Simone is a cheerful, outgoing 93-year-old who likes spending her days hanging out with
Everyone describes her as honest and kind.
But one day, there was reason to doubt it all.
Because on Simone's 93rd birthday, she was arrested.
What could this nice little old lady have done?
Ninety-three-year-old Simone was arrested out of the blue in her hometown of Augusta,
Her neighbors, friends and community were shocked and could not understand what was
Simone dropped her chin when the police knocked on her door.
Her daughter Anne M. Dumont witnessed the whole situation.
"It was her own fault," she wrote on Facebook.
It turns out that Simone is a big fan of the TV show "Cops," which depicts American
police patrolling the streets for criminals.
Anne, Simone's daughter, had persuaded Augusta Police Department to pretend to arrest her
mom as a birthday prank.
Officer Doody had the great pleasure of arresting the 93-year-old and bringing her to his police
Simone got the chance to experience what it's like to be arrested and put in a police car
— just like they do on TV!
Her dream was complete when the police officer let Simone turn on the siren!
"A big THANK YOU to APD for taking the time out of their already busy schedules for my
Mom on July 9th.
She is one happy woman and a month and a half later, she still talks about her 'arrest'
with pictures to prove it," Simone's daughter Anne wrote on Facebook a month later.
Fortunately, Simone did not really get arrested.
On the other hand, she got the chance to realize her lifelong dream.
I think the Augusta Police Department deserves a round of applause for making Simone's
birthday so unforgettable!
Share to pay tribute to these wonderful officers!
For more infomation >> 93-year-old woman is arrested on her birthday – the reason leaves everyone in disbelief - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Opinion | What was Rachel Mitchell doing? - Duration: 5:07.
Phoenix prosecutor Rachel Mitchell before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill on Thursday
(Andrew Harnik/Pool/Reuters) By Jennifer Rubin Jennifer Rubin Opinion writer reporting from a center-right perspective Email Bio Follow Opinion writer September 27 at 3:00 PM The last set of questions prosecutor Rachel Mitchell put to Christine Blasey Ford may have been the most remarkable
She asked if Ford knew that this process — five-minute intervals of questions — was not the best way to determine the credibility of a sexual-assault survivor's account
One might have construed that as self-defense: Don't blame me for finding out nothing! But it also raises the question as to why a professional prosecutor would agree to be used, to be labeled an "assistant" as Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky
) so insultingly put it, to participate in a farce not designed to get at the truth
Mitchell then insinuated that somehow Ford should have known how to get a forensic interview, remarkably putting the onus on the victim to figure out the prosecutor's job
At any rate, what was obvious is that Mitchell spent virtually no time challenging Ford on her memory of the attack
How could she? It was entirely credible and had all the ear-markings of a truthful witness statement
It was a powerful rebuttal to President Trump and snide Republican lawmakers who chose not to believe Ford
Their hired attorney had no way to challenge the account. No mistaken identity defense is going to work
Mitchell also revealed through utterly irrelevant lines of questions about how Ford found an attorney, who paid for her to take a polygraph test, who paid for security and other events not in the least probative of whether the attack occurred
Instead, it was her lawyers providing the polygraph and a bunch of sympathetic Americans setting up GoFundMe sites for an assault survivor
Republicans have had no way to discredit Ford, so they've gone down a series of blind alleys: It was an evil twin! She has a leftist sugar daddy! Democrats didn't give us enough notice! Whether Mitchell intended it, the questioning simply confirmed the obvious: This was a woman unsophisticated in the legal process and political warfare who tried to navigate her way through a hellish experience that could not possibly inure to her benefit
Mitchell, on one hand, was put in a ridiculous position of fronting (literally) for male Republicans too scared to ask questions
On the other hand, she signed up for the task, whether in hopes of pleasing her client or in subtly rebuking them for setting up a kangaroo court
As for the Republican senators, the 10 mute male Judiciary Committee members and one overbearing, grumpy chairman looked as weak as Ford looked strong
They looked on unemotionally as she bared her soul. They were as cowardly as she was courageous
They are ultimately responsible for any torment they imposed and yet may well conduct a whisper campaign criticizing their own lawyer
As anyone with eyes and a modicum of good sense knows, Republicans' gutless format and silence demonstrated that they have nothing in their bag of tricks other than innuendo, smears and blind partisanship
It turns out that's just not good enough when one faces a thoroughly honest and sympathetic victim
They are playing a political game. She is relating a searing life experience. My goodness, Trump of all people should know what a media disaster it was for them
The only question is how he will throw them and Kavanaugh under the bus. Read more: Lindsey Graham's meltdown gives away the GOP game on Kavanaugh Sketches from Christine Blasey Ford's Senate testimony Christine Blasey Ford's testimony was devastating I hope you were crying Christine Blasey Ford, psychologist
What If Goosebumps Was Real? - Duration: 6:23.
Goosebumps scared me no end when I was a wee lass…. talking dummys, living mummys, people
turning into plants, ghosts, ghouls…the classic stuff of children's literature.
But what if it was more than that – what if it was all true? Listener beware, you're
in for a scare. Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest
Questions – I am your host and you have no idea how excited I about this video! I
love me a spook, especially when it comes with a What If simulation! Join me as we ask
WHAT IF Goosebumps was real?
Before we get into this video, why don't you guys let me know what your favourite scary
goosebumps story or character is in the comments section down below. Mine has the Phantom of
the Opera one – I loved it – but I do like me some theatre.
Right! Goosebumps! Goosebumps are a collection of children's horror books by author R L
Stein that spanned the 90s and beyond. Fun fact for you – there are 231 Goosebumps
books! Who knew! So many! There were 62 original classics shall we say and 170 ish spin offs.
So, with so many books detailing so many scary stories and scenarios, if Goosebumps were
real then all manner of spooks would be unleashed, ghosts, vampires, the sasquatch, the abominable
snowman, evil robots, living dummies, magic, witchcraft, evil scientists…. We would basically
be living in one giant episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer…which would kind of be all
my 11 year old dreams come true, but not in practice!
If the world of Goosebumps was real, would we accept the mystical, or would we be just
as surprised as the teenagers in all the books are? The situation always seems to go that
teenager X meets teenager Y and together they discover some kind of horrifying and unexpected
spook – for example, the abandoned theme park is alive and filled with menace, or explore
a cave only to find a mutant in it. If Goosebumps was real, would this be the norm and if so,
would we shy away from exploring abandoned places for fear of what we might encounter?
Would we become better law abiding citizens? Would we stick to curfews and keep holy water
in abounds…isn't that what would make us good little teenagers…curiosity killed
the cat and all of that. Orrr would some of us actively seek out the drama, the danger
but be prepared for it when it came. You can't catch someone off guard when they are expecting
you! Perhaps groups of vigilantes would patrol….or maybe…ooh maybe we could have real life
scooby gangs and vampire slayers! Y
ou know what would suck of Goosebumps were real? I'll tell you what - that for the
purposes of some kind of grand afterschool special morality lesson you may metamorphosize
into like…a worm…because you stepped on a worm once…or you turn into a chicken because
you knocked a cursed old lady over… sure some people may be like…hey, you deserved
to be turned into a bee, but are they really seeing the bigger picture…. Humans bees.
It is a psychological cluster…duck….ducks everywhere….but they're evil and they
want to peck you for some reason and nothing is how it should be.
If all of the things in Goosebumps were real - Evil Grand High Executioners, evil news
reporters, green slime monster blood, living jack o lanterns and the line – would you
trust anyone, ever or be shocked by anything, ever? If even a plate of scrambled eggs is
out to get you, if taking a photograph accidentally puts a curse on everyone you snap, if opening
a book unleashes a blob that eats everyone… At what point does stuff stop shocking you!
A few final thoughts for you…. You know where I wouldn't fancy living if Goosebumps
were real? The Unites States of America. Almost all the stories in the Goosebumps books take
place in the USA, which would mean it would be a hot bed for demonic activity and malicious
trickery. You'd never celebrate another Halloween without being set upon by people
who, like, turn into their costumes, or go to summer camp without disturbing some kind
of ancient Native American burial ground. You know where also probably isn't safe?
Popular tourist destinations. If the Goosebumps series ever ventured outside of the US it
was usually to the Tower of London or the Pyramids of Egypt. You'd be best off living
in lesser known spots such as Alice Springs or Skgeness…or… you know where there aren't
any Goosebump officiated monsters – SPACE. In his main series, RL Stein never mentions
aliens or space as a setting for terror…so… get Elon on the phone, if Goosebumps were
real I want OUT. Space, or hiding in a locked padded cell are basically the only options.
Ultimately, the Goosebumps books were so great because they played off every day concerns
and fears…that shadow in your bedroom isn't just the weird reflection, that noise under
your bed isn't just a loose spring… if Goosebumps were real, the things that go bump
in the night would be genuine concerns. Yes, each book was nothing more than a teenager
could handle – but if the world really is in peril from a multitude of issues at the
very same time, do we really want horny old Dwayne and Sarah saving us? No. We want the
Military! Luckily though, Goosebumps isn't real, we can sleep soundly tonight without
the fear of falling asleep and accidentally warping reality. I am excited about the Second
Goosebumps movie out this October though…. Nostalgia is realer than any work of Stein's
fiction! Orrrr is it. No, yeah, it is…I just though it would be more fun to end on
a spooky voice.
Thanks for tuning in to this video – what would you do if goosebumps was real? Let me
know in the comments section down below! Also don't forget to let me know your favourite
Goosebumps book! While you are down there why don't you like and share this video
and also click that notification bell…IF YOU DARE. Okay, okay, enough I get it!
I am your host Rebecca Felgate, I'll catch you in the next video but until then, stay
curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.
What was Jesus' relationship with the Holy Spirit? - Duration: 3:42.
AMY: Hi, Dr. MacArthur, my name is Amy.
JOHN: Hi, Amy.
AMY: I want to thank you so much for your ministry.
You've impacted so many people, including myself and my family.
My question is, what is the does the Bible define the relationship between
Christ and the Holy Spirit, especially during His ministry on earth?
JOHN: Good question.
The best way to understand that is this, that when Christ emptied Himself as it says in
Philippians 2, and took upon Him the form of a servant, He yielded up His own personal
He said over and over, as we have noted many times, "I only do what the Father shows
me to do.
I only do what the Father tells me to do.
I only do what the Father does.
I only do it when He says to do it."
And it comes to the crux in the garden when He says, "Not My will, but Yours be done,"
which means He is completely submitted to the Father's will.
So He goes through life, not that His will is in disagreement with it, but He yields
up His own prerogatives to do the will of the Father.
The self-emptying, however, is more than that.
It is more than just a willingness to do the Father's will in the Father's time.
It is a yielding up of prerogatives within His own power.
For example, He said if I wanted to I could call a legion of angels.
But I won't.
He yielded to the Father's will and He yielded to the Spirit's power so that if you, and
this comes out in Matthew chapter 12, if you said of Jesus He does what He does by the
power of Satan, that's what the leaders said, He says you have blasphemed the Holy
Which is to say what He does He does by the Spirit.
You see an illustration of that, several illustrations of that, early on in the gospel of Luke.
You can remember the Holy Spirit leads Jesus into temptation.
The Holy Spirit empowers Him as He goes into Galilee, empowers Him to preach, empowers
to do miracles so that He in His self-emptying does the will of the Father in the power of
the Spirit.
So to assign what He does to the devil is to blaspheme the Spirit who is really the
one doing it.
This comes into clear focus, if you understand from the very beginning, that He was conceived
in the womb of Mary by the Holy Spirit.
He was at His baptism being baptized by John the recipient of the Holy Spirit in a symbolic
way when the Spirit came like a dove and settled upon Him.
This was a demonstration of now that He's going to launch into His ministry, it's
going to be empowered by the Holy Spirit.
So that's the way to understand that.
Now Jesus said in that last night in that Upper Room with the disciples, He said, "When
the Holy Spirit comes, He will speak of Me."
So the ministry of the Holy Spirit now is to point us to Christ.
In His humiliation, Christ pointed to the Holy Spirit as the source of His power.
In His exaltation, in His saving work, the Holy Spirit comes to point us to Christ.
Good question, Amy.
AMY: Thank you.
Huge Crowds, Long Lines, Tight Security: What Capitol Hill Was Like on Ford, Kavanaugh Hearing Day - Duration: 3:08.
Today was a wild day on Capitol Hill ahead of and during the Senate Judiciary hearing.
There have been huge crowds of activists and protesters all over
Capitol Hill today outside of the office buildings there have been protests and
lines to get into even the overflow room for watching the hearing.
The lines for that room were incredibly long
with hundreds and hundreds of people lining
up to get in the room that isn't even the room.
The second floor of the Dirksen
Senate office building where the hearing was taking place was essentially closed
off to anyone without a staff or press credential even press were highly
limited that is in part due to security and also part of the negotiation with
Christine Blasey Ford and the committee as to her safety and comfort for this testimony.
Outside the Senate office buildings early Thursday morning before
the hearing even began there was a sizable protest of pro-Kavanah people
from the Heritage Foundation and from Concerned Women for America inside the
Hart Senate office building there was an enormous protest with hundreds of mostly
anti-Kavanaugh activists and protestors. For the most part it was a calm and
quiet protest many women stood silently with their fists held in the air many
were wearing black and had posters that they were not permitted to raise into the air.
In general active demonstrations are not usually allowed in House and
Senate office buildings however they are public spaces many had signs with them
and had been holding those signs outside of the buildings outdoors but when they
came inside those had to be put away
There was another demonstration in Hart this one led by Tarana Burke of the
#MeToo movement
"I'm there wrapping my arms around you!" Deborah Ramirez to Dr. Ford.
Excuse me, just to advise you, what you're doing is a form of demonstration
and if you continue if you don't cease and desist you could be arrested
That protest ended up being moved because they did not want arrests again to take
place and they moved singing out of the Hart Senate office building towards the Supreme Court.
Later Thursday afternoon 59 protesters were arrested near the
Supreme Court building the protesters arrested were representing the Women's March group.
From what I saw on Capitol Hill Thursday the anti-Kavanaugh
demonstrations were much larger than the pro-Kavanaugh demonstrations but of
course pro-Kavanaugh leaders are running Congress and the White House right now
so the protest size will likely not have a huge bearing on the outcome
Arsenal fans left extremely concerned by what Bernd Leno did just one minute into Brentford clash - Duration: 1:42.
Arsenal fans have been questioning why Bernd Leno has seen so little action since his £20million move from Bayer Leverkusen - and on Wednesday night they may have been given their answer
The German shot-stopper started only his second game for the Gunners when he was named in the line-up to face Brentford in the Carabao Cup on Wednesday night
His absence from the first team has been questioned by Arsenal fans, especially given Petr Cech's unreliable form in goal
But just one minute in against the Championship side and Leno nearly scored an own goal
Stephan Lichtsteiner hastily passed the ball back to the 26-year-old which awkwardly bounced off the German's foot and bobbled inches past the post
Leno held up a hand to say sorry immediately after. "I think we might have put the finger on why Leno isn't starting
" tweeted one Arsenal fan. Another posted: "LENO??????? Omg what was that." @HF00TY: Leno doing his best Cech impression
@marcsenal: So much for Leno being better with his feet
London fire chief 'couldn't believe what she was seeing' at Grenfell - Duration: 8:06.
The head of the London Fire Brigade has told how she couldn't believe what she was seeing when she arrived at the Grenfell Tower blaze
Commissioner Dany Cotton, the most senior fire officer to give evidence at the inquiry into the fire, said she was hit by an 'overwhelming' anxiety as crews were committed, physically touching firefighters to give them a final positive memory of being comforted
But she told the public inquiry into the fire the brigade 'should never have been put in that position to have responded to that incident in that way'
The Commissioner described the moment she arrived at Grenfell Tower at 2.49am on the night of the fire
She said in the statement: 'Sitting in my car I could see the tower through my front windscreen
I was still on the phone to Tom (Director of Operations) and said "What the f***? This can't actually be happening; I can't believe what I'm seeing"
'It just looked like something from a disaster movie. Like a hideous mixture of 'Towering Inferno' and a video I was shown in training school of a high-rise fire in Sao Paulo where people jumped to escape
' RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next 'We've been punched in the stomach AGAIN': Victims' families
Doctors 'blamed victims to cover up NHS blood scandal¿,. Share this article Share In her written statement to the inquiry, Ms Cotton said: 'It has truly damaged some people who witnessed some terrible things and who will never forget them
They will wear the scars for the rest of their life.'Ms Cotton revealed she was one of those marked by the night, suffering significant memory gaps because of the trauma, which she has received therapy for
The room was packed with survivors of the tragedy, those who lost friends and family and local community members, with extra chairs put in to accommodate everybody
Ms Cotton added: 'People will quite rightly have questions, but for me I could not be more proud of the absolute commitment and dedication of the firefighters
They were clearly terrified of going into Grenfell Tower.'The commissioner said she first went into the the high-rise to reassure and comfort firefighters because she did not know if they would all return from the fire alive
She said: 'I recall I actually physically went and touched some firefighters when I spoke to them, because I was not a hundred percent convinced in my mind that everybody was going to come out of there alive
'The building was so hugely involved in fire; you cannot help but compare it to 9/11
'She added: 'I wanted those firefighter to have a positive reinforced memory before they went into the building of somebody saying nice things to them, being supportive and demonstrating to them that somebody really cared
'Later, Ms Cotton said she was hit by overwhelming anxiety to be committing firefighters into a situation where she could not guarantee their safety
She said: 'The imperative was to save human life. The right to life is a basic function of human rights and we were servicing that human right
'However, for the first time ever, I had an overwhelming continuous feeling of anxiety, of responsibility in committing firefighters into a building where I could not guarantee their safety
'I've never felt that way before, and I have been in charge at hundreds of large scale operational incidents
'It was a huge responsibility to know how many people were in there and that we were just going to keep committing and committing - even though there was a potential risk - but that was the decision we took
'Quizzed by Richard Millett QC, the Commissioner defended the Brigade's 'stay-put' policy, saying if 'a building behaves correctly' then the 'stay put' advice is the safest option
The LFB has been criticised for initially telling residents to remain in their flats despite the speed and ferocity of the inferno's spread
The basis of the policy is that fire should not spread between compartments - so a person in a separate, unaffected part of the building should be able to remain in their flat and await rescue safely
Ms Cotton also revealed she had not received training on fire-spread over the facade of a high rise residential block or on cladding
But she said the Grenfell fire would have been deemed an 'unrealistic scenario'.She told the inquiry: 'I wouldn't develop a training package for a space shuttle to land in front of the Shard
'We would respond to it and deal with it in the same manner we do an incident of that scale
'I wouldn't expect us to be developing training or a response to something that simply shouldn't happen
'Some 71 people died in the fire on June 14 last year, with a 72nd victim dying months later
London fire chief 'couldn't believe what she was seeing' at Grenfell - Duration: 8:06.
The head of the London Fire Brigade has told how she couldn't believe what she was seeing when she arrived at the Grenfell Tower blaze
Commissioner Dany Cotton, the most senior fire officer to give evidence at the inquiry into the fire, said she was hit by an 'overwhelming' anxiety as crews were committed, physically touching firefighters to give them a final positive memory of being comforted
But she told the public inquiry into the fire the brigade 'should never have been put in that position to have responded to that incident in that way'
The Commissioner described the moment she arrived at Grenfell Tower at 2.49am on the night of the fire
She said in the statement: 'Sitting in my car I could see the tower through my front windscreen
I was still on the phone to Tom (Director of Operations) and said "What the f***? This can't actually be happening; I can't believe what I'm seeing"
'It just looked like something from a disaster movie. Like a hideous mixture of 'Towering Inferno' and a video I was shown in training school of a high-rise fire in Sao Paulo where people jumped to escape
' RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next 'We've been punched in the stomach AGAIN': Victims' families
Doctors 'blamed victims to cover up NHS blood scandal¿,. Share this article Share In her written statement to the inquiry, Ms Cotton said: 'It has truly damaged some people who witnessed some terrible things and who will never forget them
They will wear the scars for the rest of their life.'Ms Cotton revealed she was one of those marked by the night, suffering significant memory gaps because of the trauma, which she has received therapy for
The room was packed with survivors of the tragedy, those who lost friends and family and local community members, with extra chairs put in to accommodate everybody
Ms Cotton added: 'People will quite rightly have questions, but for me I could not be more proud of the absolute commitment and dedication of the firefighters
They were clearly terrified of going into Grenfell Tower.'The commissioner said she first went into the the high-rise to reassure and comfort firefighters because she did not know if they would all return from the fire alive
She said: 'I recall I actually physically went and touched some firefighters when I spoke to them, because I was not a hundred percent convinced in my mind that everybody was going to come out of there alive
'The building was so hugely involved in fire; you cannot help but compare it to 9/11
'She added: 'I wanted those firefighter to have a positive reinforced memory before they went into the building of somebody saying nice things to them, being supportive and demonstrating to them that somebody really cared
'Later, Ms Cotton said she was hit by overwhelming anxiety to be committing firefighters into a situation where she could not guarantee their safety
She said: 'The imperative was to save human life. The right to life is a basic function of human rights and we were servicing that human right
'However, for the first time ever, I had an overwhelming continuous feeling of anxiety, of responsibility in committing firefighters into a building where I could not guarantee their safety
'I've never felt that way before, and I have been in charge at hundreds of large scale operational incidents
'It was a huge responsibility to know how many people were in there and that we were just going to keep committing and committing - even though there was a potential risk - but that was the decision we took
'Quizzed by Richard Millett QC, the Commissioner defended the Brigade's 'stay-put' policy, saying if 'a building behaves correctly' then the 'stay put' advice is the safest option
The LFB has been criticised for initially telling residents to remain in their flats despite the speed and ferocity of the inferno's spread
The basis of the policy is that fire should not spread between compartments - so a person in a separate, unaffected part of the building should be able to remain in their flat and await rescue safely
Ms Cotton also revealed she had not received training on fire-spread over the facade of a high rise residential block or on cladding
But she said the Grenfell fire would have been deemed an 'unrealistic scenario'.She told the inquiry: 'I wouldn't develop a training package for a space shuttle to land in front of the Shard
'We would respond to it and deal with it in the same manner we do an incident of that scale
'I wouldn't expect us to be developing training or a response to something that simply shouldn't happen
'Some 71 people died in the fire on June 14 last year, with a 72nd victim dying months later
What Was Your Question? - Engineering Tech. - Duration: 1:05.
I can't believe our car broke down.
Yeah, what are we gonna do?
Like a good neighbor State Farm is there?
We've got to make a hydrogen fuel cell to power the car.
How long will it take to make the engine?
It's actually not an engine, that would be combustion.
A hydrogen fuel cell is powered by an electro-checmical reaction.
I know that a hydrogen fuel cell is more efficient than engines, but I'm not sure why.
It's because in a regular engine, 60-80% of the energy would be wasted,
In a hydrogen fuel cell, only 20% would be wasted, basically,
Is it going to be hard to make?
Yeah, I have to get home by six for paw Patrol
*awkward silence*
It's, uhh, no it's not very hard to make, it just depends on how much power you need. (Results may vary.)
You guys ready?
(Disclaimer: This isn't an accurate representation of how to make one)
Your car is fixed!
Thanks, science dude.
Yeah, we could have done it without you.
I know! You guys are dumb. That'll be 6,000$.
TimberTalk - What is Capped Composite Decking? - Duration: 1:18.
For many years traditional timber has been a popular choice for homeowners
when it comes to their decking project, however as a result of the tendency to
warp, fade, splinter and become slippery. It becomes a material that requires high
levels of maintenance, something which a capped composite on the other hand does
not need. Capped decking is one of the two fantastic composite deck board options
that we provide here at TimberTech, along with standard wood composite decking.
It's a material that provides all of the charm of traditional wood decking but
without the required upkeep. Our capped composite decking offers many of the
same benefits as our other high-quality composite deck boards, such as been
long-lasting hard-wearing and incredibly resistant to splintering, warping and rotting.
All of our Capitals feature a 30-year warranty included fading stain cover, the
one big advantage that TimberTech capped composite has over non-capped
materials, is that its protected by a durable moisture resistant polymer
sleeve keeps the body of the board safe from spillages and stains, allowing
anything that's built to be easily wiped away with no worries long lasting damage,
perfect for allowing you to enjoy your deck, stress-free.
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