Young Jesse: God, forgive me for not eating my broccoli.
Forgive me for sassing my daddy.
Forgive me for falling asleep at church.
God, forgive me for hitting Donny on the playground
even though he deserved it.
God, forgive me for thinking you ain't real.
Teenage Jesse: Forgive me for using your name in vain.
Forgive me for thinking dirty thoughts
about Ms. Hagerty.
Forgive me for falling asleep at church.
Forgive me for giving up.
Forgive me for being scared.
Forgive me for letting my daddy down.
-My daddy down. -My daddy down.
-God... -God, forgive me
for losing my temper. -...for losing my temper.
-Forgive me for not doing -- chores as best I could.
Forgive me for hurting Bobby Boyd,
though he had it coming.
Forgive me for not praying to you more.
-God... -God...
-God... -Forgive me thinking --
-Forgive me for thinking... ain't real.
Forgive me for touching myself.
Forgive me asking you
to kill my father and send him to hell.
...and send him to hell.
Adult Jesse: God, forgive me for having hate in my heart.
God, forgive me for shooting that Komodo dragon.
Forgive me for talking down to it.
God, forgive me for robbing that convenience store.
And that gas station. And that pawn broker.
-God, for robbing that zoo. -God...
God, forgive me for killing that security guard.
God, forgive me for losing my temper.
For taking a guy's eye out. For getting drunk
-For stealing cars. -Fighting, lying, drinking.
-Drinking, lying, beating, robbing, cheating.
Lying, drinking, fighting, punching, stealing.
God, forgive me for killing.
Imagine you could take 100,000 little, old ladies,
walk them back and forth across the street for 100 years,
and it still wouldn't get you off the hook for all that.
If you want to save your soul, you need to do something big.
You need to join me, Jesse.
People have done worse.
I bet you've done worse.
Perhaps one more.
[ Motor cranking ]
[ Panting ]
I'll ask you again, what's your name?
Jesse who?
That's a good boy.
Thank you, God.
Thank you God for?
Thank you, God, for killing my father
and bringing me home.
Okay, turn it off.
[ Cranking stops ]
Your grandma loves you.
Thank you, God, for killing my father and bringing me home.
[ Ribbon tapping ]
[ Sighs ]
You went to an awful lot of trouble for all this.
To show you that you're the right man for the job
and the job is right for you.
So, these are all my prayers.
Over all this time,
every single one.
I can make copies if you'd like to take them.
No, that's all right.
Why don't you just...
[voice deepens] shove them up your ass?
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