♥ Thanks so much for watching!
It's so scary mom
Now Suzy, we've talked about this. I'll be right in the other room. I know it's just it's just I'm so afraid of the dark
Just hang in there kiddo. Just hang in there. Yeah, you know, just hang in there
Just hang in there
Just hang in there
Just hang in there
Just a bad
Please there goes the electric bill
That's pretty much my best knee-slapper I
Thought it was funny
Listen, I just heard you talking to your mom to this really thin walls about how you're afraid of the dark and I just wanted
to come in and help
All right, I've already come in
He'll go grandpa once you'll help yourself to whatever's in the fridge so I could talk to this girl about her fear of the dark
Sure thing uncle grandpa
So you want to know a secret
when I was a little girl about your age, I was afraid of the dark -
Really? Sure all those Wiggly spider monsters the giant rolls that hide in the closet the 50-yard
Sorry to call foster and especially the dork beasts that hard under the bed Oh
How'd you get over your fear Oh
But as a wise man once told me
There's nothing to be afraid of in the dark but our own imaginations
So let's start by turning off the lights and I'll prove to you that there's nothing to be scared of
Terrifying oh
Man oh man. Oh man. Oops scared. What do you usually do when you're scared of the dark?
Well, that didn't work
Maybe we should try screaming for my friends. Mr. Casas Pizza Steve. You're friends with a slice of pizza. I don't discriminate
Because they can't hear us maybe we could turn the lights on ourselves we're sad or switch
For more infomation >> Uncle Grandpa - Afraid Of The Dark Part 1 - Jayden Austin - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
VLOG2: Wine Talk - Riesling, Dark Chocolate, Drinking Games - Duration: 7:31.
Hello everyone! Welcome to Wine & Whine
My name is Tu
In each video, we will cheers and chit chat about random things.
Now, I will go get the Wine!
Ta-da! The wine that we will be discussing today is
When we usually hear about riesling
we expect it to be a sweet white wine
the truth is, a riesling bottle is sweet depending on
the origin of the vineyard
another factor is where the grapes are grown.
For the rieslings that is produce in Germany and California
they tend to be sweeter.
For the rieslings that is not sweet or as sweet,
the label will have the word Dry on it.
For the rieslings that is produce in France, Austria and New York
those product tend to be on the dry side.
I don't really like sweet that much
I am not a big fan of sweet drinks and food
Therefore, the riesling I'm introducing today
is kinda interesting because
it has a balance between sweet and dry
but I would say it's more dry than sweet, and it is very easy to drink.
The bottle is Chateau Ste. Michelle
Riesling, Columbia Valley, Vintage 2016, with a 12% alcohol volume content
I don't advertise for any company or get funded by any company.
I just want to introduce to you to what I like.
Lets not wait any longer, time to open this bottle!
Once we take the first sip
we can taste the natural sweetness of the fruits
very settling
and the sweetness only presents for a few seconds and it's gone
then it leaves behind a dry taste but not harsh
and it also has a little bit of floral scent
Both fans of sweet and non-sweet can enjoy this bottle of riesling
because of their balance of sweet and dry
I recommend you to try this riesling
Do you know what I am currently eating?
It's dark chocolate. And dark chocolate is a snack that does not ruin the flavor of your wine.
A few days ago, I read an article
that explained flavonols inside of dark chocolate
it helps protect your skin from the sun
therefore, a lot of models around the world
before they take a beach vacation
they eat and usually bring dark chocolate with them
So my girlfriends out there
we should eat plenty of dark chocolate.
The dark chocolate product that I like to eat
is Lindt Excellence Extra Dark
this one have 85% cocoa
The chocolate that is more or less bitter depends on
the percentage of cocoa in it
and this kinda is 85%. I usually eat between 80% - 85%
If you like it sweeter
then you should get the one between 60% - 70%
I have plenty of drinking games to play at home
I'm the type of person that doesn't like to play games that are
brain killer! I don't like thinking too much.
therefore, I will introduce you to two games that I like to play when I drink.
If you are a fan of Running Man
then you will know this game, because I am also
long time fan of Running Man, and thanks to them
thats how I know of this game. And the game is
Pop Up Pirate
This a game of chance and luck
that is why I like this game
The have these swords and holes, and all you have to do is insert the sword
and the unlucky winner will pop up the pirate!
and that winner will get to drink! I will give you a demo of the game so you can see how it is played
If you want to make this game more exciting
you should prepare an alcoholic drink
preferably something really big
the bigger the drink, the more intense the game will be
The next game is
The name of this game is
Save the Penguin
which means, Save the Penguin
The rules to this game is very simple
It also comes with 2 small hammer (ice picks)
very cute!
and we will just knock those ice cubes down
the one that makes the penguin falls is the winner for a drink!
Let me show you a sample
What is everyone doing this weekend? Watching anything?
or did you go anywhere? Comment below so I can know too.
Me, the past two days, I have been watching
a new Korean series
called Lovely Horribly
with Song Ji Hyo and the handsome Park Shi Hoo as the main casts
I really like movies and shows with comedy and horror genre
And I also watched an American action series
That is really good! If you are an action type
watch it as soon as you have time! This series is about
CIA and terrorists. It is call Jack Ryan
I'll have the link below for you
If you like the style of my video
please subscribe to my channel
Or if you have any questions for me
then comment below, and I will do my best to answer all the questions.
Ok, now
I wish you all have a great weekend!
See everyone again!
Dark Phoenix - First Trailer (in Chronological Order) Version 1 - Duration: 1:46.
From the truth
You think you can fix me gene you are not broken
The mind is a fragile thing takes only the slightest tap to tip it in the wrong direction
What did you do? I had to keep a stable. I
Protected her miss water coming out of us
Didn't stop it zoom along here. There's another word for that
They can't begin to Charles
You came here looking for
Gene lost control
Right. This is your fault Charles
is changing
Just too often comprehend. I
Came looking for answers
Boys a speech
Pain they're still Lucas on the break you didn't come here looking for answers
You're always sorry Charles and there's all nobody cares, but you are
Don't do this
I've seen Abel
I'm sorry. I didn't stop it sooner
Dark Creek :Episode 1:|The Beginning|: (Read Description) - Duration: 2:25.
Araktic: I hope we find prey sooner or later.
Bluemoon: Yeah, I'm so hungry, I could eat you right now!
Araktic: Whatever, we should get going. I bet prey is somewhere out here.
Tsunami: Uh, guys, I can smell something.
Dasker: Now that I think about it, I think I can smell something too.
Tsunami: Guys, up there, I see two wolves.
Dasker: Go
Araktic: Um, two wolves are coming towards us.
Bluemoon: I have a feeling we should run.
Araktic: But, what if it's a pack?
Bluemoon: If you're thinking of joining, that might be a good idea.
Tsunami: Who are you, and what are you doing in our territory?
Araktic: Oh, uh, we're just looking for a pack. Um, are you in one?
Tsunami: I mean, if you really are looking for a pack, I could bring you to my alpha. I bet he is looking for more wolves.
Dasker: Where are they?
Malcon: We found some more wolves and they want to join the pack.
Dasker: Fine, bring them into the territory.
(Short overview of the camp)
Araktic: So, is this the pack territory?
Tsunami: What do you think, dummy?
Crystal: Dasker, your... your pups have been born!
Dasker: What, where's Cirrus?
Crystal: She's in the Alphas' den, of course!
Dasker: Oh Cirrus... how are the pups?
Cirrus: It's only one pup, but, he's quite eager, I bet he'll be a great hunter.
Dasker: I sure hope so.
Drone: Are you my daddy? Oh uh, my name is Drone!
Dasker: Yes Drone, I am your father.
Drone: You look very strong! Are you the alpha? Yay! Mommy's alpha... *gasp* your the alpha *gasp* I'll be beta!
Cirrus: As you can tell, he's really talkative.
Dasker: Atleast you had some good conversation while I was gone.
Drone: Is that a compliment 'cause thank you!
Battle of the Necrokeep | New Hero | Leomord Trailer | Mobile Legends: Bang Bang! - Duration: 1:28.
Hatred and war never seems to stop...
No matter how cruel the wars may be...
My fealty shall never be led astray!
I could never resist her call...
Even death cannot prevent me from serving my queen!
Rise, my brethren
The legions of the Necrokeep!
Honor the oath we pledged long ago!
Defeat these insects below us!
Darkness shall consume every ray of Light!
Sociopath Thought Experiment Inspired by Shane Dawson Kati Morton The Dark Side of Jake Paul Part 2 - Duration: 10:49.
so one of my passions that I don't really talk about often is philosophy
okay not only do I love mental health and neuroscience but I love philosophy
because it kind of asks us to do some critical thinking and I love just
thought-provoking conversations or topics and I love just different thought
experiments so with the whole Shane Dawson series about The Dark Side of Jake Paul and my
recent video about Kati Morton in the back she's getting about sociopaths I
thought it'd be great to do a thought experiment with all of you and it was
something that came to mind from one of your comments what is up everybody this
is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the
solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is all about mental health I
try to help you with your mental health I try to educate people decrease the
stigma increase awareness all things mental health so if you're into that
make sure you subscribe and ring the notification bell because I make a ton a
ton of videos so like when it comes to mental health mental health is such a
broad kind of statement and for me just anything going on in the mind and how we
react to situations involves mental health how we get offended or how we get
angry how we get upset you know our emotions are a major part of mental
health and when you see on social media like the backlash Kati Morton got and
and shane got and things like that like I think it's important to kind
of ask ourselves these kind of questions and you know think like what what where
are my thoughts coming from this one of the reasons why I love meditation so
much because it helps me quiet my mind and kind of get curious about where
these thoughts or these emotions are even coming from so anyways this topic
actually came up and it brought to mind this thought experiment from one of your
comments the comments actually came from Gingerbread I am shocked that Shane and
Kati Morton in The Dark Side of Jake Paul didn't anticipate the backlash people get offended over everything
these days some people get offended when someone talks negatively about
pedophiles calling someone gross like an obvious thing to avoid however
I'm also annoyed with people portraying sociopaths as perfect angels how do they
wind up with the diagnosis if they are perfect angels I want to have empathy
for them but I also want to be honest I find it all very morally confusing
I appreciate your nuanced view I can see both sides too so yeah by the way this
is one of the reasons I love Philip DeFranco is because he kind of questions
his own view sometimes on different topics and things like that but when I
read this I responded I said yeah the moral landscape is tricky and it's
interesting there's actually a book I read called the moral landscape where it
made me question a lot of things that I believe about morality and everything
like that so I told Gingerbread that but it
actually wasn't the book moral landscape it was a book called free will so the
author of both of those books moral landscape and free will which I will
link in the description below by the name of Sam Harris so Sam Harris if you
don't know who he is he is controversial to some he's kind of a modern-day
philosopher he's an atheist who's very outspoken on certain subjects which I'm
not gonna talk about on my channel because I don't even want to get started
but anyways I enjoy his work because he talks a lot about meditation and
philosophy and I love so anyways um the the book the moral landscape is great
especially if you're someone who's into science and philosophy but this book
free will which this thought experiment comes from it's very very short and it
questions it has this question how much free will we actually have you know what
I mean you might not know what I mean it's very interesting and it gets
confusing but like if you follow along with the book it's very very interesting
because that's part of meditation is not getting attached to your thoughts and
not judging yourself from you for your thoughts
our thoughts pretty much just spring up out of a void and they come from
seemingly nothingness so we really have to question our free will and the
decisions we made but anyways I'll shut my mouth and let's get started with this
thought experiment I was questioning whether I should do this but I will just
in case it's my audience it's growing I just want to give a trigger warning
there is some violence talked about in this thought experiment but I need to do
a video about trigger warnings I saw something very interesting on it like
just by me mentioning a trigger warning might make people triggered so I just
wanted to do that as a courtesy so if you get triggered by violence slide you
can turn the video off alright anyways let's get started okay so I want you to
just look at these five different cases and kind of just question things and ask
yourself you know and then I'm gonna ask you leave comments down below alright so
we're gonna talk about five different cases that involve murder okay
so case number one a four year old boy is playing with a loaded gun and shoots
and kills a young woman this gun was left loaded and unprotected by the
father case number till a twelve-year-old boy who has been the
victim of consistent emotional and physical abuse is being teased by a
young woman so he takes his father's gun and he murders this young woman case
number three a 25 year old man who has been the victim of continuous physical
and emotional abuse most of his life his girlfriend leaves him for another man
and he shoots and kills this young woman case number for a 25 year old man who
had great parents there was no abuse yeah just the ideal upbringing he takes
a loaded gun and he shoots and kills a young woman and when he's questioned
about it he did it quote unquote just for the fun of it case number five a 25
year old man who has never been the victim of any type of abuse also has
great parents he takes a loaded gun and he shoots and kills a young woman quote
unquote just for the fun of it but when they do a brain scan on him they find a
golf-ball-sized tumor on his medial prefrontal cortex this part of the brain
is responsible for emotional regulation as well as impulse control all right so
when you hear these different cases so number one and two most of us would
probably be a little bit more lenient right you had the case of a four year
old and a 12 year old both of these children obviously a four year old the
brain is nowhere near fully developed right then you have a 12 year old who is
the victim of constant abuse again underdeveloped brain but then you have
case number three and case number four these are 25 year old adults one of them
was the victim of this continuous abuse but he did shoot and kill somebody and
then in case number five you have a 25 year old man but he has a brain problem
that causes him to maybe be a psychopath right so that's something that I don't
know I just with all this conversation about
sociopaths and in the last video I made about Kati Morton they've discovered
that the brains of sociopaths are actually different they have decreased
brain matter in part of the areas that I just talked about with that tumor bag
okay so this is just this is one of those things where I don't talk about it
much on my channel but it's always something that comes to mind when I ever
whenever I see somebody like who has done something awful you know I'm like
what's their history what happened to them and things like that a lot of my
empathy you know has come from working in a drug and alcohol treatment center I
meet people where most people would say these are terrible people for the things
that they have done the things they've done to their family the things they've
done to their friends the line achieving the stealing the list goes on and on
they've abandoned their children all sorts of stuff a lot of people say you
know addictions of choice but after sitting with some of these people for
even five minutes you hear just a little bit of their story a little bit of their
childhood you're like oh my god like no wonder why you started abusing drugs you
know you find out about the abuse they've been through and the traumas
they've been through and all sorts of other things right so I don't know like
it's just something interesting like some of you know who have been
subscribed for a while I really try to teach people to be empathetic like even
for a moment just try to put yourself in another person's
shoes or or think about you know what if this was somebody you knew and you knew
their past you knew about their traumatic history and things like that
and like it's just an interesting topic like you know I I mentioned in my last
video about Kati Morton like humans like people I love everybody I love everybody
but I don't like everybody you know like but I'll say this to end this video I'll
say this my little boy my nine-year-old son is sitting right over there and this
is why I am just such a huge advocate for good parenting like I'm such a huge
advocate for it there are so many mental illnesses that are the result of
childhood trauma you know so like we have to step our game up as parents we
have to make sure that we're not having a kid just for the sake of having a kid
we need to make sure we are bringing people into this world who can be
nurtured emotionally and everything like that so they can develop properly or
else they turn to these 25 year old men or women who do awful things and then we
have to start questioning well is it their fault or is it their up Rives
fault you know how much freewill did they have I I study a lot about
neuroscience like traumatic events as a child they it is scientifically proven
to rewire the brain you know what I mean but anyways I really am excited to kind
of do something you know a little bit more philosophical you know a little
thought experiment again gingerbread thank you for commenting and making me
think of this thought experiment but I want to hear from all of you let me know
what your thoughts are down in the comments below okay but that's all I got
for you with this video if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and if
you're new I'm always making videos about mental health so make sure you
subscribe and wing that notification bell a huge thank you to everybody
supporting the channel over on patreon you helped support me and doing
something I love which is helping people with their mental health if you want to
support the channel on patreon you could do it for as little as a dollar a month
that's it and you get your name right here the links right there thanks so
much for watching I'll see you next time
The Dark Night of the Soul: Dealing with Life's Tests - Duration: 52:04.
The topic for today is going to be the dark night of the soul. Sounds like a cheery topic,
doesn't it? It's very important to understand that, even though it sounds like a almost
a negative, the dark night of the soul,
there is nothing on earth that brings us greater transformation, absolutely nothing on earth
that equals what the dark night of the soul does for us.
So please be patient. Let me explain. The term really was popularized by a mystic named
St. John of the Cross. He was a contemporary of St. Theresa
of Avila. And, you know, they were both so interesting. They were both mystics and people
that went through what is part of the traditional mystic path, meaning a period of,
just a purging away of the old ego self and the old mystic path, which was sort of a,
it's sort of a branch off of, or yet the other is a branch off it, of religion. And so it
maintains the God concept as religion does. But instead of talking about and using dogma
around God and rituals, it's kind of personal experience oriented.
But it still overlaps with religion, in that it still almost encourages, at times almost
encourages, a burning of oneself, a purging. And life doesn't
have to be that way. We don't have to go through those old school kinds of purging. processes.
However, in this world, we will likely do some amount of that, just not to the extreme
we used to.
Those mystics, oh my gosh, you know, by no coincidence, they were at times imprisoned
and scourged and and beat, and so on and so on. Even St. Francis went through
turmoil at time.
So masters throughout history and mystics throughout history went through this thing
called the dark night of the soul.
The reason it's called dark night of the soul, I don't know if this information's
out there much anywhere. But the reason it's called the dark night of the soul, because
it's not a night at all man,
it lasts years, usually, a couple of years. But it's called the dark night of the soul
because of its relevance and association to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. So you
could say that mystics kind of made this connection to, "Wow, our Lord Jesus went through a a
terrible, difficult purging in the garden. So we have our own version, which takes months
or years."
And so I that's kind of where that originates anyway.
And I'm not all people go through pregnancy, not all people get married, not all people
get divorced. Not all people do this, and that, you know, and the other not all things
are relevant to all people. There used to be a saying, you know, you have to, there's
two things, you can avoid death and taxes, and you can avoid taxes, you just might be
put in jail for it. But it's still possible.
I'm saying that what you can't avoid is actually death and the dark night of the soul. All
human beings go through it. All human beings, everybody goes through it, typically at least
two or three times in one lifetime. It lasts, you know, just just to kind of catch you up,
because you might still be saying, well, what's he still talking about? I'm talking about
something that you and I, all of us go through.
But nobody realizes, most people do not realize that there's a name for it, and that it's
a thing you're going through. It's not an accident. It's not a coincidence. You didn't
just happen to lose your job and your health and such and such at the same time. There's,
when, when, when lots of things fall apart, simultaneously and or stay quite stuck, you
know, immobilized not changing, not progressing and so on that those are good symptoms of
the dark night of the soul.
Those are pretty consistent symptoms of that. So if you are going through something like
that, it could tell you what you're going through. And so I'm going to explain, just
like some people say, well, good doctors might say, "Well, let me explain that all those
symptoms, that's actually an ailment. It could be minor, could be major, but it's nice to
be told what it is instead of just going
"Doctor I got all these things, man, I'm just terrified or I'm in pain."
"Oh, that's actually this, this, this .We we just adjust your supplements or whatever
it is, and it's all gone." Wow, isn't that
great? It's the same for the dark night of the soul
so we go through this and most people just don't even know there's a name for it that
there's an it at all and it's what they're going through
now this does not include having a bad weekend you know, you can't go in
and a bender, you know, and, and, you know, binge drink or whatever, and have a hangover,
and later they're going, Oh, I think I'm having the dark night of the soul. No, you're just
having a
dumb ass Night of the Soul. You know, you just went too far you got drunk. Now you have
a hangover. That's all you that's not, that's not a dark night of the soul. A dark night
of the soul, like I said, typically lasts for quite a while. And there's all kinds of
other symptoms. You know,
I'll share that here and there. But, but I want you to remember that
it's something that we all go through. So one of the things to remind yourself and others
when they're going through these kinds of things, or when they're going through the
dark night is one of the most important is to remind them that they're not going crazy.
They're just waking up which is a title of one of my books thats related to the dark
night of the soul,
but also to make them feel normal to make them feel it's it. This is normal. This isn't
like, your bad. This isn't like you've ruined your life. This is one of those cycles, you
and you do it in a way that they'll understand, you know, if they're a Buddhist, just say
it one way if they're Christians, and other new way you said another, whatever, you know,
they're wherever they're coming from, no, no belief systems at all. Faith wise, then
you just say it in another way. You can say it's been proven scientifically, you know,
if that's what
appeals to them. But you're just saying this is normal. There's biological, you know, like,
if you're talking to a male and he's describing all this stuff, and he has no faith beliefs
or whatever, you could still say, all people, all bodies end up going through a purging
process. What are you talking about? Is
that something spiritual? Not necessarily. For example,
when a woman goes through menopause, it is a form
of the dark night of the soul. She's doing a purging process, everything she knew is
now not so which is a symptom of the dark night that which I knew is no longer
You know, I've often used a reference to the There's a song It's called ordinary world.
And it's by a band called Duran Duran,
who I'm not into it all. But I'm just using a reference to a song they wrote. And, you
know, he's just describing what is happening to me crazy, somewhat say, where's the life
that I recognize? And then the voice in the background says, it's
gone away, you know, and that's just really, if you could really drop into that.
That's, oh, my God, it can bring tears easily. Because where's the life that I recognize?
You know,
and it's another versus where's the friend? You know? Where's the friend that I had
gone away
in? That's what it's like.
It's like everything you thought you knew? Where's my health gone away? Where's my finances?
Gone away? Is my job gone away?
Whatever it is, that you you believe you knew to be real or true or valuable? Gone away?
Why? What did I do wrong? Nothing at all.
And that's another thing to remember about the Dark Knight Don't take it personally,
which is a funny thing to say because it's happening to you personally.
to not take it personally. It's definitely not God dishing out curses like people once
It's a cycle
and it's a cycle that's actually a blessing that feels like a curse.
Why? Because Thank God my soul has decided and it's my soul that are it organizes and
science me up for the dark night. That's why it's called the dark night of the soul it's
not the dark night of God is not the dark night of sun to something else or your next
door neighbor it's the dark night of my soul about soul so what happens is there's a there's
a moment where the soul says you know
you're doing all right but there's some areas that are kind of stuck some areas maybe you've
ignored maybe that are stuck maybe the you underestimated or sometimes there are some
areas where you're just too attached to some things thought concepts people things and
so the soul says oh my god I have such a perfect plan
for us you know what I'm going to do I'm going to sign us up for a little period of time
almost like saying going on vacation to kind of you know get over the stress of work except
it's it's going within instead of going on vacation it's about going within
and you get to have all the things you
you know either unhealed wounds collectively that built up you know it's almost like having
the sink pipes clean you know because they build up hair and debris and so forth after
one they clean it up you know and
wow all this stuff comes out of there you know and debris and toxic stuff and so it's
kind of like that it's you know, it's it's going into the soul having all the debris
that's built up but also attachments and the soul is saying oh this is going to be great
God because when this is done you're going to be clean man you're going to feel great
it's it's the pipes all cleaned out it's like having the key elation on your arteries. Colon
therapy on the colon or whatever you want to imagine it the shampoo on
dirty here. It's like Oh, so refreshing
a shower or bath for a dirty or
stressed body. You know,
and so you accept it to yours.
And it doesn't feel like a damn bath or shower man. Let me say, you know, you guys should
know by now. This is not like, oh, okay, I'll go and take me away. It's more like kill me
Because when the soul is purging our human self is usually not aware of what's happening.
Therefore, it's it's confused. Our human self is going What is going on? Why
is everything dying around me? Now the soul is going Oh, don't you remember we sent you
a member we're going to be doing some housecleaning. So as a bit of extra dust blowing around and
bags of you know, trash going out. And you know that you hear the jackhammer, because
part of the foundation was was crooked or weak, or do you know whatever sinking. So
there's a lot of construction going on. But
we told you about it. We sent you a memo. Oh, I forgot about that. You know. And so.
But ignorance is no excuse. It's, you know, even
if you knew it's going on, it's
still going to be a little painful. But we love to live in ignorance. And so we'd rather
claim we didn't know anything about it, of course, in miracles tells you how important
it is. There's a concept in the course called thoughts and leave not their source. Meaning
when your life is going through the dark night of the soul. It could only have been approved
by you.
You can't get away with thinking at someone else. Or blaming God or whatever, you have
to accept it. Wow. Okay. This is absolutely as well as I could have known. It's where
my higher higher good or my highest good. So it's a cleansing process. Now, you could
say, but I don't like that there's so much to be cleansed. Okay, then maybe don't build
up so much debris last time, don't be a dang spiritual hoarder, you know, and, and you
wouldn't have so much stuff to clean out. So no matter what you can take responsibility
and, and kick your own button and say, you know, this is what is. So let's just go instead
of fighting it. You know, this is what is it's a drag. It's inconvenient to our day
to day wishes. But this too shall pass.
And it's one of the most important things to remember this too shall pass when you're
going through the dark night of the soul. Remind yourself this, too shall pass, you
know, this, this originates because of our, our need to cleanse our need to clear out
and we will only be able to create a new life tomorrow contingent on how well we clear out
So fight the dark night of the
soul. The way I look at it is like out of 10 points,
let's say, How well did I do that have 10 points or use a grading scale? If you want
a, b, c, d, e, f, you know,
how did I do
and on zero to 10, meaning meaning
10 would be special della perfect Christ like response to the Dark Knight that would not
be most human beings. So don't even go there, you're probably not even going to be able
to claim a nine or an eight, believe it or not. But if you do, congratulations.
It also depends on how honest you are and how kind of hard on yourself, you are in an
even in a good way, meaning stringent on your rating system. And not overly arrogant going
on at 10. Always
the times I've gone through the dark night of the soul. And I've already gone through
it a couple times.
It's I would say
I probably most recent time years ago, several years ago, I probably would grade myself to
be maybe a
an eight, maybe a seven to eight people who know me would say, Oh, my God, and people
have said, You're totally dead. You're a nine plus, you were like, 10, you are stellar.
I didn't feel stellar. So being honest with myself, I'd say no,
there were moments what I where I would like to have handled a little bit better couple
of moments when I appreciated, you know, just just sinking in it for a moment. Or I allowed
myself to fear too much, or whatever, lose faith, those moments I know better than anyone
else. And yeah, you anybody would feel those doubts and fears that's going to be normal,
how much you fed them will be what determines whether it knocks you down a little from a
10. And mostly I didn't let them get to me. But there were a couple of times When, when,
where it was there, just like
such frustration, such doubt,
or whatever, you know, depending on which dark night I was going through, some of the
feelings are going to be consistent from one period to another, but some are going to be
unique. So I went through it, and most people can go through it, you can have a childhood
version, if you've had a lot of abuse and so forth, I collectively could say that to
first dark night of the soul, his childhood in general, but the first adult one, and for
many of us, it's around the age of 30,
which can coincide with what we call a Saturn return, but not necessarily as exact during
a Saturn return. And it can be
around 30 for me. And then another round came up at around 50. And,
and the third round came up in its now I'm actually feeling that quite a bit the last
couple of years. And, you know, and it's you,
you might also notice that you're going through it,
and I want to add
this I'm not in a Saturn return right now. But, but it is a dark night of the soul. Nevertheless,
because it doesn't always coincide. But I want to say this, we are as a planet
going through the dark night. And this does happen to nations to towns, even households,
group of people versus just an individual it can happen and we are going through it.
So whether this is minor hours, I'm still here. So I still have
to walk through my version mine has
not been horrendous in terms of major losses, which I've had before when it was a dark night
period, major threats which I've had before, you know, to my well being, or whatever. But,
you know, it's instead it's more of a disconnection from some things and goodbyes to some things.
And, and, you know,
just things kind of some areas that were stuck. Now,
I'll explain though,
going through the dark night does not mean your life is completely trashed. It usually
will look that way when you're going through it. But the more you grow, most people would
not know you're going through it. And that's kind of cool. Not because you're in denial
or stuffing it that's not very cool, are wearing a fake smile. It's because you're seeing it
differently. You're handling it differently. For me, this this dark night period that I'm
in now
is probably similar to the second one I had about eight years ago or so. And and one would
think, Well, why should you have another one, when you had that one, I don't even care why
you don't have to overanalyze it. It is what it is. So you just go you just do your work.
When you're there. You know, that's what you do. You fall in a cave, you have a flashlight,
turn the damn thing on, do the light work while you're in the darkness. So it is a little
frustrating, and I'm but I'm grateful. Because this time, this time going through it. There
are some things like the online courses like the live presentations, like the life that
we share at Unity of Sedona, when I'm teaching there on tour, when all these people attend
just throngs of people, supporting the work on and on and on, even people making donations,
you know, you can, you can donate to me as amended. We call it the foundation for Christ
consciousness, you can donate to that, or if you prefer my other ministries through
unity of Sedona, you can donate their people do that. And that's very helpful during this
time to have had work channeled in you know, just great channeling support, financial support.
And so far, this all makes a major difference. Those are the areas that are actually above
water. Thanks to you guys. Thanks to God, spirit channeling my integrity is in yours.
So we're all in this and it's made a real big difference. And you should make a difference
to others and let others make a difference for you. And some of you upset that these
presentations are helpful to you during your challenging time. So there we are men at spiritual
eco system versus a worldly ecosystem. So
that has helped a lot there's a couple of areas that have been a little more stuck or
challenged. And it's been for at least a year or so. But like some of you know, I shared
this many times the recently a few times recently, I just made a list of those things, do it
journal guys, or make a list of things and start bidding farewell to ones instead of
being hooked by them, waiting for them to come back to life. Just bid them Farewell,
so that you're not drained or strained on that energy, you know, hooked by that energy.
It allows us to be free it may or may not bring your next steps your tomorrow yet but
it helps speed up the process of purging today. If you your soul has nothing left to purge
out, then it doesn't keep purging.
I just helped it along and made a list of some things and say goodbye. And you know
that that was probably a pivotal moment. I just did that a couple weeks ago. And it was
a pivotal shift for me again, nobody outside would really notice. And some people might
say, Oh, I noticed. I know it really for the most part, you know, nobody would notice.
But and I'm sure I tried to be honest about it. When I say something you know to people
and let people know what I'm going through. And you should as well don't dump it on your
kids. Don't take it out on people that's different. I'm talking about journal it or talk to a
friend smart things to do when you're in the dark night of the soul. Include a counselor
seeing a counselor sponsor journaling, prayer, obviously. So there are some things you can
you can reach out for and connect with that can, you know, help you find sanity in the
what seems like insanity. I'm not saying it's insanity. But you know, it sure feels that
way sometimes. So, you know, do your deep work and don't take like I said, Don't take
it out on people. Just do your deep work. See your counselors do your prayer. But there's
a phrase I use, which is die well,
meaning don't just whine about what's ending. be thorough, man die. Well, let some things
just come to an end.
Like write them down. Take a photo of the person or if you need to burn that write down
what you're letting go of deep prayer fully say goodbye to things it just means die well,
means authentically, thoroughly, sincerely and be and honestly because you have to be
honest about you know what, what kinds of emotions are going on you, you know, somebody
is part of your
let's say you have a challenge someone leaves you or as part of your dark night someone
leaves you sometimes that's just a specific little challenge right now, at other times
as part of a greater dark night of the soul. But someone leaves you can say, Well, I don't
really care, that's not actually going to help you. And whatever feelings really, we're
there. If you don't work them now, they're going to just collect it's no problem. The
Dark Nights going, Oh, honey, don't worry, we have a little we have a little strainer
right here. And there's stuff that will stick stuff that's been thoroughly and authentically
done. We're going to just collect that for you. And then on a certain period of time,
maybe tomorrow, maybe a year, five years from now we're going to walk up to you, we're going
to take the strainer plot, dump it out, you're going to have all this growth yucky moldy
stuff, it'll just look like black algae. And it's horrible. And it's your unhealed stuff
that you tried to run from or minimize or deny or whatever. So you know, that's that's
kind of the moral of the story there. You know, you can run but you can hide so the
Dark Knight is going to happen
you're going to probably lose you could lose jobs, friends, your health
home, you know, I said house but but your home your properties. Your car could get mashed,
you could have accidents. There's all kinds of things that can happen. And really with
the Dark Knight which really a drag is it's often several things at once. It's not like
you just go wow, you know, there was a hailstorm and it and it broke a corner of part of the
roofing on my house and dark night. No, it isn't that's a hailstorm. That's all
the dark night is when you say
speech, Alicia. No.
Okay. And now a hailstorm. And a week ago my
partner left me and a few days before that I was diagnosed with such and such. And then
there's a family members passed away last year and on and you know, it's like that it's
when it's just like
I call it being hit from all sides. Really, you know,
so it can be challenging. But
again, don't forget the affirmation. This too shall pass. That's so important. You can
even lose jobs or incomes or whatever. But this too shall pass. It's a fact. Things happen
in cycles in this universe, in our lives in the world, even in our bodies. And
this too, shall pass. Now here's an important key when I was saying, grade yourself, how'd
you do? Seven? Five? Whatever it is to nine. How did I do? Okay?
The reason that might be important to do that is because, first of all it in inspires you
to try to do a little better for yourself. It's not like anybody's keeping score against
it just for you.
But I can say to myself, if I were to score a six or a five
I Michael would say, I know Dang. Well,
that that means if I score of five, now
a five is coming again. Tomorrow.
It has to because I didn't finish it. So I
would rather feel like I scored pretty dang well,
and there's not much left to do. You know, that's kind of kind of how it looks to me,
I you know,
I keep my eyes open. I'm not the type to be in denial. So my eyes are wide open, typically.
And I want them to be open. And so I want to be responsible and know what I'm dealing
with. So that's just what you know, I would recommend
again, we all go through these things. It's it happens a few times per lifetime, typically
lasting, it's hard to say it could be anywhere from at least two or three years. And it can
be fine. Seven years
at the most. And for most people, I do know some people who seem to have a dark life of
the soul, you know, where it's lots and lots and lots of purging. Remember, even though
it's longer lasting, and time times an illusion, and therefore this too shall pass if you happen
to be one who came in and you say, I honestly think it seems like every year other stuff
is happening. I have not seen much of the light at the end of the tunnel. I've only
known the darkness of the tunnel. First of all, my heart goes out to you,
as does God's got itself. Its heart goes out to you. Because this is painful, it's painful.
know this too shall pass. Even though it's a longer period of time, it will pass. And
when it does, you're done with this stuff. You don't come in for a lifetime, purge all
the stuff,
some of you have had to purge long life stuff,
only to come back and do it three other lifetimes. That doesn't make any sense. When you're going
through the dark night, you're likely clearing relevant stuff, whether it's a few years relevant
stuff, or whether it's few lifetime's worth of relevant stuff. So you know, have faith
know that just know that it's impossible. And that way, you can feel a little bit of
like, wow, you know,
it really has been a hard life. But I'm gonna sit within in terms of responsibility and,
and recognize that that probably means that I'm cleared I'm done with the heavy stuff
of life's lifetimes. You know, that's how I would look at it. Anyway.
What is the purpose of the dark night of the soul? Well, it's all about life's tests.
The book I wrote, called the seven initiations on the spiritual path is subtitled understanding
the purpose to life's tests.
Because life is tests. You're only here because you haven't completely graduated in Devon.
So everything is about learning tests and graduation. We learn something, whatever it
is, and then you take a test on it to do the universe test you to see if you got it.
Some people don't even like the word test for some reason, but that's their trip. And
they should look at that and track that. Because if you if you get triggered by a word, and
you can hear what I'm saying, because of one word, you need therapy or something.
Sorry, man, but you know, you need you need work on that, man. Don't, don't ignore the
message is for a word life's tests.
And if you get the metaphor that we're here learning
at the end of a learning period, we take a test to see how we did the universe. Does
it just like schools do it? Hey, did you get this how you doing now? What's the purpose
of that test? Well, that's what the Dark Knight is, what's the purpose of the dark night?
What's the purpose of life's tests primarily, and especially
with the Dark Knight It teaches us
surrender. Because you're going to try all your usual tricks to get you through your
day. But they won't work you're going to grab
me your herbs. When you're not feeling well, not going to work, you're going to grab medicines
are not going to work, you're going to try your counselor, it's not going to work you're
going to try even prayer will seem like it does not work. You're going to try all kinds
of quick fixes and longer term fixes. You're going to consult your astrologers you're going
to try everything backflips in yoga postures
because something's got to help. But no, that's the whole point. And the Dark Knight, nothing's
going to help because it's trying to teach you that nothing you can do on this planet
is truly have any long lasting or real permanent value, which means there's only one place
you should be going, not the doing outside being inside.
And that's why
spirit in any form as Christ
or Holy Spirit or Divine Mother, whatever spirits all for it, saying, oh, man,
this is great. You're going to have a dark night of the soul. You might cave in, like
most people doing score three. But man, I'm really rooting for you. Because if you get
it, you're going to say of myself, I can do nothing. I don't know what to do. I don't
know who I am. And then you're going to ask God to show you who you are, and so forth.
And that's really one of the main points The Dark Knight is to teach us. humility, surrender,
The Dark Knight is to teach us to
love unconditionally instead of conditionally.
It's all it's all just to improve us. It's also about cleansing that which is not as
valuable as we thought it was. And last but not least, for now, the dark night of the
soul also teaches us to integrate things we learned. For example, you can say,
Oh, I went to three retreats all about health and wellness. And lately I've been doing meditation
and I'm really working on myself or you could just be an average schmo. You know, doing
but the dark nights gonna say sell out of all
the things you've ever heard, and learned and studied and felt and experienced,
what did you learn? What did you gain? What, How are you different?
It's gonna, it's going to ask you to integrate what you went through.
And you say, Well, here's what I learned. No, no, no, don't tell us.
We want to see it. Who are you? We want to feel it. Is it in you? Have you become a healer?
Or are you still dabbling with medicines?
Are you are you a yoga, you know, yoga Master?
Or are you still
taking it all? Seriously? And, and, and, and, you know, going into depression? If you forgot
to do your awesomeness today? Like you're still the door, or have you become the being
yet and it will ask that question, not because it's trying to
work us over. It's asking us so that will look at
it and become more honest. And that's pretty cool. Your mom You know, just because you're
you have a kid or are you truly an expression of the mother?
Okay. And then there's, you know, I really love my child. I really love my partner. Really
love my mother. Okay, how much do you love them? Oh, I gosh, you know, I love them so
much. It's amazing. Probably more than any other person they've ever known, really, and
more than I've ever known of another person. You know, I've never loved anybody so much.
the soul is going, you know, we had to do is remove them from your life to see if you
can love them without seeing them.
Having them hand in hand up the aisle. Can you love them if they're gone? And instead,
we're like, oh, Lord, you know what happened? Bring them back and souls like, darn it. We
were really hoping you could turn human love for that person into divine love. But it's
okay. We'll try it with another person later. That's how it works. You know, it's
all the all the angels are helping orchestrate the entire thing. But it's really our soul
spirits rooting for us. But it's really our soul that sets these things up. And I hope
that much has made sense that it's you know, we're not a victim in any of this. You know,
there's biblical record references
that tell us what to expect when
we go through it. Like men will pray for death and death will
not come. That is a description of one's personal dark night of the soul.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. That's a description of the
dark night of the soul. But the affirmation is, I will not be afraid God's with me in
the dark night. I don't see it. I don't feel it, man. I don't even hear I'm calling the
angels. I'm not hearing the flapping of any wings. I don't hear any trumpets, and so on.
Maybe it was all a farce. Maybe this was not even real. All this stuff I believed in. Oh,
yeah, that's pretty cool. Because it's testing you to say, Do you only like this stuff, because
you read about it, you have to become it. You know, you have to, you have to believe
in angels, even in the darkness,
call upon them, feel them, no
more than anything else, know that they're there.
Understand that it's impossible for God
to not be there. Christ not be there. The angels to not be there and sell it. It's impossible.
Even when you lose a loved one. It's impossible for them
to actually be gone. They're just not perceptible to your five human senses.
And there you go. So the dark night of the soul is taking us yet again. You know, one
more thing where we're needing to learn
the dark night of the soul is easily described as the crucifixion of personal crucifixion.
That's all the personal crucifixion that is supposed to end in case you missed this in
any of your Easter movies. supposed to end in a resurrection. You know.
crucifixions that don't end in a resurrection are just
deaths that's all they are Spartacus is a once a Roman
And then he became a slave for various reasons, and became, you know, they rebelled another
there was a big rebellion against Rome, and he and a bunch of other slaves, thousands
escaped and broke free. And they take freedom. And they, you know, got away for as long as
they could,
but they were all crucified when they were caught later, thousands of them if you can
imagine that
thousands of guys at once crucified, that's how
sick Rome was, in my opinion, but they just died,
we didn't hear about the resurrection of Spartacus, you know,
you just see the resurrection
of the movie getting me made again. And again. It's like, you know, whatever. But
the, the, what the message Jesus gave is kind of like saying, I'm paraphrasing, but it's
kind of like saying, you know, what, guys isn't like funny, it's, it's kind of, it's
a dream. But it's really mostly become a nightmare, because it's filled with tests and crucifixions,
dark nights of the soul when there is a major blend of things, or just individual little
moments of tests, and so forth. Gosh, you know, and that's good, because you're trying
to wake up.
But if you would really surrender fully, you would realize God has never even allowed you
to be flawed and have to work on yourself, there's a divinity in us that we can release
the burdens and, and it crosses
off of our backs. And
just surrender to the truth of who we are, and everything changes. But humans like to
believe that we have to learn at a slow gradual pace. Because unconsciously, what it is, is
it's an attempt to drag things out. And that's why people that like to drag things out, they
almost like your task version of a hoarder, they just collect
unfinished tasks and so forth, because there's physical hoarders, you know, material orders,
and then there's tasks on done types of people. And that's a different kind of hoarding. And
those kinds of people are hoarding because they're afraid of the light, they, you know,
like the hoarder of material stuff, they have to have stuff all around them, because it
all the disturbances inside.
And so it makes them feel in touch with themselves in a very kind of twisted way, take all their
stuff away, and they're going to feel like you took a part of
them away, which is kind of like saying,
Please don't clear my arteries because I'm addicted to the, the plaque in the arteries
don't clear the colon, because I'm addicted to the tar in the colon walls, you know, makes
no sense. But that's what people do. So some are addicted to unfinished tasks. And that's
going to be an extra hard thing to go through
dark night, because it's bidding them to let go, let God you know,
it's not unusual to go through or feel like you're in a depression in the dark night of
the soul. Because,
well, for no other if, if for no other reasons. It's deflating. I mean, I had I had children,
and they're not here now. Or
I thought I had a life mate. But if they're
gone, it's no longer called a life mate is it it's not for life. They're there, they're
gone, they left I didn't even know they were going, you know, or
I thought I had it job. And now it's gone. And so those things are are what I call dismantling
of our lives. And there are stages The Dark Knight includes, which is first of all dismantling
in the book, you're not going crazy. It's it explains the five stages of soul transformation,
which is another way of saying the five stages of the soul transformation process or
the dark night of the soul. And they include dismantling one level or another, you know,
a single issue or major many issues, single issue
that's dismantling, and then there's emptiness that comes from it. That's depression. That's
the, you know, just being deflated.
It's like, after it all blows up. There's shock, like,
or what now, you know, like, here I am. I'm empty. disorientation is when you start to
go, Okay, I'm a little bit over being depressed. Now. I'm in the stage of Okay, now, what are
we gonna do?
You start to anticipate the next move, but most people don't allow any new inspirations
to come, they just go, all right. What are we going to do now? And they go back to
another relationship, like the one that left him. Another thing like the one that failed
another job, yet another job, everything out of desperation, and so forth. In reality,
what we're needing to do is maintain our center not try to jump ahead, practice being centered
being though and asking for guidance. Asking for guy even though it's you probably still
in The Dark Knight Ask, ask, ask. Because the
Dark Knight mostly has three steps, dis, or dismantling emptiness and disorientation.
But technically, the dark night doesn't end as a dark night. The goal of the dark night
of the soul is to discover the light at the end of the tunnel. And the light has two more
steps after the first three. Those two steps are rebuilding a new life rebuilding is number
four, rebuilding a new life is number five.
So Michael in The Dark Knight is not just to crash. It isn't even just to go. Okay.
I'll just accept
that I'm depressed and everything's disoriented and deflated and dismembered and dismantled.
And no, no, no, it's, you do a bit of that. But you also say, and I'm ready for a new
But I'm open to guidance as to when, how and what I do next. So
that those are the five stages kind of important to know.
And I would say, you know,
keep in mind that the Dark Knight is it's a soul thing, The Dark Knight is is essentially
not an initiation of the root chakra, the crown chakra, the navel chakra, it is an initiation
of the heart chakra. It is when our heart is being purged. Everything we thought we
valued in our heart now needs to be cleansed and only valuing the truly valuable God love
peace oneness and letting go of all things that are connected flicked it and painful
and whatever. And that takes courage. You know, unfortunately, sometimes we believe
we're too weak to push through things, barriers, challenges,
tests, and so we crumble. Now the bad news with that is that if you crumble, it now locks
in as tomorrow's tests,
okay. But sometimes we're like, you know what, I don't care if it's a test tomorrow, I need
a break right now. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna let I'm gonna let myself fail this test. I'll
take it again next semester. And it's okay. If that's all you think you can do. If, on
the other hand, you're the type that says, Why in the heck would I want to wait for another
semester, when I can graduate today, then it's probably not a good idea, then to, you
know, to allow yourself to fail the test because, you know, then it's going to come back again.
But please, as I'm
going to start coming to a close, please remember that when you when you see other people going
through the dark night, please be there for them as good karma will come around. And they'll
be there for you. People will be there for you. But, but be there for them talk in their
language, you know, and oh, yeah, that what do you mean that I'm going through hell? Oh,
yeah, I know. I mean, do you know that that's a normal cycle,
talk to them in their language, you know,
if they're, let's say they're, they're not into spirituality. Let's say they're just,
they're just an average guy, let's say contractor, and how can I can I talk to me as no particular
spiritual beliefs? All I could say, You know how sometimes you bought houses to renovate?
Oh, yeah. You know, sometimes you get them in you can't renovate them. They actually
have to be demo like, you have to, like, wipe them out and start over. Oh, God, I hate those.
Well, there you go.
And you just nailed it there. Like, you're kidding me. I'm a I'm a demo. You know, Yes,
you are. Your life is a demo this time and you just make it sound
not under valued.
And not like you're just being flippant, I'm saying You make it sound
it's more understandable, acceptable, normal to go through so that they ease a little bit
of the burden. And the fear
that's that in itself will bring people miracles,
but you're also helping them feel like, and it's not them
per se,
it is them having the test. But it's not
them because they're bad or flawed in some way. So that's that. The last thing I just
wanted to say was, just remember, when you're going through the dark night of the soul,
or others
are, you can advise them this too. When you're going through the dark night.
There are some things you don't want to do. And one of them like I said, Don't take it
too personally, and so on.
watch out for addictions, okay, watch out for addictions, you're going to be tempted
to grab the bottle because because you're going through, you know,
hell now, even new people at the 12 step group they're going to understand because, you know,
this is really a rough period. No, no,
it's a test so you don't
go back to addiction.
So you don't go to your addictions. And then and then blame the Dark Knight think you're
going to get away with it. You know,
I would say
you can blame God. You can say Why me? You can do things like that. But I'm just telling
you, it's
kind of worthless. Why me
because it's your souls. Tests
blame God doesn't matter. God's not gonna take it personally.
Nor will that do you any good. It's not going to get you out of it any sooner. And if you
get obsessed on, okay, when is it going to be done? I'm waiting.
I'm looking at my about a new watch. Just so I could watch the hours and time it so
it'll be over soon. It doesn't end when you want it to end. Part of the point of the dark
night is you not being in control so things don't go the way you want them to go. So as
soon as you say I wanted to end at a certain time
the soul is going to go That's okay. I'll add that to my list. Endless you know, it'll
go let's
make it endless until this person is no longer trying to think they can control the time
frame so may sound strange, but you know, it's how it works.
Take responsibility when you're going through the dark night. It is only me reflecting to
It's only me reflecting to me. Okay, got it.
It's a mirror of my soul. It's my soul.
magnifying out so I could see it all. And one other thing I would advise that you not
I wouldn't make too many plans. You know,
I'm going to start a new business while I'm in the dark night of the soul. Well, you might
have heard, don't do certain things. When you're in Mercury Retrograde. Don't do certain
things. When you're in Saturn retrograde. Saturn retrograde is sort of like a version
of a dark night of the soul. But don't make a lot of plans don't think that well, since
everything else has fallen apart. I'm going to just make a lot of plans right now. So
that I can stay busy and be distracted. That's the dark night of the soul is trying to get
you to
go in and and knock you down. It's not a bad time to sit and journal ideas for tomorrow
meaning down the road. But I wouldn't expect to make plans and expect them to manifest
right now
it's a you're sort of going through a winter of the soul. And wintertime, nature typically
goes in and brings energy to the roots. So you could look at that and say, Yeah, a little
bit of planning in the sense of I'm really deep inside. So I'm getting some new ideas.
But I wouldn't do planning in the sense of expecting those to materialize. because that'll
just be another setup, that it's not going to materialize. So that you can have another
thing to learn while you're in that dark period. Okay, I pray this is made sense. There are
videos and books related to it from me. And you might be able to, you know, if you want
to study some more, you might look at the book of Job in the Bible. And you'll see a
really vivid example of someone going through a dark night of the soul.
Because that's what happens to job in that story.
But all the Greek heroes, the apostles are men and women throughout history, that everybody's
gone through it. So there's not a hero in the legends that is immune to it. They're
just going to have hero levels of dark nights of the soul. They can be demigods. And they're
going to have you know, demigod levels versions of dark nights of the soul. But they have
them you can, you know, whether it's Luke Skywalker, or you or me, you know,
the hobbits in one story. And, you know, and Perseus
in another story, they're all stories about going through hell, and coming out better
people. And that's the point and not just better people. I'm going to say it this way,
The Dark Knight is to eventually for the most part, it's to purge away our ego based, humanists
ego based, humaneness
and helping us to become more spiritual based
humans, and eventually just spiritual period. And that's what it's about. And I appreciate
all your time,
and all your commitment. And I want to say, finally, if you're going through the dark
night, or have gone through, or when you do, go through it,
connect with God, connect with Christ, connect with the truth of God, no, know that this
is not who you are, you know, humble yourself, just reach out as deeply and personally and
sincerely as possible. If you want to call to an angel, fine call to Jesus,
or the Holy Spirit, or the Divine Mother,
God, whatever. But go to the highest that you believe in, call on it, and use the dark
time to help
viscerally create a connection to that being not just out of pain them, then it's going
to be I'm in a bad space. So I want your help. And then I'll toss you out. Once I get your
help. We don't want that
you can do that a little bit. The main thing, try to remember this, it's
not only am I in a dark period, reaching out, I'm reaching out because I want to, even if
I feel like even if I weren't in the dark night,
I would like
to have a tighter relationship with you, God,
spirit, whatever, feel as though it's actually hearing every word and that it wants to help
you to make it through those tests. Because it does
really believe that though, really know that and believe that let your heart be comforted.
You know,
you have the support of all of us that watch a program like this, and who have a decent
heart. And
we all would, of course, never wish upon anybody the dark night.
But the truth is, after we've come through it, we typically say, Oh my god, that that
oh my god, that made sense. Nothing
has ever helped me as much as that to really grow and understand who I am, you might still
be without that person, you might still change jobs and so on. It doesn't mean everything
starts to go your way. But new things happen. And typically, if you score well on the test,
you go higher.
That's it, you don't just naturally get gold at the end of the rainbow. It's the work you've
done in The Dark Knight is what will determine how good your new beginnings are going to
be. If you look at my videos, there's some called New Beginnings, starting the new life
or things like that there's video sets,
rebuilding a new life I think is the name of one of them. And it has a set of talks
like this on this topic, might want to get that or look at individual talk. Some of them
are free if you can't afford some bunch of Murphree on on these kinds of topics. But
reach out feed your soul. don't reach for addictions and don't just crash, you know,
onto a couch, you know, and become a couch potato or whatever.
Feed your soul. It's a dark time. So do some work on your darkness. Write about your darkness,
purge out the darkness, learn about the darkness and pray around that topic. But then be prepared
to get up and move when it's time. Don't become addicted to staying in the dark night and
depression, complacency. Be prepared. I'm now ready to come back to life. I'm ready
for a resurrection. And understand hear that voice Lazarus which is you, Lazarus come forth.
Because it's going to be calling to you the dark nights going to start ending Lazarus
come forth and you'll be coming out. If you don't know when nobody can tell you. Nobody
can tell you. I can honestly nobody can tell you. But
what I will say to you is that fall is a good time to continue purging. Even if your dark
nights starts to end. Just keep
letting things some things clarity is learned and and old things passed away. It's fall.
It's a good time for that. But you'll also facilitate the dark night a bit better. And
then good news. Prepare man we're going to all go deep inside for winter springtime we're
all going to launch forward. So let's do it. Collectively let this group that's watching
and believes in this. Let's do this collectively. Let's help each other along. Some of us It
may be longer than springtime next year or January next year. January date wise is a
good beginning because it's a new year. Spring is a good metaphor for seasons for a new year.
But whenever it's going to come forth if you don't launch as soon as some others doesn't
matter you're one of its that's still holding, you know, holding space in the darkness for
a little longer. But we're not going to desert you and leave you there. We're going to all
keep holding space for each other in this process. That's my commitment. And I would
like to ask you guys to do so as well.
All right. And one last thing is I'm going to write a book about the dark night of the
soul. So keep an eye out for that because enough people could use such a thing. So
we'll do what we can. All right. many blessings to you all and we'll catch up with you soon.
Join us wherever and whenever you can. Peace be with you. Bye bye.
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stay tuned for tip number 14.
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Injibs Cosmets once again and I hope that you stay tuned to my beauty tips today.
X Men Dark Phoenix DELAYED!! MCU Crossover CONNECTION REVEALED? Deadpool 2 PG-13 CUT? - Duration: 5:18.
what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on Deadpool - and x-men
Dark Phoenix so it's been a very interesting week in the comic book world
we had the Dark Phoenix trailer two days ago and it was underwhelming I mean I
liked the trailer I loved the x-men franchise so I watched regardless to how
good it is but it only got ten million views and this is where it gets
interesting so sophie turner went on to the james corden show to basically
promote that the movie was coming out in February and now it appears that the
movie has been pushed back to June which is after Avengers 4 but before
spider-man far from home now this is complex really because why would you
drop a trailer then the next day they decide to not officially say it's been
delayed but lots of like little media outlets and big outlets in America are
reporting that it's now being delayed through to June which gives them a lot
of time to retcon a lot of things apparently the movie is a mess but I've
got another little theory I think basically it's due to Disney the merger
will be done we're not merger because obviously Fox you're still gonna be
around but Disney will own them so essentially what's happening is I think
Disney are making and push it back in a way that I believe that Dark Phoenix is
going to end the x-men of franchise but what do I mean by this I mean the
current x-men franchise on Fox is not going to survive so I now think that
every single cast member of the x-men is going to be killed off or they're just
going to end that x-men franchise and completely reboot the x-men franchise
when it comes to the MCU it doesn't make no sense to drop a trailer then delay it
till June the 7th it's very interesting and you have to combine it with the fact
that they've recently just come out and said there's going to be a PG version of
Deadpool 2 coming out just before Christmas hangar madness movies already
been in semia so it's gonna be a pg-13 run of Deadpool just before Christmas
did Disney tell him to do this because Fox is still running Fox so it sounds
like they're going to be censoring Deadpool when it comes to the MCU a
pg-13 Deadpool in the MCU is not going to work this character isn't generic
he's not a hero he's not an antihero he's not a villain
the reason this character works is cuz he's fouled Matthew Savage he does
whatever he wants a Disney secret each are running a pg-13 Deadpool movie and
obviously it won't be exactly the same movie
I presume they're gonna cut stuff and shape and change it around but Deadpool
being pg-13 that's like venom being pg-13 no way it
is but it's not in the UK so actually of 15 so it's a bit confusing so I think
what's happening is they are secretly turning x-men there might be an x-men
appearance in the MCU so Dark Phoenix is crossing over with the MCU maybe there's
gonna be some empty new connection added to Dark Phoenix it's very weird because
this movie should just be about to come out in November this year but it was
delayed till February and the day after they promote it obviously Fox seen that
it only got 10 million views on YouTube which is very underwhelming for a movie
you have to compare it to movies like Captain Marvel got 30 million adventures
and finished what actually blew a lot higher than that I think it got sync in
the range of 200 million plus with a good amount of time so it's a very weird
place for Dark Phoenix because it was set to come out quite soon hence why
they drop the trailer and now it's been delayed till June then we hear that
Deadpool's getting a PT run why would anyone want Deadpool to be pg-13 I mean
yes it would work we do want to take Deadpool in the Avengers but he's not
going out to be fat mouth at all I think this could really ruin a Deadpool
franchise and though a lot of teenagers etc would be able to go watch the movie
obviously anyone who'd go watch a pg-13 movie with with a like people over 18 so
yeah this really could damage the Deadpool franchise but obviously Disney
want to trial that run some things and I think this is the end of the x-men
franchise in Fox before we get an MCU version although I do believe that Fox
is still going to be making them but they're going to be sanctioned by Kevin
Feige so obviously they've bought Fox out sort of still they're not going to
get rid of all the Fox Studios are gonna use them because why would they not use
them that's half the reason they're boredom so they've got the Fox Studios
it's just a very confusing interest in the thing why would they drop the
trailer then change the release date literally two days after anyway guys I
know you guys would love to talk about all the stuff down below so go
we do have a discord server the link is in the description box down below and we
do have a streaming channel now it is twitch.tv for slash Wars jus I will be
announcing my infinity war blu-ray giveaway later on today so guys let me
know what you're thinking did you like the x-men trailer did you not like the
dark finish trainer I personally liked it I think it did reveal a lot but I do
think this will be the death of x-men in the Fox and obviously is going to cause
a massive reboot when that deal goes through but it's going to be interesting
now we have Captain Marvel then we have Avengers 4 then we have Dark Phoenix
then we have Spider Man far from home we're talking about Marvel properties
not de seekers obviously we do have Shazam early in the year as well but
we're not talk about that so anyway guys please like subscribe and comment and I
will catch you in that next video very soon catch ya later
Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj Link Up For 'Dark Side Of The Moon' Off 'Tha Carter V' — Listen To Beautiful - Duration: 2:43.
Lil Wayne & Nicki Minaj killed it! Their new track, off 'Tha Carter V,' is a must-listen
Check out the collaboration here! What do you get when you put two of the biggest rapper's in the game on one track? "Dark Side Of The Moon," the epic collaboration from Lil Wayne, 36, and Nicki Minaj, 35
The A-list rappers linked up for the song, featured on Tha Carter V, and it's every bit of the music masterpiece you'd expect from the two hit-makers! But the rap legends put aside hard bars for this track, instead unveiling their other talent: haunting melodies and gorgeous harmonizing
On the track, Lil Wayne and the "Barbie Dreams" rapper join in together for poetic verses: "The sky is falling, intergalactical, intergalactical love / And I'll be waiting for you, for you, for you / On the dark side of the moon" Also on the track is singer Nivea, who claims to have laid down the track with Wayne and Drake "a while ago
" The two artists have a child together and have been engaged multiple times, but are still friends! Nivea belts a soulful verse on the track, which largely centers around struggling being by herself
"Well it's been way too long / And I wonder what it feels like / Tryna get back right with ya / It's hard being on my own she says in the lyrics," she sings in the chorus
This wasn't the only collab we saw from Weezy's new album! The star-studded tracklist also includes Kendrick Lamar, Snoop Dogg, Sosamann, Ashanti and Mack Maine
The long-awaited record took over four years to get off the ground, due to a series of legal issues the rapper faced with his label
The album was initially due out back in 2014, but didn't see light of day until now
In 2015, Wayne filed a $51 million lawsuit against his then label, Cash Money, claiming that Birdman was violating terms of his contract by withholding Tha Carter V
Now, the rapper is finally free! Wayne fully acknowledges that the album was a long-time coming, and thanked his fans for their patience through the years
"I heard y'all got a little mixed up and y'all thought it was going to be released like last week or something
Well, I would like for you to know that since y'all stuck with me and hung in there anyway for like the past four, five years, through all of this," he said in a video
Citroën Berlingo BLUEHDi 75 S&S DARK EDITION *NIEUW* NAVI/ECC/BT - Duration: 0:54.
Dark House - Movie - Duration: 1:44:53.
Citroën Berlingo BLUEHDi 75 S&S DARK EDITION *NIEUW* NAVI/ECC/BT - Duration: 1:13.
X MEN DARK PHOENIX Trailer 2019 official trailer Movies Trailers 2018 Upcoming Trailers - Duration: 2:26.
Please Don't forget to: LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE for the Upcoming Movies Trailers 2018
Dark Souls 3: Crippleboi05 & Friends - Duration: 9:24.
Citroën Berlingo BLUEHDi 75 S&S DARK EDITION *NIEUW* NAVI/ECC/BT - Duration: 1:13.
Dark Phoenix - Official Trailer HD ( ZeroEightTrailer ) - Duration: 2:09.
You think you can fix me Jean you are not broken
Beautiful friend the pine there's a fragile thing takes only the slightest tap to tip it in the wrong direction
What did you do? I?
Had to keep a stable. I
protected her from
the truth
There's another word for that I
Came looking for answers
You feel like you don't belong here you don't
They can't begin to comprehend what you are
She's changing at what you didn't come here looking for answers. You came here looking for permission
She's range
Hey, that's all coming out at once
Jean lost control if she still are fed. This is your fault Charles
The world is on the brink, I'm sorry. I didn't stop it Sumer
You're always sorry Charles and there's always a speech and nobody cares
there still
Don't do this
The right to fear me I've seen evil
I'm looking at it now you
Dark Canyon Coffee Co Six Shooter Coffee Review - Duration: 3:35.
hey welcome to coffee coffee coffee your place for average Joe copy reviews
today's coffee a (gun shots) six shooter blend today we are reviewing dark Canyon coffee companys
six shooter blend which is actually from six different beans yes oh
yeah so this is I think it's something that's local to like South Dakota we
found ours in Wyoming Wyoming but they are based in Rapid City South Dakota
which is a lovely town we stayed there or we went through there it was amazing
and I loved it I want to go back but they say there are a craft roaster and I
kind of believe it based on the but is $10.99 a pound which is actually really
affordable for like a more of a specialty kind of a roast that's in line
with like Gevalia yeah and this is funny right because we found it at a grocery
store that really didn't have it was like Folgers or this so it's not a big
selection at all but anyway let's get into the tasting yeah yeah so they don't
really give you a whole lot of like notes on the bag I I think all the bags
are the same you can see there's like a little label they stuck six-shooter on
there and we have another one called Big West and that's the same thing so all
the bags are the same they just put a label on there to let you know about
it but their website does have some information about each one was that
information you were going to share i didn't look it up we don't look at that
kind of thing so mainly the questions is it any good and I think overall I really
like this coffee it's like a nice it's not bitter but it's like a really roasty
kind of deep flavor mm-hmm I really enjoy it yeah it was one of the I think
because we have two different blends and this one at first I didn't like it as much
but then as I got into it like as we drank it more and more I've really grown
to like a whole lot and then when we got we got down close to being towards the
end of this bag so we started drinking another coffee and I was like really
disappointed in the next coffee because this was so good so yeah so it was I
think it's really really good what about you yeah I agree it's pretty easy to
drink I wouldn't say there's a whole there's a lot of the standout flavor
it's smooth you said easy to drink I think yes smooth yeah and I think that
because it's that blend of six different beans it's just kind of an amalgamation
is that a word we'll call it a word
just-just good flavor all around I think yeah nothing outstanding or particular
but what would you say doughnut wise Oh I'd go at least a four yeah oh yeah it's
a good price probably not available many places that's the thing like that's what
kept me from going hire yeah well it's not widely available so so overall I
think we'd buy it again if we were at a place that that had it but you can also
order it online so check them out there if you have had it before let us know
what you thought about it in the comments below or if you have a local
coffee in your area maybe we'll be coming through there and we'd like to
pick up a bag of some of their roasts well thanks for joining us and until
next time keep grindin
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