The Small Houses With Simple And Cozy Design In The United States | Small House Plans
For more infomation >> The Small Houses With Simple And Cozy Design In The United States | Small House Plans - Duration: 11:03.-------------------------------------------
This Year--US Citizenship! - Duration: 4:17.
Can you ask a question?
The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution. Name one of the writers.
(HINT: Listen for the KEYWORDS)
She's talking about the Federalist Papers.
John Jay
When do we Constitution (????) Independence Day.
Celebrate! Celebrate!
When do we celebrate Independence Day?
July 4th
What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?
Say it one more time
What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?
serve on a jury
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
(Jothy just got back from a long trip to India and claims to have forgotten everything--LOL! She remembers!!!)
Who does a U.S. Senator represent?
Excuse me?
Who does a U.S. Senator represent?
all people of the state
What did the Declaration of Independence do?
Again, one more time.
What did the Declaration of Independence do?
What did Jefferson write?
Thomas Jefferson wrote the...
Declaration of Independence
She's asking: What did the Declaration of Independence do?
Announced our independence
HINT: Listen to the Keywords: DECLARATION / INDEPENDENCE / JEFFERSON; and think about the questions associated with these Keywords to remember the correct answer.
Who signs bills to become laws?
the President
What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?
What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?
Paul Ryan
Yes, but we are going to have a new one: Nancy Pelosi.
So now--Paul Ryan--I think till January 2 (2019)
(CORRECTION: the Election for the Speaker of the House will be on or after January 3, 2019 when the 116th United States Congress convenes)
What is the "rule of law"?
Everyone must follow the law
Name one war fought by the United States in the 1800s.
the Civil War
Can you give me (the camera)?
Turn around and take a photo of everybody.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Feliz Ano Nuevo! Merry Christmas and New Year!
Happy New Year! Thank You!
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year! Chúc mừng năm mới!
Name two national US holidays?
Christmas and New Year!
Happy New Year! Chúc mừng năm mới!
Happy New Year!
US is addicted to spending: Former US comptroller general - Duration: 2:44.
US 5 cent commemorative 2004-05 - Duration: 6:16.
though hello fellow coin collectors hang you going today and today I have some
American 5 cent coins and these ones are commemorative coins that were issued for
circulation so that's a cool graded coin and all these coins are actually quite
common so I have three of the four coins that issued in a 2004 and 2005 in the
first one I have is the well this one depicts deep boat that Lewis and Clark
went down the Columbia River with and actually went from camp wood Nia st.
Louis up to full flat stop and yeah what's pretty far from Seattle there's
an expedition to reached Pacific Ocean I like to call it the expedition of death
because after this time well Native Americans were quite fairly devastated
by well many different people so on the obverse which has Thomas Jefferson he
was pretty much the same bust as was previously used okay so this is the bus
there and afterwards was used a different portrait so there I am missing
one coin which is the Louisiana Purchase and this one here is actually the
whispered journey ocean view so this is the last coin and it has them looking at
Pacific Ocean on the back it has a different portrait of Thomas Jefferson
and that also has Liberty in a you know writing script in this coin has a
mintage of well between roughly about 400 million each they do vary like the
day meet Marcus 400 in the eleven million bid over and the P has four
hundred ninety four million a free hundred ninety four
should I say and this one needs today so this is a pretty high meter coin so none
of these are actually really unless it's in high grade like higher than s T so
scratches in it so if you get this just spend it because it's really not worth
keeping inflation will slowly eat this coin away so this one here is the
westward journey they call it a cure boat and this is the D mint mark it has
a mintage our friends on 44 million eight hundred eighty thousand so to hide
a king and the P is free hundred sixty-six thousand seven hundred and
twenty thousand so really not worth keeping they do our San Francisco mints
which is on average is about three million coins so those are the ones that
collect especially if you get them in circulation and then we have the Buffalo
so he's the buffalo nickel or five cents I call it a buffalo nickel because I
watched too many American coin channels and it has the Buffalo it looks pretty
similar to the one issued for circulation up into 938 so if we have a
look closer look as you can see the Buffalo and these are almost made
extinct by hunters I think there's like one or two thousand left in there
they've actually bred up again and on the back we have the 2005 portrait so
after this date the actual portrait changed because it's evil law or or just
like a part of the culture when they issue commemorative coins they actually
change the portrait so this is the current five cents the US and as you can
see is the different portrait of Thomas junior Gibson and if anyone doesn't know
he was actually deferred personally non-safe from 1801 to 1809 and that is
the current portrait so the mintage for did I say to mintage
for that one no this is the highest minted coin the Denver has are 487
million six hundred eighty thousand the P has the four hundred a forty eight
million three hundred twenty thousand in San Francisco
that's about three point three million
so these are in this condition if you're in the United States I just spend them
really not we're probably worth keeping is because you can always sell these for
higher value but with the tip design and the higher the grade definitely worth
keeping even though they mean to most useful meant even I'm integers as well
so those are mine I've sent American commemorative coin collection you could
probably find more detail on YouTube or the internet especially errors you want
to get errors look a couch collectibles because he has a wide variety of error
coins that he covers from the United States it doesn't really cover many
other coins outside the United States and like me I like the I do cover
Australian coins but also like the cover coins from other countries because why
not I'm a coin collector I'm not just an
Australian coin but anyway if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up
subscribe to my channel if I you need to purchase coins I do sell them on eBay so
you could just go and check it out it's a bit dead at the moment because of
Christmas and have awesome coin collecting time people thank you very
much bye bye
Biological patents in the United States | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 15:56.
List of independent bookstores in the United States | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 10:22.
List of United States wireless communications service providers | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 6:45.
Russia detains US citizen on suspicion of spying - Duration: 2:22.
Russian authorities have detained an American citizen over accusations of spying, according to Russia's Interfax news agency
In a short statement, the agency notes Russia's Federal Security Service detained a US citizen named Paul Whelan in Moscow on Friday
"On December 28, in Moscow, officers of the FSB of Russia detained a US citizen Paul Whelan during a spy' action," Interfax's message reads
"The Russian Federal Security Service investigation department opened a criminal case against a US citizen under article 276 of the Russian Criminal Code (espionage)
" It provided no further details. According to the World Intellectual Property Organization, article 276, titled Espionage, reads, "Transfer, and also collection, theft, or keeping for the purpose of transfer to a foreign state, a foreign organisation, or their representatives of information constituting a state secret, and also transfer or collection of other information under the order of a foreign intelligence service, to the detriment of the external security of the Russian Federation, if these deeds have been committed by a foreign national or a stateless person, Shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of 10 to 20 years
" The U.S. and Russia have been engaged in long-standing animosity with each other over several different issues, including the war in Syria, the poisoning of Russian critics in the U
K., conflict in Crimea and the years-long Mueller investigation over Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election
Indictments have been brought against over a dozen Russian nationals by Mueller
This is a developing story, check back for updates.
U.S. Government Assessment of the Syrian Government's Use of Chemical Weapons on August 21, 2013 ... - Duration: 7:48.
U.S. Route 45 (Alabama) | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 14:46.
A message from The President of The United States of America, Rush Limbaugh - Duration: 1:52.
Michigan Republicans lame duck drive to hobble Democrats fails � mostly US news - Duration: 3:02.
Michigan Republicans lame duck drive to hobble Democrats fails – mostly US news
Bills to strip power from incoming officials failed or were vetoed, but the GOP still made changes that will affect liberal voters
Bills to strip power from incoming officials failed or were vetoed, but the GOP still made changes that will affect liberal voters
A frantic lame-duck month in which the Republican-controlled Michigan legislature floated hundreds of bills concluded with the GOP largely failing to pass controversial laws that would have stripped power from incoming Democrats.
Two bills died during the legislative process just before Christmas, and on Friday outgoing Republican governor Rick Snyder surprised his party by vetoing a bill designed to shift power from attorney general-elect Dana Nessel to the legislature. He did so after a law designed to take authority from incoming secretary of state Jocelyn Benson failed to make it out of the state House. A plan to create a "shadow" state board of education controlled by Republicans met the same fate in the Senate.
Snyder did sign several bills that reduce voters' power. They included significant alterations to citizen-initiated laws that mandated paid sick time and raised the minimum wage, and legislation to make ballot drives nearly impossible.
"They may not have taken power from incoming electeds but they did take significant power from people and that's important to highlight," Democratic state representative Yousef Rabhi told the Guardian, adding that he was stopping short of praising anyone in the Republican party.
"They were planning to set the house on fire so it's sort of weird to applaud them for not burning it down," he said.
The legislation targeting Benson would have shifted her authority over campaign finance to a commission made up of three Republicans and three Democrats appointed by legislative leaders. With partisan gridlock baked in, that would have effectively killed enforcement of campaign finance laws. Senator Dave Robertson, who introduced the bill, has a history of campaign finance violations and his former chief of staff is under investigation for embezzlement.
The bill designed to strip power from Nessel would have given the legislature authority to intervene in lawsuits challenging unpopular legislation. Campaigning, Nessel said she would not use state resources to fight for laws she sees as unconstitutional, like one that allows adoption agencies to choose not to work with same-sex couples.
Legal experts who spoke with the Guardian said the legislation would have violated the Michigan constitution's separation of powers clause. Snyder appeared to acknowledge that in his veto letter, stating that the executive branch is responsible for managing the "litigation position of the state as an entity".
Snyder's vetoes and Republican ambivalence to some more draconian bills came amid intense opposition from state residents, including some Republicans. Democratic representative Stephanie Chang said that had an impact.
"What's great is that there were so many people paying attention," she said. "There were people at the capitol protesting and watching what was going on … and there were definitely Republicans who decided to vote 'no' because of the conversation."
Still, the GOP took some victories. They included the passage of two bills to gut citizen-initiated legislation to mandate paid sick time and raise the state minimum wage to $12 per hour, for all workers, including those receiving tips, by 2022. Instead, minimum wage will be raised to $12.05 by 2030 and tipped workers' pay will be capped at $3.58 per hour. Republicans exempted around 1 million workers from mandated sick time and cut the number of mandated days from nine to four.
Two citizen-led groups each collected around 400,000 signatures to put the minimum wage and sick time proposals on the November ballot. The GOP made the proposals law in September before gutting them in lame duck. A legal challenge is likely as Democrats contend the state constitution prohibits changes to citizen-initiated laws in the same session.
There were five citizen-led ballot initiatives in 2018. Voters approved proposals to expand voting access, decriminalize marijuana and establish an independent redistricting commission. Republican attempts to alter those proposals mostly failed, but the legislature narrowly passed a new law that will make ballot initiatives far more difficult.
It mandates that no more than 15% of the signatures gathered during a ballot drive can come from any one of the state's 14 congressional districts. That will make progressive ballot initiatives especially challenging since Republicans gerrymandered the congressional map, packing Democratic voters into a small number of districts. Democrats have promised a legal challenge and have said the bill is the most flagrantly unconstitutional of those passed in the lame-duck session.
List of defunct television networks in the United States | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 3:05.
One man's journey across the United States - Duration: 2:16.
How legal cannabis has swept across the US - transforming the economy and putting states at odds wit - Duration: 1:02.
Cultivate's store is a pretty slick operation. Fashionably minimalist, its wares - from $25 cannabis-infused coconut lime macaroons to assorted marijuana strains rejoicing in names like Golden Tiger and Power Africa - are set out on shelves and in display cases
The full panoply of corporate marketing is on view with cards promoting enterprises such as "weedmaps", an internet guide to the best dealers, neatly set out on a counter as customers arrive
What was once a machinists' shop has been given a full make over. Staff wearing grey t-shirts with the Cultivate logo serve the customers who snake their way up to the bleached wood counters
And the customers came in vast numbers. Huddled in padded.
United States Space Force | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 17:27.
History of unfree labor in the United States | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 47:43.
Farmer–Labor Party (United States) | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 19:26.
Graduate science education in the United States | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 22:09.
Lion kills worker at North Carolina conservation centre US news - Duration: 2:05.
Lion kills worker at North Carolina conservation centre US news
The lion escaped from a locked area and killed staff member as enclosure was being cleaned
The lion escaped from a locked area and killed staff member as enclosure was being cleaned
A lion has killed a worker at a wildlife conservatory in North Carolina after it escaped from a locked space, the center said.
The lion was shot and killed after it attacked the worker in an enclosure that was being cleaned at the Conservators Center in Burlington, it said in a statement.
A "husbandry team" led by a professionally trained animal keeper was carrying out the routine cleaning when the lion somehow got loose. It wasn't clear how the lion left the area that was supposed to be locked, said the center, which will be closed until further notice.
"The Conservators Center is devastated by the loss of a human life today," the statement said.
The center said the lion was shot and killed to allow county personnel to retrieve the injured worker.
"This is an ongoing investigation, we have no further details at this time, and the family has not yet been notified. We will offer more information as we know more," the statement said.
The facility was founded in 1999 and is in Burlington, about 50 miles north-west of Raleigh.
Its website says it began giving public tours in 2007 and gets more than 16,000 visitors annually. It has more than a dozen employees and currently houses more than 80 animals and more than 21 species.
It took in 14 lions and tigers in 2004 to assist the US department of agriculture with caring for animals that were living in "unacceptable conditions."
A message seeking comment was left with a spokesman for the county sheriff's office.
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