Hi this is Daniella from support.daniella.io and if you want to focus on growing your business,
STOP wasting your time dealing with the same customer support questions.
If you want to put your focus back on sales and actually developing your business, then
you are in the right place!
I am going to provide you with some powerful tools that will allow you to automate and
scale your support department.
Before I jump in I would like to know: Do you have an awesome product or service your
clients have questions about?
Are you constantly answering the same questions over the phone and copy-pasting the same answers
through email?
Are you thinking about hiring more people to respond to increasing demands?
Are you spending days training employees on your product or service?
If you replied yes to most of those questions, I have really good news for you: You sound
just like every single client I've helped with this issue.
The best news I have for you is that there is a scaleable solution you can implement
in one single afternoon!
You simply need the right system.
And that is exactly what I will provide you.
Here are two powerful questions I would like to have a look at in this webinar:
How can I support my clients in a way that creates total freedom and does not demand
having employees chained to the phones or their emails?
How can I support hundreds of clients at the same, time while saving thousands of time-Dollars
on hiring new customer support agents?
So if you stick with me and watch this video, you will discover some amazing answers to
both those questions.
Why don't we even transform them into one single straightforward question:
How can I scale customer support and support hundreds of clients at the same time, without
having to hire more employees?
This is something I teach my clients.
That is what I want for you.
And I am going to share the to-the-point, step-by-step guide that I use to actually
to do it.
I have done this for many customers in the past to help them scale their businesses while
saving hundreds of thousands of Dollars every month on hiring new employees for a job that
can be partially automated when done correctly.
Imagine going to work every day and focusing on your core business: your actual products
or services, instead of spending time answering support calls and emails.
Imagine actually being able to focus on sales, to pay yourself, instead of having to hire
new resources for a job that can easily be automated.
Imagine offering 24/7 accessible support information on your products or services in a beautiful,
easy-to-read format.
Envision the crucial extra time and money you will have to invest elsewhere.
Sometimes I hear, "I don't have the time to document my product or service."
Let me ask you, how are you enjoying spending hours constantly answering support calls and
Do you really need to hire another resource who will spend more hours doing the same?
Or could you document your product or service and automate customer support for 80 to 90%
of your recurring requests?
And how about your current support resource?
Could they benefit from the key information in this webinar to help you transform your
And how are you enjoying spending hours training your staff on your product and services?
What if your product and services were documented enough to eliminate at least half of that
training time through clear concise training and support videos?
Without documentation, you are also keeping the self-learners among your clients from
empowering themselves to search for answers on their own.
They are completely dependent on you and your staff for answers.
They are obliged to rely on emailing or calling you to get answers to their questions.
Not only is it annoying to them, but also to you.
Providing adequate documentation will reinforce your business value, not only to support current
customers but also when selling to new leads, making your business look a lot more organized
and professional.
But maybe you are not sure how to document your product, or don't know how to organise,
present and serve that information in a clear concise way.
That's where this webinar comes in.
Whatever your biggest challenge with documenting your product or service, I've seen it before
and know how to overcome it.
I want to help you overcome it too, in a very simple, non-technical way.
No coding required.
Imagine you are driving along a country road on a wonderful, crisp fall evening.
You are surrounded by fields of orchards and colourful leaves.
There is nobody around and you have no cell phone reception.
You realize how wonderful it is to cut off from city-life and technology.
Suddenly, your car starts to sputter and you come to a raging halt.
You have a flat tire, and have no clue how to change it.
What is your first reaction after slight panic?
You reach over to the glove compartment, and pull out your car owner's manual to learn
how to change your flat tire.
Thank goodness for documentation, it can save your life, and it can save your company a
ton of time and money.
This webinar and my course are incredible resources for any business owner looking to
free themselves from recurring customer support calls.
It is the Knowledge Base of Knowledge Bases for Customer Support specialists looking for
guidance on how to document their work, or marketers looking for a process to offer this
viable service.
However, it is essential that no matter your profile: business owner, customer support
specialist or marketer: you must be a motivated self-learner striving for your independence
and autonomy - not someone who wants it all done for them.
My course provide you all of my tools, key information, trials and errors, la creme de
la creme of everything you need to succeed.
This webinar will motivate you to transform this part of your business and free up time
and cash flow.
But you MUST be someone who wants to take action.
You MUST be someone who will take this information and make it into transformation.
I only work with people who actually want to transform their business.
I only work with a select amount of motivated self-learners.
If you are looking for a ready-made solution then please close this video [podcast] now.
But if you are a motivated champion who is ready for actual results, if you are ready
for actual transformation then stick with me and get a pen and paper because you are
going to love what is coming next.
In this webinar, we are going to have a look at how to solve your biggest challenges with
documenting your services or products by making your information accessible through a Knowledge
Base or support site.
We are going to have a look at the tools you need to build your Knowledge Base and automate
replies to the most frequent questions your business receives.
And keep in mind what your average day would be like if you were spending less time on
the phones dealing with after-sales services, and more time selling your product and making
it even more awesome!
That would be pretty great, right?
That's what I want to map out for you.
That is exactly the key information I want to provide you today.
Please note however, that this webinar is a crash course, and that the full course is
available at support.daniella.io or in the link in the description.
We are going to jump right in right now and see how to create and design your Knowledge
Base, and we will end with a couple powerful tips on how to create amazing content.
Go to HeroThemes.com Under KnowAll Theme
Click on View Pricing and Buy Now Purchase your theme
Make sure Wordpress is installed on your subdomain.
Checkout support.daniella.io to learn how to setup your subdomain and Wordpress site.
Installing your new theme will allow you to transform your website into a Knowledge Base:
In your Hero Themes Account Under the Downloads Tab
Download your Theme Click on the License Keys Tab
Copy your Licence Key In your Wordpress backend
Click on Appearance > Themes Click on Add New >
Upload Theme Upload your Theme
Click on Activate Then enter your licence Key to fully activate
your theme Now that your Knowledge Base is setup, it's
time to design it and make it match your brand.
In your Wordpress Backend Click on Appearance > Customize
From here you will be able to customize the look and feel of your site.
Add a logo to your site Change the background image
Style your background image (position, size…)
This is where you can edit the written content in the footer of your site.
Choose the color of the links on your site Choose the color of the links on your site
upon hover (mouse over) Edit your site width if you would like
Choose the layout of your site if you would like a different layout
This is where you can edit the typography for the header and body of your Knowledge
This is where you can style the main page of your site.
Choose the following:
What is written in the search bar Homepage sidebar position
Homepage title Archive style
Border divider between categories Archive columns
Category Settings
Choose how your categories are positioned here.
Article Settings
Select how your articles will be positioned Sticky sidebar : will your sidebar scroll
with the page?
Enable or disable: Showing related articles
Showing last modified dates on articles Displaying comments
Custom CSS
Enter custom CSS here.
Now that your Knowledge Base is created it is time for you to add amazing content to
Here are a couple of tips extracted from my paid course available at support.daniella.io:
Segment your information as much as possible Categories
Titles Paragraphs
Bullet points Numbered lists
Short paragraphs Make sure your content is displayed in a chronological
and logical order Easy to complex
Feature 1, 2, 3...
Module 1, 3, 3...
Step 1, 2, 3...
Use colored boxes to make important things stand out
Green: Tips and tricks Blue: Information
Red: Important information Make complex language clear and educate on
jargon Use plain language
Be consistent in style and tone Explain technical jargon if necessary
Keep paragraphs short (four or five sentences max.)
Introductions Examples
Definitions Digressions
Use various forms of media for various types of learners
Articles Videos
Screenshots Gifs
Interactive content If more than one person is working on the
content Use similar language
Use similar style Be consistent
Make sure to use words your customers will search for
Choose your keywords Formulate questions using key words
Pay attention to how your customers name things Use styles to make things stand out
Header 1 Header 2
Header 3 Bold
Italic Link to other articles to relate them together
Checkout support.daniella.io to learn my exact process on how to create content such as powerful
tutorial articles and videos.
If you would like to get off the phone with current clients and focus on getting back
on the phone with fresh new leads then you should definitely check out my full, in-depth
course on how to build your businesses Knowledge Base from setting up Wordpress to getting
the word out to your customers and leads.
Get the full course to learn my exact methodology including purchasing a domain name, creating
tutorial video from A to Z, and setting up and translating a multilingual Knowledge Base.
The full course includes two amazing checklists to ensure your written content and video tutorials
are professional and clear.
The course may also serve as training for new Customer Support Specialists in your business,
as it is an incredible blueprint resource for building and maintaining an empowering
Knowledge Base.
The course also includes group support sessions to ensure you are on the right track in creating
and delivering your content.
Remember our question from the beginning: How can I scale customer support and serve
hundreds of clients at the same time, without having to hire more employees?
You can do it now with these extremely powerful tools and my super simple process that has
been proven and tested.
Simply click on the link below and get started now.
Note: Please take note that this is a shortened version of what is available at http://support.daniella.io/.
Purchase the full course by clicking on the button below!
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