Falco Tarassaco, the founder of Damanhur, met the guest each Friday, responding to their questions.
Falco: Please
Participant: I'm new, I've only done some seminars on Past Lives
Question: What it the true mission of Damanhur?
Why was it born?
What is the message?
Falco: The mission is to become owners of our choices
Instead of the fact that they're always indicated by others
or by religions, or politics or the social state or what it can be
To be able to make choices so that people learn self-determination
Or, as we said before with another language:
To rediscover the God within
The forces that we have inside of us, and to use them
outside of our contexts in which our minds are closed
and then there are infinite...
there's the individual realization, there's also the collective
you can easily find them reading the the oath when people become citizens
it gives an idea of what it means to put part of yourself into the game
so that also the others can reach the goals, finalities and so on
So, a collective force that allows each single individual
to extend their own power, their own force
then there's thousands of shades inside that you need to discover a little bit at a time
Thank you!
You are welcome!
For more infomation >> Falco Tarassaco: What is the true purpose of Damanhur? (EN/IT/ES/DE) - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
What is The BEST Play in the Stock Market RIGHT NOW? - Duration: 5:31.
On what Day was Jesus Crucified? ----- Did Jesus Die on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday? - Duration: 6:01.
Today's question is: "On what day was Jesus crucified?"
In this video I'll answer that question from a biblical perspective.
Afterwards, as always, I'll share some helpful resources, so stick around until the end.
The Bible does not explicitly state on which day of the week Jesus was crucified.
The two most widely held views are Friday and Wednesday.
Some, however, using a synthesis of both the Friday and Wednesday arguments, argue for
Thursday as the day.
Jesus said in Matthew 12:40, "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly
of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of
the earth."
Those who argue for a Friday crucifixion say that there is still a valid way in which He
could have been considered in the grave for three days.
In the Jewish mind of the first century, a part of day was considered as a full day.
Since Jesus was in the grave for part of Friday, all of Saturday, and part of Sunday—He could
be considered to have been in the grave for three days.
One of the principal arguments for Friday is found in Mark 15:42, which notes that Jesus
was crucified "the day before the Sabbath."
If that was the weekly Sabbath, this is, Saturday, then that fact leads to a Friday crucifixion.
Another argument for Friday says that verses such as Matthew 16:21 and Luke 9:22 teach
that Jesus would rise on the third day; therefore, He would not need to be in the grave a full
three days and nights.
But while some translations use "on the third day" for these verses, not all do,
and not everyone agrees that "on the third day" is the best way to translate these verses.
Furthermore, Mark 8:31 says that Jesus will be raised "after" three days.
The Thursday argument expands on the Friday view and argues mainly that there are too
many events (some count as many as twenty) happening between Christ's burial and Sunday
morning to occur from Friday evening to Sunday morning.
Proponents of the Thursday view point out that this is especially a problem when the
only full day between Friday and Sunday was Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath.
An extra day or two eliminates that problem.
The Thursday advocates could reason thus: suppose you haven't seen a friend since Monday evening.
The next time you see him it is Thursday morning and you say, "I haven't seen you in three
days" even though it had technically only been 60 hours (2.5 days).
If Jesus was crucified on Thursday, this example shows how it could be considered three days.
The Wednesday opinion states that there were two Sabbaths that week.
After the first one (the one that occurred on the evening of the crucifixion in Mark
15:42, the women purchased spices—note that they made their purchase after the Sabbath
in Mark 16:1.
The Wednesday view holds that this "Sabbath" was the Passover see Leviticus 16 where high
holy days that are not necessarily the seventh day of the week are referred to as the Sabbath).
The second Sabbath that week was the normal weekly Sabbath.
Note that in Luke 23:56, the women who had purchased spices after the first Sabbath returned
and prepared the spices, then "rested on the Sabbath."
The argument states that they could not purchase the spices after the Sabbath, yet prepare
those spices before the Sabbath—unless there were two Sabbaths.
With the two-Sabbath view, if Christ was crucified on Thursday, then the high holy Sabbath (the
Passover) would have begun Thursday at sundown and ended at Friday sundown—at the beginning
of the weekly Sabbath or Saturday.
Purchasing the spices after the first Sabbath (Passover) would have meant they purchased
them on Saturday and were breaking the Sabbath.
Therefore, according to the Wednesday viewpoint, the only explanation that does not violate
the biblical account of the women and the spices and holds to a literal understanding
of Matthew 12:40, is that Christ was crucified on Wednesday.
The Sabbath that was a high holy day (Passover) occurred on Thursday, the women purchased
spices (after that) on Friday and returned and prepared the spices on the same day, they
rested on Saturday which was the weekly Sabbath, then brought the spices to the tomb early Sunday.
Jesus was buried near sundown on Wednesday, which began Thursday in the Jewish calendar.
Using a Jewish calendar, you have Thursday night (night one), Thursday day (day one),
Friday night (night two), Friday day (day two), Saturday night (night three), Saturday
day (day three).
We do not know exactly what time He rose, but we do know that it was before sunrise
on Sunday.
He could have risen as early as just after sunset Saturday evening, which began the first
day of the week to the Jews.
The discovery of the empty tomb was made just at sunrise, Mark 16:2, before it was fully
light, John 20:1.
A possible problem with the Wednesday view is that the disciples who walked with Jesus
on the road to Emmaus did so on "the same day" of His resurrection in Luke 24:13.
The disciples, who do not recognize Jesus, tell Him of Jesus' crucifixion and say that
"today is the third day since these things happened," Luke 24:22.
Wednesday to Sunday is four days.
A possible explanation is that they may have been counting since Wednesday evening at Christ's
burial, which begins the Jewish Thursday, and Thursday to Sunday could be counted as
three days.
In the grand scheme of things, it is not all that important to know what day of the week
Christ was crucified.
If it were very important, then God's Word would have clearly communicated the day and timeframe.
What is important is that He did die and that He physically, bodily rose from the dead.
What is equally important is the reason He died—to take the punishment that all sinners deserve.
John 3:16 and 3:36 both proclaim that putting your trust in Him results in eternal life!
This is equally true whether He was crucified on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.
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And check out the details section below this video, there is one book I recommend, along
with several related articles.
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WHAT IF SE7EN WAS A G RATED MOVIE | Reverse Ratings - Duration: 5:20.
(thunder rumbling)
- All right, come on out.
Got a hall pass, kid?
Administration office, let's go.
- Somerset, I'm Mills. Vice Principal Ermey told me
you'd show me around. - Great.
Here, take this one off my hands.
- I don't think he likes you.
♪ (suspenseful music) ♪
- Dude, you should, like, get a smartphone or something.
Oh, I just got this! It's not a phone,
but it can pair with one if I, uh-- - (muffled groaning)
♪ (ominous music) ♪
- Is that...? - (Somerset) Junk food.
- (Mills gags)
- You... got a hall pass?
- I mean, how could you not have seen who did this?!
- Must have taken months to chew all this gum.
- Someone thought this through.
- (man on phone) Somerset, math class. We, uh--
You gotta just get over here.
- I was just trying to borrow a calculator!
I swear! I swear!
- You sure you can't delay graduation just a little bit
until we figure this out? - Give it to Mills.
He can handle it.
- Oh, one of the nurses found this in with the food.
Looks like a candy wrapper.
♪ (dramatic music) ♪
♪ (dramatic music intensifies) ♪
- The seven detention violations.
This is just the beginning.
- Oh! - Let me go to class, please.
- A year's worth of tardy slips.
- All records on student violations were printed out last week.
No name left, just a locker number.
- You ever see anything like this? (imitates guns firing)
- You love that thing, huh?
- I know freshmen probably shouldn't still be playing
with action figures, but dude, rechargeable battery,
full joint mobility, and you can pair it to your phone
for all kinds of pre-programmed moves!
- Wow. (phone vibrating)
- (man on phone) Somerset, you've just gotta see it
to believe it! - Oh, boy.
- (muffled groaning)
- (recorded voice, singsong) "I got an iPhone X and you didn't!
I got an iPhone X and you didn't!"
- Let me see that. - Hall monitors. Hall monitors.
HALL MONITORS!! You're looking for me.
- He fessed up to everything.
He even says he'll accept the suspension no questions asked.
All you've gotta do is take him
to some weird location by yourselves.
- (both) Something doesn't feel right.
- (Mills) Wow! This is the first time it's not raining.
- Mm, it's not much further.
There it is. - Wait here.
- You've made quite the life for yourself here.
- Shh.
- You should be very proud. - Shut up!
♪ (suspenseful music) ♪
- Mills! Let's get him back to the administration office!
- I wish I could've had a freshman year like yours.
Friends, a cool job, a shiny action figure.
- What did you say?
- (Somerset) Mills! Don't listen to what he's saying!
- I visited your locker this morning.
- (Somerset) You're rubber... - (bald kid) After you'd left,
I played with it. - (Somerset) ...and he's glue!
Oh, Mills! Mills! - It didn't work out,
so I took a souvenir... - (Somerset) Mills!
- ...its shiny head. - What's he talking about?
- Come on, Mills. Let's just--
- What's going on over there? Show me what's in the lunch box!
What's in the lunch box?!
- I'm sorry to tease you. I guess teasing is my violation.
- Oh! What's in the lunch box?!
What's in the freaking box?!
- (singsong) He just told you! He just told you!
- You lie! Liar, liar, pants on fire! Shut up!
- That's what he wants. He wants you to hit him!
- No, no! You tell me! You tell me that's not true!
That's not true! - Get detention, Mills.
- Shut up!
- Become... - Shut up!
- ...fighting. - Don't throw it all away.
Your mom can buy you another toy.
- She can try, but it might be tough since...
it was limited edition.
Oh, he didn't know. - Mills...
if you hit him, he will win.
- Oh gosh! Oh gosh!
That was (grunts) favorite action figure!
Stupid! (bald kid cries)
- So where you gonna be now?
- Graduating. Just...
♪ (dramatic music) ♪
What Happened to HULK in INFINITY WAR? Banner Hulk Avengers 4 - Duration: 4:08.
what is good Youtube Warstu here with a video on Marvel Avengers infinity war if
you're into the MCU also known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Avengers
infinity war make sure to scribe to never miss a
video so we're gonna talk about the Hulk in infinity war and what was wrong with
him what the hell was wrong with Hulk so careful for spoilers so at the start the
movie it starts on the as guardianship and Hulk gets into a fight with phallus
absolutely destroys him then if a know starts laughing and Hulk gets his ass
handed to him Heimdall sees this and Heindel send him
down to earth to warn the earth Avengers buy up the
Bifrost now that is perfectly fine Hulk being
scared of ballast is perfectly fine but when we have Iron Man who gets into a
fight with him and basically holds his own in fact makes a phallus bleed when
he's got four stones so fan ass beat Hulk easily when he's got one stone yet
Tony Stark Iron Man can hold his own when the man Titan has four stones yet
there's no logic here I don't know what the Russo brothers were actually
thinking here and what's even worse is when he gets to Wakanda he the famous
scene where Captain America tries to hold him off fellows punches Captain
America in the face when he's got five stones and a couple of seconds later he
is okay yet the Hulk is too terrified to Hulk out against Thanos which I
understand but when we had the kind of were Condon a final battle act
we had Corvus glaive down there we had black dwarf Hulk was too scared to fight
against the outriders Hulk was too scared to fight against anyone not just
ballasts which is very strange it's it's very disappointing because Hulk is such
a cool character not so much Bruce Banner but why is he too scared to Hulk
out against anyone I understand it's a split personality
but what is wrong with Hulk not only that the kind of directors miss miss
directors we had Hulk running with Captain America with Bucky and everyone
else but that wasn't even in the movie it's just disappointing for them to
click betas into thinking we're going to get sync we didn't see then
rumors about Hulk busting out of the Hulkbuster that didn't happen we did see
a scene where Hulk tried to come out and hoax like knurl I'm not coming out which
was kind of funny at guess in ways but come on guys what was wrong with Hulk
why didn't hold command and the other thing that was very disappointing was
the movie started with Thanos having the Power Stone in a throwaway line now
Xander is such a big part of the guardians of the galaxy one movie they
built up is and I'll the Power Stone was there I can't me what movie was but they
they said the Power Stone was with the Nova Corps so it was safe there until I
think was it thought I think it was Thor that said that Thanos had attacked Sun
dart and got the Power Stone but why couldn't they show us this it is a
massive movie they weren't short on a budget they could have spent whatever
it's just lazy in my opinion I love the movie I gave it a 9.5 at 10 my best
Marvel movie ever I don't care what anyone says it was such a good movie but
these two things annoy me the fact that Hulk was too scared yet Iron Man went
toe to toe with a spoke who's too scared to even fight the outriders to go
against call this glaive to go again to go against anyone it's just ridiculous
Hulk is the strongest Avenger which is odd really odd seeing his whole kind of
bashed Thor and in Thor comes down I know it's a new different version of
Thor but Thor comes down and bosses Stan off until he goes guru for the head core
guys let me know in the comments down below were you disappointed that there
was a problem with Hulk and the fact that we didn't get to see the Power
Stone get taken I was looking forward to seeing his and are once again anyway
guys I'm gonna be doing short videos like this all this week to do with
vengeance infinity war so I can put more content out for you guys anyway guys
please like subscribe and comment and I will catch you in another video very
soon guys catch ya later
House Chaplain Who Gave Prayer To Congress Was Forced To Resign For Prayer He Gave To Members - Duration: 4:36.
Heart patient Kaylee was reunited with her favourite nurse Emma - Duration: 2:00.
Hello! How are you?
Oh my gosh.
Nice to see you.
Are you alright?
You're looking amazing.
You have the patience of a saint, you really do.
Thank you so much.
You went beyond.
The time that you gave her a badge
and you were due to finish
and I thought you still came along and said that's me.
She didn't make it seem like a hospital,
she tried to make it seem like,
much more like a home,
instead of a hospital.
Like, you tried to make it less scary as well.
I think when you come into the hospital,
it's such a scary experience no matter what you come in for.
Coming in for heart surgery is a major major thing.
I'm feeling emotional.
Thank you so much for thinking of me,
It's so kind of you.
I remember you guys so well.
You were so brave.
You being mum and dad and big sister,
you know you're being a bit of everything.
So, we're the ones, that are not pushed to one side,
but we've got you take a step back and let you do your job.
Which is hard for you as it's your daughter at the end of the day
and I appreciate that must be hard for you as well,
putting your trust in someone.
Yeah, you had that element of kindness, it wasn't just work to you.
That makes a huge, huge difference.
You were just amazing throughout.
It was my absolute pleasure to look after you.
Every time we came for an appointment,
Kaylee has just been like,
is Emma in?
No, she is not in today.
She keeps missing you.
This job can be really tough sometimes,
especially working with children
that have to come in with operations
and in the hospital it can be extremely tough,
but hearing your thoughts and your feedback
and being able to see you,
see how well you're doing,
makes the whole job worth while.
So thank you.
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