Doodle.
The inquiry monster respects Biochemist Soren Peder Lauritz Sorensen for his progressive
work in acquainting with mainstream researchers, the idea of the pH scale .
Google today commends the man who made the pH scale.
The hunt mammoth respects the Danish Biochemist Soren Peder Lauritz Sorensen for his progressive
work in acquainting with mainstream researchers, the idea of the pH scale with a fascinating
It won't not be right to state that his creation was a huge report in science and ought to
be commended.
The pH scale is utilized to quantify corrosiveness and alkalinity of substances, going between
numbers 0 to 14 with 7 being nonpartisan.
Substances with pH number more noteworthy than 7 are ordered as fundamental or antacid,
while substances with pH number lower than 7 are classified as Acidic.
Conceived on ninth January 1868 in the Danish city of Havrebjerb, SPL Sorensen headed the
Carlsberg Laboratory in Denmark's capital, Copenhagen from 1901 to 1938, where he examined
the impacts of the particle focus on proteins.
Since concentrate the centralization of the hydrogen particle was particularly essential,
Sorensen thought of basically building up a scale as an approach to quantify the particles.
He did as such in the year 1909 and was the principal researcher to utilize the pH scale.
The Google Doodle presents the pH of various things funly.
It requests that the client designate the things to their suggestive spots as indicated
by their acidic or fundamental character.
For example, the pH level for eggs remains at 8, while the pH level for lemons and tomatoes
remains at 2 and 4 separately.
SPL Sorensen kicked the bucket on twelfth February in 1939.
Google Doodle who was the chemist and when was the pH scale invented? - Duration: 3:47.
acid-test SPL Sorenson celebrated by Google doodle who was McKim extend went
was the pH scale invented the Danish scientists revolutionary tests of
acidity and alkalinity is still used today the distinguished chemist is
little known outside of his native Denmark here's what we know about the
enigmatic scientist who is celebrated today in the Google Doodle who was McKim
Xterra PD Lawrence Sorenson was born in a freak Church in 1868 the son of a
farmer Sorenson began studying at the University of Copenhagen dat the age of
18 he originally planned to study medicine but under the influence of
chemist ESF Jorgensen decided instead to forge a career as a scientist while
working as a post doctoral student as an assistant in chemistry of the Danish
holo Technic Institute he contributed towards a Geological Survey of Denmark
the enterprising student also found work as a consultant at the Royal Naval
Dockyard Sorenson became head of the prestigious Carlsberg laboratory in
Copenhagen from 1901 to 1938 in the year before his death he was married twice
and his second wife mark rated Europe Sorensen helped him in his studies he
died on February 12 1939 at the age of 71 what is the pH scale and went was it
invented while working that the Carlsberg laboratory he studied the
effect of ion concentration on proteins exploring further the importance of the
concentration of hydrogen ions his pioneering work on ions resulted in
his groundbreaking discovery of the pH scale he introduced a scale in 1909 the
article in which he introduced it described two new methods for measuring
facility the first method was based on electrodes while the second involved
comparing the colors of samples and a pre-selected set of indicators with pH
signifying potential of hydrogen the logarithmic scale is used to specify the
acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution the scale which rates acidity
or alkalinity from zero to 14 can be used in everything from medicine to soil
the revolutionary test has been taught to countless science students across the
world as a measure for testing the acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous
solution what is a Google doodle in 1998 the search engine founders Larry and
Sergey drew a stick figure behind a second toe of Google as a message to
that they were out of office at the Burning Man festival and with that
Google Doodles were born the company decided that they should decorate the
logo to mark cultural moments and it soon became clear that users really
enjoyed the change to the Google homepage in that same year the turkey
was added to Thanksgiving and two pumpkins appeared as the O's for
Halloween the following year now there is a full team of doodler illustrators
graphic designers animators and classically trained artists who helped
create what you see on those days among the doodles published in 2018 or ones
commemorating cartographer Abraham mortally used Egypt and after Oh Murray
fans st. Patrick's Day earlier in the year the search giant celebrated the
Paralympics in 2018 in penang jay with an animated design celebrating each of
the sports the winter Paralympians will compete in
What Is Polio, Causes and Symptoms - Health Tips - Duration: 8:55.
Polio what is polio
polio also known as poliomyelitis
is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system
children younger than five years old are more likely to contract the virus than any other group
according to the world health organization WHL
one in 200 polio infections will result in permanent paralysis
however thanks to the global polio eradication initiative in 1988
the following regions are now certified polio free America is Europe Southern Pacific
to Southeast Asia the polio vaccine was developed in 1953 and made available in 1957
since then cases of polio have dropped in United States that polio is still persistent in Afghanistan Pakistan and Nigeria
a limb and aiding polio will benefit the world in terms of health and economy
the rad EK shun of polio can save at least $40.00 to 50 billion over the next 20 years
what are the symptoms of polio
it's an estimated that 95 to 99% of people who contract polio virus car asymptomatic this is known as sub clinical polio
even without symptoms people infected with the Leo virus can still spread the virus and
cause infection in others the unparalleled IC polio
signs and symptoms of non paralytic polio can last from 1 to 10 days
the signs and symptoms can be flew like a and can include fever
sore throat headache, Ting fatigue
meningitis the on paralytic polio is also known as abortive polio
paralytic polio about 1% of polio cases can develop into paralytic polio
paralytic polio leads to paralysis in the spinal cord spinal polio
brain stem bulb are polio
or both ball Boskin all polio
initial symptoms are similar to non paralytic polio
the after a week more severe symptoms will appear
these symptoms include loss of reflexes severe spasms and muscle pain
loosed and floppy lambs sometimes on just one side of the body
to sudden paralysis temporary or permanent
deformed limbs especially the hips
ankles and feet it's rare for full paralysis to develop
less than 1% of all polio cases will result in permanent paralysis
in 5 to 10% of the polio paralysis cases the virus will attack the muscles that help you breathe and cause death post polio syndrome
it's possible for polio to return even after you've recovered
this can occur after 15 to 40 years
common symptoms of post polio syndrome
PPS are continuing muscle and joint weakness
muscle pain that gets worse
becoming easily exhausted or fatigued muscle wasting
also called muscle atrophy
trouble breathing and swallowing
to sleep apnea or sleep related breathing problems
low tolerance of cold temperatures
new onset of weakness in previously uninvolved muscles depression
trouble with concentration and memory
talk to your Dr. If you had polio and are starting to see the symptoms
it's estimated that 25 to 50% of people who survived polio will get PPS
PPS can't be cut by others having this disorder
treatment involves management strategies to improve your quality of life and reduce pain or fatigue
how does the polio virus infects someone as a highly contagious virus polio transmits through contact with infected feces
objects like toys that have come near infected feces can also transmit the virus
sometimes it can transmit through a sneeze or cough
as the virus lives in the throat and intestines
this is less common people living in areas with limited access to running water or flush toilets
often contract polio from drinking water contaminated by infected human waste
according to the mayo clinic the virus is so contagious that anyone living with someone who has the virus can catch it to pregnant
women people with weakened immune systems such as those who are HIV positive
and young children are the most susceptible to the polio virus
if you have not been vaccinated
you can increase your risk of contracting polio when you
travel to an area that has had a recent polio outbreak
take care of or live with someone infected with polio
handle a laboratory specimen of the virus
have your tonsils removed
have extreme stress or strenuous activity after exposure to the virus
how do doctors diagnose polio
your Dr. Will diagnose polio by looking at your symptoms
they'll perform a physical examination and look for impaired reflexes back and neck stiffness or
difficulty lifting your head while lying flat labs will also test a sample of your throat
still or cerebrospinal fluid for the polio virus
how do doctors treat polio
doctors can all only treat the symptoms while the infection runs its course
that since there's no que are the best way to treat polio is to prevent it with vaccinations
the most common supportive treatments include bed rest
painkillers and tea spasmodic drugs to relax muscles
and tea bionics for urinary tract infections
portable ventilators to help with breathing
physical therapy or corrective braces to help with walking
heating pads or warm towels to ease muscle aches and spasms
physical therapy to treat pain in the affected muscles physical therapy to address breathing and pulmonary problems
pulmonary rehabilitation to increase lung endurance
in advanced cases of leg weakness
you may need a wheelchair or other mobility device
how to prevent polio the best way to prevent polio is to get the vaccination
children should get polio shots according to the vaccinations schedule presented by the centers for disease control and prevention CDC
on rare occasions the shots can cause mild or severe allergic reactions
such as breathing problems
high fever dizziness
hives swelling of throat
rapid heart rate adults in the United States aren't at high risk for contracting polio
the greatest risk is when traveling to an area where polio is still common
make sure to get a series of shots before you travel
polio vaccinations around the world
over all cases of polio have dropped by 99% a lonely 74 cases were reported in 2015
polio still persists in Afghanistan Pakistan and Nigeria
from the history of polio to know polio is a highly contagious virus that can result in spinal cord and brain stem paralysis
it most commonly affects children under five years old
cases of polio peaked in the United States in the 1952 with 57,623 reported cases
since the polio vaccination assistance act the United States has been polio free since 1979
while many other countries are also certified polio free the virus is still active in countries that haven't started immunization campaigns
according to WHL
even one confirmed case of polio puts children in all countries at risk
Afghanistan is set to start its immunization campaign for early October and November of 2016
national and sub nation a limb yen as a shun days are planned and ongoing four countries in West Africa
you can stay up to date with case breakdowns on the global polio eradication initiatives web site
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