Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It's an honor to be with you as we recognize
the accomplishments of the class of 2018 and we witness the commissioning of
our newest Army leaders. Congressman Womack, thank you for your
leadership here at the academy, but more importantly thanks for all you do for
our men and women in uniform. Secretary Esper, General Milley--thank you both to
your leadership and I know the soldiers in the crowd would agree with me that
the Army of the United States could not be in better hands. General Caslen, thanks for the
introduction but more importantly, Supe, thanks for your leadership at West Point
the last five years and throughout your distinguished career. As you prepare to
retire, know that you've left behind an extraordinary legacy--the most important
legacy a leader can leave behind--and that's a legion of men and women that
are proud to call themselves Caslen-trained and Mrs. Caslen, Shelley, I know
you're out there somewhere, I want to thank you for the what you've done
for the countless cadets, their families, and our Army families through over four
decades of service and cadets, the Supe asked you a minute ago to recognize
your parents, I'm gonna ask you to please stand up and recognize your
superintendent. He would not want me to do that but I got to tell you after 43
years of active duty and all he has done to help shape and mold you for the
future, I'd ask you to join me in recognizing the impact he's had on you.
And most importantly, to the class of 2018: congratulations. I know today caps what's
been a busy week of events to recognize your accomplishments and I'm sure you're
feeling pretty good at this point, and you should. Four years ago you accepted the
challenge to join the Long Gray Line. You could have chosen an easier path, but you
didn't. As General Caslen said, you faced that cadet in the red sash on "R-
day" and, according to legend, there were torrential rains on that day. You
survived Beast Barracks, plebe boxing, Camp Buckner and you were scrambled not
once, but twice, and I understand that you were actually the last class to be
scrambled. It wasn't easy, in fact I was told by the president of your class, it was so
tough you posted the lowest plebe grades of any class in recent history.
and your class president told me that with some source of pride but looking at
you now, whether you're the honor grad or "the goat," you made it. And among you are
scholarship recipients, world-class athletes, inventors and published authors.
And, as General Caslen said, we can't forget it was while you were here that
the tide was finally turned in the Army-Navy game.
You know, I thought that you would probably get excited about that, but I
want to tell you, I've been the chairman now for three Army-Navy games. I'm two
for three. And Army has actually scored more points when I have sat on the Army
side, then when I sat on the Navy side so the coaches, the twelfth man and the
team may get some credit, but I'm taking a little bit of credit myself for what
happened those two years. On a more serious note, I want to personally thank
you for answering the call to serve during a very challenging time. You chose,
you chose to join an Army at war and to that point, today there's more than
178,000 soldiers actively supporting missions around the world. Many are in
harm's way and they're joined by thousands more sailors, airmen and
Marines and as we celebrate today I'd ask you to keep them and their families
in your thoughts and prayers. This is also Memorial Day weekend and I'd ask you
to be particularly mindful of those that have made the ultimate sacrifice and our
Gold Star families. While those of you graduating today
should be proud of what you've accomplished, I know that you recognize
you didn't get here by yourself. And appropriately enough the superintendent
recognized the families as we began the program and I would tell you those of us
sitting in the dais have the best seats in the house because we have the
chance to look out at the faces of the parents, the grandparents, the siblings and
the friends and their faces are beaming with pride and they should be. They played an
important part in you sitting here today. But I'd also ask you to recognize the
faculty and staff here at the Academy. You couldn't have the premier leadership
experience in the world were it not for their efforts. And perhaps more
importantly they have, over the last four years, shown you what right looks like
and they have every reason to be proud of you today and I'd ask you to please
recognize the contribution that the faculty and staff at the premier
leadership institution in the world has had on you.
Class of 2018 you might find it hard to imagine but I've been in your shoes.
And although it's been 41 years ago this week, I can clearly recall my own
graduation and commissioning and how anxious I was to get on with the next
phase of my life. I wasn't particularly interested in what the graduation
speaker had to say you, and I'm going to make a bold assumption: I'm going to
assume that many of you share the same sentiment that I had on my graduation
day about the graduation speaker. So with that in mind I'm not going to go on long,
but as you prepare for the challenges of Army leadership in the next chapter of your
lives, I just want to leave you with a few thoughts. First point I'd make is
that the profession of arms is dynamic and to be successful, you have to anticipate
and embrace the constant changes in the character war. Here at West Point, you've
studied military history and you recall the price paid in the 20th century by
armies that were slow to adapt. One hundred years ago, leaders on both sides
of World War I were slow to grasp the significance of emerging technologies and
the changing character of war. The price for that delay was high--ten
million in uniform were killed--a figure that's unfathomable today. To some
extent, you can say the same thing about the eve of World War II.
For example while a blitzkrieg reflected the Germans appreciation for the
potential of armor supported by close- air, major Western armies continued to view
the tank as merely an infantry support weapon and frankly,
if we look back at change over the past century, most of the changes occurred
after significant failure. But there were notable exceptions. In the years before
Vietnam, a small number of Army leaders considered how the helicopter might be
employed to enhance mobility on the battlefield.
among them were men like Jim Gavin from the West Point class of '29 Hamilton
Howze from the class of '30 and Hal Moore from the class of '45. Their ideas rapidly
evolved from articles and briefings to the 1965 combat deployment of the first
Calvary Division- Airmobile. These soldiers drove innovation that combined
emerging technology with operational concepts. They fundamentally changed Army
And their ideas remain relevant today.
The moral of the story is that there's no substitute for taking a clear-eyed
look at the threats we'll face and asking how our force will adapt to meet those
threats. There's no substitute for leaders like Jim Gavin that recognized
the power of new ideas, new technologies and new concepts, and more importantly
there's no substitute for leaders like Hal Moore with a bias for action and a
drive to affect change. For the class of 2018,
I believe the need to aggressively lead change is going to be particularly
important to you. I say that because everyone here in a Dais knows that the
pace of change and the speed of war has greatly accelerated and in many ways the
environment that you're going to lead in is very different than the one that
confronted lieutenants in 1918, in 1968, or frankly even in 2008. So regardless of
where you find yourself serving in our Army, challenge yourself to be the
kind of leader that continues to think about, to write about, and to lead change.
Bring your intellectual curiosity and the openness to new ideas that
you established here at West Point--bring that with you forward in your days as an
Army leader. Be inspired by those soldiers who pioneered air assault and
the many others who have enabled the Army to adapt and win throughout our
nation's history. Class of 2018, earlier I mentioned how
clearly I remember my graduation day and how disinterested I was in the speaker but
there's something else that I remember very clearly about the day that I was
commissioned. Like you, I had studied military history and I remember finding it
difficult to identify with the exploits and the courage of those who went before
me. I remember wondering how I would meet the expectations of my future platoon.
How would I respond if I was called to lead them in harm's way or how would I
deal with those tough leadership issues that we know we will all experience? I
wondered if I'd remember anything that I had learned in school and you may be
sitting here having similar thoughts. You may wonder how you'll measure up to your
predecessors: the Pattons the Eisenhowers or the Bradleys. Closer to
home you may wonder how you'll measure up to some of the leaders who have
influenced you here at West Point. Leaders like Major Nick Eslinger now
teaching in Behavioral Sciences and leadership. As a platoon leader in Iraq
he courageously risked his life to protect his fellow soldiers. Or Major
Jill Rahon from the Physics Department. Jill had the presence of mind and the
courage to pull two fellow pilots from a burning helicopter before their rockets
cooked off or Major Jake Miraldi from the
Department of Military Instruction. Jake demonstrated exceptional competence and
leadership while leading a Quick Reaction Force during some of the
toughest fighting in Afghanistan. You may also wonder if you'll meet the
challenge of leading in a period of great change and have the leadership and
the drive of Hal Moore. Well you may wonder, you may wonder the most important
question: Will you meet the expectation of your soldiers? But I've got to tell
you, just like General Caslen mentioned a minute ago, when I look out at you I
don't have those concerns. Don't get me wrong-- I'm not understating for a minute
the impact that your predecessors have had or their accomplishments. What they
did was remarkable. In the end, they took ordinary groups of young men and women
and inspired them to do extraordinary things at places like Normandy, Ia
Drang and Nuristan and that's certainly a big deal. But if you look at how these
leaders succeeded I think you'll recognize the method. And you remember
that the fundamentals of leadership are the most important aspect of our
profession and they're a part of our profession that hasn't changed since
President Jefferson founded this institution in 1802. It's true that your
predecessors like Lieutenant Eslinger, Lieutenant Rahon and Lieutenant Miraldi
attacked their profession with energy and enthusiasm. It's true that they were
smart, they were tough, and they were competent. And it's true that many of
them demonstrated great courage when called to lead in harm's way.
But it's also true that the primary reason your predecessors were successful
is that they recognize that after West Point, it was no longer about their
individual capabilities. They knew it was about their team. They knew it was about
instilling an esprit in their units and a will to fight in their individual
soldiers. They knew it was about establishing a bond of trust between the
leaders and the led. In the end they knew that character, competence, courage and
commitment-- that's all part of the sticker price of being an Army leader.
After West Point, you get no more credit for that-- it's a given. As a lieutenant
you won't be wearing the star or the wreath on your uniform nor will you be
displaying your athletic trophies. When you check into units, your soldiers will
simply want to know that you'll lead from the front and you'll put their
interests ahead of your own. To paraphrase one of your more quotable
predecessors, General George Patton: "Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are
won by men and women. It's the spirit of the soldiers who follow and the officers
who lead that gained victory." Class of 2018 what I'm really reminding
of this morning is something very similar to what the superintendent said
a minute ago: if you take care of your soldiers, they'll take care of you.
If you lead, they'll follow, and together you'll take the hill. Thank you, in
advance, for taking care of the young men and women who'll proudly follow your
lead. Thanks for carrying on the traditions of the Long Gray Line.
God bless you. Semper Fidelis and Army strong.
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