Hi and Welcome to Danklord vs Games.
My name is Kevin and today we'll be taking a look at the top 10 most fun boss fights
of dark souls 3, including all the DLC and optional bosses.
Please be reminded by the fact that it's a list compiled by myself which means - you're
most likely going to disagree.
If you do - go ahead and write your own top 10 list in the comment section below and I
might make a video of all your combined choices.
Also bear in mind this is all recorded on new game++ which means I have a lot of health
but very little patience.
Another way of saying…
I suck.
And lastly.
Spoiler warning.
Let's get started with number 10.
Aldrich, Devourer of Gods
She's really only fun for once reason.
Killing her.
So you run in and then you're reminded of her remarkable abuse of the spell that cast
arrows from the sky that also chase you around, which means you only have a few seconds where
you can get some hits in, and when you do, it feels good.
Almost too good.
So you start getting greedy and most likely die.
She's one to test your patience but if you manage to keep your sanity intact she'll
just melt away, leaving you satisfied and empty on the inside as you have one less boss
to look forward to.
Champion Gundyr
This fight serves best as a reminder of the respect that you need to have for the bosses
in dark souls.
You've defeated him once before and you assume the upcoming fight is going to be just
as easy as before.
Guess again.
You'll be clenching your butt waiting for the next phase that never comes.
Instead he just gets more and more aggressive.
He's ruthless with his attacks and gives you very little room to heal up.
But damn he's enjoyable to go up against.
Soul of Cinder
Even though this boss is almost always picked off last of all the bosses in dark souls,
this fight keeps me on the edge of my seat almost every time.
He always surprises me with his aggression making me question if I really should start
a new game plus just yet.
Then there's the backflips he does.
No other boss acts as nimble as this boss while at the same time being quite heavy and
aggressive in his attacks.
Imagine Dragonslayer Armour doing backflips.. yeah, no.
Dancer of the boreal valley
I have a confession.
This was the first time I even bothered trying to kill dancer on my own without the use of
npc summons or cheesing her.
The tight space combined with her spinning and off-beat attacks made me want to crawl
into fetal position every time.
She's ruthless but oh so fun to fight with her creepy ass introduction cutscene.
After having finished dancer fight I realized she isn't all that hard when you have some
decent damage output but the fight itself always stays enjoyable regardless of how you
deal with her.
Demon Prince
It took all the strength I had to not look up information of the latest dlc and my god,
was it worth the wait and patience.
Wait, two bosses?
Two fucking phases?
I loved it.
As it technically serves as the first boss of the ringed city dlc, I was worried that
this one would be equally short on content as the painted World of Ariandel, but to my
surprise, twice the bosses, was twice the fun to battle against and reassuring in a
way that this dlc would take some time to get through.
The fight itself was of no disappointment and depending on which boss you kill last,
the prince will be different with either lasers or fire as a primary attack.
I just couldn't do it without at least one summon but that didn't take anything away
from the amount of fun I had with the boss.
Twin Princes
I can't put my finger on exactly why I love this fight, but damn is the intro cutscene
good or what?
It's a fight I always remember to respect no matter which difficulty I'm on.
New game plus or whatever.
This guy always gives you a decent challenge but once you get the hang of it.
They're actually quite easy to defeat.
Just like all the other bosses in dark souls, this one requires you to be careful of your
estus use.
Not because they'll run out anytime soon, but because he gets more aggressive if you
heal up in the wrong moment.
Nameless King
Arguably one of the hardest bosses in the
game until you're able to consistently kill his dragon without using too many estus.
I almost always save this guy for last considering his difficulty.
And the fight is incredibly enjoyable even though the camera acts like it came somewhere
from the depths of hell.
His move set is just incredibly aggressive and he's always been able to stand the test
of time when it comes to difficulty.
If you want to shed tears of frustration.
Look no further.
The nameless king makes it happen as you progressively start overextending each of your attacks and die
Darkeater Midir
You can't really complain about not having enough space on this fight.
Midir and his massive health pool is quite a challenge to solo without the use of summons.
We've seen dragons before.
Like the ancient wyvern, but nothing quite like this fight.
It definitely feeds all your dragon needs and delivers on every point.
Just when you think you got the pattern locked down, he adds something new to the mix throwing
you off guard.
Patience is definitely the name of the game on this one.
Luckily he is an optional boss in the game, but not to me.
He's gotta die every time for roasting me with fire on that bridge, that time before.
Sister Friede
Another confession.
This was the first time I managed to defeat this boss without the use of summons and thus,
I've never truly understood the frustration that other players share of this boss, until
Three phases didn't seem like much when the first and second breezed by, but alone,
it definitely pushes your estus use to the max.
Once I finally managed to get her down, it gave me an incredible sense of relief and
Her attack animations and fighting style is very reminiscent of bloodborne but punishes
you for using the same kind of aggression as you would in bloodborne.
Overall an incredible package that I remember left me quite satisfied after the dlc had
Though, bleed builds were much more viable by then, so I'm glad I got to face her with
some proper difficulty attached.
Judge Judicator
These fucks.
Oh god they're fun.
Looking for some easy ember?
Just invade at this location and Judge Judicator got you covered.
(M'am I'm not sure I just think he was confused as to what the date was)
(He wasn't confused)
(He wasn't confused, he was hostile)
Slave Knight Gael
You travel forward in time to a point where you find Gael after years of killing.
Gael is looking for the blood of a dark soul to create a new painted world, and your entrance
to the arena shows all previous lord of cinders dead, but one lord, crawling towards Princess
Filianore for help.
The arena is massive and once again introduces three phases to mix so be careful of your
estus use.
I practiced his first phase for about an hour before I felt comfortable enough to get him
down on my own.
The fight is fought at a mid pace which isn't too hard to handle.
However the amount of time it takes to get him down is quite remarkable.
I know he can get staggered and made a lot easier but damn I clenched my butt so hard
throughout the 5-7 minutes of focus needed to get him down.
I enjoyed every second of it.
But I got so excited after killing him I skipped whatever cutscene started, so I'm glad I
went back to watch it all this time without the same amount of anxiety in my system.
And that is my top ten most fun boss fights in dark souls 3.
Let me know what you think in the comments down below.
If you haven't tried dark souls 3 by now.
You should!
That is all for now and I want to thank each and everyone of you for sticking by.
Also a huge thanks to all the latest subscribers.
Love y'all!
I'm recording under less ideal circumstances I guess you could say
So I'm sorry for the low volume, or, I'm speaking quieter
Yep, that's it.Thank you. Bye!
For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Fun Bosses of Dark Souls 3 - Duration: 14:44.-------------------------------------------
Brigitte hasn't fed me in hours..
- I offered to buy...- I need 10 euros for McDonalds !
Hello everyone ! Good eve...wait no, never mind, I'll do that again.
Hello everyone!
Introduce yourself.
Siga, ninet...
Brigitte (like Brigitte Bardot).
Don't ask.
Twenty-five, Senegalese, and this is my sister!
We're comparing our makeup style because I think she does too much.
And I'm simple! -...I don't speak English.
Let's go!
B: What makes you think your makeup is better??
S: First of all why are you using MY lip balm??
B:...we're sisters.
S: What's your first step? B: we just used facial masks, that's why our faces are shining.
And I'm going to start directly with foundation because I don't need to do my brows.
My brows are popping...naturally.
Everyone knows that.
S: Just sharpening my black pencil. B: You're struggling.
S: I'm now using an Estee Lauder concealer.
And a second concealer that's a bit lighter than the first.
B: I just realized I still have my bonnet on my head.
B: OK. I'm going to get a concealer. I got this pencil from my beauty box subscription.
Latte Highlighter...from Chella. I don't know anything about this brand.
B: This is enough.
B: I'm using the same brush to blend the concealer.
S: Now I'm using "Accord Parfait" by L'Oréal.
B: I' m pretty much done with my face, I'm just going to set everything with powder.
I'm only putting the powder where I want to make my skin matte.
The rest should stay in its original tone.
S (out of nowhere): This is good, especially when one is kind of ugly, like you and I.
B: I'm using the excess contouring shadow...
...to define my nose.
S: I'm going to put on eyeliner.
This is drugstore too, 2 euros.
Wait NO! Not 2 euros. This is from Essence, it's THREE euros.
B: Instead of using a darker brown for my crease,
I'll just use the leftover contouring color to blend the eye shadow with the rest of my face.
B: Eyeliner.
S: Some powder...to set everything.
S: I'm going to put on some lipstick.
S: The lipstick wasn't such a good idea. I regret it.
B: Take it off.
S: Nope. Too lazy.
S: But if I look ugly, you'll take down the video right?
B: No.
Inside December 2017's PREVIEWS Catalog: KICK-ASS, DARK NIGHTS METAL, SAGA ACTION FIGURES, + More! - Duration: 1:49.
Hey, PREVIEWSworld!
Troy here reminding you that December's PREVIEWS catalog is in comic shops right now!
This month, our front cover celebrates 10 years of Mark Millar and John Romita, Jr.'s
KICK-ASS with a new chapter!
Plus: Hit-Girl heads to Colombia in an all-new ongoing -- both from Image Comics!
And, if you flip your December PREVIEWS over, you'll discover the finale of DARK NIGHTS
All roads lead to darkness in the cataclysmic conclusion of DC's fan-favorite event.
Inside, Jean Grey returns to re-define her role in the Marvel Universe AND uphold Xavier's
legacy in X-MEN: RED #1!
Join Jean, Namor, Nightcrawler, and X-23 as they team up in this all-new series.
Also, keep an eye out for the "Titanic Tomes" icon throughout the pages of this month's
What's a "Titanic Tome"?
It's an omnibus, a deluxe edition, or a just a straight up massive hardcover collecting
some of comics' most treasured stories!
(Some of which will be available to order in time for the gift-giving season.)
And of course, there's more!
Skybound continues their line of SAGA toys, The Death Dealer pays tribute to creator Frank
Frazetta, Garth Ennis takes a shot at the spy genre (and the Internet) in JIMMY's
BASTARDS, Ales Kot brings the BLOODBORNE games series to comics, and – look…there's
over 500 pages of eye candy inside this month's catalog and we are going to be taking a look
at some of them all month long.
So play along!
Go pick up a copy of the December's PREVIEWS at your local comic shop today.
Or check out all the items available to pre-order by heading over to PREVIEWSworld.com/catalog.
(Eng sub/Sub Español) Dark blue and moonlight Preview ep 5 - Duration: 0:44.
Would you like to help us take pictures for advertising?
What do you want to do? Why are you bothering me?
You like this Does Captain even love you?
What do you want to say to him?
Tell him that you color your hair like him?
You're unresponsable
Sorry sorry sorry ...
Please forgive me, okay?
Do you know what love is?
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"100 ROUNDS" Hard Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Dark Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beat | Free DL
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"TIMELESS" Hard Trap beat Instrumental | Dark rap hip hop beat | Meydmelodybeats - Duration: 4:40.
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There is no more Bubbles. I have
shed that name.
NICOLE: What in the hell?! DARK BUBBLES: From Henceforth, there is only...
Dark Bubbles.
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