- Hey everybody, Brian Hunt here
and welcome to another Tuesday Tutorial.
In this video, we're gonna be showing you
how to make a Facebook audience for your ads.
(Intro music)
In this week's video, we're gonna show you
how to make an audience.
But we're gonna jump on the computer here
and we're gonna go right into it.
The age range, what's the age range of people
that you think come up?
Or gonna be looking at stuff online?
I'm just gonna pick a year and then say, you know,
Hmmm, 65 plus, let's go up to 50.
You may want to be tailoring towards one gender
over another gender, depending on the business
and what you're offering.
Okay, language, I'm gonna leave this open
but you can type in different languages there
if you are targeting different kind of people.
So if you look at this, this is the projected audience size
of what we have, the information we've clicked so far.
And it's given us a potential reach of 110,000 people.
Now, it's given us the estimated daily results reach.
So, in this detailed targeting, it's gonna include people
who match at least one of the following.
We can put some information in here,
anybody who's put in cycling before,
might be somebody that we're looking
at getting better engagement with.
So, you can see here by just putting cycling in there,
that has dropped us down to 18,000 people.
Don't think that having a big, big number here
is what you always wanna have.
Okay, you actually want to be as more specific as you can.
And I'm gonna put in mountain biking.
Okay, so that increased our reach here a bit more.
So, after this we're gonna come down to here,
so we're gonna save this audience, okay?
So, I wanna save this audience
I wanna use this audience for later
and make sure, when I'm actually posting an ad,
which we're gonna show you in next week's video,
how we're going to use this.
So, I'm gonna save this, make sure I make this
the right audience name.
Hardwood, summer,
barrie, cycling.
Making specific names so when you go to find
those saved audiences to actually use within your ads,
it makes sense of what you're using.
So, we're gonna hit save here.
So now if you wanna create an another audience
and start kinda developing some ideas
with some other audiences for different ads,
or to use the same ad to try it in different ways,
you can go right here, create new ad,
or create new, sorry, audience,
and you can run through the same things
and see how your audience, your reach, changes.
Okay, if we just leave it all in Canada,
we have 25 million people.
Now, that's not really a great use of the money,
cause not all 25 million people on Facebook in Canada
are interested in what we're promoting.
Okay, so you can see here, you can go very, very specific
on different things, on people you are targeting.
I really recommend that you go in here
and play around with this.
The first step is creating this audience,
and creating multiple audiences you wanna reach
in the Facebook Ads Manager.
So thanks so much guys for watching.
We're gonna see you on next week's Tuesday Tutorial.
For more infomation >> Tuesday Tutorial - Building a Facebook Audience - Part 2 - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
Hey guys, welcome back to my channel, this is Victor Paredes. This channel is all about affiliate marketing and making money online
We also go over
Mindset we go over marketing and we go over
Motivation so if you're looking for that in in your affiliate marketing business and in growing it and scaling it
Then please subscribe to the channel and make sure you smash that notification bell
So you're always notified whenever I do a new video
So with that said today
I wanted to show you
Click funnels and how to build a landing page and a click funnel in less than 10 minutes
for beginners now click funnels is a is basically is the leader in
affiliate marketing tools when it comes to building funnels landing pages squeeze pages
All those things click funnels is at the top of the list it's well renowned
It's well respected and it is easy to use now
They do have a 14-day free trial and if you decide to opt in you could use go straight to click funnels and start their
14-day free trial or you can use other people's links that offer you free bonuses and free training I do
As well if you use my link and start your 14-day free trial. I'm gonna give you my all-in-one
business in a box
The system at no charge for free. All you have to do is start your 14-day free trial and I've got video setup
I've got your email swipes for your autoresponder
I've got all of your how to customize your funnel
Setting up your software
Even how to get your traffic to the actual offer. I've got everything set up in here for you guys
so if you're interested in this
And start making my I've actually made quite a bit of money
Using this system and I'm sharing it with anybody using my link to start the 14 day free trial
Using click funnels and I will send that to you. So I'll leave a link down below if you're interested in doing that
Let me know
What you think about the video also, please leave a comments down below. So with that said
Clickfunnels, let's go ahead and start with the actual training now
Once you set up your account you want you're gonna want to build a funnel and you what you want to do
Is you go to click funnels and you go to build a funnel as you can see that right here on this drop-down?
There it is. So you click on that
And it's gonna take you to
This page here
Now you can collect emails sell a product or host a webinar
We can X out of this for now
And if you can see here
there's a different a lot of different funnels for the different types of industries that you might be in if your speaker or called a
Consultant, there are funnels for that
If you're in the retail business
There are funnels for that and there are different funnels for network marketing and those type of things if you want to generate leads
Which is really the biggest part of affiliate marketing then there's a funnel there funnel spreader. Let's click on that and
Then it has
Many many different options to generate leads and you've got a home page funnel a squeeze page funnel
Your reverse squeeze page funnel a survey funnel, you know all kinds of different funnels
You got a lead magic funnel. We're going to try that one today
let's select that lead magic funnel and we
Come straight to the lead magnet
Funnel and there is a quick video with Russell Brunson the founder and CEO of click funnels that kind of helps you
through this system and how to use this actual funnel and this also says lead magnet funnels are similar to the other opt-in funnels except
you're actually giving away something in exchange for the email address like a video a report a
free training and that type of thing so
Let's look at some of the options for a lead magnet funnel
you've got
This one here. These are great templates, by the way that are fully customizable
Let's click on this one says Jayson lead funnel
Alright so it shows you the funnel here
It shows you actually what the funnel looks like and then it's going to show you the Thank You page that's already built into it
That is also fully
Customizable so you do all you do is click on get funnel
It is loading into the system
Ok guys now we got that funnel
Downloaded into our clickfunnels account as you can see you've got the lead magnet funnel
the opt-in page here and
Then right after that is the Thank You page. Let's click on that and the Thank You page. This is what that looks like and
There's your think there's your thank-you page. Okay, so
And again guys, it's fully customizable. Go back to the lead magnet
what you want to do is you want to edit the page go to the edit the page and
This is a great tutorial for beginners because they make it so easy
Because it's really a truly dragon drops system
So if let's say I wanted to bring this. Yes this button right here up top
all I do is drag it and I can put it like
you know anywhere I want to like right so let's say oh, I don't know here and
There it is. Of course, that doesn't make sense to be up there
But I can bring it I can bring it back down if I wanted to let's move this back over here
Where it makes more sense, so as you can see, it's truly drag-and-drop
so it you know, you can you can you can tweak the the
Text completely
By simply just changing the words. Okay. So let's I like the word discover. That's it that's important discover
how to
Online business
10 days
And then we can do this we can change this here delete this
Great for beginners
Beginners, okay, so you can see how easy it is to change these things up
Okay, and then you know you click on this here and it's you see this text over here on the side. Yes
Show me the secrets
Show me how
You see how easy this stuff is guys and you guys always won't want to remember any time you edit any of these?
Pre-built funnels you want to save your work right up here in the corner to the right?
Right here. You want to hit that Save button?
okay, because
If you accidentally get out of here without saving it you would have lost everything
Okay, so see how simple that is and then we can delete things that we don't want we can take this out
Let's let's go ahead delete that we can take this out. Let's delete that
You know, I can add a new section here
I can I can change this or delete this as well. If I don't want that clean it up a little bit
Attention, I like kind of like this
Heading up here, but let's go ahead and change some of this stuff up
Attention for serious
People I don't spell right today sorry, okay, but what might the point is to show you how easy this is
Then I want to save my work. Okay, and
Let's say I want to change the color of the button. I just click on the button right here
This window pops up
BG background color
Okay, I've changed it to red and there it is
And remember that changed it and I'll hit safe
See how easy that is guys. Okay, let's get rid of this
We don't need that okay, we want it clean
so let's say I also want to change this image because we want to make it a
Some sort of free giveaway so free, maybe PDF file or free training
so the way I do that is I go straight to
another free website that I have created many
Of my thumbnails on as you can see my goofy face is here
But let's go ahead and create a design so canva has a lot of different templates that we can use here. Okay
so if you look at let's say
Like a book cover. We're gonna do a free book an e-book. Okay, so let's click on that and
It goes straight to all of these options because now we need a template for this eBook, okay, so
Look at this one. We'll use this one here. Oh, you just double-click it and it goes straight into this
Area it fits it in perfectly and then you can start
Editing it here in canva. I'm gonna leave a link down below to canva also
Free ebook
You gosh, I'm God guys, I'm sorry. I can't spell how to build a business
Online okay, and then put
For beginners
Okay, and then you can change this here you can change this text and then you can change of course you want to change the
Name because it's gonna be by
So it's so basically you're writing your own ebook and you're putting your your name on the title and the cover and of course you
Can change this all of this? Let's say I want to change the color of this background. Okay, so you click on the background
Right here. If you notice this little block up here this little square
Right here
anytime I
They click on any part of this background. It's gonna change that square up there
Let's say I want to change this color and go with a different color, you know blue or something or maybe even a a red
See how it changed this and is in this area right here
And then I can tweak the red color if I don't really if I'm not real happy with the red color I can go into
Here and adjust it this way here
Make it a really deep red or I can turn shading into a lighter blue. Let's you know, let's go to the lighter blue
I like that. We'll go with the lighter blue and
Then let's change. Let's change this color in here in the middle
And we'll go with a I don't know. What Co do you think yellow?
Blue that's that pops that's really pops. I like that. So we're gonna stick with that. It really pops. I've got my name here
I've got my discover new secrets, you know, I can change the text
I can change the text color as well. If I don't like this color, let's we could turn the end up
Let's say black. So it'll really stands out
See how see how that stands out there and then I could change this to black as well
And look at that. Look how easy that is
So what I'm done, okay, I'm not gonna change the text here
But what I'm done, all I need to do is download this
Okay guys, so all I did was download this image, and I saved it to my desktop
so let's get out of canva, but I'd like I said, I'm gonna leave a
Link down below on how to how to access canva and I also actually have another video
I'll leave a link above on how to create thumbnails
Simple easy step-by-step using canva and I'll leave that link above as well and I'll leave a link down below for the video
So anyway, let's get out of canva, okay?
and let's go back to our
Template, okay
so I want to change this image now and I want to use that image that I just created so I'm gonna click on the
image so
All we're gonna do is click on this image here cuz we're gonna upload the image that I just created
I'm gonna click on that image. Okay, and it's going to bring this window open and we're gonna click on this
So we're going to click on upload here
And we're going to go to our desktop and find the image that we saved
And there it is and we're gonna go ahead and add that image
Okay, and look at this
There is our image now
You see how it took the place of the original image?
Now you've got a customized
Lead magnet funnel that you've created. Okay. Remember you save
And then you get out of it
So once you're back to your to your opt-in editing area go to the Thank You page and
You can edit this page, too
Okay, yummy
Like for instance this picture you can change up everything like we just talked about we can delete some things. We don't need this
Congratulations, you're now subscribe. You're gonna want to change this picture as well. Remember?
We just we went through how to how to add the image. Okay, we're going to go there. We're gonna go ahead and
Upload a picture. Once again, let's go ahead and put a picture of me
So once that's in there all you do is double click on that and now guess what there is a picture of me
of course, it'll be you and
We can do
See how easy this is guys and then of course you want to save your work and then change everything anything else you want to
Change here. So
Once you do that then you're going to want to go to settings and you want to integrate
You want to integrate this with your autoresponder?
So let's get back out
Okay, go back to your opt-in page and then what do you want to go back to edit
Okay, and once you're done and you're happy with your funnel
Then you're gonna want to integrate with your autoresponder. You come over here to settings you click on integration and
Over here. It's not connected. It's telling it's not connected
So you want to connect it so that anybody who opts into this page? Okay
anybody office under this page is
Go directly to the autoresponder that you've already set up now. This is a pop-up by the way guys
okay, so you're gonna click on pop-up you can edit the settings and
Then of course you can change this image to your image
Like we said it's gonna ask for an email address and then the sign me up again. This is fully editable
You can hit click sign me up or you can click
You know send me
Free ebook
okay, and then you
Once again, you're gonna save
You saved it you exit out of here
Okay, and now you want to integrate it with your autoresponder?
So that anybody who's who clicks who clicks on this here this yes
Show me how button will automatically be sent to your pre done autoresponder
So as you can see, it's not connected. So you need to pick an integration of who you want to use
Are you using Aweber or using you know, who are you using? You know?
Get response. I
Use Aweber if you're inserting Aweber, I'll leave a link down below as well
So I'm gonna click on this pre done list that I've done with Aweber
okay, and it's gonna say
Integrate existing form. I want to integrate this existing form. Yes, I do and what list I want to send it to
Well, I've already got a list set up. I'm gonna set it to my and then there it is it is now
Connected to your autoresponder and you can confirm that we see this little check mark right here. It shows that I'm connected to my Aweber
Autoresponder that I've already set up so anybody who opts in here? Okay. It's gonna go
Automatically to my autoresponder, let's preview this funnel. This is what its gonna look like again. This is not my best work
I just wanted to show you how easy it was to do it
so once I click on yes, show me how boom that drops in I
Put my email address in here, and yes, I get a free ebook
Okay, so see how easy that is guys
I wanted to show you how easy clickfunnels is to
Set up a easy done funnel so you can start making
Commissions and started making some profits and remember when you sign up with my link down below. I'm gonna send you my free
business in a box fully done training using click funnels
with full-blown videos on how to do step-by-step how to how to
Create your your business online
Right now today
Ok, and there's nothing you need to do, but just put your links and this pre done proven
Ready done for you business. So guys. Thank you for watching my video today. I hope you got value out of it
please leave your comments down below and I'm looking forward to the next one and don't forget subscribe to the channel and
Do not forget to smash that notification bell. So you're always notified any time. I do a new video
I want to thank you. Again. This is Victor Pettis and I'll see you on the other side
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