Alright y'all so I'm cutting my hair today, I don't know if we're chopping chopping
I don't know if we're chopping or trimming today. We're going to find out in just a few seconds
Yeah, let's just start cutting my hair. I went ahead and put my hair into flat twists because this is a style that I wear
Frequently so I can really see how my hair is gonna lay
once I finish chopping and
I also went ahead and made sure to moisturize my hair with water and a styler , a cream
So whatever ends that, you know, just don't look good are just gonna get chopped off
Lo siento si la Luz esta mala pero yo necesito grabar este video y
post it today
by 3pm and it is
12:45. So again, I apologize but I need to film right now, even though the lighting situation isn't optimal
Let's get to cutting!
Literally, I don't have a method. The only thing I'm gonna do is go through each little piece of this twist and
I'm cutting off
the ends
Especially if I can see that the ends have single strand knots and
Split ends. It's just getting chopped off. So I don't know if you can see
But these ends like right up in here are kind of see through
And ion like that
Whoa, I'm holding my breath. It's kind of nerve-wracking guys
Trying to make sure I'm not cutting too much off like I'm not just getting scissor happy
But I also really do need to get those ends
Okay, so I think this twist is a better example of what I'm talking about like
You can see
where the hair is nice and fluffy and
Where it starts getting a little scraggly at the ends
Yes, dat gotta go
See here, so I'm having problems I
Technically don't like the fact that none of this right here is taking any sort of shape or form. I
Don't know if that means all of that hair is damaged
So I'm gonna keep moving and we can revisit this section
Okay, so we briefly went through the first half of my head
this is how much hair I
Chopped off so far not a lot to be quite honest with you. I want to make sure I wasn't being too scissor happy
But now
I'm gonna just go through this side one more time
And you see how I'm running my hands through my hair and I'm still catching snags
Because there still needs some...there's still hair to be cut
This is what this side looks like right now want to go ahead and start on this side
Alright y'all so that is it for now I
again, lost this much hair Well I didn't really lose it I chose to give it up and
I feel like my ends feel relatively smooth now
Definitely smoother than before. I may look in the mirror and do some final chop chops, but that is it for now
Let me know if y'all think I should have cut more hair in the comment section below
I tried to show you my ends. So let me know if I didn't cut enough of like those dead ends
I need to cut some more. Let me know if I cut too much
That could have also happened. I just wanna hear your thoughts in the comment section below
Let me know if y'all get your hair cut professionally or you do it yourself?
But yeah again
I hope y'all enjoyed this. Don't forget to Like comment and subscribe to my channel y'all and I'll see you the next one. Bye
For more infomation >> DO I NEED TO BIG CHOP?! Trimming My Natural Hair - Duration: 8:51.-------------------------------------------
Sukhe - I Need Ya Lyrics Video | | Jaani | B Praak | Arvindr Khaira - Duration: 3:25.
Why Might I Need a Lawyer if I'm already receiving workers compensation? - Duration: 1:45.
Let's say someone comes in and they're getting all their benefits and why do they need me?
Well, how do they know when there's a benefit they should get and they're not getting it
because they're certainly not going to be told by the insurance companies.
So I've seen people who were entitled to be paid a permanent disability rating when they
went back to work, and they never get it.
No one tells them and if time passes their right to it is lost because of, you know,
not having received any check for a period of time.
Well, then you're never entitled to any more checks ever even if you were entitled back
So people don't know what they're entitled to.
Another thing they don't know about is that they're entitled to receive mileage to and
from wherever they have to drive to go for their medical care they're supposed to keep
up with their miles and submit them and the employer is supposed to pay the cost of that
mileage and (which you know) considers wear and tear on their vehicle which you know it's
only fair, but people don't know.
They don't pay it.
A lot of insurers don't pay it unless they're forced to.
People at times can get services at their homes such as someone to come and do home
repairs or someone to cut the grass or someone to come do housekeeping.
Let's say they live alone and they're badly hurt, they'll need lawyer.
They're not going to get it because they won't know to ask.
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