As far as growth and understanding the changes and the trends
and really just learning tools and resources, that really started for me in social media.
I think the technologies that have been the biggest
game-changer for me as a teacher have been social media, primarily,
because it connects me to other teachers around the world.
Twitter is the most -- the best way to engage in professional development.
It's one of those neat things: You're in a Twitter chat
and I just feel like there's just this energy for the hour of the chat, typically.
It's the support and the connections that educators make with each other
that I think makes all the difference My, my network.
My community.
There are just so many awesome educators on all the different social media channels
so it's really helped me connect to a broader world of resources
and that's made me a better teacher and that's made the experience better for
my students We started off with don't have teacher accounts
that you connect with your kids and now it seems to be a shift and
in that shift, we're almost emphasizing the fact that
that PD is necessary.
And just talking to other educators learning from them, being able to bounce back
ideas and sometimes I might not know everything
so it's always someone else that's been in that
particular situation.
Those connections between themes can really help us to produce cross-curricular
connections in our own educational spaces,
so being open to what others are doing way outside your area is very important
But, to me, that's where I'm getting the ideas that's where I'm finding out the resources
it's other people.
Essentially, you're finding the people that are very passionate about being educators
they're taking time outside of their normal hours
to go and learn so that they can be the best for their kids
and when you're surrounded by people like that,
it's contagious.
With 7 billion people in the world, we all look like a dot on a map
but when we zoom out, and we start to connect the dots
then we start making a beautiful picture No teacher should have to reinvent the wheel
and I'm sort of paying it forward, or paying it backward maybe?
For everyone who helped me, I want to help everybody else, too.
so that we can stand on the shoulders of other people
who have done great work and help all of our kids be great learners.
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