Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 11, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Nov 30 2017


For more infomation >> Cost saving Strategies In A Small California Beach House - Duration: 2:43.


Wrapping Up October | Southern California Urban Garden Tour | Vlog - Duration: 9:43.

(pretty piano solo)

Thursday workdays in October were always jam-packed with getting ready for fall,

planting, late summer harvests, and there was always some encounter with bugs,

critters. Check it out!

These are the first Orange Thai, I've got three ripening there. This one's almost ripe.

I just gave these plants a shower, because we have just been through the

worst heat wave of the entire year, and it was 100 degrees yesterday. I don't

ever remember that happening. And even though these plants have no leaves

whatsoever, they have a few peppers. These are the Pantelleria. They grow straight

up, and as you can see, every single plant got this. This is my very first one of

these, and I thought it was California Wonder. But, it's going from green to red,

so I don't know what it is. This has yet to produce a ripe pepper. This is Black

Finger. Every time I think, well, this one's coming out for sure, then I see

something like this. And you hate to let your babies go, if there's some life left

in them. This is sweet apple ,and these are really wonderful peppers, but it

didn't produce very much. This is sunscald.

It couldn't take the heat. That plant is done. Now this plant put out a bunch of

new leaves, and since the leaf miner has come and gone, I will save this plant.

This plant will not be saved. Aleppo. This plant looked like death night before

last. This is before it was a hundred

yesterday. I came out, every leaf was limp. And some were just dried up, because it's

in a small pot. It should have been put in the ground two weeks ago, but it

didn't, because I don't know where to put it, because I don't want to kill it. I

gave it a seaweed foliar spray and a watering and it was just in time.

It was on the brink of death. That's another thing we'll be doing on Thursday work

day tomorrow is putting this somewhere in the ground. This is volunteer Red Stem

Malabar Spinach and it's wound itself around several peppers. if you want to

grow something that's worry-free, grow this stuff. It's very nutritious, too, but

it needs something to climb on, big time. And it had no trouble in the heat. It's a

succulent. This is what you call bad timing. Just when the Mexican pink guava

was ready to deliver its first real harvest, we have a

heatwave culminating in a 100 degree day

yesterday. Now, I was out here last night picking up guavas and look how many are

on the ground just overnight, and most of these are not going to be good.

According to Rene, this is too far gone, but this is just right, still hard, but,

well, that's the other guava. So I'm picking up the ones that I think might

still be usable.

Now that's a female Monarch, she's laying eggs. Now she's supping nectar. You see her

proboscis is deep into that flower. There are the two antennas and then there's

the proboscis sticking straight into the flower. Now her wings look a little

ratty, so she's probably older.

Monarchs know that my garden is a very safe welcoming place. This is the

pineapple guava, so you see the comparison in the size. Oh, they smell so

fragrant, Wow! There's a few left on the tree.

There's one. So I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with this. They smell wonderful,

but the texture is kind of odd. It almost has, like, seeds inside it. It's very

different from the pineapple guava. Here's my upper driveway collection of

pots. I've got basil, which really took a beating in the heat and i'itoi onions,

which love the heat. One of my goji berries. I'm trying to get everything in the

sun here

Now these peanuts love the heat. This is a Tennessee red Valencia peanut. This is

a volunteer 4 o'clock, but these are really happy in this heatwave.

These are late starts, these two. The other two I started much earlier. It's

the beauty of these cloth pots with handles, you can just drag them around

and find the sun. These two I started much earlier, and they don't look a whole

lot better than these two, because they just didn't get any sun and any heat

this summer. Gorgeous! This is a Listada de Gandia. This particular eggplatnt has

really been productive. Wow, look at this, beautiful. Sometimes you really hit it

out of the park. Now I just happened to plant this in a good spot. I think that's

got about 50% to do with everything. Look at the size of this thing, and it's still

blooming, of course. It loves the heat. This squash is going nuts. Look at these

huge leaves that's putting out at the end of October. Now this one vine has no

mildew, yet, but this other vine is absolutely covered. This so far is my

only pumpkin off of this whole massive plant, so I don't know if I'm gonna get

another one. It's the end of October. It looks like about eight pounds, six or

eight pounds. My passion fruit is doing really well in the heat. I've never

had one before. I've never eaten one. This one is turning from green to kind of a

gray color, so I know it's starting to ripen. They're very light. Here's one here's

two, three!

This cranberry hibiscus decided to shoot up and now it's about ten feet tall,

this one shoot, so that's going to get chopped back tomorrow, because it cannot

compete with the olive tree. This is the back of my my lemon tree leaf. There's an

ant working this. I've never quite seen it look like this,

so I'm not sure if this is mealy bug, or what, but it's not good whatever it is. So

this is a grasshopper that's cutting the leaf and eating it, chomping away.

Last meal, yeah, you heard me. Enjoy it. I think this is dog turd fungus. Thank you

so much for watching, I really appreciate your support. Please give me that like,

and share this channel with your friends, and I'll see you in the next video.

(music ends)

For more infomation >> Wrapping Up October | Southern California Urban Garden Tour | Vlog - Duration: 9:43.


Ultimate California Kitchen - Duration: 43:04.

For more infomation >> Ultimate California Kitchen - Duration: 43:04.


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