What Is Happening In The World Right Now - End Times Current Events - Duration: 8:33.What is happening in the world right now? this might be the most transparent video
that I ever make an extremist um I think
that I'm being judgmental or that I
think I'm above it all
some might roll their eyes and
completely ignore this and some might
unfollow me or say nasty things to me
but I've decided that no matter what
people say or think or do that I'm gonna
make this video anyways anyone that
knows me that really knows me knows that
I'm making this video because I
genuinely care like I care so much if
this resonates with just one person and
helps them to just re-evaluate their
life then it's worth whatever negative
feedback I make it for this past week
I've been working on just a lot of
trainings and a brand new website and
I've got tons of video content that I've
been wanting to put together but I just
felt like I couldn't do those videos
until I did this one first and this
video might seem like it has absolutely
nothing to do with my business but has
everything to do with my business my
business is to be about my father's
business I only want to do what he wants
for me to do so here goes nothing
I've been pursuing my relationship with
God since 2010 I actually have the
letter officially wrote him at 6:35 p.m.
on December 3rd where I asked him to
come into my life and to forgive me for
my sins and I accepted Jesus Christ as
my savior I've made a lot of mistakes
since then I'm still nowhere near
perfect today but I do try every day
just to be better in the last three
years specifically I've been more open
about publicly sharing my faith it only
took me like five years to just get over
that fear I knew by being more open
about my relationship with God that it
would turn people off and it has if
anybody thinks that being a Christian is
supposed to be easy you're sadly
mistaken it's not easy you're sadly
it's not easy you actually get mocked
and you get made fun of and people just
start to separate themselves from you
and push away from you a little bit or a
lot but up until this point when sharing
my faith I can't say that I've ever
nicely shared anything that was
offensive at least not that I'm aware of
or that was convicting my job isn't to
condemn people but I also have kind of
tiptoed around sharing certain things
that I felt might rub people the wrong
way I've always tried just to be
encouraging and uplifting I just wanted
to be loving and although Jesus loves us
where we are it doesn't mean that he
wants for us to stay where we are so if
we as god-fearing Christians want to do
what we are called to do then we have to
share his whole
truth not just about how much he loves
us but even the parts that maybe don't
feel as good to share what we put into
our bodies what we physically put into
our bodies how we choose to raise our
children up how we treat our spouses
what we do with the money we made words
that we speak from our mouths things we
say about others activities that we
participate in the television shows that
we choose to watch the things that we
support or don't support and the things
that we choose to speak up about or not
speak up about it all matters to him God
is a loving God but he is also just and
some of the things that we've casually
allowed into our lifestyles it's not
okay with him we are to be the salt and
the light we are to be in the world but
not of the world did you know that
according to a life weigh Research poll
that 80% of Christians actually emit and
not reading their entire Bible and 50%
of Christians
admit to not reading any of it or just
reading certain stories or passages and
then we wonder why we have such a dumbed
down watered-down powerless compromising
church I'm talking to the church right
now I'm talking to my fellow believers
the ones who say and claim that they
believe that Jesus Christ came to this
world to die and save us from our sins
that's who this video is too many people
claim that they're Christians but they
don't live like it I can say this with
confidence because I see Christians who
are under this impression that anything
goes and that their sin is amusing we
all sin we all fall short but it's not
amusing when I see Christians on social
media who are posting about their sin
and they're bragging about it or joking
about it there's no conviction
where's the conviction this whole I love
Jesus but I cuss a little no I am a
god-fearing woman and I do take my
relationship with him seriously
I owe him all and because of that I
can't stay quiet my eyes have been so
opened to all of the evil that's really
truly going on in this world like things
that your news channel is not reporting
and things that your doctors are not
discussing and things that even a lot of
pastors are not preaching and my heart
is so heavy we are living out
revelations right now we are literally
watching revelations unfold before us
and many are not awake I think people
have a feeling that certain things are
going on or they might assume that
certain things are going on but they're
really not paying attention or they
don't even seem to care I care it's time
for us as Christians to truly stand up
and set ourselves apart and do what
we're called to do no matter what that
cost is we need to be showing up for him
on his behalf speaking the truth in love
we're completely silenced the enemy
wants for us to be silent and we have to
decide as a church that we're not going
to be silent that we're not going to
just go along with this anything-goes
mentality we need to pray and we need to
repent and we need to truly genuinely
get right with him it's time to wake up
What Is My tax Rate? (Marginal Tax vs Effective Tax Explained) (Federal Income Tax Rates Explained) - Duration: 9:27.how's it going subscribers and fellow youtubers! my name is Mike the CPA this
is my sidekick Chipper in this video we're gonna help you expand
your tax knowledge so that you can truly have a better understanding of how much
tax you're actually paying on the income you make so please stick with me through
this video as we discuss the differences between marginal tax rate and effective
tax rate let's get it now I can tell you that most people have absolutely no idea
what marginal tax rate means versus effective tax rate means and in fact I
used to not have any idea myself so why should we even care to learn about it
well the first reason is that by knowing this stuff it's going to help you better
budget your finances and manage your cash flow secondly as you learn this
stuff you're gonna be thinking throughout the year have how to minimize
your taxes and the third reason you want to learn this is so you can confuse the
heck out of people with your new fancy tax knowledge let's start off by talking
about marginal tax I mean what the heck is marginal tax anyway marginal tax is
the amount of tax we pay on each additional dollar we earn let me repeat
that it's the marginal tax rate is the amount
of tax we pay on each additional dollar we earn remember the tax rates follow
tax brackets so as your income goes up so will your tax rate in this example
we're looking at we have chippers income his filing status is single you just say
guys know these tax rates the marginal tax rates are actually coming from the
2018 income tax bracket rates so that's where those are coming from so chipper
let's say it's January 1st ok and he has hasn't made any income yet because as
you as you will see for for most people that at the start of the year their
marginal tax rate is actually zero because they haven't made any income yet
right so chipper is the same way so on January 1st chipper has made nothing so
his tax rate is nothing but now the way this works though is so chipper starts
on January 2nd he starts working and starts making some money now up to the
point where he makes nine thousand five hundred twenty five dollars and all this
stuff is coming from the income tax brackets for a Singler
single filer up until he makes this much money his marginal tax rate will be ten
percent so it's ten percent is marginal tax rate until he exceeds this
amount so that's why I have this little note over here for you guys it says
income from zero to nine thousand five twenty five will be taxed at 10% and so
as you guys can see as the March 31st chipper has made from working nine
thousand five hundred twenty five dollars which means his Knicks dollar
earned will be taxed at a higher rate according to those income tax brackets
so now the second he exceeds this his marginal tax rate the amount he's gonna
make or pay on each additional dollar earned is now going to be twelve percent
so from from nine thousand five twenty five to income a thirty eight thousand
seven hundred tripper will pay twelve percent on that income so from April 1st
through September chippers working away working away paying now on this any
income above this now he's paying twelve percent starting in September he breaks
through this thirty eight thousand seven hundred dollar amounts so now since he's
above this now any money he makes beyond that will be taxed start to be taxed at
twenty two percent so now his marginal tax rate is 22 percent
so that's marginal tax rates in a nutshell so everybody's marginal tax
rate at the beginning of the year is zero until they start to make money the
first nine thousand five hundred twenty-five dollars are taxed your
marginal tax rate will be ten percent as you exceed that amount the next set of
income will be taxed at twelve percent as you exceed that then you'll 22
percent etc etc so when you guys are thinking about marginal tax rate think
about the highest rate of tax you will pay on the next dollar of income you
earn your marginal tax rate will increase throughout the year and your
income increases throughout the year where I see people get messed up all the
time all the time is that they tend to think that all of their income is taxed
at one rate but from this example you can clearly see it's not your income and
our income as you make more money is tax at different rates and once you exceed
certain dollar amounts of income then your rate increases but all this income
is being taxed at different rates as your income climbs you're never
getting taxed on all at just one income tax rate so now you guys will know that
when you hear people saying oh I'm in the ten percent tax bracket I'm in the
twenty five percent max brackett but I'm in the 22% tax
bracket now you guys will know when if you hear people saying things like that
they're actually talking about their marginal tax rate the majority of the
time okay guys now let's talk about the effective tax rate how it works and what
it is it's super simple to explain and it's my favorite way to measure income
taxes I think of the effective tax rate as my real rate of income tax let me
explain what I mean the thing that's important to understand about the
effective tax rate is that the effective tax rate is the average rate of tax we
pay on each dollar we earn let me repeat that the effective tax rate is the
average rate of income tax we pay on each dollar we earn the quickest way to
find your effective tax rate is to actually look back at your last
previously filed return and what you're gonna do is you're gonna look at your
1040 okay and go to page two on page two you're gonna find line 43 see where it
says taxable income go ahead and figure out what your taxable income is there
and let's just say it's 40 thousand this is just I'm not gonna like figure out
the exact numbers and calculations this is strictly for an example this is just
strictly for educational purposes guys but so let's say chippers taxable income
was 40,000 okay so we're he's gonna look at that on line 43 and then his total
tax on that income let's just pretend it was five thousand four hundred twenty
bucks who knows who knows something like that okay that was his total tax so
you're gonna look at on the second page of your 1040 you're gonna look at these
two lines this one line 63 and line 43 and then what you're gonna do is you're
gonna be a lot divided line sixty three of five thousand four hundred and twenty
dollars divide that by line forty three which is your taxable income of $40,000
so I'm gonna type in forty thousand dollars here and there is our effective
tax rate so for chipper if his income was forty thousand dollars and he paid
federal income tax of $5,400 and $5,400 then his effective tax rate is thirteen
and a half percent roughly which basically means that on average for
every dollar he earns throughout the course of the year he's paying an income
tax rate of thirteen and a half percent and that's what the effective tax rate
it's the average amount of tax we pay on each dollar we earn now you guys can
clearly see that is much different than the marginal tax rate which we just
discussed so in summary your marginal tax rate will usually be the same or
higher than your effective tax rate marginal tax rate and effective tax rate
both only cover income taxes that you not cover other taxes like property
taxes Social Security taxes Medicare taxes and things like that your marginal
tax rate is the highest rate of tax on each dollar you earn your effective tax
rate is the average rate of tax you pay on each dollar you earn if you live in a
state that has income taxes you'll have a separate marginal tax rate for state
and a separate effective tax rate for a state as well but they it works just
like federal taxes but for state income taxes now the best part of all now that
you've come across this newfound tax knowledge now it's time to go out there
and talk about this with your friends and family to confuse the heck out of
them nothing will put a smile on your face more than talking about marginal
tax rate effective tax rate and then waiting for their deer in the headlights
remember don't be afraid to share your newfound knowledge because most people
will have no idea what you're talking about but you my friend will sure sound
intelligent if you guys want to learn more about income tax brackets or taxes
in general make sure to follow some of my links down in the description section
down below I have a ton of tax videos and I make all new tax videos towards
the start of every single year well guys I hope you found this information
helpful if you did make sure you drop a like to let me know you liked it share
this information with a friend especially somebody who's trying to get
a better grasp on taxes and how they work and be sure to subscribe if you
have not already by hitting that red subscribe button down below now if
you're new to money in life TV welcome to our Channel every single week our
goal is to help you become fiscally fit and we do that by helping you learn
finances investing and taxes and more on a regular basis if you guys have
questions or comments on anything we discussed in today's video just let me
know by leaving a comment down below I'll make sure to get back to you or
just if you want to say hi just say hi okay guys we'll go have a great week out
there it was great seeing all your smiling faces once again here on YouTube
and I will see you guys in the next video use the information you learned in
this video to live your life uncaged see y'all next week bye guys
What is Psychodynamic Therapy? - Duration: 12:35.In the 1870s, thermodynamics were a hot topic.
No pun intended.
It explained energy and heat in a way that made sense and it
drastically advanced the field of physics.
Everybody was talking about it and everybody wanted a piece of it.
And one particular scientist at the University of Vienna named Ernst Wilhelm Von Brücke
thought to himself,
"Well wait a second, if these laws dictate our entire world, then aren't all living
beings, including humans, just bodies of energy that would also abide by these laws?"
Ernst published his theory in 1874, which was a significant year because it was the same
year that he began advising a bright, young, first-year medical student.
Albert Einstein.
I'm just kidding, it's Sigmund Freud.
Freud really liked Von Brucke's theory, so he stole it and took it a step further.
He surmised that not only do the laws of thermodynamics apply to the human body,
but they also apply to the human psyche.
Psychodynamic theory was born.
A lot of early psychologists became founders and devotees to this theory, including Freud
himself and Carl Jung.
And it became the basis for the first talk therapy techniques, including Psychoanalysis.
If you're interested in learning more about psychoanalysis, then check out my video for
more on that.
Around the same time, a boy named Alfred Adler was born to a
Jewish grain merchant and his wife.
Alfred developed rickets at a young age and was not able to walk
until he was four years old.
His healthy older brother was showered with attention, while his mother had
very little patience for Alfred's needs.
At one point he developed pneumonia and the doctor told his father, "Your boy is lost."
But Alfred beat the odds.
He recovered from his afflictions, grew strong, and became
fiercely competitive with his older brother.
Little did Alfred know, his illness and sibling rivalry would lead him to develop an entirely
new form of mental health treatment...
Psychodynamic Therapy.
Before we dive in, let's answer a very important question.
What do we mean when we say "Psychodynamic Therapy"?
Often Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Therapy are used as interchangeable terms, but they're
quite different.
And a lot of people - like Anna Freud and Melanie Klein - developed different flavors
of this technique, based on different interpretations of the human psyche.
But Alfred Adler stands out as the first and most prominent psychodynamic theorist whose
impact continues to this day.
As such, today I'll be focusing on Adlerian techniques to describe Psychodynamic Therapy.
To better understand Psychodynamic Therapy, let's talk about what it believes.
Psychodynamic Therapy believes that striving for superiority is the core motivation for
all human beings.
Which...kinda sounds dark.
But superiority doesn't necessarily refer to trying to dominate other people or wanting
a leadership role or having other people admire you.
Instead, superiority means rising above what you currently are and striving to live a more
perfect and complete life.
That sounds...pretty nice!
Adler proposed that human beings truly believe that the perfect and complete life is attainable
and so we create our own fictional goals for our lives and believe that those personal
goals are the entire purpose of life.
If you realize these goals, you realize your "ideal self".
So logically, a person's life will be greatly influenced by these goals that they perceive
to be the purpose of life.
However, Adler proposed that striving towards our ideal self will bring up inescapable feelings
of inferiority, or not being good enough.
He termed this common human experience the "inferiority complex".
As we know from his story, Adler had a lot of personal experience with inferiority.
But he didn't think that that was a bad thing.
Adler believed that those feelings of inferiority have driven every improvement humanity has
developed to better deal with our world.
Like computers or indoor plumbing.
See, the belief is that areas where you feel inferior influence
where you choose to become superior.
And wherever you choose to become superior becomes your "lifestyle".
For example, let's say that you felt less intelligent than others at a young age.
You might strive to become intellectually superior.
Your routine, habits, and interactions will then change to
achieve that goal of intellectual superiority.
Essentially, your lifestyle becomes one of an intellectual and other people will start
to describe you as introverted, bookish, or smart.
So take a moment and think about your own lifestyle.
You live your life the way that you do because you find it important.
The reason you are not in the gym for hours every day is probably because being extremely
physically fit isn't your ideal self.
Or maybe you do go to the gym every day, in which case...good for you.
Psychodynamic Therapy also heavily focuses on childhood experiences and family environment
as the root of many mental health issues and disorders.
Adler developed the idea of birth order, which is the theory that your position in your family
will influence your inferiorities and also your lifestyle choices.
You know, the whole "eldest child is type-A, middle child is the rebel, youngest child
is the baby" thing.
When I first heard about birth order, I was super into the idea because it seemed to fit
so well with my own family.
But the evidence for a birth order effect on personality is actually pretty weak.
It may seem accurate within a family, but when scientists look at whole populations,
they don't really see an effect.
Psychodynamic Therapy also examines a person's level of social interest.
Social interest is the desire and capacity to coordinate and work with other people for
the greater good.
"The greater good."
"Shut it!"
See, unlike, psychoanalysis, which focuses on internal conflicts, Psychodynamic Therapy
is more concerned with interpersonal conflicts.
Adler understood that humans are inherently social beings and so, to be healthy, a person
must have real involvement and investment in society.
In childhood, social interest can be nourished in a family environment of respect, trust,
support, and understanding.
Or it can be squashed in an atmosphere of competition, mistrust, neglect, domination,
or abuse.
Children from the latter kinds of families are more likely to strive for their ideal
self at the expense of others through selfish means.
Okay, so now that we know what Psychodynamic Therapy believes,
let's look at how it's done.
Unlike psychoanalysis where the client lays down on a couch and the therapist is just
out of view, Psychodynamic Therapy happens face to face.
It's also the first form of therapy to implement the empathetic therapist, which is now
standard practice in modern counseling.
See, the therapist is not a detached, emotionless blank slate like in psychoanalysis.
Instead, the therapeutic relationship becomes an integral part of treatment.
The therapist has positive regard for the client and shows genuine interest in their
The first few sessions will typically just focus on gathering info on the client's
concerns and building that therapeutic relationship.
The primary goal of Psychodynamic Therapy is to make the unconscious...conscious.
The therapeutic relationship with the therapist can reveal how the person
interacts with their friends or family.
The therapist then engages in consciousness raising by sharing their observations with
the client.
Suddenly, unconscious emotions, desires, and relationship patterns become visible.
And when the client examines themselves, they're more able to make
changes in problematic areas.
Consider this client who received divorce papers from his wife a few weeks ago.
After discussing the issue over a few sessions, the therapist begins to challenge him and
engage in consciousness raising.
Counselor: It sounds like you're saying your wife hasn't been emotionally present
for you in the way you would like her to be.
Robert: Yeah, I mean.
She's there, but...I don't know.
We've both made a lot of mistakes.
Counselor: I notice that whenever we talk about Rachel's responsibility in the divorce,
you seem to have difficulty criticizing her behavior.
Have you noticed that yourself?
Robert: No, I'd never thought of it like that before.
But I think you're right.
I mean, that makes a lot of sense.
Counselor: And what do you think makes you stop short of being critical?
By making the client conscious of his reluctance to criticize his wife, it opens up a new conversation
and may spur the client to further examine the dynamics of his relationship with his
soon-to-be ex-wife.
Another tool used in session is contingency control.
This is a way of reframing a selfish goal in a humorous way so that the client can mock
it rather than feel condemned by the therapist.
For example, if you are a perfectionist, the therapist might have you imagine yourself
as a mad scientist with frizzy hair, bent on taking over the world by building a giant
lego robot.
But the scientist can't achieve this goal because they're too focused on the color
and type of lego to begin with.
Not only is it funny, but the client can understand how silly it is to allow something so small
dictate such an elaborate plan.
Another technique used by Psychodynamic Therapy is choosing.
This technique allows clients to step outside of their comfortable lifestyles so they can
pursue new lifestyles.
One tool that's commonly used is the "as if".
Let's say a client says that she would really like to ask out her next-door neighbor
on a date.
But she says that she's shy and says, "I'm not really the kind of person to start a conversation".
The therapist may task the client with acting "as if" they are that assertive person
who does make the first move.
She doesn't have to become that person, she just has to act like it.
If the client follows through, she'll probably find out that it works - even if she doesn't
get the date - and that by acting in this way, she transforms fiction into reality.
With all of these techniques, the therapist can help the client understand their unconscious
desires, inferiorities, and lifestyle, develop a healthy social interest, improve interpersonal
relationships, and achieve realistic goals.
And treatment doesn't go on indefinitely, either.
Psychodynamic Therapy is relatively short-term.
While there is no set limit to sessions, it typically involves one session a week for
anywhere from three months to a couple of years.
All right, so now we know what Psychodynamic Therapy believes and how it's done.
But, does it work?
Unfortunately, not much research has been conducted on the
actual effectiveness of Psychodynamic Therapy.
And it depends on which study you look at.
It's definitely more effective than no treatment.
And it's been found to be about as effective as psychoanalytic therapy in a few studies.
Newer treatments like behavioral and cognitive methods appear to consistently outperform
Psychodynamic Therapy.
But, some recent research shows that, when you control for therapist loyalty, the effectiveness
is about the same as most other modern therapies.
However, Psychodynamic Therapy has not gone through the rigorous process of becoming an
"evidence-based practice" like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
This means that its techniques haven't been studied enough to show their effectiveness.
So it's kind of hard to give it a strong endorsement.
Regardless of whether Psychodynamic Therapy is the right choice for treatment, it has
undoubtedly changed the therapeutic landscape.
It introduced new concepts like the empathetic therapist and short-term care, while also
building the foundation for newer treatments.
So that's nothing for little Alfred to feel inferior about.
Thanks for watching this episode of Micah Psych.
Achieve superiority by subscribing, act "as if" you're a fan by hitting the like button,
and you can raise my consciousness by leaving a comment for me down below.
Until next time, I'm Micah.
Think about it.
Most DC Thing: Ewww something brown was spotted on a Metro elevator door - Duration: 1:07. For more infomation >> Most DC Thing: Ewww something brown was spotted on a Metro elevator door - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Practise What You Preach IYP #98 - Duration: 13:51.We're live put your happy face on Johnny. Good morning beautiful people. It is Sunday
We are in August. It's a beautiful thing. It's a beautiful day to be alive
Welcome to the ignite your purpose show number 98. Is that right? It's
998 baby and our mission statement our tagline the ignite your purpose way is
To talk of longevity through a healthy lifestyle right a mix of mental physical and spiritual knowledge
Mind body soul trifecta the negative to the positive and however, you want to make that negative to positive whether its
food life finance
Relationships to positive taken being better than you were tomorrow. We put on our shoes to be better
Correct. Johnny now John, what are we talking about today?
Hello, sir. We were we were just talking about this
And after yesterday's we have a list man
We have no annoying subjects
that kind of tied into
yesterday's and this is tied to this and this one this one I never could talk about this off the back of that one and
Then we can remember
Was the art of listening
Which in some way is
When we listen
The art
Let's change your mind listening to the other side
Being interested in the other person not necessarily trying to be interesting
Try that
Tracks, please
Feedback people feedback
What happens when we go live baby this is it this is this is real life
Anybody objective funny kind of have a snack while we I
Think it's brilliant. Tell people what you got actually while you're there. I we've got some
We've got some customer cheese sauce that's not cheese sauce made with cashew nutritional yeast a bit of salt but a lemon bit of miso
dutifully pasta and then question
Courgettes or zucchinis and some maybe some onions some sun-dried tomatoes
some chili
Anderson, couple types of mushroom in there. I
Can't I can't put my snub up on to that that looks pretty damn tasty raps so
When we've been talking for ages when actually 17 yet. So let's talk this then
Holding our feet to the fires, but baseball going to come down to talk about the art of listening yesterday
but also
talking about the hard work
it takes to actually be in that spot where you can actually listen and then the fact that we are human and we
Always fail, right?
we always always fail one of the biggest things I would say currently that I am doing he's just trying to shut off my
I want to talk reaction point so
and again
I've said this John I've been in so many spots lately where I'm just with interacting with people that have such different lifestyles than myself
instead of interjecting and talking
I'm trying to practice what I preach by just not talking and actually
Listening to that humans speak to me and just seeing where they're at. I mean and and it is
That in itself is the practice
you know I'm saying that is holding my feet to the fire that's practicing when I'm preaching and
At the same time it allows me to sometimes succeed and sometimes fail because man, there's so many times
I just want to be like oh my god. Are you kidding me? I
Just want to squeeze your head and kiss you and tell you that that's not great
But I have to step back right and there's some times where I think they're so far off letter Center by telling me for example
By drinking a
Coke with or a pop with you know low calories. That's that's still good, you know, and I'm just
Trying not to say anything, right? So it's it's a daily lesson to try
To improve yourself right in it's hard work. It actually is hard work
Well think
Already, we're gonna spin off subjects are set in the iron. I
Had on that
The majority people just don't know
They just don't know what's helping of them
They know what they read in the paper and in a headline
but they just don't know and then I guess so frustrated I go from being you know in
Restaurants and out if I would certainly in a supermarket
One way you can't be that
lucky shot controlling
Good and awesome and look green green green quick color are the vegetables and then being kind of all high-and-mighty
Superior and looking at these trolleys and then the next week. I've just got this utter sadness
Because these people don't know
It's got low fat or low calorie low, whatever it is on there, and they just don't know
And that is where it comes into and you sit down with people and they're talking and you just want to go
Yeah, they said all of this
The knowledge this learnings this experience that they exactly you've read and the understanding
not that it's perfect by any way shape or form, but
With the best knowledge that we have available today
There are certain choices that you can make and it doesn't involve that
lot there
but at the same time people are so
Food is such a person on food, for example, it's such a personal thing and then it was next for that. So that's
That's where that is. And then in that moment, I have to take it back to where I was but when we will beginning and
Maybe it wasn't quite quite that far back all that bad. We use that word
yeah, you put you've got to think back to these these baby steps and actually been
More compassionate compassionate what the steps? What were the mistakes I made. When did I learn? When did I make back breakthroughs?
So yeah being compassionate please not being judgmental
And not beating myself up in judgment. I'm just saying judging
you keep doing it and more your conscious or
Judging have been critical and being obnoxious or everywhere might be you become more aware of what we're doing
Thank you. Well in it always comes back to this for me
It's like if we come back to compassion we come back when we're sitting with people
And you're interacting and you're you're either having a good time
I mean the conversations if they're not
mundane, absolutely
Useless conversations and you actually get any conversations that are somewhat deep and you want to interact but we also have to remember
where we've all come from right like I
Mean think of our education system think of the way we're parented now
I mean back in the day and I'm reading some ancient style books right now where I mean you had
Pharaohs and monks running some of the biggest empires in the world at 14
I mean look at what we do today at 14. Look what we do today
I know people that are still 3035 live with mom and dad you I mean like it's
And I'm not laying blame. I'm not saying good or bad. I'm just saying it's so
Twisted and different I mean none of us even understand how money is created or my how money come from and finances
We're not taught that shit in school. We're not taught anything about health and nutrition in school
And it's very true that our doctors maybe are not either taught about health and nutrition right? So
So many factors at play when you're just sitting down having a conversation with somebody else that we don't even take into factor
We just want to be right we want them to be wrong
we want we want we want to impose our way on them, and it's
like I said, everything's so tied in with everything else that it's just
You know, sometimes you sit there and you're just like wow. Yeah. Can I just have a conversation?
For the majority people they want to be right and they want to say their own thing
and it's just
Well, for example, when you need to say your piece stop listening to what's going on, and that was yesterday's conversations
What was that kind of most truck today?
Like I just tried to get in there before Jones finished but what I'm saying?
Think about this John some of the healers you have some of the healers I know
You know chiropractors all this stuff we go to them to heal but actually our belief systems are totally different
Most of the guys I know do not believe in the vegan lifestyle they do not
Believe in that yet. We go to them for healing right and I'm not saying I'm vegan anymore
I'm not saying that I'm just saying when your belief systems don't even match
you know, how does it all work right you're going them for healing but
They probably know things or we know you know, I'm saying like it doesn't nothing really lines up anymore. Right? Like there's so much
There's so much ancient knowledge
none of us know there's so much information and none of us are even able to to get that's out there that
leaves us all kind of
Really? We're all really babies in these conversations and we should really be taken in everybody's knowledge to try and be better, right?
And yeah went off on a little jag there. Sorry, but what he did now most listening whilst I was picking up a phone but
Steve Maxwell's
Monthly blog whatever it is today in this there's a couple of lines that I'm going to read it to you
So I find it quite funny. He said that
My mailbox is literally is littered with emails coercing the same series of questions over and over
But I don't have all of the answers
have a lot mostly for my own personal experience and much from working with thousands of men and women of
all ages the world over for many decades
It's in the interesting thing
Is that many people once they receive the answer and then so they do not like will continue asking the same question
Until they get the answer they like
the truth was very pretty but
only if you really wanted to hear the truth and it has been
Steve's first experience in the field of health and fitness education for 50 odd years that people don't really want the truth
They want to think they want they wanted they have they want what they think they want to hear sir
And they want that truth to align with their belief system. So so we can share some of this knowledge
People doing a hearing slow filter all there
Yeah, like you and I you want you and I don't want to hear ya like the when I was in my stage of
Whatever. Well, we'll just talk health when I was in my stage of I'm not for this. I'm not for that
I would I did I did not I did not take any of the facts they put in because my facts were better
Yeah, right. I didn't believe their source. I didn't believe their research, you know, I mean
Hmm. So I like again we're talking about heating, you know, holding your feet to the fire and you know practicing what you preach
There were times
In this there have been numerous times in this journey where I put up a brick wall, and I'm like, nope
I know better. Fuck you
Until the universe teaches me different, right and I've and that's comes usually through a health scare or sometime of crashing of your body
Listen he's being prepared to change your mind. You have to change your mind be prepared to change your mind
Through these one of these
At its simplest form people and that's I think I should be I think that's pretty good for a rant today John. Yeah
Zero structure. This is how we roll. I love it. And that's what I love about it
And that's what the listeners love they tell us every day. They like the weirdest shit
We do it's not the structured stuff when we got our notes, and I'm reading a line in John Riis line
It's the it's the off the fly authentic shit that they love and hey, we're here to please you
We're here. We aim to please so to do this organizers we can I'm drinking my chaga. I can honestly feel the vibrations. I
Should probably tone it down because I'm gonna skyrocket pretty quick
Probably had one too many Chagas this morning, but hey, it's Sunday. You know, we only live once people enjoy. Yeah
So we're gonna
Call it day. We thank you all for this thing for tuning in for watching
In the car could be anywhere in the world, but you we're right here with us with a handmade
We appreciate that. Thank you. So subscribe like
Subscribe ask questions do whatever you got to do. We yeah, that's
cool, we're definitely building a community and we want you to be part of it because it's simply
Blowing some sunshine up your ass every day to make you better
Yeah, we have a short time logging time. Is that hey say, let's make the most we're here for a good time
Not a long time, okay
Sure. Anyway, go and have an awesome day. We're about thanks John
You see that?
IGORA #RoyalTakeOver Lucid Nocturnes: What was the biggest achievement in your career so far? - Duration: 0:41.What was the biggest achievement in your career so far?
Maybe sitting here with you. - That's really nice, thank you.
I totally agree, I completely agree with you. Sitting here with you. First of all, our name is on a colour. - That's huge.
That's amazing. - We got our name on a Schwarzkopf box.
Exactly! So I'm super grateful, honoured, humbled that we're here for the IGORA #RoyalTakeOver. That's massive.
That's massive, yeah. So this is it.
What Is Motivation IYP #116 - Duration: 8:07.Beautiful people welcome to episode 1
1/6 of the Ignite your purpose Show podcast vlog two guys talking we talk
Longevity to a healthy lifestyle that is first and foremost. It's a mix of men to
Medical I say it every time
mental physical
Spiritual knowledge the mind body soul trifecta from negative to positive
We will implement medical as a word sooner or later in the Webster dictionary. I promise you this
People it's a beautiful day to date John. What are we talking today?
My brother from another mother Oh people please on the audio. We thank you for watching
subscribe like share
We're growing this pop- de positive movement. And please be a part of it. Join in on the the chin wags Oh,
Mina ok
Well, it's gonna be me. I'm gonna throw it straight back to you
but thanks everyone for listening for watching for tuning in for liking subscribing and just for sharing this shit all around the world we
Just growing a little bit better today than yesterday
Tomorrow - there you've heard a thousand times. So thank you all
By the way, I'm JB. Oh
Man, UK, he's Massimo
Positive vibes. That's what we came from. Who knows where we go, and there's no ceiling. No ceiling
What is motivation
How do you stay motivated? How do we stay motivated? What's
What she has spin on that my friend. Oh
That's that is a good one. That is a good one. Um, and I think that answer will change as we grow
I know if you had asked me that
Two-year two months ago two years ago five years ago ten years ago. The answers would have all be different
I know back in the day what my motivation was
When I was a young trying to put out albums
it was motivation to get my ass to work to make money to support my my lifestyle and goal as I've grown I
think my motivation truly if I now come from an awareness point of view and how I stay motivated is
To put fourth
The type of knowledge that I wish somebody had been able to teach me when I was younger in that negative state
so every day my motivation is to be better for myself and those around me that that's kind of my base motivation and to share
The good and the bad that I've that I've learned and come from okay, that's it
But what is motivation is can you put a different spin on that?
What is motivation what is motivation?
Okay, tell you I'll say my bit and then I would say purpose my purpose would be motivation currently
I'll say my BAE and then you know, I've got to spin it off. No, I would say I
Cannot motivate you and you cannot motivate me
It's an inside job - yeah, have you seen the movie the inside job?
Motivations and inside job. I can I can encourage you I can challenge you I can inspire you
But I can't motivate you that has to come from
from with inside so
When I look at myself
You can look at what other people have and that might motivate you you
Can look at what you don't have and that might motivate you but I try and prefer to stay stay to the positive. So
for me from for motivation and I've recently
Come up with this. I've got I've got a vision board
Things I'd like to see so each and every day. I will see things. I want places. I'd like to go
Whatever these these items might be in my cake. I might be
Seeing the business jet
it might just be fresh natural food every day or being able to sit on the bench or
Having the choice to go swimming in the yoga every morning. I'm seeing these things each and every day
That will may or will motivate me in some way shape or form so
Historically I
Would look for other people to motivate me, like maybe hit a gym session you get the guys screaming shouting at you
But it excuse me, it doesn't work for other people
even though the screaming government still requires you to
internalize out screaming as
Yeah, I want to get fitter. I'm paying this guy to do this. So I need to go harder. So that's just a
Little spin that I hadn't seen you've got any other notes written down here. Yeah, just
Create a vision of what you want so you can see it every day
it might be a picture of a model, you know, all you know, not like a model but you know the sports per
Athlete or you know, just somebody you you you like and respect
You know a mentor Samiha mastermind group you say by seeing that person every day
I aspire to be like that person or look like that person or feel like that person or heir spire
Lot to feel shit and not feel cranky. You not feel like wanker every morning
Did you see those things and that then drives down turn or cogs?
For you to get out of bed have a glass of water and then get over your day in that positive context
So I've rambled again say everything
But I hopefully Beck's
Put a different spin. Oh, no
I'm gonna go different now because I think
If we talk strictly motivation, I think motivation is FLE. So for me again, it's gotta be deeper than just a motivation
it's gotta be
That motivation has to be attached to something
You got to know your why you got to know where you want to go you want it?
You got to know your end point and that end points always gonna change
But if we're talking how I understand that question now and for those maybe who listen listen also
You know your motivation like John said there I think John knows where he wants to go
but if we're putting a picture up of you know
How I want to look on a manifestation board for me and I end up not looking like that in three weeks time
my motivation may decrease so motivation to me is is based on ups and downs and
I think motivation can be fleeing unless you have a deep-seated root and understanding of where you're going and where you want to be. Yeah
Yeah, I definitely cuz I definitely know there's days where I'm more motivated in days lazy
So and that's part of being human. I think that's okay. You know, I don't think there's anything wrong with that
But it can be fleeing. So yeah, well, I think I
Agree with that maybe the way I explained it wasn't I was trying to come up with too many examples rather than saying
Motive comes from with you know, it comes from within
Not from what I say
Good job. I can't motivate you, but I can encourage you
To challenge you I can inspire. Yeah, but it's got to come from within the individual, you know
Yeah, and and I'll agree with you like if you're let's say well use that gym that rah rah
Rah, go John, go John and you you get that last wrap up
But let's say you don't show up to the gym for four weeks now and then I motivate you again
and it's
So I agree with you hundred percent that motivation to get there tomorrow is on
The person inside not somebody external and that goes back to that inside job nothing's external
But you go deep but it's all the same. Isn't it? John people? I think that's all we got. Yeah, that's it a bed tuck
Banshee, we thank you. Thank you for the audio listens. Thank you for the shares the likes the subscribes bit by day
We're growing and it's a beautiful thing two dudes talking coming from nothing going somewhere. It's what we do
Yeah, that's it oh man, thank you tomorrow guys, thanks, John
Princess Diana death anniversary: What is the 'burka with a bow' design selling at auction - Duration: 3:42.Princess Diana was one of the most beloved members of the Royal Family, known for changing attitudes towards AIDS and her heartwarming moments with members of the public, particularly with children
And now fashion sketches designed for the late Princess are set to fetch a hefty auction price, with some surprising additions
Among among them is 'burka with a bow' which was specifically designed for one of the Princess' tours with Prince Charles
The designs are directly linked to one of Diana's many official trips to foreign countries
What is the burka with a bow? The burka with a bow is one among a number of Diana's designs now up for auction
Designed for the Princess by David and Elizabeth Emmanuel, the burka was meant for her 1986 tour around the Arab Gulf
Princess Diana apparently ordered the dress stating "In all cases modesty is the order of the day
" The auction piece includes a folder which is designated "The Gulf Tour 1986 Day & Evening Wear Designs"
Among the designs, the burka with a bow was labelled: "HRH. The Princess of Wales, Visit to Saudi Arabia, Nov
1986, Reserve Outfit." Talking to PEOPLE, Elizabeth Emmanuel said that the dress was never shown to the Princess or made
She said: "It was not included in the final bundle we presented to her, as by then we had a better idea of what was needed
" Sold by a private collector, the designs come with a guided price of $30,000 (£23,000)
Why would Diana need to wear a Burka? Diana ventured into the Gulf states with husband Prince Charles in a 1986 tour, which saw a new collection of outfits ordered especially for the occasion
The Gulf coast in the Middle East refers to the states of the Persian Gulf. These states include Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Modest dress is epected in these states, especially Saudi Arabia, and the use of an abaya (a long black cloak worn over normal clothes to conceal body shape) is generally required at the least
In places like Riyadh, wearing a headscarf is also advised for women. Diana's burka would have been an attempt to fit in with the traditional dress code of the countries she was visiting, but in the end it was not necessary
A description from the RR Auctions said Princess Diana "tried to conform to local customs by wearing concealing clothes but still exposed her neck and left her head uncovered"
It added: "Notably, she did not have to wear the 'reserve outfit' burka depicted in this archive
" Instead, Diana attended the evening banquets in modest, long-sleeved dresses which had been made specifically for her tour
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