- Hey everybody, Brian Hunt here
and welcome to another Tuesday Tutorial.
In this video, we're gonna be showing you
how to make a Facebook audience for your ads.
(Intro music)
In this week's video, we're gonna show you
how to make an audience.
But we're gonna jump on the computer here
and we're gonna go right into it.
The age range, what's the age range of people
that you think come up?
Or gonna be looking at stuff online?
I'm just gonna pick a year and then say, you know,
Hmmm, 65 plus, let's go up to 50.
You may want to be tailoring towards one gender
over another gender, depending on the business
and what you're offering.
Okay, language, I'm gonna leave this open
but you can type in different languages there
if you are targeting different kind of people.
So if you look at this, this is the projected audience size
of what we have, the information we've clicked so far.
And it's given us a potential reach of 110,000 people.
Now, it's given us the estimated daily results reach.
So, in this detailed targeting, it's gonna include people
who match at least one of the following.
We can put some information in here,
anybody who's put in cycling before,
might be somebody that we're looking
at getting better engagement with.
So, you can see here by just putting cycling in there,
that has dropped us down to 18,000 people.
Don't think that having a big, big number here
is what you always wanna have.
Okay, you actually want to be as more specific as you can.
And I'm gonna put in mountain biking.
Okay, so that increased our reach here a bit more.
So, after this we're gonna come down to here,
so we're gonna save this audience, okay?
So, I wanna save this audience
I wanna use this audience for later
and make sure, when I'm actually posting an ad,
which we're gonna show you in next week's video,
how we're going to use this.
So, I'm gonna save this, make sure I make this
the right audience name.
Hardwood, summer,
barrie, cycling.
Making specific names so when you go to find
those saved audiences to actually use within your ads,
it makes sense of what you're using.
So, we're gonna hit save here.
So now if you wanna create an another audience
and start kinda developing some ideas
with some other audiences for different ads,
or to use the same ad to try it in different ways,
you can go right here, create new ad,
or create new, sorry, audience,
and you can run through the same things
and see how your audience, your reach, changes.
Okay, if we just leave it all in Canada,
we have 25 million people.
Now, that's not really a great use of the money,
cause not all 25 million people on Facebook in Canada
are interested in what we're promoting.
Okay, so you can see here, you can go very, very specific
on different things, on people you are targeting.
I really recommend that you go in here
and play around with this.
The first step is creating this audience,
and creating multiple audiences you wanna reach
in the Facebook Ads Manager.
So thanks so much guys for watching.
We're gonna see you on next week's Tuesday Tutorial.
For more infomation >> Tuesday Tutorial - Building a Facebook Audience - Part 2 - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
BUILDING A REAL ESTATE BUSINESS: Local Reviews - Duration: 3:34.
- Hello, real estate agents, it's Apollo.
I am back with another video
on building your brand with videos.
Check it out.
(upbeat rock music)
Hey everybody, welcome back.
This is another video in our series of videos
on creating videos, lots of video.
Anyway, what we're doing here is we're making a few videos
about the kind of videos you guys should be creating
as real estate agents to help build your brand
and bring value to your customers.
We've gone over a couple already
and this one is an absolute game changer.
This one is where the money is,
and it does take a little bit of work on your part,
it takes some knowledge of the area and whatnot,
but what you need to be doing is local business reviews.
These mean so much because, as you know,
people don't buy just the house, they buy the area,
they buy the neighborhood, they buy the restaurants
that are gonna be next to them,
they buy the stores that are gonna be there,
they buy the convenience.
Sometimes they buy the fact
that there's not a lot of that around
and they wanna get away from it all.
But the area matters just as much as the house.
The point is this, giving them the goods
on what's going on in local area
is gonna help them make the decision
on whether or not this is the right house for them,
whether or not this is the area they wanna be in.
Really good examples of this are find the local barber shop,
find the local gym, that matters to a lot of people.
Find those businesses that they're gonna use
on a regular basis.
The things that are really gonna matter to them
in their everyday lives.
Cool thing about this is you can do
your own reviews on these, you can go experience those.
You can take this all the way out to doing an interview
with the owner of the facility that's close to them.
And this doesn't just apply to local businesses,
this can really branch out to all kinds of stuff.
Think about schools.
How much does it mean for parents moving into a neighborhood
that the schools their children are gonna go to
are what they're looking for?
I mean, that right there would be a huge game changer
for me and my wife, if we ever have kids.
She's ready, I'm getting there.
Those are huge decisions.
Send an email to the principle
of the local elementary school,
to the local junior high school.
Tell them that you wanna talk to them a little bit
on what kind of elective programs they're offering,
and the great things about their school
that will be a good reason for people
to move to that neighborhood.
Really, the possibilities here are limitless.
The whole point is that what you're looking to do
is give value to the area,
and talk about what actually happens there
so that people can make an informed decision
on what's going on and whether or not
that's the place they wanna live for the next five,
10, 20 years, however long it's gonna be.
These are videos that will matter so much
to the people that are looking to buy
in the area that you have a listing in.
These things are what affect their everyday life,
where they're gonna eat,
where their kids are gonna go to school,
how far they're gonna have to drive to get groceries,
things like that.
So, make yourself a couple of those videos,
get in touch with whoever you need to get in touch with,
make it happen.
If you haven't seen the other videos in this series,
I'm gonna link those below, please go check those out.
If this one brought you value, give it a thumbs up.
And, if you haven't already,
please hit that subscribe button, hit the notification bell,
it'll let you know when we put new videos up.
It would absolutely mean the world to me.
Thank you so much, and have a great day.
(upbeat rock music)
Roblox Build A For Treasure [Glitch Boat] - Duration: 16:58.
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