Let's Play The Long Dark Story Mode - Wintermute - Blind
Dark Tower Cocktails LIVE! - This Doesn't Suck! - Duration: 1:20:39.-------------------------------------------
"Dark corners of the map" Achievement guide + English subtitles - Duration: 1:18.Defeat Shadowmaw on Normal dificulty before leaving Greece
The monster needed can be located in a cave in location Phocian Swamps
between Greek cities Megara and Delphi
Here is Megara city
And here is Delphi city
The distance from Delphi to the wanted cave is much smaller
The probability of Shadowmaw appearing is not 100%,
so you might need several runs
The achievement text implies you starting a new character,
but i didn't have to do this
That's all, thanks for watching!
Doc Marquis - Dark Rites and Rituals of the Bohemian Grove - Duration: 28:30.Thank you for joining us today at prophecy in the
news I'm your host Kevin Clarkson I'm joined in the
studio today by Doc Marquis He's an old friend
of our ministry but he has recently just been with us
in programs and we want to welcome you again today
thank you.
We have introduced you but let me do it for those
that may not have caught earlier shows of you with
this you were raised in a family that's connected to
the Illuminati as a young man and you've had a
ministry of teaching the Bible especially with an
emphasis on prophecy but from the side of being
able to expose some of the things that are going on
really in the dark work of Satan.
Well I've been doing this now ever since you
mentioned I was a born again Christian April
fifteenth one thousand nine hundred eighty nine
and I severed all ties with the order of the
Illuminati at that point I mean and when I tell you I
was completely disowned and be one in everything
yeah it's only the Illuminati alive if you're
fortunate you can never look back yeah you know do
you ever have to fear for any kind of reprisal or
does it's you know I'm not disowned then it may or
doesn't bother me in the only thank you type in the
LORD Well let's just say you see if this is a point
the exact split second time you and I live in and
somewhere down the voters point B.
When God calls me home one way or the other it's
through the Vatican through a natural and
unnatural death well no matter how powerful you
know the Illuminati believe they are they
can't alter what got him in a scene by one second
mile let's not but nothing to worry about I'm going
to leave on time well amen Well I've got to say I met
you a few years ago but I remember hearing about
this guy and he was from the Illuminati and seemed
a little bit intimidating or scary and I met you and
there you were just.
You're such a pleasant happy person and I say
that because I have a friend that was raised As
a former terrorist and he's come to Christ but
he's about six foot four and always wears solid
black and white and black hair and when he walks in
you're kind of go and this guy really converted or
not you know he's got the appearance so what it what
a treat to have you we're going to be talking today
about really the end of Christ and some of the
magic mystic rist rituals that are sort of a part of
the whole Illuminati ceremonies even the
Bohemian Grove Oh yeah of our listeners may be
familiar with we have shows yet to do about the
Olympic Games that they will want to catch but
let's just kind of dive in you teach about the
arrival of the end of Christ yes you know
because right now we are living in a prophetical
time in which you and I both know this is it this
is the end times that the Bible is telling us about
I mean it's close it seems in every way you know and
last I don't know about you but I know in the last
five seven years I've been sensing something in the
air as they say you can tell something I'm kind of
sensitive to do that you know that word and it's
inside but you defended it so here it yeah you just
can't put your finger on it but you know whatever
it is it's big
and I think you know maybe some of us I begin to
That preeminent this final that.
It could very well be that because the way things are
lining up prophetically speaking right now we have
at that point and biblical history in which we're
going to see the propel many of the final
prophecies and then of course that's the final
and then the wode is handed over to the
anti-Christ for the next seven years I mean.
Stop lying it's expected.
But still all these things make you wonder and that's
just part of the math you see and wonder of God you
know you think you've got it but you hope you've got
of your sense and things and all this other stuff
but is it here in all this.
Well the most dramatic appearance of the head of
Christ I know of in scriptures in Revelation
thirteen where John sees a beast rising up out of the
Yeah and you know the funny thing in in the
order of the Illuminati.
I was told back in sixty nine to sixty men now.
That he had been born looking sixteen oh yeah so
we're talking forty eight years ago yeah now I
understand in the Illuminati they don't call
him the anti christ and probably the believer
savior he's referred to as the king of the death
spots the king of the death but at this spot a
low one.
Evolved filthy disgusting type of individual you
know this body you know he is with as the king of all
those type people.
You know anti christ that is a Christian term it's
not a term you found right in the Illuminati and when
we look at the script so carefully just as you
point it out in the relation kept the three
and also Daniel Chapter eleven especially gives a
good description of you know what you can expect
to see from this individual and it is
interest it is an interesting fact.
When we look at the Illuminati playing cards
we find out a lot of information about the into
crisis among the things there let's mention back
up about the playing cards you know we discussed
those before but some may not have heard that well
the Illuminati playing it's supposed to be just
of regular COD game you know like magic for
VO pokey man things like that what people didn't
realize that in one thousand eight to one the
two have only three and that was just three years
I had been saved and when I first saw those cars
they knew what they were these were the well laid
out plans of the auto the Illuminati.
To give their all their followers and people in
the you know warming what to expect this is going to
happen you know get out of the way prepare yourself
for this and all this other stuff and then
coated inside information actually and you have to
beat a lot of the cards carefully also to
understand what's really going on but these cards
also a lot of them to things that you and I when
I'm the stand to have been mentioned in the Bible
especially when they came to D.
Christ Himself the type of counter he'd be how he
would be the see you know eventually as you know
cast magic person at first and then the new messiah
and there are cards that say that exactly and you
could see.
How he's portrayed in everything.
And so what we see in those cards line up
perfectly as I said with evolution Chapter thirteen
in the course and Chapter eleven where he's
described as a ferocious beast I guess oh yeah he's
also described in Daniel in some very interesting
ways well yeah he changes times and seasons
and he does not worship the god of this five is
right he obviously was you know got a fortress as the
forces force and that's part of one of the names
of the ancient gods and.
So we know that he's worshipping.
Devil worshiper and a member at all says the God
of his father so you know he's Jewish by lineage
right because that is the god if this.
Yes it goes back to Revelation Chapter two and
three wood says you know that they profess
themselves to be Jews but I'm not but I will the
Synagogue of Satan all right he's just like the
head of the order of the Illuminati this soon to
evolve into Christ figure now interested enough if
we take a study that carefully now we find out
whether this into Christ figure is that person a
politically unknown individual but seemingly
has an overnight meteoric rise he's able to solve
seemingly all the problems of the world and it's
going to be hailed as the new messiah especially
since he makes that seventy a peace treaty
with Israel for no Italy's peace Yeah no one's been
able to do that so this would be you know the
biggest culmination of his career if you want to look
at that way but we know it gets much worse once he
had this into the third temple and sits upon the
throne of David proclaiming themself to be
as God Second as loans to us so there you have the
biggest blasphemy of all his oh yeah I mean this is
beyond you know the pale but this is not unusual
and the funny thing is all these things believe in
not also believed by most members in the order of
the Masons see that right where you are you see Mesa
doing does not go all the way back to the building
of the tower I mean the Temple of Solomon as they
themselves will tell you that's not to true the
first historic temple we know about was built was
the Aberdeen lodge in Scotland in seven hundred
seventeen the long and short of it the rich
people the people with money took over the
temples to be genuine stone masons out
and became accepted Masons All right you know that's
the long and short of it but it would be about
seven decades later this and seven hundred eighty
six when.
Dr Adam by a substantive right hand man Baron add
up Montenegro to me with the twenty three
representatives of the Masonic world at that time
now after meaning together for thirty different
sessions those representatives signed a
blood contract bowing to fall of the seven part
plan of the order of the Illuminati to create a new
world order what was their motivation for that was it
that they so believed that that was their destiny or
did they receive some kind of kick back or.
More than anything else it was power.
For sort it would have been power more than
anything else because each of which people to begin
with nobleman they were learning they knew the
knots and everything else but for them it really was
all about the power
and ever since seven hundred eighty six the
Illuminati have been working through the
Masonic temples they never had to build their own
meaning lodges of anything no they were they've been
walking through the Masonic Lodges to this
very day
and if you go into the actual books of the Masons
now I have more than one hundred more than a
hundred of their own books in my personal life and
quite a number of them a coded but I can read them.
And when you read through the books themselves and I
give the D.
-A in this too and I use nothing but MOST sonic
literature to prove this not only do they want
nothing to do with Christ Himself they deny him
and they identify their god as Lucifer.
But you don't find these things out until you get
up early and yes you see I rather suspect there are a
lot of lower level masons who have no idea oh from
bursary to your degree I mean that's like walking
into kindergarten you know you go at you know you're
in the Blue Lodge.
And the first degree is known as the until
Apprentice you just entered in as an
apprentice per se
and then this you accepted.
Mason and Master Mason the first three degrees as a
secure just walk into the kindergarten even Pike
himself he voted in a letter once that said that
which was a second.
Yeah General Albert Pike himself he said You may
repeat it to the brotherhood of the thirty
if there is a second not to the first or second
third or third degree that the Masonic religion
should be held by all of us initiates in the purity
of the loose of doctrine.
That's the doctrine of the Illuminati the Luciferian
You go as a says when I could have this D.
I took all those books I pulled everything out that
was related to all the questions people have
asked you know is it really a religion to begin
with they themselves Caddick both police state
in I mean when or how many books that Mason me is a
religion they state it is a religion now that it has
nothing to do with Christianity it is not
based upon Christianity because it promotes
Christian it would be something else.
They also.
Reject the teachings of the Bible.
They think of the bible believing not just so much
window dressing.
In other words if you live.
In America and you have a Masonic lot well the
window dressing would be the Bible but if you live
let's say in the Middle East the window dressing
would be the Qur'an it just depend it's part of
your culture right so we'll just set up make
them look good but that's it it's just window
dressing it's.
I mean it's nothing to deceive there would appear
and what that says it is you know it gives you that
and on and on and on the books themselves damn
those people who are in the Masonic lodges because
if you again when you go through the books.
The only way of salvation guaranteed salvation is to
learn about the light of Masonry because the light
is what will lead to more on that at the end.
So you can have such a caliphate or you'll be
masquerade as an angel of what doesn't well it goes
even further than this because.
A lot of the Masons as a said.
The Masonic Lodges are used by the illuminati to
work through but that's not the only place they
work do they have this one place in California you
might have heard of it's known as the P.
Me oh yeah right that's what I call the Illuminati
version of a summer camp it's where you know some
of the most powerful people in this world meet
put two or three weeks every summer to just Gus
the new plans that they have that's going to
affect you and I.
And at this particular summit camp and it is true
I've seen this before.
There is a forty foot.
Our all in and that the globe itself.
In which they are holding these ancient ceremonies
one in particular is known as The Cremation of Care.
Now I did do a D.
and the one thing that I can definitely tell you is
that the cremation of Kim it's a genuine a call to a
will I broke it down and I showed that people just
To toot a genuine which oh and compare it to the
commission affair
and every single spot just at top it's all the same
But it's here that for the time as this is that they
will make some of the biggest planned now that I
think of it.
The idea for the Manhattan Project began after the
baby mean though is that right yes some of the.
President's quite a number of them were there Papa
Bush and Baby Bush.
I know will drag and I know he's attended.
To Kubrick the mic Mr Nelson kind of was there.
And this is where some of the most important
decisions in life is made it was it was at.
The beginning though these are key leaders in the
world yes or oh even kings have been princes.
And won't leave is as you pointed out and it was
there also that.
Ronald Reagan not to run against Vick Nixon you
know for the presidency that time around.
Of course Bill Clinton.
And this ice as I said this is where some of the
greatest decisions.
Made by
and that somewhere between two thousand to twenty
five hundred people in the one of the Illuminati the
big wigs the power pocus will meet and and this is
very much a secure meeting public it's a little.
My going to see a lot of people secure and have a
child access down the main road into it always
stopped if they go beyond a certain point there will
be a vested the only person that successfully
made it through once was Alex.
Ends and he tried again and he got to his yes
friends that we're with and one of us he did once
I think get some footage Oh yeah there's no doubt
of it
but I've seen I don't remember who Acosta David
Gergen was.
An interesting fellow he's on seeing it in sometimes
but he was an advisor to the Republicans and then
he flipped and became an advisor to the Democrats
and he was accosted on the street by a reporter
and they brought up where you were at the Bohemian
Grove and he stopped just short and for a second
look scared to death and then he said I don't know
where you get your information but that's
your business and he turned and walked away
Well I think it was Papa Bush that on T.
He was asked the same thing and he says what I
tell you about it but it's a secret can't you know
and he just kept dodging the question but oh yeah
yeah potential.
But this creation of testimony.
That's call for.
A sacrifice and everything of a human yet we see the
one thing Alex Jones missed Upon this he didn't
understand of ritual this is a very well formulated
ritual it's definitely a solid
and yeah this is a ritual that you could sacrifice
someone to mock If you want to do yeah since he
called you see the thing is he mistook the owl to
be Mohawk that's not mock that's that's.
The part of wisdom that belongs to polish the
thing that.
Yeah but I'm Since a bird represents knowledge and
wisdom the Illuminati took that symbol because if you
In the wood Illuminati mean that there was a
blank with the wise ones that's why they have that
owl as a symbol.
On that our list specifically toes and.
To be the totem animal weapons and taking.
That light and with them the burnt up like with.
Well let me just interrupt this right here we're
talking to Dr Markey today former member of the
Illuminati save gloriously by Jesus as a young man
and pulled out of that but sharing based on his
knowledge of the occult and research as a Bible
prophecy scholar now for over thirty years forty
He's sharing with us about the Illuminati and some of
their rituals we actually are offering four of his
products today as the DVD.
Sets this is their arrival of the end of Christ which
we started the program speaking about this whole
and how the man of sin will be revealed the final
world dictator set up really by this whole
process of these nefarious dark players in our world
this is several hours of teaching and then
following that up magic mysticism and masonry
about some of the ritual spells ceremonies it's
cetera that are involved and even ties into the
upper levels of masonry and why the lower levels
need to be aware of this
and then as we just discussed the Bohemians
know takes place every year in Northern
California and quite a bit each of these is several
hours of presentations with photos and all kinds
of pictorial information and then one will get to
next but the Protocols of Zion on which tries to
paint the world under control of a Jewish
conspiracy which fuels some of these and goes the
wrong way because we do know that Israel is in
God's prophetic plan and so that there's a higher
word than anything that man planned but these are
offered and each one of these is nine hundred
Plus shipping and handling or offering the four is a
bundle for seventy four ninety five as always you
go to our website prophecy the News dot com
or call the eight hundred number on your screen
while you're there check out Doc's soon to be
published book The Final Rapture this will actually
come out into stores and be mailed shipping out in
October and it is about the biblical rapture it's
a great case that we the saints of God are raptured
before the tribulation begins I wrote the forward
so you know how I feel about that anyway let's
let's jump back to either We've got five minutes or
so let's let's consider maybe anything else you
want to say about the Bohemian Grove and then
the Protocols of.
Well I was saying that between me and grow
themselves itself is.
Two thousand to twenty five hundred of the most
powerful political Bocas
and members of the Illuminati will meet every
year put to the week it's an international crowd it
is international it literally spent the whole
And the one thing that all me and right I was doing
women I thought say women not allowed they're the
Illuminati as I explained on a video show not
too long ago is still full of the most pot
and all boys club you know it's a good ole boys club
no woman is allowed you know just like.
Spanking or not Jang the I mean when you say this
club you know that thing.
And that's the reason why.
The Clinton did not become the president.
Yeah people everyone was saying it was going to be
and as soon as I knew she was going to run I knew
well if he is.
Whether they have a public and that's going to be a
champion Yeah I knew it then.
You know P.
Maybe one of them he and everyone else.
May think that OK it's time for a female
president No I knew was going to happen so now
Margaret Thatcher the British mindset there was
For a female leader
but the Illuminati would not give up the most
powerful seat in the world to a female specially such
an ambitious for you know and in this case they
couldn't stop the person right who got it was
Donald Trump That's what I love most about it the
person they want to go to and the person that they
didn't wanted to they lost it to Anyway well you know
we know from the Bible that they're in game is
going to come about
but at this present moment it looks like they've had
to take a step back even themselves kind of by the
way things have tilted it's exactly what I think
it's the church is opportunity to continue to
pray for just a crack in the door for some revival
for an awakening and I'm sure people to do that and
then God's plan is going to happen and we can't
stop it we don't know what we've got a four to
sixteen year window of opportunity here that now
to stand up as the children of God more than
likely the.
Final and last remnant that he said he wouldn't
give us
and speak up for Christianity for price for
his Would right now
and better than that for him we've got to take the
opportunity now while we still got the chance and
the time will dock in a minute or so what would
you tell us just about the Protocols of Zion on any
bearing it as the Protocols of Zion are not
what they appear to be most people believe it
represents a.
Jewish Zionist conspiracy and doesn't what most
people don't realize it's a coded document those but
Illuminati Dr Nick you're leading those actual
A minute to the meeting of the Illuminati themselves
that was stolen by a child lady who worked for a high
ranking Mason who was in the Illuminati that's how
it came into existence and what no one realized it
was coded people nowadays are beating it and saying.
No I'm gonna know that's code you don't know what
that to talk with does once you do it's a
historical nightmare holidays that haven't hit
yet but they have planned state they will do for you
explore that in depth if you win this Oh yes.
Well that's fascinating Well where do you see
things going if we don't have a spiritual awakening
and we continue on the you know train track toward go
global ism What do you see happening immediately well
I guarantee you that.
Going by the ancient timelines I remember that
the Illuminati had plans and everything.
Between twenty twenty eight and twenty thirty
this is when according to those timelines they'll
have everything in the back of their pockets now
that means they could now move at a whim.
So I'm thinking when I can see the vice president
Mike Pence and Donald Trump can represent a port
a sixteen yeah window of opportunity well when that
window would be closed it fits right in with that
twenty twenty twenty thirty time line OK well
I've got to take it right there but thank you for
being with us and thank you for being with us hope
you'll join us next time for prophecy in the news
we want to urge you to realize you don't have to
fear these things or live in dread Christ came to
save us not only from this present evil world
but for eternity call his name and keep looking up.
Dark Cool Makeup with Tiffany 【English Sub】 - Duration: 8:49.Since it's quite a thick makeup,
If it is straight, the hair will not stand out
so I finished with much volume as possible
Hello, I'm Tiffany
I am usually working as a model and violinist
and lately started YouTube
Today I am introducing a slightly cool thick makeup
so let's start
The color contact is skin gray-beige from Lil Moon
Since the makeup is quite shiny,
I wanted to have gray color, so using gray-beige from Lil Moon
The makeup base is mineral base from Integrate
The dark spots will be covered so using this one
Revlon color stay makeup D #240
The one I used before is along the face line to create some shadows
Using a darker foundation than your skin to create a low light
KATE stick concealer in light beige
Adding under the eyes, by the nostrils and under the lips
Under the eyes to hide the dark circles,
the nostrils to erase the red of the skin
The lips to erase the dark spots
Using RMK liquid foundation #201
This one gives an even look so I like to use it.
It also covers pimple marks so it's very easy to use
Next is Powderly Brow Pencil #1 from CanMake
Powder will be added later on, so just adjusting the shape
going along the shape of the brow
Trying to draw as thin as possible to match the shape
Next is Susie Powder Expert N
Using the light color all over the eyebrows
Creating the shape with the dark color and blending in at the end with light colors
Susie soft styling expert N
Going along the shape of the eyebrows
Trying not to make bubbles and going up at the end
Using the eyelash curler from Succu
This one goes along the eyelid
and the eyelashes go up well so it is useful
Next is Cezanne Four Color Lame in beige color
Using this brightest color over the whole eyelid
I have placed the glitter to give it a 3D look
Adding this brown to the double eyelid
Adding this dark brown color along the outer corner to the eye bags
Adding overall to create a gradation
Using Jill Stuart Velvet Eyes #102
Adding this glitter along the inner eyelid to make the eyes look bigger
Using Vivo Eyeful Eyeliner
This goes inside the eyelid
Some people think drawing it here will hurt
so I overlap many times to apply it
Next is the eyeliner from Love Liner
I have a hard using eyeliners so,
It doesn't smudge so it's really easy to use
Since I want to make a thick makeup, the outer corner
Adding the mascara from dejavu
Adding both to top and bottom
This mascara is a long type so it stretches well
and it keeps the curl so it's good
Using the blush from DAISO
Since around the eyes are dark, the blush is used lightly
adding it with an angle and lightly
Cezanne face control color #1
T zone, under the eyes, above the lips
The dark circles under the eyes, and for the smile lines, adding highlighter will be good
The highlight will blow them away so it's good
Next is Dior Addict Lip Maximizer no.2
I am using this as a base,
It's a little stingy but it makes it really clean so it is good
THREE velvet last lipstick no.12
Since around the eyes are pretty thick, trying to make the ilps stand out,
using quite a dark color
How to apply is, trying not to stick out and going along the lip line
Next is candy wrap lip no.4 from CanMake
To keep the lip gloss from becoming too sticky, adding some to the middle and
and taking some off with tissue paper
It is used for holding down as well
I don't have a specific preference for the hair,
but curling it with the 19mm iron
Since I want the top of the head to be fluffy,
so I'm bring some here to this side
Clamping the hair a little here, and warming the hair to give volume
The way to do the curl is all inward
The wax is Lucido L Volume Airy Wax N
There is a bigger size, but to carry around I use the smaller size
How to apply the wax is, since I want the total to be fluffy,
so going up by pushing it in to the hair
Since the makeup is thick, straight hair will be too weak
so creating the volume as much as possible
How was the makeup, everybody? The key was strong eyes and mouth
I think it's fairly easy to do makeup with your own cosmetics
so please try it out
There are other videos as well so please check them out
Bye bye
Taylor Swift unveils dark video for Look What You Made Me Do - Duration: 1:29.Taylor Swift unveils dark video for Look What You Made Me Do
Taylor Swift might not have made an appearance at this year's MTV video music awards but the singer still made her presence known with the release of a dark new video.
Acid gossip that borrows from better songs – Taylor Swift: Look What You Made Me Do review. The pop star's return is full of visceral disses, but it's not clear whether she's playing a role or being herself.
Last week the 27-year-old unveiled the first single from her new album, Reputation, the dark electro-pop track Look What You Made Me Do, accompanied by a lyric video that broke viewing records.
The accompanying visuals for her new video open with the star crawling out of a grave with a tombstone reading "Here lies Taylor Swift's reputation".
After playing a zombie, Swift soon takes on a variety of different hard-edged personas, including the leader of a squad of female robots, a bank robber and a celebrity involved in a paparazzi-caused car crash.
Coping with being dark skinned - Duration: 0:54.I feel like for me personally today I feel like I
I always had to do more than my friends . I've always
had to try to dress as best
as I could to stand out from my friends
I just felt like I always had too
Did it make you feel
bitter at times?
very in college um definitely
because my roommate she was the pretty lightskin AKA
granted I never thought I was ugly, I just
always felt like dudes were more attracted to
her because she was light skin, so
when it came to us going out together I made sure
my outfit was killing hers, I made sure
my body, [she gone her this, ya'll still friends]]
we are [oh ok] I made sure
[So you were killing her] very much so
I had to, in my head I mean maybe to other [so thats how you coped]
[coped with it] thats how i coped with it
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