Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 12, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Dec 28 2018

Hi guys Nick here from Intuitive Tennis. In today's video we're going to cover

the classic forehand. Before I break down the classic forehand piece-by-piece I

want you to first take a look at some of the great champions from the past.

Players such as Rod Laver, Martina Navratilova, Chris Evert, John McEnroe,

Jimmy Connors and Ivan Lendl. Take a look at how these great champions used

to hit the forehand.

Let's start off with the grip. So the grip on a classic forehand is mostly

going to be a continental grip. Players back in the day didn't really change the

grip from the forehand to the backhand. In addition to that players, back in

those days were predominantly serve volleyers and so the grip is pretty much

the same for the forehand and the backhand. Ivan Lendl was one of the first

players to have more of a eastern grip on the forehand and after him the grip

obviously kept shifting more and more towards the semi western and the western side.

The arm structure on a classic forehand was mostly a straight arm

structure and this is related to the grip. So if I'm in a continental grip and

if I have a bent arm it's not gonna work because what happens is. With a classic

forehand in a continental grip we cannot hit the ball too far in front.

If you look at from this angle the further in front I go in a

continental grip the more difficult it becomes to close the racket. You see the

racket naturally and wants to open up the further in front I go. So the contact

is gonna have to be further behind almost next to the body like this and if

I now had a bent arm on this shot it would put me even further

behind so this would be an impossible shot. The bent on forehand with a

continental grip simply does not work. So the arm structure on almost all classic

forehands back in the day was a straight arm structure.

The take-back is somewhat related to the grip and the arm structure on the

classic forehand and so what happens is because we have a straight arm and a

contact that's going to be further behind and we're not going to have a

loop in the swing. We're gonna just maintain the straight arm from beginning

to end and so the player is in a ready position like this and then he will take

it back straight like this. This is what the players used to do. Jimmy Connors,

John McEnroe, Chris Evert and Martina Navratilova.

There was no looping action like this because look if I loop and my arm

naturally wants to go in a bend I'm not going to loop the racquet with a

straight arm like this so the players back in the day simply in a continental

grip would just take the racket straight back something like this.

And we already covered the contact is very much related to the way the players

used to hold the racket in the continental grip, but I want to just give

you one more comparison between the way the contact is on a modern forehand and

the way the contact was on a classic forehand. So one big misconception

when it comes to the classic forehand is that the contact was in a sideways

position like this. So if you imagine me playing this way if the net was in front

of me this way. One misconception is that the players used to stay

sideways on the shot. This is not true You saw the slow-motion footage of all

the great players Rod Laver etc. Even Rod Laver would hit the majority of his

forehands open stance and that contact at the chest that would be facing towards

the net. So the best player is back in the day even though they had a classic

forehand they would still and make contact with their chest parallel to the

net and they were not sideways what is most commonly believed. On the modern

forehand the contact is even more in front, where on the right-handers, the

right shoulder will be in front of the left shoulder. This was not possible back

in a day and with a continental grip we would' t be able to achieve a contact

this far in front because like I said you would not be able to close the

racquet face properly and because of the continental grip. So the contact was

somewhere around here next to the body, but the chest was facing towards the net.

It wasn't as far in front as the players today, but it was still a contact that

was in front of the body.

The finish on the classic forehand was much shorter than the finish is on a

modern forehand the way the players hit it today. The finish would

rarely go past the point of the shoulder. Usually the players would finish

somewhere around here. They would abruptly stop the stroke and so it was overall

a shorter swing path. The players didn't go all the way around like this,

like the players do today. They would abruptly stop the stroke somewhere

around here. What this also means is that the stroke because of this

shorter finish also had less rotation. There was a rotation in the beginning

phase of the classic forehand but there was a lot less rotation in the end stage

and therefore the classic forehand had a lot less power compared to the modern

forehand. The classic forehand does not have as much rotation as the modern

forehand, however it is still a circular swing and not a linear swing. We

already talked about the contact and so when the contact is with the chest

facing towards the net like this and now the upper body rotation is going to

continue and not as far as it would be on a modern forehand, but it is still a

rotational stroke with an across the body a type of swing path. So if let's

look at it again. It's a straight take back like that with a shoulder turn and

now the racket comes around and the contact is somewhere around here and

then the hand and the body continue to rotate to this side. So it is not as

much of a rotational swing as it's today but it's still a rotational swing.

In addition to the classic forehand being a rotational shot it was also a shot that

was performed mostly in a open stance position even the great Rod Laver who

played in the 60s would hit the majority of his forehands in an open stance

position and not as often as the players do it nowadays where the open stance

forehand has probably hit 90 percent of the time, but still even back in those

days in the wooden racket era, the open stance for hand was very predominant and

the open stance forehand depends mostly on the penetration of the

incoming ball. If you're interested, I can post a link to my open stance versus

closed dance video, where I discuss the open stance and the closed stance

forehand in detail.

If you are a recreational player and have a classic forehand should you

switch to a modern forehand? Well this is going to depend on the individual and

let's just take a John McEnroe for example. So should John McEnroe switch his

forehand to a modern forehand? Well absolutely not. He could possibly ruin

his forehand if he all of a sudden try to do a semi-western grip or he tried to

add a loop to his forehand. This is absolutely unnecessary. John McEnroe has

all the fundamental elements that are required for a good forehand it just

happens to be a classic forehand with a continental grip and a more straighter

take back and less of a finish. However there is a chance that your recreational

forehand and might not look as good as John McEnroe's forehand and what happens

often at the recreational level in addition to having these classic

characteristics of strokes and players will have a straight take back. They will

have a old-school continental grip and the players will often be sideways at

contact and this is possibly the number one mistake at the recreational level.

So a classic forehand will not work in a sideways position. You take all these

great champions they have a contact with the chest pointing towards the towards

the net. So your classic forehand needs to have the fundamental elements of a

good forehand and what are those? It's a good preparation with a shoulder turn

and the take-back, it doesn't need a loop necessarily, it can be a straight take

back and this stroke needs to have a rotation. The stroke is a rotational

stroke and so if you used to playing the ball sideways like this you must learn

to open the stroke up a little bit and rotate your shoulders and make contact

somewhere around here and then try to finish as much as you can

I'm gonna try to hit a few classic fore hands with a continental grip with a

straighter take back and I'm gonna try to keep my arm as straight as possible

and then a more shorter abrupt finish and I'll try to make contact with my

right shoulder in front. So let's see how it goes.

I have left out the great champions Borg and Vilas out of this classic

forehand lesson on purpose, because these two guys are the fathers of the modern

forehand. So tune in 2 weeks from now when I cover the modern forehand. As for now I

want to thank you for watching this video. Please hit that like button.

Subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> The Classic Forehand - Duration: 11:56.


Review of Ration Available in SA: Back Country Cuisine 24H Classic Ration Pack Part 2 of 2 - Duration: 30:05.

Hi This is BlindFox welcome at the second part of the backcountry cuisine

plastic ration pack ration review this is not a South African ration I know or

made in South Africa this is made in New Zealand I got this in South Africa

though I got this from the survivalist or co to za they also have other

backcountry rations and some camping survival gear before we get started

please subscribe to my channel if you've got annotations on YouTube on you can

just click that little button on the bottom right hand side of the screen if

you want to donate to this channel you can go and buy me some vouchers at Emory

Mountain oh sorry yeah in my mountain comm USA I want to do some

international and u.s. rations and I'm a will most likely get some day if you

want to become a permanent donate to this channel please go and support me on

patreon so let's get started with this ration review I'm also going to check

out the grated cheese which the survivalists ain't bonus to me little

extra with my order so thanks to them I'll get the chance to take out the

grated cheese I will first prepare the meal without the grated cheese and then

I think I prepared um you or put some cheese in it but let's get started with

lunch then

welcome at lunch I'm going to say I'm gonna try out the grated cheese and Fitz

going to prepare the meal without the grated cheese and then I'll try it with

the grated cheese with a bit of the grated cheese on I'm also going to try

some of the grated cheese separately as I said I got this as a little extra

bonus with my order we're going to have the roast lamb and vegetables we're

going to have to they're candy chocolates we're going to have the

coffee and the salon tea there's just some salt and pepper if I wanted to use

them and then there is some sugar and creamer which we also might use to

prepare the roasted lamb there you can see there's at a notch you're supposed

to remove the mashed potatoes add 210 mal to the mesh and then add 150 ml to

zip race there is a packet you can see there's the mesh and here is use the

rest of the stuff there's nice and crispy

so I'll just go in to play this and I say to assist you pay the rest of the

meal and then later at the cheese you are supposed to add two tablespoons of

cheese I'm not gonna read all the ingredients in this stuff it's just too

much you read or to remember when I read it

they are you about it but it's quite a bit of ingredients you can see there

that whole list so then prepare this and I'll be back ok first we're going to

check out the coffee

you can see it's fine it's sort of course granules interesting hey we've

got our coffee and tea that I need you I'm not going to show betting the water

part do the food I'm just gonna do it and bring the food rec yeah I did the

coffee and tea and this stuff is still rehydrating let's check out these are

the candy chocolate friends of them this smells very I mean Amy it smells more

like in my name is Dane it smells like the South African Smarties it looks

about this day four colors maybe

anyway there's four or five colors let's check them out so long you can see

they're nice little piece of candy around the chocolate it tastes like it

tastes more like it South African star peas and it does the Eminem's I'm going

to sort them out later and keep some of them so that I can some way to do a

comparison between them M&Ms and Smarties I'm still looking for M&Ms when

I'm looking for my name's I never found them but that you can find them here so

I'm going to look for some M&Ms and do a comparison and since I have these now I

can keep some of them and also use them let's check out this cheese it says to

use two tablespoons in food with these they not rest it's quite easy to open it

oh you would think so okay you can see there's a bit of the cheese I'm going to

put a little bit of water in and see if you can reconstitute this yes it's a lot

of cheese in there seal it up for now it's going to put a little bit of cold

water uni and see what happens I just put a little bit of cold water and

you're not gonna put water water in here then it will melt so I'm just gonna see

what happens do it so we can just stand there for a bit it really tastes very

cheesy I hope this reconstitute now

it has been more than ten minutes this smells meaty can see there's some peas

and meat in there it tastes nice but this piece it's

savory I'm just gonna add some just gonna reduce the size of the bowl here

you can see there's their notches so you can make this a bowl I think I rather

cut it since my tearing ability is a bit good it's a good thing to always have a

pocket knife around you can see there's some more vegetables and meat I think

this might do well with some extra flavoring I'll add some salt and pepper

just now face the mesh take this out it taste nice and potatoey it tastes better

than some of instant measures I've tasted before

it's just editing here he dropped out nice and easy let's check it out it's a

bit more texture and still a bit lacking interest it's dumping the pepper and


it really does improve the taste a bit I'm outside this thing stuff does

reconstitute some it tastes quite nice it's very cheesy does not taste

processed it tastes taste like a little bit crunchy cheese though just put some

in here I thought of just guesstimated some cheese sort of 2 tablespoons worth

of it just gonna mix it through and let it stand a bit this might not

reconstitute as well as it would do in you ready in before you add the hot

water but you wouldn't mind if the cheesy so bit crunchy but I just want

the flavor of it if you're gonna do this with cheese you will most like to add

the cheese directly when you add the hot water to this let's check out the coffee

and I said with breakfast this is nice it's almost like a Nescafe coffee nice

and strong it's not like the weeks of African coffees Russian coffees you get

like tonight nice roasted taste you'd actually taste the coffee it's really


the tea I just leave the bag in I like strong team it doesn't have that better

Terry says some teas does it does have a nice tea taste I like it I'm not gonna

do sugar and milk in my tea I just don't like sugar and milking tea

I just take the cheese up again the teeth taste nice and cheesy it's still a

bit um garnishee but I figured that since I don't know you know most likely

supposed to do it like this but I have to get the taste off the tooth it's nice

you can take out there honest juice again it's a bit sweet but it's nice is

much more like orange juice then we'll drink I like this it doesn't have that

overwhelming thinking pop tastes like this other self effort for the South

African stuff does see these they don't have a little Iman they look but South

African smart it isn't there's this bright they look more than in my names

but they taste more South African smart you like definitely more smartly taste

then Eminem's let's taste this again it's definitely

no I said with the bit of cheese you do get a bit of cheese the salt helped I

don't know this the meat tastes a bit prefer but it's still nice it's nice and

between she doesn't have strong flavors it could have done with a bit more

rosemary perhaps it would have really helped this so if you've got little herb

packets do take it along but the paper help and to sort the up and the little

bit of cheese have also helped this is very nice I would have don't have any

problem eating this it's not too overwhelming flavor but you can juice it

up a bit if you want to

so this was lunch the cheese I'm really really surprised with this cheese I

really it's really nice and cheesy it's not really made to reconstitute

separately but we didn't do a bad job of it I'm not gonna try to know if you

would try it on something else but my sake will do in the vegetarian meal see

if there's something I can try it on I really like the the stew the cheese

just give it a bit more depth and it liked it but likes a bit of first the

tea is nice not availability the coffee is nice and strong the cools the

diatonic throw the orange flavored paper regime drink it's nice orange it's not

doesn't take that a lot of you are like ooh drink it's a nice balance between :

can juice taste and the mi names or the little candy covered sweet taste more

like thyself African small teeth in you names do I bet it's some rosemary in

here it up subsidized but the FICA Ferb's if you've got some garlic powder

you can also add a bit in here to help the taste it tastes much better now

so thanks for watching this meal I really like this see you at dinner

and the small bonus part of the video since I've got all of these lovely

cheese to play with each honest and 60 grams its we need to reconstitute it

it's supposed to be 250 grams I've decided to play with it a bit I've

reconstituted some more in cold water it's not it looks a bit weird and it's a

bit weight on the outside but hey they'd they don't say to do this but well I'm a

bit bored so it's so I've got some different crackers and some cheese I've

done one on the wheat worth because the cracker is so crunchy it just tastes

like regular cheese on a cracker yeah it's a bit wait but oh the slightly

weighted cheese doesn't really matter it's still tres nice and good and this

whatever you call this Finn little cracker it also tastes nice whenever you

can see but because you reconstitute this in Lewes cold water there's still a

bit of water left there I did drain it a bit but the cheese is a bit later than

normal cheese on the outside but it still works with cheese on crack you can

still do it if you really want cheese on crackers take the little small one as

well the strike the witness off the cheese doesn't really but for me doesn't

really influence the taste it must just not sit for a long time on these

crackers I'll sit the crackers will be way more soft

besides a slight weakness of the cheese for me it guys just the same as normal

teas I don't have normal cheese to compare it with now but it still tastes

the same you can just ignore dust lightweightness I know if you dry this

out again will it stand a bit to dry first but I must say you can

reconstitute this of cold water as well and I presume if you just one little

cheese sauce you can do to a bit of hot milk I think we'll do cook the same way

so if you really really really want cheese and crackers in the pinch you can

use this for that as well and I presume you can also put a bit of

this on your sandwiches if you want a little cheese sandwich I'm not going to

try this now but it can work so this is the little bonus playing with the cheese

I hope you've enjoyed this

welcome at dinner we are going to have the classic beef curry 100 grams of

jelly beans making just look at the

Soviets or issues we're going to have this salon tea

we're going to have the drinking chocolate and there is pre mirin sugar I

don't know if you will notice they shoot the packages I just have nice little

pictures on them and there's some soaked if we need it I'm not really sure how

much does this if this makes a cup I'm not really sure of sine theta or I

figure it out time add water to it and we're gonna open this now but you can

see there's a little tab you can open this and you can do see--let's this is

just a nice little packet it's quite a few tissues in there let's start taking

this out you can see here is two notches there's a seal way so you can seal this

package after you open it and there's also ten I should say like all the

others so you could make the bowl it's stay this open before we start you

can see this to reparation instructions and some ingredients are not gonna read


is this got the same meat squares as the steelhead society I didn't see any

oxygen absorbers in there and they don't say that there is money so I'm gonna add

some water to everything and I'll be back it's just a nasty bug nothin much

again that little picture there this doesn't have two notches but it

soaked it opened quite easily you don't smell nice and Kukui you see this girl

cooing day I might just add sugar and the creamer here I don't know I'll find

see when I I've added water to everything the tea

he's steeping so long and the chocolate I just add is water to everything I

might just add milk to the chocolate as well well we wait for everything it's

quite the nice list of ingredients I'm not gonna read everything city's 100


you can see there is quite a lot of chili beans let's check out some you're

gonna try the black one she'll poked it and go back through one

now this tastes like black once I start decrease its taste the orange ones these

stuff sort of want to cling to each other they're almost bit soft you can't

really see them nicely layer until I've cut through it with my knife now you can

see there's chili inside and there is candy outside great ones

um I think something a bit of might be a bit of cherry type of flavor

orange orange green once diced aluminum

almost dice Turkish version liquid to out that lemony flavor to it but you can

see there's quite a variety of jelly beans these are almost as if they're but

tell me they're not totally dry as they sometimes are there bit soft

we are still waiting for the food let's take out the chocolate drink this nice

and chocolatey and does have a chocolatey taste I'm gonna add some

creamer to this drink do it more lighter color and see if I can add a bit more

creaminess they did say you can use either water or milk to mix this up with

and I used water so I don't really taste taste change it tastes much nice

chocolatey there's no sugar in here so if you want but it's sweeter you have to

add some sugar I'm not gonna add sugar no I might just add sugar and see what

happens and so not gonna add it to my tea ice and just as well much much

sweeter now still a nice night like chocolate theme now just a nice sweet

chocolate this is not really bad it's nice just check through the tea iced tea

is nice and fragrant it's not very bitter s a lot of tees off I'm just

gonna let it stand a bit I used the chopstick tricks with mixing this stuff

you can see the chopstick is much taller than the spoon

I cut the members showed us the chocolate after I can't remember who

showed us the chopsticks stick trick on the videos I know if it was close but

you can look in there there is some piece down there okay they stay notice

but I'm just gonna cut through this v-space excited you can see there's a

lot of peas in there there's maybe there's some it's very very soupy you

see there's a pea and summarize and I think there's some beef

this definitely needs salt everything in here is it nicely

reconstituted you taste the curry this is not as humanely Laden as a South

African stuff I taste it was the peas are a bit chewy the meat is also

somewhat chewy but it's not bad everything isn't it's ordinarily soft

but and it's almost a bit saucy goo saucy

the onions are still a bit crunchy it's gonna just stand there for now let's

check out chocolate again sugar definitely much this nice and sweet the

nice thing that they don't add sugar to this is that you can add extra sugar if

you want to it's an it's a shame that they don't provide extra little sugar

packet for you since you only get four sugar packets so something you will have

to drink without sugar the teak even though this is steeped for collect a lot

long-term now it doesn't have that bitterness of some teas it's a nice

flavorful think it's called a striver fool tea it's not your sort of weak tea

but it just not doesn't have that tea bitterness it's a nice herby tea the tea

Lavigne's or nice as I said therapist Vicky I don't know why let me tell you

something but they want to stick together and the curry it does have a

slight pin it does need a bit of flavors it's not as but it's flavorful as it

could be but it's not a bad curry he's a bit soupy though I didn't even

use the whole cup to make to rehydrate this it's even more soupy than

yesterday's roast lamb the rest lamb and the mash was nice goes to mash sort of

absorbed all that extra sauciness this just tastes like a nice like curry I do

like this well let's check out the tissues now said I'm gonna open this is

easy just open it like that

you move one and then just stick it close again this is a normal tissue it's

nice and strong

nothing large nice and soft so it will work for any thing you want to use a

tissue for whatever it might be so that was dinner thanks for watching

the backcountry cuisine classic ration pack with me you can see we are seen you

say me see now which is just right that's lift please subscribe to this

channel if you've got annotations enabled the subscribe button is there on

the bottom right side side of the screen if not please go and subscribe on

YouTube please donate to this channel if you want to do a one-time thing please

go and buy me some vouchers at Emory mountain comm I want to do some rations

and I will use the u.s. a website of Emory Mountain to order me some Russians

I want to do some USA and international ones and if you want to be a cover

permanent subscriber to the or supporter of this channel please go and support me

on patreon I've opened it by today it's a game thanks again for watching this

video with me please join me for my next ration review


For more infomation >> Review of Ration Available in SA: Back Country Cuisine 24H Classic Ration Pack Part 2 of 2 - Duration: 30:05.


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Charming Classic and Gorgeous Chalet Hildebrand Cabin in the North Lake Tahoe, Carnelian Bay, CA

For more infomation >> Charming Classic and Gorgeous Chalet Hildebrand Cabin in the North Lake Tahoe, Carnelian Bay, CA - Duration: 3:10.


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Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!

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Acoustic Classic Rock - Best Classic Rock 70's 80's 90's Of All Time - Duration: 1:22:58.

Thanks for watching my video! Participate in my channel on social sites (Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc ...) so more people can hear and have fun! Thank you for reading and having a great day!

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Deathstalker | Brian Colin | Stories from the Midwest Gaming Classic - Duration: 13:16.

- If you've played Rampage, Pigskin 621 A.D.,

Xenophobe, or Arch Rivals, you've played a game

that Brian Colin's helped create.

Brian helped create more games in the arcade,

but some of those games went unreleased,

including a game called Deathstalker.

That game, Brian and Galloping Ghost Arcade are

working together to bring out, so that you can play

in the future, at their arcade.

(fun music)

- Alright, everybody, we are going to start

the Specter Files presentation and here is

legendary game creator Brian Colin to tell us about it.

- Thank you, Doc Mack.

I'm Brian Colin, I'm probably best known for

a lot of my early arcade games.

I've been making games for 35 years now,

and I started at Midway, and so a lot of people know me

for my games like Rampage, and Spy Hunter,

and Discs of Tron, and Pigskin,

and Arch Rivals, and Xenophobe.

And while I was really lucky in those days

to be able to work on a lot of projects at once for Midway,

and people know me for the games

that got released and that did pretty well,

and there's the other side of Brian Colin's games,

which are games like Ptooey Louie,

which was a bikini-clad woman flying

on a giant watermelon seed eating pterodactyl

who would spit them at giant, killer, invisible bees.

That didn't do so well, so it didn't get released.

We are here today with Doc Mack.

Doc has released some of the games

that are not as well known as others.

Doc Mack at the Galloping Ghost is fanatic about creating,

creating a world in which,

that these older games are not forgotten.

And one of the games that Doc heard me talk about was

a laserdisc game that I shot on 16 millimeter

for Bally/Midway back in the day,

called DeathStalker: the Specter Files.

It was a

B movie, detective parody.

Sorry, it was a B movie detective parody

that was meant to be an interactive fiction kind of game.

Unlike the games that were coming out at the time

that were just simply, it's a laser disc game,

but we're just taking the camera

and running it down a canyon and calling it Astronbelt.

I said to my bosses, is said look,

I went to school for film.

Give me a budget, give me some time, I can make this movie.

So, they said okay, I put an ad in the paper,

said "Vampires wanted, no experience necessary."

And I got some strange responses,

but I got a bunch of actors,

who were willing to do this game unpaid.

We rented a closed insane asylum in downtown Chicago

that had electricity, but no heat.

So in the month of February, we went there.

It was record lows, where there was

about 17 below on a good day.

We had to stop shooting in the place on several occasions

because the actor's breath would rise to the ceiling,

freeze, and then the lights would turn on

and in the middle of the shot snow would start falling

as their breath would.

It was an interesting month-long shoot.

I shared this story with Doc and Doc said,

"Why don't we recreate this game?"

Well, number one, it was never done.

The game was never.

The film was created, but by the time

we got done with the film, Midway had made the mistake

of making their premier laserdisc game

that got the rights to the NFL, an NFL interactive game.

They decided to put it on video disc,

which for those of you that understand

the difference in ancient technologies,

means I've got, in stead of a game with a laser,

I've got a game with a needle.

Okay, needle, disc, arcade game.

$2000 door stop, and I just did that there, too.

So, they decided, we're not doing any more disc games.

So it never happened, and Doc said to me,

"We're going to do this thing."

So I dug up, I found the old original footage,

and last year we began an recreation, or a restoration

of a game that had never actually been completed.

And we made great headway and then we had to take a hiatus.

The Galloping Ghost priority shifted

to that incredible game in the corner,

which is almost there.

Until just a few weeks ago, we got the green light to return

to DeathStalker: The Spector Files.

And today we are going to play,

we're gonna unveil the first playable demo

of the game where you can play all the way through.

It's about a young girl who is missing,

her name is Buffy McGuffin, and it's your job to find her.

And it is just what you think it would be.

It's very much an interactive fiction,

ABC choice sort of thing.

The acting is superb,

the cinematic quality is first-rate

for a 22-year old, 16 millimeter,

22-year old filmmaker, minimum budget,

working in the spare time after work.

So, I'm going to come around here

and turn it back on again.

I apologize for the un-photogenic pose there.

Let's see if we can bring this back up.

There we go.


There she is, the new DeathStalker.

The new, the first, the alive,

the resurrection of this undead game.

You guys, soon as we shut this down,

you can come play, you can watch the new music video,

which has been out on the internet forever.

You can read about Mack's story,

about everything I just said only I said

it much cleaner and shorter here on screen.

Or you can play the game, and the game,

you can't play the entire game, it's not done.

But you can play through, you can get the feel

for this sort of absurd, B movie,

interactive film that we did here.

And my enormous thanks to Doc Mack and the Galloping Ghost

for wanting to, again, restore a game that has

never been created, never been finished.

So, I really don't have anything else to say

about Specter files that, without just rambling about

horrific and incredibly funny bits for each

of the scenes and monsters and characters

and god-awful cinematics you're going to see in here,

so I'm going to shut up.

And on that note, I'd like to invite you all to come up

and play The Specter Files, courtesy

of Galloping Ghost Productions, oh, wait!

I guess, I should see if there is any questions,

since everybody else did questions, got a question, yes?

(man mumbling)

I had a copy fo the original 16 millimeter footage.

(man mumbling)

You will see the film scratches.

It's not as bad as work print, it is an actual print

from the original--

- [Man] What was it shot on?

- It was shot on 16 millimeter.

Uh, you got me, whatever--

- [Man] Are there color shifts in the film?

- Oh, yeah, no, this looks like 30-year old film,

that you're gonna see, it's faded.

If you want authenticity, it's in there.

And if by authenticity, we mean, oh,

there's a lot of that in there.

- [Man] And one other question.

- Yeah, sure.

- [Man] Since new games are being run on Unity (mumbling).

- I'm gonna have to dial Doc in on that

because obviously this game, it's a restoration.

It's one of these things that we've also created

an interactive film editor software

that we're gonna release for Unity.

So while we may not be able to release the game

for home version or for Unity version,

we may be able to release it as a sample

along with the interactive film editing software.

So, we're trying to negotiate, it's a little tricky

'cause we did it for Midway, back in the day, so.

That's excellent question, that's an excellent question.

Next question, next question, yeah?

(man mumbling)

Some of the actors are,

I still have all their names on file.

When we're done, they will all get credit on screen.

We literally, I had three students from film school

from my Alma Mater take the semester off

and come live in my attic

to shoot the film and then edit it.

It was very much a seat of the pants labor of love.

But nobody knows this is coming until it's done.

I wouldn't even be showing it to you guys

because I hate people seeing stuff that's not done.

But Doc loves showing stuff in its purist form

and that's exactly what this is.

Any other questions?

Alright, then I'm gonna wrap this up.

Thank you all for coming to MGC.

Thank you all for coming down here

and supporting Doc and the Galloping Ghost,

and thanks to Doc for doing this kind of insanity,

which nobody can talk him out of it.

Thank you, everybody.

(fun music)

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