Bitconnect California Blockchain expo what's going on everyone Joey Rocca here at the California blockchain Expo things
are just kind of getting set up you know everybody's getting their booths ready
and we're just kind of hanging out right now getting ready to you know set up our
booth actually show the Flyers so we got the Flyers going on this is Josh I'll be
your flyer model so pretty cool mmm yeah and actually helped design those
too which is cool yeah I took part in that so I feel special but yeah cool so
we'll be handing these out to people you know answering questions and such and
you know just just providing information for people what's going on Kate so this
is this is the crew we're hanging out with right here we got people from all
over the globe shout out the crypto girl
it's gonna be a good time we're gonna have some fun there's there's cool ass
Jonas over there and yeah so we're just we're just hanging out right now Barry
says we miss you we miss you crypto girl and yeah so not a whole lot going on
right now we're just kind of sitting around just chillin waiting to do a
little bit of setup and that's pretty much it man how's everybody doing today
is this only for bit connect no this is not what's going on room TV welcome back
sir this is not only for big connect this is for blockchain technology period
there's gonna be all sorts actually I'll take you guys for a walk with me there's
already other coins setting up in stuff so we'll see who's here I'll take you
guys for a little walk around the conference
yo what's up Ludo so let's uh let's take a look right here I know we got let me
so we got peer-to-peer payments w3 coin Excel trip so far what else how's it
going guys all right all right let's see what else have you got going on here not
a whole lot good we could read off the the people who are gonna be here
photos trust a bit a bit cleave a lot of this stuff haven't even heard of yeah
this is the cally Expo coin loan solid opinion are pay like I said a lot of
this stuff I don't even know what it is simple vital health Siberia --m D market
I'm not sure what D market is oh this this reminds me of a Cisco actually
Cisco has a decentralized market place to so I'm gonna want to talk to these
guys because I think that in the future places like eBay there's gonna be
there's going to be markets where you can buy and sell things and just use
crypto let's take a look at their
interesting so they're gonna be getting involved in gaming I wouldn't definitely
want to come hang out and talk to these guys
net net Chi
the connect
Vinh chain yeah see hiding in her a lot of this stuff and there's so many names
that I've never even heard of you stream bit mark bet vexed 360 what a box it's
freaking big guys there's a whole different whole few different areas
culture wolf SSL I don't even know what 90% of this stuff is what do we got here
I lists on Anthony Stratis you guys know who Stratos is right I was going guys
Center no dsi group and silica limited a pacer happiest minds I don't even know I
don't even know I was at the big connect booth a moment ago I'll go back to it in
a few there's not much set up yet I'm just kind of doing a little tour around
the area so there's gonna be different speakers and stuff. Bitconnect California Blockchain expo Stratis is so far got
one of the biggest booths so a whole nother stage set up
we need to see big Kinect faces I think you should speak for yourself on that
problem what do you mean what does that even mean that sounds creepy bro sounds
it sounds creepy I want to show this whole other Joey are you gonna try to
hook up with crypto girl no sir not at all
I will not be trying to hook up with crippled girl that was weird but funny I
should have brought my handheld gimbal so it was a little less shaky let's see
what we got over here
yo what's going on Alexander what's happening captain let's see yeah I don't
really recognize much as far as you know as far as coins you know I'm surprised
that I haven't seen many many coin booths
so far are Ely's coins that I recognize you know top 20 coins
we got t-mobile whiz net said X I don't even know what a lot of this stuff is
guys I don't I don't even know what this stuff is atomic mole copper picks
yeah I don't even recognize half of this stuff which I kind of had a feeling that
I wasn't going to recognize a lot of this stuff because when I went to the
blockchain Expo website you know I didn't really recognize a lot of the
names that were on there I am still a rookie and a crypto noob so what's up
crypto carnivore welcome welcome see what else I can find
to show you guys and Stratos got a big old fat sign they got one of the biggest
signs here this one on Matthew Sylar aka Krypto daddy what's up mister Cardone
mr. Cardona in the house I wonder what what a box is all about what a box
sounds like something I would say after a really fun night out in Vegas what a
bucks what a bucks I'm gonna shut up now rewards token dot IO never heard of that
anybody else here rewards token to IO yo what's up lost loser bit deal never
heard a bit deal what else we got do good
TM Black Duck software orbits Advantech Sentra
what is Sentra I don't know any of this stuff is guys
oh they're over here putting in work I'm gonna go I'm gonna go help them out so
this is the big connect team over here guys we got the national promoter and
then we got Jonas which is like Belgium big connect and yeah so yeah I'm just
gonna help rip apart some stuff not gonna be a whole lot Joey taking a peek
nice lots of names Josh there so Robbie alright so I'm gonna I'm just gonna set
this up and give these guys a hand why not you see here yeah I probably just
end the stream
you got it will do Barry appreciate you guys coming by hanging out for a little
bit don't have a ton of information but yeah as you can see the bit connect
booth is getting set up right there boom so Olli that's coming together
little by little it's all coming together wish I was there have fun tell
Michael crypto I said what up if I see him I will I will do that I'm not sure
if I'll see him but I might I might see him around are you going on the boat
right now I'm not doing the boat right thing it's like 60 degrees out here I
don't want to be on a boat yeah I appreciate that
well just in case you guys haven't seen that yeah I like to show that off or is
it it just came on so I was like I might as well show it oh it's not coming I'm
always trying to show off my big Kinect watch my picnic I i watch but okay I'm
gonna help these guys out thank you guys for tuning in stay tuned I'll be doing
more streaming and stuff and talking more about what's going on when we have
a big connect speaker I'll film him I'll probably do a live stream or anybody
that's awesome for that matter that's about it thank you guys for tuning in
real quick stream appreciate you guys and click the bell for notifications
join the team links in the description love you guys take care. Bitconnect California Blockchain expo
For more infomation >> California Blockchain Expo Walk through - Sponsored by Bitconnect Day 2 - Duration: 10:53.
California Assembly To Hold Public Hearing On Sexual Misconduct Complaints - Duration: 2:03.
How to Apply For a Marriage License in California - Duration: 3:40.
California Lawmakers Hold Hearing On Sexual Harassment - Duration: 2:19.
Voices of California - Duration: 2:35.
Voices of California Pt. 2 - Duration: 1:47.
Lawmakers want clearer sexual harassment policies at California Capitol - Duration: 1:38.
Southern California Real Estate: How Can You Prepare for Your Next Home Purchase? - Duration: 4:26.
- Hello there, and welcome back.
This is Kevin Smith with First Team Real Estate,
here in Southern California.
Today I'd like to bring up one topic
that came up with my clients recently,
and that was that they were given a 60-day notice.
They're renters, and they're looking to buy a place,
which is fine.
They were looking to save and get a house
in the next six months,
but it came a little bit sooner than later.
So I wanted to talk a little bit about six different things
that I think you might want to think about
when you're getting ready to purchase a home.
(bouncy, energetic music)
First of all, you want to check your credit.
So if you're not aware of your credit score yet,
you definitely wanna pull your credit report,
and you can get that at,
or even Credit Karma's kind of a nice thing.
If you don't have it, you can kind of keep track
of your credit history monthly,
and they'll give you updates.
So the best rates that you're best possibly gonna get
are gonna be with the highest credit scores.
If you have some time, and you can get your debt
and your credit into a better position,
then you'll get a better rate on your interest rate.
So keep an eye on your credit report.
Another thing that you wanna make sure that you don't do
is you don't wanna be opening up new accounts,
so your credit history is based on your credit:
how long you're have your credit; how often you pay;
and if you're on time.
The last thing you wanna be doing right before
you're purchasing a home, is opening up new lines of credit
that will also be a liability,
because it's more potential debt
that you could actually be charging.
Also, you won't have the credit history,
and it also will, when you're getting that credit card,
you're also going to be dinged for a credit inquiry,
so you don't wanna be opening up a bunch of credit lines.
The third thing you wanna do is to possibly,
if you don't have enough down payment,
and let's say this couple had only 60 days notice.
I know at the end of the year there's a lot of people
that are looking for more money for their down payment,
and at the tax season, there's a lot of people,
possibly your parents, or somebody in your relatives
that could actually gift you money every year
for a gift for you, but also will help them
on a potential tax credit.
That's something that you might want to be looking for,
especially around the holidays,
gifts instead of getting a gift, maybe getting a gift
of actual money that you could be using
towards the purchase of your home.
That's a good strategy, so keep that in mind.
Then also, you want to keep an eye on number four,
you want to keep an eye on the interest rates.
I know just a slight increase in your interest rate
is gonna give you less buying power,
so if you can get something sooner than later,
you'll keep an eye on the interest rates.
That's a good option about saving some money
on your monthly payment.
Also, you'll wanna get a lender.
If you don't have a lender, or you need some referrals,
I'd be happy to help you with those referrals.
I've got different referrals all nation wide,
so if you need a lender, feel free to reach out to me.
The last thing you'd wanna do, number six,
is you're gonna want to get pre-approved.
So the last thing you wanna do is go out
and start searching for homes
that may be above your pre-approval amount.
You're gonna need to get ahold of all your W-2s,
your pay stubs, any kind of loan debt, things like that,
and present those to your lender.
Then they'll give you a pre-approval,
so that'll also entitle you as to figure out
how much you're willing and able to afford
before you go out searching.
I know my clients, they were hit with a 60-day notice,
and it caught them a little bit off guard,
but if you're planning ahead right now,
and doing these six steps, it will definitely help you
get the best interest rate, and buy the home
that you're looking for, that you're able to afford,
and be happy doing so.
So, thanks again for watching.
If you need any more questions, referrals,
or would like to contact me, feel free to reach out to me
by text, phone, or email.
Click the like button below,
and if you'd like to subscribe to the channel,
and hit the notification,
so when I do have a new video that hits the air waves,
you'll be the first ones to know.
Again, thank you very much.
We'll talk to you all soon.
Have a great week.
(bouncy, energetic music)
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