Damn, look at that s****!
Welcome to the Silent D Motor Show. I'm your host Silent D. And this is a 2017
Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport.
Grand Sport was first introduced in 1963,
a racing inspired lighter Corvette powered by a 6.2 liter small-block V8, it then
reappeared in 1996, in a limited production or 1000 vehicles, then again
in 2010, and then in 2017, the car we're looking at today. They all had one thing
in common - they're very much track focused, being lighter, having better
aerodynamics and better handling than a regular Corvette. And the Corvette is
really America's all-time most iconic sports car. And given the Grand Sport's
history and a rarity I would argue that this brand new car is an Instant Classic,
a concept I introduced in my G-Wagon episode a couple of months back.
And that's why today we'll take a closer look at this beautiful fast
Instant Classic, but first let's say hello to its owner, my good friend Matt.
Hey Matt, thanks for letting me feature your car
on the show. Of course! And also thanks for being a subscriber since pretty much
day one. I love the Silent D Motor Show! I remember I posted on Instagram if you
weeks back bragging about getting 100 subscribers and you were quick to
comment saying... well you asked for a t-shirt you know saying that...
I did. Gimme some merch man, gimme some merch!
Yes, I agree! Being, you know, first hundred subscriber, certainly, you know,
you deserve something. So here you go, my friend.
And it's even custom. So it's got your
hashtag there in in the back, so yeah. I love it! I love it! Thanks buddy.
And now that that's out of the way, shall we go for a drive? Let's do it!
Nice shirt, bro!
Thanks man. I got it from a homie.
Running a bit low are we? Indeed.
Oh, it sounds nice! Right? F**** yeah.
It's best between third and fourth gear, like on the downshift it does this
little blip and it sounds like Chewbacca. F****** awesome.
So we're in California, East Bay, a little north east of San Francisco. And then we're
going where? Alameda Naval Base.
So what's different on the Grand Sport over a regular one?
The suspensions is a little stiffer, it's got the aerodynamic body kit, and then you've got the vents
in the wheel wells for the brakes.
And really fun stickers that make it look like a Hot Wheels car. And this being a
Collector Edition, you also get this fancy blue. That's right.
Neon Miami Blue.
I always wanted this car though.
I had a poster of one of these, the 96 C4 Corvette I think it was. It was a Grand Sport.
I had a poster of one of them above my bed when I was a kid.
Dreams do come true kids!
You shot the Chevelle over here before, right? Yeah, I did a shoot with Karyn.
It's a great place to shoot cars, man. Yea, it's awesome.
I was trying to find this open parking lot.
It's really good for blowing cookies in. Up here is where it is.
Blowing cookies, is that what you said? Yeah.
I know about donuts... Same thing. But cookies? Yeah.
Pastries related... Yeah pastries related burnouts.
There we go. Here it is.
Nice! Tires are evil and they must be destroyed!
Damn, look at that s***!
So you wanna take it for a spin? You gonna let me? Absolutely!
Fun right? It pulls!
You never really manual anymore, like... Nobody even makes them, dude.
We're getting the thumbs up. Easy to drive though, right? Yeah, super smooth. Yeah, you
can drive it like grandma's car, or you can put the pedal down, which I wanna do one more time.
Yeah. Cuz that was fun!
But it's just classic American fun, and honestly
in this car you don't have to drive 120 miles an hour to have a good time, right.
Like doing 45-65 miles an hour, putting it through the gears... even 90 is like a
f****** blast, you know.
So that's actually what I like about the Grand Sport. It's you can...,
most people can drive it easily and keep it on the road.
No but the ZO6, man, you roast the tires in every gear and the ass just comes out
and you go sideways, it's impossible to to drive the thing. So that has like
600 something, right? Yeah 650, but it's it's so ridiculous.
And this is 460? Somewhere in there.
But honestly, you know, not every car needs a
ton of power. And that's kind of what I like
about this. It's just well-balanced.
There's a couple guys looking at having some fun too!
There are a couple guys with a Mustang back there. Oh, s**** what's up? What is
happening here? Everybody's just snapping pics man. Nice car
BMW 3-series. M2 possibly or? Yeah that might be the 3, yeah.
And then a Mustang and a Charger.
Very cool! Mercury Cougar
That's a boss Mustang. That Camaro though. Listen to that!
67 I think.
Love it, man. It's awesome.
Aw, smell that jazz. Smell that fuel!
M3 coming in. Old-school! Dude, we got to just go back and park and
shoot this s****!
So it's just us now. Matt's out. He's up there getting ready to film. He was kind
enough to let me do a little acceleration test. So let's see what this
Corvette can do!
Okay, it's tempting to leave Matt here, but I think we should
go pick him up. And then call it the day!
That was awesome. Thanks for letting me do that, man. Yeah, man.
And thanks to you for watching. If you agree that this is indeed an Instant
Classic, click that like button, throw in a comment, subscribe and I
shall see you next time!
how fun dude I'm glad we were there for that
For more infomation >> Why this brand new CHEVROLET CORVETTE GRAND SPORT is an Instant Classic - Duration: 11:36.-------------------------------------------
DIY Disney Ornaments - Classic Characters (Disney Fandom) CraftyMcFangirl.com Tutorial - Duration: 5:02.
Hey everybody, It's that time of year.
Happy holidays.
Let's make some Disney ornaments.
Hi everybody, I'm Amy.
Welcome to my channel.
And thanks so much for joining me for a Disney inspired craft.
I just got back from the Disney Parks and they were all decorated for the festival of
And I got really inspired to make Disney Holiday ornaments
Before we get started, I wanted to let you know, you can support me, for one dollar a
month, on Patreon.
You can find links for all the materials you will need for this project in the description
box below the video.
Both on YouTube and at CraftyMcFangirl.com
You will need a Classic Disney character play set.
A Pin Vise hand drill
Small eye screws
Glitter snow
White glue
White glitter
Clear fishing line
and small craft scissors
Start with one character, your drill and an eye screw.
Carefully drill a hole in the top center of the head.
You only need to go a short distance into the plastic.
Then use your fingers or a pair of pliers and twist the eye screw into the hole as far
as it will go
Do this for all of the characters in the toy set.
New add some snow to the characters' bases.
I am using Aileens glitter snow.
I apply it in chunky strokes so it looks like snowdrifts have built up.
I don't think the snow paint has enough glitter, so I added some white glitter on
top while the snow paint was still wet.
When choosing a glitter for this, the whiter and coarser the better.
Holographic glitter can look too yellow or green.
And white glitter that is too fine can seem too dull, and may look more like salt than
snow when it dries.
Once the snow has dried, tap the excess glitter off the ornaments.
You may even want to use a dry paintbrush to get the extra glitter off.
Then fold the paper and tap the extra glitter back into the bottle to use on the next ornaments.
The final step it to run clear fishing line through the eye screws and tie it off to hang
the ornament.
Mickey and Minnie are done, so let's move onto Donald, Daisy and Pluto.
Repeat the snow and glitter process with all the characters that have bases.
Since Pluto doesn't have a base I decided to add a little bit of glitter to look like
a light dusting of snow.
I brushed a little white glue onto Pluto's head, nose and paws, then gave him a dash
of glitter.
One the snow paint and glue is dry, remove all of the excess glitter and add some fishing
line to Donald, Daisy and Pluto
And your Classic Disney Character Holiday ornaments are done, ready to hang on the tree.
Thanks so much for crafting with me today.
I had so much fun working on these holiday ornaments.
If you do this project, I would love to see a photo.
Hashtag craftymcfangirl on twitter or Instagram.
And if you liked this project and don't want to miss what's coming next, don't
forget to subscribe to my channel.
Also, if you want to see more Disney inspired crafts, check out the playlist I made for
you guys.
Thanks so much, and I'll see you next time.
Oh, and don't forget.
You can support me for one dollar a month on Patreon.
Classic car heist caught on camera - Duration: 1:57.
Nescafé Classic - Κάθε μέρα ξυπνάω αυτούς που σε ξυπνούν! - Duration: 1:07.
5 SÚPER CONSEJOS o TIPS en ADOBE LIGHTROOM CC (Classic) - Duration: 10:08.
Do You Remember these 90s Retro Superheroes? | Fox Kids Morphs | Classic Toku - Duration: 2:51.
Let's borg.
Beetle binders.
Beetle blast.
♪ Big bad beetle blast ♪
♪ Big bad beetle bots ♪
(exciting music)
♪ Big bad beetle bots ♪
♪ Big bad beetle bots. ♪
Let's get to the final battle.
Beetle binders.
Input card.
Beetle blast
♪ Beetle bots attack ♪
♪ Attack ♪
♪ Beetle bots attack ♪
♪ Attack ♪
♪ Beetle beetle ♪
♪ Beetle bots attack ♪
Extophase Activate!
(upbeat music)
I've got to save those people.
Trooper transform.
We are VR.
(upbeat music)
Trooper transform. We are VR.
(upbeat music)
Fire within me.
(dramatic orchestral music)
The air above me.
(dramatic orchestral music)
(calm orchestral music)
The water around me.
(dramatic orchestral music)
Earth beneath me.
(dramatic orchestral music)
Forest before me.
(dramatic orchestral music)
COLOR CLASSIC (Series Collection) - Play Safe (1936) - Duration: 7:08.
♪ Play safe ♪
♪ Before it's too late ♪
♪ Stop headin' for danger, wait ♪
♪ Better play safe ♪
♪ Beware, take care ♪
♪ And always prepare ♪
♪ To stop, look, and listen ♪
♪ When you get up in the morning ♪
♪ Don't you dare forget a warning ♪
♪ When you play, better play safe ♪
Hey Rover, let me go, will ya?
Let me down. I'm a big fella.
I want to watch the trains.
Oh let me down, will ya?
Hah, go on, Rover!
Boy, oh boy, oh boy!
Ooh, what an engine.
Oh, pull.
Well I'm gonna push this right down.
Play safe!
Play safe!
Beware! Take care!
Better play safe!
♪ Better play safe ♪
Subtitles by Studio Channel
Ethereum Classic + LBRY - Claymore's Dual GPU Miner on Windows ( RX 580 / 480 ) - Duration: 5:49.
ethereum classic lbry - Claymore dual GPU Miner on windows (RX 580)
This video will demonstrate how to mine ethereum classic and lbry using an AMD Radeon RX 580 graphic card, a computer running windows and the claymore dual miner software.
Follow me on steemit: @virtualcoin
Open your browser, access the Minergate website and create a new account. (Link in the description)
Open your browser, access the Suprnova website and create a new account. (Link in the description)
Now, create a worker account
Install the updated driver of your graphic card rx 480 or rx 580
Download the software: CLAYMORE DUAL MINER
Create a folder called c:\miner and extract the miner package in this folder
Open the notepad and create a batch script called START.BAT, here are the script commands:
REMEMBER to replace my account virtualcoin.videos@gmail.com for your minergate account to mine ethereum classic .
REMEMBER to replace my lbry address for your lbry address.
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