hey what's up fools I learned the senior textile designer am
portrait illustrator behind the brand Lauren Lesley Studio. I've been a designer
for over 10 years and I've designed textiles sold by anthropologie, target and
Wayfair online. In this video I'm going to give you an honest look at how much
money textile designers actually make and the five factors that influence your
salary as a creative so make sure to watch the whole video because I have a
little surprise for you at the end. like it leave a comment and of course
subscribe to my channel. alright let's get started. okay so design salaries are
based on five main factors number one is your years of experience so entry level
designers start out at around 45 K this was updated by payscale.com
as of october 1st 2018 so just keep that in mind so according to this chart that
payscale.com shows it looks like most entry-level designers start out at
around 45 K and they tend to kind of peak at around 65 K so I kind of
disagree with this statistic unless they're talking about what you would
earn before you become a senior designer but when it says you know that you're
experienced and you have about ten to twenty years of experience you can
definitely make more than sixty-five K at that level but you are generally
promoted to be a senior designer after around ten years of experience so they
may be you know not including that okay so factor number two is going to be your
talent and your portfolio now you your talent definitely can influence the
amount of money that you make but I would say it is in conjunction with your
years of experience so anytime that you have that much practice year after year
after year you are going to become more talented just whatever you practice
that like that you're gonna just naturally get better at but I would say
that your level of talent will definitely impact the salary that you
can earn so what you should do is learn what your salary range could be so from
here to here you know based on your years of experience and location and
things like that and then try to aim to get towards the high end of that range
based on your talent and how strong your portfolio is if you have a kick-ass
portfolio and you have let's say three years of experience you know you're not
past that five years of experience yet but you may be able to earn fifty five
cave instead of forty five K and that's like a huge difference especially at
that level so you want to be realistic but also optimistic evaluate how strong
your portfolio is and see how confident you feel in your ability to fulfill the
job and impact the company overall if you feel confident in your ability then
the employer will also feel confident in you and will be more likely to give you
a higher salary so factor number three is going to be location unfortunately
sometimes that kind of seems like it sucks but I do want to say that you want
to weigh the cost of living in your area versus your salary
so you know let's say that you're living in New York where it says New York has
an eight percent higher than the national average for your salary so that
sounds really great right but the cost of living in New York is pretty extreme
so if you're living in let's say Atlanta and there's a 9% decrease against the
national average but if you're able to find a much cheaper apartment or just
overall cost of living is much cheaper then you still may be coming out ahead
even if you have a lesser salary so pay scale con gives you a customized salary
report based on your location and years of experience which is pretty cool
so you can just type in your location and your years and get your salary
report the creative group also provides customized salary report and it's based
on even more it's based on the national averages the job title and your location
and it's adjusted for 2019 they come out with it every year so even if you're
watching this video and it's been a couple of years they will still have a
new report for your for the upcoming year so you should still go check check
out the creative group and I would recommend looking at both pay scale calm
and the creative group and just see if both of your customized reports kind of
puts you in the same salary ballpark that's a really good way to get you know
a pretty confident idea on what salary you could make and creative group also
gives adjusted salaries against the national average for all major cities in
the u.s. so you can go down and see I just recently moved to Birmingham so it
says that Birmingham is five percent less than the national average which
kind of sucks but cost of living is pretty cheap here so at the end of the
day I might still be coming out ahead versus someone who maybe is living in
New York okay so step four is gonna be the company growth you have to think
about what company is interviewing you are they having a positive year do they
have growth year after year are they a strong company is it someone who can you
know kind of afford to pay you at the higher end of your range and factor
number five is going to be market rates now just because the company can afford
to pay you more it doesn't necessarily mean that they should you definitely
want to get to know the market rates in your area because competition with other
designers is very real and you want to kind of weigh okay how competitive is it
in my field as a rug designer honestly like the competition isn't horrible
because not that many people know how to design rugs and now I have seven years
of experience under my belt whereas if I was a graphic designer
you know maybe there would be higher competition because more people are
needed as graphic designers it seems like the competition would be higher in
that field but it is a factor you want to make sure that you know what
the competition is and what the market rates are because you don't want someone
else to get the job just because you priced yourself too high now that still
doesn't mean that you shouldn't get the salary that you deserve you shouldn't
lowball yourself at all but you know if someone is around you're saying talent
range and the competition is pretty high you know maybe you want to stay a little
bit you know I I wouldn't be unrealistic with the salary that you want to earn in
other words so the median salary for a textile designer according to the
creative group is fifty two thousand three hundred eighty three dollars per
year but it can go all the way up to eighty one thousand eighty six dollars
per you so this data gives you a great starting point for where you believe you
fall in the range based on experience talent location and market rates and I
would say that those stats sound right to me it kind of gives you the
percentage on what the median is so you know ten percent of textile designers
are earning this at the lower end it cetera and I would say eighty one
thousand dollars a year is probably going to be more of a senior textile
designers salary um just to give you that data point but so that would say
that's more like you know ten years experience overall but yeah that all
sounds right to me based on being from someone inside the industry the creative
group also provides a yearly salary guide for creatives which is awesome so
the 2019 salary guide is available to download and unfortunately they don't
have specific info for textile designers but I find that I can get a good idea by
studying the salary trends of graphic designers and illustrators so I would
say when I those stats it feels very comparable to textile
designers so the 2019 salary range for graphic designers is 42 K on the low end
and 83k on the high end and for me like I said this is very consistent with what
textile designers earn so you can take a look at the salary guide it has
everything from what a creative director earns to an art director or project
you know production artists etc and like I said I mostly pay attention to the
graphic designers and illustrators because they seem to be mostly in line
with what textile designers earn as well so for a little transparency. here's a
photo of me in my very first big-girl job I was an entry-level graphic
designer. I worked here for four years and starting out I made $35,000 a year.
Now, keep in mind this was in 2008 in South Carolina so the good news is
that the market rates have steadily increased since then. I did feel kind of
poor I have to admit but the good news is that my own salary also increased
with experience - and I don't feel quite as poor as I did back then. so ten years
later I'm happy to say I'm making well above the average salary for textile
designers. so if you had any questions please leave a comment down below for me
and I'll be sure to answer those if you have any ideas for other videos you
would like to see please leave that in the comments below as well or if you
just like this video leave me like a heart emoji or something cute that would
really make my day! also please subscribe to my channel and click the little bell
above and that way you'll be notified every time I come out with a new video
and don't worry I don't come out with a new video every day so it's not gonna
like harass you or bug you it'll probably be like once a week at the very
most more likely like once a month if you'd like to check out my website go to
lauren leslie calm and be sure to look down in the description I have a free
surprise for you guys it's a PDF download chock full of information so be
sure to get your free copy and if you'd like to join our Facebook group go
to Facebook.com/DesignTribeLaurenLesley I'm also posting
lots of information here and it's a great way for us to just kind of get
community with each other and thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the
next video!
For more infomation >> Textile Designer Salary | How Much Do Textile Design Jobs Earn? - Duration: 11:12.-------------------------------------------
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