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The Classic Bagel at Russ and Daughters with Alex Guarnaschelli | Food Network - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
Classic Fords, Chevys and more! Some even run!! | Barn Find Hunter - Ep. 31 - Duration: 14:23.- I'm looking at this, and I'm saying,
oh my goodness, this is what I live for.
A scene like this.
And I don't even know what he has.
(car engine revving)
(twangy country music)
Alright, well, I'll see you
probably in 45 minutes, how's that?
Thanks, buh-bye.
You must be Denny.
- I was too busy looking at your car.
I'll put on the uniform.
It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it.
Back to the grindstone.
We're meeting a really interesting guy named Denny,
who we heard about from several people,
you gotta meet Denny, 'cause he's got some cool old cars.
He was planning to bring us to another building,
'cause that's where the old cars were.
I said, whoa, wait a minute, what about this car?
So what year is this Riviera?
- [Denny] 63.
- 63, the first year of the Buick Riviera.
401 nailhead engine, so if you're an old drag racing fan,
you remember Tommy Ivo used to run
nailhead Buick engines in his dragsters.
This was like a styling statement for General Motors.
This was over the moon, as far as style
for an American car.
How long have you had this one?
- I dunno, probably 15, 20 years.
I've had it a long time.
- [Host] Does it run?
- (laughs) Yeah.
- [Host] Can you start it?
(car engine roars to life)
Alright, so you wanna sell this?
- Yeah. - How much you want for it?
- [Host] So you'll take less, like $3,500?
- That seems like a pretty good deal.
- 3,500 bucks.
The floors look solid.
That's metal right there.
There's an Arizona plate in the front,
so this is an Arizona car.
Gonna open this (clanking drowns out voice)
Okay, so there's a new front...
- [Denny] Front piece--
- Headlight cover, I guess, whatever you call it.
To replace the cracked one in the front.
That can't be easy to find.
Extra trim.
So the floor looks solid.
Well let's see what else you got.
I love walking in the dark back buildings.
I asked Denny if he's a Ford guy or a Chevy guy.
He says, "Well, kinda both."
So that stands to reason...
There's a Falcon over here, and a '64 Impala over here.
Alright, so don't tell me.
That's a '51 Ford.
- S S, is that a 283?
- So that's a Falcon, it's got black painted bumper.
It's got a for sale sign on it.
260 V8, it's a 2 barrel, probably, right?
- [Denny] Yeah.
- [Host] 2 barrel, single exhaust?
- [Denny] Yep.
- [Host] Okay, good solid car?
- [Denny] Yeah, yeah.
I painted it.
- [Host] So, three speed on a column,
you never see many of those anymore.
A lot of people went through life without even
learning how to drive those things.
It needs a headliner.
Bucket seats.
So that's got a 260 V8.
A 260 was the second of Ford's small blocks.
They came out with a 221 for just a little while,
then it went to 260, and then 289.
So this is a '63 Falcon?
- [Host] What're ya asking for that?
- Five grand.
Well that's a neat-o car, wow.
So you got another building, you said, too?
- Cool.
(country music)
Oh boy, this looks like fun.
I'm looking at this, and I'm saying,
oh my goodness, this is what I live for.
A scene like this.
And I don't even know what he has.
I know I'm in love with that Ranchero.
You wanna sell this Ranchero?
- [Denny] Yeah.
- How much is that, five grand like the other one?
- [Host] Runs well?
- [Denny] Yeah.
(car engine revving loudly)
- This is the second Falcon we've seen today,
this being a Ranchero, the other being a 2-door.
With a factory 260 V8, 2 barrel, three on the column.
I mean, look at this thing.
It's got funky looking black wire wheels,
good chrome, straight body, nice paint.
That is a blast, man.
What is that, '46, '47 Ford?
- '46, I can't tell the difference.
- I'm a lifelong Ford guy, and I dunno the difference
between '46, '47, and '48.
Old Cutlass, so you got a '40 Chevy Coupe here.
- Five grand.
Another Riviera.
So that's a '63 as well?
- I know the '46, '47, '48 Ford Coupe.
There's a '56 2-door hard top, it's a Chevy.
But, you know, as they all did,
they rusted out around the headlights.
They were very rust prone cars.
I dunno if it's restorable.
Yeah, I think it probably is.
It's a 2-door hard top, which is the most desirable one.
And you know, '56 is the year...
'56 is the Chevy that a lot of people ignore.
They like '55s, they like '57s.
I like '56s.
So this is a Bel Air 2-door hard top.
It's got a three on the column.
Is that restorable, or is it pretty rough?
- [Host] So how much you ask for somethin' like that?
- A couple a grand.
And here's a '56 4-door.
- [Denny] '56 4-door.
- [Host] No motor, solid body?
- [Denny] How're the floors in here?
- [Host] This is from Texas, no kiddin'?
So a little bit, it's got some cavities there.
So this is a, like a '40 Studebaker?
- [Denny] '41 Studebaker.
- [Host] '41 Studebaker, straight six, flatheads.
Does it run?
- [Denny] Couple grand, if somebody needs it.
- [Host] How much?
- [Denny] Couple grand.
- [Host] A couple a grand, does it run?
- [Host] Two grand, for a '41 Studebaker.
- [Denny] That's really cheap, ain't it?
2,500 I meant.
- How about 3,000?
- Okay.
- [Denny] Sold.
- [Host] You know, for somebody that didn't have
a lot of money, and wanted a project car...
Does it come with all the trophies in it?
This is the most fun I've had all day.
Is there another building, or this is it?
(country music)
- [Host] Oh wow, another nice, new building.
Man, that's a good body.
Boy, look at that body, whoa.
So what year is this panel?
- [Denny] '41.
- [Host] '41 Ford.
Oh, look at that.
Corvette independent rear suspension with disc brakes.
That's a nice beginning of a street rod, here.
What'll you ask for this truck?
- Not gonna sell it, okay.
Oh, wow.
I happen to really like Cougars.
So it's a 302 Cougar here?
- [Host] That's a Cobra Jet?
Here's a Marti report.
- [Denny] That guy worked for Ford.
- So the options it's got vinyl top,
cruise, automatic, it's got a traction lock differential,
which is posi-rear.
- [Denny] Original tires, I got two of 'em he had on there.
- [Host] Ram-air induction.
Power steering, tilt away wheel.
Air conditioning, AM/FM stereo.
Dad saved the Marti report, that's it right there.
That proves the car is original as you're presenting it.
- [Host] Wow, look at that.
Air conditioning.
- [Denny] Air conditioning, Ram-air.
- [Host] And it's got 30,000 miles, did you say?
It runs well?
- [Denny] Yeah, oh yeah.
- [Host] How much is this?
- [Host] When're you gonna know?
We're trying to sell these for ya.
- [Host] Over 50.
- That's a nice car, boy.
So you bought this in Oklahoma?
- And you needed to get home, so you bought this?
- [Host] So that's a three on the column?
- [Host] It's got a 327?
- [Host] 302, yeah.
- [Host] A rump rump motor, okay.
- [Host] So when you got it, it had a six cylinder?
- [Host] Yep.
- [Host] Did you paint this, or the same paint?
It was like that, black roof.
That's what it looked like before,
that's how good a shape it was.
- [Host] Ah, so look it.
So it was white all the way across the back.
So this was all white,
and he changed it to a factory paint job.
(car engine roaring)
So how much you asking for that one?
50 thousand?
(car engine revving)
That's sweet.
You restored this car?
- [Denny] Body off, restored it.
- So it's got three on the tree,
plus overdrive in high gear.
- [Denny] This got overdrive, too.
- I don't want you to tell me what this is,
I'm gonna figure it out, okay?
- [Denny] What?
- Don't tell me what this is.
- [Denny] Oh, I won't then.
- Oh, well here it is, '58 Buick.
Okay (laughs).
You know, that's one of the most expensive cars to restore,
because of all this trim on here.
Isn't that something, wow.
You bought that from a General Motors executive?
- [Host] Wow.
- [Denny] Look at that.
- [Host] Big ol' nailhead.
- [Denny] Chrome everything.
- [Host] Man, and look at all the accessories,
it's got the lights in here.
- [Denny] 14 lights.
- [Host] 14 lights, are these original?
- [Denny] No, he put them on there.
Put V nickels up there.
All, everywhere in the car.
- [Host] What's a V nickel?
- [Denny] Well, look right up there,
under that weather stripping.
Take a flashlight.
- [Host] Oh, right here.
Is that so they wouldn't corrode?
- [Denny] He was a coin collector.
He had gold coins, and he had
a packard, it was in a museum somewhere,
and he had gold coins in that.
Gold coins.
- [Host] So look at this, there's a nickel there,
there's a nickel there.
Isn't that something?
- [Denny] They're all under the dash, too.
- Nickels?
This guy had too much time.
- Nickels or quarters,
I think they're V nickels, ain't they?
- I dunno.
- Anyway, they're the big size.
- Jeez, this guy had too much time.
Look at the way this, the door is cut in here.
The windshield comes into the door.
Look at all these accessories.
What a dashboard, looks like a spaceship dashboard.
How many miles on this one?
Can't be 24,000, can it be?
- You know, could be original.
That pedal's hardly worn.
What a contemporary looking gauge set.
24,953, that could be original.
Look at all, I mean everything in here is chrome.
All around the windows, all this trim going across the roof.
This guy bought every option he could buy on this car.
You think that's original upholstery?
- No, he had them seat covers made,
when it was new, in California.
He had them made in California.
It looked like the original seat,
but underneath them are like brand new.
He had them, he was a fussy guy.
See John Mason.
- [Host] Wow, look at that.
- [Denny] Owner.
He was a GM, John Mason.
- [Host] How long have you had this car?
- [Host] Could that be an original tire?
- [Denny] That's what he had in there, in the wrapper.
That's what he bought for it.
- [Host] Okay, so it's not original.
Heck of a car.
Well Denny, thank you.
This has been an amazing afternoon.
When we started off this morning,
we couldn't find anything.
We were kissing frogs and couldn't find a prince.
Well, this is our prince this afternoon.
We met Denny, and he showed us one building,
another building, another building, and another building.
It's one of those days you'd never imagine
the way it started, and how it wound up.
But today was a great barn finding day.
Happy hunting.
(country rock music)
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