I have started Jean Sur Mer in 2010.
My cooking is pretty simple, straight forward.
You don't have to be a master chef or a Michelin chef to let the fish shine by itself.
The freshness of the fish is going to be the star of the dish.
I have spent some months travelling around India.
Eating. Cooking.
And soaking up their culture.
I love their spices – "masala", as they say in Hindi.
And suddenly there was a guy who wanted to sell his truck. In six months we were ready to rock'n'roll.
If the Diesel engine runs, the rest is just balls and nuts.
We want to be special so we are looking at the edge of the highest possible quality we can sell.
And we are handcrafting products that you can't buy in a supermarket.
We had a dream two years ago. We never imagined it's gonna be like this.
The truck and us became one.
Specialty coffee is a new thing in Portugal. The taste, the flavour is completely different.
We roast small badges, so we get more control of the quality.
And when the clients try our coffee, they get this good experience and in the end they are happy.
This is Thecla May.
And this is Ewan Murray.
Thecla and Ewan love food and cooking. The recipes are developed by Thecla and Ewan themselves:
Inspired by the rich cuisine of the Middle-East, which gains a lot of flavour from the Turkish mangal grill.
For more infomation >> One classic van – five fantastic food trucks. - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
This Classic Bibingka Recipe Is 80 Years Old - Duration: 1:55.
When we think of Christmas, "Uy, bibingka!"
That's why for us Filipinos, this became our tradition.
When you say it's Christmas, it's bibingka time!
My name is Sonny Emmanuel Francisco
A third-generation Ferino's Bibingka owner
Ferino's Bibingka started in 1938 with my Lolo, Lolo Ceferino Francisco
His nickname was Ferino
So, that's why Ferino's Bibingka is named after him
He is passionate about making rice cakes
So, during Christmas time
he tried offering his own version of cooking
also his own formulation of the bibingka.
which is done by the use of clay pots and charcoal.
This is what they use in the past, and even until today.
When you taste this bibingka, it melts in the mouth.
Anything served hot is delicious, but this bibingka, the one that we specifically offer
when it turns cold, it stays the same. It's still very soft!
We have the Bibingka Extra Super
and the Bibingka Super.
The Bibingka Super has salted egg and other toppings.
The Bibingka Extra Super has salted egg and Filipino white cheese.
It's a bit salty which compliments the sugar and butter
especially when it just taken out from the clay pots.
You will taste the
saltiness that blends perfectly with the sweet flavors.
The bibingka is truly a Filipino favorite.
because it is a Filipino delicacy.
Whenever there's a feast during Christmas,
we usually think of bibingka.
I hope that customers remember Ferino's Bibingka during Christmas
that they would always come back for it's taste from 1938 until the present time!
Spoiler glass Nissan Almera classic B10 / Visor Nissan Almera Classic B10 / AOM Tuning - Duration: 0:51.
Japanese Classic Movies : The Black Test Car (1962) - Duration: 1:34:35.
Let's begin the speed test.
There are no cars tailing us.
No sign of anyone ahead of us, either.
Mr. Tadokoro, the road seems clear of spies. Let's begin.
We will now begin the speed test for the Pioneer test car number one.
Right. Proceed.
That's it!
Onoda, how did this happen?
There was too much momentum when the car took the curve.
So this was a driving error?
The engine's enhancements created an unpredictable acceleration.
Nothing is wrong with the car, then?
The press has it wrong. The car is technically perfect.
It's a shame to have a failure exposed like this.
Sorry, sir.
It was our fault for not seeing those spies.
Clear this away.
There's nothing we can do about that now.
The question is, shall we go into production or not?
As the sales manager, I'm against it.
Will a sports car sell in Japan?
There's a great demand for them, according to marketing surveys.
The family car is the most in demand. Sports cars come second.
All automobile companies make family cars.
Wouldn't it more exciting to be the first to produce a sports car?
It's too risky.
People want speed and luxury.
Sports cars deliver both.
The Pioneer's your dream.
Yes, I love it, but in a sensible way.
It's not a sporty coupe, but a practical sedan.
Your opinion, Chief of Production?
Technicians would agree with Mr. Onoda.
How about going to the hospital and consulting with the President?
Never mind that. Prepare to go into production.
I'll report to the President.
One last thought.
Only the President, the board of directors and all of us here
know that the Pioneer is a sports car.
Let's keep that a secret.
It's me.
Matoba? Come in. We've been waiting for you.
Excuse me.
Any news?
-I'll say. -As always. Let's hear it.
-It'll cost you. -I know. It always does.
Your rival exposed you to the papers.
The Yamato Motor Company?
Yes, Mawatari's spies were at the test site.
-Mawatari? -A director and the Head of Planning.
A former army officer.
A colonel and a secret agent in the former Imperial Army in Guangdong.
What a treacherous thing to do!
Should we suspend production?
Nonsense! He can't make us give up.
Make sure your paper says our new Tiger model will be outstanding.
Certainly. We'll make you rivals in the trade papers.
Go to payroll. They'll take care of you.
Thank you very much.
Give it your best, everyone, and win this fight against Mawatari.
Excuse me.
He's right.
That's why I set up a new department and transferred all of you here.
To keep the Pioneer a secret and spy on our rivals.
Yes, we're industrial spies.
We can't let our competitors beat us.
It's strange.
Only 30 men knew about the test date and testing grounds.
-How did Mawatari find out? -5impIe. There's a spy.
A spy? Among the staff members?
Asahina, have 30 data sheets printed
and give them to those who knew about the test date.
The Pioneer specs?
We're going to change the data so it'll look like an ordinary car.
After some time, ask for the sheets back.
If someone doesn't return a sheet, he's the spy.
All right, the Pioneer is my life. It's been my dream for years.
Look, a Michelangelo design. It's elegant, a real beauty.
I couldn't bear it if Mawatari stole the design.
Never let it happen!
-Welcome. -Hello, madam.
I haven't seen you in ages.
Two highballs, please.
-Who is that? -0ne of my coworkers.
-You're always beautiful. -5uave, aren't you?
-I'd forgotten, since you hardly ever come. -Does your patron come every night?
-5orw, I don't have one. -How about Mr. Mawatari?
That old man? Don't make me sick!
-Listen, will you be my patron? -Don't be stupid.
With my salary, I couldn't afford you.
Oh, I guess you're not suave enough for me, then.
Good evening, Mr. Mawatari.
Well, it's rare finding you here.
So what brings you here?
-You sure put one over me this time. -What do you mean?
-This. -0h, that.
Reporters are parasites.
They print lies, then demand money to retract them.
Men who hire parasites to write lies are even worse.
That's pretty harsh.
Still, whoever's controlling these reporters is still in the dark about our new car.
Are you sure?
You'd better be extra careful.
True, since I'm up against a professional military spy.
No, I fear amateurs more. They'll stop at nothing.
So do you want to bet? Let's see if you'll find out our secrets
or if I can keep them from you.
Let's drop all this shop talk and have a drink.
It seems all right. Let's go with what you suggest.
It will be decided at the board of directors' meeting.
You know, our company, Tiger, is still a second-rate company.
I hope we can become big enough to overtake competitors like Yamato.
We can, if the Pioneer sells, sir.
Do your best.
If you succeed, I can retire, and you can become President.
Take care, sir.
Did you call, sir?
The pain's back
I need a shot.
Very well sir, I'll be right there.
Hiraki, how's my daughter?
-Are you two getting along? -Yes, sir.
And my grandchildren?
Have you found a good middle school for the eldest?
Yes, but the entrance exam is very difficult.
Not to worry. He's smart like you.
-Next time you come, bring them with you. -Yes, sir.
Welcome back.
Come in.
It's late.
Never mind. Come on, whiskey.
Please, come in.
I have a high opinion of you, Asahina.
If we succeed, I'll make you department head.
Work hard.
I'm sorry to bother you so late, madam.
I'm used to it. He's crazy about work.
Comes home at 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. He never sees the children.
Don't complain. Work is a primary concern for men.
When you marry, cherish your family.
Don't model yourself after him.
He's my successor. He'll take after me. Won't you?
You're here?
You never come to the bar, so I decided to come here.
I've been busy.
I waited for you after we closed, and one of the lecherous customers loitered, too.
Get me some water.
I hate being a hostess at a bar. Vulgar men, low pay.
Quit, then.
Easy for you to say. How would I eat?
-Marry me. -Don't joke when you're drunk.
I mean it. After this job is finished.
-0ne condition, though. -What condition?
-Work at the Pandora until we marry. -Why?
There's a regular customer named Mawatari.
Pay attention to who he meets and what he talks about with them.
-I'm supposed to become a spy? -Frankly, yes.
-You won't marry me if I don't? -Maybe not.
I see. In that case, I refuse.
Why? You don't want to marry?
Not with conditions.
I'm satisfied with things as they are, seeing each other when we feel like it.
But this is for my career.
Help me out.
You'd marry for the sake of your career?
If my plan works, I'll be department head, and then we can marry.
Your company's pretty conservative. How would they feel
about a department head's wife having been a bar hostess?
We'll take a Pioneer and have our honeymoon in Hokkaido.
-What's a Pioneer? -It's a secret for now.
So go work at the Pandora, please.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
-Am I disturbing you? -Not a bit.
-Would you like a different girl? -No, not at all.
-You're new? -This is my first night here.
-What's your name? -Masako.
Pleased to meet you.
Do you like her?
-She's precious. -She's your type.
Please enjoy yourself.
You look very much like her.
-I see. Was she your first love? -No.
-Your wife when she was young? -No, my daughter.
That's a new line.
-She'd be about as old as you are. -Really?
She and my wife both died in Manchuria.
I'm sorry.
What a lovely hand!
-Who bought you this ring? -This cheap thing? I bought it myself.
Would you like a more dazzling one, one that suits you better?
Come to my hotel. I'll show you my collection.
Collection of jewels?
I cherish them as a substitute for my family. You can pick one you like.
But there'd be a price to pay later, I bet.
-Please stop. The madam is watching. -Forget her.
But you're her patron, aren't you? No, thank you.
You're wrong. There's nothing between us.
Good evening.
Shimamoto. You're a very faithful customer. Do you come here every night?
For the same reason you do.
What reason would that be?
Madame enchants me, too.
You're mistaken. This girl's my reason.
It was exactly like this?
With this, we can find out who the spy is at our company.
Thanks to you.
Do you know Mr. Shimamoto?
I know him. He's Executive Secretary to the Director.
He was drinking with Mr. Mawatari.
What did they talk about?
Just small talk about women.
I see. Keep an eye on Mawatari.
Mr. Mawatari has invited me to his hotel room
to pick out a jewel from his collection.
Then why don't you go? He'd be off guard.
You may be able to get important papers.
I hate spying. It's all deception and thieving.
It's for my company and me.
-Why kiss me? -Because I love you.
Mr. Shimamoto?
Just going to Pandora is not conclusive proof.
And he's the director's nephew.
-That's strange. -What's strange?
There are 35 copies returned. I checked and rechecked.
-How many went out? -Thirty-five copies, sir.
Every single one came back.
How many did you copy?
I had only 35 printed, sir. Not a single extra copy.
I stayed there for the entire printing run and destroyed the template.
So which one did Mawatari see?
He saw one of these, then he returned it to the spy.
Should I investigate all 35 employees, sir?
Shadow them like the police? Impossible.
It was such a good idea, but it failed.
No, it didn't, sir.
Why not?
From the false data, Mawatari will think that the Pioneer is a family car.
So let's go a little further. Let's make sure he believes that.
Your friend is here.
-So you want to sell the Tiger design? -Yes.
-Your name? -I'm Yamada.
-A Tiger employee? -I'm in the design department.
Why sell it to me? You'll be fired if you're found out.
I need the money.
What for?
I'm sick of being a company man. I want to strike out on my own.
I see. How much do you need?
One million. That's not so much, is it?
Not if this is the real thing. Let's see it.
For one million yen.
All right, this is the design for the Pioneer.
-Engine capacity? -1,200 cc.
-Maximum speed? -80 mph.
-Wheel base and height? -Look at the plan, sir.
-I want the specs on the Pioneer. -Look at the design, sir.
-It's a family car, isn't it? -The Pioneer is a family car.
-Is it? -Absolutely.
You can't fool me like that.
Mr. Asahina, the Pioneer's a sports car.
Go back and tell your boss, Mr. Onoda, that I know everything.
You've got guts to come and try to fool me, but it was childish of you.
Here's carfare for your trouble.
I see. So he already knew?
I guess I lost the bet.
I'm sorry. We weren't shrewd enough.
You men haven't failed. It's the damn spy,
an executive who's sold out our firm.
An executive?
Who knows it's a sports car?
The President, Mr. Oguri, and four directors.
The production and sales managers.
Four department heads.
Shimamoto, and Chief Engineer Tadokoro.
That makes 14. One's a spy.
But they wouldn't do that!
Who knows?
Many of them would be glad to see Mr. Oguri and me fall on our faces.
So now they're all our enemies.
That's what it's like to be in a company.
Oh, he called to say that he'd be here.
It's me.
You all look so glum.
Hurry up. Give us the news.
I've got eye-popping news for you.
I'll give you a bonus. Now what is it?
Yamato's building a new model.
-A new model? -Yes.
What kind? Luxury or family car?
I don't know the details.
Anyway, they're definitely making a new model,
and they're testing it pretty soon.
This is for spying.
Thanks a lot.
It's hard milking information out of Yamato. You know what Mawatari is like.
We can't keep secrets with a spy among our executives.
Let's do everything we can to spy out their new model.
The best defense is a good offense. An eye for an eye!
This is the autoworkers' union.
This is about the Yamato production data.
That's a lot of classified material.
Ours, too?
That's right. We can't win in a collective bargaining.
The production schedule for Yamato's new car,
machines, workers, workload, all laid out for easy reference.
Is this of any use?
Yes, I'm happy to say.
I hate betraying Yamato,
but I'm a Tiger employee.
The design of the new Yamato car?
It's very difficult to get anything on that.
Yamato's taking no chances.
Can't you get in by pretending to check the copy machines?
I do that sometimes.
Their design is in the vault. They shred the rejects.
The shredded pieces would do.
You haven't bought any of our machines.
Will you buy a few?
I'll ask my company.
Take this, for now.
There's no turning back now. I'll see what I can do.
I've a grudge against the Yamato design department.
-The chief is a greedy man. -Greedy?
He pressured us about the machines.
-A kickback? -Yes, he asked for one.
I was mad, but I wanted the contract, so...
A blueprint of Yamato's parts? No, I can't...
I won't make trouble. I just want a copy.
I would feel guilty.
Are they more important?
We've ordered parts from you from the beginning.
You've only recently started business with Yamato.
Yes, that's true, but I'll get in trouble.
If you won't help us,
our director said he would have to reconsider our contracts with you.
What do you mean?
He'll look for another subcontractor.
That's cruel.
So let's have it. Yamato won't know.
There's not enough data to give us
a conclusive idea of Yamato's new model.
But it looks very much like our Pioneer.
The engine is 1,800 or 1,900 cc. Four cylinders.
The Maximum speed is between 95 and 110 mph.
-5o it could be a sports car? -Yes.
The style?
No idea.
I see. Thank you.
you say an executive at Yamato took a kickback from a printer?
His name is Mori, I believe.
Our back is against the wall. Let's put the screws on him.
His kickback bought this house and land?
This must have cost at least four million, and he's still in debt.
He's coming out.
-Bye, Daddy. -Bye-bye.
Are you Mr. Mori, Chief of Design for the Yamato Motor Company?
We have an important business matter to discuss with you. It won't take long.
What's this all about?
I work for Tiger Motors.
What do you want with me?
We'd like to make a deal with you.
-A deal? -Your design.
What design?
That of the new model.
We'd like to see the type, the driving data and the styling.
-You want me to reveal our trade secrets? -Yes.
Absolutely not! I've worked for Yamato for 20 years.
How could I betray my company?
We'll pay you 1.5 million.
How about it?
I don't want it.
Let me go. I'll tell my superiors.
I'll report you to the police.
Go ahead. We have something to report, too.
-What? -That you accepted a kickback.
-That's not true. -No use denying it.
You took 500,000 when you bought the printing presses.
We've done our research.
Mr. Mori,
if you don't give us the specs, we'll tell the Yamato executives about you.
I'll repay the 500,000 yen.
Do you think that will solve everything?
Yamato's a reputable company. You'd be fired.
It would be a pity.
You would have to sell the house and live in a cheap apartment again.
Looking for work at your age would be hard.
It would be really hard on your family, too.
If you give us the design plans, you can still work and get out of debt, too.
You'll be the winner all the way.
That's all we needed to discuss with you. Get in. We'll take you to your office.
Think it over and give us your answer by the time we get there.
He's here.
I guess he finally agreed.
These are the plans.
Thank you. Here is your payment.
Yes, I took a kickback,
but you're even worse.
As a manager, you bully and blackmail people.
You're like the mafia. Have you no shame?
Call me anything you want, if it makes you feel better.
You're the lowest! I never want to see you again!
Blackmailing someone is such a horrible thing to do.
He brought it on himself. Besides, he's blaming the wrong party.
Yamato's new car's called the Mypet.
-Asahina. -Yes?
Look, they screwed us again.
It's exactly like the Pioneer.
They stole our entire design.
It's like having my daughter kidnapped. Now I really want to kill Mawatari.
Why did you let Yamato steal what cost us $50,000 to develop?
Mr. Onoda, what's your department doing?
-They're not to blame. -Why not?
-We have a spy among us. -A spy?
Among the seven of us here.
Among us?
They're the company brains.
We can't keep secrets with a spy here.
Mr. Onoda, what proof do you have?
The original design is in this locker.
Only we seven know how to open this locker.
Aren't there copies at the factory?
I handle the factory copies. They have never been stolen.
-Unless you're the spy. -Manager!
Gentlemen, is there really a spy here?
All right, no more joking around!
Mr. Kurokawa and I have struggled for the company since it was founded.
We wouldn't turn into spies. Isn't that right, Kurokawa?
Mr. Hiraki, what about you?
My father-in-law founded the company.
I wouldn't betray it.
Shimamoto, what about you?
I'm a timid man by birth. I'm too afraid to spy.
-Are you sure, Mr. Onoda? -Yes.
But I don't intend to question or shadow each one of you.
-0f course not. -5o what do we do?
There's nothing more to steal, spy or no spy.
Please start the production on our car.
Start? That's a big risk.
Between ourselves and Yamato, we almost have the same car.
-There's no way we can compete with them. -Why not?
Why not?
The differences between Tiger and Yamato are too great.
We're behind them in production, publicity and sales power.
-We can't win. -We can win.
Cut the crap!
-Through pricing. -Pricing?
If the two cars are the same, the consumers will buy the cheaper one.
We'll make ours 50,000 to 100,000 yen cheaper.
How will you know their price?
We'll find out, but they'll never find out ours,
even if there is a spy here.
-Are you sure? -Yes, sir.
Very well. You got the Mypet design.
I'll trust you and start production.
-Where are you taking me? -You'll see.
Go on in.
Go in? This the bathroom.
Just go right in. Come on, go right in.
Here, use these and look at the building over there.
What do you see?
Wow, great! The Yamato conference room.
What's the meeting for?
To set the price?
Let me see.
What do you think? Quite a view, isn't it?
No way to hide a mike?
That's impossible.
How about planting a wireless microphone in that vase?
The Yamato employees are veteran army agents.
They'd find it in no time.
Sorry it isn't of any use. I'll see you later.
I have a good idea.
Let's talk it over with Mr. Onoda.
The Pioneer's going on sale soon. When's the price to be decided?
We have different prices,
between a million and 1.2 million yen,
and 11 different sets of poster ads. Those 11 ads are also in the papers.
We won't reveal the price until the last minute.
Where's the President's room?
That's the nurse's room. Let's ask her.
When we know their price, we'll undersell by 60,000 to 80,000 yen.
Choosing from the 11 prices, we'll inform the parties concerned
and throw the rest away
Who are you?
I'm the head nurse of this ward.
Who told you to do this?
Answer me, or we'll report you.
Bugging someone is a crime.
Selling a company's secret is breach of trust.
An employee from your company told me to do this.
-Who? -Mr. Shimamoto.
Shimamoto? Come with us.
-Which one? -The one that's napping, of course.
He said he was Executive Secretary to the Director.
So he's the one? The fool!
He wanted money for a woman most likely!
I'll deal with him.
Please don't.
Why? No one betrays our company, not even my nephew.
But it'll be a blot on your record, too.
It'll affect our stand on production.
That's true, but...
It's lucky we found out.
Why not keep it to ourselves and transfer him out?
A personnel reshuffle.
I have better news.
What is it?
Asahina thought of it. It can't go wrong.
There's a way of knowing Yamato's price.
Oh? How?
Mr. Onoda, did you get the results
from the questionnaires regarding the correct pricing of the Pioneer?
Yes, I sent them to department three.
All right, so what is the price?
1.15 million yen according to IBM, sir.
And what is the cost?
The cost is about 940,000 yen, sir.
Will we make enough profit?
Yes, even after allowing for PR and salesmen margins.
I see. How about 1.15 million yen?
It's reasonable, but do we know Yamato's price?
They'll hold a pricing conference tomorrow.
So we can't set our final price until then.
Please don't worry. We'll find out theirs in time.
What if the Mypet is under 1.15 million yen?
Then we'll meet again and set a cheaper price.
As for now, the Pioneer's price is 1.15 million yen.
No spy worries?
That problem is solved. Don't worry.
I think they're going to talk about pricing.
The President has finished talking. It's Mawatari's turn.
High speed?
It's all set. Focus on his mouth.
Leave it to me.
"let's determine... The Mypet's price?"
Yes, it's price.
"I asked you all to gather here...
"To gather here in order to determine the price."
I see. This was a great idea.
It was Asahina's idea.
What a show!
"But a few words before we decide.
"The Tiger Corporation
"set the price of their Pioneer model
"at 1.15 million yen yesterday."
How did they get wind of it?
I don't know, sir.
Stay on your toes!
We're stealing their secrets, too.
Please don't worry. We'll know their price soon.
"So the price of the Mypet is
"one million yen... One million yen..."
I can't make it out.
Go back to it.
"So the price of the Mypet
"is one million yen...
"One million yen plus X amount.
"The President will decide this X amount.
"The X amount won't be made public until the night before the car goes on sale.
"This is done as a precaution against spies.
"This concludes our meeting."
That's all.
Do you know the price now?
-I'm sorry. -Apologies won't help.
I trusted you.
They steal our data, and we're helpless.
Is your department a hobby for you? It's been utterly useless.
I can't believe how ridiculous this is. We're finished.
I'm sorry we weren't any help.
You all were great help.
Do me a favor. Tell Masako.
Tell her what, sir?
Let's go out. Thank you very much, madam.
Not at all.
We haven't dated in a long time.
What is it?
Go to Mawatari's hotel.
There's a white envelope in his briefcase.
It will contain the price of Yamato's new model. Find it.
I can't. He's really cautious.
You've got to catch him off-guard.
H ow?
Stay overnight with Mawatari.
-Do you know what you're asking? -Yes.
Aren't you ashamed of asking your girl to do this?
-I didn't know you could go so low. -I can.
It's for the good of the company and that of Mr. Onoda.
Your company is more important than me?
How appalling! I won't do it.
You don't understand. We've been cornered.
Only you can save us. Only you can get to Mawatari.
I'm begging you.
All right, if you're so desperate, I'll do it,
but if I do, that's between us.
I can't marry you. Is that what you want?
It's not like that.
I ask you to do this so I can marry you,
because I love you.
You're contradicting yourself.
All right, then I'll do it.
It's you.
Sorry, but I'm busy tonight.
I came jewelry shopping.
Oh, so you made up your mind?
So give me a really nice one.
Okay, then.
This one is from royalty in Manchuria. It was supposed to be for my daughter.
It is my most precious one. I'd be happy to give it to you.
It's marvelous.
-You like it? -It's like a dream.
Jewels are nice.
They always sell, and they have a lasting charm, like you.
Don't rush things. I'm staying all night. Let's take our time.
Old men are impatient.
They're suspicious, too. They need assurance.
My apologies. Ex-army men may seem too rough.
-Let's take a bath and go for a drink. -I can't.
-Are you angry? -I'm shy.
You're cute. All right, I'll take one first.
How did it go?
Why don't you laugh or something? You got what you wanted.
And I got this.
You sold me just for some figures,
but he paid a high price for me.
-Masako! -No!
If you want a kiss, kiss the figures instead.
I'll kiss this. It's a rock, but it's warmer than you.
I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you.
By marrying me?
With a honeymoon in a Pioneer?
I'll make you happy.
A girl who let an old man take her?
I don't care.
You're a monster.
Can you kiss this, too?
Goodbye. Take this to remember me by.
The X amount plus a million yen makes 1.08 million yen.
Thanks, Onoda.
That's thanks to Asahina, sir, not me.
You saved me. You saved the Pioneer... No, our entire company.
Thank you.
What about our price?
It'll be 990,000 yen. That's 90,000 less than the Mypet.
Even at that price, we have a profit margin. When will you reveal the price?
We start sales tomorrow.
Should we wait until the newspaper deadline?
Yes. I'm afraid of spies.
I made you do a terrible thing, Asahina.
I'm sorry, but when the car goes on sale, I'll make you department head.
Cheer up.
Please return this to Mawatari.
Now that's funny.
He'll be surprised and disappointed to see it.
I'd like to see Mawatari's face.
Shall we celebrate, boss?
We've worked so hard together for so long. I've never been so happy.
I'm fortunate to have men like you. Thanks.
From the sales department.
Yes, it's me.
Wonderful. Keep on selling them.
Orders are pouring in. Numbers one to 100 are already sold.
Now we can expand.
Maybe we'll hire 20 more men when we start on a new model.
It'll be cramped in this room.
I can't believe what happened!
Because the amateur won over the veterans?
That's not it. There was an accident!
The Pioneer conked out at a railway crossing!
The Jin express train rammed into her!
But they just went on sale. It's too soon.
-Check the papers, then. -Where did it happen?
There was nothing wrong with the car.
It was sold in Yokohama
and had only gone 18 miles.
It can go between 6,000 and 12,000 miles without a checkup.
It couldn't have broken down.
It had to be the driver's fault.
Asahina, what happened to the driver?
He was safe. He jumped out just before the collision.
Where is he?
He's being questioned for obstructing the railway at the Chigasaki police station.
-His name? -Yoshino.
He's president of a lumber company and a city assemblyman, too.
Check on him.
Obstructing the railway? Of course not.
The car broke down. It's a lemon!
I've had a perfect driving record for seven years.
I've even been commended for it. I can tell if it's the car or it's me at fault.
So it's not your fault at all, then?
What kind of idiot would fork out a fortune for a new car
and then trash it on purpose?
The number of that car is 620001.
It's car number one.
You wouldn't understand, but it's important to car buffs.
I have an Empress and a Sky Rocket, both number-one cars.
I prize them, but...
But the Tiger's engineer says the car was fine.
They're just a bunch of liars.
Making killer cars and then blaming it on the buyers.
No matter. I'll sue Tiger Motors.
A warning to Tiger Motors.
Admit the Pioneer is defective.
Discontinue its production.
If you don't
I will do everything in my power
to reveal the poor efforts of the Tiger Corporation
to justify what they did to the public.
I'll even reveal it to the Lord above!
I don't know anything about cars.
I shelled out a lot of money and it was totaled almost Immediately
I almost got killed on top of it!
I hereby declare
that Tiger Motors is a criminal company
They manufactures.
What's he after? Money?
I suppose so.
Why not pay him off?
No, it would prove he's right.
There's no fault with our car. We needn't give in.
It'll affect sales if he makes more trouble.
Yamato salesmen are showing accident pictures to warn people.
They say the Pioneer is dangerous and shouldn't be purchased.
Some say production has stopped.
Buyers are canceling orders. It's tough on sales.
Yoshino is just a thorn in our side.
Isn't it wiser to shut him up with money?
He's just a dog, so let him bark.
The question is to find his master.
Yamato, I think. He'll run if we prove it's Yamato's plot.
Please be patient a bit longer. I'll find out the truth.
Every company takes special care with their first line of production.
Car number one is a special car;
but If my number one conks out after only 18 miles,
the other cars must be too dangerous to drive.
In short, the Pioneer is a murder weapon on wheels.
He showed his true colors.
Asahina, did Yoshino really buy that number one?
No mistake. He made an advance order two months ago.
It's hard to get the number one.
Check and see how he did it.
I found out about Yoshino.
He was a special agent under Mawatari's command
in the Imperial Manchurian Army.
I thought so,
but that doesn't prove that Mawatari was behind this.
A former Manchurian army man?
Mawatari's sly. He thinks this is still Manchuria.
Boss, I phoned the sales department.
He got the go ahead from the head office to buy it.
Someone from our office?
Shimamoto, the former Executive Secretary to the Director.
Oh, it's you, Onoda.
I want to talk to you.
You want to talk? I've got something to say, too.
Come with me.
You're in a good mood, aren't you?
I run around to a lot of backwater places.
If not alcohol, what should I be drinking?
Why was I moved to a new department?
-You know. -No, I don't.
I might not be so smart, but I didn't slip up on my work.
Tell me why.
You can't tell me? I'll tell you. You hate the fact that I'm a little slow.
So you ruin my life just for that,
condemning me to waste my life running around all over?
What makes you so great? I'd like to kill you!
-I'd like to kill you, too. -What?
-You sold our number one to Yoshino. -Yoshino?
Who told you to do it? Mawatari?
I don't know. I don't know anything.
Stop pretending. You're the spy.
Me, a spy?
Yes, you. We found you out.
No, it's not me.
You bribed the nurse.
No, I'm innocent.
You're always at the Pandora.
Did the madam bribe you into becoming a spy?
-You're wrong! -Don't pretend!
Please believe me!
You sold out the Pioneer to Mawatari!
-No! -Liar!
I'll prove you wrong. Let me see the nurse! Please!
I'm sure it's this man.
There's no mistake.
Damn it!
No violence. I'll report you.
Do it. Let's get things straight.
Perjury's a crime.
Don't worry. I'm telling the truth.
Or do you have proof that he's right?
-You'd be fired, too. -I don't care.
There are a lot of jobs for nurses.
I also have money saved up.
She's lying. Please believe me.
I'll increase your savings.
I'd like to pay you 500,000 yen.
Don't worry. Rest assured I'll give it to you.
In return, tell me who's behind this.
I see. I'll visit Father on my way home.
-Maybe I'll buy some melons. -Yes, that sounds good.
-Hey. -0h, what a surprise!
Well, Miss... No, Mrs. Hiraki, you're as beautiful as ever.
Nothing but flattery. I'm old now.
-I'm borrowing Mr. Hiraki tonight. -Please do.
Excuse me.
What is it that you want?
Mr. Oguri told me to ask for your help.
We're making you Head of Planning.
The formal announcement is tomorrow. Let's talk things over beforehand.
Come with me.
It's supposed to be secret.
And her?
I'll introduce you first.
Hey, you.
Good evening, Mr. Hiraki.
Mr. Hiraki, you know her well, don't you?
the head nurse in my father-in-law's ward.
-Are you on very friendly terms? -Don't joke around.
We just greet each other when I visit. I hardly ever spoke to her.
-5o when did you tap the intercom? -Intercom? What are you talking about?
You asked this person to bug his room.
Absurd! Why would I have her spy for me?
It's no good lying, Mr. Hiraki. I confessed.
Stop lying!
He paid three times more than you, so I broke our promise.
Don't be angry. Money moves old hags like me.
It cost me 500,000 yen, cheap if it's for the Pioneer.
-I don't follow you at all. -I see.
What's this check, then? There's your signature.
Why does she have it?
The game's up. Be a man.
Hiraki, stop playing dumb.
Okay, I asked her to do it.
-You admit it? -I asked her to spy!
You can go, nurse.
Give me the check back.
I never want to see you again.
How scary! Excuse me.
Why'd you do it?
Money? A woman?
Or do you hate Mr. Oguri and me?
-A woman. -A woman? What happened?
And also Matoba, the man you think is spying for us.
Matoba? What did he do?
Sorry to interrupt your fun, but I must develop this.
What did you photograph?
-Your naked bodies. -Naked bodies?
Yes, black and white.
They'll be something special.
-You two tricked me? -That's right.
Your wife would divorce you. Your firm would fire you.
All right, I'll buy them. How much?
It would ruin your life, so it'll be expensive.
How much should we ask, Katsuko?
We're a loving couple.
The Yamato news she gets, I sell to Tiger.
Whatever I get, she sells back to Yamato.
We're both spies in this game.
-Why don't we ask Mr. Mawatari? -5hall I?
He's the brains behind this scheme, anyway.
If it's money, I'll raise it somehow.
I don't need money.
What, then?
Spy for me. Tell me company secrets.
I can't. It's my father's company.
That would be betrayal.
Destroy what he created. Isn't that amusing?
No, I refuse.
So should I show him these, then? He and your wife would weep.
Look at this.
It's safer to do as I say.
I couldn't help it.
I couldn't face ruining my whole life.
I understand. One more question.
Was it you who sold Yoshino car number one?
Did Mawatari ask you to do it?
No, I didn't do that.
If you say one thing, you might as well say it all.
I didn't do it. I'm not involved with that.
Stop pretending.
I'm going home.
Open the door.
Not until you confess.
-You're locking me in? -Yes.
Are you a detective? Is this a police station?
How dare you!
It's our department. I'm an industrial spy.
Say it! Mawatari told you to do it, right? Tell me!
I don't know!
Are you going to torture me now? You've become more like a detective.
You can beat me all you want.
Kill me if you want to.
Sorry I was rough.
I know why you won't confess.
Obstructing a train is a crime.
No wonder you won't tell.
You'd be arrested and sent to jail.
I don't know a thing about it.
Let's do it this way, then.
Even if you tell me,
I won't report it or have it written up.
I'll keep the secret deep within my heart.
I just love the Pioneer.
If it was a plot, I'd be satisfied.
If you tell the truth,
I'll keep the fact you were a spy a secret, too.
It's because I feel sorry for your family.
So how about telling me the truth?
Trust me. I don't lie.
We were always friends.
We got jobs together and worked in the same department.
We've stayed out late at bars, talking until sunrise.
The good old days.
I'll always think we're friends.
Please trust my words as a friend and tell me the truth.
Why won't you say anything?
Don't you trust me?
You'll really keep your word?
I will.
-It's a man's promise. -5o...
You'll tell me now?
Yes, Mawatari asked me
to turn car number one over to Yoshino.
-It's true? -Yes.
What was Mawatari's plan?
He said he'd use that car in a pinch.
I see.
Then Yoshino did it on purpose?
He laughed and said it was a shame to damage a new car.
Thanks for telling me.
All right, men, it's okay to come out.
-Did you get it? -Perfectly.
It's one of those portable ones.
-What's this? -What does it look like? A tape recorder.
This is the microphone.
What are you using this for?
-Evidence. -Evidence? For what?
For the police and our company witness.
This man is our witness, the company lawyer.
You said you wouldn't report it.
That was the only way to get you to talk.
You tricked me?
Yes, just like you tricked me, until now.
-You're cruel. -Cruel?
Say, Hiraki, do you know how much suffering you caused me
and how much loss for the company?
Go to jail and make amends.
-Instead of jail, I'd rather... -Kill yourself?
if I die, will you hush it up for me?
I'll make it public whether you die or not.
We'll present the train accident as a conspiracy plotted by Mawatari.
It's the only way to increase our sales
and win against Mawatari.
Die if you like. I don't care.
Onoda, please don't expose me.
-You can't stop me. -No matter what?
I know why you want to die.
No prison term and no disgrace for your children.
But you're an important witness. I'm taking you to the police.
You're a murderer!
-A dog! -What?
He deserved it.
Why did you trick him?
Why did you say you'd keep his secret?
They're the same as police tactics.
Are we policemen?
Industrial spies.
If it's for our company and a new car,
is it right to blackmail, trick, kill
or do anything we like?
Do you mean we should sit on our hands and let the company go to ruin?
What's a company? What's a secret?
What's a sports car?
Are they more important than people?
Do we have to kill to protect the company?
Grow up. As long as we win.
I defeated Mawatari. He'll be fired, get sent to prison maybe.
Defeated him? You lost to Mawatari.
You've become as dirty as he is.
You stop at nothing to get what you want.
You're a warmonger.
Why don't you take off this business suit and change into a khaki uniform?
Asahina, you're my successor. You'll be the new department head here.
Don't be naive. Be an industrial spy with guts.
Spying, bribing, bullying, violence,
theft, prostitution, confinement.
Don't you mean, become the mafia?
You can't get hung up on morals. You'll just have remorse.
Why have remorse?
I want to live like a decent human being,
not like you or Mawatari.
I'd like to resign today.
Please open the door.
You're still naive.
What an idiot!
Do you think we can get married?
Yes, you've become your former self.
My new job is with a small store.
I may end up just a plain employee.
That's why we can marry.
Kiss me.
A Pioneer.
We were supposed to go on our honeymoon in one.
I was such a fool.
But it's a pretty car.
No, it's dirty.
That car is dirty and black as pitch.
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