Not as easy as it seems huh Sony yo what's up everyone Oh Jay here welcome back to
another video today we've got some great information for you guys so let's go
ahead and get right into it and we're starting off with the
PlayStation classic and kind of what's going down with that system if you
checked out my recent PE live we discussed it but this thing is getting
slashed down across retailers pretty much everywhere Walmart has it at 60
bucks amazon has it at 60 bucks you can price match of that Best Buy for 60
bucks and obviously they're just trying to move extra stock that they have but
those um the holidays people are sending stacks of these things not that that's
an indication but the indication is the fact that it's being slashed and price
everywhere and I didn't really have high hopes for this thing in the first place
people have talked about the popularity of the classic plug and play system
people fuck with the popularity of classic games be able to play them kind
of in a new way or some type of retrospective or something like that
right with NES classic and then the Super Nintendo classic you've had the
plug and play system before some of them have been kind of bad these ones with
the Super Nintendo or the NES classic and the students across it have been
pretty good but yeah it's just something that all people like to do and Sony
think they can get their hands in the cookie jar in the pot and just kind of
put out a product and get it out there and that was not the case right the
person classic is not selling where Sony Polly wants to sell because of the
retailers and a fuck bucks before but one of the big things with video gaming
is the price and what the market big cake people talk about things being
overpriced or under priced or whatever the case is and everyone that I'll
saying okay well it's too expensive just wait the market will dictate the price
same thing goes for games as well switch games or anything else to market
addicted price if it's too expensive or something like that people won't buy it
and then retailers will slash the price so I think that's what we're saying with
the pledges in plastic but why did it fail what's going on with this classic
system and why did it fail and you can port to a number of reasons obviously
price might have been one of them right hundred bucks for this thing we also
look at the fact that there was no Dual Shock controllers that's also another
big thing so therefore those duel shark controllers then certain game
can't be playing on their like epic skate for example so you can look at
that as well so the game selection you can look at the controller you can look
at the price but I also think that you have to factor in this is the fact that
ps1 has not aged as well as some people think people will see the position one
may see as beginning of Sony and they have nostalgic memories of it but then
when you go back and actually play the games I don't think they play anywhere
near as good as you thought they play or as you remember them and I think that's
the difference between a Super Nintendo console and mes constant and that arts
though that they use compared to the blocking type of look and the extreme
loading times of the ps1 I just don't think that those games aged as well
that's why you see a lot of developers make 16-bit games or make 8-bit games in
this modern era right you've never seen somebody take like a ps1 graphics and
say here's our ps1 indie game you always see 16-bit or 8-bit or a combination of
the two or maybe a little bit higher than that but use that retro arts bump
that's just more appealing to the eye then looking at blocky textures all day
now looks again obviously that's not the only reason and I'm not saying that
that's everybody's reason I'm just saying it's just the factors of various
different things from what I talked about here cuz to me like I played those
old-school ps1 games and they were blocky and old-school back then like
they were blocking to me back then and they didn't look as good as what we saw
with like at least for me person with the art style even all those years ago I
was saying that and then at this point we're in 2018 and I'm seeing those
graphics and I'm seeing what they look like and I'm like yeah well there's like
Crash Bandicoot that I can win there's like Spyro that looks a lot better than
all these other things that you can play that we're kind of like the PSone
classics right they've all been remade or a lot of them
have been remade in certain ways so while I do think that people in
nostalgic and there could have been a better game selection and all of that I
do think that it's just not the style that people are looking for in this age
but we'll have to wait and see if Sony tries her hand at it again this
PlayStation Classic obviously was not a success or big
like the NES classic or the shootings in the classic but they might try something
again I will see what they do from here maybe they try to piss too classical
every day we try their hand at a ps1 classic and then we put some better
games in there to the pocket ball Xenogears maybe having crash bandicoot
and spyro look like I said almost games were already really maybe the hero and
put them on your ps4 with way better graphics and better controls and all
that stuff so to me it just kind of seems like I guess they could have those
games but I already got them embedded wait but what do you guys think about
this whole position classic kind of failure thing that's going on under your
thoughts in the comment section below all right it's on to the next topic here
Pokemon let's go Pikachu and Pokemon let's go Eevee I've had a big first 10
day opening when it comes to digital sales in Japan so what we usually report
on here is the media create and that's mostly what you guys see but the media
create only covers retail sales you don't get those digital sales out there
that are becoming a bigger and bigger factor for the Nintendo switch and other
systems as well but especially with the switch because Nintendo is reporting
record levels of software being purchased digitally just because of the
nature of the Nintendo slates the games and stuff that you can do a lot of
people are purchasing things digitally instead of physical as well now of
course physical is Phil King when it comes to Nintendo switch but digital
sales are getting up there Pokemon let's go Pikachu and Pokemon let's go Eevee
combine to sell eighty eight thousand thirty nine units in digital sales so
that is very good for this game and it was the top seller when it comes to
digital sales for the month in Japan you have to remember though the game came
out a bed and dish of the month so they didn't capture too many days there about
ten days or so but that's still really good for digital salesmen well you can
rack up another 90 thousand units in sales in your first 10 days that's
exactly what you want to see from the digital sales that's a ton of revenue
coming in you don't have to spend as much money with the shipping in all that
obviously it's a big deal when you can get sales like that so it's good to see
Pokemon let's go 15db continue to do well selling digitally
selling physical I think that's going to lead into pretty much a magical
when it comes to 2019 and the newest Pokemon game the Pokemon company has
been working very hard and they've even said that they want to surprise players
and 2019 with the new Pokemon game you got a lot of heavy hitting RPGs coming
out in 2019 and Pokemon seems to be that pop off of the Year at the end where
they have this huge Pokemon game and as well as Smash Brothers is doing and as
well as the tune is done and all these other various games that come out on the
switch and help boost hardware sales in addition to boosting the overall
software sells I think Pokemon 2019 the new 8th gen
Pokemon games would probably have the biggest impact that we're going to see
for the generation on the Nintendo switch it could be that big if this game
comes out swinging so it's going to be easy to see how they do it with that
game and kind of how it affects even with Pokemon let's go Pikachu an Eevee
I think the Pokemon company Tendo can convert those people on to being more of
hardcore players as well with this new Pokemon game which was kind of the point
with Pokemon let's go pikachu and Eevee so what do you guys think about these
digital sales and of course what do you think about the Pokemon company that
they're going to surprise players in 2019 let me know your thoughts in the
comment section below alright I move on to the final topic here Atlas is
continuing to grab a multiple domains for persona 5 or persona 5 related
domains and it looks like Atlas is trying to kind of cover up their tracks
or throw off the trail when it comes to an announcement with persona 5 and
obviously the rumors of persona 5 and the Nintendo switch are heating up
because of all this so let's go over some of the different domains that they
have acquired recently persona 5 RJ pp5 SJP persona 5 SJP persona 5 m JP p5m JP
p5b JP persona 5 b JP so obviously this is going to add a lot of fuel to the
fire that's already there and the Joker fired B it that with Joker's inclusion
Super Smash Brothers ultimate it kind of just makes sense right look guys I love
persona you guys have heard me talk about this multiple times we'll probably
talk about it more but for the new subscribers and people
kind of come in personified for me would be a perfect fit on the Nintendo switch
I think the way that it plays actually played the whole game literally I played
the whole game almost like the whole second half right a little bit more than
that on a PS Vita because of the style of game that it is kind of like the
simulation where you're talking a lot you're answering questions you're really
showing a lot of the time in that game and it makes it perfect for a plane
during a football game or a plane lying down or whatever the case is right you
guys have heard me say a million times over and over again and I think that
with jokers inclusion in Super Smash Brothers but the fact that persona has
been one of those franchises that is just historically played great on
portable systems I know it's been on consoles but persona board golden was
amazing on the Vita one of the best-selling ones before persona 5 came
out on its hundred million install pace or whatever it's huge since always that
they had but if you look at it when it comes to ratio of people who bought PS
Vita compared to people who bought persona 4 golden a lot of people did
that because of the way that you played it so I think that it can work really
well on the Nintendo switch the only thing that we'd have to figure out or
maybe some people are wondering about is the whole exclusivity type of deal that
Sony potentially had with this game but nobody knows if it's an actual real
exclusivity deal forever or anything like that well this game couldn't come
to any other systems it could have just been a year two years a year and a half
nobody really knows so when everybody says oh they have this exclusivity deal
nobody actually can see in any paper or proof that it's a forever a lifetime
exclusivity deal with mainline personas on Sony systems that's just kind of what
we've seen only right we haven't really seen anything else but at the same time
we don't have any actual real proof so maybe persona 5 does make the jump over
especially with jokerz inclusion in Smash Brothers we've gotten multiple
different rumors I reported on some last year there's been multiple rumors that
have came out even last year before we knew anything about jokers inclusion in
Super Smash Brothers or stuff like that so I think that it's definitely possible
right it's something that's possible we're just gonna have to kind of just
wait to see it looks like there might be an announcement soon based on my video
that I did just the other day where the whole persona central thing and the
manes and what they've compared to before where they have certain domains
that were registered and then a little bit later we got an announcement at some
type of events so maybe we see that with persona 5 I'm a Nintendo switch
personified Ruby or something like that but we'll have to wait and see so what
do you guys think of all the different topics that we discussed here let me
know your thoughts in the comment section below
all right into that wraps it up for this video here gotta check out the links in
description below we got Facebook and Twitter gonna give
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video bass
For more infomation >> The PlayStation Classic Has Failed & New Evidence of Persona 5 on Switch?! | PE NewZ - Duration: 11:11.-------------------------------------------
Greatest Hits 70s Classic Rock Songs - Best Classic Rock - Duration: 1:05:06.
- if I did the dog gets away. There it is
But you don't see too many
Coming in a terrain they hear the Jazz girl
Oh silouan
We are down south
Check out guitar Joe
When distribu really doesn't wanna make it cry
Guitar is all he can later
Harry doesn't mind the scene started daytime
Shaving it up
With the sultan the south some swing
He steps right up to the microphone
He says at last just as the time bell
Now it's time to go the big said well things
We are the Sultan
Be sure all that glitters is gold and she's buying
Let's be
If we all follow suit
You stay away
If you
It's a little bit funnier
This feeling inside
Not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money
For here fighting
a buyer to a house for
a tavola queer
The foul system
But then again, no or man who makes potions
I was not Birds
Can't be my gift is my song game and this one's for you
To tell everybody this is your song
Now that is too
Hope you don't laugh. I hope you don't
a wonderful life is for your
With the suspect Wacha and sound
Like you
So, excuse me
You see
All that blue anyway the fitness
I've ever seen
And me
Why y'all
Is there anybody
Just do it if you can be me
Is there anyone
Come on
Why can't you pay
Just the basic fact
I can explain this is
It's just a little intricate they'll be no wrong
They even let me sick can you stand up
Come on
The way of new niggas sweat make you cool
We usually make you sleep
But dreams of you all to my head
To Big Lake woman ain't got no soul
Anyway, let's go Rocket Man. She packed my bags last night pre-flight
Zero Alba Nottingham
I'm gonna be
As a kind Bible I
Miss the nurse so much. I miss my wife
The slowed loudest phase
Time let's play
Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact is cold as hell
And someone to
And all the science, I don't underst
It's just my job five days a week
Suns down
Time Oh
What the doctor said highway cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas rising
up through the air
What I have in the big
Light my head grew heavy and my
Way I have
Might stick with mr
She cooked the best service meant
She could pull up with two reps advice
She calls friends
Helped advance in the quarter sweet summer sweat some
dance to remember some
dance to forget so
I kept the captain
with me he said
Still dozens of Carly brother
Go ahead
Bracey lovely face
What a surprise
Be tough on the lace she said
We are all just prisoners here
for the buys
in the Masters chambers they gather for
Stop it with steely knives but desk
Have to find the passage back to the brain cells before
Relax said the night man. Yeah
You can check out every time you like
Now, you know that as a state of mind
Blue jean, baby
La lay down seamstress for the bay
Pyrus my
The merry music made
Marina you must see not
Dancing near the same
Now it sees in me always with me tiny dancer
Jesus freaks
I'm on the street
And then tickets out for gone
Turning back she just loves
Boulevard is not that bad
My he makes a stir
In the auditorium
Looking now
She sings a song
We're chin knows the chuchi heart
Oh, I would feel so real line here
When I say stop sorry
My way
She's some land
Yes, it is
Blue team, baby
Seamstress more the bang
Really I
Pyrus MA
Embarrass you
Reader must Cena
Damn shame
Now season me, ah me and Elsa
City girls you seemed
Oh, mr. Smile patrolman
She dresser stop
Giggle Mouse kits low
Are you silver each as its PLAs?
It breaks your heart the song
She tells him she must go
He knows where she's gone
She is
And your smile in this
Dream could Steve
And she and dissipate
She washes his arm again
The she swears as soon
She pulled
You did
Stares out of the sky in the sky
- a
Fishy did she just give ast
You said so so ain't it funny
Do you still the same I used to be you can
And she's smile
There ain't no
Don't know but I believe
There's something cement to be
There to make it better me
Every day, I know
Never though that Swiss come too
But you're so bad
Whose side
Chill of weed on your heart and
It's a George
This is my
Oh sir that destiny
Until your love Peter your heart and
If I ask good to say your hands
together we are the very
I know that I am too
And I give you my I
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