Let's start at the UN General Assembly...
It was China's turn to take to the podium to deliver its keynote speech.
Beijing's top diplomat Wang Yi welcomed North Korea's moves toward denuclearization and
said the onus is now on the U.S. to start make some concessions of its own.
Hwang Hojun reports.
He noted the situation between the two Koreas has seen a quote 'major turnaround,...'
"China encourages the DPRK to continue moving along the right direction of denuclearization."
But in essence, he said the road to peace, is a two way street.
"We believe it is also right for the United States to make timely and positive responses
so as to truly meet the DPRK halfway."
Such remarks from the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi came during his speech at the 73rd
UN General Assembly on Friday local time.
This wasn't the first time Wang has asserted the U.S. should make more concessions; it
was just a day ago at the UN Security Council meeting that Wang said the "end of war" declaration
by the U.S., which will officially cease hostilities from the Korean War, would help build trust.
Wang did say, however, that China will continue to honor the sanctions against North Korea
implemented by the UN Security Council,... but for now.
"China calls upon the Security Council to take timely actions in light of the development
and changes of the situation to create more favorable conditions for a peaceful settlement."
China, being North Korea's largest ally has been accused by Washington for violating the
UN sanctions against Pyeongyang.
Wang also took an indirect jab on President Trump's notion of protectionism-over-globalism,...
which Trump touted earlier in the week,... insisting it will only bring damage to all.
On President Trump's blasting of China for its trade practices that he claimed create
an intolerable trade imbalance,... and then defending his trade war against Beijing, Wang
responded that China will quote "not be blackmailed or yield to pressure."
As the annual multilateral forum is heading to its end, North Korea's Foreign Minister
Ri Yong-ho will take to the podium to deliver a speech on Saturday morning local time.
Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> Chinese Foreign Minister calls on U.S. to reciprocate North Korea's denuclearization efforts - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
South Korean, U.S. nuclear envoys meet 3 times to discuss North Korea issues - Duration: 0:53.
The top nuclear envoys of South Korea and the U.S. have held three meetings on the sidelines
of the UN General Assembly to discuss North Korea issues.
The South Korean mission to the UN says Lee Do-hoon, the foreign ministry's representative
for Korean Peninsula peace and security affairs, met with Stephen Biegun,... the U.S. Special
Representative for North Korea from Wednesday to Thursday.
The two reportedly evaluated the recent inter-Korean summit in Pyeongyang, the bilateral summit
between Presidents Moon and Trump... and exchanged views on how to accelerate the denuclearization
They also talked about U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's planned visit to Pyeongyang
next month and even the proposed second North Korea-U.S. summit.
The meetings were held after Pompeo revealed he invited North Korean officials to meet
Biegun in Vienna at the "earliest opportunity."
South Korean, U.S. nuclear envoys meet 3 times to discuss North Korea issues - Duration: 0:52.
The top nuclear envoys of South Korea and the U.S. have held three meetings on the sidelines
of the UN General Assembly to discuss North Korea issues.
The South Korean mission to the UN, Lee Do-hoon, the foreign ministry's representative for
Korean Peninsula peace and security affairs, met with Stephen Biegun,... the U.S. Special
Representative for North Korea from Wednesday to Thursday.
The two reportedly evaluated the recent inter-Korean summit in Pyeongyang, the bilateral summit
between Presidents Moon and Trump... and exchanged views on how to accelerate the denuclearization
They also talked about U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's planned visit to Pyeongyang
next month and even the proposed second Trump-Kim summit.
The meetings were held after Pompeo revealed he invited North Korean officials to meet
Biegun in Vienna at the "earliest opportunity."
New: Trump heads on five-state rally blitz amid Supreme Court chaos - Duration: 4:26.
What affect would Brett Kavanaugh have on the U.S. Supreme Court - Duration: 3:07.
Historic First Bank Of The United States To Be Turned Into Museum - Duration: 1:28.
Billionaires Cost Us Money | I Love You, America on Hulu - Duration: 2:06.
- Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is the richest man on earth,
currently worth $160 billion.
Great for you , Jeff.
I'm psyched for you.
(audience laughs)
Yet full time Amazon warehouse workers
make an average wage of $27,000 a year.
That's like less than a teacher makes.
(audience laughs)
According to some reports,
warehouse workers have been known to piss in bottles,
contracted drivers have had to s**t on lawns
or inside their trucks to stay on schedule,
all so that you can get a $4.00 HDMI cable
shipped overnight to stream new episodes of Bosch.
(audience laughs)
Jeff Bezos and many others
like the Walton family who owns Walmart,
pay their workers so little
that their employees have to subsidize their salaries
with welfare programs.
According to Forbes, Walmart workers cost taxpayers
$6.2 billion in public assistance a year.
The greed of billionaires is subsidized by taxpayers,
a group that, ironically, does not include Amazon itself.
That's right.
Despite being worth $1 trillion,
Amazon paid zero dollars in federal taxes last year.
This is true.
Billionaires cost Americans money.
Now Bezos and his wife recently announced
a $2 billion donation to fund preschools
and combat homelessness, and that is a lot of money
and it's gonna do a lot of good, but functionally,
it's relatively inexpensive damage control.
Doing nothing at all,
this guy makes a billion dollars a month.
That's money that just happens to him at this point.
Instead of making $2 billion grand gestures,
how about paying your workers a f**king living wage?
(audience shouts and claps)
Yeah, I am great.
(upbeat music)
Is China Interfering in US Elections? - Duration: 6:31.
On this episode of China Uncensored,
A foreign country has been interfering in our elections.
Guess which one!
The CIA says China is undermining the US.
And if anyone knows about undermining a country,
it's the CIA.
And finally, fingers crossed for a trip to Tibet!
Sadly it probably won't be free.
This is China Uncensored.
Hi, welcome to China Uncensored,
I'm your host Chris Chappell.
A foreign government is interfering in US elections.
And President Trump is tired of
letting Russia get all the credit.
This time, he's talking about
a different country in particular:
Speaking to the UN Security Council,
Trump said, "[China does] not want me or us to win
because I am the first president ever
to challenge China on trade.
We are winning on trade.
We are winning at every level.
We don't want them to meddle
or interfere in our upcoming election."
And that had to be a bit awkward.
I mean, the UN Security Council is only five countries.
And China is one of them.
Well, Russia is also one of them,
so I guess they were relieved.
Is the Chinese Communist Party interfering in US elections?
Yes, but not like Russia.
Internet bots are for amateurs.
More on that in a future episode.
According to the new director of the CIA,
China is working to diminish US influence around the world.
She specifically talked about how the Chinese regime
promises loans to many developing countries,
which they can't repay.
On paper,
China is investing almost a trillion dollars
as part of its Belt and Road Initiative—
an infrastructure plan where China
gives developing countries massive loans.
So far, the actual amount spent has been
less than the Chinese regime promised.
Which is actually a good thing,
because those loans have been
trapping those countries in debt,
while Chinese businesses extract resources
and often do very little for the local economies.
Yes, why would any country
ever want to do business with anyone else?
Now believe it or not, US-China relations aren't doing great.
I know, shocking, but there are some warning signs.
Just two days before a planned meeting between
a top Chinese naval officer and his US counterpart,
the Chinese side called it off!
At the same time,
China denied a request from a US naval vessel
to enter port in Hong Kong.
This is not a first.
In 2016,
when everyone was freaking out about China
building military facilities
on artificial islands in the South China Sea,
the ones they said they would never militarize…
China also denied another US naval ship
from entering port in Hong Kong.
The ship denied entry this time, the USS Wasp, responded,
"Roger That.
We'll just buzzzz off."
But that doesn't mean there can't be friendly military exchange
between the US and another part of China.
Namely, Taiwan.
Which communist China believes is a province,
but most sane people believe is a country.
The US is selling 330 million dollars of weapons to Taiwan.
Obviously, the Chinese Communist Party is unhappy.
So they "urged" the US to cancel the deal,
or risk doing damage to US-China relations.
I believe that ship has already sailed.
That ship is the USS Wasp
and it's somewhere off the coast of Hong Kong by now.
Some good news for a change.
The Vatican and the Chinese Communist Party
are close to finalizing an agreement
that will change the lives of Catholics in China.
No, it won't stop the Party from tearing down churches.
Or get the Party to stop forcing people
to replace pictures of Jesus with Xi Jinping.
Or stop Christians from being killed for their organs.
But, so far the Pope will agree to recognize
7 Catholic bishops appointed by
the officially atheist Chinese Communist Party.
I don't think the Pope understands how to negotiate a deal.
Maybe he should get some advice.
And finally, planning a trip to Tibet just got a little easier...
well, okay it's not easy.
US citizens are still banned from travelling there.
I think it's because we just couldn't withstand the sheer joy
Tibetans feel about being liberated by the Chinese Communist Party.
Yeah, that looks like joy...
the same way this looks like being liberated.
But the US House of Representatives has passed
a new bill that will deny US entry to Chinese officials
who prohibit American citizens from traveling to Tibet.
Will this force a change in Tibet?
Who knows?
I mean, if the Chinese regime didn't change for the Beastie Boys,
are they really going to change for a bunch of congressmen?
So what do you think?
Leave your comments below.
And before you go,
now is the time when I answer questions from you!
The loyal members of the China Uncensored 50-cent army
who support the show on the crowd funding website Patreon.
Charles Walter Brooke asks
"Chris, which High Ranking Member of the Chinese Communist Party
would you most like to Interview, and Why?
And, What kind of uncomfortable questions
would you like to grill them with?"
Well, besides obviously Xi Jinping—
who has not yet responded to my repeated
requests for an interview, by the way—
I'd like to interview Wang Qishan.
Wang is Vice President of the People's Republic,
and more importantly, he's Xi Jinping's main guy
in charge of the anti-corruption campaign
being used to purge all the officials Xi Jinping doesn't like.
I'd ask Wang Qishan to give me the dirt on
all the corrupt officials that are next on the chopping block.
And I'd bring a wheelbarrow,
because there's gonna be a lot of dirt.
Thanks for your question, Charles.
And if you have a burning question,
first, you should probably have a doctor check that out.
And then, you should sign up to support China Uncensored on Patreon.
Join our 50-cent army so you can send me those questions
and so I can answer on the show!
So once again,
thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored
and be sure to subscribe if you aren't.
I'm your host Chris Chappell.
See you next time.
Well, sorry to say,
that's the end of another China Uncensored.
But this isn't goodbye!
Hit that subscribe button
and turn the notification bell on
so you know when we have more episodes.
And more episodes we will have.
A new one comes out every Monday,
Wednesday, Friday and sometimes Saturday!
BREAKING: US Marine Corps F-35B fighter jet crashed in South Carolina - Duration: 2:10.
US Government Can Now Legally Spy On Journalists Under FISA - Duration: 6:27.
According to newly released documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit,
the US government can now monitor journalists under a foreign intelligence law that allows
invasive spying that operates outside traditional court systems.
Only in America right now, maybe huh?
Joining us to talk about this is Brigida Santos.
Brigida, FISA Court rules are entirely separate from the typical rules obtaining subpoenas
and court orders and warrants.
Tell me what's been laid out here by the Justice Department and the media guidelines?
What's the difference in what we're seeing in this new act?
Well the difference is that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allows high ranking Justice
Department officials to approve applications, to monitor media outlets and members of the
media who are believed to be agents of a foreign government, suspected of possessing foreign
intelligence or even communicating with a person of interest in a criminal case, which
might merely simply be a journalistic source or a leaker.
Now monitoring can include the collection of a journalist's communications content,
emails, phone and financial records.
Because FISA authorizations are approved through secret hearings, targeted journalists actually
have no way of challenging the claims made against them, they're also very unlikely to
even know that they're under surveillance because the DOJ does not have to notify them.
Now, this is a departure from the media guidelines set in 2015 that state that the DOJ must notify
journalists when their records are seized, however the problem with those guidelines
is that they don't actually apply to surveillance under FISA or the national security letters.
So why did the Justice Department keep these rules secret?
I mean, that's a rhetorical question but it's pretty evident they didn't want this out there,
they didn't want journalists talking about the idea that we now have a special way that
we can spy on journalists.
So it's everybody in the United States, it's not just somebody working for Chinese television
or Russian ... it's everybody isn't it?
Yes it is and the reason is probably because the Obama administration was facing so much
criticism at the time for how it treated whistleblowers and as you said, the government just doesn't
want Americans to know that it's actually ramping up its assault on not only the first
amendment and press freedom, but privacy as well.
We have to remember that is was not just this war on press started by Trump and it won't
end with him.
He's picking up where previous administrations have left off and he's going to pass the ball
down the line to the next administration when he leaves office.
Yeah, we're going to get emails, "Oh Trump this and Trump that."
Yeah, Trump's got his issues, this started all the way back with Obama.
The other part of this and I know you know, you and I have done a story on this is that
he also set up a ... Obama set up an arm of what they call this propaganda office, where
the US government actually spends money with journalists to produce propaganda, American
propaganda right here in the United States.
In other words, they might call the Washington Post, say, "We want you to do a propaganda
That was started and funded, by the way, by Obama.
It was done late at night, nobody knew about it, it was this hugely kept secret, just like
this was and so the media didn't even talk about that story and I'm really saying, they're
not talking about this story, very bothersome to me, but maybe they'll catch on.
If these rules can now be released to the public, why are the FBI's very similar rules
for targeting journalists with national security letters, why are they still being considered
Why would we say these are classified?
People know about it now.
What's your take?
Well that's because the DOJ's rules for targeting journalists under FISA have only been exposed
to the public as a result of this ongoing Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
So when it comes to the rules for surveilling journalists under the national security letters,
there isn't public information beyond some heavily redacted documents because they have
not been made public through a lawsuit and maybe that'll happen down the line.
You know, Brigida, one thing I find remarkable is that it's almost as if progressives have
forgotten about the Frank Church hearings.
Now, granted that was during the Nixon administration, a lot of these kids weren't even born during
the Nixon administration, but the Frank Church hearings told us a lot.
What they told us is you cannot trust the spook industry.
Now, let me take you back a little bit because this is kind of tying into this.
The Frank Church hearings showed that the spook industry, broadly the FBI, the CIA,
the NSA, not only spying on people, but they had black ops working against American journalists.
They had black operations working and this is not me talking, go back and look at any
of the Frank Church hearings that took place over a period of time during the Nixon administration.
Nixon had put all this stuff in place, but we'd like to think that it was over then but
what's so remarkable is these progressives.
These people who call themselves progressives, embracing the spook industry.
How do you make Brennan a hero?
Brennan was this cat that just years ago, we were calling him a war criminal but now
progressives saying, "Oh he's a great American hero."
He's a great American hero because he doesn't like Trump, because he speaks out against
It's almost as if progressives have forgotten how dangerous the spook industry can really
be and the only way to remind them is go back and take a look at the Frank Church hearings,
it will scare the bejeezus out of you.
When you see that they actually had government operatives targeting ... I mean literally
physical injury, targeting American journalists.
So it's amazing to me how that bit of history's been lost.
I want to ask you, how many times have the FISA court orders been used to target journalists
as far as ... that we know about?
No I wish I had an answer for you, but FISA applications and court orders are confidential
so we really don't know how often this has been used in the past and we don't know how
often it's being used today.
What we do know though, thanks to these revelations, FISA is absolutely being used to target journalists,
it's no longer speculation.
I want to do more stories on this, I want to talk about the whole Frank Church hearings
and remind the American media how dangerous the spook industry really can be.
Thanks for joining me.
US stock market had a monster quarter: Charles Payne - Duration: 3:53.
Chinese Foreign Minister calls on U.S. to reciprocate North Korea's denuclearization efforts - Duration: 2:14.
Let's start at the UN General Assembly...
It was China's turn to take to the podium to deliver its keynote speech.
Beijing's top diplomat Wang Yi welcomed North Korea's moves toward denuclearization and
said the onus is now on the U.S. to make some concessions of its own.
Hwang Hojun reports.
He noted the situation between the two Koreas has seen a quote 'major turnaround,...'
"China encourages the DPRK to continue moving along the right direction of denuclearization."
But in essence, he said the road to peace, is a two way street.
"We believe it is also right for the United States to make timely and positive responses
so as to truly meet the DPRK halfway."
Such remarks from the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi came during his speech at the 73rd
UN General Assembly on Friday local time.
This wasn't the first time Wang has asserted the U.S. should make more concessions; it
was just a day ago at the UN Security Council meeting that Wang said the "end of war" declaration
by the U.S., which will officially cease hostilities from the Korean War, would help build trust.
Wang did say, however, that China will continue to honor the sanctions against North Korea
implemented by the UN Security Council,... but for now.
"China calls upon the Security Council to take timely actions in light of the development
and changes of the situation to create more favorable conditions for a peaceful settlement."
China, being North Korea's largest ally has been accused by Washington for violating the
UN sanctions against Pyeongyang.
Wang also took an indirect jab on President Trump's notion of protectionism-over-globalism,...
which Trump touted earlier in the week,... insisting it will only bring damage to all.
On President Trump's blasting of China for its trade practices that he claimed create
an intolerable trade imbalance,... and then defending his trade war against Beijing, Wang
responded that China will quote "not be blackmailed or yield to pressure."
As the annual multilateral forum is heading to its end, North Korea's Foreign Minister
Ri Yong-ho will take to the podium to deliver a speech on Saturday morning local time.
Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.
U.S. Pursues Death Penalty For Bike Path Terror Suspect - Duration: 0:25.
Will a second recession hit the US by 2020? - Duration: 5:32.
Is the Trump administration changing U.S. policy on Syria? - Duration: 6:07.
JUDY WOODRUFF: The Trump administration is making a renewed push to find a solution to
the war in Syria.
The man at the center of that effort is the newly appointed special representative for
Syria engagement, Ambassador James Jeffrey.
He sat down with foreign affairs correspondent Nick Schifrin, who sets the scene at a possible
turning point for U.S. policy.
NICK SCHIFRIN: For months, President Trump has warned he would leave Syria.
DONALD TRUMP, President of the United States: I want to get out.
I want to bring our troops back home.
I want to start rebuilding our nation.
NICK SCHIFRIN: But now he's authorized an open-ended deployment and a more assertive
U.S. troops and allied Syrian forces are fighting the final battle in Syria against ISIS.
Following a Russian-Turkish agreement to pause the battle for Idlib, the rebels' final stronghold
located in Northwest Syria, the U.S. is pushing a political solution.
And it's adding a difficult new goal, evict tens of thousands of Iranian-backed troops
inside Syria, as Ambassador James Jeffrey reluctantly acknowledged in New York.
Will the U.S. stay in Syria until Iranian troops leave Syria?
And is that an expansion of the mission of defeating ISIS?
JAMES JEFFREY, U.S. Special Representative for Syria Engagement: The mission to defeat
ISIS by the U.S. military remains the enduring defeat of ISIS, why our U.S. military forces
are in Syria.
But we, the United States, are in Syria, with our allies, with our local forces, to try
to do three things that the president laid out here.
First of all, we want to de-escalate this conflict.
And we were really encouraged by the Turkish-Russian agreement that stopped the match on Idlib
by the Syrian forces backed by the Russians.
You will remember, two weeks ago, the president declared publicly that this would be a reckless
escalation of the conflict.
DONALD TRUMP: If it's a slaughter, the world is going to get very, very angry, and the
United States is going to get very angry too.
JAMES JEFFREY: Everybody took that seriously.
Based upon that, the president is calling for a de-escalation of the military situation.
So, de-escalate the military conflict, while reinvigorate the political process that will
bring this war to a close and allow the half the population driven from their homes to
come back and to have some kind of regional peace order again.
So that's what we're working on now.
NICK SCHIFRIN: But, if I could ask you, the national security adviser came out this week
and said U.S. troops won't leave until Iranians or their proxies leave Syria.
Is that an expansion of the mission for U.S. troops in Syria?
JAMES JEFFREY: I'm not going to contradict the national security adviser.
NICK SCHIFRIN: So does that mean that U.S. troops will remain in Syria?
JAMES JEFFREY: U.S. troops right now have the mission of defeating and ensuring the
enduring defeat of ISIS.
The U.S. as a whole will be staying on in one or another way.
There are many examples of how you can be present, including present with somebody's
military forces, without having American boots on the ground.
And, in some cases, you have American boots on the ground.
NICK SCHIFRIN: And regardless of whether it's boots, one of their missions, whether it's
diplomats or whether it's proxies that the U.S. uses or allies, will be to evict Iran
from Syria.
Is that right?
JAMES JEFFREY: The goal of the United States in Syria, as the president laid out, is, first,
the enduring defeat of ISIL, what our troops are doing there; second, the removal of all
Iranian-commanded forces from the entirety of Syria; third, a irreversible political
process, which is what we have really, we think, been advancing here with the entire
international community, with this U.N. process, under Staffan de Mistura, The U.N. envoy.
NICK SCHIFRIN: Can there be an irreversible political process with Bashar al-Assad staying
in power?
JAMES JEFFREY: We're not in the business of regime change.
We're in the business of setting conditions.
First of all, it has to be a Syrian process.
The enduring political solution under the U.N. process and the U.N. resolution calls
for the Syrian people to make that decision, including by a free election that the U.N.
would supervise and ensure is fair and free, including the diaspora, a good third of the
population that's been driven out of Syria.
And what they conclude, we don't know.
But it's hard for us to imagine that it would be a regime like that Bashar al-Assad currently
is in charge of.
NICK SCHIFRIN: And one of the conditions, of course, that you want is for refugees to
feel free to go home.
Can they really feel free to go home if Assad is still the president?
JAMES JEFFREY: Well, most of them have already voted with their feet or voted with their
posteriors by sitting exactly where they are, because nobody -- or not...
NICK SCHIFRIN: You mean -- meaning outside of Syria?
JAMES JEFFREY: Right, outside of Syria, because no one wants to return to be subject to the
extraordinary torture chambers, poison gas and absolute disgraceful barrel bombing oppression
of that regime.
NICK SCHIFRIN: And there have been peace talks, of course, as you know, in Geneva for many
How do you get Syria and Russia to take serious these peace talks and the momentum toward
a political solution that you're talking about, when, frankly, they haven't taken it seriously
in the past?
JAMES JEFFREY: You're right.
First of all, we now have, at least for the moment, with the Idlib agreement between Turkey
and Russia, you now have what amounts to a military stalemate, thanks to the Idlib situation.
That's something new.
Secondly, we have said no reconstruction assistance, no assistance to encourage or force refugees
back and help rebuild the regime for Assad until we see a political process in place.
And, thirdly, you have got these five outside military forces rubbing against each other,
with risk of escalation, as we saw with the shootdown of the Russian aircraft by Syrian
enforces trying to go after the Israelis who had just bombed an Iranian target.
That's a nightmare scenario that I think encourages everybody to turn to the political process
that we are reinvigorating here this week in New York.
NICK SCHIFRIN: Ambassador James Jeffrey, thank you very much.
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