Hey, everybody, so we are back for them hang on hold on
The fuck was that hMM texted me
Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls children of all ages my majestic universe, we're coming back
We are going to be watching may young classic round number two or episode 2. I should say we had four
Matches, I'll probably put a card somewhere in the annotations for that episode
Right now as they set up for the next?
line of Matches oh
It's not quite there yet, okay?
Almost it has almost been fully uploaded but right now. We're just waiting for
the next match the next match to start really
So we have eight more competitors for more Matches
Society is Too Young Mercedes Martinez
Marty Bell is taking on Rachel Evers
ozzy rattly who she's hot is taking on Maria Soleus and
Mia yemm is
taking on Sarah Logan
whatever those photos were I was wondering where those were I had to just use the
Bracket background to tell you guys what we're doing on these
They already did on episode number one. I'll be doing episode three and four on Tuesday live
So just to keep that in mind. I'll have to edit the
Tags and everything later as soon as it's all uploaded but I got lots of other things that I have to do today
She's been a busy ass week already is Monday two o'clock in the afternoon. It's hot as shit as I do
So luckily these are only an hour long, but I'm not gonna do four hours of commentary on my general off week
I'll do a two-hour and to our that's fine
Peta Gallery will be joining me
next time or the
Finals of the may young classic, but you will be watching the may young classic when he gets his own time
But Abbi leaf
Princess see uh see yet. I burchard that
Or Shia or Shana bella that Shana
And oh God who was the last one that we just did commentary on no, no we just did a commentary on uh?
Selena Selena deb deep whatever yeah
This is Mercedes Martinez in Ziya Lee
All right, so we're seeing zile leave right now. She only speak Japanese, so I can't really I
studied Kung fu' in Santa before
Those are Chinese martial arts and Chinese style of wrestling
I'll bring the essence of Chinese culture to the WwE fans
Hopefully, they will get to know more
Chinese culture as well as me
all right, so she has obviously the
martial arts background
And now it's Mercedes Martinez
Her first Match Ziya he's never had a match
16-year Veteran
This tastes kind of intimidating. I'm pretty sure she's going to win, but you never know I
Here's Mercedes Martinez 16 year veteran
Samurai apparently Mercedes Martinez was a
Favorite she's probably one of my favorite competitors in it. You know. She is a veteran of Harare 16 years
And she's saying on Ziya, we first match
Says she was part of that
38 person tryout that happened where a
Pollen and stuff oh
Just an FyI whole london asked for his release because his mom is sick
That is why he wanted to go back to China to be with her and take care of her and make sure that she's fine
So you'll probably be back, but obviously he needs some time to
Take care of family issues
Alright Mercedes Martinez though she has the she has the definite experience edge on this one
She's also much taller
Mercedes is mocking the martial arts expert. It's probably not the best idea
Go behind good front facelock take down front facelock
Anzio Lee now
Bringing her up into a side headlock now
side headlock takedown
Ziya Lee is not in a good spot
Arm turn right on ziya lee who's not in a good spot snapmare down?
front Facelock flown over and then slap in the back of the head
Kick right to the leg of Mercedes Martinez she's doing too much gloating here
spinning kick right to the leg again
There's an uppercut there we go
another one
nice modified snapmare flown over a nice pin to
Mercedes roll out of it and there as he's trying hit a big kick, but didn't quite get it
Caught the double knee to the midsection throwing
Sigh at least kicking her ass right now. I like it caught with the leg
Turns are around into another kick right to the heel and then right to the back of the shoulders
Floating her over into a pin a two-count again
This would be a hell of an upset from a lot of wrestling fans
Oh my God, what a forearm
Kick right to thee that time right to the lower back off the ropes Mercedes on a spinebuster
pin one
So the winner of Mercedes Martinez and silently will be taking on Princess Princess, Sia
sir hit
this butterfly
Lou this modified surfboard with a dragon sleeper and there is the tap out
Mercedes Martinez
picking up the win with a hell of a submission hold
So pretty good showing by xiah lee, but like I said jean like they said she barely is wrestle
This is was her first match ever
Mercedes Martinez Advancing
She's a weird-ass theme song
Alright princess Sia and Mercedes Martinez the two most experienced women will be facing each other
Not in this episode obviously and now our next one will be marty Bell and Rachel evers
On if you are wondering, it is the doll daughter of Paul, L ring
Why do they name her Rachel evers?
All right marty bell obviously she was a member of Tna for a while dollhouse
And even though she was you know Dominican at all. It's weird I
here's Marty Bell the crowd Pops big for Marty Bell I
like how both members of dollhouse other than Taryn terrell are actually in this I
Might have to see what that was as soon as this match is over
on the other every only checked the
Fisticuffs and boots and stuff, I mean obviously you can't be groping or anything like that, but still
Pretty easy to keep track of that. Maybe it's just a chanc ear. I don't know
So here's Rachel evers Paul ellering. 's daughter
Alright. There's not really a whole lot to talk about when they're doing the entrances and stuff like that, so
Those let's go Rachel immediately, and I think let's go marty as well
Like up. No look at this marty Bells like get away get away
This was its own rachel. You're wanting to lock up, but marty bell is keeping her away
Lock up between the two finally
breaking it
Side headlock here by Marty Bell to Rachel. I'll ring I'm sorry yeah, Braille Rachel Amber's, but it's Rachel our ring
Flew back off the ropes goes evers knee to the midsection
Another Weird-ass Soup-like slam. Here's the pin very quick one
Marty is still talking trash saying so close. I was so close
Try to hip toss got turned around
Rachel evers throwing her down and what a boot
here's the fade pin face pin, whatever
So I heard leaders say face, and I couldn't get that out of my head for some reason that was odd
Turn around maybe a face buster. Sto style not entirely the best, but it is what it is. I guess
Wow there we go. That's cool. Cool. Twisting leg drop from the bottom rope only a one count out of that
Marty Belle's trying to get out of the ring
Grab it on - Marty Bell by the hair
Mario is a hot shot. You can tell that Rachel evers definitely has I an experienced whack
flipping Neckbreaker
Here's the pin one
only a 1
There's definitely a hit and miss on the experience factor of these people
spending yo kick to the midsection knee to the midsection uh
Elbow to the face a couple of times spinning back elbow right to the face by Marty Bell Clothesline
Here's the pin one - only a two
Let's go Marty let's go Rachel
Let's go Rachel. Let's go marty screw that back and forth
Grab her by the back of the head face person to the top Turnbuckle marty bell doing some gloating
Trying to take Rachel evers into the corner again holding on again Rachel ivers is like. No, you're not gonna. Do that again?
She turns around and now she's pissed
Face first goes Marty Bell into the corner and now she's new over and over and over again
Forms right to the chest over and over
There's another bicycle kick a very odd looking into gurry delivers
With a cent on there we go
Here's the experience
Rachel ever is taking Marty Bell off the ropes
That was a really really bad pop-up Spinebuster
There's only a two-count out of them already bell didn't manage to kick out
So the winner of this match Marty Bella Rachel evers will be taking on a B-list
just an Fyi
I'm not sure if we're going to be getting the cat series on match against, Tessa Blanchard
We might
Fireman's Carry Spinebuster, I was different. Here's the pin, olya to
sling off the ropes
Marty Bell back to her feet
Turn around oh
my God
What a face buster
One two, no only a two how the hell does she get a two out of that?
Rachel evers spiked her face into the canvas hard
Here's a rollup one two three and there we go
Rachel ever is picking up doing okay? I need to find out what that noise us who we will literally be right back
Alright, we're coming back. Sorry. I was I heard something it was it was literally nothing. I think it was neighbors anyway
We were it soleus. Oh, God. What was this?
It wasn't Sienna was uh oh. God. What was her first name. I thought I saw everything s I could be very incorrect about that
So the chick is kind of a badass and kind of hot. I'm cooler
If I just remember name maybe I'll know as soon as I hear the other person
Ray Ripley
rhea Rylee and
Miranda Soleus, okay
So the this chick is 20 years old
she's Australian and
This she is a soccer player
Can I just marry her right now?
Alright, so this is the third middle out. We're already at the third Match Jesus
Raya Ripley is the Twenty year old Australian?
She has some long ass legs. Well. She is a soccer player. Well. She was a former soccer player. What the hell just happened I
I'm really confused it
Then it just decide on we're not gonna work anymore
Well, I don't know what just happened
It's just like glitched freaked out and disconnected itself that was
Really really weird. Let's try this again
That must be outside
never heard that noise in my entire Life I
would be surprised for this outside I
Didn't hear this weird thing and it's bothering me
All right hang on we had some minor technical difficulties, but hopefully we can get back to it without really missing too much
Let me see what the heck just happened hang on one second. Oh wrong bunny
Literally don't know what just happened. That was the damnedest thing. I think I've ever seen my life. Oh, I did get some water, too
That was really weird. I don't think I've ever seen my appleTv do that
under this cheap steam Something's really cool I
Hear is Miranda Soleus her salinas
She reminds me of my Ex actually that's really weird
She really only five-foot tall
She's short of shit. She's really hot
She's like Alexa Bliss short
Why did the referee do that like she does she's not wearing wrist tape and yet? He grabbed wrist I
Was weird as shit all right wanting you the middle ring. Maybe this shaking hands
All right here. We go. Bell is sounded
third out of the fourth Match tonight
Well this second blast actually
Nice move there
side Headlock here on Ripley by the much shorter
Now arm block into a side headlock of her own
So holding on to the side headlock here
Try and do it again
But pull in the air and dragging ripley back into a side headlock of her own like I said she has a bigger
She has a much taller hill to climb. I got what a dropkick
Ria's getting a lot of chants from the crowd
There's a for
Nice trip there
Here's a pen - Olya - again only a - oh
What a chop right to the chest again
Try do it one more time, but now so yes is doing her own for salinas
Take right to the bag head off the ropes a running knee right to the chest. Here's the pin one - only a -
There we go
sorry, I had to check something now really quick catching the arm that time try need a big brainian nope for him right to the
Turn around
Another forum there by Ripley or up on rippling rippling. He's like not selling it at all
Clothesline taking down that much shorter moranis leanness another dropkick. She doesn't decent dropkick, but she's a lot taller - I
Was a running kick right to the face my gosh. She just annihilated her
And oh my God
Double boots right to the chest drag your middle ring. Here's the pin - and Noster dill only a two
Right Elena's showing her own here
Chopped right to the knee off the ropes. What's this?
Or this roll up nice tilt awhirl. Whirl up only a to
Wriggle yeah, well you can find
Salinas's extensions in the second Row
We're last looking full nelson slam, and she got it still all right there we go
Lash man, she really showed her her own
Ria Ripley looks a lot like Noelle foley for some reason. It's definitely not Noelle foley though
Yeah, that's not Noelle fully all right hand once I get
All right guys. We're coming back for the final one. This is the Mia Kim and Sarah Logan
Match Hang on
Sorry about that phone call all right here is
Maria Kim or my is it yammer Kim. It's one of the two
Or my ahem and as Sarah Logan side headlock here
Mia's getting a lot of chance from the crowd obviously she's one of the more popular athletes in this front facelock here
By me am turning it around
Sarah Logan's in a lot of trouble me. I am turning it around on Sarah Logan
I go behind trying to cross the arms to maybe a suplex tile maneuver here. I wonder how much time there is left
How much how long this match is Gonna be?
All right
off the ropes shoved down shoulder tackle by Sarah Logan
Off the ropes docks under the clothesline good arm drag
There is a dropkick pin one two and only a to
Kick right to the leg a kick right to the chest up by yem
Mia yeah miz it's kicking the shit out of Sarah Logan logo the Headbutt right to the chest
Big running knee to the midsection of yem going into a pinfall two and only a two
and now with the big right hands right to the face of
Mia yemm
Logan into a quick pin only a one count
There's a let's go Sarah Mia yemen look at this modified
Armbar wow crossing the arm over very very vicious like maneuver here?
We saw a little bit of what Sarah Logan can do against Payne Royce
but oh man good Dropkick
But mia yemm obviously is a very talented wrestler. Here's another pin only a one count
But obviously impact wrestling let her go because they are about as clueless as fucking dirt
What's this know over and over hit to the midsection?
Chops big knee to the face spinning heel kick to the midsection a nice kick to the top of the skull
here's the pin one two and only a two a
kick right to the back
Sarah Logan getting kicked right in the chest another kick right to the arm
Me again, bringing up Sarah Logan a chop to the chest my man very very lightning-fast one
Up and over note. What's this? Oh here's a tarantula a tarantula?
Medium was trained by tajiri turns around nice missile Dropkick by mia. Here's the pin - and only a -
whoops I forgot to change the
Name there we go much better
now mia a
Dragon Sleeper roll through it has it fully in that's not good
Sara Logan's in the middle of the ring. She's like hooked and his dragon sleeper
Knees though did it counter out of this?
Big for him right to the face me am turning it back, and now they're going back and forth here these forearms
Me is pissed she turns around others and slapping this shit out of each other I
Mean what kicks right to the chest amia both back up to their feet what a freaking what a great match
What a back elbow by man, mia yemm is getting chopped in jab the hell
Nice Hiplock takeover cartwheel big knee pin - Mia kicked out
Turn it around bison me ahem. Nice say ito
pin2 and no
Crowd is trying to give me a him back into the matchup here, Mia
deadlift German again 1 2 with a bridge alia to
Sarah Logan is definitely shown our own
This has probably been the best match of the entire show or the entire tournament that I have seen so far. I'm loving this
Let's go, Mia. Let's go Sarah
turn around what's this let's roll through bye Sarah Logan only a 2
slap right to the face
Off the ropes oh, what up?
backdrop modify it here's a pin look at that beautiful - and
Mia yeah managing to get the shoulder up again. This has been a hell of a match
Mia him and Sarah Logan double knees
Driving me a him into a Turnbuckle
She's going up. I don't know what she's doing. Oh
wow, look at that bridge - and only a -
Like a modified perfect Plex beautifully done
What doesn't meet I mean what does Sarah logan have to do she has been on an absolutely roll?
off the ropes
Dude the try to do a cartwheel thing and oh well. She just got and kicked her dreads out was this oh and eat defeat
By Mia iam one - Mia yem, Advances well guys
Thank you very much for joining us tonight on the first night of the may young
Classic if you enjoyed the videos give them like subscribe and share and as always be
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