Robert Kiyosaki - you're in the right place at the right time with the right organization so
congratulations okay for those who have not even read Rich Dad Poor Dad or
business of 21st century a little bit my background my name is Robert Kiyosaki it
sounds like Kawasaki I wish it was Kawasaki I'd be some worthless playboy
in Tokyo you know spending daddy's money but I'm fourth generation Japanese
America which means I don't speak Japanese so please don't come up and
practice on me anyway so I was born in Hawaii and my father
the story of Rich Dad Poor Dad the true story my dad my real dad was the head of
education for the state very good man for our Japanese as apparently Tolly was
six foot four I'm the smallest of my family and my dad was a PhD he graduated
from the University in less than two years and went on to Stanford
northwestern and universe Chicago but I call it my poor dad very simply because
he was a hard-working man but no matter how hard he worked he never got a hit
how many people are parents like that and one of the reasons for that is
because our schools have no financial education our schools just tell you to
go to school and work for money so you work for guys like me
nothing wrong with it but I don't pay much well anyway that was my poor dad my
rich dad was my best friend's father and we live in a little town called Hilo
Hawaii and there was not much they do there so starting at the age of nine I
used to go to my rich dad's office and he would teach me about business and so
and so what you guys are doing here is not much different than what I was doing
I want to hang out with people who know where they're going so that's why you're
I've watched some of the speakers up here you know they've got swag man
they've got it they're really good so I would go listen to my rich dad at age
nine and he began teaching me why the rich get richer there was my only
question as a kid I wasn't really that interested in money but I was kind of
curious yeah how come some people are rich and why aren't most people poor
that was a simple question and every time I asked my school teacher I said
hey what do we go learn about money and a teacher would say never so why am i in
school and I said what all you have to do is go to school get good what and
you'll get a good and you can work and die but must have gone to the same
school yeah so it was just really curious why are some people rich and why
are some people poor that was the only thing so I'll be talking today about
it's just some of the lessons my rich dad taught me lessons that guided me all
my life because my poor dad left me with nothing which was good yeah at first
that was angry but it turned out it was the best thing it could have done for me
if he had given me money I would never have learned what I had to learn so what
I'll be talking today about is some of the lessons that are in front of you but
if I can encourage you to keep going you will get to a place that very few people
ever get to so that's why I'm here and I want to thank you guys for being here
and congratulations on your choice here
so I'm going to talk about where you guys are at or where we're all at today
my second book was a book called the cashflow quadrant and behalf of Chancery
at that one I think it's the possibly my most important book because it gives
people a chance to figure out whether our so when I was about 9 or 10 years
old my rich dad would just simply draw this diagram here and he would say II
yes be high and what he was saying was in the world of business there are four
different types of people he says for employee that stands for a
small business self-employed or specialist like doctors and lawyers big
stands for big business 500 employees or more and I stands for investor and I'm
want to talk about investor I don't mean a passive investor I don't need one of
those guys with a 401k full of junk you know I'm talking about active investors
most of these guys here are passive so the reason where you're sitting today
for someone is maybe their first time been to been to an event like this is
that when you say to a child go to school and get a job
they're being brainwashed or program to be an employee so when I was nine years
old and when I understood this every time the teacher said to me and says you
know Robert as I was having trouble in school here's my old man the head of a
school system and I'm flunking out you know having a bad time but Robert you're
flunking out I said yeah you know I looked out on writing and today my book
has sold more books than most people
anyway so when I was 15 I flunked out because I couldn't write so the teacher
says to me Robert guess what if you don't graduate you won't get a job
that's it oh that's good thank you and then my mother my poor mom you know she
comes up this is in a Robert plays piece she wanted to become what mother was a
nurse and she wanted me become a doctor medical doctor I said well there's only
one problem me being a doctor what's that I said estás for smart she says
you have a good point I guess you're not gonna be a doctor so the the good news
was that my Rich Dad was saying this was where life was found here anyway so
these are the four different types of people you know business owners I have
hundreds of different different companies hundred of different employees
working for them and I manage my own money I invest myself so all of you
today are sitting here with the potential of making it here and here and
you're gonna find out something that very few people ever know is school
teachers will never tell you this stuff so you'll find out some things why you
sit in the best spot right here and that this is the reason you're in the best
place because if you do what my poor dad wanted me to do what they don't tell you
in school even Business School is that if you're an employee and you have a job
you will pay 40 percent of your income to the government okay and if you're a
doctor or a lawyer or a small business person you will pay sixty percent to the
government and they don't tell you that so you guys who are sitting here today
wondering you know should I be here or here if this is not motivation I don't
know what is
worst of all if you live in the communist Republic of California this is
even higher phil mickelson lives down up the road
here Rancho Santa Fe and he was complaining because his went to 73
percent now he shouldn't complain cause he made forty five million but nobody
likes to pay that much in tax so for all of you right now who have friends saying
who is still in school you know we've gotta get a job I'm gonna be a lawyer
I'm gonna be a doctor and all this this is where they're cruising for and they
don't know that today you have a choice you have an opportunity to make some
choices in your life say I don't want to go there I don't want to be a slave to
the government
now I know there are some communists out there who are saying well these guys are
cheats that's not true you read my book here why eight students work for C
students and B students work for the government
you'll find out here the reason these guys pay the highest taxes is because
they're the greatest people on earth you know when people say to you the rich are
greedy that's the biggest lie there is
so what I cover in my book why a sentence is to be over here you have to
be very generous to get those tax breaks the reason I have tax breaks over here
is because I don't have a job I create jobs I don't own a house
I provide apartment houses for people
and I don't drive my car with burning gas and I provide oil for people so what
I'm saying to you ladies and gentlemen and this young revolution here you have
a chance to come here and here you can make the money here and leverage it into
this here you'll be a wealthier beyond your wildest dreams but what I'll be
talking about today is how not to fall into this trap so how many people have
friends were still in school hoping to find a high paying job in what they are
and it's not me was saying they're a loser the tax department is okay this is
and this is true all over the world but they don't tell you that at school
because they want you to have a job and work for these guys here so these guys
here the bees they pay twenty percent in tax that's huge you know we're making
about four or five million dollars a year that difference is a lot of money a
lot of money and over here so the thing is you all have this opportunity right
now I cover a little bit on this book here noting the Trump the book but I'm
trying to state you're in the right spot but you have to keep your mind open
understand what's going on here because look the reason these guys get the big
breaks is these guys don't have the guts to come over here so what I'm going to
be talking about for our few minutes with you today is what it takes to come
over here because we know when I left high school I was really disillusioned I
said you know I'm stupid I had flunked out of high school twice both times
because I can't write ironically but I had so I had bad grades but on high SAT
scores and with that I got two denominations to just Naval Academy at
Annapolis Maryland and the u.s. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point New York
but that was just for my college degree and I was get my degree so I said I'm
going to go to I'll go to his military school so I graduated and I had a very
high paying job when I graduated from Kings Point the Marine Academy back then
this is the 1969 my classmates were making about a hundred ten thousand a
year now that's not much money today but it was a lot of money back then yeah so
I was tempted I was making all of this money but I already knew my rich dad
said if I I'm over here I'll make more money but
make more money but pay less tax so simultaneously that's why I didn't fall
into this thing and I I worked not too far from here up in San Francisco
we're Standard Oil of California I was driving there tankers up and down the
west coast oil tankers as a ship's officer making a lot of money for a kid
you know I was 22 years old making him that back house only making about 45,000
goes my company was non-union if your Union make one hundred fifty to one
hundred ten thousand but anyway when mom still allowed me to come a doctor ugly
I'd be nuts you know so in 1969 when I graduated the Vietnam
War was still on and I felt kind of guilty you know I said am I for the war
or anti the war and I didn't have to go to war because I work for the oil
industry if you work for oil you don't have to do a lot of things so after
making a lot of money for about a few months I went you know I can't my
conscience couldn't stand it so as I volunteered for the US Marine Corps and
which proves I'm not smart but what
and then I went to flight school in Pensacola Florida and the war was
winding down picked with what to ears get my wings and I said what's the
fastest way to Vietnam you know I'm sitting in Florida and it said you can
fly jets you can fly this you can fly transports I said what's the fastest way
to Vietnam because our girls don't miss it and they
said helicopter gunships I said oh why idiot because they're dying that's what
I think we had the highest death rates going 30 days we're a dead
so I said sounds good to me so from from Florida they took me
straight up the street up here to Camp Pendleton California and I spent the
next year in Camp Pendleton those flying gunships going in and out in and out up
and down the mountains here although all the hippies hated Davis screw them you
know the flyer
and after a year straight to Vietnam and it was the best experience of my life
you know look at the aircraft carriers out here I was on the aircraft carriers
and we flew strikes into Vietnam and I went down three times and I tell you
about you don't need coffee for a while maintenance but it was you know I didn't
come back I'll screw it up I came back after and I was like
well now this is well this is why I'm talking to you guys here
what time I came back from Vietnam I couldn't go back here you know I was
saying if they can't kill me here they can't kill me here yeah I mean how
did this kind of a statment you know so I went into business and that's why I
became an entrepreneur that's what do you have an opportunity to do to what's
going to take that I take hard work it's not easy the trouble with these sob
I mean these people over here I still I still am a marine and I gonna tell my
language is these guys here need a frickin paycheck you know they cannot
survive without a paycheck on mommy and daddy's allowance that's why they don't
make it over here so the challenge for all of you you sit on the biggest
opportunity possibly in know what I mean BK has produced one of the best
companies I've ever seen
and if you effing up it's not his fault you know that if you don't have the wow
testicles you know so I'm be talking about say this is your job I want to
explain your job to you really simply your job is to convince these losers to
come over here
how many people have had a hard time talking to these losers on the site
the problem is they still have visions of paychecks floating in their heads
they do not understand entrepreneurship they can see a multi-million dollar
opportunity but I don't see a paycheck that's why their host living since you
guys here because they see the world from this side here this side here
there's no paycheck there's only extreme wealth and no taxes
another thing I thought was really funny this last past election I'm not
political you know I didn't care if Romney won I didn't care Obama won I
don't care cuz it doesn't make any difference because these guys run the
show anyway
but what I thought was really funny was it Obama is happy because I think he
made three million dollars and he paid twenty four percent in taxes something
and Romney made twenty four million I think and paid thirteen percent in tax
now both guys went to Harvard both guys have their master's degree but one pays
twenty four percent in tax and one pays only thirteen percent tax and the reason
is Obama things from this side and Romney things from this side so I'm not
saying when it's right or wrong I don't really care what I do care about is what
you want to grow up see if you want to do what mommy and daddy did and curl up
over here your host because guess what this economy is going to get worse you
know there's gonna be fewer and fewer jobs it's not the subject jobs are
moving overseas jobs are disappearing period when mr. Obama says that they've
got unemployment up and all this stuff they created 65 million job where he
says he doesn't say most of my low wage jobs so that's why you have college kids
working in low-wage so nothing wrong with that but they don't tell you the
truth here so they fix the so-called unemployment
problem but they're not gonna make much money in America today there's a hundred
and forty six millions Americans working for minimum wage as half the population
one hundred and forty six million Americans there's only three hundred
twenty five million Americans so they all have jobs over here they're not make
enough money and they're paying excessive tax if they make more money to
pay more tax that's nuts that's why I call them losers so your
job is to find religion and move over here I got it
so I'm gonna talk about four things for four lessons I've learned along the way
just four okay and hopefully they'll guide you over to the other side we can
help others died over to the other side lesson number one the word is fail okay
most people on this side are taught that to fail is bad that's why they're losers
look if you don't make mistakes you don't learn if you don't fail you don't
succeed so in school they're still teaching kids don't make mistakes
you know how stupid that is how do you learn if you don't make a mistake and
the more mistakes you make the smarter you get and reason I know that very well
as my poor debt break man like I said PhD has stood for poor helpless and
desperate Riley
my dad's over there he is so terrified of making a mistake
cuz that's what they teach you in school don't make mistakes
you don't watch a kid or a baby learning how to walk you know the kids crawling
along and it looks not me see mommy and daddy's looking like it stands up and
falls down why does the kid do because Oh screw it up
I think I'll try it again rolling
Pampers a loaded boom falls down it doesn't go oh I'm a failure
hey patient at school say
my friend had a huge fight justice us a few months ago in our school system and
I live in Arizona now and had a huge fight with them the teacher is giving
her daughter happy faces on her cheek if she makes no mistakes and my friend went
in there says hey don't let you teach that bullshit to my kid you know I want
my kid to fail so what I'm saying to you here is this when you're talking to
these guys on this side you have ringing in their little ears that's what they
teach you in school they teach you if you fail they're stupid
that is so anti learning it is beyond comprehension
when I was in flight school up here at Camp Pendleton we used to fly and I
thought was pretty good pilot but every single day we had minimum of four
emergencies it killed the engine do this do that we
practiced failing more than we did flying that's why we came back alive I
practiced this finish at this emergency at that convergence II ruling in on a
gun shoot taking a hit on this side fixing the thing I'm flying you know
that guy Sullenberger who was US Air he leaped off of LaGuardia or Kennedy
rabia's the engine quit we're in the water
that's all they trained us to do they trained pilots by teaching us how to
fail our school system teacher not to fail and that's why you have so many
people come in to you and they want to go onto your side but they're afraid of
fail that's the problem God talk to him the other part is so
this is the list of the lesson you got to teach him to fail faster
when I was talking to BK there tonight he's created a system that allows you to
fail faster more meetings you have you feel faster more people you talk to the
faster you fail the fast you failed the more successful you become and the
reason I learned that is when I came back from Vietnam 1973 you know I
decisions I'm going to talk to my am I gonna follow my poor dad's footsteps of
my rich dad's footsteps and in 1970 I said I'm gonna I'm gonna join my rich
dad and so my wrist dad said to me which is why you guys are here if you're going
to learn how to be an entrepreneur you've got a cell you've got to learn to
handle rejection you've got to learn to deal with people and I said oh my god I
don't want to sell he said then you can't be an entrepreneur you know Mike -
my poor dad school teacher sells a four letter word and so I sat there talking
to my rich dad is there another way because know if you can't sell you'll
never be rich you'll never will be rich a lot of age
students are not rich because again still they can't handle rejection and as
I don't want to do it is this okay well you're not gonna be rich so here in 1973
my Marine pilot you know think am John Wayne this Robert Irish that said he
says so you don't want to sell us it no so let me ask a personal question I said
what rich that says how's your sex life
I said pretty bad because I suppose you can't sell
it says worst of all Robert if you never learn to sell you won't be rich and
you'll never get laid
so it's one of those life-changing moments you know I know it wasn't the
rich it was never getting waves I gotta go
cuz I was one of these guys you know I was like up here the guy at the bar John
Wayne you know pilots outfit on thinking I'm you know Tom Cruise or something but
I'm so scared I can't walk up to the girl I'm looking good and going home
alone you know so with that my rich dad says we'll learn to sell so I said okay
so that's why I got on the Marine Corps in 74 and I got hired by two companies
IBM and Xerox and both that sales training programs I took to Xerox and so
I went to the Xerox went to the best sale school in Virginia you know they
all does to pay me back to Hawaii and I start to fail and I fail because I'm
still too afraid and I fail fail fail send him back to school again more
training but I still fail as I'm still too afraid I'm sitting I going holy
Christ and with my rich dad said to me is this Robert how many sales calls you
make a day I said three this is you have to feel faster and this is the key to
success fail faster so you said to me he says you better get your sales calls
up to at least thirty a day so she you're you know thirty as a hominin
doing this thing gonna hit so I went to work for a non-profit at night so I
worked with Xerox and I make maybe three sales calls a day and at night that's
some seven to ten I would sit there dialing for dollars somebody told me
they work for a phone bank well that's good training so I said it go every
night else when I was going to make 30 calls a night now I feel just as much
but ironically my money went up I started doing better at work
at Xerox so the more you fail the more successful you become everybody got that
hello so it turns your partner and say feel faster
number two key to success change a lot of people want mr. Obama to change or
the tax law has to change but one of the things I found out along my life was
that I had to change faster and one of the reasons I support network network
marketing success magazine all they do is because this organizations into
personal development many people want the world to change but you're going to
change yourself first okay if you will focus on changing yourself first rather
than blaming the world for your incompetence every better chance of
making it so change first just last last week my wife Kim and I
spent were seven days on the ranch in Texas on personal development ourselves
if I want to change the world I changed me
so the third thing and that's why when I came back from Vietnam I got into a lot
of trouble I was so close in Hawaii they stationed
him back in Hawaii at Marine Corps Air Station honey only had one more year of
my contract and I thought I was John Wayne and the problem I had was because
I was so cocky I got into a lot of trouble in my trouble I mean they have
no sense of humor you know I mean just because I was flying from there's no big
deal you know I was machine gunning animals out of my helicopter so when
they caught me I like to see there's nothing wrong with machine gunning
animals out of a helicopter nothing wrong with flying truck lying is a
problem very big problems a character flaw so here I'm going be
court-martialed I'm sitting there this is true story I hate to tell you it's
true but it's true and I think at the court-martial now is going to beat the
charges and a friend of mine says that's the problem with you if you beat the
charges you're still a liar so with that I went to a personal development
workshop back then it was called STS J today is called landmark and stuff like
this there's also 20 of Robins of these guys
20 20 Tony is be a partner of mine back in the
80s has then so much at the personal development maybe he can walk on fire
with Tony you can change anything so I went to this program called asked and I
found out what a liar I was the lying most of my life you know
so with that change I came back in I called the prosecutor up I'm up on
charges in Hawaii you know for for flying shootings drinking that's a
captain Abrams the baddest trying to send me to jail he says yes I said I'm
come in to tell you the truth it was really
so yeah I'm gonna tell you the truth is I mean that's crazy
so I went all the way back to 'county oh he ranked Herrera station
he sat me down put up a sanaka a court reporter and I told the guy the truth
the whole truth
I mean machine-gunning animals was only a lightweight stuff I was doing at the
end of it I think I lost 30 pounds in a way because I've been lying so much and
they said as I looked at captain I said guess I'm going to jail right and the
captain said no thank you
that's an example of what things to change first I must change and that's
something I live by so you guys are in a very important organization here because
they're very much into personal development but you had the guy be want
to change you cannot blame the system cannot blame them the comp plan the
economy the customer it's only you everybody got that
congratulations number three
Mary Mary B's nice
don't make the mistake of marrying somebody on this side here if you are
successful over here and you marry somebody over here you'll know what hell
is like
I want to bring up for you right now is my sweetheart he's off of a book here
rich woman that's why my skin care package
thank you thank you very much I know she didn't marry me for my money
because why we met I was put that bromine not not only broke about half a
million in debt from a previous business I started the nylon and velcro strip
from all that business and we're really successful with the business crash
analyst I was stuck with all the debt and in loans that's when I met her you
know I was flat broke and I said I'm gonna follow my dreams and I'm gonna
move to San Diego so back in 1985 for end of 1984 we fell in love in 1984 1985
was the worst year of our lives but once you tell them about how good I became a
hi I would say this I just want to let you know my Rich Dad was right you know
I would say I'm lucky but he's luckier
how many times did you turn me down you asked me out for six months she turns
she said no for six freaking months if I hadn't gone for what I'm encourage you
guys to go through rejection and ministry humiliation but it was worth it
yeah I saw I saw her she was living in Hot Lotto how's that
been hot little I saw her I thought God has been good you know and all this
stuff so much asked her out and she said no so again you know all my sales
training came and when asked again she says no no well what happened finally
obviously obviously no finally he would send me cards he'd send me postcards
he'd send me flowers he'd send me balloons yeah I was changing fast I
tried I tried begging baby please please you know didn't work try something else
you know so when you guys are out there showing the business plan be flexible
change wait say it differently so finally one night I'm like oh maybe if I
just say yes then he'll go away so I said yes and I pull up to your apartment
on the beach and previous to that he had asked my best friend at the time who
happened to be an old girlfriend of his
the plot thickens let me let me explain here okay guys
when I said change you know I mean I kept this obviously this direct frontal
of swamp assault was not working so I decided I think I'll do some market
research I mean she was worth it so what I did was I called around and said her
name was Kim Meyer at the time what can you tell me about Kim Meyer of
course my friends so one day they said what do you know who her best friend is
I said no my friend said I said not really religious but I dropped to my
knees and said thank you Jesus I appreciate this and other stuff so I
called my little girl friend up and she says you scumbag what do you want and
she told you you said what what does Kim like and he says oh she likes walks well
what I don't like what I didn't like is in in Hawaii especially the guys would
go oh let's you know let's go out let's go to the outer Island okay we're
in Honolulu let's go to Maui let's go to Kauai and we all women we all know what
that means right yes one hotel room yes how many guys
have tried that approach yeah so Karen says oh she just loves walks on
the beach and champagne that's her favorite thing someone Hall she likes a
champagne and walks on the beach I said man that's good that's cheap I can
handle that
okay so he's done his market research I pull up to his apartment which happens
to be a condo right on Waikiki Beach a beautiful beautiful building and I get
out of the car and there's a valet there's a restaurant there there's a
valet and I get out of my little yellow Toyota Celica
and the valet comes up and goes oh you must be Kim like yeah oh Roberts
expecting you let me show you to his apartment yeah five bucks the valet was
laying it on apartment we talked a little bit and then we go down to the
restaurant which is the nicest restaurant in all of Waikiki right on
the beach and we get there in the maitre d says Oh mr. Kiyosaki we have your
table right by the beach wait ready for you and the champagne is chilling make a
notes that's good like that I'm just 25 bucks for the champagne that
was well this was back in 84 and then it's
iced tell the truth there this Maitre D' in the middle of it we're talking in the
maitre d says Oh mr. Kiyosaki it's such a lovely evening why don't you and your
date take your champagne and go for a nice
walk on the catching scores
and we have been together ever since
so I just want to take a very quick moment I just want to not I wanted
number one I just I'm so thrilled to see so many women here today I really
believe you guys can start the women's revolution no doubt what's up wpr but I
you know I wrote I wrote the book rich woman because I really really believe
and I'm really passionate about educating and encouraging women to be
financially independent business independent and I don't think the web
let me ask the women do you want to be dependent on somebody else men do you
want men do you want the women dependent on you
Wow right we are in the right place so
so I was talking to a few women right before we went on stage here and I asked
him what was going on in and they said you know sometimes being in business I
get a little intimidated they're a little overwhelmed sometimes I feel like
we're not being taken seriously how many women have had that experience okay
great good because I just want to say for me you know I started as an employee
I started in the e Quadrant and then went to after I had an advert I worked
in an advertising agency I got fired I was not that I really had a hard time
being told what to do not fired once fired twice by the way and then I went
into advertising sales and this is why I love this business this is why BK and
his whole team is doing such a fantastic job because when I went into advertising
sales I knew nothing I had no training no business training no personal
development training and I had no support team and those are the three
things that you're gonna get that you're getting here now that that I never had
and really I think this is why you're gonna be why there's so much success
happening here are because of those three things alone the support system
the personal development and the business system
so I didn't have that and I'd go knock on doors and I had was intimidated and I
was scared and I was frustrated and when I got really frustrated I'd pull out the
little sex appeal card you know what I'm talking about women yeah oh yeah I could
I'll flirt a little bit oh yeah yeah I'll go out to lunch with you sure sure
sure yet what I found out that did for me is well every time I did I felt like
crap you know because I was saying to myself I have to use this crutch I'm not
strong enough to have the skills and the talent and the guts to go out and do
what I need to do and it actually made me less of who I was not more of Who I
am and I'm what I'm getting here with all of you the support that you're
saying you're building up each and every one of you to be more of who you are not
less than who you are all right so I just want to say for the women if you're
if sometimes if you get sound seems a little intimidating or a little
overwhelming sometimes you got a no reach down and and make that change and
fail faster and all of that you've got it you're also going to find your way to
do it you know you're gonna find your way because there's not one way my way
is certainly not robert's way you know I'm not the Marine Corps way and your
way is not there's a lot of great leaders who have been speaking here
today and they found their way to do it and you're gonna find that as you go
along so I just want to say to the women and to everybody here I can't I think
you're in the right place at the right time BK you're doing a fantastic job in
leading this company and I just see great great success for all of you and
I'm honored honored to be here to speak with you today and and women just go
kick some butt
the Catholic employee and yes he is a good salesman
so what Kim did I say by my first question to her is what do you want to
do with your life he says I want to be an entrepreneur and that's when I knew I
had the perfect person if she had said I want to be a housewife you've been Aloha
next one it's so much fun because I you know I I didn't have any money when we
we met because I lost my first business but didn't stop her when she and I moved
here to San Diego with nothing were homeless upon del Mar Beach for about a
week but we kept going she didn't quit on me and then if by nineteen eighty
dollars 1984-1986 we got married and we honeymoon right here next door this
and it's now been 27 years so the final word is this push tell you a quick story
the one thing wonderful about the Marine Corps or flying is that they teach
emergence appreciated emergency emergency emergency they want you to
practice sail sail sail sail sail so it was an agreement between my co-pilot and
ice Ted green lieutenant I agree that every
day we would fail more so while the Marine Corps required us to fail four
times we would fail maybe 10 times a day on our missions so by the time we got to
Vietnam you know we're pretty good at failing and so on this one day is one
mission we were flying with when you was a sep 19 72 when you were going to lose
the war and we're fighting for a village called Quang tree which is just south of
the Demilitarized Zone and it's really crummy yeah because we've every time
every time before the flight I would go up on the deck and I'd ask myself you
know if this is the last day after tomorrow is the last day of my life how
do I live it all of us a coward I'm gonna kick ass tomorrow so so I go down
and then we take off and so there's one thing we're flying around the gunships
go up first then come the 46s which is the twin motors and they'd load the
troops out and the forty-sixth start to look lift and it's really nervous taking
fire from here no no and the gunship is just flying around this we just escort
the transports in and then the jolly greens come up a big big ones the sea
stallions and they start that's what they put the bulk of the troops in there
so I'm flying around watching all this stuff we're 27 miles out at sea off the
coast of North northern South get down and suddenly out of the quarter my eyes
because in all the times I was practicing this one advanced pilot
captain Forester he says when you see that thing go stand up bend over and
kiss your ass good-bye you're going there's no Z you're going down
that's that hope I hope it's not true yeah but because we had practiced so
much all some angles so in that night a little a little healing we have two
machine guns on each side to waste guns with the total of six machine guns
thirty-six Rockets ammo cans all over the place and a crew of five so when
that ends I'm like the home all the warning lights glow Fingal's now this is
where preparation comes from when that engine quit and the engine aircraft son
feels like our first inclination is to pull back as the first pull back hope
this is not happening but what they trained us to do let's push forward and
that split second and I mean split second it's why I'm alive today
all those times practicing practicing practicing the moment that engine quit
everything my body screamed pulled back but what they had trained us to do
push forward that's my way of saying is ladies and gentlemen when doubt and fear
and wondering am I in the right place the right time
that's signaling you're pulling back always remember
push forward call for help ask somebody what they said was engine quit and up
until that moment they said I sounded like John Wayne the moment Anjan quit I
sounded like soprano so I had a sex-change up there or something but I
still push forward I held the thing forward and pilots calling up looking at
the eyes of death because I'm now looking straight down with the water
coming up and I'm going jettison the guns that throwing the machine guns off
the side kicking the Rockets out throwing the ammo cans out doors are
coming off and we're coming down at high speed and just got it I'm watching I'm
marrying my needles this hole hole hole hole I can see the water coming up at
the last minute pull back very gently the air comes like this straight for the
water and just glide so this day I can still see the glide
it's silent and all I'm saying to myself is holy Sh
they come up and then in air speeds bleeding bleeding bleeding at the last
minute pull back rock their craft up push the nose for it
pull hard it goes and it settles into the water and the blade hits there's the
whole engine off comes Wow comes through the cockpit it blows a cockpit apart and
we're rolling now not too proud of this but lieutenant greens on the right I'm
on the left so what I'm sitting there deciding should I roll it to the right
I ruled until the right and I got out I think I can still see the water swirling
around and coming out by and we're going down you know pop up one two three
so let's myself to Crete Chiefs to Gunners and one crew chief and we go
where is rain where's ringing oh no I killed rain and the water is boiling and
all this stuff where it's green you know you can't go down cause the thing that's
so far also hit this
and I'm hugging him anyway ladies and gentlemen we're alive today
so when almost remember this when in doubt push forward thank you very much
you guys
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