We meet and we kiss.
And then we fall in love with each other.
I don't know who you are.
But I've been missing you.
This fall....Gazing profoundly
Dark Trap Beat | Trap Beat Instrumental 💀 "Dark Journey" (prod Globeats) - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
[ThePruld] Dark Souls misadventures - Halloween 2017 - Duration: 4:05.Siegmeyer: And so, as they arrived to the Heide's Tower
Siegmeyer: they entered in the cathedral that looked like the Anor Londo one.
Siegmeyer: But inside they didn't find Smough and Ornstien
Oscar: WOAH! Ah... wait... is not scary at all.
Lautrec: Yes, indeed it was crap.
Lautrec: I have a story that is scary.
Lautrec: Hey, Oscar. Look at this child.
Oscar: Yes, yes. I know. He's my son. He was never born. He's the third episode. You did that last year, Lautrec.
Lautrec: No! This is not the third episode. He's...
Pumpkin: OSCAAAR! Oscar: What the fu...uh?
Pumpkin:I'm the magical halloween's pumpkin and i'll grant you 3 wishes!
Pumpkin:Tell me, what are your three halloween wishes?
Oscar: i want the third episode!!
Oscar: But come the fuck on, you told me three wishes!
Pumpkin: They need to be halloween related!
Pimpkin: I'm a halloween pumpkin not some sort of...fuck off!
Oscar: Ok then..."boring"...
Oscar: I want... i want...
Pumpkin: Did i hear good?
Oscar: NO!! What the fuck you're saying!?
Oscar: Oh, come on!! You're a shitty punpkin!!
Oscar: What is this maddness?!?
Oscar: ...so, wait...
Oscar: Second wish!!
Oscar: Make these zombies disappear!
Pumpkin: Here you have it! Now the zombies are invisible!
Oscar: No! What do you mean invisible! What the fuck! No!
Oscar: Are you kidding me?
Pumpkin: This is halloween's magic!
Oscar: This is magic of SHIT!!
Oscar: come on...i have only one wish left!
Oscar: ...and I'm sure that if I say something you are going to fuck me up again with some bullshit.
Lautrec: I wish the zombie to be visible again and that they become bitches.
Lautrec: Problem solved. You're welcome.
Oscar: Ok, well.
Oscar: You're a shitty pumpkin.
Pumpkin: Now that your wishes have been garanted i can finally explode!
Oscar: What the fuck?
Cthulhu: BECAUSE...I'm bored.
Oscar: Ahh, Cthulhu! Soo cool!!
Oscar: ...listen...
Oscar: normaly i would have to attack you and say...
Oscar: "Ah, you're so cool I want to kill you!"
Oscar: ...buuuuut...
Oscar: I never gived a fuck about Cthulu...
Solaire: So i'll fight instead!
Solaire: Cthulu and I have been sworn enemies since a long time!
Solaire: Even before... ehm..
Solaire: everything was even born!
Solaire: and now, we'll put our rivarly to and end!
Cthulhu: Hi solaire :D
Solaire: Hi Chtulhu!! :D
Solaire: Ah, i mean...
Solaire: FIGHT ME, BEAST!!!
Solaire: If you are brav...
Oscar: OH! FUCK!
Oscar: Come on! It's already over?
Cthulhu: Ohh? Where did he go?
Oscar: Oh? When did Solaire move?
Oscar: I couldn't even see him!
Oscar: It seems like his power level has grown so much
Oscar: that his moves are invisible to bare eye!
Oscar: His souls level is OVER 9000! DAMN IT!
Oscar: DAMN!! *ninja vanish*
Solaire: Uh!
Solaire: Praise the sun!
Siegmeyer: Hey guys! I have some free tickets
Siegmeyer: so we can go to see the movie IT!
Optimus Prime Saves Sam Witwicky | Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) CLIP - Duration: 7:21.This is a national emergency broadcast.
Chicago has suffered a massive attack.
Wrong way!
Get out of here! Go back!
There is a ring of alien ships around Chicago.
Our high-range bombers were just knocked out of the sky.
They can't get through enemy air defenses over the city.
Our satellites have been jammed.
We have no way to monitor the enemy's movement.
Our old NEST teams are on stand-down holding at Grissom Air Force Base.
We're about 10 minutes from the battle zone.
We have Special Forces trying to gain access to the city,
and infantry is staging at the perimeter.
Excuse me, excuse me, it just doesn't make sense!
Can't we get any eyes in there at all?
They Keep shooting clown our drones.
They want us blind.
But we do have a couple of mini-drones we're gonna try.
Well, whoever's manning these UAV drones,
can we try to redirect them toward Trump Tower?
The kid, Witwickety, was on his way to Chicago.
Said some point-man human op is there for the Decepticons!
Listen, if I know anything, I know this,
that kid is an alien-bad-news magnet.
My God.
We came here to find her in the middle of all that?
Are we really going out there, Epps?
I'm not going in there.
No one's going in.
I am.
With or without you, I'll find her.
You're gonna get yourself killed, Sam. Is that what you want?
Is that what you want?
You came all the way out here to get yourself killed? Huh?
Listen to what I'm saying.
She's here because of me. Do you understand?
Listen, if you go in this building, that's if she's even still alive,
there's no way you're gonna be able to reach her!
What do you suggest I do?
It's over.
I'm sorry, but it's over.
We will kill them all.
Wreckers, kill him!
This is going to hurt!
A lot!
Your leaders will now understand.
Decepticons will never leave your planet alone.
And we needed them to believe we had gone.
For today, in the name of freedom,
we take the battle to them!
- I saw your ship blow up! - The ship?
We were never in the ship! We designed the damn thing, didn't we?
We were hidden in the first booster rocket to separate.
Splashed down back in the Atlantic, just as planned.
We ain't going nowhere.
Yeah, no one's exiling us.
The Autobots are staying right here. We're gonna help you win this war.
They're surrounding the city to make a fortress
so that no one can see what they're up to inside.
Our only chance is the element of surprise.
I think I know where to look!
Mini-drone is on approach to Trump Tower.
You're telling me Sam's headed into that?
Poor kid.
Probably never got close.
So, you can fly this thing, right?
What is that... What is that? What is that? So-so?
So you so-so can fly this. That feels terrible.
We're right behind you.
All right, we're going in!
The city is secure.
The humans cannot stop us.
As the afternoon falls,
the rest of the pillars will reach their launch position.
This is the victory I promised you so many years ago,
where we rebuild Cybertron together!
I have deigned to work with you
that our planet may survive!
I will never work for you!
You would be wise to remember the difference.
24 Reasons Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones & Thor The Dark World Are The Same Movie - Duration: 3:27.This film is the second installment in it's franchise and in case you never got a chance
to see the first, no biggie, because it starts off with a summary to fill you in on exactly
what you need to know (audio).
The movie stars Natalie Portman.
She's reunited with the dude she's in love with.
They seemed like really good friends in part 1, but a lie detector test determined that
was a lie because they haven't seen each other since.
Natalie Portman's life is in danger and she has to leave.
When she leaves, she leaves the comic relief in charge (audio).
The decision makers have a meeting about Natalie Portman's character.
The guy with the eye patch is talking and then the main character interrupts and he
gets pied.
It's embarrassing because it happened in front of the woman he loves.
Big Sean once said when it comes to girls, chemistry means way more than anatomy.
Obviously the hero with the pony tail never heard that song because on the balcony scene,
he falls deep in love with Natalie Portman even though they have nothing in common.
The hero looks like a pretty boy, but he's definitely about that life.
He could beat almost anybody up with his barehands, but sometimes he just uses the force to summon
his secret weapon and whoop you with that.
His powers are on full display during the aerial battle scene.
During the battle, it gets intense and he almost dies to death at least a hundred times,
but never breaks a sweat.
The warrior is mighty or whatever, but unfortunately, he's not strong enough to stop people from
His mother gets killed and he gets filled with rage and pursues revenge.
They have a funeral for his mom and him, his handicapped father, and his sorta kinda brother
mourn the loss.
But anyways, long time ago, there was this evil dude.
Everybody thought the evil dude died even though no one found a body or a death certificate,
but it's now confirmed he's alive and he wants some of the good guys dead (audio).
The hero and Portman have to leave for her own safety.
Meanwhile, their friend goes to the library and does some astronomy research on the bad
His researches leads him to the conclusion that the pale white creatures with the mohawks
are behind everything.
Obviously, the hero and his lover are no match for the bad guys.
They've been traveling and are running on fumes at this point.
Natalie Portman struggles to stay conscious, but the good news is when she falls the bad
guys put her in the Jesus position to keep her upright so it looks like a fair fight.
After the ship with the blended coating lands on the desert looking planet, it's gets
super intense.
There's an action sequence that takes place and the fight is so intense that even though
the innocent bystanders are in danger, they don't wanna miss anything and refuse to
run away.
The good guys are outnumbered, but the odds are evened up after the monster kills some
of the generic henchman characters.
The hero gets his hand chopped off and it's low key funny because the first thing that
crosses my mind is that if he and Portman survive and get to do it, he'll never be
able to take her bra off by himself.
Afterwards, the lightening technique that worked on all the other bad guys is used and
has no effect whatsoever.
The screen starts PMSing and you can't tell the good guys from the bad guys.
The good guys win and celebrate, the hero sticks a middle finger to policy and violates
an unofficial rule by pursuing his forbidden love.
When the fight is finally over, we learn that it's not really over because the old man
who's in charge is only masquerading as one of the good guys, but he's really a
Those are 24 reasons these movies are the same.
You agree?
Yes, no, maybe so?
If not, politely share your thoughts in the comment section below and click the subscribe
button for more 24 reason videos.
Gorgeous 34ft Tiny Home Custom Loft With Dark Wood Accents - Duration: 3:59.GORGEOUS 34FT TINY HOME CUSTOM LOFT WITH DARK WOOD ACCENTS
Terror and tourism in Tokyo Dark - Duration: 1:42.In Tokyo dark you're a detective who explores Tokyo's creepy underworld, but also
famous tourist destinations like Akihabara and Shinjuku
The tourist spots might be tacky
But they can be fun too. When Detective Ito needs to talk to witnesses in a maid cafe you get dragged into their full routine
Holding your hands up like paws
Reciting a chant and tasting a cat -shaped pancake, which looks delicious
Later there's a temple, surrounded by falling cherry blossoms, a friendly golden gai bar and a cat cafe
where a cat creeps up and noses into the text box while you're trying to interview the owner.
Even when you visit places that aren't as nice like a bar owned by the Yakuza
the suicide forest of Aokigahara or a hostess club where a gross dude hits on you it still feels like a very familiar Japan.
Witnesses won't always open up unless you find the right way to talk to them
But you can just threaten them until they tell you what you want to know if you're not in the mood for their side quests
or their pancakes.
I didn't want to take this option, except for with that one
gross dude in the club because the gaudy side of Tokyo is so cheerful.
The people might be obstructive, but as Tokyo Dark veers into murder and madness, tangling you up in the story of a suicide cult
the tacky distractions become a reprieve from the horror and traveling back to the light side of the city feels like a relief
Even the maid cafe.
Schoolies | Beware Of The Dark | Halloween Nursery rhymes |Songs For Children by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:09:47.Oh look!
Its dark
Scary but attractive
Lets go...
Beware Beware Beware!
Beware Beware Beware!
Beware of the dark that's when monsters attack!
You can look in the front but who will watch your back!
Beware Beware Beware!
Through the fog
Nothing clear
Holding tight
To your nerves dear
Thud Thud Thud!
Whats that sound?
Its your Heart!
Beating loud..
Beware of the dark that's when monsters attack!
You can look in the front but who will watch your back!
Beware Beware Beware!
There are tombs
You can act.
You don't scare!
But when they bite
You will know
And your fright
Will be clear
Beware of the dark that's when monsters attack!
You can look in the front but who will watch your back!
Beware Beware Beware!
Dota 2 7.07 - Miracle Winter Wyvern Carry Middle vs Dark Willow - Imba TI Winner - Duration: 14:55.Please Like This Clip And Click On The Subscribe Button
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For thousands, a second night in the dark - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Introducing Dark Mountain: Issue 12 - Duration: 2:13.This is SANCTUM, the 12th issue of Dark Mountain. I'm Dougald Hine, one of the
editors of the book. I'd like to introduce it to you by reading a few
lines from the editorial which Steve Wheeler and I wrote. It's called
'At the Mouth of the Cave'.
'What, if anything, is sacred? Nothing should be sacred comes the
impatient answer from the enthusiasts for gene-splicing and geoengineering, the
singularitarians eager to upload their consciousness into a disembodied
digital eternity. To call anything sacred is to set it off-limits to improvement
by the application of human ingenuity - to stand in the way of progress! And then
these same enthusiasts write books called The God Species or make
declarations like 'We are as gods and have to get good at it!' Those of us who
are not enamoured of these visions of techno-progress also end up invoking the
old language of the sacred as we try to articulate what goes missing
when environmentalism talks in terms of ecosystem services. 'In nature, I see
something divine,' wrote Paul Kingsnorth in an earlier issue of Dark Mountain, 'and
when I see it it moves me to humility.' As we reach for words that might encompass
the vastness of the unraveling now underway, the great tide of loss that our
kind has brought about – above all, the sixth mass extinction in the long life
of our planet – it seems these are the words that come to hand.
Whether taken up in a spirit of humility or hubris, this is a language that speaks
of ultimate things, of power, of loss and longing, of limits and of the limitless.'
And that's why it made sense to us to make a Dark Mountain book which takes
'the sacred', in many senses, as its theme. The book is out now. If you want to read
more, then go to the Dark Mountain website. Thank you.
MUST WATCH Dark Legacy – George H W Bush and the Kennedy Assassination Documentary - Duration: 1:45.MUST WATCH Dark Legacy � George H.W. Bush and the Kennedy Assassination (Documentary)
Dark Legacy is a thorough, documented, criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush,
establishing beyond a reasonable doubt his guilt as a supervisor in the conspiracy to
assassinate John F. Kennedy.
You must see it to believe that former president George Herbert Walker Bush was connected to
the assassination of JFK.
The evidence is overwhelming and as the author of this documentary, John Hankey says, �If
we could present this evidence to a jury in Texas, he would pay with his life�.
Did you know that Daddy Prescott Bush was Hitler�s chief banker in the U.S. before
Did you know that George H.W. Bush was in the CIA and in Dallas when Kennedy was killed?
Dark Legacy explores the many connections between George Bush and the Kennedy Assassination
and makes a very convincing argument that he was the operational leader of the most
important coup in American history.
Remove Your Dark Spots Naturally Overnight | 5 Genius & Unique Ways to Get Rid - Duration: 1:58.How to get rid of dark spots naturally from face at home. Here you will see 5 best ways to remove dark spots from face in 2-3 days.
Step – 1: Use multani mitti and Apply it mixed with water and rinse off once it dries.
Step-2: Dip clean cotton in butter milk and gently graze it all over your facial skin. Clean face with plain water after half an hour.
Step-3: Blend 1 – 2 tablespoons of Baking soda and water to make thin paste. Apply to the dark spot area. Leave for 15 – 20 minutes and clean with lukewarm water. Repeat 1 – 2 times daily until the fresh skin or removing dark spots.
Step-4: Use your fingers or a cotton swab to apply 5 – 10 drops of refined coconut oil to the influenced region before resting. Leave overnight and wash in the morning.
Step-5: Squeeze the gel from a new aloe vera leaf or just utilize aloe vera juice. Apply to the affected area and delicately knead for 2 – 3 minutes. Leave for 3 – 5 minutes and wash with water.
Dark Willow Combo Initiate - Duration: 0:16.First cast Bramble Maze and immidiately cast Terrorize to move enemy towards Bramble Maze
As soon as enemy hero is stuc in bramble maze dagger in and cast second part of ultimate Bedlam to cause more damage.
While in bedlem you can make yourself immune by casting shadow realm and stun using cursed crown.
5 Dark Secrets About Harvey Weinstein Hollywood Doesn't Want You To Know - Duration: 8:47.5 Dark Secrets About Harvey Weinstein Hollywood Doesn't Want You To Know
Harvey Weinstein is a prolific filmmaker. Over the course of his career, he's produced or executive produced over 100 movies, winning multiple Academy Awards and betting both himself and his investors millions of dollars.
He's been personally awarded the title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II for his contributions to British filmmaking, as well as made a knight of the French Legion of Honour in recognition of his work on foreign films.
His activism in AIDS, juvenile diabetes, and multiple sclerosis research, as well as a vocal support of gun control laws and universal healthcare, are lauded by liberals and Democrats across America.
However, recent allegations by dozens of women, including high profile actresses that have worked on his films, revealed a side to Weinstein that has been a dark secret in Hollywood for decades.
The cheerful film buff and liberal activist facade have hidden a wolf in sheep's clothing, and only now has the disguise been ripped off to reveal the predator within.
Here are the dark secrets Hollywood doesn't want you to know about Harvey Weinstein.
5, 2017, The New York Times ran an exposé that revealed Weinstein had been paying off women who accused him of sexual assault for decades. Following that article, another piece by The New Yorker was published that alleged Weinstein had assaulted 13 women and sexually assaulted three of them.
Prominent actresses like Kate Beckinsale, Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, and Rose McGowan all came forward with their own harrowing tales of assault at Weinstein's hand.
It had been an open secret in Hollywood that Weinstein used his power as a studio executive to extract sexual gratification from actresses, willingly or otherwise, but it's only recently been revealed that his behavior was well known enough to have specific clauses written into his employment contract with The Weinstein Company.
If Weinstein "treated someone improperly in violation of the company's Code of Conduct," the contract began, he would reimburse TWC "damages of $250,000 for the first such instance, $500,000 for the second such instance, $750,000 for the third such instance, and $1,000,000 for each additional instance.".
Since the scandal broke, Weinstein has been fired from the board of the company be began with his brother Bob, as well as having his membership with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences revoked. 4 He Loves Being In Charge.
Even if you're not a woman, working with Weinstein was never a walk in the park. He's notorious for requiring any film he produces to conform to his own personal vision of what the film should be.
When he acquired the rights to distribute several foreign films, including Shaolin Soccer, Hero, and Princess Mononoke, he tried to heavily edit all three films to the point where the original directors had to threaten him just to get him to stop.
Hayao Miyazaki, director of Princess Mononoke, sent him a very special message on editing. He mailed a katana to Weinstein's home with a small note attached that read simply, "No cuts". Weinstein got the message and released the film as is.
3 He's Got a Legendary Temper. Weinstein is also well known in Hollywood for having a temper that can get away from him at times that would cause loud and obnoxious public outbursts.
At one point, he put a New York Observer reporter in a headlock before tossing him out of a party.
He also blasted award-winning theatre and film director Julie Taymor following a test screening of her movie Frida, screaming "you are the most arrogant person I have ever met," before turning to her partner, film composer Elliot Goldenthal, and bellowing, "I don't like the look on your face.
Why don't you defend your wife, so I can beat the s— out of you?".
His reputation for having a temper eventually got him sent to anger management classes by his head of production. He'd later be diagnosed with adult-onset diabetes and would blame his fits of rage on spiking blood sugar levels. 2 He's A Bully .
A man who always has to be in charge and has a temper is a prime candidate to be called a bully.
Perhaps the best example of this is the movie The Reader, a German drama that Miramax acquired the rights to release in the US.
Weinstein desperately wanted to release the film in 2008, however, producers Anthony Minghella and Sydney Pollack wanted to delay the release to early 2009. The catch was Minghella died in March 2008 while Pollack was dying of cancer.
Weinstein would continue to harass Pollack while he was on his deathbed until Pollack's family intervened. The Reader released in December 2008 after Pollack had passed away.
1 He Defended Roman Polanski . In 1977, Roman Polanski, a French-Polish film director and producer, was arrested and charged with sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl.
As part of a plea bargain, he was sentenced to probation, but as further details of the incident came to light the judge reneged on the deal and was about to sentence Polanski to 50 years in prison.
He then promptly fled the United States to France, where there was no extradition treaty. Polanski was eventually arrested while visiting Switzerland in 2009, however, the arrest stirred controversy in the US due to the judge's reversal on the plea deal.
Harvey Weinstein publicly voiced opposition to efforts to extradite Polanski to the US, saying, "We're calling on every film-maker we can to help fix this terrible situation.".
While he later clarified that his position was against the judge for his poor handling of Polanski's case, nobody denies that Polanski sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl.
7 Day Challenge That Removes Dark Spots, Marks And Cleans The Face - Duration: 2:10.welcome to healing house.
f dark marks or spots on your face are bothering it is time to take the 1-week challenge. The
1-week challenge includes using a natural serum regularly for 1 week which can provide
you flawless skin.
This serum will provide your healthy and glowing skin in just 1 week of time and remove the
dark marks naturally.
Instead of using the expensive beauty creams this is perfectly natural and inexpensive
way to get rid of dark marks on your skin.
The serum will provide nourishment to your skin, will help it to remain hydrated, will
heal the damaged skin and provides it a natural glow.
– 3 tablespoons Aloe Vera gel – ½ teaspoon glycerin
– 2 vitamin E capsules – 2 teaspoons rose water
– Take a small bowl and add the Aloe Vera gel, glycerin and rose water. Mix well and
finally add the vitamin E capsules and stir again.
– Apply the serum on your face by using circular motions and massage it for 10 minutes.
The serum should be left on the skin for 60 minutes so it can do wonders for your skin.
Afterwards you should wash your face using warm water.
– The aloe Vera gel is going to repair any damages to your skin; it will treat acne outbreaks
and prevent any skin infections. The vitamin E and glycerin E will moisturize and rejuvenate
the skin and the rose water is going to lighten the skin and get rid of all imperfections.
– Do this treatment on a daily basis for 1 week and you will get back your healthy
glow and the dark spots from your face will disappear.
– Vitamin E is potent and fat-soluble antioxidant and it can rejuvenate the health and beautify
you as well.
Dota 2 7.07 - Sumiya Invoker vs Dark Willow Middle - Best Invo vs New Hero - Duration: 12:29.Please Like This Clip And Click On The Subscribe Button
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