- This week on Dirt Every Day,
we're going to show you how to turn this Ford F250
into this Ford F250.
And do it in one weekend.
(electric guitar, truck engine)
(upbeat electric guitar, engines roar)
- Whoo!
(door slams)
(electric guitar and drums)
- Back it on up.
Little this way, a little this way.
Looking good.
So we got this '94 Ford F250 from Iron Planet.
Iront Planet is the construction side of Gov Planet.
Gov Planet's that website where we got the Hum V
and the military trucks that we've built in prior episodes.
Well Iron Planet is where they sell tractors and bull dozers
dump trucks and everything that you use for construction.
Even smaller vehicles like this Ford F250.
We picked this Ford F250 'cause it's a basic pickup truck
just like anybody could get off the auctions
and build it into something that is a normal 4-wheel drive.
So the idea is, we have 2 days,
and we're going to do things to this
that a normal guy would do to his pickup truck.
We're going to try and slam it all together in 48 hours,
but most people may stretch this out over
a few months or a few weeks.
The idea is simple.
Lift it, bigger tires.
Put a locker in the rear.
Put a winch up front.
And next weekend, we're going 4-wheeling.
(electric guitar)
- Mornin' Dave.
- Hi Fred.
- We stayed last night and we tore the truck apart.
We have a nice pile of parts here
that we'll probably throw up on the local
Craig's List.
Today we're going to put a locker in the rear end.
I got a Grizzly Locker from the guys over at Yukon.
And Dave's going to start building a bumper,
so that we can protect the air conditioning.
'Cause this is like the first project
we've ever built with air conditioning.
That's the house brand winch from Tractor Supply.
We just picked it up 329 dollars
for that 10,000 pound Traveler.
Comes with a remote control and hardware to bolt it to.
Then we picked up this winch plate.
This makes it a little bit easier to mount your winch.
If you had a Jeep, it'd probably bolt right on there.
But we don't, so we're going to make a whole new front bumper
using this used 4-inch Schedule 40 pipe.
I don't know if somebody's actually pooped in it or not.
But we got a good deal on it, and that's all that counts.
So we got to make these three things look cool
on the front of this old truck.
(soft upbeat guitar and drums)
- When you want to change the rear
differential carrier or gears,
you just pull the axle shafts out.
So you notice here there's eight bolts
that hold this axle shaft onto the hub.
I've already removed the bolts.
And then I will slide this out,
it's probably kind of tight
because it's got a gasket in there.
Just pop this axle shaft out.
Spilled gear oil all over the floor.
And that's as far as you need to bring the axle shafts out.
They just need to be out far enough
so that they don't engage into the differential in the rear.
So we'll pull both axle shafts out.
And then we will run a pattern on the gear set.
'Cause we're not changing the ring and pinion ratio.
We're only changing the carrier.
Right now it's an open carrier.
We're putting a Grizzly Locker in, which is automatic.
I'm going to try and figure out what gear ratio is in here.
We'll take the ring and pinion out,
count the teeth,
put the new locker in,
button it all back up,
and then we will have a full locker in the rear end
which'll be much better for off-roading.
(electric guitar, welders buzz)
This is the rear end differential
that was in the back of the Ford.
It's an open differential.
It has a ring gear here.
There are 41 ring gear teeth.
And then I also counted the pinion teeth.
There's 10 pinion teeth.
So that means we have a 41-to-10 ratio,
which is a 4:10 ratio,
which is actually perfect for this truck.
That will give us low enough gears to run the 37s.
If we wanted to, we could regear the whole truck
probably down to maybe 4:56 or 4:88,
but we don't really have time to tear the front end apart,
so we're just going to leave it at 4:10s.
This is our new rear differential.
This is the Grizzly Locker.
Yukon makes this and they also sent us an install kit,
'cause we're just going to take this ring gear
put it on there.
We knew that we weren't going to regear it,
so we only ordered parts just to swap the ring gear over.
I think it'll be perfect for what we're looking to do.
So I'm going to take this ring gear off,
clean everything.
Install it on this.
And then set up the bearings and
stab it back in the rear end and be back on the road.
(electric guitar and drums)
I put the Grizzly Locker in.
We reused the 4:10 gears.
We actually reused all the shims
and it worked out better, we have a better
gear pattern now than we did before.
It feels good, it doesn't feel too tight,
doesn't feel too loose.
I bolted the axle shaft back in.
I cleaned off the old gasket material
and the Yukon kit comes with a new gasket.
So I'm going to clean off all the fasteners,
bolt the cover back on, fill it up with gear oil
and the rear end is ready to go 4-wheeling.
- [Fred] How's your bumper, Dave?
- It's almost done.
I'm totally dominating on this winch bumper.
Like, made this pipe into something cool
and welded something that was already kind of cool to it.
It's going to make it twice as cool.
Weld this into there and then we got
these other cool plates that Fred found
in a pile of cool stuff.
We're going to weld those on there and that'll be pretty cool
because then you got a tow point.
That'll give us something to weld a cool little
wing off of, so it should be pretty cool.
What do you think, Fred?
The end of a bumper is always hard
to figure out how to like finish it up.
You could overdo it like crazy.
But I'm going to just put this piece of pipe that I capped off
on here, weld it on.
It's all done.
And then go 4-wheeling.
- What are you doing, Dave?
- Just cleaning up the dirt and rust from this rust hole.
- How's your bumper coming?
- It's pretty good, it's almost done.
- Alright, we have the locker in the rear
and the BDS lift kit just showed up.
It's a 4-inch lift.
We're going to put the block in the rear.
- That's cool.
- So I got, we broke the number one rule
of working on your truck,
which is clean the truck before you put it in your shop.
- I thought it was disconnect the battery terminals.
- We broke two of the first rules of working on your truck.
Luckily this truck is not completely rusted.
If this was Michigan, there would be-
- [Dave] No truck here at all.
- There'd pretty much be no truck,
it'd be completely rusted.
So we're going to pull this rear end apart,
it's on jack stands,
raise it up a little bit,
put a lock in there.
Put some new shocks on the rear end.
The rear end'll be done.
- I got to build a rear bumper.
- The rear bumper's going to be pretty difficult, isn't it?
- No, rear bumper's like-
- It's going to be very ornate.
- Ver-, it's like a piece of pipe
with some things welded on the ends and that's it.
- With some bull horns, multiple
- I'm not doing any of that. - shackle recovery points.
And some reflectors.
- I got to finish the front.
(electric guitar)
- Putting these Fox Performance Series
BDS 2.0s
on the rear of this Ford.
It's pretty simple, you just put bushings in
and they bolt right back in
to where the original shocks were.
Most difficult part is you have to compress the shock
to get the lower bolt in.
So, I'm going to get both of 'em mounted up here.
And then wrestle to get the bottoms in.
These are the General Grabber X3s
that we had on the Gambler van.
And the wheels were originally
on the JK that we had out in Toledo.
These are 37s and the lift says it'll clear 35s
but we're pretty sure we can make these clear.
There's already a little body rot on the truck
so it'll be fine if we have to trim.
I'm pretty sure the rear's not going to be a problem.
In the front, maybe it would have hit the stock bumper
but with Dave's new high-clearance super-performance
off-road heckin' cool guy fabulous bumper,
we're probably not going to have a problem up there either.
How'd we do, Dave?
- We dominated day number one-and-a-half.
- We have a front bumper.
- It's awesome, check it out.
- We have a rear bumper.
- We have that.
It's awesome, too, but you won't see that 'til later.
- We have a winch on the front and some off-roading lights.
- [Dave] And they work.
- The winch is wired in.
- [Dave] The lights are almost done.
- Have a locker in the rear.
Rear suspension's in, rear shocks are in.
- We got to do the front suspension tomorrow,
I'm looking at the white board.
Front suspension, finish the wheels and tires
and get some lug nuts.
- We got to get the right lug nuts and
this thing's ready to go 4-wheeling.
It's pretty neat that in one weekend
you could take a basically stock, boring old work truck
and turn it into a pretty cool boring old work truck.
- Something awesome.
I mean look at this thing, it looks
bad to the bone.
- Do you want to keep working?
It's Saturday night.
- Heck no.
- Alright, let's get the heck out of here.
(electric guitar)
(upbeat electric guitar and drums)
- [Dave] 40 hours in.
- What time is it?
- Ten in the morning on Sunday.
- Alright, so we have until 5:00 today.
- To have this done.
We found some new problems.
- We got a few leaks.
And then we're tearing apart the steering
to get the front end torn apart
to put the front half of the suspension on.
- And then we're done.
- Do you want to do rock sliders?
- No.
- We're going to smash the rock sliders all up.
- I'm going back to work back here.
- Alright, we're going to tear this thing apart.
We got less than eight hours to get this done.
On the Iron Planet 4x4 in 48 Hours build.
(tools grind)
(upbeat elecric guitar and drums)
- Look how flat that wimpy leaf spring is, Fred.
Here we are, we're standing around some suspension parts.
- These are the leaf springs that are going to go
on the front of the Ford.
Can you guess which one is the new one from BDS
and which one is the old one?
Notice all the extra arch.
The front spring is so flat that before,
when the suspension would compress,
it would actually invert.
- [Dave] Yeah.
- But now, it should go to flat.
- Yeah, it's going to be cool.
- So, we're going to stuff it in here.
Unfortunately we got to get that Pitman arm off.
- We don't have the right Pitman arm puller.
- And then we'll do the same on that side,
and then the front suspension will need some shocks.
We're down to like five-and-a-half hours.
(tools grind and buzz)
(electric guitar and drums)
- [Dave] So the old F250's almost done.
We got like, the 37s are done on the back.
They look awesome.
The suspension's all in in the back.
Everything's in up front
other than some new steering parts
'cause the other stuff was all worn out.
We'll set it down, tighten some bolts and peel out.
Fred, it's almost five.
- Alright.
- The steering's done.
- Let's grab these Generals.
Get it? General grabbers?
- That's a good one.
- We bolt these things on and we'll
set the tow on the steering and
I think we're done.
This thing's going to look cool.
If you have a truck like this,
it's a pretty simple truck, I mean it's a V8 engine,
manual transmission.
And it just has a leaf spring suspension,
so it's not really that complicated.
It's kind of cool that you could build a truck like this
in one long weekend.
Dave, where do you want to go 4-wheeling?
- I've never 4-wheeled in Colorado.
I want to go there.
- We're going to go to Colorado next weekend.
Take our truck.
Dave, that means we have to get this truck
to Colorado by next weekend.
- We did it, Fred.
- (laughs) Alright, it's 5:00 Sunday.
- Yeah.
- We have a truck that could basically
go on Ultimate Adventure if it had a front locker.
- Yeah.
- It has a winch, it has a rear locker,
it has a lift kit, it has 37-inch tall tires.
- It needs a roll bar, but...
- It does need a roll bar.
- Yeah, let's go test it out.
- Alright, let's go for a drive.
(engine revs, tires squeal)
- [Dave] See if it does a turnaround in this field.
Yeah, do that thing. Whoo!!
- (laughs)
We always get dirty when we do donuts.
- (laughs)
(inspiring guitar)
- Alright, so last weekend, we built the F250 in 48 hours,
and it's a week later and we are out in Colorado.
We came to Carbondale to meet up with Steven Watson.
Steven's been on the show before.
He was there when we did the Alaska army truck,
and Steven's a full-size truck guy,
but he's a Chevy guy and we brought a Ford to his backyard.
And so what we figured, he would take us to a trail
that we could take a full-size truck
with one rear locker, 37s and a winch.
So Steven, what's the plan, where are you going to get us
to some Ford action?
- We have done this before, but with a Chevy truck.
- Ohhhh.
- So we're going to see how this works out with the other kind.
(all laugh)
But it's, it's about the same size,
so we'll be okay.
- And I see you have a crew cab, so there's plenty of seats
if we have to leave our truck and ride home with you.
- Yeah, and we could probably even pull the carcass.
(all laugh)
I shouldn't talk too bad, now this thing's going to fall apart.
So we're going to Holy Cross City.
- Okay.
- Which is basically a old mine road
going up to an old mining site.
And there's, it's kind of cool.
We'll go over some dirt and gravel passes to get over there,
drive some highway.
There will be some hardcore stuff.
We can get into it if we need to.
It will be pretty the whole way.
It's color season, so that's all nice.
- So if we break down, at least we'll have
beautiful scenery to look at.
- It'll be the best place ever to break down.
- [Dave] Perfect.
- Alright, let's go 4-wheeling.
- Alright.
(guitar and drums)
- This is all a guy needs is a regular cab truck
with a manual transmission.
Look at that nice stream.
We could go fishing.
Lots of people have used 4x4s to just go, like,
they'll drive out here,
and then they'll like lay on that rock
and take a nap in the sunshine.
Man, Colorado's gorgeous.
Why don't we live here?
- I don't know, this is dumb.
- We should see if the State of Colorado
would sponsor Dirt Every Day.
There's tons of dirt here.
- You could drive every day on it.
- This thing rides really good.
- It does.
Here we go.
- Check it out.
Holy Cross City 4x4 Trail.
- Looks just like it did on the internet.
Except more awesomer.
- Dave, what are you doing?
- Airing these tires down.
That sounds like a perfect opportunity to talk
for the Tire Rack Minute.
- Perfect, 'cause it'll take about a minute.
- Alright, so, a tire is basically
a big, heavy rubber balloon.
Now when you're running on the road,
you want a higher tire pressure,
because it keeps the tires cooler.
But when you're going off road,
we often want to air down the tires.
Now what that does is, it allows the bottom of the tire
to kind of spread out and it opens up the tire tread
and it gives you more traction for going up the trail.
So these wheels are not beadlock wheels.
A beadlock wheel actually clamps onto the bead of the wheel
but if you don't have beadlocks and you air down too low
you can actually knock the tire off the bead
and then you got to reseat the bead out on the trail,
which is not really convenient.
The tire pressure is kind of dependent on the size tire
and the weight of the truck.
If you're running a really heavy truck
with a lot of heavy load in the back
so you have a camper.
- Yeah.
- Or a 5th Wheel or gooseneck,
you're going to want your tires aired up
probably 50, 60 PSI.
Depending on the rating of the tire.
Most of the trucks just running down the road
25 to 35 is a pretty good round.
It keeps the tire cool.
You run lower than that, the truck gets squirrely
and the tires can heat up really quick.
So, there's your little tip for airing down tires.
We're going rock crawling.
(exciting music)
- I think we should get the heck out of California.
The problem is that with this show
we have seen so much cool stuff
we have to buy a place in like 40 different states now.
- I know why you wanted me to drive this,
'cause you didn't want to fall in love with it.
- Yeah.
- And then have to buy it.
- Airing down the tires is where it's at.
- Yeah.
- Watch this, there's a bunch of
ledgy things right here that we're going to drive up.
- And the tires won't even have a problem,
they'll just laugh 'em off, they'll be like
(evil laughs)
- Bring on something bigger.
- We don't care, we're aired down.
What was our other excuse for why we're still
in California and not out here?
- Ummm, my house isn't done so I can't sell it,
and you...
- I have trucks that aren't done, so I can't sell them.
- You have trucks, yeah.
- You know what we should do, we should put a call out
to every small town in America,
who wants to invite the Dirt Heads to be...
- Their neighbors.
- Their reside-, residents in their town.
- Careful, Fred, the road goes from moderate to difficult.
The vehicle recovery will be costly.
- Alright (laughs) man, you really made me nervous.
- (laughs)
(guitar music)
- Dramatic high five, Dave.
- Whooo, nailed it, yeah.
(guitar music)
- [Dave] I can't see anything.
- I see lots of rocks.
- Yeah.
- You ready, Dave?
- Give it a little bump.
- Looking good, Watson.
- Yeah, about like that.
I think he stayed a little driver here.
Oh yeah, she's got it.
Alright dude.
Piece of cake, dude.
- Work truck action, man.
- That was rad.
Thing's killing it.
- Oooh, rocky.
- Rocky creek crossings?
- Yeah, straight into the sun.
Looking good, Watson.
This is so cool.
- It is cool.
- The people in Colorado are going to hate
that we're telling people it's awesome.
- Yeah.
They're like, enough people moved here
because of the legalization.
- Tell people not to come here.
- Looking good, Watson.
Can't see him (laughs).
That was more just for moral support.
Hey Steve, is that the Chevy line over there,
'cause it looks like the real obstacle's
over here on the right.
- Come over here and see what it does.
(electric guitar)
- Passing on the right okay on this trail?
- You've just got to stay inside the signs.
- I think that's...
- Good sound.
- TTB's?
- He's looking really close to drive shaft on that boulder.
- I'm going to go help Steve try and get off that rock
before he takes out the rear drive shaft.
'Cause if he breaks this big ol' truck,
we're going to be here all night.
How we lookin'?
- Um, I think what we need to do is
kind of pull that direction.
- Okay.
Give it one shot up through.
- Okay.
- And if not, he's going to winch off the tree.
- Okay.
- Good line.
Little more passenger, try that.
You're, now you're in the steering.
The hole's, the hole's a little larger than it looks.
- Yeah.
- Give it a little back, one shot.
(engine revs)
No, no, no no (laughs)
(guitar plays)
- Think we got 'er in there good.
If we, if we go forward,
are we going to just destroy the steering?
- Let me look.
Yeah, you already did.
- Oh, really?
- (laughs) Yeah.
- Like really destroyed, or?
- Eh, it's just kind of like, banana that side.
Fred, give it a little back.
It's done.
- It's not going?
- No, it's totally hung up
and the tire rod is just like a banana.
- Ahhh, no.
- The Watsons are hung up and they're about
to take out the rear drive shaft.
I think we did what we came to do.
- We built a truck in 48 hours,
brought it all the way to Colorado,
found an awesome trail,
got all the way up it and then got ourselves good and stuck.
But luckily, you guys can buy this truck.
After we get it out of here,
because we brought Steven Watson's dad
to drag us off this mountain.
And hopefully we'll be home before dark.
- Thanks, Papa Watson.
- That's it for Dirt Every Day.
We'll see you guys next time.
- Stop.
Come on.
That was nothing.
(electric guitar and drums)
(tool revs)
- [Dave] Fred, you're going to hurt yourself.
For more infomation >> How to Build a 4x4 in 48 Hours - Dirt Every Day Ep. 70 - Duration: 25:42.-------------------------------------------
Build a 3D printer - Duration: 4:02.
hey guys Youssef here back with another videoand today i'm gonna inbox GeeTECH 3d
printer the first thing we do is to open the box and to see all the parts that we
have then we try to tie the desk and as you can see all the parts have a number
the first thing we start to make is the support or the plate
then we put together the x-axes fix it with these two boards with blades
assembled the butcher and fix it with the support body
the next part is to do that for the other axis we're gonna start with the z
then the x-axis
now it's time for the screen to get mounted
and then the power supply
thank you for watching the video if you liked it please give us a thumbs up and
don't forget to subscribe see more content and visit our website like
Laeshax.net thank you and see you for the next one
How to Build a Brochure - Duration: 1:51.
In Mimeo, it's easy to build and proof your documents.
This video will give an overview of how to build brochures.
To begin, upload your files to your library.
In the Mimeo Print builder, we use "file"
to refer to the original PDF you upload into the system.
We use "document" to refer to the binder, notebook,
or other print-ready document you create within our builder.
Once your file is uploaded, select brochures from the "Create Menu."
Choose here what kind of brochure you want
We also offer things like table tents here
In the first screen, you will choose which files to add.
Depending on which type of brochure you are building, you can only add a certain number of pages.
For example, for the trifold brochure, you can only use up to 2 pages.
In this screen, you can also choose whether your brochure will be printed in black and white or color.
In the next screen, customize your document in the real-time proof.
You can change the brochure type,
change the paper stock
and change the orientation when flipping the page
If your document is set up with crop marks,
you can also enable Print to Edge for full bleed.
Finally, you can choose whether you want the brochures to be shipped flat
or if you want Mimeo to fold them for you.
Whatever your choice, the preview shows you what the brochure will look like once it is folded.
Once you are satisfied with the proof, update your quantity and add it to your cart.
That's how easy it is to build brochures in Mimeo Print.
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Build a Snowman Music Box - Duration: 0:17.
[music box plays "O Tannenbaum"]
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