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Top 15 Fashion Trends That Men Hate! - Duration: 8:15.
15 Fashion Trends that men abhor! Hello peeps! This video is for the boys who
can't really understand who created such fashion trends and for the girls who have
their wardrobes overloaded with all kinds of accessories and clothing! You gotta get
rid of some of that stuff because maybe the guy you are trying to impress, hates the clothes
you wear or the accessories you carry! We agree to the fact that you are pulling off
things that are "in trend" and are being showed off on ramps! However, some of those
attires are beyond our understanding! So go ahead and watch this video to know what trends
are going over our head and making us think that your beauty is being overshadowed by
it! Number 1. Leopard Print
Yes, you might be the tigress and obsessed with the print! We'd agree that it looks
great but only in woods! Some things should remain where they belong! Experimenting to
the extent where you don't let animals claim copyright on their own skin is straight up
unfair! This is a thing that women love and men are just going along with while panicking
that it might be a bit, Pat Butcher. And frankly, we were okay with the coats but what was the
need to introduce stockings in such a print? Number 2. Giant Shoulders
If you want our honest opinion about this one then let us tell you that when we see
them on women we automatically think of Honey Monster and O J Simpson. Okay! We aren't
against feminism, and agree that you can wear pants in a relationship! But if we didn't
take anything from your closet then how can you take our closet and put into yours? Also,
no man likes his girl's shoulders to be broader than his! So it'd be better if you
let our clothes to us! Number 3. Neon Colored Clothes
Bright colors? Great choice! Dark one? Even better! But neon? Seriously? We would just
need your neon-ness only when we can't find our stuff in the dark and we don't want
to stumble upon something! So it would be better if you take them and throw it in the
garbage bin behind you! If you can't do that try to control your hormones and limit
it to minor detailing! Number 4. Oversized Shades
We tried to adjust with oversized sweaters, boyfriend jeans, and anything you asked for
in a size larger, even though all of this belonged in your grandmother's closet! But
don't you think you went overboard with oversized shades? Wearing those can do just
one good to you and that is hiding your imperfections! Whereas we want you to be confident in your
flaws! Also, we can't bear you hiding your face, which we love!
Number 5. Asymmetrical Dresses Please tell what is up with you? This is just
reverse of mullet, party in the front and business at the back! No pun intended! What
was the need to mix the long and the short dress, we love you in both ways but that doesn't
mean you combine the two of those! What we don't get is why can't you wear one complete,
symmetrical dress? When we see a girl in such dress numerous questions and thoughts come
in our mind! Answer it the next time you meet us wearing that!
Number 6. Jeggings Let us tell you that imagination is a good
thing if you didn't know that already! Mystery makes us interested! So giving away everything
by wearing that piece of clothing is not such a great idea! You should reconsider it, maybe?
And if you are okay with giving away all the details then control on your choice of prints,
if a Godzilla print is available in the market, it isn't necessary to have it in your closet
too! Do us a favor and let's save some money by not buying it!
Number 7. Harem Pants We understand that these are comfortable to
the next level and are unique in modern fashion! According to you, they are they descend in
a fitting format on the thighs and loose on the bun area. And according to us, that is
the whole problem! These pants hide the most gorgeous part of your body in a ridiculous
way and we can't stand it! Number 8. Chokers
If you could tell us who that first girl was who started this trend post-2010, we'd be
grateful as we really want to make her wear it and make it a bit tighter! Tighter enough
for her to die! Because this trend belonged in the 90's and it should have remained
there! It looks nothing but tacky! Number 9. Way too high Heels
Women love heels and so do we! We want our girl to look great! But Cray high heels is
something which is a big NO! If you can't walk properly, then what is the purpose of
such footwear? Walking is a necessity of life and you have legs for that purpose but to
make your legs useless by wearing heels is nothing but gormless. Think over it!
Number 10. Exaggerated Makeup Women think that makeup is non-negotiable
for men but let us clarify for you! Makeup needs to be in the limit because if you overdo
it, we might just want to date someone who is confident in her own skin! Let us tell
you the most irritating part of your makeup! Contouring and falsies! We know how your cheekbones
look like so contouring is not helping in any way! And don't get us started on falsies!
The most expressive part of a woman's part is made fake all because of this bootless
thing some creature created! Number 11. Cold shoulder
Off shoulder tops made more sense to us as it shows off your amazing neckline and collarbones
which are sexy to us! But the cold shoulder is nothing but cutting off the shoulders from
a basic T-shirt. And that is somehow useless and heavy on the pocket for no reason! Something
must be wrong with the person who came up with this idea, but we thought women are more
intelligent than us! Why in the world did they start buying it?
Number 12. Onesies Let us ask you one main question that exists
universally "how do you pee while wearing these overalls?" According to us overalls
should be left to farmers, it isn't for women doing about their daily duties. The
trend of dropping one strap should be banned according to us because it does not make sense,
at least not to us! Rest we will leave it up to you!
Number 13. Open sided Shirts For men who don't know about it, let us
explain it to you! It is a t-shirt that has long straps that go way past the armpit in
order to reveal some side boob or a bra. These are not practical because the woman seems
half-naked on the sides yet she's covered up at the front and back. We also do not understand
the idea of revealing the bra, in its entirety or side boob. They're dumb unless you're wearing
it to sleep because then you can look like trash!
Number 14.Ruffles Tops and dresses with ruffles seem a bit too
much for us. The excess fabric on the clothes is unnecessary and the look is better suited
for children and young girls, not grown women. In fact, when we see a woman wearing such
a dress or top, all we can think of is the sides of our mattress! That explains our hatred
for this kind of fashion! We hope you don't take it to heart and throw that one away!
Number 15. Too many bangles When we walk beside you we want to hold your
arms and not get hurt by being entangled in your bangles! Too many bangles and that too
not of your size is something you should avoid for our convenience! Also the sound it makes
with every motion is irritating and distracting! We beg off you ladies, Please keep it subtle!
Which of these fashion trends you can't stand? Tell us in the comment section below.
Subscribe to our channel if you liked this video. And while you're here, check out our
other videos and tell us what you think of them. You can also find us on Twitter, Facebook,
and Instagram. Thanks for watching.
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What if there was a guy who has my head and my suit and your tummy and your joints?
Sir? Sir? Sir, sign this.
You can't never open this or this happens.
New shoes!
Black shoes with white paint?
I am the pretty one and that is the ugly one.
Ken Vs. his bootleg. Fight on.
Bootleg wins!
I have a crazy tie and I have a shiny shirt and you have a mat shirt.
Why you have a casual shoes with suit?
I like my tie more than yours.
My shoes are uglier than yours even though they are white. I have a hurry to my wedding!
Can you do this?
You already have a wedding picture.
Why are there such pictures for children?
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