Three of a kind, let's do this. That's it? Three guys?
Two guys on the roof. Every guy gets a share. Five shares is plenty.
Six shares. Don't forget the guy who planned the job.
He thinks he can sit it out and still take a slice.
- I know why they call him the Joker. - Why do they call him the Joker?
I heard he wears makeup. Makeup?
Yeah, to scare people. You know, war paint.
All right, everybody, hands up, heads down!
I said, hands up, heads down!
Let's go, pal, I'm making a withdrawal here.
- I said, hands up! - No!
Here comes the silent alarm.
And there it goes.
Heads down!
All right, tootsie, you're taking a dive with me.
- Down! I said, stay down there! - Don't hurt me!
Funny, it didn't dial 911. It was trying to reach a private number.
Is it a problem? No, I'm done here.
Sit down! Down!
Down! I said, stay down there!
Obviously we don't want you doing anything with your hands...
...other than holding on for dear life.
On the ground! Stay on the ground!
Nobody make a move! Nobody! Stay down!
You have any idea who you're stealing from?
- You and your friends are dead. - He's out, right?
Where did you learn to count?
They wired this thing up with like 5000 volts. What kind of bank does that?
A Mob bank. I guess the Joker's as crazy as they say.
Where's the alarm guy?
Boss told me when the guy was done, I should take him out.
One less share, right?
Funny, he told me something similar.
He what? No! No!
That's a lot of money.
If this Joker guy was so smart, he'd have had us bring a bigger car.
I'm betting the Joker told you to kill me soon as we loaded the cash.
No, no, no, I kill the bus driver.
Bus driver?
What bus driver?
School's out. Time to go.
That guy's not getting up, is he?
That's a lot of money.
What happened to the rest of the guys?
You think you're smart, huh?
The guy that hired youse...
...he'll just do the same to you.
Oh, criminals in this town used to believe in things.
Look at you. What do you believe in, huh?
What do you believe in?!
I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...
For more infomation >> Joker cướp ngân hàng || The Dark Knight 2008 Best Scenes Clip || - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
Caperusa Dark - Duration: 3:56.
Once upon a time
a little dark riding hood and her cute grandma
Hi grandma
hi darling. How are you?
I need my medicine
would you bring it to me please?
Now? I don't have time, but I will in the afternoon
I said now!
Ok, ok, bye.
Caperusa don't be a mean girl.
Your grandma needs the medicine to live
First, don't show up like this you scare me.
Second I cant live without my phone
and finally give me the instruction to arrived to the forest faster
excuse me
Ok... When you arrive in the park walk 3 blocks and turn left
then in front of the market
Wait, wait, wait I'm taking note
There a secret door, across the door you'll find the forest.
Stupid fairy. She gave me take wrong direccion... Whatever
I'm selling medicine. Medicine people I'm selling medicine
(The wolf sings)
I'm selling some pills
Hello Caperusa. What are you doing here?
I'm selling some medicine
I'm sick. I need some medicine. How much?
Which? I have two kind
I want them all can you help me to take the medicine. My house is right here.
Ok lets go
Sorry. My grand daughter is missing
Good afternoon Mrs. Woul you describe her, please?
She's in his twenties, she is tall, slim and olive skin
Excuse me Mrs. keep calm
She wear glasses and his face is full of freckles.
She has small brown eyes and a long straigth brown hair.
How long is she missing?
I don't know, I'm died.
And they lived happily ever after
Let's Defeat Dark Seid With Marvel Avengers ~! Iron-Man Batman Superman !!! Superheroes Toys - Duration: 12:22.
Welcome To Superheroes Toys !!!
Thanks For Watching !!!
TOA 60 Normal Veromos! How to beat Dark Ifrit Boss Farmable - [F2P Beginner Guide] - Summoners War - Duration: 10:31.
Hey, what's up?
you guys Samba here and welcome to this episode of my new mini series on my beginner account where I'm trying to cover every
important boss floor of tower of Ascension
These episodes consists out of stream highlights
Which are taken from our live streams at? slash real sample text or you can just rewatch the entire stream on my secondary youtube channel called sample streams
I will also have one segment with the rooms at the end of this video
Plus a short discussion on what you can do to further improve your success rate just in case you still seem to fail
Yeah, the very most stage that's actually one that I think a lot of people have trouble with mainly just because they don't know how
To deal with it
It looks really
overwhelming when you first
Fight against it because all of the hot dumbs and like he has so much revives and so much sustain in there
But it's actually really easy and I feel like despite this whole boss fight countering debuff heavy comps
It's still pretty easily beaten by running a lot of debuffs in your car you can
Oblivion it because it's the boss
she can't be oblivion, but I feel like
With thoughts like you can even go through to lifes of Pernod
You only really need to crowd control
And as long as you have like provoked on Dharma's he's not gonna make too much havoc on your team
I mean, he's gonna do a ton of damage to my
To my mouth but I think at the end of the day, we're gonna survive it
So one cool trick that I did against trina's I mean for normal, it's not such a big deal
but again Serena's in hard
I actually got the Bryan's revive just because that lowers the HP of the Reno's by a little bit and
At the end of the day that does help me out a little bit like checked it out
it didn't do anything right there, but sometimes
It really depends on the HP
But like if Venus have full HP, it takes them down to the icon
the main thing with this boss fight is you want to get
Stuns on the tube on the tube furnace and you want to get provokes on the BrahMos?
So let's try and try and go for that right away
I think we're actually going to focus on
But shine we're just going to try and apply as many tea buffs as possible right away
Yeah, and we want to get the stands in pronounced that's pretty much what we're doing right now
Let's go for the decay decaying water
the main reason why we're not going for the
Third scale is because I didn't speak to unum correctly like 100 percent correctly
And you want to get your dots on the pronounce. The thing is that per nose like dots go through whoredoms passive, right?
So you can kill piranhas despite what I'm having full HP. That's a really big deal
I'm gonna show that to you guys once we get to it, I mean this Poorna can we stun him?
Maybe can we reduce his attack bar stun? Nice
we're gonna keep very much provoked if his second skill is somewhat annoying to deal with so we want to avoid it awesome if
Burma's gets very low like he's just gonna get revived with what I'm passive like his death gets prevented
so I
Mean in theory you could just run rocky now that I think about it. Yeah
I just don't have one on this account, but that might be fun
Alright, can we get some more stunts?
Dude, lapis is really good on this stage. Actually now that I think about it, it really helps out of time and
you want to get as much attack power reduction on the vermis just because like I said despite this fight kind of
Preventing you from going with like D buffs with a ton of T buffs. You wanna like it's just one cleanser in there. So
You can definitely work with them
And now the thing is I don't actually want to use my voice because that might proc the hoedown passives and he'll
Heal the Poorna up to more than he has aged. Like the four dots are gonna kill the Poorna on the left, right?
But if I were to hit him right now
He's gonna get kadam's passive and he's gonna get like 20% 30% HP what you want to avoid? So
Yeah, I'm just gonna show that right now because I want to go for retreat magic. So that's gotta heal the Poorna actually
No, we didn't create him that's why I didn't do anything I actually want to go for magic thingamajig
Yeah, so now he's gonna die even though he has even though quad arms have enough
HP to Proctor passive
Well, we still kind of go for with that dude the Poorna heal on veromos. It's just so annoying to deal with
Can we get a stun? Can we get a tech bow reduction nice?
Yeah, this fight is going very well right now I mean I think they pretty much shit us like twice so far
despite and
we're kind of just willing him down a Wooper and you want to get you want to spread your d box because like I said,
Varanasi cleanses one debuff every turn so you want to spread them out as as best as possible
The guys just see that on the right or not right here
We healed him by killing him or like by plugging the quad on passive
And what we want to do is you want we want to we want the dots to kill. Oh pretty much
Which I doubt is gonna be the case since veromos isn't probably gonna move beforehand, let's see, oh
So we can actually kill both what dumbs right now let's do that let's go for done
Nice done
Yeah now we're fine
I think we're gonna be fine thing is that we actually wanted to for them to be alive for my lapis like lapis
Performs a lot better. Once you're fighting against more than just one or two opponents
He gets like increasingly stronger pretty much
It's done. No, I
Mean it's gonna be fine. We got like both
Second lives from the piranhas down and we pretty much need to deal with Ramos. No, that's that's already care about I
Think at this point, we could potentially also Otto already. I think it's gonna be fine. I
Still want to keep the fight and stuff
I also want to see which sort of summons we can get under light in dog school. We're gonna summon them later on
But as we're talking I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna build so we're gonna be able to table am I on
my ID gimmick on
Yeah, and as you guys can see that's that works out just fine
You want to go for like a lot of debuff sin a lot of crowd control?
I think crowd control is a lot more important. I
Think the theory you only need one
continuous damage applying unit
I think beretta is probably one of the best units that it can pick up veremos doesn't really help too much
He doesn't have a lot of debuffs in that boss fight. I think if you have a beretta
That's pretty much all you need like beretta and novice that work done very well
So in today's video I want to talk about gil-dong and the synergy that he has with units like
Spectra or Poseidon pretty much the whole idea behind it is getting first turn stuns and really quickly
by applying attack speed slow to your opponents and then
Using angry wave his second skills you furthermore stun your opponents
So it's an AoE that has the chance of decrease attack speed
But if you already have a tech speed slow on your opponent, it's a pretty much guaranteed stun. It is accuracy checked
So there is a minor chance that you're not stunning everybody
but it really helps out a ton when it comes to getting the first couple of turns in and kind of seeing how
Well that can impact your momentum in the fight
So that's definitely one very strong unit that I would not really just recommend for this boss fight
But also against boss fights that I will discuss further down the road in some of my other guides
Also if you don't have those two units
Make sure to check out some of my other two UI videos where I discuss other synergies
I don't really feel like discussing every one of my monster comes in every one of my videos
I feel like that would be a little bit
too boring and will make my videos too long longer than they need to be so maybe check out all of my other guys as
well when it comes to how you want to run a guild, um
If pretty much disposed down to how fast is your spectra, the perfect answer would be one speed slower than that
but chances are you're not gonna get with gil-dong most likely being on violent runes and
Spectra with that insane base speed most likely being Swift runes, but just in general
Make him move second. I would recommend going for something like speed HP and HP or accuracy
the main thing is that you want to get you as close to C represent right on your runes as
Possible just for other boss fights where you don't really want to create such as our Jamil or maybe drills Hans
Feel like this is going to be everything for today's episode
I hope it was helpful to some of you guys out there if you enjoyed it
Make sure you leave a like and let me know which sort of other stages I should be covering
If you want to witness my goe runs as well as a ton of other content
Make sure to visit my twitch as wall and I'm till done. See you guys in my next video. Bye
How To Remove Dark Spots, Brown Spots, Hyper Pigmentation & Pimples Acne Spots In Just 3 Days - Duration: 2:50.
Hi friends, Today I will share with you how to remove dark spots from face at home.
Many of us suffering from dark spots, pimples spots, hyper pigmentation and sun tans spots
on our face.
We lost our appearance and sometimes it brings inferiority complex on our mind.
If you suffer from this, you can easily remove all of dark spots from your face skin.
Here in this video I will show you a special remedy that will helps to remove dark spots,
pimples spots, hyper pigmentation and sun tans spots on our face.
I applied it and get results within 3 days.
So before starting, please subscribe to my channel to watch more beauty tips videos,
and press the bell icon, so that you don�t miss any of my new videos.
At first we need a small size potato.
We know that Potato has mild bleaching property that fades away the acne scars, spots and
It has starch content that reduces the pigmentation and enhances your natural glow.
So if we add some natural ingredients with potato, it can be very effective to remove
dark spots.
Peel off the potato and make small pieces.
Grind all the pieces on a blender and make thick paste.
Take 2 tablespoon of potato paste.
Add 1 tablespoon of yogurt.
Add 2 tablespoon of lemon juice.
And add 1 tablespoon of honey.
Then mix all the ingredients.
Now apply the mixture on your skin gently.
The vitamin C and the citric acid present in lemons make it a perfect bleaching agent
which can help in lightening the dark spots.
The bleaching property of lemon and the cleaning property of yogurt is a great combination
to lighten the dark spots and honey brings a special glow on the face.
Then leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.
After 15 to 20 minutes, wash off with normal water.
You can use daily for 1 week, then use 2 times per week.
This remedy will fade away all the dark spots, brown spots and pigmentation from your skin.
All the ingredients are available on your kitchen, and you can try this very easily.
The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan : Dev Diary #1 – Designing the Ghost Ship (Part 1) - Duration: 2:38.
The visual elements that we were trying to include in the development of this ship
went right from the architectural drawings,
then into the plans and into the white box.
Looking at camera angles, looking at lighting, looking at the atmospherics,
the suspense and the claustrophobic feel that we wanted to develop.
What was that?
It was very difficult to understand
what a ghost ship of this nature would look like after sixty years,
there is not a lot out there.
And looking at research for how ships rust and decay and age
we took this and exaggerated those feelings and atmospheres
to create what we wanted for our ship.
In order to make the ghost ship sound as real as possible
the team gained access to a similar era military vessel, a big steel ship.
We recorded all sorts of sounds on there
all the latches on the doors
to help the foley the character contacting with the environment
when they are on the ghost ship.
All of the atmospheres in the different rooms, the engine room,
all the different mechanisms available there.
We even recorded impulses of each of those rooms so that
that each room has the identical environment reverb
that you would have had of a ship of that type.
When we were looking to light the ghost ship environment
it's really important that
the tone and atmosphere that's coming from the lights
also compliments the story that we are trying to tell,
its not always a nice place to be so everything just cant be well lit and visible,
we want to make sure that we are guiding the player
around those environments
in a satisfying way as well as transmitting the mood
that we want them to feel when they are in there.
So we looked at doing things like
breaking holes in the roofs, breaking holes in the walls
where ambient light can leak in and fill a little bit of the environment
But as well as that sometimes we need to have
spotlights and cinematic lighting such as you would on a film set
in order to make sure that the characters look suitably heroic
menacing, scary or whatever the scene required.
Will Callum Become A Dark Mage? The Dragon Prince Theory - Duration: 9:27.
How to TURN ON DARK THEME on ANY Samsung Galaxy Smartphone! - Duration: 1:35.
What's up everyone, my name is Ben and today I'll be telling you guys and showing you,
how you can enable the dark team on any Samsung Galaxy device running Android Pie, this will
be the new Note 9, possibly the Note 8, Samsung Galaxy S9, S9 Plus, all the Samsung Galaxy
devices running Android 9.0 Pie, so to enable dark theme on those Samsung devices, it's
really easy, so let's jump straight into the video.
The easiest and the simplest method to do this is to unlock your device, go into settings,
go into display and then just click night theme and you can just enable it or disable
it, whatever you want, this is the easiest one, but there's also another method, however,
if you're frequently changing between normal and dark mode or the night theme, you can
do that straight from your quick settings, what you can do is pull down from your notification
from the top of the device, so you can access notification toggles, click on the three dots,
so you can rearrange them and you will find the night theme button, just rearrange it
and put it at the top, click done and you can now turn on or off night theme, straight
from that button, which makes it really easy to just switch from regular mode to night
mode, it's really easy, fast simple and it works excellent, hopefully guys enjoyed this
video, hopefully it helped you out, if you have any questions, please let me know let
me know in the comments below drop this video a like if you enjoyed it and I'll see you
all next time.
Axe Throwing Tampa turning off the lights for glow-in-the-dark ax throwing - Duration: 1:33.
Snow leaves many in the dark including businesses - Duration: 1:49.
Nicolas Sarkozy comparé à Dark Vador par un député de son parti - Duration: 1:51.
Décidément, la sortie du septième volet de Star Wars le 16 décembre prochain inspire
Il y a quelques jours, des jeunes socialistes avaient transformé une affiche de la saga intergalactique pour grimer Marine Le Pen en Dark Vador après son refus de se rendre dans l'émission politique de France 2, Des paroles et des actes
De son côté, l'hebdomadaire Le Point a eu l'idée originale d'aller à la rencontre des députés après une séance à l'Assemblée nationale pour évoquer avec eux l'évènement cinéma le plus attendu de l'année
Nicolas Sarkozy appréciera sans doute modérément d'être comparé lui aussi au grand méchant de la saga, Dark Vador
C'est Philippe Gosselin, un député de son propre parti, Les Républicains, qui imagine son président avec un grand casque et une longue cape noirs : "Dark Vador, oui, ça lui irait bien
À voir. Je ne sais pas si ça va lui plaire mais à voir
" Il n'est pas le seul à voir l'ancien chef de l'Etat dans la peau de l'ennemi numéro 1
"L'Empire serait très bien représenté par Nicolas Sarkozy et la rébellion par Arnaud Montebourg", a affirmé de son côté, Yann Galut, député du PS, qui tacle au passage un ancien membre de sa formation politique
Quant à Marine Le Pen, elle est attaquée sur son physique en étant comparé au personnage hideux de limace géante, Jabba le Huth
Pas sûr que la comparaison la fasse sourire
Enfin, Emmanuel Macron en prend pour son grade aussi
Razzy Hammadi, du PS, le voit en "sosie" de Luke Skywalker, passant "du côté obscur !"
Kingdom rush vengeance [TH] EP.0 :The Dark tower - Duration: 9:26.
A Shot in the Dark: Shedding light on opioid addiction - Duration: 1:46.
Dark Knees & Elbows Whitening - Duration: 5:36.
Grated The Cucumber
Grate the cucumber
Add a teaspoon of Baking soda
Mix them well
Apply on the Dark knees and elbows
Scrub gently upto 10 minutes and leave it for 5 minutes more
Scrub gently upto 10 minutes and leave it for 5 minutes more
Scrub gently upto 10 minutes and leave it for 5 minutes more
Scrub gently upto 10 minutes and leave it for 5 minutes more
Then Clean it with warm water
For preparing massing
1 Teaspoon of aloe veera gel
1 Teaspoon of aloe veera gel
1 Teaspoon of aloe veera gel
1 Teaspoon of aloe veera gel
1 Teaspoon of aloe veera gel
1 Teaspoon of aloe veera gel
1 Teaspoon of aloe veera gel
1 Teaspoon of aloe veera gel
Add 1/4 spoon of Raw Turmeric
Add 1/4 spoon of Raw Turmeric
Add 1/4 spoon of Raw Turmeric
Mix them well
Add required amount of Raw Milk
Mix them well
Massage this cream for 5 to 10 minutes and leave it for 10 minutes
Massage this cream for 5 to 10 minutes and leave it for 10 minutes
Massage this cream for 5 to 10 minutes and leave it for 10 minutes
Massage this cream for 5 to 10 minutes and leave it for 10 minutes
Massage this cream for 5 to 10 minutes and leave it for 10 minutes
Massage this cream for 5 to 10 minutes and leave it for 10 minutes
Massage this cream for 5 to 10 minutes and leave it for 10 minutes
Massage this cream for 5 to 10 minutes and leave it for 10 minutes
Massage this cream for 5 to 10 minutes and leave it for 10 minutes
Apply this cream on under thighs also to reduce blackness
Massage this cream for 5 to 10 minutes and leave it for 10 minutes
Massage this cream for 5 to 10 minutes and leave it for 10 minutes
Apply normal moisturizer to affected area.
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