so yesterday a guest checks out of a two-bedroom apartment and takes all of
my furniture with them we're going to talk about that . updates.
another guest refused to leave the property kept the keys and I had to
cancel the reservation I'm going to talk to you about that the law around like
the lease law around it as a host and how I'm going to get my money from
Airbnb from their host guarantee and additionally we're talking about the
Airbnb bug that you all have been suffering through geez I've actually got
a way to fight this bug tips for you on that and then yes
I'm not just pouring coffee but I have actually cleaning in a suit we're gonna
talk about why I'm cleaning in a suit too so let's get right into it all right
welcome back Airbnb family so I'm cleaning in a suit because I was in a
suit before I found out that I had to be cleaning I am kind of needed last minute
here in Dallas there is a death in the family for a couple of my cleaners and
they couldn't work today and so sometimes as a host even that
scale nothing's ever truly that simple so we're a little short-staffed because
of the holidays already and this of course situation has led us to just be
like short-staffed enough that I can jump in and help so happens so
quick tip for you I'm cleaning four units at the same time in the same
building and because of that what I'm doing is I'm running all the laundry in
all four apartments first because the laundry takes the longest we've already
talked about that before so um come with me as a clean alright
we're gonna talk about the robbery first okay okay so the robbery is one of two
separate resolutions I'm dealing with they're being me right now for those of
you who aren't following our youth by our Facebook page we had a guest stay
for eight or nine days and they checked out possibly early as we walked in the
day of their checkout and all the furniture for two bedroom was completely
gone absolutely just nothing left sorry if I go blurry
you know lenses don't follow that well and I don't have it on auto focus so you
have to deal with blurry Shawn today so um essentially when we arrived we found
out furniture was gone so the first thing you need is you call the police
file a police report as a business I thought my employee could do this this
is not true you cannot have and then like an employee file your police report
in Houston if any of you know anything about the law and how to get an employee
authorization to represent a business with the police I would love to know
that so that's something that I would I had to call in and filed a police report
they can take it over the phone thankfully so that's good then you have
to of course create a resolution with Airbnb and you have to do it before the
next guest checks in otherwise you can't get the hosts guarantee problem was is
air be be removed this user from the Airbnb account because there may be
platform because their comp violated their trust and safety air meeting
health like standards which means I think this person was doing like a run
of thievery and got caught before our reservation ended right but every me did
send me message said hey this reservation of yours is now officially
high-risk they shoulda gave us heads up but they didn't sad so with that said to
after that you need of course replace your stuff and invoice on the guest in
there for the costs and the damages and so we
had to move a guest because obviously there's no furniture in the apartment
and then we've lost that reservation because we had to cancel it because they
weren't happy of the only space that we have left has it was smaller well in a
one-bedroom on Airbnb will not reimburse you for the loss of business and I need
to talk to you about another reservation because that's a huge deal with that and
I'm going to talk to you about how I'm working around that so I'm gonna have my
furniture company sending invoice for all the new furniture and across the
delivery and everything and the supply air B&B with that invoice that way I can
get reimbursed faster because I haven't paid the furniture company yet but they
you get it right get that invoice and you the resolution started so that's
what we're doing about that I'm gonna keep you posted on how this ends whether
air B&B pays me my you know host guarantee for my furniture how long it
took me to recover we're gonna talk about it
so there's another reservation that happened on the 19th the guy checked in
and was supposed to leave the 21st he did something called a holdover and in
the let's see if I can clean and talk so in though in the leasing world a
holdover is where somebody keeps the property beyond when they're supposed to
and you have to evict them well he left kind of so the way of lease ends is when
you would he like leave an apartment or home you have to return the keys had all
occupants leave and remove all your personal property well he left and took
his stuff but he kept the keys and he left 8 p.m. the day that somebody's
supposed to check in so we could not check in that guest we lost a
reservation that cost us like 550 600 dollars for the reservation and there's
a blood of a mattress so it was a message to the absolute mess of this
stay beyond his checkout time into a new day 8 p.m. that day but he kept the keys
so since air bb's not going to reimburse me for the loss of business the guys
still technically had possession of my property
according to holdover law so I'm going to of course try to pursue this guy
Roderick for replacing the linen sheets the mattress we're gonna charge him for
the cost of replacing the keys and then he nightly rate our base rate not a
discounted rate but our base rate for each single night that he stay with
possession of the keys it doesn't matter if he was sleeping there it's the fact
that he had our keys and could walk into our property at any time via access to
our property which means he was residing in the property so my Airbnb resolution
will be that Airbnb I will seek through every be if Roger does not pay as part
of their hosts guarantee to pay me for the holdover days
that's my work around on that so robbery was fun Roger stay was fun now let's
talk about the other two things that you really need to really need to know going
in 2019 and one it has to do with this Airbnb buck that all of you have been
experiencing if you have a cause to come so let me wrap up this and remove on to
another unit and keep cleaning keep talking this is just disgusting
it makes me sick to my stomach to know that Airbnb could have avoided this
whole situation with this bug and we could all still be getting paid right so
for those of you who don't know much about the bug let me bring you up to
speed air B&B what they accidentally did is they they swapped the co-hosts
primary co-host and admin permissions on a lot of things on including who gets
paid so what happens to me so this how I discovered is I've got about forty five
fifty fifty six accounts about forty some of them are active and all the
payments stopped updating like normally this one account would have most of the
revenue like almost almost 100 as a month of my revenue would go to one
account well it stopped at about $42,000 this month and we kept getting new
bookings but the payouts weren't updating right I wasn't getting any more
money for the month and I couldn't see these guest reservations like it was
just great out dates for for the calendar that I couldn't open back up
and what is going on well apparently the primary co-host could see all the new
reservations but the admin account could not and the primary cause to come is
getting paid for those numbers of different reservations well since this
happened there B me has made some changes and now the the admins can see
the the updates but um they're still not being paid so I think guests reach out
to me last night about this and that's why I figured I'd reach out to you
through this video and tell you kind of what I think you should do so if you are
like me and you also own your your co-host account make your primary
co-host account the app login right login on your app through the primary
co-host but then for all of your admin accounts
login on a browser right so my phone at four different accounts logged in I have
three from browsers like Safari Chrome and Microsoft edge or something and so
that way I can do resolutions and refunds through the admin portals but
then I do all my like push notifications guests are talking through the app
that's the best way to do it now there is an issue too Airbnb has designed
their website to open or to force open your app whenever you're trying to do
something so if you're in the resolution Center or trying to make an alteration
to a guest and you click on something in the browser it's going to try to open up
the app to prevent this from happening because I don't say you don't have
permission you don't have permission and I bet a bunch of you have been through
this so what you do is hold down on whatever button or link you're trying to
open and it'll pop up like an options window and click open in a new tab so
when you open up the air being these new window like the resolution page in a new
tab it will actually load it there and it won't force load the app so that's
how you use your admin account on the browser is if it ever tries to open up
the app app version but the admins not logged
into the app you can then keep it on the browser that way so the guests who
reached are the host to reach out to me had a question about why she's still not
getting paid she's like I'm trying I just changed this and I'm still not
getting my payments well the truth I think what she was expecting to have
happen is when when she switched herself she switched herself back from admin to
primary co-host right so there was a separate account that his primary she
switched her admin back to primary she was hoping to get all those payments
redirected back to our admin account but that's not going to happen because those
payments have already been assigned so what you need to know about this is
Airbnb has a uniform way of assigning who gets paid for a reservation they
either do it on the date that against books and when that guest books and the
money gets taken out of their account that is when they decide to pay either
the co-host or the admin or whoever is the paying party otherwise they do it
when they cut the check right so the day after check-in would be when they would
pay the co-host or the admin I'm a creeping feeling that's actually one of
the person books and when they pay Airbnb and then when it goes into like
an Airbnb version of escrow I think that's when they decide who gets paid so
even though you switch from primary like from admin back to primary co-host all
the cute reservations will still get paid to the current primary co-host
makes sense sorry to give you that news but that's just the way it is man I feel
so productive I'm cleaning
For more infomation >> You And I Need To Talk About This Right Now 3 Things To Know About Airbnb Current Events 2019 - Duration: 10:58.-------------------------------------------
助けてください。 I Need Your Help! - Duration: 3:15.
My gun is at a 180° angle
Hey, kids it's me PDRsan
What the hell was that
As todays video is a bit of a clickbait title
I thought I'd pay homage to the princess of clickbait
Let's do a collab
Tasukete kudasai (Help me!)
Dude, that reference is old!
Yes, I need your help!
At the beginning of the year I said this in a video
If I don't hit a million subscribers by the end of 2018
I will meet up with the Charisma Brothers and apologize for making this video
it was a while ago, so I thought peole had forgotten about it
but they hadn't
Of course they remember!
I need like 70000 subs
please subscribe if you haven't
I cut and dyed my hair for you guys
Please subscribe
No, but they don't know that
If you're already subscribed
Thank you so much m(_ _)m
but I still need your help
I need you to tell
your dad
younger brother
younger sister
older sister
older brother
great grandpa
great granma
The mail man
The amazon person
your neighbors
random people on the street
The clerk at your local convenience store
Please tell them all to subscribe!
Man, you're desperate
I don't want to breathe the same air as the Charisma Brothers
Dude, you already do!
There's not much time left in 2018
but if by some miracle I do hit a million subs
I'll do some big giveaway like a PS4 or iPad or something like that
so please pleasee subscribe!
and share the fuck out of this video!
Oh, on a different note
Ferumi Laborotory!
They replied to my video
That PDR guy! XD
I got lots of comments saying that 1400bucks is too much to spend on clothes
That includes the shoes
I don't want you to misunderstand that
Church's boots cost like 1000bucks
so what I wanted to say was you should spend lots on your shoes
and then
also I wasn't making fun of hoodies
I was making fun of lintballs
and then
"You should wear whatever you want"
that's just common sense
You should have whatever hairstyle, sleep schedule, clothes or shoes that you want
you can just say every person is different
but that's boring
I want to lay the groundwork for people to debate about things
I could probably make a whole video about these tweets
but I had fun taking the piss on twittter
and they claim
to not be angry about the video
so I'll just leave it at that
Please give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video(^o^)b
Please please please subscribe!
I don't want to meet the Chrisma Brothers (T_T)
so there's not much time left in 2018
I'll probably put one last video out
so I'll see you tomorrow!!!(^-^)
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