The DoubleTree by Hilton hotel in Portland, Oregon, where an African-American guest claimed he was racially profiled last week for talking on the phone in the lobby, on Friday issued an apology and revealed that the staffers involved in the exchange have been suspended.
Jermaine Massey, 34, posted a video of Sunday's incident on Instagram showing his confrontations first with hotel employees, and then a Portland police officer who was summoned to the hotel by the staff.
In the clip, Massey can be heard attempting to explain to staff that he had been on the phone to his mother when he was reported by Hilton porters in the lobby.
In response to media scrutiny sparked by Massey's video going viral, the hotel issued a statement Wednesday that described what happened between the guest and the DoubleTree staff as 'unfortunate.'
Massey has since retained two attorneys, who said that their client was only guilty of 'calling his mother while black' and demanded that the hotel issue a public statement explaining why the hotel guest was approached by a security guard to begin with, reported KPTV.
The Portland hotel on Friday responded by issuing an unqualified apology to Massey on Twitter and stating that the workers involved in the incident have been placed on leave pending the outcome of an internal investigation.
'We sincerely apologize to Mr. Massey for his treatment this past weekend, and deeply regret the experience he endured,' the follow-up statement read. 'It was unacceptable and contrary to our values, beliefs and how we seek to treat all people who visit our hotel.
'We have a zero-tolerance stance on discrimination of any kind, and do not tolerate behavior of that nature.
'We are seeking the counsel of community leaders, and will engage a third-party to conduct a full investigation into the incident – reviewing our internal processes, protocols and trainings to ensure we are creating and maintaining a safe space for everyone.'
Massey, a resident of Kent, Washington, who had traveled to Portland to attend a Travis Scott concert, claimed he was targeted by a security guard because he is black and that this led to him being ejected from the hotel on December 22.
In the recording of the incident Massey posted, the guard says that he was calling the cops because Massey was loitering, despite Massey's holding his room key card.
Portland police then arrived and escorted the man off the premises. He said he was allowed to retrieve his belongings from his room and check out at the front desk while police waited.
'Tonight I was racially profiled and discriminated against for taking a phone call in the lobby of my hotel,' Massey wrote on Instagram.
'He [the security guard] said that I was a safety threat to the other guests and that I was trespassing and said that I was a disturbance because I took a personal phone call from my mom in a more remote area of the lobby.
'I cannot believe the level of professionalism that this hotel property had with me tonight. It is never ok to discriminate against guests for the color of their skin and to prejudge them based on your own bias against that race.'
The officer who responded to the hotel reportedly told Massey that staffers demanded that the guest be arrested for trespassing if he refused to leave.
The cop then offered to give Massey a ride to another hotel, but the 34-year-old man told the officer he had a car of his own and did not wish to be transported in the back of a patrol vehicle.
The DoubleTree in Portland claimed soon afterwards that the entire incident took place because of a 'misunderstanding'.
Paul Peralta, general manager of the DoubleTree, told OregonLive Monday that he has reached out to Massey to try to amend the situation.
'Safety and security of our guests and associates is our top priority at the Doubletree by Hilton Portland,' Peralta said in the initial statement. 'This unfortunate incident is likely the result of a misunderstanding between our hotel and guest.
'We are sorry that this matter ended the way it did. We are place of public accommodation and do not discriminate against any individuals or groups.'
For more infomation >> DoubleTree hotel apologizes to guest 'who was racially profiled' - Daily News - Duration: 5:32.-------------------------------------------
What If SCP-096 Was Real? - Duration: 6:59.
We live in the most connected time that our civilization has ever seen.
An age where information is shared almost instantaneously, where you can transfer knowledge,
data - even a selfie, thousands of miles across the planet with merely the click of a button.
You can send it to your mum, to your best friend - to your classmates - or with enough
computing power, every single person on the planet that owns a digital device.
You might want to ask yourself, why would everyone on Earth want to see your face?
Well, they wouldn't - and everyone would be mildly perturbed, just like when U2 made
everyone listen to their album without asking first.
But if that selfie was of SCP-096 - then it would be a whole different story.
Hello internet - and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube - Life's
Biggest Questions.
As always, I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - as we cautiously ask the
question - What If SCP-096 Was Real?
Now - I can't remember that proverb about grandmothers and eggs, but if you know anything
about the SCP Foundation - you'll know that SCP-096 is perhaps the poster child of the
entire bizarre and anomalous fictional multiverse, and it's safe to say that he - or, well
- It? - has their fair share of equally terrified fans and followers.
This guy has been around since the early days of the foundation - and we've had quite
a number of years to ponder what our planet would be like if he was real.
Spoilers - it ain't too good.
Before we reluctantly lay out that hypothetical apocalyptic scenario, you know the drill by
now questioneers - if you're a fan of this video, the SCP Foundation - figuring out bizarre
ways that the world will end - or just Life's Biggest Questions in general - then please,
be a dear and hit that thumbs up button, as well as that subscribe bell so you can stay
up to date with our latest and greatest uploads.
Also - make sure to stick around till the end of the video - where I'll be reading
out some of your more humours comments from the past few days.
On with the show.
First - let's get the formalities out of the way.
As the record states, SCP-096 is a humanoid Euclid class creature measuring approximately
2.38 meters in height.
The creature appears to exhibit very little muscle mass - with preliminary analysis of
body mass suggesting mild malnutrition.
Its arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject's body - with an
approximate length of 1.5 meters each.
It's skin is mostly devoid of pigmentation, with no sign of any body.
Nothing too scary about this little twerp, right?
Ehh - well, the thing that makes 096 the infamous nightmare inducing creature that it is - is
the fact that whenever someone looks at it - it proceeds to enter a frenzied, unstoppable
state of emotional distress - and then kills and consumes said person.
With a 100% success rate.
And nothing can stop it.
Literally, nothing - not even the strongest and most technologically advanced material
known to civilization.
The Foundation's only line of containment is to keep it in a windowless steel cube and
they go to great lengths to make sure no one catches a glimpse of The Shy Guy.
And this is where our question lies - because we have to make it clear that by glimpse,
we mean that 096 is triggered by any physical viewership.
It doesn't matter if you see it in person, on a video surveillance screen - or even a
photograph of it - it knows when you look at it - and then you die.
Eventually, it might take it a while to get to you.
Although, it is important to note that the same reaction doesn't occur when viewing
artistic depictions, thanks to a brave D-Class Personnel that managed to scrawl a picture
of it before he met his demise - so you're fine viewing this video - don't worry - 096
won't get you yet.
But - like we said at the beginning of this video, we live in a highly connected era of
humanity - and something as simple as a photograph would be easier to spread than chicken pox
in a playground.
As we've already stated, 096 is a bit of a pain in the arse for the Foundation - and
depending on which canon you prescribe to - they may have already killed it, but that's
no fun, right?
So in this hypothetical scenario - let's imagine that the Foundation has lost containment
control of this anomalous entity - and instead, it's in the possession of say… a rogue
A group of politically motivated terrorists?
Doomsday Hackers?
Wait - what's a doomsday hacker?
Because let's put it this way - if SCP-096 was real - it would be the most resourceful
and successful means for assassination, and in the wrong hands - it would be the most
powerful weapon on the planet.
Albeit a little messy.
And incredibly dangerous - but yeah, if those two adjectives aren't synonymous with assassination
then it's no ones business.
It would be the literal equivalent of targeting a city with a missile - just with more death
and less explosions.
Picture this - you're on the bus downtown, minding your own business - when all of a
sudden your phone starts buzzing.
And then the person's next to you - and then the drivers - and then everyone on the bus
and the street.
You open the notification, and it's a photograph of SCP-096.
Everyone sees the same thing.
The whole city exposed to The Shy Guy - and that's the end of that, because as we stated
- SCP-096 has a 100% kill rate.
If this anomalous entity was real - then the best thing you could do is instantly disconnect
yourself from society.
Throw your phone in a lake.
Burn your TV to the ground.
Never look back.
Read a book - no pictures though.
The threat level of being exposed to a visual image of SCP-096 would be too damn high in
our current model of society and technological interaction.
It would work its way through the system like a virus - but instead of just an annoying
barrage of pop-up adds for mail order brides or penis enhancement pills - it would be the
last image you would ever see.
The Shy Guy - front and center on the global stage.
The headline act.
It would be enough to completely shut down the internet - with the ultimate goal of saving
humanity from itself.
Sometimes a blue link should stay a blue link - and never a purple link.
Sometimes a dead meme - should stay - a dead meme.
Well, there we have it folks, a bleak picture painted if SCP-096 was real.
Let's thank our lucky stars that he's not.
Or is he?
Anyway folks - cheers for sticking around all the way till the end.
Before we depart, let's read out some of your greatest comments from the past few days.
KingBongHogger says - Seriously though, why do bagel have hole?
I know right?
I'm still asking that same question - and also, this is now my second favourite YouTube
comment of all time.
Good job again.
Imogen Bateman says - What if my comments were read out?
Well - that was a short video, cheers for the material Imogen Bateman.
That was easier that I expected.
Anyway folks - that's all we've got time for in today's LBQ.
As always, I've been your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - you've been watching
Life's Biggest Questions - and until next time - you take it easy.
This week in Bitcoin- 12-28-2018- What will 2019 bring? 2018 thoughts, Lightning Network - Duration: 1:01:21.
Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister
welcome to this week in bitcoin today is december that's 28th 2018 my grandmother
turns 96 today strong hand long turns thinking I'm confiscate about what other
catchphrase words can value your wealth in Bitcoin offended by selling be a
unique beast holder or last retort I just had to say because this is the
final this week in Bitcoin show of the year I had this just say a million
different things I am obviously so excited wake up United States yeah it's
just 6 a.m. there but you better be awake because I got people from all over
the world here first of all and Tel Aviv Israel as you all know we got Hass
McCook he's making his debut he is in lovely Sydney Australia where it's warm
where it's summer yes people in the southern hemisphere it is summer
learnings travel there it's awesome alright and we got Boris the game King
he's coming in from gerd Amsterdam good night oh yeah and you got Boris he
transcends that he goes way beyond crypto he is in the gaming and
everything he interviewed me back in January we were in was it February it
was if it was stammer if every in Taipei I want and that's disrupt meister you
can check that out check out the archive so it's great to have him on my show so
we're gonna talk about a lot of things now obviously end of the year we will
have some predictions we'll talk we'll go over what happened in 2018 so this is
a mega show we might have another guest on the where he is but hey these dudes
can talk a lot I could talk a lot but let's start out with just some news that
came out in the last few hours now everybody had your strong hand don't
panic don't freak out but there's there's a little Tresor vulnerability
and ledger if someone can get a hold of it some tech dudes have figured out I'm
sure the correct is but uh let pass welcome to the show
explain what this is all about so so the guys over at wallet dock fail have
figured out that if you keep poor Prez all hygiene and don't protect your stash
with a passphrase you may be in a little bit of trouble if very highly tech savvy
thief comes through to your place and grabs ahold of your physical Tresor so
so this could be serious it's always good when these kinds of vulnerabilities
are found especially by white hats so this can give a chance for the Tresor
and ledger guides to patch it up hopefully they patch it up soon enough
but yeah if your if your stuff is not class freeze protected go and do that
right now if you can yeah there is the solution people just use a passphrase
that that takes care of this issue I'm sure they'll come up with a patch though
and they'll come they'll come up with their press releases soon that'll
discuss what this monitor ability is again this can't happy if you're if
you're by yourself you plug in your Tresor to your computer no one's going
to hack into it this is like they have to be there and they have to know this
this problem and so I link to the tweet below where were housed actually had
tweeted this out and I just I just learned about it today
baris any thoughts on this yeah I'm when I first read it I was really worried I
know lots of people who treat their hardware wallets like pretty casual you
know they leave it lying around at work in a desk drawer something like that and
I'll be able to do something like that and then just a thought that just your
your your yeah your password is not that not enough and that it's your phones are
not really secure it to be honest it made me worried a little bit yeah well I
on a theoretical level on a theoretical level I can see where it could it could
cause people to worry buddy it would takes a quite a thief quite a thief to
do now again if I guess if you're a known person and yet and then someone
knows you have a tresor and they know about this kind of thing and you don't
have a pass for on it then yeah you're in trouble I
guess but hey put put on the passphrase people do not worry be happy this is not
like some again this is all the treasures of the world or all the other
winner the legend that you are aren't about to be wiped clean of their Bitcoin
or anything like that again check out the links below and of course check out
the links below to check out these dudes Twitter's so you can learn more about
them you can follow them check out their podcasts and their shows and everything
they're doing and of course since you're up so early in the morning some of you
bet on that like one and of course where it has seized right now it's uh it's
nighttime I mean what time is it there and I'll see you send me yes yeah just
off the 10:00 p.m. but there's done each other
those kids are just starting the party right now I mean I would go running I
mean again this was in Melbourne but I'm sure it's the same thing at Sydney I'd
go running on a Sunday morning at 7 a.m. and the bars were just letting out
studying the people there partying so speaking of parties there's gonna be a
huge party all over the world on January the 3rd that's a 10-year anniversary a
Bitcoin in here in Tel Aviv you can link I'll be at the party I'll be
live-streaming you check out those links below if you want to attend or whatever
but also that is the day of tristes mayors proof of fees so you know we're
we're talking about safety and storage right now so that's what what are your
thoughts well I guess to front question are you gonna be partying it up on
January 3rd or there's anything big plan that day but what are your thoughts on
this uh proof of keys thing so with the proof of case I personally won't be
participating simply because I've got no keys on anyone's websites or exchanges
already safe on my password-protected trizol
so I'm all good but I will be I will be on the beach party and telling all all
my mates about there are more private keys available to us than grains of sand
on the beach so it'll be it'll be very interesting to everyone
but yeah definitely at the beach January the 3rd that's a great reminder there
are more private keys you're likely than grains of sand out there um well what
also I it's a great day you know to party but when you everyone is partying
and drinking you should you should remind your friends of this trace manner
proof of keys thing this is a great time to take off your big tit your Bitcoin
off those exchanges and put them on your your hardware while it bars did you know
about this a proof of keys thing the yeah absolutely and I'm to be honest I'm
I'm really interested where trace got this idea I mean there's all these
rumors that there's exchanges that are not really capable of covering all of
their outstanding funds if that's the case and we actually I mean nobody knows
what's going to happen but if it goes south and we will see some exchanges get
into real trouble if everybody would throw their phones on the other hand I
and everybody around me really likes the idea and I don't think everybody's gonna
do it because the people that will keep their funds on exchanges they're not
really in touch with receiving messages like this they're not really into like
the activists part of of Bitcoin I'm afraid lots of people are just gonna
leave their fonts on these exchanges and some exchanges might even just decide to
to post everything On January 4 just out of a precaution yeah I I think you hit
the nail on the head that most people who deal with exchanges you store they
know they don't hear about these types of things and know that it's not gonna
make that big of a difference they're not enough 20 percenters they're not
enough people who understand what a private key even is with you know that
so many people use coin bat base as a Bitcoin bank I think they're more people
with that attitude in crypto than there are with traces now this whole
experiment this whole January 3rd proof of keys thing is is to change people's
minds it's the slowly change people's minds it would be beautiful if the
exchanges did fear this enough that they close down the pot which
all that day that that would be amazing but I don't think that will happen I do
think the the theoretical situation that you discussed about how some of these
are big some of these exchange just don't have what they say they do and it
is true that there are a lot of them that are doing some fractional reserve
type of nastiness but this is not going to call them out it would be beautiful
if it did has what do you think about that are there a lot of exchanges lying
out there hard to say and don't want to cause a panic but definitely I fast I
don't see I don't see exchanges pausing withdrawals as that would be the Barbra
Streisand effect of all price and effects because people start to look
into why the hell are these guys you're not pausing withdrawals and find
out all about the the proof of keys movement yeah yeah that that would
trigger it right there what well I I knew that people who are familiar with
this show know all about controlling their own private keys and when you do
that yeah that that's when it's uncomplicated well there by the way I
just wanted to show everybody I've worn this shirt before the game Kings shirt
this is a beautiful shirt yeah it was beautiful I I have run in this shirt a
lot so it's got marks on it and stuff like yeah check out game kings let's
talk about gaming real quick why why not why not talk because I the I've always
thought was a great partner with crypto that kids like young guys out there they
love the game they love to play these games I'm no expert on it that's why I
bring on an expert here but I think it's a natural transition people who are
playing video games they could easily understand crypto so what are you any
thoughts on that mr. game King yeah absolutely man I think I mean in my
experience gamers I mean first of all there's all gamers are tech savvy
especially when you started gaming in the 90s you'll be playing PC games
you'll be building your own pcs it would be a small step from building game PC to
actually mining bitcoins from some crypto
but more importantly I think gamers grew up with the idea that you can you can
have something like digital currency you can actually live in a world where you
create your own rules and that's the interesting part of it I mean there's
been a lot of research about why people play video games and some people play
video games because they like the challenge you know they want to beat
other people at playing a soccer match or whatever something like that that's
that's the vs. the eSports part of playing games but there's another really
big group and I think it's like like 60 or 70 percent they play video games as a
form of escapism like get I mean get out of the daily grind I mean when you if
your school sucks or whatever you just play video games and you live in a world
that's just much friendlier or more to your liking or where you can be who you
want to be without being judged by by by everybody that's why people play video
games and if you take that as a given it's so obvious that you would have
something like a digital currency I remember I gave a talk and it was I
think it was early 2000 or something I gave a talk at a Technical University in
the Netherlands and it was about a game called EVE Online and it's like a
role-playing game it's a space role-playing game it's huge there were
hundreds of thousands of players and they had a an in-game currency and it
was back to the dollar and for some reason the the creators of this game
just gave you the option to do whatever you like you could scam you could steal
you could rob you could do whatever you like and that actually happened and
somebody built a bank that's I mean that's the best game ever so somebody
builds a bank and collects like 80% of all currency in game and post this video
on YouTube as I see that he's is is that enough finished committing suicides and
you just never heard of a good and what the interesting part of it is that the
developers of the video game they were charged because the currency was
actually backed to the dollar so people gamers were losing actual money and I
remember that the law department of Harvard University actually took that
case studied it because it was the first time ever that
digital currencies were connected to crime and that's when I saw that I was
like yeah man that's fascinating and I mean remember those days when you were
trying to explain to your mom or someone who'd pay a thousand dollars for Forest
swords or something like that or if for a video game in a video game and I mean
gamers understand why something that's digital can have value and whenever I
have these these endless discussions with people who are like coming from the
gold world or whatever and they they were asking me the same thing like why
does Bitcoin have intrinsic value blah blah blah you know that it's the same
thing gamers understand how something digital
can have intrinsic value because it takes you week two of grinding to
actually buy that sort of get that digital asset or whatever and bitcoin is
no different than that and I think people who play video games understand
the game theory part of Bitcoin in a very early stage dude that was freaking
awesome explanation found that like button it sounds like those dudes came
up with the first stable coin ever back in the day Boris just said Oh first just
want to give a shout-out to eSports comm so I'm involved with them one of the
leading media covers of the the eSports industry and being a nosy and all the
aussie viewers can that can relate to this we love having a bit and that's
where I see digital currencies bitcoin and litecoin coming in to the gaming
industry specifically the eSports and eSports betting sphere there's nothing
bigger these days now than the new sports a sports competitions literally
having prize money now in the millions and millions of dollars and you're not
just as we like betting on the horses on the footie we even bet on on politics
over here in Australia we'd love to we'd love to bet on some eSports real soon as
well so the digital sphere like Boris said tech-savvy kids you know everyone
everyone likes a bet the eSports industry is worth something like 50
billion all sorry the gaming industry it's worth
saying like fifty billion dollars and yeah there's a definite future with with
with crypto in eSports gaming and and the lightning networks make that all
that much easier I'm sure that that segues us into our next discussion point
on lightning it does it does Bend and it also say
weighs us into predictions for 2019 well he sports and crypto combined it would
be a bigger crossover but you said something I caught something
interesting that you said there that people ask me about this and I really
just like yeah whatever you said litecoin are you a litecoin
fans do you think it has a future do you think 2019 and litecoin you said you
said like coin in your top right then I think I said lightning oh you did I
thought you said Bitcoin at some point
because some people are like oh no like coins the next best thing the Bitcoin
you got a dad dead they'll be using that for small transactions and I won't be
but you know that's that's the that's the best thing about freedom so you can
that you can do whatever you want but if you know what's good for you it's it's
Bitcoin and opening channels up inlining oh yeah I'm on I'm on that page with you
I just thought maybe you had just opened up a whole can of worms for all those
freaks out there that love that light coin there's some of those people out
there that are always what do you think about light point app there's really not
much I can say about like when it's just like Bitcoin but I mean what's the point
okay good so we're let's talk it let's talk about like lightning Network that
no no like coin you're sorry litecoin guys alright yeah okay lightning this is
from who is this time value of this from Nick Bhatia actually oh this is a bit
this is a mouthful lightning Debs slash companies are building a transaction
layer a UX layer a privacy layer and a capital market layer all at the same
time this should have your attention well it has my attention but are you
Nick it who made that awesome tweet are you
talking a big gain here that's not gonna happen until like 2021 again we make
huge predictions like this I would love if Lightning Network solves the user
experience problem with Bitcoin but again right now it's a Bitcoin can kind
of be messy if you're trying to send the Bitcoin you got to see all these if
lightning can make the UX an easy UX layer that would that would be great
but I and I and I know all these things that Nick mentioned it they are going to
happen I'm just the type of guy I've been hearing about great things about to
happen on so many different levels of Bitcoin for a while and it usually takes
us much longer than we originally thought so what do you expect it for
lightning in 2019 Boris or should we be more patient with it no
no absolutely I run my own lightning no dive dive
I mean it's a holiday now in the Netherlands and I've been playing around
with the rest by blitz release so I run the Lightning notes on a on a Raspberry
Pi and I've I've actually have noticed how it was harder than I thought it I
mean the installation wasn't hard it was just hard to understand the concept that
receiving funds on lightning it's not a it's not something that you have to take
for granted it's not as easy as receiving a bit compare mint so I think
a lot of work needs to be done to be able to receive funds and the reason I
say this is I'm working on a new project where we allow gamers to to start wager
matches which means that I mean if the three of us would play a video game or a
soccer tournament or whatever in FIFA or whatever we could just wager I don't
know 50 cents on it or $1 and the winner would take those we'll take the wager
and a little would go to the to the platform but doing something like that
right now on the Lightning Network because that's what we're planning to
use is extremely difficult and lightning is just not there yet but on the other
hand I mean that the pace at which the at which lightning is developed it's
insane I mean like like eight months ago I wouldn't been able to even get
lightning running on a Raspberry Pi or on any computer for that matter and now
I need little technical knowledge it's easy to install but yeah we're not there
yet only on the gamer side there is some
what's really interesting some people have written some plugins for a very
popular game engine and they are it's called unity and they would allow
you to do lighting transactions in game and what I really like about this is
that if you if you play video games the way that you're rewarded it's usually
very abstract you know you might get some points or I mean what's the points
it's nothing you know it's just some number that the game gives you I'd
rather have a few satoshis you know I mean what if we have a we play a
fighting game together and every hit is worth one Satoshi I mean it doesn't
stand for much value in dollar dollar-wise but what it does to you I
mean the feeling of rewards when you actually win actual money playing video
games that's insane that's like every gamers dreamed that you can make a
living playing video games I mean that's what the eSports are doing now and
that's coming to the masses and lightning is actually gonna enable that
well I I love it I love hearing positive things about lightning Network and the
combined gaming and I like your approach you're like it is difficult right now
we're gonna have to be patient if they the it's it's it's not simple but it
will be easier in the future and I commend you for running a lightning node
for getting into this past what what are what are your thoughts on lightning that
work I'm sure you've got a lot and and is it going to be easier in 2019 is 2019
the year of the Lightning Network 2018 is the year of the Lightning Network so
I'm gonna I'm gonna share my screen over here I'll tell you that I am probably
the least tech-savvy person you'll ever meet in your life and I've got two
lightning notes so uh so I've got one from Casa that you
know plugged in and worked but while I was waiting for the Casa I I did
something you know the Rashaad node I'm not sure if you guys that know about
that but Parishad one of the legends BOJ's of the game has produced one of
the one of the easiest Bitcoin node solutions in the world I'll actually
show it in action actually what a nice share my screen over here ya go
go ahead alright so you can I've put a link for Pierre's guide over in the
troll box in the chat and you can just search for this guide over on over on
google just type in Piero shad or easiest Bitcoin lightning a guide so you
follow this step by step and what result is something you simply keep click on
pops open Bitcoin core yeah you launch your Bitcoin node does everything by
itself once that loads up you launch your lightning node does everything by
itself and then once you're done you pop open your zap desktop wallet and
everything everything works on its own and then you can pop open your dual
chrome extension wallet and pay from with inside chrome as well so so there's
there's really nothing easier at the moment so as long as you have eight or
nine gigs ready to go on your on your laptop you can be up and running in
lightning and about I don't know between between 4 and 24 hours depending on on
your internet connection just to get your blockchain synched up for the very
first time and then yeah you're basically in action so it's here it's
clear and basically now we're just waiting on on the waves of adoption to
come through there you know there are people dedicated now to really building
this thing out and making it easy and all I know is that these these
solutions are basically has proof so I recommend everyone check out this
guide and and and get it going all right this is this is good and so you played
around you set some Bitcoin over the Lightning Network it was it was pretty
easy for you then super easy okay this is hey but you know
I'm imagine receiving would possibly be as easy as ascending okay so you haven't
received any yet but that's that's fine and I do want to remind everyone there
are people encouraging you to use that lightning network already now again is
it a hundred percent safe yeah I mean I don't wanna I don't want anyone to make
any big mistakes or anything like that but I do know that you like here in this
Tel Aviv a Bitcoin party on the third if you spend with Lightning Network you
only cost like six bucks to get into the party they have a huge discount if you
use Lightning Network and again an Emmy and a huge discount if you use Bitcoin
because again they value their wealth and Bitcoin just wanted to throw that
out there for for all the people was I I love to I love to align myself with
people who value their wealth in Bitcoin who would rather get Bitcoin then that
then the Fiat and any day so I'm glad that it's you're having an easy time
with it I hope it I hope maybe people become more comfortable with it and do
you agree that it is going to rock the Bitcoin world that it really I mean
that's what Nick bachas tweet basically was saying has I think the Lightning
network is the most important thing that happened to Bitcoin since Bitcoin itself
that's big pal that like button people for that bold statement well okay so
we're talking you said this was the year of lightning I there was it started yeah
that was cool but I would I want to hear uh Boris how you gonna remember 2018
what are you gonna think I mean what was this year like for you it was insane I
started a doing a podcast in January and it was for the Dutch equivalent of the
Financial Times and we have the all these really high-end guests and we have
people from Central Bank in the Netherlands we have like people from
politics from journalism economists and what I've noticed and it's it's really
what I mean I mean Bitcoin for a couple of years and the the rabbit-hole I went
through and the stuff that I've learned I've taken it for granted a little bit I
want to talk to these people I noticed that they really might understand one
short an aspect of Bitcoin they can understand the economic side or some of
them understand the technical side of it but none of them understands the whole
picture and you cannot understand Bitcoin if you don't get the whole
picture and I've once that screwed that idea crept in my brain I was looking for
it and I realized it whenever you hear someone say something dumb about Bitcoin
and even if those are real high profile people the reason why that happens is
because they just don't understand all value aspects of Bitcoin and I started
to think about it and I realize like okay what are these value aspects of
Bitcoin and maybe other cryptocurrencies as well and I realized that Bitcoin has
a as a value property as a there's a technical value property I mean that's
how it started you know we all I mean you it's hard to understand basically if
you don't get the technical side of it it has a speculative value aspect and
lots of people saw that in 2017 you know I mean all shit coins have speculative
value properties as well but bitcoin is in 2018 VidCon
started to get to gain some economic value properties and you see that in the
way that it's the adoption curve the the network effect that's what tres mayor is
talking about and what I've seen is that all the other altcoins
they fail to get to this point of actually gaining economic properties so
where where where they might be able to have some speculative properties or
literally technical copies of Bitcoin the economic side it cannot be copied
and that's why all these Bitcoin is got so pissed off when be cash tried that
because they were going for the economic value properties of Bitcoin and every
Bitcoin was like this is theft we're not gonna do this we're not gonna stand for
this and I realized this in 2018 and whenever I started talking about someone
I realized like there's so few people out there who understand all these
different value properties of Bitcoin and I actually able to talk about it and
I mean I'm in a bubble i watch you adam meister online i watch all the podcast
so I'm in a bubble so for me it seems like everybody understands this this
stuff but it's not the case and that's something I realized that and I think
people start to realize that as well when you hear politicians talk about
Bitcoin the stuff that we saw in Australia with the law for for increment
on encryption I mean that's that's just so retarded people have all these
theories about some conspiracy theory that you had a government once in on on
this it's just plain dumb nuts I mean these people don't get anything
so I start seeing that and once you see that it cannot be unseen and that for me
that's 2018 and it includes all the shit coins it includes all the all the people
talking about Bitcoin not understanding it's keep repeating the same question
what's the intrinsic value and I'm like how can you not understand the whole
picture you know I mean it's a given that it has value I mean start there
don't question that's are there and see where it leads you
because that's where the rabbit hole starts and that's that's for me that's
2018 whoa that is awesome has he brought up Australia there too so you could
address that I think people are interested in that but what was your
take on 2018 where some things that stuck out for you
yeah 2018 was a was a was a good year in
terms of experts and strong hands rising rising to the to the top of the heap so
a lot of a lot of fun came out and now there's a lot more of anti-flood troops
on the Front's on the front line so the the book the body of expertise is
growing the number of experts are growing the podcasts of fire you know
the only negative aspect of the year was was do not price the clients and ship
coins not dying off soon enough so so I think there's a lot of people holding a
lot of heavy bags holding on to a lot of hope and hopefully you know 2008 19 is a
is a you know for better or worse better year for them I think once they realize
that Bitcoin is the way it'll be a it'll be a better year if they keep holding
out hope you know that you know whatever it is vert Cornwall you know whatever it
may be come back then it's probably gonna be a bad year okay well first of
all you took I was gonna say for me this year was that this was a strong hand
year that's what the lesson was this was a weed out here you know if you couldn't
take this then you dropped out it's it's I made the comparison before it to
college when kids are trying to become doctors the organic chemistry is the
weed out class like if you can't pass that then you're not gonna be a doctor
that's it go you know go do something else
go be a marketing major database but uh this was uh this was definitely a
definitely a weed out year and but I want to get everyone prepared we're
gonna we're gonna talk about what we think about for 2019 I would just
caution people if you had a strong hand in 2018
and you didn't get weeded out then keep that same mentality prepare for 2019 to
be like 2018 it's going to be a continuation of the weed out year that
you're gonna need to have your strong hand still that there are going to be a
lot of fun stirs again I I went through this in 2014 and 15 so I would not I
prepared for 2018 and 19 to be like 2014 and 15 so it's just that's it but I'm a
positive thinker because I know that you know what yeah so if 2019 is like 2018
there's gonna be a 2020 awesome and that will be like 2016 so there's always a
brighter day around the horizon we have to have a long long term thinking and
deferral gratification but I'm just I want everyone to be prepared to defer
gratification longer than you might expect so that's that's that's my take
on a what 2018 was all about and it really it showed who had the conviction
in the space it really showed who had the Bitcoin conviction so you know as I
was before and as everyone can tell my smile is just as big as it was at the
head to start of the year as it is at the end of the year because there again
with the Lightning Network there's so there's so much going on that's positive
that's going to happen in 2019 so let's uh before we get into our 2019
prediction so I do want to read something about altcoins here because
this has to bring out up altcoins and this is from JW weatherman I'm pretty
sure the scam calling war is over and that lightning network was the final and
decisive blow we did a good job slowing the damage while the tech matured to
idiot level understanding but I don't think it's necessarily necessary moving
forward all right um I think that the stamp points are still gonna be around
I don't think all coins are gonna disappear I think I don't think the I
don't think there's a war with them first of all either but you know jwc
phrases things the way he phrases things past woody what do you what do you do
you think that all coins will still be around in 2019
you don't think lightning the final nail in their coffin do as
long as you know human human behavior and psychology is an interesting one and
as long as people have hope in these old coins they'll they'll survive freely
this isn't a you know a mature market reason isn't the reason isn't King in in
crypto just yet and typically when people start seeing reason there's a
migration to Bitcoin so it's effectively initial of when people see reason the
old coins will start to die off I do think Lightning Network is is the final
coffin people just don't know yet and if it's not Lightning Network that's the
final coffin it will be it'll be sidechains and the other other second
layer solutions yeah I I agree there's not that much reason and I think
eventually we're gonna have a whole new influx of unreasonable people oh don't
think we've you know all coin dot McCarthy if that it might being 21 that
we see all sorts of newbies come in thinking that their coin is the next
Bitcoin yeah in theory lightning that were should be the nail in the call last
nail in the coffin but it's probably get put out put up put off quite a while
because we just don't have reasonable thinking people enough there gonna be a
lot of 80 percenters but hey that's the wacky world if you just hold your
Bitcoin you're fine worse what do you think about all coins in in the future
I'm afraid we're not done with them yet I like how price I don't like the price
discussion but I I like how price makes people rights or feel right I mean end
of 2017 and every kid that made like turned a hundred dollars into ten
thousand dollars they felt like there were geniuses and they were on top of
the world and to be honest there's a little that is still in the in the
Bitcoin Hodler community I mean everybody who started around 2014 or
before that they're still way above water so they're still going to be happy
and since price is emotion and prices it's treated as something that that that
makes you right make sure the right opinion yeah I think we're gonna see
we're gonna say that go on in 2019 and I'm sure the altcoins will return I have
no doubt about it I mean there's just these hordes of people waiting to buy in
again as soon as it goes up yeah I really have no doubt that we'll see a
return of the 2017 craziness one day well let's talk about 2019 bars but do
you what do you see for 2019 general I really like the way that the Bitcoin
development is going and I really like how I really like how lightning is
turning out I really like how people are looking for ways to actually implement
it in their in their business cases I mean I'm building something like that I
see that around me a lot I work in media and there's lots of
problem with I mean we have the largest gaming platform in the Netherlands and
we have like 90 plus percent of people visitors using and lockers so there's no
revenue from advertising anymore so how are we going to deal with that and I
think lightning and tipping on lightning or lighting is gonna play a major role
in that we're not there yet exactly but I think that's that's coming along fine
and I'm I'm really surprised that on the one and how slow it goes and on the
other hand how fast it goes it's kind of like watching bread in a toaster you
know when you when you look at it and wait for it to pop out it won't happen
but you turn around some buffets there all of a sudden and that's I think
that's the way we're lightening development porch and I know so many
people who are actually coming up with ideas building stuff I'm not sure about
maybe you have an opinion this but a year ago I found it really really really
hard to find developers who had some knowledge about Bitcoin developments and
right now I see like there's a whole new generation learning and understanding
the tools and starting to work with it and I think we mean the the Hort it's
not gonna be just adopters it's gonna be the developers as well and we're gonna
see that in 2019 I mean there's some some colleges who are picking it up but
most of all the tools are here you know that
the tools to start your journey in development rabbit-hole they are here
they're easy to get the community is very open very supportive I think we'll
see a lot a lot of new developers coming in 2019 all right that would be great
and yeah sometimes it's sometimes it feels like things are moving really slow
but they are moving faster than they appear definitely and be patient
that's not rush things s what's better year 2019 prediction up for date yes
your thoughts in general what we're about the experience all right so I'll
get on the soapbox right here so get ready to pound our like button and
basically some people say you know they're here in Bitcoin for the price
other people say they're here for the tech I've got a pretty good day job so I
don't care too much about the price I'm too dumb to understand the tech but I am
here for the freedom though so I see Bitcoin as a tool for our freedom and
basically when I look at the market price that's basically a representative
of what people value their freedom at and currently not a lot of people value
their freedom it would seem so I view Bitcoin almost as a way of life
and religion of sorts and I've put a link in there about a piece I wrote
about Bitcoin and religion and I say Bitcoin is sort of the Church of Satoshi
and I basically tithe this church so every single week I put between ten and
twenty percent of my wage into Bitcoin no matter what the price and freedom
isn't free and we've got to put our proverbial nuts on the table and and
play the game so if people decide to wake up to this and and tide the church
every week with ten percent you know people can wake up and realize
that freedom is important and if we can get I don't know
200,000 out of the you know 50 million Bitcoin users to put 10% of their wage
fold up you know for the fight towards freedom Bitcoin we worth $100,000 each
tomorrow but you're not Renault as if people will
wake up or not so I can't give a price prediction because I view things in a
different light so I can't really make rational decisions all I know is that I
tithe every week so just like the the proof of keys movement has caught on and
I'm happy it has I really sincerely hope that the tithing movement will catch on
to the community because you know its various innumerous if we all get behind
this we're unstoppable well I actually did that look at that article because it
is linked to in your Twitter and I linked his Twitter below I got a he I'll
add his article to the links below after the show definitely well I do hope that
savings catches on again that people understand you got a save you call it
tithing and I mean I and I see the comparison there but I mean so many
Westerners would just rather have a new big-screen TV then you know put away a
little bit turn their fiat into this this new form this better form of money
they would rather just turn into a big-screen TV which loses value
immediately or a car which which loses value immediately but I mean that's what
we're here for to teach beeping - tomato teach people that you know savings is
good savings is cool and that in the long run you you will be quite pleased
about that now and I do hope that in 2019 movements like this do you spread I
I can hope that what race is doing what you're suggesting that people catch on
to this stuff that you know people become more of deferred gratification
but you know and some of this other mainstream people are making some 20-19
predictions out there some of the generic publications have said stable
coins are the are the movement of 2019 I mean there are people have said this to
me that's ridiculous but I said you guys have been on the
show before I I haven't heard your opinions on stable coins has to have an
opinion on stable coins yeah what's the point keep your money in
cash under a mattress or in a bank like what's the point of a stable coin
there you go people and that is uh that's that's a very respectable point
right there I gotta say having you bars yeah same here I mean I'm not using them
I'm not a trader I can imagine if you're on some exchange and you really need to
get out of your holdings fast it serves a purpose but no not not for me but I
would like to add something to the what has just said and that's the the
revolution part of Bitcoin and I mean we saw some pretty interesting stuff going
on in Paris you know in the couple of weeks we saw the yellow vest running
around with to buy Bitcoin written on it we have we have a saw a documentary on
on Venezuela the other day and it was about the role that Bitcoin
is playing there and it's a it's a stable coin in Venezuela compared to the
boulevard even though we have we experience all these price fluctuations
in well in Fitness whele this is I mean that the context is completely different
and I think that if you look at these countries and these examples I think we
might see the early signs of the next stage that bitcoin is going to enter and
I'm not sure if that's going to happen in 2019 already but it will happen soon
and I think when Bitcoin really completes the the adaptation of its
economic value properties we're going to go to the next level and that's one
Bitcoin is actually gaining some political value property and when that's
happening I mean all hell's gonna break loose
this is going to be really interesting I know some people who are really close to
large OTC traders and the kind of buy orders that we've seen this year they're
changing and in the beginning it was like if you if you want to buy two
million or three million worth of Bitcoin you go OTC in 2018 we've seen
that that money is not enough anymore I mean the orders are starting at 10
million or going up from that that means that if you have
just a few million dollars to buy Bitcoin well if you're gonna have to go
to the exchanges and if there's something if this is something that's
going to play out in 2019 it's going to mean something really exceptional for a
price but it's also going to mean something for countries or politicians
or big companies that start to really use Bitcoin as for its value properties
and if if you get if you gain its political value property we might even
see the first stages of countries big institutions actually buying into
Bitcoin to add to their yeah to add to their assets reserves and I'm really
interested if we see in for gonna see countries like North Korea or maybe
Venezuela I mean I'm not sure we'll see Western countries yet but those kind of
come if they don't start doing something with Bitcoin it would be a very logical
next step to actually start mining Bitcoin as well because like every
National Reserve has a big vault where they keep their gold if you are a
country and you buy Bitcoin you're gonna need a big server park to actually mined
Bitcoin and to protect your interest your investment so this is something
that we might see with the countries who are really in trouble like North Korea
like Venezuela I'm really curious how this is gonna play out in 2009 it could
be very interesting yeah I I don't know if it'll happen in 2019 but one of these
days we're gonna learn that there's been a country that's been stockpiling
Bitcoin and it's gonna pay off for them in a major way and once that news is out
then it'll just be a war between a peaceful war between the countries to to
acquire more great Bitcoin for their for the reserves so uh well as he has he
brought up in a political big coin and I I wanna know oh in Australia what way
the they have a law where you gotta give up your information but what is the
privacy laws there it's it's a little weird with what's going on over there so
we don't have a very technically competent government on
so there they've effectively mandated alors it's a lot more complexed and I'm
saying but it's effectively then mandating that all companies are forced
and must put backdoors in all of their products so that so that the authorities
can can go on gain access to whether they want really they don't really need
you know reasonable cause it's it's just a complete shit fight that was that was
rushed through Parliament in the last session of the year and we'll just have
to see what happens but I believe it's unenforceable but you know other people
may know better than me but it's these kinds of things are a game of cat and
mouse when you ban something it's usually only banned for that for the you
know people who follow the rules the criminals are always going to do their
own thing anyway so a back door is going to be more beneficial to a criminal than
it is to the law so who knows we'll see what happens well you can opt out of
that system people by opting into Bitcoin because there no back doors in
the Bitcoin and risk you don't have a password passphrase on your treasure
okay I know what I scare people all right excellent what else do we have
here I wanted to bring up a lot that something that's been in the news
recently since this is this weekend big coin let's let's get into some big main
everyone's predicting the end of bit main I think I think they'll be able to
survive they always he seems to be a smart guy Rocketman whoo do you guys
have any thoughts on bit main or be cash I think it's time that it's good that it
would stop and go away I mean on the other hand a big company like bit main
there is there's thousands of investors that don't understand Bitcoin they don't
understand anything they'd be more than happy to put their money in a company
like that I think the the fundamentals of the
company are weakening keep people are leaving but I don't
think that's very much visible for the outside world I mean if you look at
mainstream investment YouTube channels and see what they have to say about
companies like that they really don't understand the basics so now we've got
we're not gonna see the end of big name not for a long time okay
have any thoughts yeah I agree I don't I don't like bit main but they're the
they're currently the cost leader and have been a cost leader for like you
know three or four years you can't beat them on dollar per gig for their mining
equipment you know as long as as long as it's commercially viable to buy their
products people will keep buying their products so they're not going away
anytime soon unless you know some competitor comes up with a way to
produce cheaper dollars per gig and more efficient what's picking ash as simple
as that now I've got to go back to 2019 something that I think many people can
agree on that in the larger world outside of our Bitcoin bubble that an
issue in 2019 that's already started to be an issue in 2018 is censorship in
these social media platforms banning people patreon YouTube I see this as an
opportunity for cryptocurrency and a Bitcoin I I discovered something called
bit backer which I you know I'm playing around with which is like a patreon with
crypto wha yes do you have thoughts on the censorship that might be happening
in 2019 the direction social media is going on in and how crypto can help out
yes I believe censorship is getting worse and will continue to get worse and
this comes back to my to my point on freedom look you've got to think a
Bitcoin this way so if you want to save the environment you donate to Greenpeace
right if you want to do something disaster relief years donate to the Red
Cross and all that kind of stuff so who do you donate to in the sake of Ann teer
is it you know anti censorship and justice the only way to donate is to
just save in Bitcoin so it's probably the only economic justice charity in the
world and only one of two charities where if you donate you you become
richer with the other with the other one being the Clinton Foundation it's good
it's good I love this I love this comparison if you want you know you
donate to Greenpeace to save the environment you donate to a Bitcoin to
say freedom that ended and you enrich yourself I love it
that is how that like button people that was a good one basically more you save
that drives price up the more price comes up the more hype you know is
generated the more builders are drawn into the community the more products are
built the more utility Bitcoin has the more price goes up the more builders
come in and so on and so forth so if you actually want to make a difference in
the world just start saving in Bitcoin I like it I like it all right Boris your
thoughts well I think I'll actually I like how this this what's happening on
social media actually teaches people the value of of censorship resistance this
is something like it's a it's a term that's everybody using crypto
understands it and that's read about it and has learned it but if I take if I
talk to no corners and I try to explain these concepts to them they are like
yeah but I mean you got to trust someone and the banks are fine and you know
stuff like that they don't really understand it but now we have these
examples for social media of what happens when you have these centralized
companies actually starting their censorship and I love the examples and I
love how people are starting to to think about what censorship really is and how
it will work in this digital age and how extremely
important it is that people have an alternative and and bitcoin is an
alternative and lightning as well and to be honest I don't understand why content
creators don't build their own patrons and if they don't just just place a
Bitcoin address that's the same thing I mean what else do you need I really
don't understand what the fuss is about but that's because I'm in a bubble
exactly they again they're learning slowly what censorship resistance really
means I mean they're slow because again his people like Jordan Peterson who are
very smart you know they're seeing what patreon is and then they're like well
let's make our own patreon but they're still gonna have to deal with payment
processors who will censor them eventually they'll they'll learn what it
is they'll learn that there's no eventually that with Bitcoin there isn't
there's no one that's gonna stop you there's there's no again the censorship
resistance right there can I add something to that that's how
long would it take you to explain Bitcoin to Jordan Peterson because
that's what I find interesting if you look at if you talk to people it's it's
Bitcoin is such a broad concept and if you have a problem and you can use
Bitcoin to solve the problem they will understand easily but if you have to
explain the complete lisore completeness of the after of the game mechanics of
Bitcoin you'll you'll find it very difficult and people have to go through
their own rabbit hole and I would love to see like prominent social media
figures like Jordan Peterson actually learn about Bitcoin and see them stumble
and make all these mistakes and start using it I hope that's something we'll
see in 2019 I mean people like that I have them I don't know two million
followers on Twitter three million if they start using Bitcoin that would be
pretty good yeah you know I'm I would love that to happen in 2019 I'm not
saying it's gonna happen one of these days so one of those big social media is
guys it's just gonna snap in their head and they're gonna be like I'm all
Bitcoin now let's stop trying to reinvent the broken wheel patreon or
YouTube or whatever I'm just listening my everyone follow me
list your Bitcoin address this is how we're going to fund ourselves now now
what would it take for Jordan Pederson to understand Bitcoin I I would say
here's a good first step Andreas Antonopoulos if you're watching
this video just make a video call Jordan Peterson this is Bitcoin
I'm undress afterlife it would be great if Andrew
explain it I think he would get it at that point I think was andreas has a
very unique way of communication and he cannot he can target specific people and
talk their language I think he could definitely talk the language of Jordan
Peterson and just snap it into his head quick without that though he's gonna
have from the hard way he's it's gonna be trial and error even with a guy like
Jordan Peterson so we shall see we're getting here toward the end of the show
I did want to remind everyone I do a new show here every day even yesterday check
out yesterday's show I had to do Saturday show yesterday I usually do the
beyond Bitcoin show tomorrow I had to do it again yesterday because I had no
internet connection and it was a wild story but I got it out because like I've
got conviction I've got that Bitcoin conviction I got to get a show out here
every single day so do check that out check out disrupt meister comm for all
the old shows tech fault calm tec HBA LTE that's my twitter handle and you can
watch all this week in bitcoin shows there and dude this has been a great
this week in Bitcoin I love these two new guests guys pound that like button
okay so I'll start by thought ass what did I leave anything out of there any
news stories you want to bring up any any stuff you know any final thoughts
that's about it remember that pass phrase get your kids off the exchange in
and consider tithing the church's of 30 dude seriously dude save save dude
listen to what this dude is saying he's got a unique way of phrasing it awesome
alright I hope you were returned to the show many times in 2019 dude it was
great to have you on all right and check out his links below well let's see Boris
I'll let you have the final words and are there any subject matters that you
want to bring up any any important stories here no just you got ya just ten
minutes before we went live I got sent this this this link to a site called
tipping dot me and it allows you to use the Lightning Network to send each other
tips and people are sending each other like if a couple of Satoshi's you having
a lot of fun with that I saw those like oh man I wish I could
have tried it out before appearing on the show but apparently it's really good
Dennis Parker I think you know Maz well he sent me the link and yeah I'm gonna
be playing with lighting a lot I love it and I'm even though we were in a bear
market I'm more excited about Bitcoin than I was in probably in 2017 in
December it's insane the stuff that I've learned last year it's crazy and I can't
wait to see what's what's in store for next year I mean 2009 is gonna be insane
I'm looking forward to it I mean we're ten years in in Bitcoin I'm lucky that
I'm at least went half way for the last five years with Bitcoin and I can't wait
for the next ten years it's gonna be absolutely crazy and yeah looking
forward to it man and thanks for having me on the show I love it yes return in
2019 and that is the attitude to have if this next if you thought these ten years
were all some wait till the next ten years and it only gets better in life
people I mean keep keep that attitude I'm glad we got to talk about some
gaming today too because hey it's a good crossover we got to do more gaming
Bitcoin shows here get some of those gamers just into Bitcoin just
straight-up reach out to them let's do some
crossover like that I like that maybe we'll do some more that maybe that'll be
a resolution for 2019 do some crossover shows not just Bitcoin combined with
gaming combine it with who knows what else is out there that needs to be
combined with with crypto all right dudes that that is the final this week
in Bitcoin of 2018 it actually was also the hundredth this week in between stuff
I've ever done so hey that's we keep on doing it I'll keep on doing them every
week in 2019 I know everybody loves these gets a big kick out of them pound
that like button bang that Bell button if you need reminders of when this goes
live and click on the squares at the end and wherever you are in this world in
Australia in Europe in Africa in North America where you're just waking up from
your hangover i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister disrupt nice to remember
to subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the
links below Shalom see you tomorrow on The Late Show
and see you next year for this week in Bitcoin bye-byes
Hayat Ağacı Nedir? Yılbaşı Ağacı Süsleme Geleneğinin Kökeni - Duration: 5:44.
What was the best TV of 2018? - Duration: 8:41.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: It's the start of a long holiday weekend, and that likely means you
and your family might be doing some binge watching in the coming days.
So it's a perfect time for Jeffrey Brown to give us a sampling of the year's best TV,
traditional and otherwise.
JEFFREY BROWN: It's utterly impossible for anyone to keep up with all the offerings on
television and streaming these days, but we have asked the impossible of two leading TV
critics, to give us a few of the year's best.
Eric Deggans is with NPR.
And Sonia Saraiya is with "Vanity Fair."
Welcome back to both of you.
So, we asked you for your list.
You both had "Killing Eve," which is ®MD-BO¯BBC America.
Eric, you start.
Why did you love that one?
ERIC DEGGANS, National Public Radio: So this is an espionage show that turns every convention
about espionage thrillers on its head.
Sandra Oh is amazing as this sort of desk-bound low-level worker for British intelligence
who somehow figures that how to track this amazing super assassin played by Jodie Comer,
and somehow they have this mutual attraction, that they're attracted to each other in a
And they're -- a cat-and-mouse game kind of evolves where they're each trying to catch
each other and trying to avoid each other.
And I just think it's a wonderful subversion of all these espionage thriller tropes that
JEFFREY BROWN: OK, we have got a short clip.
Let's take a look.
SANDRA OH, Actress: I said it was probably a woman.
Victor Kedrin was a misogynist and a sex trafficker.
He may not have considered a passing woman a threat.
She must have been able to get close.
ACTRESS: Thank you.
Thank you, Eve.
JEFFREY BROWN: Sonia, why did you love this one?
SONIA SARAIYA, "Vanity Fair": Just the fact that it's a woman tracking another woman.
And then, of course, Jodie Comer, who plays the assassin, figures out that this woman
is trying to catch her.
And so she starts, like, stalking her back.
And there's something really interesting there about the way that women compete with each
other, which is a different sort of subtle kind of aggression.
And I think the show is, like, very funny, actually, in how it presents these two women
competing and sort of trying to one-up each other.
It's a very fun, very unpredictable show in that way.
JEFFREY BROWN: OK, so out of the, let's say, millions, Eric, give us one or two other favorites.
ERIC DEGGANS: So I loved "Barry," which is a show on HBO by Bill Hader, who used to be
on "Saturday Night Live."
And he plays this guy who's sort of working as a low-level assassin.
And he decides he wants to try being an actor when he follows a guy that he's supposed to
kill into an acting class.
And it's the darkest of dark comedies, but somehow Bill Hader makes it work.
I also loved "Homecoming," this wonderful show starring Julia Roberts on Amazon, where
she plays this woman who's kind of a frazzled middle management person running a program
that's corporate-run, but funded by the government that's supposed to be helping U.S. soldiers.
But, slowly, she figures out there's a dark side to the program.
It's a wonderful, fast-paced, short-episode drama.
JEFFREY BROWN: OK, Sonia, what have you got for us?
SONIA SARAIYA: So, my favorite show of the year is "The Good Place," which is now in
its third season on NBC.
It's a network sitcom where everyone's died, which is a really weird premise.
But Kristen Bell is the lead.
And the demon that is imprisoning them in hell, more or less, called the Bad Place on
the show, is played by Ted Danson, you know, TV comedy veteran.
It's a really funny, really weird show about existential crises.
All of the characters have to grapple with the fact that they weren't good when they
were alive, and that's why they're in the Bad Place.
But then they're trying to figure out loopholes to maybe escape it.
It's a fun show.
And then my other pick is this drama on FX called "Pose," which is a -- it's kind of
a period piece set in the '80s.
It takes place in the queer ballroom scene in New York, which was where all of the drag
queen culture that you see on like "RuPaul's Drag Race," the verbal tics of that community
all started in this scene that was all of these people who were marginalized out of
their own communities and their own families, and came together to find a way to create
a community.
Such an incredibly inclusive show, but also, like, really heartrending.
It takes place at the height of the AIDS crisis.
It's a really interesting show, worth checking out.
JEFFREY BROWN: OK, so that's a good segue, because we asked both of you to pick a great
performance that stood out for you.
And, Eric, you picked the actor M.J. Rodriguez in "Pose."
Let's take a look first at a clip.
M.J. RODRIGUEZ, Actress: Do you know what greatest pain a person can feel is, the greatest
tragedy a life can experience?
That is having a truth inside of you and you not being able to share it.
It is having a great beauty and no one there to see it.
This young boy has been discarded.
And he is so young.
He believes that it has something to do with who he is.
JEFFREY BROWN: Eric, what did you love here?
ERIC DEGGANS: So, when you watch "Pose," and you see this great story that Sonia described
unfold, you have a sense that you're seeing a star born, when your watch M.J. do what
she does so well, playing Blanca.
She -- she, of course, you could tell from the clip, does some amazing acting work.
But we're at a point now where there's a lot of pressure and advocacy to have transgender
characters played by transgender actresses and actors.
And she's doing an amazing job proving the kind of authentic performance you get when
you take care and you make sure to cast people who are transgender in transgender roles.
She's just done an amazing job on the series.
JEFFREY BROWN: All right, Sonia, you picked Amy Adams, well-known from films, as well
as television, in "Sharp Objects," the drama.
Let's take a look at a clip first.
MIGUEL SANDOVAL, Actor: Wind Gap, what it's like?
AMY ADAMS, Actress: Oh, OK.
Well, it's at the bottom of Missouri, Bootheel, spitting distance from Tennessee.
MIGUEL SANDOVAL: I know where it is.
I asked what it's like.
Population's held at 2,000 for years.
Only real industry is hog butchering.
So, you have got your old money and your trash.
Which one are you?
AMY ADAMS: Trash from old money.
JEFFREY BROWN: Sonia, very different from what we have seen her do before, I think,
SONIA SARAIYA: Oh, absolutely.
It's like the dark side of Amy Adams.
But Amy Adams does such a great job of showing you how vulnerable and how fragile this character
And the story takes her back to her hometown, where she has to confront a lot of hard truths
about her family and about the place that she's come from.
And so you really get to see -- Amy Adams takes you on this journey into like this character's,
like, worst nightmares.
And she's really just such an incredible performer.
It's a real treat to watch her in "Sharp Objects."
JEFFREY BROWN: All right, so finish with that question we like to ask, the show that was
completely and, you think, sadly overlooked, the one you really want to tell us about to
go back and look for.
ERIC DEGGANS: I would say "Sorry For Your Loss," which is a show that's on Facebook
And it stars Elizabeth Olsen.
You may remember her from the Avengers movies as the Scarlet Witch.
But this is a very tender and emotional drama, where she plays a young widow who's lost her
husband and is struggling to cope.
Janet McTeer plays her mother.
Kelly Marie Tran is great as her adopted sister.
And it's just a sense of what happens to a family when you have a tremendous loss, and
then you have someone who's struggling to cope and how it can affect everyone in that
And it's on Facebook Watch, which is a new platform that people may not be used to watching
original shows up.
JEFFREY BROWN: Yes, just another new platform for us to get used to, huh?
JEFFREY BROWN: Sonia, what's your choice?
SONIA SARAIYA: So, mine is actually a film, but it was a film that was never released
It's called "The Tale."
Laura Dern stars in it.
And she's playing actually the director of the film who created a fictionalized story
of the process that she went to when she realized that a relationship that she had when she
was 13 years old was actually this terribly exploitative and abusive one, but then also
shows you, as an adult, how she starts learning how to grapple with those memories and trying
to understand what it means to be a survivor of sexual assault.
And I think it delves into a lot of stuff that we talk about in the news right now in
a very personal and heart-wrenching way.
It's absolutely worth checking out.
I don't know how you two do it, keep up with all of this, but thank you for helping us
Sonia Saraiya, Eric Deggans, thanks again.
ERIC DEGGANS: Thank you.
What is Quality? How important is it, really? Alok Kejriwal explains a fundamental concept! - Duration: 4:54.
Welcome to Dhandhe Ki Baat.
This is Alok Kejriwal.
Today we are going to talk about 'Q' for Quality.
This term 'Quality' I think, is really over-understood.
I am inventing a new term- it's not misunderstood and neither is it under-understood.
It is over understood. People spend too much time about quality.
I'll give you an example of quality.
The first time when I went to my father's socks factory, I saw that he was making nylon socks.
I was disgusted. I was wondering who is going to buy these horrible nylon socks.
It is such a horrible thing!
It would feel so hot to put them on and the toe part of the socks had rough seams too.
So, my father laughed at me. He said, "You know, Alok, the quality expectations
that you have are not what our consumers want."
My father made a fortune making those nylon socks for a long time.
When I started export of socks, I manufactured black, navy and white
cotton socks for the Europe market. I was very happy with my socks.
When two-three international buyers came and had a look at those socks,
they criticized it saying that I was making horrible stuff. This is no quality.
That day I laughed and I said, "Boss, this is making me a fortune."
So, quality is subjective and, in my opinion, as long as it creates an outcome
- may be profitability or acceptability. You know, quality is input not always an output.
Just think about this. Quality also has different layers.
Let's take Uber for example in India.
If you travel by Uber, very often I used to see different prices for UberGo, Premium
and XL. I enjoy spending but my wife is a miser. She doesn't like to spend.
So, when she used to order for Go, she used to order for UberGo or Uber Regular.
The car used be in a bad condition and horrible driver too. I was hating it.
So, next time, I proudly ordered for the Premier or XL.
I was shocked. The car was the same.
But, the driver was much better. So, the angle they had used was for me,
that the person could understand where I was going. The quality of the driving or the driver was the real seller.
Quality has its own kind of layers. Now, in my mind, just to explain - Quality is something that
can actually be a profit item. It should be used like ROI. Let's give another example.
What happens when there is over-investment? It's a very funny thing.
I think all of you have got a Sony TV. From the time I have been born, I have seen a Sony TV at home.
Sony TV is made so well that it doesn't get spoilt. It always is on and its fine.
Look at the history of Sony, it did very well after walkman but it is beginning to fade away.
Quality is not the only thing that has got them far. Now, look at the iPhone.
A phenomenal product, phenomenal quality. But, what about the battery?
What happens to the iPhone battery? It begins to fade and not perform over a period of time.
And, now we know that the problem with iPhone is that they make the battery in such a way
that it begins to start failing after a couple of years. Is it bad quality?
Well, the packaging is of great quality. One part of it is compromised.
So, quality also has its different layers and parts.
Last but not the least, what is the test of quality?
How do you know that you are going to get trapped by compromising?
Competition is the best test. When I started my games business on mobiles,
two-three people came to me saying that they want to do gaming on DTH.
I was shocked. I said, "DTH is cable, how can I play games on it?"
They said, "No, Alok, it's the best thing. You will earn revenue.
You know, DTH operators will give you a lump sum."
One guy came to me and said, "Alok, Your entire company's revenue will be coming from one DTH operator."
The quality of that game bothered me. It didn't make sense.
How is it possible to play a game with the DTH remote?
And the day android and iTunes became popular that format vanished.
So, competition is the greatest test of quality.
In the end, all I'll say is - Be prudent about quality.
Don't over-invest in quality and spoil your business and ROI. Do only as much as is required and
improve gradually but never shy away from making a great product.
I hope you liked quality as a concept. Subscribe to this channel if you haven't.
Give feedback. Share, comment and give us some love.
Thank you!
What is the top recommended TV to buy in 2019? TOP 4 TV's Reviewed - Duration: 4:24.
the world of entertainment has moved to the online realm and TVs are adapting to
that by getting better at displaying each possible picture and with smart
capabilities these are the best TVs in the market the fourth-place sony XBR 65
X 850 F can take non HDR content and upscale it to 4k with the x1 processor
and 4k x-reality pro you can enjoy smooth and vibrant colors with the
triluminos display and 4k HDR super bit mapping the TV pairs 4k Ultra HD picture
clarity with the contrast color and detail of high dynamic range HDR for the
most lifelike picture quality you can control your TV with voice thanks to the
Amazon Alexa compatibility Android TV with Google assistant technology gives
you all your digital entertainment right at your fingertips it's a hundred and
twenty Hertz native refresh rate plus motion flow XR technology gives you fast
moving action scenes with virtually no motion blur
at number 3 is the Samsung QN 65 q9 the no bezel design and clean back finished
look gorgeous front to back weather mounted on the wall or sitting
on a stand you can get perfect color with over a billion shades and a hundred
percent color volume with Samsung's new quantum dots the TV has q 4k HDR elite
plus with infinite array producing some of the best contrast in detail in the
brightest and darkest areas on the screen at the same time there is also q
4k elite black plus with infinite array delivering stunning shades of black and
revealing the secrets hidden in the shadows with elite detail you can also
enjoy smooth crisp action even in the fastest scenes with a motion rate of 240
Hertz the video description down below contains additional information about
the products and links to buy them
the second-placed LG o LED 65 b7 delivers perfect blacks popping colors
thanks to the LG o LED pixels each of them turning on and off individually for
truly infinite contrast no thicker than a pencil at a thinnest point the ultra
sleek design is so slim it's even beautiful from the side the individually
lit pixels requiring no backlight so it can be mounted closer to the wall
LG OLEDs TVs support Dolby vision optimizing the pictures scene by scene
as well the new backward compatible HL g HD our standard offers viewers the
opportunity to get more options for premium content the unique design of LG
o LED TV asurs that any view is a great one not just for those in the center at
number one the sony xba-1 e the TV has over 8 million pixels precisely and
individually controlled by the x1 extreme processor to deliver exquisite
contrast the patented triluminos display maps colors from a wider palette
faithfully reproducing every shade in hue in the umbrella all this is powered
by the 4k HDR processor x1 extreme that has 40% more power than its predecessor
and takes everything you watch and up converts it to near 4k HDR quality this
beast can handle a variety of HDR formats including HDR 10 hybrid log
gamma and dolby vision so that all your HDR content looks as it was intended to
the TV has some insane sound tech that uses actuators to vibrate the screen in
order to create sound this results in a speed girlis design that looks gorgeous
these are the best TVs you can buy today and if you like the video then hit the
like button subscribe to our Channel and hit the bell icon to get instant
notifications on newer uploads
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