hello friends 50 and welcome back to my channel today
we're going to talk about something that doesn't get talked about that much and
that is when your truck breaks down so hopefully this don't happen very
often but let's be realistic your truck that's gonna break down I have a partner
so we put 200,000 plus miles on a truck every single year stuffs gonna happen it
you know it's just part of it it's a machine and it breaks so when you
break down if it's something simple you might be able to get it fixed at this
guy or somewhere and they might be able to fix it you know fairly quickly and
you can just stay in your truck for me today that was not the case I am in
Stockton California and my truck broke down and it had to go to the dealership
to get repaired so I'm currently sitting in a motel right now if you are a
company driver then the company for your Montella room and generally if
you're with a good company they will still pay you a certain amount per day
for like your meals and stuff you know following week on your paycheck as
you're at like your per diem 3:00 for your lunches and stuff right so if
you're a lease operator or an owner operator then you have to pay for your
own hotel room and in general you won't get any per diem or anything like that
when you're broke down that's just a cost that you have to absorb so that's
what happens when you break down now what's that being said I literally
there's a turn right here beside of me I literally just open the window a little
bit so I can make this video because I was completely orange with this orange
wall frame because the lighting is so bad but you may not be in the best
neighborhood when you break down now we drove to a shop here in Stockton
actually the dealership and we're about two miles away which is where the
nearest you know motels were and I don't know I'm from the Midwest
and I always thought sunny California beaches and sand and surf and all that
good stuff right Hollywood whatever and I I'm in an
area where parently there are a lot of drug issues because there are a lot I
mean a lot of homeless drug addicts out there and you can tell that they're
they're drug addicts they're not right they you know I'm sure a lot of them
probably have mental illness but that's also something to think about you know
out here you aren't you in this situation in the motel that you're not
in the best neighborhoods but you'll also be in that situation in your truck
so as a female you need or male anybody you need to be prepared always be
conscientious of your surroundings and in my case I have a dog over there on
the bed she marks too much if anything because if anybody walks by and they can
hear and stuff you know the dog will bark at him so I feel pretty safe the
motel sign my motel has security walking around the parking lot there's a
restaurant next door and they have security walking around to make sure
that there aren't no people there that aren't supposed to be here people I went
outside earlier take the dogs out and you know I literally was watching watch
like three drug deals go on from I need to get back in so you know it's
an Ann Specter chucking a lot of times people don't talk about but you break
down you end up in a motel where do I say just in your truck you may not be in
their best neighborhood you know you might be somewhere where there's hookers
walking around everywhere beating on your door all night long where you're in
a motel room and it may not be the be the place that you would choose to stay
if you had the option but sometimes we don't have the option so this is just
what we have to do so you guys are the questions comments make sure and leave
it below and as always make sure to do something today but your future self
well thank you
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