Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 5, 2018

Auto news on Youtube May 26 2018

hey guys back with another video I just wanted to reflect with you I was kind of

sad when I had had to come to the rational will excuse me rationalization

that I basically had reset my body for the good with juice feasting for a

hundred and some odd days and when I got back on solid foods you know my body

just cannot eat the way that I used to eat with all these processed foods I

can't just go in the freezer and have a ballpark Frankfort anymore in a bun my

body is saying no to any kind of packaged proteins of meats even

vegetables I have like a couple of bags of frozen vegetables that I've had in

there since starting my juice um feast I hate on away food but that is going in

the trash today because I'm coming to the terms that my body is so detox tile

it's telling me what it has a craving for which is fresh produce fruits and

vegetables I don't have a tough time with baked chicken and fish and long as

I get my proteins in whole form and they're not prepackaged with seasonings

and preservatives on it then I'm fine but when it comes to sausage meat and

hot dogs and packaged processed foods my body does not accept and break it down

the same way you did when my body was toxic and I was kind of sad about that

because I said this body that I'm in now is a new body that means I can't go to

McDonald's anymore when I have a taste for some fast food

or Wendy's or DQ and just have a cheeseburger because I don't know now

how it's going to affect me I can wake up tomorrow and have a panic

attack because of all those chemicals that are inside of that meat or on top

of those french fries I don't know what chemical is in that food that can

basically give me a reaction because my body is so cleansed out it's sensitive

now you know and accepting that you are healing and that you're cleanse and that

you're not going to have a taste for the same that booze anymore it can be

disappointing but at the same time at least I know that I did justice to my

body all the days that I've sacrificed not having solid meals looking at

mukbangs like wow I wish that was me eating that food I'm very appreciative

now that I got on a juice fast and my body is craving Whole Foods now fresh

raw fruits and vegetables and going now into if I do eat proteins grass-fed

proteins basically animals that graze on you know grass you know and I'm not you

know stiff steroid it up with the chicken wings like this big when they're

really supposed to be that small you know you know have been Whole Foods in

my life that's where I'm at right now and I had to accept this I went through

another trial in era as you guys know at this point with my 30-day refeed no I

didn't gain any weight but I had a hard time when I went back to Whole Foods but

I'm glad again that I learnt the experience and I'm accepting the

experience and I'm seeing that I just can't eat the way that I used to

eat when I was not juicing and that I'm more healthier and I want to stay this

way and in order to stay and maintain my sanity and my health I need to stop

paying attention to what I put in my body now that it's cleansed out you know

you can really be shocked in the body by putting processed foods back into the

body especially when your body's used to you eating whole raw foods it might not

be on your side of the fence when it comes to you putting something like a

hot dog back into your mouth so I like to keep these videos under five minutes

or less so that you guys can get the point of what I'm trying to say to you

guys so I'm gonna end this video on please like this video share this video

make it a favorite and if you haven't already subscribed to my channel please

do so and I'll see you guys in the next video bye for now



Q&A | Shaun Evaristo: 'Sometimes I need to stay still' | Fair Play Dance Camp 2017 - Duration: 2:51.

Well two things

instead of talking to myself I tend to write to myself because I like the idea of being able to

See my thoughts out loud


Because for me I think my brain gets a little jumbled

I can't organize it in my mind as well, so I have to like see it and then from there I can organize

Like my thoughts on. Okay well, what are the options?

Say, there's like an issue. What are the options? How, which one out of these options?

Do I think could help me to go forward versus stay where I'm at. I'm also thinking. Maybe sometimes

I need to stay still so if that's an option of

Essentially to move forward then maybe that's the right option for me now like I need to sit in this

moment of grief or pain and

That's okay, and then from there, what is the step after that so still knowing

What's next and kind of going through that and as far as I


Yeah, like the people around yoou are obviously most important. For me

Yeah, I run back to my family like I'm sure everybody here does if you know just keeping that close-knit around you where

I don't know. I have the like a private Instagram that I just have for my family

For them to, because my mom and my dad were like complaining there like we don't know what you're doing every day

And so I was like uh well, I don't want to post everything that happened to you, and they're like okay

so then let's just create something for for you where we can see that you're safe in Poland or

So you're safe here, and so that's a way for me to

Stay connected to them without having to

Be so conscious about what I'm posting or anything like that just say hey mom dad. I'm here and

Yeah, this is how I'm able to stay connected cuz they're not they're not just a fan of like my work

You know as being their kid there's such a fan of everybody else like they'll know all of you by first and last name

It's crazy my parents especially my mom. She's like really on top of it like if you came in - she'd be like you're Kevin Paradox

You would know it straight up. Yeah, yeah

That's great. Then we also got a tool we might use it, yeah

So that's what I use keep close to my family

Try to stay connected as much as possible so I can keep my feet on the ground as I reach as high as I can

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