so some of you are thinking about should I get started on YouTube or what's the
point of YouTube and video marketing in general this video is for you whether
you're a business or brand or person and you're trying to figure out what you
want to do or talk about maybe you know what you want to talk about you need to
understand why YouTube is important and why you want to be on some type of video
marketing platform especially YouTube everyone is evolving all these platforms
are coming out with their own features but let's be real who owns YouTube I've
said this a million times Google where you go to search Google
what happens when you search and a movie pop set it's usually the first they
don't you click on because it grabs your attention people get the message faster
in videos and it puts a face with the person if you put your face on camera
stop being scared of the camera let's just think about it if you're sitting
there talking to someone you don't feel nervous in front of them so why do you
feel nervous talking to the camera if you were to go in for a job interview
aren't you gonna talk to him face to face or maybe over the phone before you
get there the whole point is to get more comfortable in front of the camera to
really put yourself out there and if you wonder how some of these youtubers are
really doing it and getting all these subscribers you do remember that the
whole point of YouTube is not to have tons of subscribers it is more about
getting a lot more watch time on your videos and retention like them actually
watching the video so you're trying to get as many views as you can and the
more signals are obviously better if people are sharing it and liking it and
commenting on it that's all really important but they're not actually
watching it then that kind of defeats the purpose and you have to think
YouTube wants you to stay on the platform so there's all these things
that you can do to make your video rank but all in all when people stumble
across you you have to make sure that you're put together
and they know one who you are to what you do and three what you can do for
them let's be real that's what people want they want to know how can you
benefit them how can they watching your channel either bring some type of
positive financial emotional entertainment some type of value to
their life they're coming to YouTube searching for either a solution to a
problem or an answer to a question and what happens is they find you you answer
their question give them all the steps that they need as well as the next step
in the process which could be a checklist a download a webinar for me
I've pitched my book there's all kinds of things but you have to get them
engaged and I say get them engaged like throughout the process so imagine if
somebody from one of these big corporations stumbles across your video
and they say well we'd really like for somebody to come in and talk to
everybody about social media so sometimes they may not have access to or
be able to afford some of these really big names that they see online or
YouTube or brands now what they might do is find somebody else that's similar or
someone else that they come across and say well I really like this person and
they really deliver the message the way that I like and they might go for that
person so I can tell you that I've worked with some really big names they
charge a lot of money for their services and just what they're willing to give
you and not just say that is not valuable because I love some of these
people and they do give a lot of value to their brand but when people are
starting out on these channels you don't know where they're coming from you don't
know how anyone's finding you so the good thing about having Google as a
search engine and owning YouTube is that they're going to constantly be trying to
drive traffic to YouTube and they want you to keep people on YouTube but you do
have the ability to kind of draw people away with your calls to action and your
content so it's all a big sales funnel just think about it they're coming to
YouTube it's a social platform and think about YouTube
as if you were going to a job interview and you're putting yourself out there
every day saying hey I'm showing up I am the best at fly-fishing I am the best at
making YouTube videos teaching people all about their YouTube channel and how
to make it really on point I bake cakes and cook recipes and that's all I do
it depends what you do on YouTube but keep in mind people are going to be
either searching for a recipe or wanting an answer to how do I get more views on
YouTube it just depends what they're looking for but they're going to find
you you're gonna show up with an answer and they're gonna be like wow I really
like this chick or maybe I don't then they're going to decide whether they
want to take the next steps which is what you have to give them you have to
say hey join my email list buy my book the whole point is to get them off of
the platform and onto your email list and keep them coming back every week to
see what new stuff you're putting out with your email list you're able to
pitch to them and talk to them one-on-one because let's be real what's
the one thing that everybody does every day they check their email whether it's
for their social handles or whatever it is usually everybody checks their email
more than once a day like all day if you're able to put yourself out there
think of YouTube like a job interview you don't know who's watching so it
could be anybody it could be a big corporation it could be a small person
but every small step leads to a bigger step and if you can get exposed to these
smaller audience maybe you like to speak maybe like me you have a book that you
want to start promoting you have to figure out what you're wanting to use
your video marketing for and put yourself in that position the easiest
way for me to kind of explain it is think about the end product what are you
wanting people to get from your channel are you wanting them to buy your star
business from you are you wanting them to hire you for speaking gigs what is it
is it a course that you're selling what is it that you're selling and back into
the problem so if you already know what you're selling that you want to make
your content whatever it is a piece of the puzzle to
get them to the cell so if you're selling a course about say baking
cookies then maybe you tell them all the steps that they need to bake the cookies
in the video and tell them you know why they need these steps but then at the
end of the video you can say hey now you know how to bake cookies and you have
all the steps that you need but if you want my top 5 cookie recipes or you want
all the ingredients that go into it then download my cheat sheet below and I'm
giving you everything you need to get started and have this recipe done within
an hour or whatever you're leading them off of the channel but again you want to
keep shoving up giving them those are the people that win is the people that
keep showing up so if you stay like on my youtube channel is just not doing
what I want I'm not getting the feedback that I want or the growth that I want
first off you need to remember that it takes time and second are you doing
everything that you need to be doing to make your video ranked are you sharing
it are you commenting on other people are you treating the YouTube platform
like a social media platform because essentially that's what it is it's a
platform that people put their content out there and depending on how it ranks
different people see it people that subscribe they find you they move on to
whatever the next step is you know I have youtubers that I follow and I've
invested in them like there are probably like three people that I watch
constantly every single day or at least once a week and I always know when they
publish and when I want to go see them which is something that I strive for on
my channel which is why I started doing this vlogging everyday to help you learn
what I've learned and honestly the only way that I can teach you is by just
teaching you everyday the little things the nuggets of knowledge that I'm
learning along the process and within my business so not only do I have my own
YouTube channel I have several businesses that we work and do YouTube
channels through them video marketing and different stuff but it's all came
for me being on YouTube people reach out to me and they say hey I really love
this video that you made and I was wondering if we could work together
and they work with me in different facets they make work with me for
coaching they may call me in to speak at their organization it just depends so
I'm telling you the people that are gonna win are the ones that are showing
up and the only way to get better at what you do is to start showing up more
often so if it means posting two videos a week three videos a week for me
someone asked me like do you not know about the scheduling tab on YouTube yeah
I do there's an option to schedule but the whole point of me blogging every day
is to teach you about my life and things that I go through or something that you
can learn from so if I pre schedule it that I'm not actually like recording and
blogging everyday I pre-recorded it duh so no I'm not using that function for
what I'm doing right now because there's a purpose for it but as I continue to do
these videos and get them going more often the whole reason that I'm doing is
because I want to get better at what I'm doing so if you want to get better what
you're doing if it's YouTube which is why you're watching this video then you
have to do the things that are going to make you better at it which is one
showing up is the first part to you will just start to get better as you show up
you're gonna get better at editing maybe you'll find out what you're not good at
and what you need to outsource but over time your channel will grow and the more
your channel grows and the more videos you put out means that you're gonna have
more watch time people are gonna watch the first video the second video the
third video and they're gonna start learning from you so the more content
that you have out there the more watch time retention time and views are going
to get I hope that that clarifies the whole point of being on YouTube it's a
search platform it's a social platform and it's a place that most people big
and small go to find answers to their questions and solutions to their
problems so if you're not there and you're not showing up with an answer
they're getting it from someone else so you might as well start showing up
just like being in a job interview the only difference is by the time they get
to you you're already hired so why wouldn't you be on the platform
it's like your resume think of YouTube like your resume
I am brainy of blog and branded home where you can find tons of free
resources to help you brand your business and to make sure that you have
your YouTube channel OnPoint I've put a checklist in the description below to
help you go through all these steps and make sure if someone actually falls on
your YouTube channel they want to stay and watch your content there's some of
you that I've checked your YouTube channels and when I go to them I'm like
what does this person do I don't see any videos so you might want to know that if
you don't arrange certain things on your channel it doesn't even look like a
YouTube channel so go to your channel and look at it get the checklist in the
description below and subscribe for good vibes I want to hear your comments share
this video if you think it was important and that someone else can learn from it
because sharing is caring I will see you as always in the next video tomorrow and
I am super excited to keep this journey going I hope you're enjoying these vlogs
I hope you're enjoying this vlog so I'll see you tomorrow
and thanks for watching this is brandi of
For more infomation >> Why Do I Need A YouTube Channel - Duration: 12:48.
I NEED YOUR HELP!!! Next cover songs??? Comment section below... - Duration: 1:22.
Hi, guys, it's Tat.
Thanks for watching.
I hope you guys enjoyed the videos that I posted so far.
If you liked the videos, give me thumbs up and definitely consider subscribing.
Question of the day: What kind of music you guys have been listening to?
Because I need some ideas for the next cover songs.
For example, hey Tat, can you play this pop song on the piano?
Hey Tat, can you play this rock tune on the guitar?
Hey Tat, can you play this movie theme song on the keyboard, guitar, bass, drums, and
singing in a single video.
Something like that.
I'm going to make a list of the instruments that I play so please
make sure to leave your comments below and let me know what kind of music you guys have
been listening to and what kind of cover songs you want me to do next.
Thanks again for watching.
My name is Tat.
Don't forget to subscribe.
I'll see you in the next video.
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