Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 8, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Aug 29 2017

good Monday morning everybody I hope you all had a wonderful week now this week I

do not well I'm not reading your answers because I didn't ask you guys a question

last week so don't worry I'm going to ask the question right now your question

for this week is what is the one place that you would want to go in the world

more than any other just to visit and on top of that I'll ask a second one sort

of similar to it is if you could live anywhere in the world can you shut up

curl where would you want to live so write your answers in the comments down

below and I will read them next week as per usual

aside from today's video now for the rest of today's video I just kind of

wanted to talk to you guys about a couple of things

so I mentioned in the video probably about a month ago or so that I would had

an interview for another job teaching parkour and it was much successful so

I'm gonna be starting that at the end of September I have my Curtin my previous

job as well at the other place also teaching parkour but I don't know when

that starts quite yet so I'll figure that out but it will also start in

September so come September I'm going to be working a lot more I mean it's it's

still only three days a week and it's in the evenings point is it's not going to

change to too much but I still am going to change a few things and I haven't

100% figured all that out yet and because of starting the job and

everything you know things like first aid and other certifications and stuff I

have to do so it's been quite stressful lately and I've been doing a whole heck

of a lot of stuff and having a whole heck of a lot of stuff going on so I'm

trying to get over that and still get all that done so that I can start

working on things I need to work on and to change things in stuff so I'm trying

to do the best I can right now and the livestreams and everything are

continuing but as you may have noticed the parkour stuff has not really but

that's more due to the fact that I haven't really made taken too many clips

of things and I don't want to give you guys a 30 second video three times a

week so I'd rather just do a two video two minute video at the end of the week

these daily vlogs things I can't really call them daily vlogs anymore because

are not very daily I haven't really done too much with vlogs or anything like

that in quite a while but aside from that I want to do a couple of consistent

things so the parkour stuff I've been thinking because now I'm only gonna have

about probably one training day myself each week now I'm either going to have

to do more on those days and take more videos for you guys so that I have a

longer video for you or other days or something I'll figure something out but

I think the parkour stuff I'm going to instead of doing it three times a week

I'm going to start doing it at the end of the week instead these vlogs here

where I ask you guys a question I would like to do those continue doing those

every week as per usual I would also like to start doing some drawing videos

where I just you know draw something because I love to draw and I used to if

you go back and look at some of my extremely old videos like two years ago

you'll see I was drawing all my thumbnails and I thought it was kind of

cool they turned out kind of garbage because

of the way I was doing it but I'd like to doing that and I want to continue

doing more drawing stuff so I've been thinking of doing a drawing video every

week and putting that out on a specific day as well but I have to figure that

out and maybe that kind of thing won't necessarily come out every single week

just for whatever reason but I will figure things out and let you guys know

about that of course and in terms of gaming stuff I haven't done very many

gaming videos in quite a while I've been playing Abzu and I'm loving that game

very much but I have so many other games here just sitting there that I'd love to

play I have inside that I've been wanting to play for like four months or

so and I still haven't gotten to it yet because things just been kind of all

over the place so I'd like to start doing more in that regard I'd like to

start recording these videos more and stuff recording games more because I

like it and but what I usually do with my gaming videos is I have these dragon

faces down in the I believe it is this corner here well

whatever bottom left bottom right corner wherever it is best in the in the video

I usually have my dragon faces in there and I love doing that absolutely love

doing that love putting those dragon faces in there and everything but it

takes so so so long and this is part of the reason why I haven't done many

gaming videos in a long time is because it just takes me so long to edit a

single video and I get very anxious and antsy sitting here for like 3 hours

trying to edit a single like 10 minute video and all it is at the time is me

just putting you know pictures into the video but I'm matching it up with kind

of along with what I'm saying match in the face the the emotive face with what

I'm seeing in the video but and I love doing that in the love how it looks it

just takes so long so I've been wanting to ask your guy's opinion on whether I

should continue that for the gaming videos or if you guys would be alright

with just face cam because I don't want to do nothing I feel like if I do

nothing then you know there's there's nothing special about the video itself

right aside from maybe my voice now this doesn't mean that I would stop doing the

dragon faces entirely forever because I'd still like to do it for at least

some videos I mean some some games are going to be different than others and I

like to kind of tweak what I do with it and how I edit and record and that kind

of thing depending on the game and depending on how I feel at the time so

maybe that's a thing as well but yeah that's something I need to figure out

you guys love me or let me know your opinion on whether you would want the

dragon face is still there if you don't know what I'm talking about go back and

look at my limbo playlist for example and I will put that in the description

below you can also look at one of my more recent video series so you guys can

go take a look at those and see what I mean about the dragon faces and tell me

what you think as opposed to absolute also in the description below where I

just have face camp so let me know about that I just kind of want to tell you

guys a bit about what's going on and how my thought process has been and that

I'm kind of thinking of changing a couple things but I don't want to stop

YouTube it's only three days well it's it's only like what is it five six hours

really that I'm gonna be working each week instead of the original one hour so

it's really not that much of a difference and it's spread out over

three days so it's not gonna change much it's not like I have to stop YouTube and

I'm not going to I just need to change a couple of things that I can be more

consistent and better organized and less stressful so that's it for today's video

thank you all so much for listening and please leave your answers to my question

at the beginning of this video in the comments below I said at first so that

no one had any excuse to miss it so you can all put your answers in the comments

below if you miss the rest of the video well then oh well I guess anyway thanks

so much for watching and I will see you again very soon so have a wonderful day

and Godbless

For more infomation >> I'm gonna need to make some changes here... - Also a new question for this week! - Duration: 7:31.


I need an email account to register on The Hub. How do I set up a new email account? - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> I need an email account to register on The Hub. How do I set up a new email account? - Duration: 6:13.


Bethenny Frankel: I Need ZERO Contact with Jason Hoppy! - Duration: 5:56.

Bethenny Frankel: I Need ZERO Contact with Jason Hoppy!

We may have seen Bethenny Frankel break down in tears in the latest Real Housewives of New York City, but she knows that theres a way that she can move forward.

Weve all heard about how Jason Hoppy has put Bethenny Frankel in hell through all of his alleged stalking and harassment and their nightmarish divorce battle. Bethenny says that she knows how this has to end.

So, Bethenny Frankels divorce from Jason Hoppy was long, painful, and nightmarishly expensive. They may be exes now, but theyll always be linked through their young daughter, Bryn.

Jason Hoppys arrest back in January was actually over threats that hes accused of making to Bethenny Frankel at Bryns school. (Imagine threatening the mother of your child at your childs school -- thats so unimaginably hateful).

Jason Hoppy was arraigned on additional stalking charges over the summer, before that first arrest was even dealt with in court.

The details werent immediately made apparent, but it appears that he may have been harassing a third party as part of his alleged campaign of harassment against Bethenny. Like. does he not have hobbies?.

Dont get us wrong -- Bethenny Frankel can come across as callous and dismissive of other peoples problems sometimes. But theres a difference between having what some might call an abrasive personality and being an actual menace.

Jason Hoppy is due back in court in September (his motion to have the charges against him was dismissed earlier this month), and maybe Bethenny will get some sort of resolution then.

Bethenny Frankel lamented to Andy Cohen how her conflict with Jason Hoppy has impacted her relationship with other Real Housewives. But she knows what can resolve this and put it behind her.

Any resolution is legally mandated and I'm fine with that. Shes putting a lot of faith in the court.

I don't care what happens, I have faith that somehow I will be able to live a normal free life. Basically, shes not campaigning to have Jason Hoppy put in prison. But theres just one thing that she needs.

But it has to be with zero contact. Because with any contact, this will not end.. She says that she cant accurately describe what this has been like for her.

She does temporarily lapse into some unfortunate hyperbole. It is indescribable and it is inexplicable and it's like, if someone wants to talk about like a war zone in Israel, how are you going to explain that to someone?.

But she quickly clarifies that shes not trying to equate her situation with a genuine humanitarian crisis.

I'm not comparing this to actual war but in my life, you can't even imagine the torment that this has been. There's no way to describe it..

We get it -- trauma is difficult to articulate. When you try, you feel like you sound silly. Its not silly, though.

I just stifled it in because if I let any of it out, I'm going to totally break down. I can't believe this happened to me..

Keeping it suppressed doesnt work, in the long term. While things are going on, bottling things up helps you survive. Over time, though, those coping mechanisms backfire. Thats why PTSD is so rough.

And yes, you can absolutely get PTSD from stalking. Bethenny found the entire struggle to be inescapable.

It was part of my life. I thought I was never getting out of it. I couldn't even understand it. How can I explain this to everybody?.

We know that shes doing charity work to help other women, but we wonder if shes met with a victim advocate to try to just articulate her own situation.

Bethenny isnt really the ask for help type, but it really might help her. You've never -- it is torture. So that's why I didn't explain it. There's no way to describe this to anybody. Nobody would believe it..

Jason Hoppy might not be done tormenting her, though, because he didnt immediately accept a plea deal that would have basically gotten him off scott free.

We have to ask why hes so obsessed with having contact with Bethenny that he would apparently rather continue his court battle than continue to be legally barred from having contact with her.

Maybe he doesnt want it on his record or claims that hes innocent -- though an officer was a witness to and confirmed Bethenny Frankels account of the January incident at Bryns school, so. good luck with that?.

More than anything else, we hope that this situation doesnt hurt Bryn.

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