Hi guys!
So recently, I just discovered that Ziploc,
like the sandwich bag Ziploc, came out with an entire fashion line.
And I'm just like… what on earth?
I cannot imagine a sandwich bag being used for clothes, in general.
So this entire line is actually a collaboration with this Japanese brand called Beams [Couture].
They have backpacks, they even have a fanny pack.
I'm just like, "Oh my God, I want the fanny pack."
They don't actually have clothes items but have an apron.
So what I'm going to do in this episode of ZULA Tries is that-
I'm going to try to make my own creation from Ziploc bags.
And it's not going to be like anything from the line.
It's going to be something that I'm thinking of like… maybe a clothing accessory?
So we shall see how that goes, I'm going to DIY it later.
Let's just jump right into it.
So jumping right into the DIY, what I have in mind is-
I want to do this huge, transparent jacket made of Ziploc bags.
And the reason why I want to do this transparent jacket is because,
a lot of high end brands are now coming up with transparent coats and…
all sorts of transparent, nonsense things.
To do that, obviously I need the Ziploc bags right?
Not 1, not 2 but, 3 huge boxes of Ziploc-
that I bought for this challenge because I'm prepared to ruin this.
I need all of these as back up but basically,
I don't know how many it's going to take for me to do this entire jacket.
Oh my God!
Look at all these… oh my gosh.
Eh, I never see this Ziploc so big the size before eh.
What the…
Normally I see is this size of Ziploc bag, like the small one.
You know because you every time 'dabao' (takeaway) food to work,
then it's in a small Ziploc bag.
But this is huge eh, you want to 'dabao' what sia?
'Dabao' your entire lunch, dinner, and breakfast inside here.
Actually right, because this is so big-
I don't think I would need a lot of Ziploc to kind of create the huge jacket piece.
It's already covering my entire body so,
I don't even need that many Ziploc to make this entire thing.
So I think what I'm going to do is that-
I'm going to start laying out the pieces on the table.
And then, I'll figure out the shape of the jacket that I want.
Whether I want it to be a bit more boxy, a bit longer or do I want it to be like-
oversized, cropped, and something like that.
I think I'm going to start doing that now.
I'm finally done with the jacket!
Ok I self-cheer lah.
Oh see, my Ziploc box also fall down.
Basically stitched all these pieces together,
and it's kind of like a... full-on trench coat aesthetic, I think.
I'll try it on later for you guys to see.
In the meantime, I also made...
a backpack and a tote bag.
So like… this is just to complement my outfit.
It's not actually practical because it's literally made out of 1 piece of Ziploc.
And if I put anything inside here, it's probably going to break.
What I'm going to do for the rest of the day is that-
the producers have challenged me to wear this out for the entire day.
And not sure how I feel about it because it's pretty thick and hot.
And Singapore is really hot so I'm going to sweat a lot in this plastic jacket.
But I'm quite excited to see how it's going to look.
It's lunch.
Going to buy food with my Ziploc bag.
And my crew-
Hi. Hi.
I really think it's quite cool and I'm not like paying attention to it as I'm filming.
I just feel like, "Oh I'm just wearing a jacket."
It's just that it's very sticky so, ya.
You like my jacket or not? Nice!
Nice ah? Uh.
(I use) Ziploc... You DIY ah?
(Correct Correct.)
Cute ah? (Thank you!)
I'm 'kiaping' (holding on to) my jacket behind me so I can walk properly.
So how many people looked at me?
I think there were 3 or 4.
3 or 4 only? Out of so many people?
People are mostly just curious more than anything.
They're just like…
My hand is stuck to the plastic already.
Wore this for 15 minutes walking from the office to here.
Alright, I have this amazing backdrop behind me.
And I'm going to do the entire Ziploc fashion photoshoot right now,
with this amazing jacket-
I mean… why not right?
Already in a high fashion outfit, might as well do the photoshoot.
So let's go!
Do you want some snacks?
Can be Hypebeast or not?
Ya, it looks like a legit product.
I'm on a diet, thanks.
I have like other side also. No it's ok.
Walao… you damn hater eh…
Do you like my jacket?
Can be Hypebeast or not?
I don't know what to say.
But it's quite funny.
Edible right? Yup, then?
Can't believe I'm taking a gem biscuit out of your... Ziploc bag?
Ziploc bag sia.
This is the person who made me do the video by the way.
He's impressed by this. Let me see the make of it.
Like very Project Runway.
How would you rate this? 8.
8? Upon 10?
You need to buy Ikea one right…
You think what? People 'atas'(high class) ah?
Ikea cheap sia…
The producers have decided to 'sabo' (sabotage) me,
and they want to do a waterproof test.
I got my friend down to come and test out,
and spray me with water to see whether this entire jacket is waterproof or not.
So… ya. And I'm just going to…
There is a hole here.
I'm wet here but this is not wet.
Go ahead and spray me I guess.
It's raining men, hallelujah, it's raining…
Actually, it's not really like…
Can you see the condensation on the Ziploc?
It's kind of like… protecting me but at the same time-
Because you know, you know, no time to sew everything well right.
The water does go through small, little holes.
Now I feel like I'm in a shooting game.
Wait... Stop, stop.
My hood is out. It's raining.
It's not working, it's not waterproof...
So I guess this jacket is not waterproof.
But other than that, it's a great fashion statement.
And I believe that me wearing this out for the entire day-
I would say there are some pros, there are some cons.
So let's just list down the pros first.
First of all, it looks way aesthetic.
Have you seen the photos?
They look so cool.
Shout out to my photographer Seb.
These photos are amazing and I think that-
the jacket really gives you that kind of...
out of the ordinary but at the same time,
people can see as a fashion statement.
They don't look at it and like, "What the hell is that? A bit crazy."
You know what I mean? Ok, some people did.
For me, I felt that it was a good fashion statement.
Also I feel that it was a unique experience.
I wasn't really bothered by people looking at me when I was wearing this jacket.
I just felt that like, "This is cool. Why not? Love it."
But the cons are that it's a plastic jacket.
And it's really, really hot in Singapore, obviously.
And the sweat-
whoever is going to wear this jacket…
Nobody is going to wear this jacket after me.
But I'm so sorry-
when I gave it to the producers,
I was like, "It's kind of sweaty."
They were like, "Ew!"
Ya it was just… not sweat-friendly, definitely.
Other than that,
shout out to Ziploc for making amazing sandwich bags.
By the way, this video is not sponsored.
But Ziploc, if you want, hit me up.
I'll do more collaborations with you guys.
And also, if you guys like this product and this entire jacket,
tell us what you think-
Whether you'll buy this jacket,
how much you think it costs and if you'll make it yourself.
So if you guys like these kinds of videos,
let us know what else to make next time.
And also don't forget to Like, Share, and Subscribe.
For more infomation >> ZULA Tries: DIY Ziploc Fashion | EP 11 - Duration: 8:27.-------------------------------------------
YouTube Stories | Fashion by Ally - Duration: 0:46.
♪ (upbeat music) ♪
Hi, friends!
A lot of of you have been requesting for more outfit of the day,
so we thought, "Why not share it with you on the YouTube Stories."
♪ (upbeat music) ♪
So I thought it'd be really fun to take you guys along with me
on a holiday photo shoot,
and I'm meeting up with some friends
and shooting some really amazing Christmas and New Year's content.
I can't wait to show you guys!
♪ (upbeat music) ♪
Embrace Fashion Show - Duration: 1:05.
BILL BESSETTE/REPORTING: "Music…lights… cameras…models."
BILL: "Welcome to Madison College's…"
EMCEE: "This is a very classic look…"
BILL: "Embrace Fashion Show."
BILL: "Featuring designs representing more than 15 countries…"
EMCEE: "Reflect on me."
BILL: "Put together by the college's fashion marketing students."
fitted bed sheet and I just cut them into strips and sewed them together with the waistband
being from a different skirt that I got there too."
BILL: "To learn more about Madison College's fashion marketing program, visit www.madisoncollege.edu/program/fashion-marketing
or call (608) 246-6003, ext. 8.
For Madison College Minute, I'm Bill Bessette."
Freaky fashion: Randers FC's Marvin Egho viser garderoben frem - Duration: 4:16.
Hyundai Kona 1.0T Fashion Demo! - Duration: 1:07.
Cambridge Analytica Used Fashion Tastes to Identify Right Wing Voters - Duration: 3:20.
Cambridge Analytica Used Fashion Tastes to Identify Right Wing Voters
Christopher Wylie, who helped found the voter-profiling firm, said that clothing preferences had been key to helping "Steve Bannon build his insurgency."
You've heard of profiling criminals, but welcome to fashion profiling — the practice of classifying and targeting individuals based on their clothing brand preferences. Fashion profiling played a bigger role in the 2016 American presidential election than anyone realized, according to new information from Christopher Wylie, the Cambridge Analytica whistle-blower.
Today at a conference in Britain organized by the fashion industry website The Business of Fashion, Mr. Wylie explained that clothing preferences were a key metric for Cambridge Analytica, whose business was constructing and selling voter profiles drawn from Facebook data.
"Fashion data was used to build AI models to help Steve Bannon build his insurgency and build the alt-right," he said.
Preferences in clothing and music are the leading indicators of political leaning, he said. The narratives of the great American brands, which play on the myths of the West and the (mostly male) frontier are also the narratives of the Republican right. Those who choose to spend on the former are susceptible to the latter. He mentioned Wrangler and L.L. Bean in particular as brands that Cambridge Analytica aligned with conservative traits. (Kenzo, by contrast, which is designed by Humberto Leon and Carol Lim, the avant-garde duo behind the retail store Opening Ceremony, appealed to liberals, he suggested.)
"Fashion brands are really useful in producing algorithms to find out how people think and how they feel," Mr. Wylie said.
Neither Wrangler nor L.L. Bean responded to requests for comment.
David Stillwell, the deputy director of The Psychometrics Center at Cambridge University where much of Cambridge Analytica's methodology was developed, compared this form of fashion analysis to a study showing that car ownership can correlate with political voting preferences in certain regions. (Places where hybrids line the streets reliably vote Democrat; the opposite is true where pickup trucks are concerned.)
"Essentially the reasoning is the same," he said. "Different people choose different clothes and it correlates with their politics."
Mr. Wylie's revelations suggest a more informed and aggressive use of the fashion data that was regularly mined by political candidates themselves during the 2016 primary. Purchases made through each candidate's online store were used to identify potential issues that could galvanize a voter. For example, if an individual bought an infant onesie from Hillary Clinton's campaign website, it was a clue that said person might be influenced by emails about maternal health. If someone bought a beer mug from Rand Paul, he or she might respond to emails about saving manufacturing in America.
"It's all about learning who your supporter base is," said Marshal Cohen, chief industry analyst of the NPD Group and the author of "Why Customers Do What They Do," in an interview during the 2016 campaign. "How do they live? What are their trigger points? What words resonate with them? It's worth its weight in gold, in the political arena just like the consumer arena. We call it demographic profiling, because voter profiling sounds like a dirty word, but that's what it is."
Fashion profiling is another facet of this approach, using data analysis to identify the way brands are perceived — and it should not come as a surprise to anyone.
Assessing value systems, and goals and priorities, via the clothes people wear has been a part of professional life for years. The "dress for the job you want" adage is an expression of fashion profiling. Calling someone a "Gucci person" or a "Celine person" is fashion profiling; opting for Levi's over Rag & Bone makes a statement about associations and history and opens one up to fashion profiling — albeit in a manner that generally leaves much unsaid. !-- --Cambridge Analytica preyed on that human reality via algorithm, using data from the Facebook profiles of more than 50 million users without their permission.
The data breach, which was first revealed in March, plunged Facebook into hot water with American and British lawmakers as it sought to explain how so much of its user data could have been used without those users' knowledge or consent.
The event was just another example of how personal data, given incrementally to products and platforms over years, can be used to manipulate individuals in unanticipated and potentially damaging ways. !-- --Mr. Wylie used his !-- --talk at the Business of Fashion conference to protest Facebook's enormous power, and said that the company was damaging society by separating people based on their cultural preferences. He exhorted those present to be conscious of the narratives embedded in their branding.
Most Instagram shoppers and selfie-takers are more concerned with credit card theft than being victims of targeted yet subtle political messaging. Still, most users now expect the trail of cultural crumbs they leave online to be used by brands (you've bought this, so you may like this!). The fact that consumer preferences are used by influence Svengalis to sway votes means something else entirely.
[P] 1733. Miss fashion plate - Duration: 0:09.
- Well, we're off to the dance party at the castle... so you watch the house, Cirno-chan.
- So Letty's...at the age where she notices boys...?!
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