Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 11, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Nov 2 2017

Stranger Things tells the story of a top secret government experiment on a person of extraordinary

ability, who accidentally creates a portal to an alternate dimension.

But can you imagine if stranger things wasn't just a story?

What if stranger things was real?

Hello and welcome back to life's biggest questions.

I'm charlotte dobre.

Don't forget to hit that thumbs up and subscribe.

Stranger things has become a cultural phenomenon, because it combines conspiracy theories with

elements of the supernatural.

But is it really inconceivable that a government experiment like the one in stranger things


Maybe not.

In fact, the duffer brothers, the writers of stranger things, based their series on

a real life conspiracy theory that a lot of people believe in.

Stranger Things was originally supposed to be called Montauk, and it was based on a trilogy

of novels by preston b Nichols, which was based on his experiences at camp hero.

What is camp hero?

It's a secret US military institution on long island in New York where scientists were

rumoured to have pushed the limits of what was theoretically possible.

This was called the Montauk project, because it took place at the Montauk air force station.

Stories about the Montauk project began to circulate in the 1980s.

These stories originated from Preston Nichols, who claimed to have recovered repressed memories

of his involvement in the project.

He alleges that Time travel experiments were conducted, teleportation, mind control, as

well as psychic warfare.

He recalls that children were allegedly abducted from their homes, taken to the facility and

experimented on.

Preston Nichols says he has memories of being a part of a scientific experiment known as

the Montauk Chair, which amplifies psychic powers.

One of the experiments, which Nichols calls The Seeing Eye resembles the experiment that

caused eleven to open the portal to the upside down.

Nichols also writes about other children being abducted and experimented on, and apparently

some were sent through a portal into the unknown of space-time.

I will say that nichol's claims have not been confirmed, and they are conspiracy theories,

but that doesn't mean they are completely untrue.

There have been many reports of government programs conducting questionable experiments

over the years like MKUltra and project stargate.

MK ultra was program funded by the CIA where drugs were experimented with to see if they

had the power to control minds.

Years later, test subjects began to come forward, writing books about their experiences.

Project stargate is another secret government program.

It was funded by the US army to attempt to find out if paranormal phenomena could be

used for military purposes.

Cathy O Brien wrote two books about being involved in something called Project Monarch.

Project monarch involved testing mind control techniques on children.

The purpose?

To create a super soldier, much like Eleven.

In 1995, US president bill clinton even issued an apology, stating that thousands of government

experiments took place at hospitals, universities and military bases in the US.

These experiments were kept secret.

The US offers sincere apologies to those of our citizens who were subject to these experiments.

So what if stranger things was real?

Let's be realistic, if there really was a portal to another dimension, and human test

subjects with extra ordinary abilities, there is no way the public would know about it.

The government would cover up the evidence, as they have done in the past.

Thousands of files have been destroyed, we don't know the full extent of these government


But People who claim to have been involved like Preston B Nichols and cathy Obrien, would

likely write books about their experiences.

These books would be compelling, but would be dismissed as conspiracy theories, much

like they are today.

Lets face it, a portal to an alternate dimension is not a concept many people can stomach,

and its definitely not something that a government would want another government to know about.

The government would also not want the masses to know that they abduct people and conduct

experiments on them.

So what if stranger things was real?

It could be real right now, but you will never know about it.

I'm charlotte dobre for lifes biggest questions.

Thanks so much for watching.

On the screen right now, you will see a link to our patreon page, where you can sign up

to be a patron of lifes biggest questions.

And if you would like to continue on your quest for answers, check out our playlist,

biggest what ifs.

That's it for me, and thanks for watching LBQ.

For more infomation >> What If Stranger Things Was Real? - Duration: 3:50.


As CNN Broadcasts Live, Hosts Panic After Seeing What's Accidentally Showing Behind Them - Duration: 5:12.

CNN recently headed out into the streets of New York City for the sake of ratings after

the recent terror attack.

Unfortunately for them, their little stunt would quickly backfire as the hosts were clearly

panicked after realizing what was accidentally showing just inches behind them – and it

all went out over their live broadcast.

An Islamic terrorist, later identified as 29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov who also happens

to be an immigrant from Uzbekistan, recently rented a truck and ran over as many Americans

as he could in New York City, killing 8 and leaving another 11 injured in the process,

all while yelling, "Allahu Akbar."

Saipov's bloody, 17-block trail of terror began at 3:05 p.m., when he turned onto the

bike path at West Houston Street in a Home Depot flatbed pickup truck he'd rented in

Passaic, NJ, police sources said.

The maniac, who was carrying a Florida ID, rammed his car into nearly two dozen innocent

cyclists and pedestrians as he sped south on the typically serene path along the Hudson


"The Home Depot truck starting running people over," said witness Nelson Arroyo, 58.

"I heard a boom boom, a crushing noise from the bikes.

People were sitting down crying.

I saw two areas of blood."

Saipov collided with a school bus at Chambers Street, injuring two adults and two children


He then got out with the pellet and paintball guns — sending panicked bystanders fleeing

through the streets, sources said.

[Source: New York Post] Of course, seeing how CNN is struggling these

days, they couldn't let a good tragedy go to waste and decided to get out on the streets

to do their "reporting."

Sadly, all they did was talk to each other, trying to figure out a way they could spin

this to cater to leftist ideology, but that's not all.

As it turns out, the cameras accidentally captured and therefore broadcasted something

that was just inches behind the hosts at the time – and it left them visibly panicked.

According to The Daily Caller, "A random person walked into the frame during a live

broadcast on the streets of New York on CNN Tuesday, yelling 'CNN is fake news!'"

As one would imagine, the clearly flustered hosts tried to ignore the man and continue

with their segment as if he wasn't even there, but their faces were clearly flush

with panic.

VIDEO: Man walks into CNN broadcast to yell, "CNN is fake news!" and "Anderson Cooper is

fake news!"

— Justin Caruso (@justincaruso2) November 1, 2017

As Anderson Cooper can be heard asking, "How likely is it that there could be a video,

kind of a martyrdom video so-called, which is what we saw in, I think when the Charlie

Hebdo attacks, if memory serves me, there were some, and some of the attacks in Europe

that we've seen…," and that's when the interruption came.

As can be seen in the clip, which has since been shared to Twitter, a pedestrian simply

walked behind the hosts and yelled, "CNN is fake news!

CNN is fake news!

Anderson Cooper is fake news!"

The hosts tried to ignore the distraction, but the look of sheer panic was written all

over their faces.

CNN is trying really hard to shake the reputation of "fake news," but there's just one

problem – they earned it.

In fact, they did just that yet again with their reporting on this attack.

As Mad World News previously reported, CNN falsely claimed that the Islamic terrorist

shouted, "God is Great," during the attack on innocent Americans, instead of what he

actually said, which was of course "Allahu Akbar."

This is significant, and no, it's not just a translation.

It's a bold-faced lie.

"Allahu Akbar," the Arabic phrase which has become a common battle cry from Islamists

during terror attacks does not translate to "God is great," but rather, "God is

greater" (superlative) — as in "Allah is greater than your God," according to

The Daily Wire.

However, on CNN's The Situation Room with host Wolf Blitzer, the left-leaning news network

chose to distort what Saipov said, claiming on their banner that he said: "God is Great."

These weren't facts they were talking about, it wasn't the truth, and it certainly wasn't


In the end, this is a perfect example of why the network has rightfully earned the title

"fake news" and why they likely won't be getting rid of it anytime soon.

Look, it's one thing to spout your opinion.

However, it's another thing entirely to do so while calling yourself "an unbiased

news source" and passing off your personal beliefs as facts to your millions of viewers.

Luckily, a large portion of Americans are catching on to what CNN and others like them

are doing, and now, it seems that even their own base is getting a taste of the truth.

After all, what better way to get the real truth out there than use their cameras and

airtime to do it?

This guy is a genuine hero — and the second CNN viewers listen to his words is the second

America will make a turn for the better as we steer away from the divisive, inaccurate,

and damaging rhetoric the network spews on a daily basis.

For more infomation >> As CNN Broadcasts Live, Hosts Panic After Seeing What's Accidentally Showing Behind Them - Duration: 5:12.


MUST WATCH: WHY WAS TREVOR NOAH BORN A CRIME? | What Trevor Noah's Born a Crime teaches us - Duration: 9:08.

When I read Trevor Noah's Born a crime, I realized how Trevor cleverly teaches us

about the Immorality Act, a law that prohibited sexual intercourse between Whites and Non-whites

in South Africa.

The book is a collection of stories from Trevor Noah's childhood.

It is an amalgamation of Trevor Noah's experiences and feelings – growing up as an outcast

in a society that didn't allow for people who look like him to exist, living with an

abusive step Father, and how his mother was instrumental in molding him into the person

that he is today.

The one story that really stands-out is the story of how Trevor was born a crime.

This is, actually, a story that He has told a couple of times in his comedy sets.

He has a very interesting way of telling this story which captures both his feelings and

experiences, without making the situation seem sad and emotionally draining for the


Telling these kinds of stories as openers to your comedy set has a potential to overwhelm

the audience with emotions and set the mood for the entire night, which is something that

no comedian wants.

A great comedy night is one that can take you on an emotional roller-coaster, while

keeping a balance between the sad and the funny.

Trevor usually tells this story as he introduces himself to the audience.

He understands that for many people the idea of being born a crime may sound strange, so

he gives a background to the story.

First, he makes a broad statement, this is called a Premise.

The premise is followed by a Set-Up, this is a specific example

of the premise.

{Play the Video Halfway} Notice how the story isn't necessarily something

that you would laugh at, so he adds a twist or the element of surprise to it.

This is called a punchline.

{the rest of the Joke Here} Just as people stop laughing he drops yet

another surprise.

This is called a Tag.

He then goes on to say He was "Born a crime".

Although he does a pretty good job in making you understand his situation, which makes

it easier for you to laugh at the punchline.

To really understand this "Born a Crime" phenomenon, one has to go back a couple of

decades ago and study the Immorality Act.

[Year South Africa.]

In 1927 The Immorality Act is passed into law.

Amongst other things, the law made it illegal for Black and White people to have sexual


The law was later amended in 1950 to Whites and All Non-whites, although the apartheid

government had already decided to implement a ban on all mixed marriages in 1949.

We get a glimpse of this law in the film A United Kingdom, which was directed by the

award-winning director Amma Asante, who also directed Belle, which is also a movie about

race relations, more on that later.

A United Kingdom tells a story of Mr. Seretse Khama, an heir to the throne of the Bechuanaland

who went to study law in England and while there met a love of his life, Ms. Ruth Williams.

Things took a turn when the soon to be King Mr. Khama expressed his wish to marry Ms.

Williams and make her the Queen of the Bechuanaland.

This kind of News upset the Mighty South Africa, as such a high profile interracial marriage

just across her borders will undermine her Sexual Apartheid Policies, that is… the

Immorality Act and the Mixed Marriages Act).

Trying to appease the South Africans, the British government is desperate to ensure

that this marriage doesn't happen.

Although, they eventually get married in England as this wasn't against the law in England

but merely brought shame to the one who did it [quote: you can choose the life of shame

and insults].

So, talking about the life of shame, let's go back to Belle.

Amma Asante shows us in Belle, through following the life of Gugu Mbatha-Raw, who plays Deida,

how it was to be a mixed chilled – A Mulatto or simply… black, because that's the only

side people saw in a mixed race

chilled [insert: I didn't know she would be so Black].

Gugu does a stunning job portraying the character of Deida.

Perhaps because Gugu herself was born into an interracial family.

A Black Father from South Africa, and a white mother from England.

All these stories, whether being related by Trevor Noah through comedy or Amma Asante

through film, are told to teach and remind us of how far we've come as humanity.

There is something that makes people connect with the story when it is told from an honest

and personal place.

For more infomation >> MUST WATCH: WHY WAS TREVOR NOAH BORN A CRIME? | What Trevor Noah's Born a Crime teaches us - Duration: 9:08.


ALERT: NYC Truck Terrorist Left Horrifying Note… Look What It Said - Duration: 3:13.

On Tuesday, Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov used a truck to kill eight people and injuring

at least 13 in a horrific act of terror.

According to the Daily Mail, some notes in his car reveal the man's allegiance and

inspiration for the attack.

Found in both English and Arabic were the words "ISIS lives forever" and other such


Saipov is said to have immigrated legally to the US in 2010 from Uzbekistan.

He presently has addresses in Florida, Ohio and New Jersey.

For work, he owned a truck sharing company in the past and drove for Uber the last six


Both companies are cooperating with authorities in the investigation.

Witnesses say he drove a rented Home Depot truck onto a bike path, plowing into pedestrians.

He then drove down 17 blocks of city streets before coming to a stop only when he crashed

into a school bus.

Fleeing the scene with what was later revealed to be a pellet gun and a paint gun, he was

wounded when officers shot him in the stomach.

Currently, he is in custody in the hospital while being treated for his injuries.

Officers hoping to gain answers for the horrific act searched the rented truck and found the

notes pledging his allegiance to ISIS along with a number of ISIS flags.

In an interview with reporters, Governor Andrew Cuomo stated that Saipov was radicalized by


"He is a depraved coward is what he is.

He is associated with ISIS and he was radicalized domestically.

He is a depraved coward."

President Trump initially responded to the attack on Twitter saying, "In NYC, looks

like another attack by a very sick and deranged person.

Law enforcement is following this closely.


He later offered his condolences to the victims of the attack saying on Twitter,"My thoughts,

condolences and prayers to the victims and families of the New York City terrorist attack.

God and your country are with you!"

First Lady Melania Trump similarly responded on Twitter with her condolences, "My heart

breaks for #NYC today.

Thoughts & prayers as we monitor the situation."

Despite the horrific tragedy that left eight dead and many wounded, New Yorkers took to

the streets in large crowds to attend various Halloween parties and the annual Halloween

parade up 6th Avenue.

Barricades and heavy cars lined the street for the parade to offer protection in the

event of another terrorist attack.

New York Mayor Bill De Blasio and Governor Cuomo also attended the parade, saying they

were there to show that New York would stand tall.

In a statement, Mayor De Blasio said, "We know this action was intended to break our


But we also know New Yorkers are strong, resilient and our spirit will never be moved by an act

of violence or an act meant to intimidate us."

This horrendous act of terror by an ISIS sympathizer shows that even though the organization is

suffering massive losses in the Middle East, they are still a threat globally.

Perhaps soon experts will address how to combat the lingering remnants of a dying organization

that seeks to do harm in the US and other countries around the world.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this tragedy and their families.

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