Today we continue to analyze the Batman saga of Cristopher Nolan. Come to the Dark Knight.
The film begins with a bank robbery. Of course, the criminal mastermind behind the coup is the Joker, who makes muggers go killing each other along the sequence.
It has always been said of the Joker who does not like to plan things in detail, who likes to play with chaos and defects of people.
Then I will go more in detail on this matter, now I want to watch out for several things.
One of the muggers will eliminate another of them, as has told his boss, who they say is not there.
The thing is who is pointing is the same Joker, who departs as planned because he was about to arrive by surprise a school bus, their getaway vehicle.
What if the bully had fired directly instead of standing still pointing? What if the bus had not arrived at that moment because of a jam or some shit?
And if the Joker did not want the other thieves might know that he is the real Joker ... why the principle is planted in the street with his mask in his hand?
Do you see that has painted face? Nobody street stares at him?
More things. The Joker hurts the bank manager. Typically under the table to have a button to call the police, but no, the notes has a cut.
Well okay, this is America, and also the guy hiding money from the mafia. The strange thing is when the Joker puts a Granada in the mouth and walks away,
and the banker, but has a free hand, he can not think take it off and throw it elsewhere.
And finally there is the issue of buses. The bus leaves the bank Joker and camouflages with other school buses.
I repeat, what if there had been a traffic jam? The cops had made them a pillote of the host, because it comes seconds later.
Besides, none of these people and nobody walks on buses, especially going right back, he realizes that one of the buses just got out through a hole in the bank threw dust and debris?
And ... Who called the police? It is assumed that the call involved, it was not 911.
It turns out that the bank was laundering mafia money, and of course, everyone is pretty pissed with the Joker.
However, the guy can stand alone at a meeting of mobsters as his home, charged to a turkey with a pen, threatening, propose loaded to Batman and then get away with.
And how is the life of the Joker? I mean, where do you live? Do you have neighbors? Do you eat in a bar? Where do you buy makeup? Actually, this guy out on the streets, even without wearing face paint, you have to give enough singing.
Although Batman has reduced crime in the city and people worship him, all the police are after him.
The only poly friend is Lt. Gordon, who communicates with him through batseñal on the roof of the station.
The problem is that many of the surrounding buildings are higher, ie, that all the neighbors can see the secret meetings between Gordon and Batman.
Well, if you already get a laser microphone can hear everything. Just missing neon arrows around it.
Batman has a habit a little tocapelotas, and that appears and disappears by magic when he feels like fucking wins. Gordon is investigating the bank vault after the heist and suddenly poof, Batman appears.
Fuck me, they are in a vault. How has entered without being seen? Or you have seen and all the sweat? In that case ... why do you go so fast? So much haste do you have?
It seems that always likes to leave people with the word in the mouth. Anyway, it's not a bug, but a tremendous lack of education.
And Wayne is still in love with Rachel, but she prefers the district attorney Harvey Dent, the White Knight of Gotham, who uses the laws to stop the bad guys, and always sticking up.
Why Rachel rejects Wayne? Because Batman puts his life at night and is always involved in violence.
In fact, Wayne arises quit and make way for new hope, Dent, someone who is not hiding and never puts his life in danger or uses violence.
Ah, nope.
"Come on, Harvey. You're Gotham prosecutor. If you do not try to kill you is you're not doing your job well"
And seriously, how could the notes put that gun in court with all the security there? Shit guards.
During the Mafioso meeting we learned that a Chinese named Lau has taken the remaining money from the mafia to take to Hong Kong with the intention of putting safe from police raids Gotham.
That is why so Wayne and Fox are there, and the latter has to leave the phone at the front desk.
I do not know how much memory they have guards in Hong Kong, but few minutes later no longer remembers that the same type have another phone.
Anyway, at night Batman sneaks into the building Lau, gets milks with guards and here we have another one of those millimetric plans that seems to delight Christopher Nolan.
All it calculated to have the right time when all the guards knock him out, grab Lau, burst a concrete windows, launch the probe and be picked up by Skyhook.
At the end Testifies turkey and put all the mobsters in jail, at least for a few days.
Everything looks great, and Bruce Wayne decides to throw a party to help raise funds Dent. The problem is that suddenly the Joker is presented to kill the prosecutor.
Do not get it, because it is hidden, and Rachel decides to throw out a window to the rescue Batman lunging for her. And the scene ends so abruptly.
What about the Joker? Maybe that comes pyre? It is not known, but now his next target is loaded more people: the judge, Commissioner Loeb and then the mayor of Gotham.
In this new evil plan, the Joker decides to knock out several policemen parade for the funeral Commissioner Loeb, put on his clothes and infiltrate other agents.
The problem is that these parades are preparadísimos, and very tested.
How could the Joker and his acolytes schizos do everything right the first time? And it is assumed that the cops should always have the same classmates to his right and left.
How nobody notices that instead of his fellow always there is now a weirdo with cracked face and other guys who do not know them or their mother?
And more importantly, how the Joker manages to escape it is literally surrounded by police?
But hey, the important thing here is that during the attack the dies is Gordon. Supposedly, of course.
I do not quite unclear is how Wayne comes from here, from this crime scene, to the floor next to the parade.
There are two dead whose names are Harvey Dent, and there is a bullet in the wall.
A catch Batman comes up that piece of wall, scan, and thus digitally reconstructs the bullet that happens to have a fingerprint of someone.
Who? As one who has a floor casually in front of where the parade will celebrate the murder of Commissioner. What the fuck?
In the end, tired of attacks, deaths and shit like that Batman decides to reveal his true identity as he asks the Joker, only Dent overtakes him and is arrested.
You get into a van to take you to jail. Of course, the Joker will try to kill him, and to ambush the vehicle puts a barricade of fire and causes it to deflect into a tunnel.
There were 4 more routes that could be taken, but no better tunnel. A tunnel, man, damn mousetrap. If even says the same passenger.
"The tunnel of the 5th? We're sold down there"
And it is that also occur during the chase things that are impossible to predict.
For example, the Joker tend Minion a trap cables between buildings, to eliminate the only helicopter around Gotham.
How they knew it was coming right over there? And how did they know I was going to go right at that point? Is it normal for a helicopter come between the buildings of a city? It's pretty dangerous.
And on top when Batman has the Joker to egg not kill him, and decides stamped against the remnants of the truck, being knocked out.
I know that Batman has a kind of ethical code somewhat special, but with Ra's al Ghul in the previous film did not put many snags.
Nor with those driving the garbage truck, to be quedao espachurraos. In addition if he had killed it would have saved many future deaths.
But hey, the end appears Gordon, who was alive and who was driving the van, and stops the Joker. Although one of the minions disappear from the scene by magic.
Here's another point to note WTF. Why Gordon fakes his death? Who knew? Who I'd agreed?
Why did you decide to drive the van himself? What no one calls attention to a hooded drive it?
I guess the man has friends in the police station and have helped, but there are also a lot of corruption that could have ratted.
Dent and Batman certainly were not aware and do not understand why, nor with his family, which has scared of the host.
Okay, I did not want to jeopardize it, it is understandable, but ... What exactly was Gordon's plan? Stop the Joker, obviously, and in the end it works out, but impersonating dead has been a determining factor?
You could have driven the van just being hooded and the result would have been the same.
Nor he could foresee that the Joker was going to be next to one van and making the cocoon.
Joker has been arrested, and this tells Batman that has to play a very crappy game. He has kidnapped Dent and Rachel, but they are in two different places and with a pump each.
Batman goes for Rachel, but finds Dent. Come on, that the Joker has given directions changed.
Batman saves the prosecutor, half, and never better, and Rachel unfortunately dies.
Meanwhile, the Joker escapes from the interrogation room, pick up a phone and set off a bomb that was inside the stomach of one of the prisoners. Oh, and also get to release Lau.
"The Joker planned his arrest. He wanted to lock him up in the UDM"
As I said, it is assumed that the Joker represents chaos, the absence of plan, improvisation.
It is obvious that such plans everything perfectly, but allow parties to improvisation or decisions of others.
But I think the script is too flipa. "You know? I act without thinking. I do not schemed. "
Definitely this guy is kidding, of joke, of course you have a plan, only that their ultimate goal is to cause chaos fucking
and prove that no person has a moral absolutes and that all can break if you press them too: either greed, fear, death ....
But his plan to cause chaos is absurdly complicated.
It is assumed that the Joker Dent knows that Batman is not going for him but for the real Batman makes his appearance.
But the Joker does not want to kill Batman nor Dent because it is part of the second part of his plan, and let it catch by the police.
For not wanting to kill Dent well you try to sew bazocazos hours earlier, but good. And if it were not for Batman Dent and Gordon they would be dead.
The fact is that you stop and meanwhile his henchmen abduct and Rachael Dent and put them paths bombs.
And orders to bomb with a mobile phone in the stomach of a kind. So many and so good minions have the Joker?
Why are some so professional guys were going to follow that crazy, especially when is reputed to be charged to all who work with him?
And over the Joker manages to escape from the interrogation room causing the guard. How did he know he was going to be a guard inside with him?
Why they can not watch him from outside ?, from the room behind the mirror. Why would anyone cares to put handcuffs again?
The Joker could not know that there would be a guard inside or touching balls that would hold you hostage to get out.
And then gets a mobile phone, call the activation number and average pump station to take the ass.
So that is first surrounded and now mysteriously alone.
And just because you know the number of activation of the pump is given to understand that everything is part of a plan, but a bewildering, impossible to foresee plan.
After all the action, Dent is in the hospital and have fucked half his face. The first thing that strikes me is how well it talks despite lacking many parts of the mouth.
I had sores in the mouth and sacrifice, it goes bad, and sometimes just talking as well.
What the eye does not dry? I should be throwing every minute droplets. In addition a sneeze and you can go eye to take the ass.
Now the Joker wants to load a guy who works at Wayne Industries and wants to reveal the identity of Batman.
This is now the Joker is bad because he has fun with Batman, although days earlier had tried to force it to give to know. How quickly this man changes his mind.
If you do not kill the turkey will blow a hospital. While evacuating one of them, the Joker gets to talk to Harvey.
We do not really know how, but even though the Joker killed Rachel, Dent is no longer interested to go for it. Chance with monedita made not to kill him.
What's more, the Joker convinces him that he is just a poor mad dog, and what you really want is to go for who removed the belt, ie, the mafioso Maroni.
"The Joker is nothing more than a rabid dog. I want that he took the belt"
But ... take the belt was needed as Dent says? Was the Joker in this scene leash?
All this stuff might make sense if the Joker was a total freak, but because the guy has proven to be very intelligent, aware of his actions and that much to say do not make plans, make them.
Although the plan was carried out by the men of the mafia and corrupt cops, it is clear that everything is the work of the Joker matter how much you get in Ian Malcolm plan.
Within minutes Dent has gone from being the champion of justice to Gotham to go around with half burnt face killing everything that gets ahead.
Okay, he's lost his girlfriend, sucks, But how you can completely change principles zero point?
How a guy so apparently full has been duped by four sentences of a cretin?
"Your men, your plan. 'You really I have painted you have a plan? "
"You know what I am? I'm a dog running behind cars. I would not know what to do if I caught one,"
Why now you believe that chance is the only form of justice?
When the Joker kidnaps the minion who could have seen chungas inclinations, but threatens using doctored currency, which has two equal sides, I mean that was not seriously.
And I love this phrase: "Bruce's penthouse is now the safest place in this city."
The previous day...
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen"
The Joker says it has bombed everywhere: bridges, tunnels ... And of course, people who want to leave the city is trapped balls.
That is why they choose to do so from several ferries, it is evident that the ferries can not have bombs.
So much it takes to revise up and down a bridge and make sure that there is nothing? These do not seem very large.
In addition Gordon wants to evacuate the prisoners first, because he believes the Joker could release them and use them cronies.
Having seen how badly they have come shipments of prisoners throughout the movie ... it was a good idea?
First course evacuate prisoners before people, fuck, you play a lot of balls.
Well, going to the heart. They leave two ferries, one civilian and one with prisoners. And in each there are a hundred explosive barrels.
Really nobody noticed? As things stand What nobody has thought to check the damn boat? And who has raised the number of barrels ships?
Lackeys mobsters, obviously, but it would take them hours and hours. And in such a short time where do they get so much gas? Magic, I guess.
Anyway, the Joker gives each detonator Ferri contrast, and have to choose who blow themselves if prisoners or civilians.
They can explode at any time but military people decide to vote on slips of paper to see if they pop prisoners.
The tightest vote in history, no doubt. And fast. In the real world most likely it is that one or both vessels had burst.
But hey, at least it serves to remove the Joker thesis that people betray their moral principles under pressure.
With Dent it worked but not dangerous inmates. Po 'worth.
Although I think this character do not press the button principles but not for fear of being the only one to bear the consequences. Better than do the other, what the hell!
The Joker is on a building site, with his henchmen and the hostages that were in the hospital bus.
Batman manages to locate thanks to Wayne Industries supercomputer which converts the signals of phones around Gotham in a huge sonar.
By the way, if Fox was not involved in this project ... who has helped Wayne to build it? What has assembled all himself?
Why Fox angry? What's up? Spying with mobile bad but build urban tanks putos is correct, and also kidnap Chinese.
Returning to the scene of the building, Batman enters inside and discovers that those who appear armed thugs are actually hostages-and SWAT are about to enter and cargárselos!
Instead of using the ultrasonic supertechnology to call Gordon and tell him to stop the assault, Batman chooses the best option, given the hosts against police and thugs at once.
And then he manages to come face to face with the Joker, the Clown fight and knock him out. I doubt that the guy is so strong and have so much martial arts training, but good.
He got caught, but seeing that the guys from ferries have not been killed including the Joker sleeve is pulled an extra detonator.
"If you want something you have to do it, do not you think?".
"Quiet. I come prepared"
What does not plan anything? What leaves everything to chaos? What a hypocrisy!
But then Batman throws a shit weave his arm that stick to the Joker in the face, but bounce.
Wow, that contradicts a little with the beginning of the film, where the same contraption is stuck in a metal cabinet.
The Joker falls off the building but Batman decides to save his life. With how dangerous I do not know if it's smart. Well, the Joker Batman chiva him the end of his master plan.
Harvey Dent, or what remains of it, has kidnapped the family of Gordon. Why Two Faces decision with the family of commissioner?
He accused of failing to rescue Rachel and have been playing with the vigilante Batman instead of fighting against corruption in his department.
And also blames Batman for causing so desperately in the mobsters who were left with no recourse to the Joker.
I find an excuse a bit mierder, yes, the film is justified, but that does not mean it is consistent.
Anyway what Gordon is also to feed him apart. They both knew Wuertz and Ramirez were suspected of corruption.
"You work with scum like Wuertz and Ramirez and you're going to say ..."
And Gordon says: "If you do not work with cops who investigated as a name was made in Internal Affairs would be working alone"
So few police there that your only option is to work with two known corrupt? Better alone than in bad company, especially if they are to devote to torpedo your work.
Following the scene, Batman appears and lunges for Dent, throwing him through a hole in the building. Here and ethics anyway, and Dos Caras milk century sticks and dies.
The thing is that the White Knight of Gotham has been killing people is very ugly in the papers, and eliminates the hope for a better society.
So Gordon and Batman take a decision. The superhero bear the blame for these deaths.
But what kills you mean? Gordon speaks of 5 murders, but I only count three.
The first is Wuertz and then Maroni and his driver allegedly because Ramirez does not kill only punches.
well being, these people were not a saint ... why Batman decides to self-blame for a death when you have the best scapegoat for the world: the fucking Joker.
Fuck you throw him and end. Okay, the place is surrounded by cops for convenience of the script ...
"You brought your cops? I just know there is a problem "
... and the Joker stopped, but you can always say that a henchman of the Joker came and killed him and somehow escaped ... I do not think anybody put many drawbacks to that version.
In the parade the Joker and his men were also surrounded by cops in full daylight and good that escaped.
Or you can also say he killed himself, I do not know. This whole situation is too forced.
Seriously, what do they gain by blaming Batman? What reasons would have to kill Dent? It's not exactly consistent.
What hope carrying you save another? Because for many Batman it is also hope. And now there is none.
In addition to capturing a fucking superhero Batman becomes a murderer would not it be much worse social level?
People should fear, not hope. Also remember that Coleman Reese still knows the identity of Batman, why do not you ask him?
In short, the feeling that preserve the morale of an entire society only depends on the purity of Harvey Dent, and that people are unable to bear the truth, but I think the world is more complicated than that.
However, despite its flaws and inconsistencies The Dark Knight seems to me a very good film, quite overrated, yes, but with an interesting reflection on justice,
with great action scenes and with such a charismatic villain who is able to overshadow the protagonist, Batman himself.
It makes're half past two hours glued to a screen, and that very few films get it.
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Hi, I'm Nicky from Little Ones.
And, today, I'm going to answer the question
should my baby be sleeping in a dark room?
So, you may have heard us talking about,
or even read on our website or in our Sleep Programs,
that we do recommend your baby naps during the day
and then sleeps overnight in a very dark room.
And we have good reason for our recommendations.
What happens when we are in the dark, we are mammals,
and so our bodies operate just like any other mammal
and we primarily function in response to the light,
and the dark, and a bunch of other elemental triggers.
And, the dark is a really powerful tool for us to use
when it comes to sleep.
So, what happens when we are in the dark
is our bodies release a hormone called melatonin,
and that hormone is responsible for us falling asleep,
and staying asleep, and sleeping well.
And, it's no different for babies.
So, this is why we often tell people that,
if they're trying to achieve longer naps
or more consolidated night-time sleep for their babies,
and toddlers, and children,
that they try making the room really, really dark.
If you think of it like this, too,
if you yourself were to have a nap in the day,
do you just go lie down in the lounge room with lights on,
and the TV on, and the curtains wide open,
or do you take yourself into a bedroom,
and close the curtains, and make it a bit more of a darker,
sort of more comforting sleep space?
And, for the same reason,
lots of hotels have blackout blinds,
because, often, if people are staying in hotels,
they're traveling, they're potentially prone to jet lag,
and they're wanting to sleep well,
and even hotels understand the importance
of us sleeping in the dark.
So, they use blackout blinds
because that definitely helps us all sleep better.
So, yes, we do recommend that, if you want to,
that your baby sleeps in a dark room.
And, this would mean, also, turning off nightlights,
unless they're a toddler
who's going through a fear of the dark,
but definitely for babies and young toddlers,
they don't need a nightlight.
And, it's interesting, too,
when you start looking around at the light
in your baby's room,
sometimes it can be quite a bright light
even on their baby monitor or their white noise machine
might have a really bright light on it.
I know myself I've been quite prone to putting blutack
over the top of those little lights on the baby monitors,
because those can actually shine quite brightly
when you're in a nice, dark room.
The dark will also help your child
if you're struggling through a period of early waking,
and we're talking sort of waking around 5:00 a.m.,
particularly if it's starting to get really light
at that time of the morning where you live.
And, if the light's creeping in around the curtains,
or underneath the curtains,
then that's triggering a body clock response in your child,
and they're going to start habitually waking at that time,
because the light is basically telling their body
that it's morning.
So, we are governed very heavily by logical responses
to the light and the dark.
In our recommendations,
we try and work with your child's body clock
rather than against it.
And, this is why we do recommend that you sleep your baby,
for the daytime naps and overnight,
in a nice, dark room.
And, don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel
for a lot more baby and toddler sleep advice.
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