Less than three months after 21-year-old California police officer Sean Tanner died, his heartbroken parents received a touching Christmas gift that left Tanner's mother in tears.
His older sister, Brittany Garcia, posted a video on Twitter — which has since been liked by more than 352,000 people — showing the mourning mother opening up the gift.
"My little brother died in the beginning of October," she wrote. "For Christmas I got my parents a build a bear in a police uniform (he was a cop) with his voice."
His mom, Sarah Tanner, is seen opening up the box, but as soon as she hears Sean's voice, she begins to cry uncontrollably.
According to The Daily Independent, Sean died on Oct. 8, 2018, at Ridgecrest Regional Hospital. He had always wanted to be a first responder.
"It's one of the first things he said when he began talking. Sean didn't get into dinosaurs, cars, drawing or sports," read part of his obituary. "He didn't play with Tonka trucks or animals. Literally every single toy he played with was a Rescue Hero, or some variation. Every movie was Rescue Heroes. He didn't have a favorite Disney movie; he had no interest. He was outside exploring, running, riding or playing with his Rescue Heroes."
At the time of his death, Sean was working as a police officer with China Lake Police Department as well as an on-call firefighter for the San Bernardino County Fire Department.
For more infomation >> Mom, Whose Police Officer Son Died, Breaks Down in Tears Over Build-A-Bear Featuring His Voice - New - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
okay folks we're gonna try this again because Facebook just cut off the last
one I think it's because we were going down a street where the signal changes
so anyway we're in New York City we're on our way to the theater hubby and I
there he is and I want to come in and talk to you for a minute until we whoops
get up there why is it so bumpy I wish I had something to stabilize this so I
wanted to come in and talk to you about maybe something that you're very akin to
like me because if you are like me you've been around the block in your
business I know I started focus on style online in 1999 it is just about reaching
20 years online so in 20 years online I learned a lot of stuff about online
business I've seen the market go up I've seen the market go down I've seen the
markets what changed I I know myself that I went from being a magazine type
site it was a spinoff from my syndicated fashion column that went out to 400
papers each week it was a continuation of my 15 years as a stylist I've been an
entrepreneur since I could crawl pretty much but what happened was a few years
ago I think it's about five years ago or so five or six I was on a plane on my
way to my vacation house in Jackson Hole Wyoming and I picked up a copy of
success magazine and I never really read it before and there was this article and
a full-page ad from Brenton for short and you might just want to say that
Brendon Burchard was my starter drug and working with business coaches and I love
to Brendon I still do I was actually listening to his podcast again yesterday
I've gone to oh a handful of his events and taking a bunch of his courses and I
just spent that first weekend when I got to know him just digesting ingesting
everything I could I signed up for everything on his site I read it I
watched all the videos I did everything and I'm like this is
experts Academy this is me well I'm like an expert duh right I've been a number
one for fashion expert in Google for 10 years online I'm known in the industry
as a style expert for I don't know 20 something years like I'm an expert this
is my Academy and it kind of put all the stuff together for me it really did and
of course they sell stuff there and at that point I'm like well I gotta go up
and follow that Jeff Walker formula I got to get my product launch together so
I took that and I ended up through the years taking all sorts of courses I mean
I probably have invested over a hundred thousand dollars in business coaching I
work closely with Suzanne Evans and Larry wing it I have impersonally
working with Frank Kernan a couple of different programs I've taken classes
from I've been in b-school with Marie Forleo I've worked with chalene johnson
and her programs well not personally but just to lean into programs so I have a
list of so many people I can't even remember how many programs I've bought
through the years and how many things I've taken to really learn the tactics
of funnels product launches of just marketing creating a website that sells
creating a membership site creating the membership program itself doing coaching
calls doing landing pages doing opt-ins freebies freemium small packages small
programs high programs learning how to speak from the stage learning how to
sell from this stage learning how to get a one-minute speech that's something
that always works well when you start doing these online things works a lot
more in here I mean I've done everything and I can't say that one thing of all
those things was the answer but it was you know I
could have probably gone to Harvard these school for that money but I really
learn from experts how to put things together I learned there was a lot of
programs that I was far more advanced than what they were offering I went is
in a lot of programs that I thought were a crock of crap and there were other
ones that I thought were fantastic and some of those really big marketing guys
they're really big for a reason and that's course they're not selling you
their shizzle they're not taking their last dime from you because they know
they'll make you sell it's because they're believing in what they're doing
and they're showing you their real-time results of what they're doing and you
need to then take that and model that and figure that out into your business
right but what I also noticed in working in so many groups and and being in
online communities and also investing some time going back and forth and
masterminds and treats and businesses is that I was really also kind of talking
to the wrong person to the wrong customer that I was offering something
that was a little more high-level big-picture more more advanced in a
sense than they were able to digest so even though they just spent twenty
thousand dollars in some coaching program they were missing the stuff
lights green because they were putting the cart before the horse they were
getting all the tactics all the strategies together but they weren't
knowing how to show up they weren't creating a brand they were putting
together pieces and a puzzle and that puzzle was missing the main thing that
made it stick out and that's how people see you in your business that's your
brand that's how you connect this way sure if someone's teaching you how to go
hold the camera like this in a phone and go live in Facebook but are they
teaching you how to show up how to be seen as somebody who's believable if
they're teaching you to speak from the stage and you're showing up is a schlump
a dump well you know people are gonna do a big yawn when you get up there and not
listen to you and are they teaching you how to speak from the stage but failing
to tell you that those big stages cost like 30 grand to speak on and smaller
ones can cause like $10,000 so maybe you're learning all
these speaking things but you know you want to spend that money going to speak
and then you really want to sell are you a keynote speaker do you really want to
be traveling all over the place you really want to be traveling to those
cities because that's you know a big part of the business so what happens is
also when you're doing a product launch you know you're selling it to your email
list you're doing those three set three videos in a sales video and you're
selling it to your email list but duh duh guys whoops I'm gonna pop all that
uh let me turn this around for a sec hold on look you see these new buildings
here they're awesome so anyway what's happening is email is
not what it used to be people are telling you experts I mean you listen to
you in the Frank Kern's free stuff he's telling you email is dying and anyone
who's not telling you it's dying is not telling you the truth I mean I know we
others a Neiman Marcus opening up here
let me show you this building this is a very cool part attend
so anyway back back to the story anyone who's telling you that email is
strong and the strength is in your list is giving you information that's a few
years old because people have bombarded with so much information online and so
much stuff in their inbox that they don't open it plus you know computers
ago when Google started that promotions folder
people don't get half your emails and then no one really reads it anymore so
yeah if someone's really engaged with you they will open it up but I can tell
you right now I am NOT gonna lie our email is pretty sucky to what it
used to be and it's not unusual so all those launch strategies from a few years
ago well I don't work that much anymore so here's what it is I learned that you
really need to have a brand I learned that you need to be in front of your
business as a brand I learned you need to be connecting more and that's what
I'm gonna be doing for the next month is I'm really gonna be on here with you
talking to you about things and helping you grow and helping you with value and
getting to know me more I'm also spending more money in advertising I'm
not lying on that one and that is to really find people who want to hear me
rather than be talking to the audience that really needs my help but doesn't
know it and it's too high level for them and we're both wasting each other's time
so if you want to learn how to really connect with your brand how to build a
star power a brand how to take everything I've learned from the hundred
grand or so that I've spent in business coaching to the 20 years that I'm gonna
be online so what's working for me now how I changed my business from being a
magazine blog bee listen I started before there was even a word blog -
turning it into a personality brand rather than hiding behind the brand -
learning how to do my own photos to create my own videos are showing up
beyond the style because what people often forget as I may be in style I may
have started out as a stylist but my degree is in marketing and business and
you know that's what's fuelled me all these years and every career turn I did
my first job was writing a press release for a manhole cover epoxy company and
let me tell you it's not that different to write for manhole cover epoxies
style boot covers or to create a business plan or to create a business
branding a star power branding for someone like you and me because we're
still selling something and we need to connect so if you think this is
something that would benefit you and help you I put a link in this post below
I am before I go away I'm gonna be traveling a lot this month I opened up
about nine spots on my calendar right now as I'm recording this you'll see
more in there but they're not really Morris is an overlap on them so if you
take like the 110 no one else can book until the next one after it but there's
really slots for nine so one of them already went before went earlier and I
just did this today and I invite you to get on the phone and talk and let's see
what we can do and where you're at and if I can help you more on a one-on-one
level so that you don't have to have as many business coaches as I have that you
don't have to spend as much money in your business as I did and really figure
out how to connect on the first level like this so it's application you're
gonna this way it's gonna go is you're going to go to focus on style.com store
power SC that's the link pocus on style.com store power SC it's in this
post and you're going to just opt in and name an email no big whoop you're going
to be taken right away to my calendar for this week and you'll have a
application on the calendar you'll book a time and during business hours my team
and I will review the applications and if I think you're fit we'll keep the
call will go on and you'll just be ready to get the call there'll be no other
communication just be ready to get on the call with me I prefer Skype and um
if you want to do phone that's cool too and if we don't think you're a fit or at
the level right now where we should be talking and I want to waste your time I
don't want to waste my time we will recommend something else for you right
now including some free things as well so by all means I encourage you to take
the link below focus on SOUTHCOM strategy no focus on style.com star
power SC it's in this post so like just look at this post you'll see it and
spend some time because you know I learned a lot online I learned a lot
from these people and there's you get something from everything you know when
it gets to shopping and I was a stylist sometimes you'd go into a store and
you'd be like oh my god there's such crap in here and you can always find one
thing if you put your eyes open you could always find one thing in
everything and to shop but it's the same thing with all these business coaches
you know sometimes they're teaching you stuff that it might not be at the level
that you need at the moment so it's not useful but maybe you'll learn something
in their presentation or in the way they're deliberate or how how they
relate that you can take in another way so nothing is ever bad or not worth it
or whatever it is but some things provide more value at different points
in your life so if you think that everything I said here is of interest to
you if you really want to take what I've learned and not make the same mistakes I
did and get moving with it hey I invite you to take the call with me this week
before I go away and have a very happy new year and let's really just take 2019
like drive it up to the stars right just drive it up to the stars do what you
need to do to get seen to attract the kind of audience you want to attract you
to attract your most profitable ideal audience because you might be doing
everything but if you're not coming across that way you know online it's one
tenth of a second to make a first impression
so if you're not coming across that way in your visual messaging and your
authentic storytelling then you're not going to be attracting the kind of
people you want to be attracting so you're going to be trying to go high
when you're attracting low or medium or just starting out so whatever it is so
you it all needs to be in sync it needs to be aligned it needs to be conger
so anyway I hope that helps I got you hope you got something out of all this
right now we're gonna find a spot soon and go to the theater and maybe I'll
come in later bye bye folks
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