You're deeply, deeply disturbed.
Michael has an ally.
Someone who poses a dangerous threat to our coven.
A traitor.
I miss you.
This is between us.
His charisma and madness is in my blood.
Does the idea of that excite you?
That is totally turning me on.
There's really no need to thank me...
Miss Supreme.
He (Satan) owns you.
Therefore, I own you.
I love you.
For more infomation >> michael ■ dark!mallory | deeply disturbed - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
Gabor Essentials Dark Brown Virtue Short Wig - Duration: 21:47.
LIERS / LHÁŘI / KŁAMCY (2015) FULL FILM | PLANET DARK - Duration: 27:23.
So why did he glue the hands to his head?
When they found his body he was holding his head in his hand as if he torn it off.
Why did he kick off the bucket first?
To warn people below, so that he'd only kill himself.
Like some mum with a stroller.
A baby'd be killed by the stupid bucket too. No bullshit.
My dad said so and cops can't lie.
Dude, all grownups lie all the time.
This's cool anyway.
Too bad my dad forbade me to use it.
Grandpa did it so chopping wood wouldn't be so boring.
Boring? It's only good for that.
– That's not true. – What'd you do with it?
It'd chop somebody's head off.
Let's go for scrap iron.
And will it make enough money for fireworks?
You bet.
That stupid mouse must eat the apples right with the mousetraps or something.
Where the hell did I put it?
– Did you chop the wood? – Yes, Dad.
– With an axe? – Yes, dad.
– Now you're going to do mischief with the boys? – Yes… No, Dad.
Your shoes yesterday were stained with oil.
You've been in that factory again.
No, Dad. These're from a bicycle.
From bicycle? Kony, I warned you, if you went into the factory I'd beat your ass.
– Am I clear? – Yes, Dad.
"Yes, Dad."
– Clear off. – Yes, Dad.
– Come back before six. You'll help me with those window frames. – Yes, Dad.
And grow up, finally, so that you make something of yourself.
Dude, you have to get down here.
You're weak.
Why do we have smell this every day? Keep it for yourself.
Nice cart. How much for it?
– This's our barrow. – I know it's yours.
Look, I could use it for wood.
I can change it for cigarettes and some beer.
You take it? Deal?
– Well… – What the hell'd you need it for?
– We're collecting scrap iron. – No, we just… – Scrap iron?
Aren't you in that gang of young Navratil's?
That fat pig, you know?
We sure aren't friends with Tendon.
That bastard broke my window this morning.
If I catch him I'm gonna rip his head off.
– Do it, Mr Jašek. We barely know him. – Barely!
If you keep taking scrap iron from the smelters,
I'm gonna beat you beyond recognition.
That's my iron, understand?
And now get out, you little cunts.
Fucking stalkers.
We'll see who's a fucking stalker when there's a rat in his window. Asshole.
Davo, don't be stupid. Let's not cause any trouble.
He'll give us away and there'll be no more fireworks.
Him? His wood burning can be smelled even in our kitchen.
Everyone hates him. That moron.
I'm so looking forward to the fireworks.
They have to be here somewhere. Find them!
Fuck, it's Tendon. Run.
They aren't here.
Neither here.
Neither here.
They have to be here somewhere. This's their cart.
We're gonna find them and make them eat stones.
They are gonna eat stones.
What if they just left it here?
Shut up, sister. You'll get chocolate.
Just don't saunter.
And you go and check the old smelters.
– What if we run into that loafer Jasek again? – Rubbish.
Go. I'll check it from above.
Can I go with you?
No, go with the boys. You'd definitely fall down from there.
With those morons?
Don't gripe around and go. It's torment with you.
Fuck. And the collection is over.
That's such an idiot this Tendon. Why does he even come here?
– He isn't gonna fight with Vicky around. – You know a lot about it…
So let's make sure he won't come here again.
– What's with him? – He's dead.
– What, dead? – He isn't breathing, dude.
– We should call for help. – Are you mad?
– I can't even be here. – Me neither. We can't call anyone.
And what'd you wanna do?
We should…
– hide him! – Hide him?
Yes. We have to put him to Jašek's so he'd burn him. Or we're gonna be blamed.
But how would we get to Jašek's? Everyone'll see us.
Well, before dark we could hide him at your attic.
In my house? Why at my place?
It's the nearest.
My dad's gonna beat me to death.
– Didn't you say you're the only one chopping wood? – Yeah, but…
– Great. – Jindra!
What? We'll have to cover him up.
– We can use some sheet from here. – Dad'll know.
So what else you wanna do, dude?
Guys I'm scared. The guillotine and the dead Tendon. That's no good.
I don't know what worse could possibly happen. He'll have to wait till dark.
You bastards.
You morrons.
My dad's gonna beat me to death for this or sure.
It's terrible.
Let's get out of here.
On "three". One. Two. Three.
– Damn, your dad! – Shit. My old man?
Hi, David, what are you doing here?
– We're just, we're going… – We're gathering beams
so we could put them in the cellar.
– What are you gonna do in the cellar? – There's this cellar man
who imprisons women, well and…
– Really? – Yes. Konrad's gonna take us there.
He also cut some girl's hands off and some other girl cut her hands off too
and he was so brutal that he gave the other one some prosthesis.
I'm going to the station. You sleep at mum's tonight, ok?
Sure Dad.
– See'ya. – Bye. – Good bye.
<i>… unit 148, please, report your position.</i>
<i>… unit 148 is…</i>
Silence, we're almost in the forrest.
Do you hear?
– Get back. – They'll catch us.
We must get back. Quick.
No, just drop him here. Come help me.
Konrád, hurry up.
Hello. What's up?
I'm looking for my brother.
Well… Tadeáš. He got lost and I can't find him.
And… did you try it at home? Isn't he there?
I haven't been there yet. But what if he isn't there?
Aren't you going to town? I'd come with you.
– Yes. – No.
So let's go.
And what did you do today?
You know. Playing and stuff.
But most importantly we earned some money.
Money? For what?
For fireworks. We're gonna fire them at the gallows afterwards. Behind the town.
Really? And could I go with you?
You'd want to?
Sure. I love the yellow ones that fall for so long.
Parents are still not asleep so my brother didn't come back.
Or maybe they are waiting for you to come.
He at most just ripped his sweater somewhere.
That'd give my mum a heart attack. She hates when he gets home all dirty.
Would be worse if he didn't come at all. So good night.
– Good night. – Good night.
What time is it?
Where have you been?
Well. I was playing with boys.
Playing huh?
Well I was playing too.
With those frames.
I rubbed them off by myself. Moved them off by myself.
And then spent and hour cleaning the acryl you spilled all over the attic.
So come here.
Fuck no.
– What is it? – We lost the head.
Guys, it's here.
So take it.
What? It's all bloody.
<i>The beer's here.</i>
Quickly, hide.
– So you're saying the young Navrátil got lost? – Yeah, fuck.
I hope he's eaten by dogs somewhere. That little asshole.
He's somewhere in sausages.
Fuck, are you really gonna burn this shit? It's all wet.
It's gonna smoke so much again, Jašek.
Fuck. It pisses me of and what pisses me of I burn.
It isn't gonna catch fire anyway.
You'd have to pour some shit over it.
Leave it on me dude.
What a jackass.
Watch out.
You're such an asshole.
We must get out.
Davo, we have to tell.
– I'm going. – What are you doing, Konrád?
… kick their teeth, little brats.
Mr Běloruký!
Konrád, what are you doing here?
I come to confess. I killed.
What are you talking about?
Well, that Tadeáš. I killed him.
Well, we were at our house when the glass fell on him.
Well and it chopped his head off.
Otherwise, we were at the factory and he fell and the mousetrap.
Well, Jašek always burns something and he probably burned him too.
– Are you serious? – Really Dad. He tells the truth.
You're in it too?
I didn't want to. It was an accident and it just…
Boys, do you know what I'd love to do?
– Prison? – Reformatory?
No. I'd love to slap you both. With you, David, I'm gonna deal tonight
and Konrád, I'll tell your dad you make things up all the time and only lie.
Get out.
– If we tell Dad at the station in quiet… – Davo, let it be.
If we buy those fireworks, we can at least do something nice for Tendon.
Something like a funeral.
A funeral? But no, what if we…
Davo. We must start to act like and adults finally.
You're right.
We didn't do anything wrong.
Translation: Jitka Chocholatá, Robert Hloz, Barbora Slunéčková
►SEELE AUS BLUT◄ ANIMA MEA EP│DARK EVIL ANGRY PIANO {FREE} Rap Beat ☯️Sacred Beatz☯️ - Duration: 4:04.
QUEEN OF AIR AND DARKNESS l Reading Vlog. - Duration: 22:43.
Hey whatsup hello my name is Emma and today I am starting Queen of Air and Darkness by
Cassandra Clare.
Yesterday was the release day of Queen of Air and Darkness and I had an amazing time
at Cassie's New York City signing.
Yesterday was so fun an amazing but also hectic so I wasn't able to start Queen of Air and
Darkness the second I got it.
But today I am now 86 pages in.
Honestly, not a ton of thoughts yet.
This is only like 1/10th of the book to be honest.
What I will say is that I feel like I have already read so much of these 86 pages.
I read every single snippet that was shared before the release of Queen of Air and Darkness
and I feel like the majority of them do take place in the very beginning.
There's only like a few scenes that felt very new to me.
Also, it is so sad.
The entirety of these first 86 pages that I've read are consumed by sadness and grief
and almost hopelessness and it is very very emotionally heavy to read but it's being
explored beautifully in my opinion and I'm really excited to read more.
I've seen a ton of people online saying, "I'm only on chapter 3 and I've already
cried so much" and I haven't cried yet, but there was one moment where my whole body
was consumed by chills and I just had to take a step back for a minute and take a few deep
breaths because it was just a really impactful scene and so I'm expecting many many more
to come.
I am smack dab in the middle of the final semester and I'm also going away at the
end of this week.
I don't know why Queen of Air and Darkness decided to come at the most inconvenient time
for me but I am going to be trying my very best to read as much as I can.
Today I have an appointment with the gastroenterologist to hopefully find out what's been wrong
with me for the last two weeks and I am sure I will be waiting in the waiting room for
quite some time so I will be able to hopefully get more of Queen of Air and Darkness.
My tripod is currently attached to my sink so I'm really hopeful that my camera doesn't
It is later the first day and I was able to read more of Queen of Air and Darkness in
between the drive to my doctor's appointment and while I was waiting there, I am on page
135 right now.
I will say that in between Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows, Queen of Air and Darkness
does get into the plot the quickest out of the three of them.
We have an established mission for Emma and Julian, we get some answers about Jace and
Clary, and there already has been one moment where I'm genuinely shocked at the direction
where Cassie decided to take things.
I never would have expected this in a million years and I'm really surprised at both of
the characters that are involved in this one decision that was made.
UGH I can't wait to dive in in my spoilery discussion when I post it, or when I finish
the book and then post it.
But I am loving Queen of Air and Darkness and I decided that I wanted to take a nice
little bubble bath and read some more because it is hecka cold out and I wanted to find
an excuse to read more of Queen of Air and Darkness.
I'm trying a new tea tonight which is really exciting.
This is a toasty almond black tea, I forget the brand, but I don't normally try new
teas unless Natalia is with me because I am like a strictly plain black tea kind of girl
so adding some almond flavors in there that's not just almond milk . . . Really really good.
It's delicious, I'm excited to drink it in this adorable Christmas mug that I have
and I'm going to lay in the bath and read and I'm really really pumped.
I did absolutely nothing with my night.
I could have been reading Queen of Air and Darkness but no, no.
I wanted to scroll on Facebook and watch videos I don't care about for hours.
I also could have done homework but let's be real, I'm in Queen of Air and Darkness
mode, I will think about homework tomorrow.
I did do one thing tonight and that was finish decorating my bookshelf for Christmas.
And because I also decorated for Halloween and didn't get a single comment complimenting
my decorations, I'm going to shove my decorations in your face so you have to acknowledge them.
So this is the full view and honestly from a distance, it doesn't look that different
other than the tinsel.
I have these cute stockings that spell out "BOOKS" that I got at Target last year
which I absolutely love.
I also have this little music thingamabobber.
You twist it and it plays music.
It has Santa with a little girl on his lap that my mom has and I totally stole it from
I have a tree.
I have a little block that says "Merry."
I got another tree.
I have a snow globe that has snowmen, or actually a snow family in it.
What do you know, another Christmas tree.
Then I have this tree made out of ornaments and basically everything I just showed except
for the "Christmas Wish" music thingamabobber is from Michael's.
And I get that you don't notice them as much in my videos because the size of the
ornaments are pretty close to the size of globe lights that I have.
But I have placed some cute Christmas-colored ornaments all around the first few layers
of my bookshelves which I love.
This shelf is nowhere near as festive because I just don't film in front of it a lot,
but I do have one tree and two tree that are probably from my mom as well and I have this
nutcracker that I think is actually from my grandfather.
I have this little ceramic Santa Claus which is actually a part of a set but I only wanted
the Santa for my bookshelf and I have this Merry Christmas sign that I also got at Michael's
last year.
So now you have gotten the Christmas bookshelf tour which I love.
I just love decorating for Christmas, this is my second year doing it and I did Halloween
which I also enjoyed.
But now I am definitely just going to go read Lady Midnight – Oh my God this is not a
Lady Midnight Vlog, this is Queen of Air and Darkness – I'm gonna go read Queen of
Air and Darkness and make some progress and that's probably all I'm going to do for
tonight and I'm super happy about it.
So my mom and I have been watching Elf for maybe like 45 minutes and I've been trying
to leave for at least 30 but every time I get up she just- Mom:There's a funny scene
so come on, let's go.
Me:No I have to go read Queen of Air and Darkness.
Mom:10 minutes.
Me:Mom it's been 45 minutes.
Mom: The movie's over at 10:00.
Me:Oh ok well it's 9:49 it's time for me to go read Queen of Air and Darkness.
Mom:Why don't you wait until 10:00?
Me: Because I waited 45 minutes.
Me: Say goodnight to the vlog.
Mom: Goodnight vlog . . . But come here!
Me:No (laughs)
I just have to stop and say,
I have not even finished reading this scene.
Like I read a line, and I just, I had to take a moment.
And now I'm getting emotional oh my god I have to turn this off.
Okay I'm back.
So I've noticed Cassie Clare does this thing with her conclusions.
It happened in City of Glass which was supposed to be the end of the series.
It happened in Clockwork Princess, it happened in City of Heavenly Fire, and now it has happened
in Queen of Air and Darkness.
Cassie does a great great job at . . . Ohh.
How do I say this without spoilers?
So there is no way for me to explain this point without spoilers but I think it's
a really cool find and I still want to discuss it so mute until this photo of Queen of Air
and Darkness goes away if you haven't read it.
This is the only spoiler filled part of this video.
Basically in every Cassie Clare conclusion thus far, a character dies at the beginning
of the story.
In City of Glass we have Madeline, in Clockwork Princess we have Jessamine, in City of Heavenly
Fire we have Jordan, and in Queen of Air and Darkness we have Dane Larkspear.
Now I don't know if this is something that Cassie does intentionally, if this is like
a conscious part of her writing formula or if it's just something that happened to
occur in all four conclusions but nonetheless, I think it's really cool to have this little
parallel between all stories and now for The Last Hours and The Wicked Powers, I'm watching
you, Cassie.
It is the next morning, a bitch fell asleep while reading.
Right now I am on page like 236 so I actually read like a lot yesterday, I was not expecting
to get 236 pages out of the way in one day.
It's mostly because I'm rejecting all other responsibilities to read Queen of Air
and Darkness but like, what else did we expect?
I stayed up until 1:30 in the morning reading which I haven't done in a hot second
and now I'm so so tired.
You know yesterday I had this whole idea that I'd start getting back to normal today and
that I'd go to the gym and I would start my normal diet because all I've eaten is
carbs because of my stomach, and then my body woke up and was like [shakes head] no.
Honestly though if I did magically wake up feeling fine and went to the gym this morning
[alarm rings] Who asked you?
Honestly though if I did wake up feeling fine I wouldn'tve had time to read this morning
so I guess it's a blessing in disguise.
We got like big reveal that we have been waiting for since Lady Midnight and personally I am
very satisfied by what information we were just given, but I am a little bit skeptical.
I don't doubt it's true but because it was revealed so early on in the book, I'm
like, I have a feeling that Cassie is going to set it up that this is what the characters
are going to be working towards, but it's going to totally change in the end and I have
no idea where things are gonna go.
But I am so excited to dive back in.
So I just want to stop and say, I took a few minutes to really look at the inside cover
But I just got to the part where Christina actually wears this white dress and my immediate
though is "Someone's about to DIE."
If you remember, the Shadowhunter color for mourning is white and when I saw this jacket
in person yesterday or two days ago, I was immediately like "Oh my God, she's wearing
white, someone's gonna die."
And now she's putting it on as they're preparing to go somewhere and all I can think
is "Oh my God someone's literally right about to die" and I'm not ready.
I also have to say, I just audibly screamed not once, but twice on the same page.
It wasn't a scream of fear it was out of satisfaction because I'm so happy this reveal
has finally come and I'm so excited to read more.
I am such a dork.
I'm such a dork, love that for me.
"Maybe I'll be Tracer.
I'm already Tracer.
What about Widowmaker?
I'm already Widowmaker.
I'll be Bastion.
Nerf Bastion!"
So I have been stressing about the fact that I haven't updated you guys in days but then
I realized you're watching this all at once so it doesn't matter how far in between
my vlogs are, you're seeing it at the exact same time.
I have no idea where I left off on my last update but I did go to Florida and I spent
four days at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter with my friends.
So I didn't get a ton of reading done at the amusement park which is why I haven't
been able to update you guys but I did read a little bit more on the plane both ways and
then this morning when I woke up I got to read more so I have so much more to update
you guys on.
Currently I am on page 636 and I'm really close to approaching part three which is the
final part.
I had a moment this morning while reading where I just realized how close I am to the
end of this book and I honestly was like, "Imma put this down now, I don't wanna
go any further."
I really need to like just savor my time finishing this book because I am so not ready for it
to end.
I've read basically the entirety of part two since I last updated you guys and oh my
One of the main things that struck me in what I've recently read is just the fact that
I've read two of the most amazing fight scenes that Cassandra Clare has ever written.
It was so visual and well-choreographed.
It was really easy to see all of the different things that were going on during these battles
and honestly I feel that there was just a level of intensity to some of these battles
that doesn't even compare when it comes to a lot of the other fight scenes we've
read in The Mortal Instruments series, they were just all so suspenseful and amazing.
Julian has gone through quite the ringer in this book and honestly, there have been times
where he's been really pissing me of with how inconsiderate he's been to other people
but then I'm also so feeling for him because he's at a really crucial point in the story.
I've been really enjoying getting to see more of not only Kit and Ty because I'm
obsessed with them and can't wait to read more about them in the Wicked Powers, but
it's also been really nice to see Dru integrated into the group more and being included.
And especially Kit being the person that brings them together in this new sort of group.
I really like the dynamic between Kit and Drusilla.
And again, I'm really excited to explore it more in The Wicked Powers.
I definitely have softened up to Kieran at this point in the book.
When I first read Lady Midnight, I hated him and then the second time I read it, I felt
for him a little bit more, like I wasn't as pissed off about him.
And then in my third reread of Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows I was like, "Nah, nah
I still don't like him."
And now in Queen of Air and Darkness, I'm like, "He has a pretty satisfying redemption
Although I definitely don't care for him in the way I care for many many other characters
in Queen of Air and Darkness, like, I could tolerate him.
He's fine, like I don't have a problem with him anymore and I'm actually really excited
to see where the rest of his character goes 'cause I think it's very difficult to
foresee at this point.
I've also really enjoyed getting to see more of the characters from The Mortal Instruments
series because they are playing a very central role in the story at this point.
And so, I love them as adults so much and I always feel so blessed when they come into
scenes because I'm so happy that I get to see them continue to grow.
Before I talk about Thule, because I HAVE to talk about Thule, I will say a few of my
theories have come true which is pretty dang cool.
I don't know how exactly they are going to play out in the end because there's still
quite a chunk to go, but Imma pat myself on the back for being right.
This isn't a spoiler, Cassie has revealed that there is this place called Thule that
we go into in the book.
And I've the section in Thule and oh my God.
A bitch was not ready.
Are you making fun of me for repeating myself?
[Doug from the other room]: yeah 'cause a bitch was not ready.
[laughs] Stop it you're distracting me I'm gonna mess up more now.
[Doug from the other room]: the bitch is not ready!!!!!
Stop! [ laughs] (cut 15:18-15:30) I will say, I think the overarching concept of Thule was
like, a little cheesy, but there was just so much about it where I could put that aside
and I just loved every second of it.
I really can't wait to film my review so I can talk about this in depth, but I just-
I loved Thule.
It was so different and so far beyond anything I expected from the story but it really satisfied
me as a reader and I had so much fun with it.
And where I am now, things are about to get very very intense.
I also love seeing Aline and Helen at the Institute and interacting with the rest of
Helen's siblings because Aline's character is so distinct and she has this really strong,
abrasive vibe that I love.
And it just comes across in a great comedic relief way throughout the story, which I've
been loving.
So at the point I am in the story when I last stopped, I'm about to start chapter 27 and
I just know that things are going to get so so intense.
You know how the tagline of Queen of Air and Darkness is "everything changes," well
I can tell that everything about the Shadowhunter world is going to change forever in this last
little chunk of the book and I'm so scared.
I've gone through reading this so excited and so ready to find out what happens.
So I am extremely excited to get back to reading but I do have a bit of a busy day and rest
of the weekend.
I have my final day of grad school coming up on Monday and I have a poster presentation
and a final that day so I have so much to do and I don't known when I will get to
finishing Queen of Air and Darkness but I will of course keep you updated.
So I drove all the way to school to work on my poster but I decided I'm gonna read Queen
of Air and Darkness instead.
[exhales] So . . . I just finished Queen of Air and Darkness [anxious laughing] So I finished.
So, I finished. It's done.
I've read every page of this book.
Honestly, I don't even know how to film this last clip because I feel like everything
I want to say is on the borderline of spoilery and I feel like it would just be better to
talk about in my review.
What I will say specifically about the end of the book is I thought it was really really
Things went in a completely different direction than I expected like honestly, if you had
any theories about how Queen of Air and Darkness and you haven't read it yet, like, throw
them out the window.
You're never gonna guess where things are gonna go.
The Shadowhunter world truly has changed forever.
Cassie made a very bold creative choice that I really loved in the end and I'm just like
so blown away by it and I can't wait to explore it in future books.
As for characters, I have to say, I'm pretty satisfied with the way everything wrapped
Again, it's not what I expected but it just turned out so well and I really loved it.
I'm only upset by the outcomes of two characters and I'm just like, dying inside because
I can't believe things left off this way.
I feel like Queen of Air and Darkness is more of a City of Heavenly Fire conclusion compared
to a Clockwork Princess conclusion and I was expecting it to be more of a Clockwork Princess
conclusion but I'm really satisfied with the way everything turned out, if that made
any sense at all.
The thing that really made me lose my mind, like, literally lose my fucking mind at the
end is this epilogue that was only like 5 pages long, it's so short but like . . . ohmygod.
My throat closed up and my chest got all tight and I couldn't breathe and it was a lot.
It was a lot to process.
Literally the first thing I did when I finished Queen of Air and Darkness is I DM'ed Cassie
and was like, "First of all, I finished Queen and it was amazing.
But second of all, what are you planning!!!!!"
My heart really can't take it.
I don't know how I am going to survive the upcoming years without the sequel series which
is The Wicked Powers, because yes, we have The Eldest Curses and Chain of Gold and other
things coming out, but it's not a continuation of this story and I need it so badly.
Like, I feel like I've never needed something more from a book in my entire life than I
need The Wicked Powers.
Oh my God, what am I gonna doooooo.
Oh and I also LOVED the final short story at the end following Jace and Clary.
Like it was so emotional and so full-circle and I just lost it.
The one very bizarre thing about my experience reading Queen of Air and Darkness is I did
not actually cry once.
There were a lot of moments where I came very close, one involved a certain Blackthorn and
another was the last final story from Clary and Jace because you know they're just my
But that was just really overwhelmed with emotion and like my nose started stifling
and I felt it in my chest once again but I did not have tears falling from my eyes throughout
the entire book which is very bizarre for me because I cry hard over some Cassie Clare
So yeah, Queen of Air and Darkness was amazing.
5/5 stars as I'm sure you could guess.
I honestly just want to reread it all over again, like I know I say that every single
time but like, this is a 900 page book there is no way I accurately consumed every single
thing that was put into this book and I just feel like I need to read it over and over
Might do that, we'll see.
So that really concludes this Queen of Air and Darkness reading vlog.
I had an amazing time reading the final installment in the third Shadowhunter series, what the
I will have a Queen of Air and Darkness review coming very soon, I just gotta get through
all these book darts and then write notes about them and then film and upload.
It will be a moment, okay?
Like, give me some time.
So stay tuned for that.
If you have finished Queen of Air and Darkness like myself, I would love to hear your thoughts.
But please please please tag your spoilers because I don't want to be responsible for
people finding out what happens.
But I just so desperately need to discuss this book with other people so let me know
your thoughts, but that is it for this reading vlog.
Thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you soon for a new one.
5.5CM/2.16INCHES OF DARK EAR WAX REMOVED - EP 120 - Duration: 7:46.
hi everybody my name is Rhys Baber I'm the audiologist here at audiology
associates thank you very much watching our video today if you've never come
across one of our videos before or if you haven't looked at the channel before
what we do here is post ear wax removal videos we post new ones every Tuesday
and every Friday so if you have any questions about the video that you are about to
watch then pop them into the comment section below and that way then the most
popular questions we can answer at the end of the week so enjoy the video and I
shall see you at the end hi everybody this is Rhys Barber from audiology
associates thank you very much for watching our ear wax removal video
today this is not a compilation this is just one patient in today so it
was quite a longer removal so you can see quite a large lump of earwax here
it's been softened a little bit with some olive oil so we're just using the
standard sized Zollner tube to clear this out so it's getting a grip on the
first piece of ear wax there so you can see that is quite soft it's just starting to
get sucked inside the machine if you're not subscribed to our YouTube channel
already guys pop yourself along to audiologyAssociatesUK and hit the
subscribe button don't forget to ring the bell so you get a notification every
time we put a new video on you can see that we're getting a grip on this ear wax
now so it's starting to move now we have to maneuver this around two bends in the
ear canal so we're just wiggling the ear wax up and down so it helps to move it out
of the canal a little bit more easily a little bits broken off this we're just
going to clear the suction tube and get another grip on this ear wax there you go
so a nice large chunk of ear wax come away you can see there's a little bit
more deeper in the canal just clearing the canal wall there a little bit before
we look for a nice grip on this deeper section of ear wax
you can see this is a little bit harder and it's got a slight angle to it which
always makes it a little bit more difficult to get a grip on with the
micro suction but managed to manoeuvre it to the outer part of the ear canal if
you haven't looked to their Facebook page yet guys check us out on audiology associates1
on Facebook there is new content that you won't see on YouTube on
there as well every week so go along and pop a like on the page and you'll
get a notification about any new content we put on just struggling to get this so
it's quite large this piece of ear wax and it doesn't want to come out of the ear canal
very well there we are out it comes see it's much dark much very dark in
color sorry so it is quite old the ear drum looks nice and healthy so this is
the same patient now with the second ear so you can see this ear wax also looks
quite wet so I think there's been a bit of olive oil used or certainly some form
of wax softener so still sticking with the standard size zoellner tube here and
as before just getting a little bit of a grip looking for any looser pieces of ear
wax so we can take those away first of all before we work on the much harder
central chunk of ear wax there
just attempting to guide this out of the ear canal you can see a few hairs
embedded in this ear wax as well which is going to make it bind together a little
bit more so sometimes a little bit more difficult to remove just taking
some of the looser debris away before we work on the side piece here just pulling
that into the center of the canal what that does it unsticks the ear wax from
the ear canal wall and that can help us sometimes to maneuver this out a little
bit more easily or to keep it in larger pieces you can see it's really not
wanting to budge very well here at the moment
I'm just getting a grip from looking for any looser sections of ear wax which will
give us a bit of a a purchase on it to it to allow us to get it out
there we are just got a piece that's starting to break away there
if you imagine the earwax can sometimes be perfectly formed to the ear canal
walls so that if we can break the little pieces away it just allows this your
ear wax to move a little bit more in the ear canal which can then allow us to
maneuver it out a lot more effectively so just very gently breaking edges off
you know whilst trying to roll the ear wax as we are here so trying to get a grip
on the top of the ear wax and roll it forwards and that's just broken a chunk
away now it actually looks like it's brought some of the ear wax to the outer part of the
ear canal here we go it's another section it's always nice when you get
the ear wax from behind getting brought forward with a piece you've just taken
away because it means you're gonna keep going in and over the year too much this
has got quite a chunky chunky piece of earwax either doesn't want to fit out of
the ear canal very well so just trying to wiggle it up and down trying to get
some maneuverability to be able to get it out I'm starting to move a little bit
more now there we go go around the corner here we go see all the hairs embedded
in that
a little tiny bit left in there on the canal walls so we're just gonna do a
little bit of tidying up in here the amount the amount of the eardrum we can
see there wouldn't cause any problems as far as hearings concerned so it's just a
case of tidying just some of these looser bits of wax away now it's very
gently staying above the ear canal wall so that we don't touch it or cause any
discomfort for the patient and then just gently working our way along here we go
and that's welcome away so there's the eardrum looks nice and healthy so this
is what we remove guys you can see is a fair amount this what five just over
five centimeters worth of wax between both ears works out roughly about two
inches there abouts you very much fortunate video today if you did enjoy
the video then please like if you'd not subscribe to idea you'd like to do so
you can click the subscribe button here if you'd like to check out some more
videos there also up there now if you want to follow us you can do on Facebook
Twitter Instagram and also check our website if you want to know a little bit
more about us as always guys until the next time take care
new legal developments on this Christmas Eve a legal battle against special counsel robert
muller apparently has now reached the Supreme Court political
reporting an unidentified firm presented an application Saturday to Chief Justice John
Roberts asking for a stay of a federal appeals court ruling that turned down
the company's efforts to block a grand jury subpoena for records bringing Ashley merchant
on this federal
white-collar criminal defense attorney actually trying to quash subpoenas not that unusual
clearing entire floors of courthouses for the arguments over trying to quash subpoenas
and then the making of this them to the Supreme Court on Christmas
Eve pretty unusual definitely clearing the courthouse clearing the entire floor definitely
unusual and an extreme step telling us that they are very much
trying to keep everything out of the public limelight out of scrutiny but going to the
Supreme Court on Christmas Eve going to the Supreme Court a few
days before the holiday and getting a stay that's not that unusual because
what the supreme court is basically
saying they're not ruling one way or another this isn't indicative of the outcome what
they're saying is we need more time we need everything the status
quo to stop we need it to stop and we need to have a few days to look at this and so
they've given a deadline for the parties to submit their briefs so
they've got a few more days to submit their briefs and then they'll decide whether or
not they want to consider this and the first step with the Supreme
Court is going to be whether or not they even want to review the district court's ruling
whether they not they want to
review this actual ruling and then if they decide they want to review it then they can
get into the merits and determine whether or not they want to to
rule is we have learned so often trying to break down these rulings these filings involving
the Muller investigation it's often like looking at
a white piece of paper with large black boxes on it emphasis on large in that case any telltale
phrases anything that you've been able to pull out of any of these filings that strikes
you that
could give us some kind of insight without speculation yes doctor when I reviewed the
pleadings and the order actually reviewed the court's
order and then I reviewed the Supreme Court documents where they were asking for review
and what I think is telling is that this foreign corporation what
they're arguing is they're arguing that they're immune and the reason they're saying that
they are immune is that their own government's laws entitled to
them to some type of protection meaning that their own government's laws say
that they are not subject to subpoena so what that tells me is these are some type of documents
most likely financial possibly banking something that the
government has a role in actually running this business this corporation so it's some
type of a government-backed business much like in America where we
have the FDIC we have a banking system but we've also got federal government inter involvement
in that and we also got some type of privacy laws that see
whether the piece that I see without speculating there are countries involved as adversaries
if you will to the United States whose government government core corporate in interactions
or perhaps
much much tighter than what you suggest between the FDIC and the US government actually appreciate
you being with us thanks so much merry Christmas to youMand thank you Merry Christmas it's
been more than a year and a half and the tune of
25 million dollars since the Muller probe began and still we haven't seen any actual
proof of collusion with Russia as 2018 comes to a close robert muller
could release his final findings
as soon as february so what could be in that report and will this probe finally come to
an end judicial watch president tom Fitton has
been following the investigation since the very beginning and he joins us now to break
it all down you're a real sport coming on the day after Christmas time
we Merry Christmas merry Christmas to you we've tried so many times to predict when
this thing will wrap up what do you think right now
I don't think it's going to wrap up in any traditional sense of the word even if there's
an interim report given to the acting Attorney General the Attorney General
at the time I think it's just
going to be a vehicle continuing vehicle or enemies of the President to harass the president
and you have internal enemies of the president where you've
got the deep state in the Justice Department the FBI etc and now you've got this impeachment
effort that is going to be pushed by the House and
Muller I think is effectively a vehicle for impeachment fantasies of the House Democrats
and so it's just continue to it's going to continue to harass the
president you know when you look back at the past year you've had two major
indictments against Russians and Russia entities with with specifically no evidence of collusion
with Americans you've got bias against the president proven that led to the firing of
two FBI agents or at least one Peter struck you've
had removal of you had the exposure of the FISA bias and abuse the FISA courts being
abused the targeting of Don of mr. general Flynn all sorts of activities
by the Special Counsel that in any other period of our time if fear of our history would lead
to its shutting shutting down and if I were the president
I would I would authorize and tell the Justice Department to shut it down if he doesn't do
it through the
Justice Department he should take legal action to get it shut down because this Nis just
harassment at this point Tom you know it has been going on forever and at ome
point you know people in the public get tired of hearing the same thing over and
over again that at some point they kind of start to tune it out what do you think could
be in this report or would need to be in as a report what type of bombshell
and do you think there's a bombshell that exists that would really
get people's attention the Moller Special Counsel operation specializes in innuendo
and I think if they say the
word Russia enough they can somehow prove the case that the Trump campaign was in bed
with Russian and illicit or illegal way and I just don't see
anything beyond that in a report where in Prior for instance in the iterations of the
Michael Cohen plea deals and such you hear the word Russia broached a lot
but it's a distraction from the fundamental issue about whether or not the president or
his team colluded the Russians in an inappropriate way to steal
the election and it just hasn't happened so what he'll say is that you had people associated
with the campaign who may or
may have not have had ties with the Russians and so because they had ties with the Russians
it may mean something that's not going to be satisfying for
most Americans which as you point out is why most Americans were already tuned mulher out
yeah what about guys like Adam Schiff that that have actually
basically said or insinuated that they that there is collusion and that they have seen
it but they they weren't able to say exactly what it is we've heard statements
like we're stoked that the
collusion has been between the shift' Democrats initially the Clintons and the dossei authors
of fusion GPS and Russia intelligence so you say ship is just
lying I think ship is Miss characterizing the evidence that's for sure that is definitely
for sure there he knows there's no collusion and so he thinks by talking
about Muller all the time people will think there's collusion the fact there's a mullet
roll and anti-trump it's not a sign that he's investigating anything
substantive that's the core corruption issue facing us in 2019 a special council investigating
nothing these things last forever though I don't
think this is an incredible investigation it continues Tom thank you so much for your
time you're welcome Trump versus the resistance now as the
mole or witch hunt continues there's still no evidence of any Trump Russia collusion
so ask yourself why was the Michael Cohen filing done on the eve of
this high-stakes g20 summit this is not the first time this has happened remember the
Paul Manafort indictment George papadopolis guilty plea both
announced just days before the president left for a historic 12 day trip to Asia and White
House press secretary Sarah Sanders she said today that the probe may be hurting the u.s.
ties with Moscow
all suggesting that the Special Counsel may be trying to derail the Trump presidency in
more ways than one joining us now with reaction author of the
bestseller Trump's America the truth about our nation's great comeback Fox News contributor
and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich you know one of
the things everyone you talked about the success of Trump your book but then you also have
the warnings warnings warnings what the president needs to be aware of obviously
I stand on my original premise Muller's out for blood Muller picked this team of Democratic
donors even Clinton's old lawyer at the foundation Andrew Weissman and company for
a reason he is called he wants to hurt the president as badly as he can that's why
he's offering all these get-out-of-jail-free cards if you just say whatever we want you
to say look I I think we ought to quit talking about the
Muller investigation and start talking about the Muller Trump destruction project because
it's very clear that Muller and his left-wing lawyers are methodically
doing everything they can to destroy the president and in effect to create a non Justice Department
because this is not justice a non
Justice Department coup d'etat in which they undo the votes of the American people and
they pile enough junk and then that's it that's what all the stuff
is they pile enough junk around that they just gradually overwhelmed President Trump
and I think if you start and you look at everything they've been
doing and you said you know from day one this was never about Russian collusion this was
never about finding the truth this was about a methodical effort to destroy
president Trump by any means necessary and you look at some of the things that are getting
indictments on I mean again somebody goes and lies to the Congress
that's stupid they deserve to be indicted I'm not in
any way defending Cohen but they were lying about stuff that wasn't a crime it's the point
that Andy McCarthy keeps making as a former Justice Department
lawyer that none of the underlying patterns were crimes people are allowed to be in business
people are allowed to do deals people allowed to do lots of
stuff and yet what you get of course is the headline in the elite media that somehow this
is another terrible blow to Trump what it really is is further proof
that Muller's interest is in destroying the Trump president see and your point is exactly
right they had no reason to release this as the president goes to an important meeting
in Argentina with 19 other world leaders I mean this is sort of like undermining America
for partisan reasons you've been in the minority in Congress and you were the speaker in Congress
a lot easier to be the speaker I'm just guessing although you take a lot more incoming
let's be honest you took all you took your fair share so we don't have an agenda the
Democrats in the house all they're saying endless endless endless investigation Nancy
Pelosi's first agenda item she announced earlier today oh
release Donald Trump's taxes now that's not going anywhere in the Senate
a good thing the president went out to campaign very hard to keep the Senate because that's
going to help him but it's still the intention what I don't see
an agenda to serve the American people well remember Shaun this is what people have to
understand there's a 1923 law which allows the chair of the Ways and
Means Committee to request the tax returns of any American so I can imagine a circumstance
with the new chairman at the Liberal Democrat will exercise his
legal right the Internal Revenue Service will turn over the Trump tax returns which are
supposedly secret and the release of which would be a felony and
then by some magic method that all of us will be shocked at they'll turn out on page one
of the New York Times so I would not mean these people are playing
for blood this is more like the terror and the French Revolution than it is like traditional
American politics they will do anything break any rules and I think
break any law if I'll enable them to get Donald Trump thank you god bless you and God bless
GAME OVER! Mueller Going To FEDERAL PRISON After THIS Dark SECRET Got SHATTERED On AIR(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 13:09.
new legal developments on this Christmas Eve a legal battle against special
counsel robert muller apparently has now reached the Supreme Court political
reporting an unidentified firm presented an application Saturday to Chief Justice
John Roberts asking for a stay of a federal appeals court ruling that turned
down the company's efforts to block a grand jury subpoena for records bringing
Ashley merchant on this federal white-collar criminal defense attorney
actually trying to quash subpoenas not that unusual
clearing entire floors of courthouses for the arguments over trying to quash
subpoenas and then the making of this them to the Supreme Court on Christmas
Eve pretty unusual definitely clearing the courthouse clearing the entire floor
definitely unusual and an extreme step telling us that they are very much
trying to keep everything out of the public limelight out of scrutiny but
going to the Supreme Court on Christmas Eve going to the Supreme Court a few
days before the holiday and getting a stay that's not that unusual because
what the supreme court is basically saying they're not ruling one way or
another this isn't indicative of the outcome what they're saying is we need
more time we need everything the status quo to stop we need it to stop and we
need to have a few days to look at this and so they've given a deadline for the
parties to submit their briefs so they've got a few more days to submit
their briefs and then they'll decide whether or not they want to consider
this and the first step with the Supreme Court is going to be whether or not they
even want to review the district court's ruling whether they not they want to
review this actual ruling and then if they decide they want to review it then
they can get into the merits and determine whether or not they want to to
rule is we have learned so often trying to break down these rulings these
filings involving the Muller investigation it's often like looking at
a white piece of paper with large black boxes on it emphasis on large in that
case any telltale phrases anything that you've been able to pull out of any of
these filings that strikes you that could give us some kind of insight
without speculation yes doctor when I reviewed the pleadings and the
order actually reviewed the court's order and then I reviewed the Supreme
Court documents where they were asking for review and what I think is telling
is that this foreign corporation what they're arguing is they're arguing that
they're immune and the reason they're saying that they are immune is that
their own government's laws entitled to them to some type of protection meaning
that their own government's laws say that they are not subject to subpoena so
what that tells me is these are some type of documents most likely financial
possibly banking something that the government has a role in actually
running this business this corporation so it's some type of a government-backed
business much like in America where we have the FDIC we have a banking system
but we've also got federal government inter involvement in that and we also
got some type of privacy laws that see whether the piece that I see without
speculating there are countries involved as adversaries if you will to the United
States whose government government core corporate in interactions or perhaps
much much tighter than what you suggest between the FDIC and the US government
actually appreciate you being with us thanks so much merry Christmas to you
and thank you Merry Christmas it's been more than a year and a half and the tune
of 25 million dollars since the Muller probe began and still we haven't seen
any actual proof of collusion with Russia as 2018 comes to a close robert
muller could release his final findings as soon as february so what could be in
that report and will this probe finally come to an end
judicial watch president tom Fitton has been following the investigation since
the very beginning and he joins us now to break it all down you're a real sport
coming on the day after Christmas time we Merry Christmas
merry Christmas to you we've tried so many times to predict when this thing
will wrap up what do you think right now I don't think it's going to wrap up in
any traditional sense of the word even if there's an interim report given to
the acting Attorney General the Attorney General at the time I think it's just
going to be a vehicle continuing vehicle or enemies of the President to harass
the president and you have internal enemies of the president where you've
got the deep state in the Justice Department the FBI etc and now you've
got this impeachment effort that is going to be pushed by the House and
Muller I think is effectively a vehicle for impeachment fantasies of the House
Democrats and so it's just continue to it's going to continue to harass the
president you know when you look back at the past year you've had two major
indictments against Russians and Russia entities with with specifically no
evidence of collusion with Americans you've got bias against the president
proven that led to the firing of two FBI agents or at least one Peter struck
you've had removal of you had the exposure of the FISA bias and abuse the
FISA courts being abused the targeting of Don of mr. general Flynn all sorts of
activities by the Special Counsel that in any other period of our time if fear
of our history would lead to its shutting shutting down and if I were the
president I would I would authorize and tell the Justice Department to shut it
down if he doesn't do it through the Justice Department he should take legal
action to get it shut down because this is just harassment at this point Tom you
know it has been going on forever and at some point you know people in the public
get tired of hearing the same thing over and over again that at some point they
kind of start to tune it out what do you think could be in this report or would
need to be in as a report what type of bombshell and do you think there's a
bombshell that exists that would really get people's attention the Moller
Special Counsel operation specializes in innuendo and I think if they say the
word Russia enough they can somehow prove the case that the Trump campaign
was in bed with Russian and illicit or illegal way and I just don't see
anything beyond that in a report where in Prior for instance in the iterations
of the Michael Cohen plea deals and such you hear the word Russia broached a lot
but it's a distraction from the fundamental issue about whether or not
the president or his team colluded the Russians in an inappropriate way to
steal the election and it just hasn't happened
so what he'll say is that you had people associated with the campaign who may or
may have not have had ties with the Russians and so because they had ties
with the Russians it may mean something that's not going to be satisfying for
most Americans which as you point out is why most Americans were already tuned
mulher out yeah what about guys like Adam Schiff that that have actually
basically said or insinuated that they that there is collusion and that they
have seen it but they they weren't able to say exactly what it is we've heard
statements like we're stoked that the collusion has been between the shift'
Democrats initially the Clintons and the dossei authors of fusion GPS and Russia
intelligence so you say ship is just lying
I think ship is Miss characterizing the evidence that's for sure that is
definitely for sure there he knows there's no collusion and so he thinks by
talking about Muller all the time people will think there's collusion the fact
there's a mullet roll and anti-trump it's not a sign that he's investigating
anything substantive that's the core corruption issue facing us in 2019 a
special council investigating nothing these things last forever though I don't
think this is an incredible investigation it continues Tom thank you
so much for your time you're welcome Trump versus the resistance now as the
mole or witch hunt continues there's still no evidence of any Trump Russia
collusion so ask yourself why was the Michael Cohen filing done on the eve of
this high-stakes g20 summit this is not the first time this has happened
remember the Paul Manafort indictment George papadopolis guilty plea both
announced just days before the president left for a historic 12 day trip to Asia
and White House press secretary Sarah Sanders she said today that the probe
may be hurting the u.s. ties with Moscow all suggesting that the Special Counsel
may be trying to derail the Trump presidency in more ways than one joining
us now with reaction author of the bestseller Trump's America the truth
about our nation's great comeback Fox News contributor and former Speaker of
the House Newt Gingrich you know one of the things everyone you talked about the
success of Trump your book but then you also have the
warnings warnings warnings what the president needs to be aware of obviously
I stand on my original premise Muller's out for blood
Muller picked this team of Democratic donors even Clinton's old lawyer at the
foundation Andrew Weissman and company for a reason
he is called he wants to hurt the president as badly as he can that's why
he's offering all these get-out-of-jail-free cards if you just
say whatever we want you to say look I I think we ought to quit talking about the
Muller investigation and start talking about the Muller Trump destruction
project because it's very clear that Muller and his left-wing lawyers are
methodically doing everything they can to destroy the president and in effect
to create a non Justice Department because this is not justice a non
Justice Department coup d'etat in which they undo the votes of the American
people and they pile enough junk and then that's it that's what all the stuff
is they pile enough junk around that they just gradually overwhelmed
President Trump and I think if you start and you look at everything they've been
doing and you said you know from day one this was never about Russian collusion
this was never about finding the truth this was about a methodical effort to
destroy president Trump by any means necessary and you look at some of the
things that are getting indictments on I mean again somebody goes and lies to the
Congress that's stupid they deserve to be indicted I'm not in
any way defending Cohen but they were lying about stuff that wasn't a crime
it's the point that Andy McCarthy keeps making as a former Justice Department
lawyer that none of the underlying patterns were crimes people are allowed
to be in business people are allowed to do deals people allowed to do lots of
stuff and yet what you get of course is the headline in the elite media that
somehow this is another terrible blow to Trump what it really is is further proof
that Muller's interest is in destroying the Trump president
see and your point is exactly right they had no reason to release this as the
president goes to an important meeting in Argentina with 19 other world leaders
I mean this is sort of like undermining America for partisan reasons you've been
in the minority in Congress and you were the speaker in Congress a lot easier to
be the speaker I'm just guessing although you take a lot more incoming
let's be honest you took all you took your fair share so we don't have an
agenda the Democrats in the house all they're saying endless endless endless
investigation Nancy Pelosi's first agenda item she announced earlier today
oh release Donald Trump's taxes now that's not going anywhere in the Senate
a good thing the president went out to campaign very hard to keep the Senate
because that's going to help him but it's still the intention what I don't
see an agenda to serve the American people well remember Shaun this is what
people have to understand there's a 1923 law which allows the chair of the Ways
and Means Committee to request the tax returns of any American so I can imagine
a circumstance with the new chairman at the Liberal Democrat will exercise his
legal right the Internal Revenue Service will turn over the Trump tax returns
which are supposedly secret and the release of which would be a felony and
then by some magic method that all of us will be shocked at they'll turn out on
page one of the New York Times so I would not mean these people are playing
for blood this is more like the terror and the French Revolution than it is
like traditional American politics they will do anything break any rules and I
think break any law if I'll enable them to get Donald Trump thank you god bless
you and God bless america
Con Edison Malfunction Leaves LaGuardia In The Dark - Duration: 2:40.
Chè FT Dearfach - Dark 🖤 (GRKstudio) //AUDIOGIF// - Duration: 1:58.
Lords Mobile - Đánh Quỷ Hắc Ám Toàn Tập ( Beat the dark demon whole episode ) || LNP Vlogs - Duration: 9:29.
UK Dark Matter Collaboration | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 2:49.
Bethesda's Fallout 76 Nuka Cola Dark Controversy - Duration: 5:50.
Whats up guys it porter here so Bethesda has once again to one surprise rip offed its
consumers with nuka-cola dark which if you guys don't know what nuka-cola dark is
it was a basically a glorified bottle of rum that you could preorder from Bethesda
for a cost a womping 80 dollars plus shipping that Bethesda was marketing with fallout 76
along with the many other items they were trying to push out like the fallout 76 cookbook
and the pipboy 2000 Now you're probably wondering why anyone
would pay 80 dollars plus shipping for a bottle of rum when you could just go out to your
local Walmart and get a bottle of captain Morgan for 15 dollars and its was for of course
the unique Nuka cola bottle that many people would want to keep as a collectable
An many people had faith that all would go well since in the past Bethesda also sold
quantum Nuka cola soda and it did sell fairly well that was until they started to delay
the drink from it original release date of November 14th the day fallout 76 would come
out In email sent out a week after the rum
was supposed to be released Bethesda stated the reason behind the delay was quote
When finalizing the product for shipment we determined that one of the components of
the product was not up to Fallout standards.
In an effort to deliver the super-premium product that you deserve we implemented an
upgrade to resolve the issue and are in the process of finalizing production.
This fix put us several days behind, but rest assured your order will be on its way in the
coming days.
Please be on the lookout for a tracking number in the near future.
man for anyone who was playing the fallout 76 at the time first sentence alone honestly
just served as warning to cancel your preorder because those fallout standards were at the
lowest, they could honestly go Then a week passed by and on December
4th they sent an email out of the drink being packaged along with its new released date
and it wasn't what many people who preordered the drink were expecting just see for yourself
So, as you can see the main problem besides the release of the drink being a month away
from its original release was the Nuka cola bottle is just a cheap plastic shell that
contains the bottle of rum An while I want to say this is a bait
and switch like the canvas bag situation where false advertising was at play in Bethesda
defense, they never explicably said the Nuka cola bottle would be the glass bottle the
rum would be put in An taking a look at the bottle itself
at the Nuka dark website it doesn't seem like it was advertised or looks like it could
be a glass bottle.
in fact, if you look even harder and head on over to Silver Screen Bottling Cos twitter
page the company licensed by Bethesda to produce the bottle in event held at New York Comicon
on October 6th where they showed off the bottle you can clearly see that the Nuka cola bottle
isn't glass it's clearly a plastic shell The problem comes in when they weren't
being completely transparent about the product that they were trying to sell and that's
clear to me because if you look at the tweet and looked to see if bethesda would atleast
retweet this to let people know about the bottle they didn't to that for both of the
tweets and in the description of the drink from the website where you can order it nowhere
in the description did they mention anything about the bottle at all not even a disclaimer
The only thing they did say about the bottle is that Nuka Cola Dark shares the same
look as the other bottle of nuka-cola and while people may say it's a lie and well
it is they did deliver on their promise albeit in the cheapest way imaginable with a price
tag that doesn't match up with the premium product they promised their consumers rum
included An it looks like they didn't really
think about how people were going to drink out of the bottle either
since if you try put a think in a cup it'll spill over
and just go all over the place so unless you remove the plastic shell from the bottle you
won't be able to drink it properly Now thank fully unlike the canvas bag
situation and fallout 76 in general you can actually get a refund on the product, but
this will yet again leave another mark on Bethesda reputation one that used to be respected
to one that has pretty much all gone to hell All this situation shows us is the lengths
though that Bethesda will go to make a quick buck from lying to well in this case being
extremely vague about their product and honestly this doesn't surprise after all fallout
76 itself is honestly the biggest a combination of lies and deception I've ever seen in
game in my life so for this to happen doesn't amaze me at this point
All I can say is hopefully Bethesda will
get their stuff together and learn from their mistakes because with game like the outer
worlds and cyberbunk 2077 coming out sometime next year in 2019 their dominance in the open
world gaming market might be coming to an end and if their new ip starfield turns out
to be a bust and they somehow manage to ruin the elder scrolls 6 this could possibly signal
the end of the company But that's just my opinion let me know
your guys thoughts on the situation down below but thank you guys for watching make sure
to drop a like if you found the video informative and if you liked what you saw consider subscribing
for more content like this and ill catch you guys the next one
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