ethereum classic siacoin - Claymore dual GPU Miner on windows (RX 580)
This video will demonstrate how to mine ethereum classic and siacoin using an AMD Radeon RX 580 graphic card, a computer running windows and the claymore dual miner software.
Follow me on steemit: @virtualcoin
Open your browser, access the Minergate website and create a new account. (Link in the description)
Install the updated driver of your graphic card rx 480 or rx 580
Download the software: CLAYMORE DUAL MINER
Create a folder called c:\miner and extract the miner package in this folder
Open the notepad and create a batch script called START.BAT, here are the script commands:
REMEMBER to replace my account for your minergate account to mine ethereum classic.
REMEMBER to replace my siacoin address for your siacoin address.
For more infomation >> Ethereum Classic + Siacoin - Claymore's Dual GPU Miner on Windows ( RX 580 / 480 ) - Duration: 3:56.-------------------------------------------
Grave of the Vampire 😈 - Classic Horror (1972 Full Movie) - Duration: 1:29:41.
hey ball where are the Boeing we'll be back
but Lola blossoms for the doors there and we got all the freshmen dressed up
like dogs so they can crawl on their knees and bar better yeah fine we'll be
I don't think I'll ever be fighting the Graveyard it's special for us hey it was
almost this very spot is that why you brought me here tonight no that's not
why I brought you here tonight I find you peeking into the bedroom where
lonely blossom was getting dressed I wasn't thinking what do you call it
then she just left the door open this go on pop I Mary suggested her that perhaps
she should close it yes I understand
Oh cop what's beautiful are you marrying me Leslie anytime you want me to I love
you it was my grandmother's I've never seen anything so beautiful you know the
only thing I own is this card it is being paid for yet we can move into my
folks summer place anytime we want to it brought it up since they died we can
make it livable it's only 10 miles from here was that we're not the only two out
hey lieutenant um this place isn't me the Howards I am nervous it's the only
way I can have a drink we'll get your drink sir I just give me
one more time I told it to you more more more more than 50 times once more thing
I was asleep by the rig gate of the cemetery I heard a thumping sound I had
a woman scream that woke me up that woke me up then I tried to go halfway back to
sleep but the Sun was coming off and couldn't keep my eyes closed so I got up
and walked a bit and then I saw I thought that man terrible rogue travel
and then another man climbing out of an open grave got up yelling screaming and
looked down in the grave and there she was dressed up in that's what bothering
me I start running down lieutenant yelling and yelling run until until the
patrol but cop picked me happy man thinks in when you saw the man running
can you remember the Sun had completely risen I was so frightened when I saw
that dead boy's face I couldn't think of anything else try to think now I don't
remember that sir I only know it was like a drainage when the night is
horrible didn't go how's that just check in with us every day for a while well
thank you thank you with 25 will I will and and we've done I'll be down by a
Bible mission too then okay and no more more Cemetery for me
good thinking Zack aren't you gonna hold that mm-hmm
it was drunk maybe blue top and kill the kid I wouldn't put it past him back his
harmless what's all this about that son haven't come up enough the kid's body
was drained of blood wasn't it he was barely cut up the blood just
drained out then where is it it wasn't on the ground it wasn't in the car I
figure it was killed somewhere else and then dumped in the graveyard maybe
you're right now look lieutenant all day long you've
been dismissing every possibility I'd come up with I don't mind telling you I
don't like now we got a young man who has been murdered in some freaky way a
young girl half out of her mind who may or may not have been sexually assaulted
and equipped from which someone stole an old corpse
now how about asking some questions around that campus will Duffy and any
place else you feel we might come up with something
all right then
Leslie Hollander was raped lieutenant there are contusions and bad bruises on
her back and on her legs she's gradually coming out of the shop
man I try to speak to her
well alright but just for a few minutes
Leslie there are some gentlemen here from the police to see
miss Hollander I'm lieutenant handle sergeant Duffy if I could talk to you
about what happened last night it's not really what happened to you
miss it's what could happen the others in the future but your duty under the
law did I'm going to show you some pictures it's possible that a man that
did this to you is in these pictures I'm going to hold so that you can easily
glance beach
I'll keep on flipping him you keep on looking in the face it was Helen
don't you think she needs rift now oh go we're not gonna hurt Lizzie come on
no man you'll have to leave sorry very man whose corpse is missing from the
Crypt beautiful cross
last arrest of Boston wait
thank you
he escaped the same night in court the chase led through the Boston subway
system on foot he accidentally fell on a third rail
he was electrocuted ship the body to California and placed it that Krypton
almost a few years ago just suppose the boyfriend raped her and just suppose
she's trying to give us the runaround and just oppose that boyfriend committed
suicide by running backwards into a great stone lieutenant you got a great
record on the force you could very easily be up for Chief but just let it
be known that you believe that somebody got used with 50,000 volts and three
years later climbs out of his grave commits a murder and a rape and then
runs off into the sunrise like Bela Lugosi you'll lose your job your pension
everything you've convinced me
like hell I have
everything will be on
don't try to hide from you don't waste your breath my dear no one can hear you
I think authoritarian why did you bring me down you know I'm afraid of the dark
but in the hour I will have completely drained you up
you're a maniac you'll never get away with it Mike will find me right there
we're light you should have been more cooperative
they know everything pills needles talk and the people wither away
the tails help me yoga they help you forget you alive oh no I would like to
talk to Leslie alone for a few minutes I've been taking care of Leslie for 24
hours a day but now I have to leave for a few minutes
my husband died pills
sit down the reports are back from the lab Leslie no doubt you're pregnant a
baby pause baby Leslie listen to me I'm
asking that you have an abortion why Leslie what's growing inside of you
isn't alive and your body is nourishing it giving it blood and oxygen but when
it leaves your womb it'll be dead there must be some mistake
there's nothing wrong with my baby I mean off the entire was healthy you
don't know everything oh that was right Leslie I've been your
doctor most of your life now there's no mistake what's inside your womb isn't a
human being it's a parasite it'll drag it down and it'll kill you
now we must take that parasite out of you
my mother used to bring me here although those people in the waiting room none of
them ever got better Leslie you know better than to talk like
that you won't touch my baby it'll be born healthy and you won't even
be there oh I know what you're gonna try to do and I'm not gonna let you take me
away from you oh we're not gonna see any more doctors come on baby
Leslie please come on now Leslie
may help you with your back we don't want help from you the other officers
are calling it a nun stopped crying why do you pursue our findings
all the pain will soon be over lift me
doctor 4/10 this baby wasn't alive to prove you wrong your baby kept growing
Oh Baby why don't you bring them to me
why is he so gray I've never seen a satyr was such a color before
maybe we should call dr. for no yep we'll make them well and strong please
Leslie let me call dr. Ford no doctors Olga that baby's gonna die it
won't take met what die bring them to me
when you wait you shall have all the pretty birds there booth and gray pintos
and bay
my mother found it difficult to tell me that I wasn't like other children I
could never share life with whole human beings I slowly learned that the thing
that raped my mother and father Danny was no living feeling man but a
malignant force of cancer that refused to be destroyed it wasn't only her blood
that my mother gave to keep me alive her youth and her own life was sucked up
into the syringe that fed me I came to hate Caleb Croft for creating me in His
image and for using my mother as a spawning ground for his evil
undetermined to destroy him I've tracked him from country to country to the
colleges and universities where he finds a fresh young bloody crazed luck or an
animal sense of danger keeps him always one step ahead of me
but the circle is closing soon I'll meet my father face to face soon I'll have
him where I want him
if this professor Lockwood's extension course on folk mythology a new cup yeah
I'm Anita Jacobi working on my doctor I'm James Eastman hello
night courses are very much more interesting all types mages I hear if
you're not in time to get a seat you can't take the course I hope my roommate
gets here on time
Sara Sara
getting chilly
I have a place we can go to
and I good enough for you
those of you who don't have seats will have to meet I'm sorry but we just don't
have the space I know that some of you are lawyers teachers bored housewives
with nothing better to do with their evening but with any luck a few may
learn something my name is Lockwood professor Adrian
it's called guru dust by the older blacks of the deep south sprinkle it
around your head in his bed at night and he will die in his sleep ground up
Peter tusk that's all it is and it really kill no not here with automobiles
and electric lights we could never believe such a thing but strip away the
automobile the antibiotics that keep us one step ahead of death and we are left
with pathetic frightened little creatures wandering in a cruel and
hostile world so we fear the gods demons devils back
yes as a matter of fact vampires is those answers answers born out of fear
that we are here to study it's interesting that you should all turn out
here tonight and overflow number is it that like primitive man you're still
filled with fear with a nameless dread that you cannot shake death who are you
Kaneda Jacobi
there has been the chief threat the one obsessive preoccupation of man since he
first crawled from the cave all the animals only man is aware that as surely
as he was born he will someday die
the individual who can inflict death as the complete respect of the other man
they are in awe of him there is also very beautiful some loved ones we have
seen in there never looked more peaceful forcefully what is your name and I'm an
instructor in English literature I'm sorry the subject frightens you sure no
one who is responsible for us ah the voice interested in vampires yes I plan
a paper on Charles Croydon Charles Croydon is not generally known perhaps
you would care to share your knowledge with the rest of the class thank you
he was a 17th century English nobleman he said that he and his wife was
vampires they were hunted by the Church of England thought refuge in small
Puritan settlement in Massachusetts Freud who was responsible for a series
of gruesome murders in New Salem his wife was in fact burned as a vampire in
1846 Bergman was never found then if we are to accept the traditional
legend that vampires can only be killed by the ritual of the wooden stake
through the heart Charles Croydon must still be alive today the why must he
hide a vampire with all the awesome terrible power of st. all the Black Arts
at his command why must he be forced to scurried like the frightened friend but
as a vampire what choice would he have he would have to protect himself against
the anger of righteous people we think the man's personality would compel him
to stand up to terrify all the puny mortals around him
and not to hide in dark holes behind assumed names like Caleb Croft was Caleb
crumb even I know the answer to that well let us hear it Caleb craft was a
murderer and a rapist accidentally electrocuted in the late thirties his
body mysteriously disappeared and a police officer believing a craft to be a
vampire was found new crops burial place dead drained of all his blood these
facts are all published in a book that makes Caleb Croft and Charles Croydon
what book is that oh yes it's called the mysteries of New England but there
weren't many copies me you seem very interested in the crafts case professor
yes I am mr. Eastman James Issa mr. Issa if you remain in the
class long enough you too may develop an interest more than you bargained for
it's office fair allotment I just wanted to thank you for an excellent season we
have a way with your students one way is that compelling
students often trip during my election they are fools
unclosed in the lat
you did not come here to discuss your students miss Arthur
at first you reminded me of my dead wife Sarah but then I went beyond
no artists could capture such grace
forgive me if I seem to be compelling that quality is inspired by you
Keith professor Lockwood I feel very helped it's moment
I'm sorry perhaps another time another place I would just like to leave here
now you're free to leave no tricks no goober does
I went to mr. Bullen thing to me I know
goodnight Miss often
it's also closing time
you have to leave now I would like to take this book well no that's her
reference only I couldn't let that go out I drove all the way from the
University hoping to find a copy it's vital for a lecture I have planned I'm
professor Lockwood but that's a lot yeah may I borrow it for a day or two
I have to close up now
you have lovely hair Benwick miss Benwick miss
I was a photographer's model once
you have to be
mr. the library has very strict rules I can't make any exception you let me to
believe that I could take it I did not all that business about your hair in
your eyes goodnight you're using me you have got to go
I'm not too good at that sort of thing all you have to do is move did you move
yeah I move look I'd like to start by just sitting down on one condition
and I'll get you
there's nothing to get James is playing hippy - I'll go anywhere to work I want
to show you soon
I've been comparing Charles Crichton vampire with Kenneth Cole I agree with
TJ Boyd they're one in the same
I think they do you know more a
professional athlete is move or you know something about each other
I can help you
you're not Croft Okoye that's where you were a vampire if I hadn't seen you
walking around
do turn you off
I'm sorry
oh and I'm sorry about all this we played some records and Goldson people
and now we got a thing going here oh it's just that I'm so tired that's all
but that's a lot quit wear you out songs as if you've been hearing some gossip
see when Professor Lockwood were together after club as well we were he
was deeply affected by the death of his wife Sarah it seems I resemble her
thanks very much for inviting me good night wait look you're never gonna get a
chance to cook you dinner here James lives just about cabarrus in boxing pain
I'd be happy to
all right
Charles Crichton Sara crying
there's a price can I fix you some spaghetti
no thank you I'm Keanu there all right do you have a corkscrew
yeah will you do me the honor then
do you have a dog or a cat it meets my Oh
I guess the next logical question is how come we're not 20 years old have playing
the bongo drums downstairs sorry I'm embarrassing you
all right if you like stuffing myself with any damn spaghetti
beautiful with you James
I hope you don't become a little aggressive
have such deep passion
it's wonderful fashion
suicide at all of the time
Oh mr. Pelley I hope you're not disappointed
Annie's in here I suspect she's spending the night with James Eastman how
interesting you don't have to play games with me
three o'clock in the morning I know wine is good then I trust you mature enough
to be discreet about my interest in this office a professor Lockwood you are
acting almost human I fail to appreciate your humor mr. Kobe and I'll share it
with you mysteries of New England by TJ boy I researched every written word on
the black art your coat voodoo witch's vampire boy describes you
perfectly Lockwood
coin you're imagining things mr. Kobe I want you to make me a vampire slowly mix
my blood with you until one night while I'm bathing in the light of the full
moon the black magic will take place and I will come to you as your bride and
serve you for all eternity and if I work wrong avoiding the idea of a companion
for all eternity the relationship would become a bit stick don't you think I
pride myself on my imagination
entertainment would be kept in constant flow I could scream now and the holes
would be filled with people you'll be dismissed just for being here at this
hour but I won't scream because you are a
child crying vampire
they took your wife Thera from you in burned her I want to take her place
I love you ciao
they take the child take me
I am Caleb crawl and Charles Croydon you shall have your wish Anita when do we
stop tomorrow night at my home I should leave now I think
I didn't expect ahead continue particular way
in precious metal application
if we get together again
it's because we played hard
she can't care yeah thank you T's enough for me God if I found Anita like that
I'd be in a straitjacket but here you said sweet you scream ready for tonight
seance I guess it must be English fortitude cake is so delicious
I can't believe that people haven't found a way to eat it after all they're
just like us only crossed over I mean do you think professor Locke was really
going to make contact tonight thank God say it's impossible I'm so
glad you feel that way Sam says I'm too emotional about these
things but nobody could accuse you of being too emotional well I didn't mean
it like that I'm sure you can be very emotional when
you want to be it's just that you're usually so cerebral but me I'm a mystic
Sam says I eat too much to be a mystic but look how fat Buddha would
it's damn inside yes he's still poking around I'll die professor Locker comes
back and finds him looking under rugs for loudspeakers and and hidden wires
find anything the house seems legit but to afford it he's got to be a syndicate
bagman at least it's going to be genuine I know it look Carol just because I
couldn't finally think doesn't mean it's not here
Sam don't spoil things tonight I promise not to smoke drink or use abusive
language I came here for a spook show then I'll cooperate but that doesn't
mean I have to believe it you know Carol's been three inches off the ground
ever since the mutant that librarian got it both bodies drained blood it must
have been a vampire look what I want
me Carol Moskowitz I'll put my trust in a 45 automatic but you promise to go
along okay okay mine is not the reason why mine is just a do or die
good evening I took the liberty of dismissing the servants their very
presence in the building could be distracting you make a groovy medium
professor it is not I it would be the medium and why because it is you is most
qualified oh yes if you remember our conversation one evening after class I
remember I was testing your ability to submit to suggestion as I have tested
each one of you and I have found you to be the most developed of all my students
I don't believe a word of a professor passion in any direction is welcome here
I promise you Sam that if you just try to cooperate you will have a total
experience this evening you can't ask for any more than that Sam
we will all sit at the table miss Arthur
you loose it here
now remember there is nothing to know and nothing that we are obliged to do
except to join hands to relax relax now if you'll sit back in your chairs
close your eyes
dismiss everything from your minds everything everything our parties are
relaxed and we will bring all our thoughts to one central part of our
brain and to our shoulders one into the other into the other until our minds
merge slowly one into the other into the other relax
there is one who is still fighting one who needs further help Sam you promised
I'm not doing anything I tell you now try try
that's better now Sarah
my wife Sarah hen is here with us all he's ready to receive you now take her
Sarah your mind in her body with me through all eternity
there's your child you're mine now that's the meanest voice a new job I
needed tell us the truth about Caleb Krav and Charles crying was he fighting
me you calling a meetin tell us about the same man the same I
love you too a moment more and I shall become an
jewel a child too late I'm here now with all of you know and submit to me
he'll murder you as he did me James was right hand mark would is the vampire all
of you professor Lockwood is the vampire look
at me
cast Anita out n cast her out
it's alright now Anita is gone
I don't know about the rest of you but I think just what do you think Sam I think
in the year of vampire Breanna's a marvelous actress and voice
impressionist then to boëthius staged this whole thing for the effect and just
how effective would you say it was this damn effective but you're not worried
that I'm a real vampire or that I'm going to kill all of you in this room
I'm not worried is anybody else worried
I'm not afraid I even like my crucifix upstairs
you remember what you said about us getting together again
because we both won
waa waa
I loved all the exits I am Charles Grodin
this is ridiculous come on this shit let's get the hell out
of here
I don't know what the hell's going on one more step and I'll shit
why yes yes I can see that a grave yeah
James James what's the matter
Graciously beautiful classic medley 【Overflowing sparkle ~ working BGM / studying BGM】 - Duration: 1:13:00.
Debussy: Beau Soir
Pachelbel: Canon in D
Couperin: Le tic toc choc ou Les maillotins
Liszt: Liebestraume -3 Notturnos 3 As dur S.541 R.211
Granados: Danzas espanolas 2. Oriental Op.37
Werner: heideroslein
Gluck: Melody from Orpheus and Euridice
Mozart: Requiem in D minor, K.626 11. Sanctus
Rachmaninoff: Prelude in D Major Op.23 No.4
Rubinstein: Melody in F Major
Debussy: Suite Bergamasque No3 clair de lune
Mussorgsky: Pictures from an Exhibition Duration: 9 10
Liszt: Annees de pelerinage S.163
Thais: Meditation from the Opera
Lange: Blumenlied Op.39
Chopin: The Waltzes No.13 in D Flat Major Op.70 No. 3
Micro Touch One Classic Safety Razor Deluxe Kit - Duration: 9:44.
Super NES Classic Gift For A Friend - Duration: 1:45.
YobeBit here and in a few days before Black Friday I scored and SNES
Classic by pure dumb luck. I was in Walmart which in my small town is about
the only choice for electronics unless you want to drive to a bigger city. I was
strolling through this single video game isle straight to window shop to switch
games and see if the Wii U titles would ever be marked down which still has not
happened yet. Lo and behold set two SNES Classics. I was dumbstruck. I thought it
must have been display boxes so I asked, they were real. I purchased one but should
have probably gotten a second. Now I would love to open it up and play it but
know someone who would appreciate it more. My friend got a real nasty spider
bite that messed up his leg real bad this is putting putting him out of
commission for a month and a half. After getting out of the hospital
he's now sitting around the house waiting for it to heal. He's an old
school console gamer but doesn't have any consoles now except a laptop of
steam. So I thought being able to replay some great SNES games with a premium
being a Link to the Past since he is such a big Zelda fan. If I see one again I'II
pick one up for myself but for now I think I've got a big enough back catalog
to go through. As always, see you next time! Thanks for watching, like if you
enjoyed, share with your friend, click on my head to subscribe and check out my
cool video the YouTube overlords have selected just for you.
Часы Daniel Wellington CLASSIC PETITE MELROSE - обзор реплики - Duration: 1:12.
Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse 160 BLUEEFFICIENCY CLASSIC - Duration: 1:01.
Best Classic Board Game Reviews 2017 – How to Choose the Best Classic Board Game - Duration: 4:58.
Search for the best product reviews online.
Top Products presents, our pick for the top 5 Classic Board Games.
For this review, we chose 5 brands known for quality Classic Board Games, showcasing a
variety of options that are available.
At the number 5 spot is the Hasbro Candy Land Game chosen not only for its features, but
also because of its budget friendly price tag.
Hasbro is dedicated to helping you and your kids' developmental process along by providing
an engaging and world-famous play experience.
The Hasbro Candy Land Game has a highly-interesting storyline which will keep you immersed.
With its instructive game play, your kids are taught basic gaming principles needed
by beginners.
Further, its cards are made of the highest possible quality to prevent damage.
You will always be kept on your toes for the entirety of the game due to its extremely
short game time.
This is a fun game for you and your kids, but it can become a bit boring after repeated
plays as it has only one outcome.
Next on our list at number 4, is the Gigamic Quoridor Classic Game
Gigamic is dedicated to providing targeted answers to the needs of time-conscious and
budget-sensitive families while providing wholesome family entertainment.
The Gigamic Quoridor Game has simple rules and an uncomplicated gameplay that's perfect
for kids.
With its short playing time, your attention levels are kept at an optimum.
It comes with a fully detailed, graphic instruction manual which makes it easy for you to learn
to play the game.
Further, with its wooden finish, you're guaranteed durability.
While we love the game itself, we wish the playing board wasn't so small compared to
the size of the pawns.
The next product on our list was chosen because it is a great choice for people who are looking
for a Classic Board Game with lots of bells and whistles.
At number 3 we have the Winning Solutions Scrabble Game.
Winning Solutions consistently delivers stylish high-end products which encompass the true
heritage of globally-loved and cherished board games.
The Winning Solutions Scrabble Game has the letterings on its tiles enlarged to make it
easier for you to read.
It also has a beautiful, durable mahogany finish worthy of a collector's item.
This classic board game has a rotating board which increases the convenience for multiple
With its raised valleys and grooves, your tiles are always kept in place.
This product is near perfect, save for the gold lettering which is hard to see under
certain lighting conditions.
When choosing the right Classic Board Game for your needs, TopProducts knows that budget
can be an important consideration and our number 2 pick, the Winning Moves Games Chutes
and Ladders takes the spot for best value.
Winning Moves Games is a leading creator and producer of board games and other game forms
designed to provide users with happiness and long-lasting fun.
The Winning Moves Games Chutes and Ladders game keeps you interested with its picture-based
Its game play is designed to encourage basic addition, math, and counting skills.
Further, it has vintage and attractive artwork, and with its ability to fold twice you can
easily store and move this classic board game.
This is a great game for you and your kids, but it would be perfect if it didn't have
a tendency to drag on.
And finally, the Mattel Blokus Classic Board Game made it to our Top Choice position because
it provides a good array of features with an affordable price.
Mattel is an entertainment and game company determined to spur the next generation of
children to greater heights in a challenging and fun manner.
The Mattel Blokus Game develops your mind as it combines elements of strategy, math,
and geometry in a fun package.
Its thirty-minute average playing time is ideal for a short attention span.
Its uncomplicated game play makes it easy for you to learn to play, and its large board
makes it convenient for multiple players.
We love this board game, but we only wish it didn't get boring when played by only
two players.
These are our top 5 Classic Board Games.
We hope you enjoyed watching our review.
Until next time, take care.
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product reviews.
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