Game of Thrones Season 7 finally confirmed one of the biggest secrets in the series – the
father of Jon Snow is Rhaegar Targaryen.
Rhaegar died some fifteen years before the main story, but he's an important and mysterious
character, connected to prophecy, and political plots, with complex relationships with Lyanna
Stark and Elia Martell.
Rhaegar's actions shape the course of the story – with the fall of House Targaryen
in Robert's Rebellion, and the birth of Jon Snow, to the fate of Westeros in its fight
against darkness.
So let's work out who Rhaegar was, and what he means for the future of Thrones.
Before Tommen and Joffrey and Robert, the King of Westeros was Aerys Targaryen.
Prince Rhaegar was Aerys' son and heir – and he was the brother of Daenerys and Viserys.
Rhaegar was married to Elia Martell – the sister of Oberyn and Doran – and they had
two young children, Rhaenys and Aegon.
But one day, at a tournament at Harrenhal, Rhaegar passed over his wife Elia and crowned
Lyanna Stark – the sister of Ned Stark – as Rhaegar's "queen of love and beauty",
when Lyanna was promised to marry Robert Baratheon.
So the Baratheons, Starks, and Martells were mad about this, and the next year things got
worse when Rhaegar ran off with Lyanna – and Robert started a war to get her back . King
Aerys was killed by Jaime Lannister.
Daenerys and Viserys fled east.
Elia Rhaenys and Aegon were killed by the Mountain and Amory Lorch . Lyanna died giving
birth to Jon Snow.
And Rhaegar was killed in battle by Robert.
The Targaryen dynasty, who had ruled Westeros for hundreds of years, was over – Robert
Baratheon became the new king.
Fifteen years later, the first book begins and it's a mystery exactly what happened
with Rhaegar and Lyanna.
King Robert says that Rhaegar abducted and raped Lyanna , but in Season 7 we learn that
that's a "lie" – and that Rhaegar and Lyanna were in love . There's this whole
thing in the books hinting that Lyanna rode in the Harrenhal tournament in disguise as
a mystery knight, and Rhaegar was sent to go find her – which was probably how they
So they fell in love, secretly got married , and ran away to this tower in Dorne to have
sex all day until Rhaegar was forced to the war with Robert – where he died "with
Lyanna's name on his lips" , while Lyanna died in childbirth.
It's a tragic love story – but it's also something more complicated.
Cause Rhaegar risked everything with Lyanna.
He not only left his wife and children – he started a war that destroyed his family and
his kingdom and his life . And the reasons behind this go deep into politics, and prophecy,
and the fate of Westeros.
When Rhaegar took Lyanna, he knew he was risking conflict.
Like, we're told in the show that the war was "built" on this "lie" that Rhaegar
kidnapped Lyanna . But even if people knew the truth that Lyanna loved Rhaegar, they'd
still be mad.
Cause this was not a society that let women choose who they could love.
Lyanna was a political tool that the Baratheons and Starks were using to build a marriage
By taking Lyanna, Rhaegar ruined those plans.
He also insulted Dorne by rejecting his wife Elia.
So Rhaegar pissed off three of the most powerful families in the realm which is never a good
idea, but it was especially dangerous at that time.
The political situation was super delicate, cause the king, Aerys Targaryen, was insane.
By the time of the tourney at Harrenhal, it was well known that Aerys was mad . He was
violent and paranoid , obsessed with fire , burning alive people he thought were his
enemies . He was a terrible king, and lots of powerful people wanted him gone.
Tywin Lannister had beef with Aerys, and said he'd prefer Rhaegar as king . And it's
hinted that the Baratheons, Starks, Arryns and Tullys were forming an alliance against
Aerys – marrying Lyanna was part of that . And Rhaegar himself was apparently plotting
against his father.
We're told that the whole Tourney of Harrenhal began as a plot so Rhaegar could conspire
with the great houses to force his dad into retirement . So Rhaegar was playing the political
game – he knew how dangerous things were, and he was carefully scheming to work with
the houses to peacefully replace the Mad King.
Until he suddenly threw that all away by publicly crowning Lyanna, insulting the very families
who could have been allies against Aerys!
Then by running off with Lyanna, he set off the chain of events causing war.
The Starks came angry to King's Landing, the Mad King killed those Starks, and demanded
the heads of Robert and Ned.
That was when the war began . And it doesn't seem to have much to do with the "lie"
of an abduction.
It was caused by the tension between King Aerys and the great houses – which Rhaegar
not only failed to fix, but made much worse by taking Lyanna.
Why did Rhaegar take such a terrible risk at such a dangerous time?
To understand why, we need to understand Rhaegar – from the very beginning.
We're told that Rhaegar was good at everything that he did . He was smart , and a great warrior
, he played the harp, he was beautiful . He was "Able … Determined, deliberate, dutiful
[and] single-minded" . Jorah calls Rhaegar "the last dragon" , and says he fought
"valiantly", "nobly" and "honourably" before he "died" . Cersei, as a child,
had a big crush on Rhaegar , and hoped to marry him . Jon Connington also loves Rhaegar,
his "silver prince" . And Rhaegar was popular with the common people, who cheered
him at tournaments . So, on the surface, Rhaegar seems like a golden boy who everyone loved
. [] But Barristan says that no one truly knew Rhaegar . He had a private, secretive
side . A melancholy, and "a sense … of doom", which was related to Rhaegar's
birth at Summerhall.
[] Summerhall was a Targaryen "palace" in the south . Rhaegar's great-grandfather
King Aegon the Fifth brought his family there "to celebrate the impending birth" of
Rhaegar . But Aegon also apparently tried to perform a fiery magic ritual to hatch some
dragon eggs , and the fire got out of control and killed King Aegon and much of his family.
[] It was during this tragedy at Summerhall, "amongst the flames", that Rhaella Targaryen
gave birth to Rhaegar . "He was born in grief … and that shadow hung over him all
his days".
But it wasn't just grief that haunted Rhaegar – it was destiny.
The Targaryens have always been guided by visions and prophecy . The reason they survived
the Doom and came to Westeros in the first place was cause of the visions of Rhaegar's
ancestor, Daenys the Dreamer . We see Daeron and Daemon Blackfyre having prophetic dreams
in Dunk and Egg.
And prophecy is the reason why Rhaegar was born – his parents Aerys and Rhaella got
married because a witch said that the prince that was promised would be born of their line
. The prince that was promised, or Azor Ahai, is a hero prophesied to be reborn and save
the world from darkness – which seems to mean they'll fight the white walkers.
The prophecy's vague and complex, and people interpret it in different ways.
Melisandre, for instance, thinks Stannis Baratheon is Azor Ahai – which doesn't work out
– while others think Daenerys is the hero . Rhaegar was also into this prophecy, and
it guided him from a very young age.
As a boy, Rhaegar wasn't interested in playing with other kids – he just wanted to read
Until one day, Rhaegar read about Azor Ahai, and came to believe that he was the prophesied
So young Rhaegar went to the master-at-arms, and said he needed a sword – "It seems
I must be a warrior", he said . He talked about this in letters with his great-granduncle
Maester Aemon.
Aemon agreed that Rhaegar was Azor Ahai, cause according to prophecy, Azor Ahai will be reborn
"amidst smoke and salt" . They thought the smoke was from the fire that burned Summerhall
when Rhaegar was born, and the salt was from the tears that were shed there.
So Rhaegar was convinced that he was Azor Ahai, and since Azor Ahai's described as
a "warrior of fire" who will lead "the fight against the dark" , Rhaegar trained
and became a great fighter.
From a young age, Rhaegar was willing to shape his life around fulfilling the prophecy of
Azor Ahai.
But his beliefs about that prophecy later changed.
Aemon says Rhaegar came to believe that Azor Ahai was not Rhaegar, but Rhaegar's son,
Aegon – the baby he had with Elia.
Because the prophecy says that Azor Ahai will be born "beneath a bleeding star" . And
Rhaegar and Aemon thought that this star was a comet that was seen the night Aegon was
conceived . This connects to a vision that Daenerys has in Book 2 – she sees her brother
Rhaegar and his wife Elia with their baby Aegon.
Rhaegar says Aegon "is the prince that was promised" , and "There must be one more
… The dragon has three heads" . It's not clear how the heads of the dragon relate
to the prophecy of Azor Ahai, but the heads do connect to the symbolism of Rhaegar's
family, the Targaryens.
Because their banner shows a dragon with three heads, which represents the three siblings
who led the house three hundred years ago – Aegon, Rhaenys and Visenya . As Daenerys
points out, these names connect to the names of Rhaegar's children Aegon and Rhaenys.
So when Rhaegar says "There must be one more", it sounds like Rhaegar wants a third
child called Visenya – to complete the set of the dragon with three heads . But – there
was problem.
Rhaegar's wife Elia was always "frail and sickly" . And after giving birth to
Aegon, she couldn't bear any more children . So if Rhaegar believed "There must be
one more" – he'd need another woman to produce his third child.
And that is where Lyanna Stark comes in.
It seems likely that part of the reason Rhaegar ran off with Lyanna and fathered Jon Snow
was that he wanted a third child to fit the three heads of the dragon.
If he was planning for a daughter called Visenya to fit Aegon's sisters – that didn't
work out.
But he might have changed his mind about Aegon and decided that this third child, Jon, would
be Azor Ahai.
Because Rhaegar says that Azor Ahai is connected to something called the "song of ice and
fire" – which happens to be the title of the book series.
Lyanna Stark of Winterfell is connected to ice.
And Rhaegar of the Targaryen dragonlords is connected to fire.
So a child of Lyanna and Rhaegar would be a song – or a son – of ice and fire.
There are many hints in the books that Jon may be Azor Ahai.
Melisandre prays "for a glimpse of Azor Ahai", and her god shows her Jon . There's
smoke and salt and a bloody star in the scene where Jon dies.
And Ned promised to protect Jon, making Jon a "prince" that was literally "promised".
So Jon – not Aegon or Rhaegar – may be the true hero.
It might have been Lyanna who realised this in the end – maybe she named Jon Aegon in
the show – "What better name" for the prince that was promised?
So it seems that in the end Rhaegar achieved his goal – his actions with Lyanna led to
the birth of Jon, who may be the hero who'll save the world.
But does that really justify Rhaegar's actions?
Couldn't he find a way to father Jon without abandoning his family, and causing a war that
killed thousands?
How could he be certain that taking Lyanna was the only way?
Vague prophecy seems like a convenient excuse for Rhaegar to do things that he probably
wanted to do anyway – like ignoring difficult political realities, running away from his
problems, and shacking up with a teenager – cause remember, Lyanna was just fifteen,
in the books, while Rhaegar was a twenty-something year old prince.
You can imagine his pitch to her – like, 'hey, I'm married, and you're engaged,
but if we don't bang, the world will literally end – and did I mention I play the harp?'.
And he takes her away to this tower he calls the "tower of joy", and they sit around
making prophecy babies for like a year, meanwhile the world is burning.
Are these really the actions of a hero trying to save the world?
Or was Rhaegar a selfish idiot who killed thousands cause he was thinking with his dick?
There is one theory that ties things together in a way that could justify all of Rhaegar's
actions – including the war and the deaths.
Cause part of the prophecy of Azor Ahai is that the hero will have a "burning sword"
called Lightbringer . In Book 2, we're told a story of how the original sword was forged.
Apparently Azor Ahai tried three times.
The first sword broke when he tempered it in water.
The second sword broke when he tempered it by stabbing the heart of a lion.
But the third sword he tempered by stabbing the heart of his beloved wife.
She cried with anguish and ecstasy and died, but her strength went into the steel, and
that is how the true Lightbringer was forged, and the world was saved . Some readers have
noticed that this story kinda mirrors the story of Rhaegar.
Like Azor Ahai, he tried three times to fulfil prophecy.
First, he believed that he himself was Azor Ahai – but he ended up dying in the waters
of the river Trident.
Second, Rhaegar believed that his son Aegon would be Azor Ahai – but Aegon was killed
in the war by the men of the Lion of Lannister, Tywin . The third and final time, Rhaegar
made a child with his beloved wife, Lyanna.
He plunged his "sword" into her – conceiving Jon – and she died in childbirth.
So the first sword, broke in water, is Rhaegar . The second sword, broke with a lion, is
And the third sword, the true Lightbringer, forged with death of a beloved wife – is
Jon Snow – "the sword in the darkness … the light that brings the dawn" . So
while Jon is the weapon who'll beat the white walkers, the hero Azor Ahai, is Rhaegar
– dead years before the story even starts.
This theory suggests that each of these deaths was necessary, predestined, to save the world.
Lyanna needed to die in childbirth.
Aegon needed to die in the war.
And Rhaegar needed to die at the Trident.
Maybe he knew.
Maybe Rhaegar saw this stuff in dreams like his Targaryen ancestors did, and he knew that
his fate was to die and to cause the deaths of everyone he loved.
And that's why he could never be happy, never be known , or fully love, or explain
himself to anyone – that was his melancholy, his sense of doom . Maybe his is the song
of ice and fire – and from the beginning, he knew how it ends .
That's one theory anyway.
There's a lot we still don't know – about Rhaegar's goals, the politics, prophecy,
heads of the dragon – and about Lyanna and Elia – like how did Elia feel about her
husband running off with another woman?
Was she in on the prophecy stuff?
And how much did Lyanna know?
Between Lyanna and Elia and Rhaegar's mother Rhaella there are a lot of women in this story
whose only role's to be pretty, give birth, then die – we know almost nothing about
them, so it'd be nice to learn some more about their stories.
What is clear is that Rhaegar and his legacy are tied to the fate of Westeros, and we'll
keep seeing his influence until the end.
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The link's below.
Thanks for watching.
Lots of the ideas in this video are from the Game of Thrones community online, so check
out the posts and essays linked below.
Thanks to the Patrons, including DylanGeekozoid, Ksenia Kalinina, Thor Alexander Almelid, LeighaBlaze,
FaeryQuiene, Espen Bjørk, Szymon Polok, Raine De Prinse, David Oakland, and Blackclover.
For more infomation >> Rhaegar: was Jon's father the true hero of Game of Thrones? - Duration: 16:39.-------------------------------------------
What He Did to His Mother Was Amazing !! A Must Watch - Duration: 1:19.
What He Did to His Mother Was Amazing !! A Must Watch
What He Did to His Mother Was Amazing !! A Must Watch
Moore's Accuser Could Be Going To Prison After What Else She Was Just Caught Hiding Behind His Back - Duration: 6:51.
Moore�s Accuser Could Be Going To Prison After What Else She Was Just Caught Hiding
Behind His Back Washington D.C. has long had a reputation
for being rife with sex scandals, but this year they seem to be rivaling Hollywood with
their dedication to sullying the reputation of almost every office in the city with some
sordid affair.
The question now becomes, which of these scandals are real, and which are political ploys to
change election results.
If someone knew the definitive answer to that question, they could clear a whole lot of
problems up in Washington today, and possibly out quite a few liars in the process.
But until we know for sure, the only thing we can do is try and sort out who is telling
the truth by reputation.
In the case of Republican Roy Moore, the accusers all seem to have carefully crafted stories,
but are they true?
One accuser is Tina Johnson from Alabama.
Her accusation, as told in a video to CNN and reported by Breitbart News, includes a
visit to Moore�s office that ended with him groping her from behind as she was leaving
his office, sometime between when her mother left the room and when she left the room.
Part of the curiousness of that story is that Moore wasn�t her attorney, he was her mother�s.
He had been employed to try and secure custody of Johnson�s son because Johnson was herself
accused of being mentally unstable and even committing fraud against a family member.
The story as best we can decipher it is that she and her mother were at Moore�s office
in order for her sign over custody of her son to her mother when for some reason her
mother left the room and Johnson stayed, even though Moore wasn�t Johnson�s attorney,
he was her mother�s.
According to Moore and his receptionist, who was just feet away, this story is completely
fabricated, but Johnson is sticking to it.
However, the story that her court records tell is one of a deeply disturbed individual
who wasn�t even fit to take care of her own child and who was willing to steal from
her family.
Here�s more from our source about the details of the encounter:�Birmingham, ALABAMA � Court
documents related to Tina Johnson, an Alabama woman who claims that Republican senatorial
candidate Roy Moore groped her in his office decades ago, may raise questions about Johnson�s
motives in making the accusation.
The documents, reviewed by Breitbart News, show that Moore represented Johnson�s mother
in a nasty custody case for Johnson�s then 12-year-old son, Daniel Sitz.
In the case, Johnson was repeatedly painted by Moore�s client as an unfit, absent, and
unstable mother and was accused of taking her son from his elementary school against
his will.
Johnson�s mother was ultimately awarded custody in the case.
One affidavit signed by Johnson�s mother while she was represented by Moore accused
Johnson of having a �violent nature� and noted that she �has been treated by a psychiatrist
when she was approximately 15 years of age.� Johnson was a teenage mother.
Separate criminal documents show that, as late as 2010, Johnson was arrested and pled
guilty to felony fraud charges related to checks belonging to a family member.
She also entered a court drug program.
Speaking to, Johnson first went public with the claim that Moore groped her when
she was �on legal business with her mother� in 1991.
The website noted that �Johnson reached out to� to discuss her alleged experience
with Moore.
The website related that Johnson was �at the office to sign over custody of her 12-year-old
son to her mother, with whom he�d been living.�
Johnson claimed that, after the two met with Moore, her mother walked out of the office
door first and that, as Johnson was walking out, Moore grabbed her buttocks from behind.
�He didn�t pinch it; he grabbed it,� she claims.
Johnson claims that she was so surprised by Moore�s alleged actions that she didn�t
mention anything to her mother � even though Johnson described her mother as sitting next
to her in Moore�s office just before the alleged incident.
Johnson�s mother, Mary Katherine Cofield, had hired Moore, then a private attorney,
to represent her in the custody case for Johnson�s son, Daniel Sitz.
The custody documents, filed by Moore, refer to Johnson by her married name at the time,
Tina Sitz.
Another document, signed by Moore, stated that Cofield � and not Johnson � was the
�most fit and proper person� to have custody of Daniel Sitz.
Johnson�s son had resided with his grandmother, Cofield, since he was nine months old.
Cofield says that, during those years, she provided Daniel with food, clothing, and shelter
�without any assistance� from Johnson.
A judge officially granted Cofield full custody on September 23, 1991.
Criminal and court records reviewed by Breitbart News find that she was arrested on February
25, 2010, for the felony charge of criminal possession of a forged instrument and theft
by deception.
She spent one day in jail and was released on bond.
The case revolved around the charges of intent to �defraud, possess or utter� checks
in the amounts of $288, $129.96, $259.92, $300, and $170 respectively.
She was also charged with obtaining or exerting unauthorized control over five checks for
$25 each with intent to �deprive the owner of said property.�
Those five checks were in the name of �W.G. Cofield,� ostensibly her late stepfather.
Cofield personally appeared to file charges against Johnson, criminal records show.
Last week, Breitbart News interviewed Delbra Adams, Moore�s former longtime secretary
and judicial assistant.
Adams said that, in her 13 years of working for Moore, she never saw or experienced any
inappropriate conduct toward women.
Adams worked for Moore in 1991 at the time of Johnson�s accusations.
Adams�s desk was right outside his office door at the time.
Adams� name was signed as a notary on one of the custody documents filed in Johnson�s
case on behalf of Johnson�s mother, Cofield.�
If you�d like to see the whole gut-wrenching interview that Johnson did with CNN, giving
her recount of the events, you can see that here.
You�ll notice that she omitted the reason she was at Moore�s office,
Moore's Accuser Could Be Going To Prison After What Else She Was Just Caught Hiding Behind His Back - Duration: 6:24.
Washington D.C. has long had a reputation for being rife with sex scandals, but this
year they seem to be rivaling Hollywood with their dedication to sullying the reputation
of almost every office in the city with some sordid affair.
The question now becomes, which of these scandals are real, and which are political ploys to
change election results.
If someone knew the definitive answer to that question, they could clear a whole lot of
problems up in Washington today, and possibly out quite a few liars in the process.
But until we know for sure, the only thing we can do is try and sort out who is telling
the truth by reputation.
In the case of Republican Roy Moore, the accusers all seem to have carefully crafted stories,
but are they true?
One accuser is Tina Johnson from Alabama.
Her accusation, as told in a video to CNN and reported by Breitbart News, includes a
visit to Moore's office that ended with him groping her from behind as she was leaving
his office, sometime between when her mother left the room and when she left the room.
Part of the curiousness of that story is that Moore wasn't her attorney, he was her mother's.
He had been employed to try and secure custody of Johnson's son because Johnson was herself
accused of being mentally unstable and even committing fraud against a family member.
The story as best we can decipher it is that she and her mother were at Moore's office
in order for her sign over custody of her son to her mother when for some reason her
mother left the room and Johnson stayed, even though Moore wasn't Johnson's attorney,
he was her mother's.
According to Moore and his receptionist, who was just feet away, this story is completely
fabricated, but Johnson is sticking to it.
However, the story that her court records tell is one of a deeply disturbed individual
who wasn't even fit to take care of her own child and who was willing to steal from
her family.
Here's more from our source about the details of the encounter:
"Birmingham, ALABAMA — Court documents related to Tina Johnson, an Alabama woman
who claims that Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore groped her in his office decades
ago, may raise questions about Johnson's motives in making the accusation.
The documents, reviewed by Breitbart News, show that Moore represented Johnson's mother
in a nasty custody case for Johnson's then 12-year-old son, Daniel Sitz.
In the case, Johnson was repeatedly painted by Moore's client as an unfit, absent, and
unstable mother and was accused of taking her son from his elementary school against
his will.
Johnson's mother was ultimately awarded custody in the case.
One affidavit signed by Johnson's mother while she was represented by Moore accused
Johnson of having a 'violent nature' and noted that she 'has been treated by a psychiatrist
when she was approximately 15 years of age.'
Johnson was a teenage mother.
Separate criminal documents show that, as late as 2010, Johnson was arrested and pled
guilty to felony fraud charges related to checks belonging to a family member.
She also entered a court drug program.
Speaking to, Johnson first went public with the claim that Moore groped her when
she was 'on legal business with her mother' in 1991.
The website noted that "Johnson reached out to" to discuss her alleged experience
with Moore.
The website related that Johnson was 'at the office to sign over custody of her 12-year-old
son to her mother, with whom he'd been living.'
Johnson claimed that, after the two met with Moore, her mother walked out of the office
door first and that, as Johnson was walking out, Moore grabbed her buttocks from behind.
'He didn't pinch it; he grabbed it,' she claims.
Johnson claims that she was so surprised by Moore's alleged actions that she didn't
mention anything to her mother — even though Johnson described her mother as sitting next
to her in Moore's office just before the alleged incident.
Johnson's mother, Mary Katherine Cofield, had hired Moore, then a private attorney,
to represent her in the custody case for Johnson's son, Daniel Sitz.
The custody documents, filed by Moore, refer to Johnson by her married name at the time,
Tina Sitz.
Another document, signed by Moore, stated that Cofield — and not Johnson — was the
"most fit and proper person" to have custody of Daniel Sitz.
Johnson's son had resided with his grandmother, Cofield, since he was nine months old.
Cofield says that, during those years, she provided Daniel with food, clothing, and shelter
"without any assistance" from Johnson.
A judge officially granted Cofield full custody on September 23, 1991.
Criminal and court records reviewed by Breitbart News find that she was arrested on February
25, 2010, for the felony charge of criminal possession of a forged instrument and theft
by deception.
She spent one day in jail and was released on bond.
The case revolved around the charges of intent to 'defraud, possess or utter' checks
in the amounts of $288, $129.96, $259.92, $300, and $170 respectively.
She was also charged with obtaining or exerting unauthorized control over five checks for
$25 each with intent to 'deprive the owner of said property.'
Those five checks were in the name of 'W.G. Cofield,' ostensibly her late stepfather.
Cofield personally appeared to file charges against Johnson, criminal records show.
Last week, Breitbart News interviewed Delbra Adams, Moore's former longtime secretary
and judicial assistant.
Adams said that, in her 13 years of working for Moore, she never saw or experienced any
inappropriate conduct toward women.
Adams worked for Moore in 1991 at the time of Johnson's accusations.
Adams's desk was right outside his office door at the time.
Adams' name was signed as a notary on one of the custody documents filed in Johnson's
case on behalf of Johnson's mother, Cofield."
If you'd like to see the whole gut-wrenching interview that Johnson did with CNN, giving
her recount of the events, you can see that here.
You'll notice that she omitted the reason she was at Moore's office, and the little
issue of fraud charges:
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