Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 11, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Nov 2 2017

Hi guys welcome back to my channel so today

You can probably tell by the title that this is an October favorites video, so it's everything that I've been loving this month

so I think I'm just gonna dive straight in the first thing is actually a gift that my best friend bought for me and

She came up for the weekend, and she had got me a gift, and I was just so sweet, so yeah

It's this little marble pot and this is from oliver bonus

And it has this that cute little rose gold lid and it's just like really heavy

White sort of marble I think it's real marble

no, but it's really really pretty and it's gonna look so beautiful in my bedroom with all of my new bits and bobs that i'm

Currently collecting so if I can find this online. I will link it down below i'm gonna

feel kind of bad that i'll know the price, but

Such is life i'm really

Sorry about all the noise outside if you can hear that my street is basically like a builder's yard at the moment

Everybody is having something done to their house except me of course

So the next thing is something that i've been super excited about and it is my new

Nook vick now. I've got a secondhand MacBook. Just because I'm sort of new at all this

YouTube staff I've got a blog and everything and the computer that we have is terrible Adams still using it

And it's so frustrating and I feel so bad because he's working where I'm at and it's so

Slow like heartbreakingly slow

So I have been so happy to be able to work on my new Mac this was from ebay, and I think he was like

340 pounds which I just think is so good and it's in such

Good condition like there's not a mark on it it runs really really fast. It is just brilliant. I mean one day

I'm sure I'll upgrade to a newer one, but for now this suits me just fine

so if you are after a Mac and you are sort of

Just starting out with YouTube then you know go to ebay find find a reputable

Seller find someone that's really good reviews, and you'll be fine

I've had no problems with this one whatsoever and as you can see it looks beautiful

So next I think I'm going to move on to

beauty and the first product is Fletcher forces

I'll or lashes now these are which ones are these with a three-quarter length

Lash, so they don't they're not like as long, and I've got quite small eyes, so these are amazing for me

I don't have to cut them down. They look so incredibly natural. Oh my god. There's a cement mixer

I mean come on guys. I'm trying to film a video

Anybody these I really like these they're lovely very natural-looking, and I think they're on the five car mark. I got these from

The next Beauty bits are some more cosmetics that I've been loving

The first one is the Rouge of velvet lipstick by bourgeois

This is shade number 8 and this is such a beautiful red tone

I'll film some swatches and pop those in as well, but I absolutely love this lipstick

It's just so pretty such a lovely bold red

It's definitely got some like blue tones in it which is really nice for if you're trying to make your teeth look whiter

It's a yes absolutely loving that one. I'm really sorry as well

I've got a bit of a cold the next product is a L'Oreal Paris

Lip paint, this is the what colors this


This is 208 off white and again. I will put in some swatches of that one

It is basically just a liquid lip. I love the color

It's so so so pretty and I

Don't know if it's kind of drying like I'm trying to figure out if it's drying my lips out

Or if it's just the change in weather, but I'll get back to you with that one. I love the color

I think it goes on really really well, and it's very creamy, but I do think once it dries

Which takes a while it does? I don't know it kind of goes a bit cakey like foundation cap

The next product is something I have a repeat purchased

this is the third one I'm on now, and I just think it is the best mascara ever and

It is the L'Oreal Paris

False lash sculpt mascara. It's the one I'm currently wearing and I just think this is such a great mascara

It I think it has like those little fibers in it that attached themselves to

The ends of your lashes to make them longer and fuller which I just I absolutely adore

I just think this is such a great mascara, and I have used what one did I used to get I?

used to get the

What's it called oh, that's gonna really annoy me. Oh the benefit. They're real

I used to get that one and I actually think this one's better, and this one is about 10 pounds

Okay, so yeah if you're looking for a cheaper alternative to that one

This one's really great, okay, so next I'm moving on to skincare and a product

I've totally completely fallen in love with is the clinic take the day off and

This is the cleansing oil. I have actually been using it wrong for a while

I thought that you used it on and a cotton pad and just took your makeup off of that

But you apparently rub it in your face and then wash it off

Silly Becky and but yeah, I originally got this sent to me

Like a small sample size, and I absolutely loved it, and it's the only thing that hasn't broken me out

So I had to go and buy it this one was twenty-two pounds

And then the lady in the store

obviously told me that there was an operon so of course I had to buy two things so I actually went in with the

dramatically different moisturizing gel and

I really liked moisturizing gels

I just think that they feel so cooling they feel so light and this one's it's like one of those ones

That's really hydrating and I do get really dry under eyes

And I get sort of dry patches around my cheeks, and so this has been really lovely so far

And I've really really enjoyed this using this moisturizer

I've gone through quite a lot of moisturizers this year, and I am definitely gonna buy this one again

I just think that it's it's beautiful

It's for a combination oily to oily skin, and I just think it's great

It's really good, but this this for me is amazing

It's literally the first product ever in my 29 years that hasn't broken me out obviously Owen has spots and I was a baby

What a stupid statement to make?


So yeah, this is so great. It doesn't break me out, and it's gonna see the first thing

I think this might be the first time bar today because I've only just started using it again. I ran out of the

Rack I ran out of the sample one

And then I went back to my old one and I immediately broke out

But before that not one single spot on my face which is

Unheard of completely unheard of so yeah, I would definitely definitely recommend this one is lovely. I love it

Okay, so I probably moved because my camera died of course and now the mixer is even louder

So I'm gonna have to shout over that

You pick your dates guys

Nothing all week and now this


Now I'm moving on to fashion, so I

Have basically lived in this I absolutely love it

I just think it's amazing and it was bargain and I adore it

So this is a t-shirt from Topshop, and it says you make me smile with a little

Smiley emoji what I love about this t-shirt is this is embroidered which?

Is kind of rare like usually it's printed on and for 12 pounds yes

I said 12 pounds from Topshop not in the sale, and it's not Sloot bargain

It's just so beautiful. I got it in a size 16 because I want it to be slightly

Oversized and then I have been tucking it into a skirt which I'll show you in a minute

And I just I love this so much. I think it's gorgeous. It's got a little oh

It's got a little rolled-up sleeves

and it's nice and baggy on me, which I love and I

Just love it so much. I think it's gorgeous

So yeah, this is definitely the favorite my favorite fashion thing that I purchased this one. I just

But then there is a second

I shouldn't think that I've purchased which is this black denim that skirt or so from Topshop?

I believe this one was 29 pounds, so I don't know Topshop habit is having some

Definite bargains at the moment, so yeah, I really really like what's good. I think it was 20 now many it was there tonight

I'll find it and I'll link it down below for you

But yeah really love this and I've been wearing it with the black t-shirt tucked in and then

To go with that is a little belt, which is


From Topshop this time this one is from River Island, but yeah, I absolutely adore this obviously

I really want that Gucci belt, but it's like two hundred and something pounds

And I didn't have 200 something pounds, so this was a great alternative

There was a Jew before the Gucci belt in rebrand, but they only had a size small, and I'm not a size small

Unfortunately, so yeah, I just thought this is lovely

It's got the gold hardware on it, which I'm really into gold at the moment. So this one's really good for me

I love it. I just been wearing it with that

black denim skirt and then with the black t-shirt tucked in just with a camel coat and then are the

Transition of this is so great

I've been wearing it with


boots which if you follow me anywhere you'll have seen these

Because I not stop wearing them. I basically live in these these are a pair of

Pointed toed soccer boots and these are from ASOS

I believe they were 40 pounds, and they asked along their because I saw them earlier one today when I was buying foster

Home, so yeah, I'll link these down below. I just really love them

I just think they're they're not they are getting a bit scuffed up now

Just because I made the mistake of wearing them to a really rough night club at the weekend

And which you don't wear nice shoes to all they're sticky


Next moving on to books, and I've just got one book this time

I do need to invest in some more books because I have literally nothing at the moment

But this is actually very different for me. This isn't a normal

Book, this is a graphic novel

now if you know me well, you know that my

Boyfriend is an artist and he loves graphic novels and he's actually

Produced two so far, but this is great. I absolutely love this

This is the second copy so this is monstrous, and it's a graphic novel written by and then

renew and


Takeda, I think I've said their names right

I really hope for her so it's about this girl called Micah half-wolf and as I said

This is the second one and I already read the first one

I read that on holiday

And I was just gripped which is so unlike me with things like this this this isn't normally what I would go for

but I just like the fact that the

The main character was a woman. She was a powerful woman and

It's kind of a little bit scary, and I just I was really drawn to the cover to be honest

I mean look how cute this little thing is that?

Yeah, I went to a

shop called page 45 with my boyfriend and

Yeah, I was just drawn to this. I just thought I'd try something different. Maybe I found a new genre of

book that I like and I think I might have done so and

Obviously I had to buy the second one because I was so hooked and but this is about Micah half wolf

And she's on the run from a coalition of forces determined to control or destroy the powerful

monstrum that lives beneath her skin so basically there's like a monster that lives inside of her and

Which sort of takes over her body in the first?

graphic novel I don't want to give away too much and

Begin there's a lot of really interesting characters in this there's a it's a really interesting story

I mean some of it's quite gruesome and scary

But I've kind of got past that I mean I don't normally like gruesome or scary. I don't watch scary film

I don't like recent stuff, but I just

Really love this well. I haven't actually finished this one year. I'm reading this at the moment, but I loved the first one so I

And guys is it really an October favorites video without mentioning stranger things

I am absolutely loving stranger things right now

If you haven't watched it check it out on Netflix it strange things, too

So it's the second season and it's out now if you love to stuff like The Goonies

And you loved and stuff like Back to the Future

I just think that it's definitely something for you

And I just I love the whole vibe of it the soundtrack is great

The kids that are in the actual series are so fantastic

There's such brilliant actors, and it's just so enjoyable like I love it. I love tuning in at home. We're currently binge watching

We haven't watched all of it yet, but it is so great and I can't wait to watch the rest of it

We're definitely going to be watching. That's my because it is Halloween today

So I think yeah, we're definitely gonna cook some nice dinner get a bottle away

Maybe and dive back into stranger things because it's so great and with all that said and now that I finished

Talking about all of my October favorites the mixer is stopped, so now. It's probably gonna get quiet so



This is literally the only opportunity. I had to film this and they start that like the minute. I start filming. Oh well

What can you do anyway?

Thank you, so so much for watching, and if you did enjoy this video. Please give it a big thumbs up

I was so so happy that like 600 of you watched my last video which is amazing for my third video

It's so happy, so yeah, if you want to see some more comment down below. Tell me what your

October favourites are and I really hope that you have a fantastic Halloween tonight

and if you enjoy the content on my channel

Please don't forget to subscribe. I also have a blog and I'm over on Instagram

I'm over on Twitter love having conversations with you guys on Twitter, so yeah, thank you so much bye guys

For more infomation >> OCTOBER FAVOURITES 2017| BEAUTY, SKINCARE, FASHION & MORE. - Duration: 14:55.


My Top 10 Fashion Accessories for Women, Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter - Duration: 12:32.

Hi everyone, Heather here and today I'm going to tell you my top 10 favorite

accessories and you know what? I'm wearing most of them now can you guess

which ones they are? I'm gonna tell you in just a second.

So my number one item, I actually just got this like a few months ago and I

just love it, it's one of those exercise monitors, it tells you... you might not be

able to see it in this light but it tells you the time, it tells you how many

steps you've taken, your heart rate, you know how much you've walked, etcetera etc

and I just love it, it also shows you how many minutes of a little bit more

strenuous exercise you're doing and you know what it goes but if I do 10,000

steps it actually shows off some fireworks and goes...Wow you're great and

encourages you along the way so you know what?... it's a great thing to have and for

hitting some of those goals that you might want. The other thing I like about

it is the fact that when my phone goes off this is attached to bluetooth and it

vibrates so sometimes I can't hear what's going on in my phone but when

this vibrates I know I got a call coming through which is awesome ,oh and by the

way if you're interested in some of these accessories that I'm showing you

today we're going to put a link on the description or maybe in the comments

that links back to our blog and there you might be able to find all or most of

the items that you like in a similar kind of fashion or a similar type of

product and we get a little bit of commission for that so I just wanted to

say "thank you so much", you know, thank you.

So we're out of the park and somebody decides to turn on this leaf blower WhoooWhooo so

anyway we're back in the studio now because we're gonna get these

accessories done some way. Anyway, so anyway, back in the studio. Let's talk about

number two and number two is my small purse I love my small purse I used to

lug around these big purses every single day I bought this about two years ago

and now I'm wearing this purse about 90% of the time. I actually did a video for

you too it should be up there with a link that you can watch later... and all

this stuff I get into this little little bitty

purse and I absolutely love it. So the number three is the big purse, hey you

know what, ten percent of the time remember I told you, I need the big purse

but how do I utilize it ,well let's just check this out, so inside my big purse is

my little purse how easy is this, you know I just throw this little purse in

there I've got my wallet and everything is right inside, my phone, I can still

grab things super easy, how easy is that to change your purses huh?

All right so that's one also I've got these little the kind of ballet slippers

that you know those times when you're out and you've got those high heels on

and they're just killing, well I can sometimes throw on these little babies in,

you get them at a drugstore or maybe, maybe online as well and they're great for

hailing a cab running into a, you know that sort of thing , also maybe I am using

a cab and I didn't drive that day so I've got a pair of sunglasses in my car

but I also have a pair of sunglasses for those days that I'm not in my car and

then the last but not least, we all have to have to watch the the weather but if

it's gonna be raining I got my itty-bitty umbrella and speaking about

umbrellas Number four... I love these mini umbrellas they are so

amazing, hey when the weatherman says it's gonna rain, usually these days it's

gonna rain. Now this little baby you can get them again you can find them online

and you can also find them in most drug stores watch how it goes from this size

and I'm gonna get over my head I don't want bad luck but whoa,

okay so that's a cool umbrella there and yet it can fit in that purse super easy

and you and I know you don't want to get caught in the rain . So number five are

stretchy belts I love my stretchy belts you know how you

you wear a belt, you go out to eat and it's like, oh my gosh I can't eat anything,

well not with the stretchy belt and if you've seen my slimming video it also

brings in your waist and it's really a nice touch and I'll put the the link for

the slimming video, that's been very popular, so it's up there somewhere but

no I love these things I've got them in all different colors, I've got white ones,

I have navy ones now if I can't find maybe a certain color or a style, these

weave ones they do have a little bit of give it's not, it's not really a lot but

I just love my stretchy belts... go get yourself a stretchy belt. So my number

six item... let's get a little crazy here, crazy socks and today I'm wearing for

you not just crazy socks, these are actually my bear hug socks that I love

wearing and this way I can send you guys a virtual hug from me to you for all my

wonderful subscribers and hey we gotta have some fun in life and let's say I'm

going out to a movie I might wear my popcorn socks or my daughter gave me

these these are little sushi socks because we love going out for sushi

together and also you know I love dogs so I've got some some dog socks and

Christmas socks and all kinds of socks you know what? Go out get yourself a

crazy pair of socks you'll have a lot of fun with them.

So the number seven item is wear something whimsical

You know what? We got to keep fun and play in our life and I remember when my

first daughter was born we have about four kids , I mean we have exactly four kids but when

the first child was born I went out and I bought a Mickey Mouse watch and the

reason that I bought the Mickey Mouse watch was to remind me to keep play in

our life to enjoy life and to look at the watch every once in a

while and just smile and that's what it was intended to do, also I found this

little frog, a frog with a skirt, now who would have thunk that? I found that at a

craft show and I absolutely loved it on my jean jacket, also I don't know if you

can see them but I'm wearing dolphin earrings um they are so much fun and as

you can see you know they're not even the same kind of length one is short and

one is long they're meant to be like that . So and talking about meant to be,

you know some days are meant just for playing. So the number 8 item are scarves

Oh my gosh you don't even have to have a lot of clothing in your wardrobe just

get a few scarves and it can completely change a look, now you know when I was

wearing the jean jacket I was wearing this scarf I just sort of, you know ,put

it through like this and it's really really easy it has that purple that

picks up on my purse and the blue for the jeans and that sort of thing so

we've got that one going but watch this let's just say that I wanted to go for a

little bit more business look with this outfit I might wear a scarf I don't know

if I got it perfect but a scarf like this and it completely changes the look

Now another thing you know you can get winter scarves and that sort of thing

too for your coats but this scarf this big scarf I found. I

was specifically looking for it and the reason that I love it is I can throw it

in a purse I can just sort of have it around me like that but let's just say

that it's one of those cooler summer nights and I'm just wearing a t-shirt or

something like that this will actually go over my shoulders and keep me fairly

warm so scarves are friend. So the number 9 item, and you might not even think that

this is an accessory but I sure do, is shapewear. Now I wouldn't have been able

to do this out in the park anyway but I'm gonna give you a sneak peek of the

shapewear that I have underneath this, here we go, and there you go, you can see

it's sort of giving me a little bit of a tummy tuck and this one is in black that

what I'm wearing right now and what I found was a lot of those dresses where

it kind of showed my little bumps and lumps wearing the shapewear really

really helped and you know I don't wear shapewear every single day but for

special occasions and that sort of thing I really, really like it and I showed

you the black pair of shapewear that I have and I'm just going to show you the

you know, the beige pair that I also have and you can get an idea of that you can,

also see you know how it's stretchy and it kind of clings to you as well . So I'm

calling this an accessory it's my number one, no well number 9 choice. So the

number 10 accessory is have maybe a few statement necklaces. Now in this

particular case this necklace is a beautiful gold necklace, I'm pairing it

with just a little stud earring, a gold stud earring because I don't want to

take away from the beauty of the necklace but you can see what it does

for the outfit it really just live-ins it up I'm going to do a presto change-o

and show you another idea too. Now perhaps you could also find yourself a beautiful

necklace like this with you know different colors in it and obviously

this is handmade I just love it and also the blue really goes with my eyes and I

just wear a teardrop earring that I think came with it as well and you can

see that this kind of a statement piece of jewelry is absolutely beautiful

especially when set behind a solid background like a black or a white or

something like that and for my final necklace I'm going to show you this

necklace I bought this when I picked up my wedding dress. I just saw it and you

know something blue ,something new and the earrings went with it and

I thought I want to wear that, it's not real diamonds but I want to wear

that on my wedding day and so this is my something new and I encourage you to

wear something that maybe it means love to you maybe it means, maybe it's a ring

that your children gave you with your stones of the children in it or a gold

necklace or something like that and and to wear it heirloom and to wear it

and to feel loved and talking about feeling loved of course I got little

Hurricane here with me our little Yorkie and I just want to say, oh my gosh

I love you guys, you guys are just amazing and even Hurricane has a little video that

we put out for you, but thank you so much and hey if you're not subscribing

there's a button down there we would love you to join our community. So in the

meantime, I hope you enjoyed this little video that I did and thank you so much...

you're yawning, time to put him to bed Everyone's invited to subscribe and join

us on our videos

For more infomation >> My Top 10 Fashion Accessories for Women, Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter - Duration: 12:32.


Art & Style: Mona Lucero | Fashion Documentary - Duration: 21:51.

(exciting music)

No matter where you are in the world all of us are

looking for love, we all want peace,

and we all want to know the truth,

so that was my most recent theme.

Mona Lucero, the name just rolls off your tongue.

My name is Kylie Klein, we started talking

and we instantly hit it off

and she said she would take me on as an intern.

There's two things that are happening in any creation.

I think there's the inspiration and the art of it

and then there's the craft and the skill,

the technique that goes into a design.

I love that color on you.

Oh, thank you.

It looks great.

Yeah, it's just a--

What do you mean I'm not a bear?

I have all the Koala-fications.

She's got a soft confidence that she's always smiling

and she's always someone that's really infectious.

You really wanna smile with her, you wanna join in,

you wanna know what she's wearing and where she got it.

Odds are she made it.

Sometimes we'd just be talking,

she'd explain that a lot of her inspiration comes from

the fact that she wasn't always like,

"Oh, I wanna do fashion,.

"Oh, I'm a fashion designer."

She's an artist.

So, I have a background in sculpture and painting.

I have an art background so I'm used to looking

at a body in a 3D kinda way.

There are two different ways,

you can do flat pattern or you can drape

and I love to drape because as you go around the body,

particularly the female form,

there's so many curves and different spots that are

really beautiful and when you're draping you find

these places that are unexpected that enhance

the beauty of the female form.

Back area and hips.

It's all about the proportions and how they come together.

But I like the organic feeling of just letting it happen

and rather than worrying about like making sure

every little thing is measured.

When you start to measure things it starts to lose

the spirit of the piece.

So, she's known for like red lips,

she's got really bright, very feminine patterns

and they're very whimsical.

I'm Vyla, I'm a burlesque performer from Colorado.

I first met Mona when I was working at

this little tequila bar.

They did a casting for an event,

so I go over to her house the very first time,

I'd never modeled, I really didn't know anything about

the art scene in Denver, I was brand new here

and Mona was so kind and so warm and so welcoming

and probably would've been 20 minutes for a consultation

for a fitting and it turned into about two hours for us.

We just chit chatted, she let me try on all of her dresses.

We just, we became fast friends.

The first time I went to a retail space for Mona I was

so intrigued to actually see all of her work in one area

where I can kinda flip through

instead of seeing a certain style that she catered to,

I was able to see the variety

of what Mona is able to achieve.

I had no idea how many handbags she had made.

And so it was really nice to be able to see

where her work started, where her passions were,

just her artistry.

This is where the magic happens.

(sewing machine whirring)

I need to basically pin on the dress

and see how it's gonna fit.

Closer fitting when it's all done.

More body conscious.

More like that.

(upbeat music)

Well I started using the butterfly in my logo

quite a long time ago, '93 or something like that.

What I love about butterflies is that there are so many

different colors and patterns on them

and even the shapes of butterflies are so unique,

like they're just these super light things that just

flit around and of course then there's the metamorphosis

and there's a lot of things that a butterfly signifies.

She's definitely an art person first

and then a fashion designer second,

so all of her stuff has such an artistic take on it

that she told me to go further

and that it's not all about like what's just pretty

its what's pretty but fashionable but artistic

and this whole experience of style.

(quirky music)

I've worked with some really wonderful photographers,

but I don't always have the access I want to them,

especially since I started selling online

and I needed to take many photos

or have the availability of being able to do it like that.

Nice, stay like that for a second.

As a creative person starting off in art

I see everything as the totality of creativity.

We'll walk all the way over there

and just start walking towards me

and I'm gonna be taking pictures of you

as you come closer, okay.


I like to portray everything that I'm interested in

and social media has helped me to do that.

It's really exciting for me, I love it.

Doesn't that look great?


I love that.

Oh, my God.

I get to create my own world that everybody gets to see.

Social media is important

because it's your own way of publishing.

I love the ones where they're walking

and they look like they're on their way somewhere.

I think I have a pretty good eye in terms of composition

and knowing what I want out of the models.

It's something that I think I'm pretty good at.

This particular shoot is all about Instagram.

We're trying to do something that feels like they're

just on the street and they're walking around enjoying

themselves and they're just two really hip,

beautiful girls walking around

and you know, who doesn't wanna feel like that?

Just feeling fabulous on the streets,

just seeing what we come up with.

We just get to play.

I love this.

You give such snobby faces.

It's hilarious.


(upbeat music)

♫ Watchin' from inside

♫ Curtains are disguised

♫ It's happening right before your eyes

♫ It's falling on the ground

♫ Dust turns from green to brown

♫ Flowers are blooming all around

Kinetic quality of fabric is very interesting.

It's something that just recently I've probably

become more aware of in my own designs.

My last show, one of the themes was movement

and so what I wanted to do was have the models walking

and you can see the movement of the dresses.

And in fact we included some fringey type of elements

so as they were walking there would be this

kind of movement that was very lighthearted

and also sexy and fun.

When fabric is moving on the body as you're wearing it

it just there's something that feels really good about it,

it's like clouds passing by or something like that.

Yeah, I think this is almost--

I would assume so.

Can I get a little powder.

Any of them out there or do I leave them back?

I think, yeah, something like that would be pretty.

This dress looks like it can be an antique

with an umbrella with this.

So, they're starting off with their long straight hair

and then they're doing these tendrils,

which took them about an hour or so just on one model

and then they're gonna gonna like comb it out

so it's probably gonna be a big halo.

It's gonna be cool, I think.

(upbeat synthesized music)

Fashion shows are like weddings for designers

this is the way I've always thought.

So, if you're like the bride at your wedding

and you want everything to come off at the right time

like the doves take off at exactly at a certain time

and then when they don't come off at that time

then you're upset and nobody else notices it

and they're all like,

"Oh, my God, those doves were so amazing."

And you're like, "But I spent so much time

"trying to make sure the doves were correct."

Like it didn't work in your own mind.

And so every show to some extent does that.

But I have had shows where I was pretty happy.

That's actually happening more in recent shows

and I think that must mean that my craft

is getting better.

You're catching me do the selfie?

Let's see, what's a good thing in French?

Le chat.

I love cats.

They bring cat energy, cat attitude.

Cat heart, cat courageousness.

Cat badass attitude.

I love kitty's sense of humor.

Are you ready?

What it is to be a professional kitty cat.

That's what this is about.

Just go straight on, little bit of a...

Like raised chin?

Uh huh, just whatever you feel.

So, there's always like an extra shape.

(eccentric synthesized music)

Christopher Reidel and I started my business in 1993.

He helps me with fashion shows

and he helps set up my studios.

He's very good about figuring out all that kind of stuff.

So, he's very practical, but he's also very creative.

He pays attention to every detail

and he always has my back.

That would be amazing, wouldn't it?

It's a typical print for a maxi dress.



If that's the right one.

It's neat, I like that.

Well, there is a lot of movement in looking a the design,

but I wanted this to be able to get caught in the air,

get caught in the breeze.

(upbeat music)

In the last couple of years I've been doing

a what I call a fashion photo booth.

Instead of having models come in

and doing a fashion show we would bring in people

who are coming to visit the studio

and have them model it.

So, have fun with actually in way pretending, or

imitating models and we get a lot of great photos from it

and I post those on Instagram.

We've gotten some really great pictures, I think.

And it's really fun because you see that these are

real people and they can look very fashionable

and beautiful and interesting.

(upbeat music)

I've been so upset about everything that's been going

on politically that I've been watching stuff on politics

and hardly ever listening to music

and so toady I was like,

you need to start listening to some music again

or you're gonna lose your mind.

There have been times during my life when something

is not going right or I'm feeling pretty down

and then I'll ask myself,

what can I do to make myself feel a little bit better?

Sometimes it's music,

but generally it's the most important thing that

I always have to come back to is my art.

My art always lifts me up.

It's the one place that I can go

even if it's just as simple as drawing

or sketching a little something in a notebook.

I immediately feel so much better.

And sure enough as soon as I played the first song

I was like, "Oh, I feel so much better."

This is very nice and flowy, it's great.

Nothing says Colorado like palm trees.

You do get a general feeling of what fabric is going to do.

I remember when I first started designing,

even before I went to design school,

I would pick the wrong weight fabric or something like that.

So, those kinds of things you learn as you go

and people can kinda teach you some of it,

but you have to make a lot of mistakes to get to

the point where you really start to understand

what the fabric is gonna do

and even still I will start with a fabric that I'm familiar

with and I'll get different results than I think

I'm gonna get.

It can be sometimes frustrating especially if you

wanna do something quickly and get it done,

but other times the surprise can take you to another

place that you hadn't expected

and it can turn out to be so much better

when you make those mistakes.

So, it's many years of learning sometimes the most

mundane things and eventually it becomes something esoteric.

A little bit extra color and it's funny

because it takes time to get it to that point.

Doesn't it?

And then she put like red lipstick, that was it.

And I would just be like,

"Oh, my God, my mother's so beautiful."

She's someone you keep as a friend kind of forever.

She's one of those really amazing genuine people.

I like to talk about her to my friends.

She's definitely sparked inspiration in me.

Think I get that same confidence from Mona in

the sense that she's not afraid to experiment with style.

To see just the variety and the amount of time

and the technique and the details that Mona's put

into her work without having art grants

or any kind of institutional support is pretty phenomenal.

It's cut on the bias,

which means it's cut on a 45 degree angle.

So, when somebody wears this it will go around their curves.

She's definitely someone who starts with next to nothing.

She like the blank canvas that you get as an artist.

I feel like Mona's truly an alchemist.

She can make something from nothing.

I mean, I've watched her for years and how it's changed

and if you've seen it for a while you can see

how it evolves, but today when you look at what

she's doing it looks evolved.

I mean, it's like there.

When you back and look you can see kind of where she

was and how it got here and I love that.

Thank you.

There's three famous dress, they're red,

white, and yellow.

The main one that everyone was talking about

is the 69 dress.

I helped sew those and it's funny because

when we were putting those on they were gonna be

for a fashion show that spring that I was working with her

and they weren't quite done.

They weren't quite fitted to the models,

so we actually had to sew some of the models

into the dresses before they were even finished

to have them walk out.

I also took a lot of photos with them in her then apartment.

And 69 was really popular, a lot of people asked about it.

So, we recaptured it.

It's interesting to think about broken wings.

I think everybody has something in them that is probably

broken and they're always trying to mend,

it is something that artists do,

that's inherent, that we're trying to mend the things

that have happened in our lives or in the world.

And it's something that you're not always aware of as

an artist, but you're just doing that anyway.

It's always making something more beautiful.

If you know if it's truly your calling

you'll continue with it, you won't give up,

even during those times when you're frustrated,

maybe the world doesn't wanna hear your story

or see what you're doing or you're not making any money,

you're struggling, maybe you can't eat for a day or two,

whatever it might be can't make your rent,

maybe your family

or friends aren't respectful of what you're doing

or they don't understand why you're doing it,

all of those things,

but if you're in the right spot you'll continue to do it

and that's something that I'll always remember,

it's super important to remember where your heart is.

And if creating something makes you happy

then stick with it.

(quirky synthesized music)

You know the old fashioned British documentaries

and they'd have the voice over

and they'd be like, "And designer Mona Lucero

"and antique dealer Eron Johnson are commiserating

"over their latest creative endeavors."

Yeah, and the people are talking away for five minutes

and the description of us.

"They had a very good conversation."


Oh, no, no, no.

No more, no camera, no camera.

For more infomation >> Art & Style: Mona Lucero | Fashion Documentary - Duration: 21:51.


7 Shirt Hacks Men Probably Don't Know About - Duration: 5:46.

What's up boys? It's Jose Zuniga from Teaching Men's Fashion and for today's

video we're gonna be going over 7 shirt tricks I think every guy should know.

These are little hacks you can do to revamp your shirts, make yourself look

more stylish, and overall better looking. Let's hop into it. Number one, fixing a

weak collar. Say you have an old shirt, it's probably five years old, the collars

flimsy, you don't even wear it anymore, well it's time to revamp it. You can

easily cut that weak collar off and turn this into a modern band collar shirt,

then you can now rock all the time. Basically you just want to lay it flat,

use a pair of scissors, and cut across the base of the collar. You can leave it

freight as is to give it more of a casual look or you can go in with

tweezers and remove the freight ends. Alright, but let's move to number two, let's

say the shirt is unsalvageable, it's dirty, or maybe it has a tear, you're

about to throw it away, you don't need it anymore.

Don't. You can easily use the shirt placket as a hidden tie stay every time

you're doing dapper outfits. So one of the biggest problems when you're wearing

a dress shirt and a tie in a suit, is that sometimes the tie will sway from

side to side, it'll look messy, or when you take the suit jacket off the time

will be bouncing around over the place. This is something that's usually fixed

with the tie bar. But say you don't want to use a tie bar, you can easily cut an

old shirts placket, use two buttonholes to basically latch on your tie on to

your shirt. It's an easy hack and you're basically repurposing an old shirt that

you were about to throw away. Number three, let's say you don't have time to

iron a shirt or maybe like most guys you don't know how to iron a shirt but you

need it now. Well just throw it into the dryer and throw one or two ice cubes in

there and put the dryer in the hottest setting. Basically once it starts the

cycle, the heat from the dryer will melt the ice cubes and turn it into steam,

removing most of the hard wrinkles from your shirt. Number four, is all about

rolling your sleeves, like a marine almost. Have you seen the Marines that

always have a nice tight sleeve, well say that you want to achieve that, well

basically start with your shirt fully unbuttoned, fold the excess fabric

onto itself evenly, and then fold again. You'll end up right around your elbow

region, if you want more room and more mobility you can keep going and evenly

folding upwards and upwards until you have what I call them a "Marine fold"

that's not going to come loose and gives you full mobility.

(Oh that's sexy watch, it's pretty unique) That's that from our sponsor Original Grain.

As you guys know Original Grain is a partner of our show, and I'm glad they

are, these are by far some of the most unique watches out there that when you

wear with any dress shirt out there, you're bound to get heads turning. The

thing that separates Original Grain from the pack, just like the name says, they're

original. None of their stuff you'll ever see other guys wearing or other brands

imitating because it's completely unique to them. And when you wear an Original

Grain you better believe people are gonna be looking at your wrist because

it's a stylish timepiece probably they don't have and they might be a little

jealous. What sets Original Grain from the rest

is that they use wood features in their watches to kind of revamp them and bring

uniqueness and style into their collection. One of my favorite timepieces

are their minimal series, that's because you can wear it with almost anything

and still make that outfit look unique. Even a simple white dresser like I'm

wearing right now, I'm wearing a casual all-black Original Grain with a very

thin wooded bezel, by far one of my favorite watches of their collection. The

amazing thing is how they are able to implement those wooden features super

elegantly and still make the watches look classy and not bulky or oversized.

And a little fact is that when you buy an Original Grain watch, even if you buy

the exact model that I own, it's gonna be completely unique to you because wood

grain in it of itself is never the same, think of it as a fingerprint.

So your watch is basically gonna be one of one, which ever watch you end up

choosing you can rest assured that you're gonna have a unique timepiece

that's gonna turn heads left and right, it's gonna make any outfit look amazing.

If you guys want to check out our sponsor Original Grain I'm going to have

them link below. I'm also gonna have an amazing discount code link down below as

well for you guys. The fifth shirt trick every guy should know is how to

determine if a shirt even fits properly. Now yeah, it seems pretty obvious you'd

think most guys know how to shirt should fit but reality is like I said in

previous videos some guys have taken the whole slim fit thing a little bit too

far, to the point that they're wearing things that just look uncomfortable. So

for you to know if a shirt fits properly, you can do the sit down test. Essentially

wear the shirt in question, go sit down and see what happens, if your buttons

start stretching on each other and pulling and you can see skin from the

side, you need to size up one. Number six comes when you're wearing undershirts,

under your dress shirt. You never want to wear a white undershirt, this is because

it creates a drastic contrast from your natural skin tone color that is visible

through the white dress shirt. If you want to wear it under shirt wear

something like a gray or a shirt that's more closely colored to your skin color,

so that contrast disappears and is no longer visible through your dress shirt.

Like I've always said, when you wear undershirts you want to basically make

sure that they are invisible, that's the right way to wear it. And finally number

seven and little bonus is all about how you fold your t-shirts. When you're

folding a shirt you don't want to be sitting there for two minutes trying to

figure it out. The best way is the ninja fold.

Ever since I learned this fold, I've been raving about it all the time because

it's the it's just saved so much time. All you have to do is grab the shirt

from three points along the same line, you'll flip it, and that's it. Within one

second you're folding t-shirts like a pro and your chores are done within

minutes. So that's it for this week's video guys, those are 7 shirt hacks every

guy should know. If you guys liked this video and found it informative don't

forget to drop us a like down below. Also don't forget to check out our sponsor Original Grain.

That's it for me today. See you next time!

For more infomation >> 7 Shirt Hacks Men Probably Don't Know About - Duration: 5:46.


Nia Jax slays on the runway for New York Fashion Week - Duration: 2:19.


So you're gonna be trying things on for your fitting for the fashion show.

And then we're also gonna be putting you in some looks for a photo shoot today.

>> My gosh.

>> Dia really is about the fashion and the style of the woman whom we serve.

Dia is committed to moving fashion forward, and to really creating the most

beautiful, comprehensive representations of fashion, at all sizes.


>> Curvy Con is basically where women of all shapes and

sizes come together to celebrate curvy women.

And you have bloggers, fashionistas, and I get to participate in it this year,

which is people.

>> Nia is an unapologetic, fierce, fashionable woman who is powerful and

confident in her own body.

And that's exactly what we love and respect at Dia.

>> I'm really excited because everybody here gets to see me in a different light,

in a more glamorous state.

Because they always see me in that, just beating up girls and brooding.

But there is also a different, glamorous, girly side to me.

And I think it would be cool for them to see it.


>> Day two, New York Fashion Week.

We are currently at the Curvy Con.

We're getting ready for the Dia&Co runway show.


>> My gosh. The runway show with all the beautiful

women here of all shapes, and sizes, races, colors.

I think it was just the most amazing thing.

>> [MUSIC]

>> The runway show was fantastic.

Nia absolutely crushed it on the runway, and I think she won the runway tonight.

She was serious, she got the crowd's attention and she rocked the velvets.


But I do wanna show that just because I am a bigger girl and

I am different, that I am beautiful as well as everybody else.

Obviously, my heart is definitely with WWE no matter what, but

this is a pretty cool aspect of me that I hope everybody can see it and enjoy.


For more infomation >> Nia Jax slays on the runway for New York Fashion Week - Duration: 2:19.


How Browns Reportedly Botched Deadline Trade In Embarrassing Fashion - Duration: 1:50.

How Browns Reportedly Botched Deadline Trade In Embarrassing Fashion

The Cleveland Browns reportedly made an effort to address their quarterback issues by Tuesday's NFL trade deadline, but the team allegedly messed it up in a way only the Browns could.

According to ESPN's Adam Schefter, the Browns and Cincinnati Bengals had reached an agreement to send quarterback A.J. McCarron to Cleveland.

While Cincinnati followed the appropriate procedure of the trade, the Browns reportedly did not follow suit and in turn left themselves with their less-than-stellar QB depth chart.

Here's a timeline of how the trade fell through, per Schefter.

C'mon, Browns.

The irony of the situation is that Cleveland could have solved its franchise QB problem in this year's draft, but the team twice failed to draft Deshaun Watson, who had received preemptive texts from head coach Hue Jackson the morning of the draft.

There's always next year.

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