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For more infomation >> Glow In The Dark trailer (Beta version) - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
"DASH" Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Hard Dark Lit Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL - Duration: 3:07.
"DASH" Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Hard Dark Lit Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL
Edouard Philippe, 1er ministre dark d'une société sans espoir - Tanguy Pastureau maltraite l'info - Duration: 5:12.
The Dark Truth Behind The Kim Kardashian & Ray J Tape - UPDATE - Duration: 5:16.
okay so awkward situation remember how a couple of days ago Kim Kardashian told
everyone that she was during the filming of her infamous tape with
Ray J well Ray J has come forward to say that Kim Kardashian is a big fat liar
I'm going to spill the tea here for you on IO what is good this is inform
overloaded where we tell you about everything that's happening on the
internet hi I'm Charlotte Dobre and this is your first time here yo what's
up what up what up smash that subscribe for daily news updates you actually want
to hear about hosted by people you might actually want to be friends with so a
couple of days ago we did a story about Kim Kardashian's bombshell news that she
was under the influence of when she made the tape with Ray J so I called
her under the influence making pancakes just so everybody's up to speed and it's
also to keep the advertisers happy because this is a pretty touchy subject
I mean it's about her tape and it's about being under the influence so we
got to be a little careful with that now also I apologize I know I probably
ruined pancakes for a lot of you so maybe let's go with something that like
nobody likes this time what about cooking eggplant let's be real no one
likes eggplant okay so back to the story cooking eggplant would have been a
pretty good explanation for why Kim made the bad decision to make the tape well
actually it ended up being a good decision because if it weren't for that
tape Kim Kardashian wouldn't be as famous as she is she wouldn't have a
reality show and kanye west wouldn't even know who she is if you guys haven't
seen our previous video it's clickable on the screen right now so i'm gonna
give you a quick update on that story because the plot has definitely
thickened the tea is hot my friends it is hot
back in 2007 kim's tape with her then-boyfriend ray jay was leaked and it
skyrocketed her to international fame but recently I guess Kim made the excuse
that she made the tape while she was cooking eggplant
I feel like eggplant was a really interesting choice Kim said that it was
totally obvious that she was cooking eggplant during the tape because her jaw
was quivering Kim also said that she only cooked eggplant twice once with Ray
J and once when she married Damon Thomas she said every time I did it something
bad happened so this made international headlines everyone was talking about Kim
Kardashian and her love of eggplants but here's where this gets a little awkward
I guess Ray J found out about this how could he not and he decided to basically
tell everyone that came Kardashian is a big fat liar
he said that Kim was not cooking eggplants or under the influence of
alcohol when they made their tape but he did say that she out of
a shaped I don't know why that's so funny to
me but it makes the eggplant joke even funnier
so maybe Kim did lie and maybe this was just a way to get people to watch
Keeping Up with the Kardashians because she said it and last Sunday night's
episode what's the matter Kim readings a little
low lately hmm anyways I'm not sure who to believe guys people close to Kim
Kardashian's said that Ray J could have been offended by Kim saying that she was
under the influence I guess it is kind of like Kim saying I only made that tape
with you because I was cooking eggplant watching the tape again yes we watched
it for research purposes and upon further inspection it does seem
like Kim could be under the influence of something and like I doubt it's I'm
not sure if you guys have done a before but it makes your eyes really
sleepy Kim's eyes are wide as wide can be during this tape by the way I can say
this because is legal in Canada hey yeah also I never noticed this before
but Kim Kardashian was chewing gum during part of this tape people who are
cooking eggplant do chew gum so maybe that also backs up her claim I don't
know maybe Kim just wanted her breath to smell better I personally don't really
care either way if she was under the influence of anything but I do care that
she lied sources close to Kim said that she has no reason to lie about something
that happened 15 years ago and it's like yeah actually she does Kim has said in
the past she wants people to know the real her and because of how she got
famous the tape people don't see the real her saying that you did something
bad while under the influence somehow makes it like less bad it's like an
excuse and also Kim has another reason to live because it could boost ratings
on Keeping Up with the Kardashians I guess there's no real way to know if Kim
was under the influence or not what do you think who do you believe camera Ray
J let me know in those comments but for now I'm gonna do some comet replies from
our last video on Kim Kardashian and Ray J's tape
Katrina ort is said I feel like there's something suspicious about Kim coming
out all randomly and admitting to making pancakes also I was kind of cracking up
the whole yeah the timing does seem kind of funny
like it's huge news the woman definitely knows how to stay
in the media BB peach said thanks I'll never see pancakes the same I know I
should have gone with something more obscure cocoa Denton said those
Kardashians are not good Liars but they sure can cook an eggplant Aurora Winberg
said just for the record I've never seen her tape I'm not a fan of the
Kardashians and I only watched this video because I've been trying to watch
all I owe videos even if I'm not actually interested in the topic
I like the videos for the most part even if I'm not interested in the topic oh
that is so nice you're like such an awesome fan thank you so much Adam said
when will you do the tape never I might take my clothes off for HBO but that's
about it welcome to the N screen thanks so much
for spending a few of your valuable minutes with us if you want to keep
watching IO why don't you check out this playlist over here and obviously if you
enjoyed your time here smash that like subscribe and notification bell so I can
see you in the next IO video
The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan - PS4/Xbox1/PC - Dev Diary #1 Part 1 - Duration: 2:34.
The visual elements that we were trying to include in the development of this ship
went right from the architectural drawings,
then into the plans and into the white box.
Looking at camera angles, looking at lighting, looking at the atmospherics,
the suspense and the claustrophobic feel that we wanted to develop.
<i>What was that?</i>
It was very difficult to understand
what a ghost ship of this nature would look like after sixty years,
there is not a lot out there.
And looking at research for how ships rust and decay and age
we took this and exaggerated those feelings and atmospheres
to create what we wanted for our ship.
In order to make the ghost ship sound as real as possible
the team gained access to a similar era military vessel, a big steel ship.
We recorded all sorts of sounds on there
all the latches on the doors
to help the foley the character contacting with the environment
when they are on the ghost ship.
All of the atmospheres in the different rooms, the engine room,
all the different mechanisms available there.
We even recorded impulses of each of those rooms so that
each room has the identical environment reverb
that you would have had of a ship of that type.
When we were looking to light the ghost ship environment
it's really important that
the tone and atmosphere that's coming from the lights
also compliments the story that we are trying to tell,
its not always a nice place to be so everything just can't be well lit and visible,
we want to make sure that we are guiding the player
around those environments
in a satisfying way as well as transmitting the mood
that we want them to feel when they are in there.
So we looked at doing things like
breaking holes in the roofs, breaking holes in the walls
where ambient light can leak in and fill a little bit of the environment.
But as well as that sometimes we need to have
spotlights and cinematic lighting such as you would on a film set
in order to make sure that the characters look suitably heroic,
menacing, scary or whatever the scene required.
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