Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Christmas message of 2018.
With that crap!</font></font>
Is everyone okay?</font></font>
Yes, you are right at home?</font></font>
Then we can start.</font></font>
Thank you to all the viewers to follow us so massively in 2018, we've seen this year.</font></font>
Also in 2019 we will do our best to visit more great locations.</font></font>
We are going to try, because the locations are scarce and we have to travel further than we were just to do so.</font></font>
But I think if we all do a little effort, then it should be fine.</font></font>
What brought 2018?</font></font>
In 2018 we started with one of my favorites, namely the Ghostbustunnel!</font></font>
I meanwhile itself become a bus driver in the meantime, so I think that is so special.</font></font>
I've done that my arm hurt and who has spent weeks in a cast.</font></font>
Tommy was there when cases.</font></font>
Something too fast lane trying stabbing over.</font></font>
Dat was nog boven de grond gebeurd, maar ik heb toen doorgezet, want ik wou binnen gaan.
Je bent toen met 1 arm van die ladder gekomen en uiteindelijk toch binnen geraakt.
Ik ben niet even ver gegaan als men teamgenoten, ik ben niet helemaal tot beneden gegaan, ook al had ik mij niet pijn gedaan.
Jullie weten dat ik niet hoog of niet laag durf gaan, ik heb snel schrik.
We zullen eens teruggaan naar het begin van 2018.
Ghostbustunnel, niet gemakkelijk!
Die locatie is toen heel lang goed afgesloten gebleven en wij waren 1 van de eersten die er terug binnen gegaan zijn. Daar hebben we goed mee gescoord.
Nog mensen met een favoriet?
Ik heb nog wel iets, we waren toen niet met iedereen op stap, ik was die dag alleen met Yoni op stap.
Ik kan niet zeggen waar het exact was, maar het was heel laat in het donker.
We zijn die dag eerst naar Nederland gereden om Yoni zijn auto te laten chippen.
We zijn die dag naar Duitsland doorgereden om naar het zwembad en het goederenstation te gaan kijken.
En ook die kooien aan die kettingen in die fabriek.
De mijn waar er mandjes aan het plafond hingen, dat is al bijna een jaar geleden.
De tijd gaat snel, die avond zijn we naar heel spannende locatie geweest.
We zijn toen in het midden van de nacht aangesproken door een dame op een fiets, die wou weten wat wij daar aan het doen waren.
Ik denk dat je het klooster van Sint-Anna bedoelt, toen zijn we na middernacht over hekken gekropen terwijl de hele buurt ons al gezien en gehoord had.
We zijn toen gewoon verder gegaan en hebben de kerk van het klooster kunnen betreden.
We hebben heel hoog gras moeten trotseren, soms tot aan onze kin, maar we zijn er toch geraakt.
We zullen eens kijken!
Die was heel spannend, vooral omdat we maar met 2 op stap waren, 's nachts en in een vreemd land.
Het is Nederland, maar het blijft een ander land, meestal zijn we met 3 of 4 en durven we samen meer aan dan toen met 2.
Dat was speciaal, wat heb jij Tatti?
Ik vond Chateau Lumiière een toplocatie, maar we moesten toen een hele steile berg beklimmen.
Ik heb me toen gesneden aan prikkeldraad en wou niet meer verder gaan,
ik heb toen geweend, maar Yoni zei dat we verder moesten gaan, we mochten die niet missen.
Uiteindelijk zijn we er geraakt en dat was maar best, die moesten we gewoon doen.
Fantastisch, dat is dan ook de bekendste locatie ter wereld.
Als je Amerikaanse kanalen bekijkt, dan zie ja dat die er ook geweest zijn. Dan is het speciaal als je daar zelf ook kan staan om film te maken.
Blij dat we daar geweest zijn!
Ik weet het niet, want ik was er niet bij.
Hij is toen met de caravan en de vrouw op reis gegaan, beetje aan de familie gedacht en zo leuke dingen gemist.
Keuzes maken.
We gaan eens kijken.
Leuk dat we die gedaan hebben, Nu is het jouw beurt, Jij ben t er altijd bij, want jij filmt alles, welke was jouw favoriet?
Wat je zegt is waar, ik ben steeds aan het filmen en ik ben altijd bezig met de technische kant van het verhaal.
Ik kijk soms thuis op mijn computer naar prachtige dingen, waarvan ik soms niet meer weet dat ik ze gezien of gefilmd heb.
We gaan dat proberen veranderen.
Ik heb enkele leuke dingen aan de kerstman gevraagd en al die dat brengt dan gaan we nog mooiere beelden kunnen maken.
Meer filmhoeken en meer beeldmateriaal.
Maar je vroeg me naar men favoriete locatie?
Onze roadtrip dit jaar was fantastisch, ik heb daar dingen gezien die je in Belgie niet kan zien.
Hoe heette het badhuis ook al weer?
Dat blauwe badhuis waar we heel lang voor door het bos moeten lopen hebben.
Ik kan er niet op komen.
Dat was iets met blauw, daar vloog die vleermuis nog rond.
Les thermes blues
Dat was prachtig.
Maar nog niet zo lang geleden hebben we een badhuis in Belgie gedaan en die heeft dat toch overtroffen. Alla Italia was prachtig.
Sorry dat jullie daar niet bij waren, we hebben daar 2 keer voor de deur gestaan met de hele groep, maar alles was toen goed afgesloten.
Maar op een trip die Tatti en ik gedaan hebben samen met Jeroen van UrbexTV,
stonden we opnieuw voor de deur en de opening was open.
We zijn toen onmiddellijk naar binnen gegaan en zo is dit mijn favoriet geworden. We nemen jullie nog eens mee!
Dat is er eentje zonder ons!
ETW en vrienden!
Alla Italia hebben we nog bezocht samen met Toontje en Barry, maar ook toen was alles er dicht.
Toontje en Barry, onze vrienden uit Nederland.
De halloweenspecial!
Onze Hollandse vrienden van de pitta bar.
Dat was inderdaad van onze halloweenspecial, samen met de mensen van Road2Decay.
Dat was een heel leuk weekend dat we over moeten doen.
Een weekend dat we nooit zullen vergeten.
We zijn niet enkel met die mensen op stap gegaan dit jaar, er waren er nog meer, maar we zullen eerst eens naar de halloweenspecial terug gaan.
Er komen er nog!
Zoals ik daarnet al zei, we zijn ook nog met andere mensen op stap gegaan.
Ik kan me herinneren dat we naar het slachthuis in Lokeren geweest zijn samen met Urbex Explore en EAM.
Dat was een geweldige ervaring, op een vrijdag kregen we opeens een bericht van die mensen.
Nicolas van R2D was er trouwens ook bij.
We kregen toen een bericht om mee te gaan met die mensen,
Op iets minder dan een uur werd er afgesproken en was iedereen aanwezig en dat is nog een mooie film geworden.
We gaan nog eens kijken bij het slachthuis.
Zo zijn we ook met Jeffrey en Rodrigo naar een verlaten fort in Brasschaat geweest.
Een heel spannend avontuur waarbij ik mijn vinger gebroken nog gebroken heb door een stommiteit te begaan.
Het resultaat kan je nog steeds een beetje zien en dat deed enorm veel pijn.
Als je wil weten hoeveel pijn dat deed, kijk dan nog eens naar.
Gevoelige kijkers kunnen beter even naar een andere kant kijken.
Ik denk dat het tijd wordt om deze compilatie aflevering van 2018 af te ronden,
het zijn tenslotte beelden die jullie allemaal al zouden moeten gezien hebben, als trouwe kijker.
Wat brengt 2019?
Voor 2019 hopen we op nog meer abonnees en nog beter video materiaal.
We vragen iedereen om te blijven liken en te blijven abonneren en voor 2019 heb ik slechts 3 tips,
Normandië, Groot Brittannië en uiteraard Italië!
Als jullie meer willen zien dan heb ik maar 1 ding te zeggen, of Kurt gaat het zeggen.
Blijven kijken in 2019!
Waar zit Tommy?
Hier is hij!
Zalige kerst en een gelukkig nieuwjaar.
Ook aan onze kijkers thuis, een zalige kerst en een heel gelukkig nieuwjaar.
Goed feesten, niet te zat en wees voorzichtig met het vuurwerk dat je gaat afschieten.
Dat kan gevaarlijk zijn.
Dan zien we jullie in de eerste aflevering van het nieuwe jaar.
Happy Newyear!
Bedankt aan al onze kijkers en abonnees voor het fantastische jaar.
We hopen het volgende jaar op nog meer exclusieve locaties.
Kleine dank u aan de spoeddienst van het AZ Nikolaas.
Prettige feestdagen en maak er een fijn eindejaar van, wij zien elkaar terug in 2019
Happy Newyear van het ETW team!
For more infomation >> Wat bracht 2018? - Eindejaarsspecial - Duration: 34:12.-------------------------------------------
Affiliate Marketing For Beginners 66 - Clickbank : What is Pay Per Click PPC? - Duration: 6:50.
pay-per-click or PPC is an advertising model unique to the Internet it's been
around since 2002 a pay-per-click ad is a small four line aired consisting of a..
headline two short lines of text and a URL it doesn't contain graphics color
variations music or video and you can't pay extra to get more space although
they sound and look rather basic pay-per-click ads are one of the most
powerful ways of advertising today simply because they are so targeted
rather than just displaying to whoever happens to be in the vicinity bears with
TV or billboard advertising pay-per-click ads only display to people
who have shown an active interest in the topic by either searching for
information or by going one step further and visiting a website what this means
for you as an affiliate is that the conversion rate of pay-per-click ads is
much higher than other advertising models another enormous benefit is that
you only pay for the times when the ad gets clicked on while that doesn't
necessarily mean that you'll get a sale it's a lot better than paying merely for
the privilege of having your ads on show pay per impression which is what used to
be the case before pay-per-click was introduced there are two types of
pay-per-click ads the ads that appear beside the organic search results in
Yahoo Google and Bing search engines are called search ads because they are
triggered by the words people search for for example someone searching cat
training will display pay-per-click ads targeting related keywords phrases the
second type of pay-per-click ads are content ads these ads appear within a
website or blog and unlike search ads content pay-per-click ads are based on
keywords within the website itself rather than any user action the trick
with content ads is making sure your website or blog is well optimized for
your topic so that the most relevant ads possible are displayed if you have a
website about flamenco dancing frogs and your site isn't properly optimized
then you could get ads displaying for the DVD version of so you think you can
dance for sale on eBay or worse something that probably has very little
significance for your market such as dance studios fur under-fives content
ads can be in two formats text the traditional type of Google ad most
people will automatically think of and image ads for example animated banners
and either gif or Flash format both text and image ads can be used for placement
targeted and keyword targeted campaigns and if you thought that banner style
advertising was dead then think again our experiments have led us to conclude
that image content ads are consistently more profitable than text content ads
and when not just the only ones mark Lindsay goes so far as to claim that he
gets back triple the click-through rates on image ads as he does from straight
text ads and it's interesting pay per click ads are rewarded for high quality
and penalized for inferior quality this is simply because the whole system would
fall apart if visitors started to see pay per click ads as bad value but if
ads our high quality than everyone will benefit for that reason the better your
ad then the less you'll have to pay per click and the more exposure you get a
win-win situation although pay per click can be expensive
you can set the limits on your spending to ensure you don't end up bankrupt
overnight when you set your ads you will be choosing your maximum cost per click
which can be as low as 10 cents or as high as $50 the minimum amount you will
have to pay will vary depending on the search engine and the popularity of the
keyword you wish your ad to appear for you also get set a daily budget which
could be anything from five dollars to five thousand dollars this will
determine how many times per day your ad gets shown if you have a budget of 20
dollars per day and paying a maximum cost-per-click of 30
cents then your ad can be showing up to about sixty six times a day but if
you're paying a dollar per click then your ad will only be shown 20 times that
makes sense don't worry if this sounds a bit
confusing we'll be going into that in a lot more
detail in later lessons for now we just want to point out that although pay per
click can be expensive you do have some control over what you spend keywords are
a huge part of pay per click success as they determine how targeted your
audience is which in turn determines your conversion rate when you set up
your ads you will be able to bid on the keywords and keyword phrases that you
think your target market is most likely to search for for example someone
promoting a learn yoga course would probably bid on the keywords learn yoga
and yoga for beginners as they seem like search terms that their target audience
would use finding the best keywords for highest conversions is an art and top
pay-per-click advertisers spend hours analyzing the most profitable keywords
for their campaigns sometimes a relatively small difference
can make a big difference to the number of conversions you get for example cat
fur allergy might get more clicks than cat hair allergy luckily there are also
plenty of keyword tools out there to help you discover what words your target
market used to find information related to what your promotion will be taking a
look at them and a few more lessons in time for today's lesson summary and
today's lesson we've looked at what pay per click actually is and how long it's
been around we've looked at search versus content ads and how they are
different we've looked at the different types of content ads whether it's text
the traditional style of google ad or image ads or banner style advertising
we've looked at the cost of pay-per-click and how you can set your
limits on your own spending and we've looked briefly at keywords and how
they're a huge part of your pay-per-click success
all right that's all we've got time for today thanks for watching and we'll see
you again soon bye for now
2-year-old, whose mom was granted US visa after lawsuit, dies - Duration: 0:36.
What Was The Costliest Mistake In History? - Duration: 7:42.
As the old saying goes, success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
And as we all collectively know - to err is human, but to forgive - divine.
Well, there are some blunders throughout our shared ancestral history that have been a
pretty big deal, and it's not so much forgiveness that has corrected our ways, but the sheer
will and determination that our species has - to take one, big, deep breath - try not
to lose our temper - and wait for this whole thing to blow over.
Well, let's take a look shall we?
What's going on guys - and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube
- Life's Biggest Questions.
As per usual, I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch, as we bite our fist - and
cautiously ask the question, What Was The Costliest Mistake In Human History?
Roll the clip.
It's a broad question - because believe it or not, despite all of our successes - the
human species is pretty fantastic at screwing things up - and time and time again throughout
our history, has ignored the path of least resistance - or over complicated things by
trying to show off, strut their stuff - and whisper those three fateful words - hold my
beer - before the whole thing goes to ruin.
Now - you might be thinking that we're already living in a time period of costly mistakes
- I mean, just take a look at Brexit - but trust me, things have been much, much worse.
Before we chomp on that bit questioneers - here at Life's Biggest Questions, we want nothing
more than to deliver you some of your most ponderous questions imaginable - to whether
you could grow a bonsai tree on the International Space Station, or how many Kraft dinners you
could eat before you get scurvy.
So - if you've got a burning idea for a question that you just can't keep to yourself
- make sure to let us know in the comment box down below.
Also - we hit one million subs - and we love you all, so thank you very much.
Make sure to stick around all the way to the end and I'll be reading out some of your
greatest comments from the past few days.
So, let's rewind a little bit - because back in the day, I mean, way - way back in
the day - sometimes, even the smallest of mistakes meant that the consequences set into
motion a series of unfortunate events that would have calamitous implications thousands
of years down the line.
So to begin - we should take a look at the first big fluff-up in ancient history, the
burning of the Library of Alexandria.
The Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt was one of the largest and most significant libraries
of the ancient world.
After being established, it came to be regarded as the capital of knowledge and higher learning,
and quickly acquired a large number of papyrus scrolls from across the known world on every
scholarly topic imaginable.
It is unknown just exactly how many scrolls were housed there, but estimates have ranged
from 40 thousand - to a staggering 400 thousand.
In the grand scope of things - this was literally the physical equivalent of Wikipedia from
a time where civilization was just beginning to get the hang of the whole existence gig.
Andddd - then enter our boy Julius Caesar, who burned the whole thing to the ground.
Accidently - of course.
In 48 BC - during the Roman Civil War between Caesar and his Populares against the traditionalist
Optimates - which eventually would lead to the transition of the Roman Republic to the
Roman Empire - Julius Caesar was trapped and besieged at the port of Alexandria.
As a last ditch attempt - he ordered his soldiers to burn his own fleet of ships in the cities
docks, so attacking forces would be blocked by sea.
Well - that fire actually spread from the water to the entire city - and as a result,
a large portion of the Library of Alexandria was burned to cinders.
Although the structure survived for another 200 years, the fire completely diminished
its importance to academia - before it was ultimately reduced to rubble in the siege
of Alexandria in 297.
Whatever knowledge kept there has been lost to the sands of time - all because Julius
Caesar hadn't taken his fire safety course.
Ancient history is awash with some terribly poor decisions.
Mainly because the burden of leadership was usually put on one guy with a pointy hat and
a 50/50 chance of having mental health issues.
Let's take a look at perhaps the most devastating military force on the planet - Genghis Khan,
supreme ruler of the Mongol Empire - who's impact on the planet has regularly been understood
to be more disastrous than the Bubonic Plague - so much so that his take over of Asia from
between 1200 and 1380 AD had such an influence that it changed the carbon dioxide levels
on Earth.
Sounds like a pretty tough guy, right?
Well - if only Ala ad-Din Muhammad knew that.
As leader of the empire of what is now known as modern day Iran and Iraq, Ala ad-Din Muhammad
was on the receiving end of a diplomatic trade deal from the big man himself, Genghis Khan.
To put it simply, he made him an offer that he couldn't refuse.
But - err - big no no, because he refused it - and then chopped off the head of the
diplomatic emissary sent by the Khan.
A very costly mistake - because the Mongol Empire reacted by sending over 200 thousand
horseback warriors as a result - completely wiping out the discourteous empire pretty
much overnight.
Good manners go a long way.
It didn't stop there though - poor decision making really ramped up on its approach to
modern history.
Around 1670 - the Dutch empire sailed past Australia, discovering it over 100 years before
Britain managed to do the same.
The Dutch though, didn't think much of the place - and completely ignored it - noting
it as a useless desert.
By 1770 - Captain James Cook of Britain discovered it again, funny how that works eh? - and landed
in Botany Bay.
On the 22nd August 1770 - Britain claimed the eastern coast of Australia as New South
Wales - and the Dutch were none the wiser of the economic impact that Australia would
later have on the global stage.
But I mean - that's a pretty broad stroke, isn't it?
A mistake is easy to address in terms of an entire country - but what about a mistake
made by the Average Joe.
Enter Leopold Loyka - the driver of one particular Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand.
Well, on one fateful day, on Sunday 28th of June 1914 - Leopold was driving Franz and
his wife through the streets of Sarajevo, the capital of the then Austro-Hungarian province
of Bosnia and Herzegovina - when he took a wrong turn down a side street.
Well, that wrong turn would divert them off their planned route of safety - and into the
hands of an assassin - Gavrilo Princip, who was smoking outside of a cafe and couldn't
believe his luck.
He shot and killed both the Archduke and his wife, kicking off the events of the First
World War, a devastating blight on both sides of the European conflict - which would then
lay the foundation for the rise of Hitler and the National Socialist Party - which would
then lead to the Second World War - and a whole load of trouble - all because one driver
took a wrong turn down the wrong side street in Sarajevo.
Well - I think we may have found our winner.
Well, I mean, it's either that or the fact that Blizzard thought it would be a good idea
to make Diablo Immortal.
Do you guys not have phones?
There we have it folks - there are uncountable costly mistakes in history, so let us know
what you think it is in the comment box below.
Before we depart, here's a few of your kindest words from the past few days.
Dank Swizzle says - holy crap your sooooo close to 1 mil.
Well - haven't you heard the news buddy?
We made it!
And we couldn't have done it without Dank Swizzle's such as yourself.
Much love guys - we really appreciate it.
Next up - Justchill 4 Life says - Can you guys do a video on is Australia a hoax just
to clarify that Australia exists to the unbelieving people in the world.
Well - buddy, we don't need to do a whole video on that, because I can tell you now.
Australia is indeed real.
Or is it?!
Nah - I'm just kidding, my mate lives there.
Or does he?!
Nah - he does, it's real.
Anyway guys - cheers for sticking around all the way to the end, hit that thumbs up button
- ding that subscribe bell, and show some love in the comment box below.
As always, I've been your host Jack Finch - you've been watching Life's Biggest
Questions - and until next time, take it easy.
Dave Ward given one-game ban for stamping but is cleared of spitting - Duration: 4:49.
Harlequins have issued Dave Ward with a one-match ban for stamping at Twickenham but have cleared their hooker of spitting at an opponent
Both incidents took place in the 11th minute of the 20-13 Gallagher Premiership victory over Wasps on Saturday with Ward appearing to spit in the direction of Thomas Young before then stepping on the prone Welsh flanker's ankle
Ward has apologised for the second offence - which was punished by a yellow card - but denies spitting at any player
Harlequins have banned Dave Ward for one game for stamping on Thomas Young's ankle The hooker can be seen stepping on Young's ankle during the first half of Saturday's match The club have however cleared Ward of spitting at the Wasps flanker after reviewing footage Share this article Share 'I apologise unreservedly to Thomas Young, Wasps and everyone at Harlequins for my yellow card,' he said
'I would also like to make clear that I did not spit on another player during the match yesterday
'Regardless of what the television footage looks like I know that I have never spat on a player in all my career and will never do so
' Ward was punished for the stamping offence with a yellow card and issued an apology for it He denies ever spitting and said: 'I know that I have never spat on a player and will never do so' FULL CLUB STATEMENT Following this review the Club has decided to give Dave Ward a one game suspension for treading on Thomas Young's ankle
Harlequins Head of Rugby Paul Gustard said: 'We have reviewed this episode as a club and I have spoken with Dave
'We do not coach, condone or accept foul play and on behalf of the team and the Club, I apologise to Thomas, Dai and Wasps for this incident
It was an unnecessary and regrettable incident in what was a tightly contested match at Twickenham
'The Club also reviewed an alleged spitting incident involving Dave Ward and are satisfied that there is no case to answer
Ward said: 'I apologise unreservedly to Thomas Young, Wasps and everyone at Harlequins for my yellow card yesterday
'I would also like to make clear that I did not spit on another player during the match yesterday
Regardless of what the television footage looks like I know that I have never spat on a player in all my career and will never do so
' Quins have acted upon reviewing the incident, which happened shortly after Ward performed a neck roll on Young in a feisty clash between the play-off rivals
The 33-year-old could still be cited for all or some of the three offences despite the club-imposed ban with citing officer Buster White having until 6pm on Sunday to lodge a complaint
In a statement, the club said they are 'satisfied there is no case to answer' in reference to the spitting incident
'We do not coach, condone or accept foul play and on behalf of the team and the club, I apologise to Thomas, Dai and Wasps for this incident,' Quins boss Paul Gustard said
'It was an unnecessary and regrettable incident in what was a tightly contested match at Twickenham
'Meanwhile, Sale director of rugby Steve Diamond will only be investigated by the Rugby Football Union for his angry exchange with a member of the media if a complaint is made
Diamond asked to speak to the journalist 'outside' in the aftermath of the Sharks' victory at Gloucester on Saturday and is alleged to have grabbed his dictaphone before the pair engaged in a heated verbal spat
Any charge against Diamond - a regular before the rugby judiciary - would be brought under the banner of bringing the game into disrepute
Quins boss Paul Gustard described the incident with Ward as 'unnecessary and regrettable' Joe Marchant scored Harlequins' second yet as they defeated Wasps 20-13 at Twickenham Share this article Share
✅ Breaking News - Dave Ward given one-game ban for stamping but is cleared of spitting - Duration: 4:03.
Harlequins have issued Dave Ward with a one-match ban for stamping at Twickenham but have cleared their hooker of spitting at an opponent
Both incidents took place in the 11th minute of the 20-13 Gallagher Premiership victory over Wasps on Saturday with Ward appearing to spit in the direction of Thomas Young before then stepping on the prone Welsh flanker's ankle
Ward has apologised for the second offence - which was punished by a yellow card - but denies spitting at any player
'I apologise unreservedly to Thomas Young, Wasps and everyone at Harlequins for my yellow card,' he said
'I would also like to make clear that I did not spit on another player during the match yesterday
'Regardless of what the television footage looks like I know that I have never spat on a player in all my career and will never do so
' Following this review the Club has decided to give Dave Ward a one game suspension for treading on Thomas Young's ankle
Harlequins Head of Rugby Paul Gustard said: 'We have reviewed this episode as a club and I have spoken with Dave
'We do not coach, condone or accept foul play and on behalf of the team and the Club, I apologise to Thomas, Dai and Wasps for this incident
It was an unnecessary and regrettable incident in what was a tightly contested match at Twickenham
' The Club also reviewed an alleged spitting incident involving Dave Ward and are satisfied that there is no case to answer
Ward said: 'I apologise unreservedly to Thomas Young, Wasps and everyone at Harlequins for my yellow card yesterday
'I would also like to make clear that I did not spit on another player during the match yesterday
Regardless of what the television footage looks like I know that I have never spat on a player in all my career and will never do so
' Quins have acted upon reviewing the incident, which happened shortly after Ward performed a neck roll on Young in a feisty clash between the play-off rivals
The 33-year-old could still be cited for all or some of the three offences despite the club-imposed ban with citing officer Buster White having until 6pm on Sunday to lodge a complaint
In a statement, the club said they are 'satisfied there is no case to answer' in reference to the spitting incident
'We do not coach, condone or accept foul play and on behalf of the team and the club, I apologise to Thomas, Dai and Wasps for this incident,' Quins boss Paul Gustard said
'It was an unnecessary and regrettable incident in what was a tightly contested match at Twickenham
' Meanwhile, Sale director of rugby Steve Diamond will only be investigated by the Rugby Football Union for his angry exchange with a member of the media if a complaint is made
Diamond asked to speak to the journalist 'outside' in the aftermath of the Sharks' victory at Gloucester on Saturday and is alleged to have grabbed his dictaphone before the pair engaged in a heated verbal spat
Any charge against Diamond - a regular before the rugby judiciary - would be brought under the banner of bringing the game into disrepute
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