Meghan Markle and the Queen appear to be getting on like a house on fire, as the Duchess of Sussex attends many royal engagements with Prince Harry's grandmother
Kate Middleton's sister-in-law looks confident when out and about with the monarch, while still letting her take the lead at royal events
In the same way, Meghan also ensures she doesn't outshine the Queen with her outfits by making a fashion sacrifice
Everyone knows the Queen is famous for her bright outfits, with the monarch previously explaining she does it to help the public see her in a crowd
Top Stories Five Meghan Markle looks you can recreate on the high street This missed moment from Meghan Markle's latest royal engagement is causing a huge debate With that in mind, it appears Meghan is ensuring the Queen is the focal point when they're out together as she opts for more plain colours with her outfits
For their first event together, which was a visit to church on Christmas Day in 2017, Meghan chose a brown coat and brown fascinator while the Queen stood out in bright orange
Following her wedding to Prince Harry, Meghan and the Queen visited Chesire, which was the former Suits actress' first solo event with Queen Elizabeth II
While Prince William's grandmother stunned in a lime suit, Meghan made sure she was considerate with the outfit in a cream dress
Most Popular Charlotte Crosby 'announces she's PREGNANT' in image with Joshua Ritchie Ayda Field pictured with newborn daughter Coco for the FIRST time Declan Donnelly and wife Ali Astall are all smiles with baby Isla Since then, any occasion the Duchess is out with the Queen, she will follow suit in a modest ensemble
While Meghan usually sticks to black, grey and navy, she has been known to experiment with brighter shades including green and yellow
Top Stories Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'party in Amsterdam with stars' Meghan Markle outfit: Duchess of Sussex wears all black for first solo royal outing Meghan Markle Prince Harry cutest moments: Duke and Duchess of Sussex's romantic bond
For more infomation >> Meghan Markle: The fashion sacrifice the Duchess of Sussex makes every time she attends events with - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
(Gachaverse) Escape the Night | Season 1 Episode 2 | The Fashion Designer 👠 💄 - Duration: 4:18.
We Bare Bears Fashion Bears Ep 2 - Red Crow - Duration: 3:49.
PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
hey great work fantastic loving it just great hello employee hey I thought I
told you fellas this up groveling at my feet you must be new what's your name
son Oh gross Grizz huh let me guess first day you know casual I
like it how are you enjoying it here what can this company do to be better
dude sick Baker hmm unorthodox and bold I like it in fact I'm gonna give you a
promotion director of presentations how does that sound
okay fantastic I want a presentation by the end of the day present what I expect
big things from you but I don't even know this company does
trust me
lady wait what
where you going wait wait what I can't go up there
chicken fine why are we here I'm so wet and cold and miserable right now
stop it you sound like my whiny eggs huh panda what are you huh oh my gosh oh my
gosh yes I will marry you wait no I wasn't I'm so happy what I was just I
love you you love me oh we need to tell daddy I can't wait to see a surprise
yes fabulous okay taking a quick break mmm that looks a bit too chubby swimming
down a bit that doesn't look like ice bear oh hey there you know I I wouldn't
worry about this stuff right now here come on let's go get you ready
voila he is perfection na young he's not we're
gonna pull back the tissue here merge these layers to really accentuate the
fur grain we're just gonna get rid of this all together and done you're gonna
be beautiful perfect Ice Bear won't go under the knife what okay Wendy I'm
gonna need a bucket of concealer and a girdle doing I don't even know what this
company is called
We Bare Bears Fashion Bears Ep 3 - Red Crow - Duration: 3:49.
PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
but everyone's counting on me okay I've got five minutes I don't know what
I'm doing but I'm gonna put my whole heart into it
ladies and gentlemen members of the board please welcome our new director of
presentations thank you Anse Adams a shrimp what do these things have in
common you ask small but what does this smallness mean it means no donut Fridays
no donut Fridays means unhappy employees and worst of all small means smaller
profits he's in gentlemen there's no reason to panic for the reason I am here
is to give a solution in that solutions think big monster trucks mount
Rushmore's burritos these are things our company should strive for it's that
simple bigger ideas figure goals bigger fonts
the answer my friends is big big big can we take a rest for a minute please
Samantha what's the meaning of this intrusion we're getting married daddy
married hmm so tell me how did this happen Samantha come on tell him oh yeah
sir we were on a bike we went through a car wash
maybe he proposed to me on top of the Billboard there was so romantic proposed
on top of a billboard that's how I proposed to your mother
I like your style of great men think alike you have my permission to wet my
daughter hope you're engaged thank you I didn't understand a thing you said but
I love it let's do it really yes and I have just the perfect
new spokesman for our new venture
what we're selling my little brother no no no he's selling us
he's the new spokesman for our chain of booba shops bába ráma your ideas his
style and a perfect settle on my side
please save I space hmm notify the shareholders we're gonna trip fi our
stocks and get me marketing on the line hold up everybody
I'm Grizz get down from there I will
this is who I really am this is my true form I think we should take some time to
think about this marriage uh-huh you really should freedom I hate to say this
but we bears are not suited for this lifestyle are you leaving the company
yes consider this our resignation mr. CEO
onward brothers to freedom
yeah we're naked got a problem at my naked body
freedom freedom huh I done wearing those ridiculous clothes guys lesson well
learned Ice Bear wants freedom boba from boba Rama
yeah let's try somewhere else shares in boba rama actually dropped 22% last
7 Tips for Elegant & Classic Looks in Fashion & Style, Business, Parties & Casual, Women over 50 - Duration: 17:26.
Hey awesome ones so sometimes don't you just kind of want to step it up a notch,
maybe you're going to some event and you want to look a little more chic, a little
more classy, maybe a little bit more elegant. Well I have seven tips for you
in this video and I really, really tried to think about the seven tips by using a
lot of things that maybe are already in your closet or also maybe purchasing a
few things, but they won't really break the bank. So you know what? It all starts in just a few seconds.
So as I mentioned I have seven tips for you right now and this very first one
you might even find in your closet right now and be able to put it all together.
It's the classic and elegant black-and-white look and as you can see
it's also very elongated because it is you know the black really helps to make
you look thinner and elongate the look. As you can see, I have a crisp white
shirt. Make sure it's white and not yellowed, but I have a crisp white shirt
underneath and of course the jacket over top I paired this with a pencil skirt
and I find that look really really nice, but of course you could use a stovepipe
pant or something along those or trouser looks, also I have black hose and
I also have put on a pair of black pumps. Now these black pumps have a little
shimmer of gold in them which also really helped to make it a little bit
more elegant and I just want to show you one more thing here and that is I'm just
gonna grab a white....this is a white kind of white and black polka dot and striped
scarf and you could also if you didn't really have the white shirt available or
you didn't want to run out and buy something like that you can also add
this with maybe a black top underneath. And again give you that ultimate look of
chic, classy and elegant. So I'm going to keep this outfit on, but I want to talk
about my second tip and that is purses So if we look over here we'll see that I
have added a very..... it's kind of a big purse but it's also a very thin purse
and it makes the look look really elegant.
Now you're probably guilty of this, I was guilty of this for like over 20 years,
where I'm just gonna change the purses out a
little bit and this is what I used to carry around, just you know what if I
didn't film my purse, I would make sure I put I don't know hair brushes and
everything else just to really fill it all out and of course it was really
weighing on me because it was so heavy, but you can also see that it's kind of
taken the sophistication and the elegance away from this look. So let's
toss that to the side there and let's go with something that's not just all
bulging and and and thick and go for a thinner look purse. You could also even
go for a smaller purse than this and actually I did a video on.....I use the
smaller purses now on how I get a lot of stuff in a very small purse. I'm gonna
put that up there for you so that you can take a look at that video, but it
really makes the the look look much more sophisticated this way. Oh by the way on
that black purse you might have noticed I had black and white tassels on it so
nowadays you can go to an accessory shop and you can buy these little accessories
to put on your purse and it really helps to kind of bring the look together. And I
just thought I'd mention that. Now number three. You know those times when we're
invited to maybe a gala or some party, fancy schmancy party and we want to wear
a little black dress like this or you know maybe what we're wearing is a
little red dress like this. Anyway my number three tip would be, you gotta you
know, unless you're super thin you really want to watch those panty lines and some
of those bulges and things like that so underneath this outfit what I have and
I'll just kind of show you here are shapewear panties and I really love them.
They're fantastic and they go right up the waist, so they keep everything kind
of held in there. So there you go with that
and also another trick about this is that and believe me this is
happened to me, panties are fine the shapewear panties are fine if you're
kind of sitting and all that sort of thing,
but if you're dancing around they tend to roll down. So what I have found here
and this looks a little odd but basically what it is is shapewear with
straps on it so everything stays. Nothing rolls down and what I absolutely love
about this is that you can wear your own bra inside it so I'll just sort of show
you where the bra would go there and it's absolutely fantastic and I do know
that a lot of these things are kind of hard to find. So what we've done is we've
really really searched and we have found links for them for you. Just check out
our description, it'll go back to our blog and we'll show you a lot of these, a
lot of the items like the shapewear, panties I found exactly the same brand
some are a little bit maybe a different brand, but very similar to what I'm
showing and so you know most of them are on Amazon. You don't pay anything extra for
them, but we make a little Commission hey I'm required in all of these videos to
tell you that you know we make a little bit of Commission, but I'm so happy to do
that because you guys you're awesome. That little bit of Commission really
helps us to keep on making these videos. So we we really really appreciate it. You
know what some of you do stay on Amazon or I don't know maybe you go back to
Amazon on our links the next day and you're buying groceries and I'm seeing
kids books and all kinds of things and so you're you're really really helping
out that way and you know, just let me know also in the comments that you are
doing that because a shout out to you guys, you're just amazing and I wanted, I
just want to know because I see the sales but yeah let me know if you're
doing that really appreciate it. So what are we on
right now. I'm rambling I know. Number four. Let's get to number four. So number
four is invest in a really good coat. Now over here I looked everywhere for a
camel coat about three years ago. Now I know they're everywhere in the
stores, but I just found that the camel color look of a coat was so elegant and
I really wanted to buy it, but they're really easy to find these days this
particular coat is an investment piece it is made of wool and cashmere. Now
you're probably saying to yourself, whoa whoa, whoa ,you said this wasn't gonna
break the ban. Well you know what instead of buying four or five cheap
coats I buy maybe a couple of really good coats and I take care of them you
know. I don't go out with these things in the rain and I bring them home and in
the wintertime you know I've got them covered up in bags and that sort of
thing and I just find that if you invest in something and you work it out yearly
you find that you know it works out to actually be a really good investment and
a good budgeting sort of thing. I've also if you don't like the camel color I've
also seen these in red and royal blue. I mean they're absolutely beautiful so
that's going to be my my next tip that I just mentioned. Number four is invest in
a really really nice coat. Now let's take a look at what I have going on
underneath this look. I call it the Audrey Hepburn look. Again very chic very
elegant. I've paired this with a turtleneck and some stovepipe pants,
black pants again that elegant look underneath and the slender look of black
with this. I decided to wear a black kind of kitten heel pump, but also I'll just
grab them over here if you really want to do the Audrey Hepburn
look you could go with some ballet shoes not slippers, ballets shoes here and the
other thing I wanted to say is that sometimes of course you got to take your
coat off and you might just not want to be there all in the Audrey
know, just all-black look. So I also have which is really really popular right now,
an animal print this is kind of like a leopard print of some kind and I wear
the scarf and of course that will really look nice when you take off your coat
and you have that kind of look going on. Oh and by the way maybe you're sort of
looking at these coats and saying hey I don't even live in a winter climate, you
know it's warm all year round and if that's the case and even if it's not, I
did a video on Parisian looks which is again tray chic. Tray elegance. And I'm
going to put a link up there for it, so if you're in the warmer climates it'll
show a few more extras there and even if you're not Parisian looks you know, such
as....such a great and classic kind of style. So number six is get a beautiful
statement necklace. As you can see I'm wearing a beautiful blue statement
necklace here and those are not real gemstones on that necklace. These days
you can find some amazing either handcrafted or or whatever, but there's
just so many styles of these beautiful necklaces out there and I'm just going
to do a presto change-o here because what I want to show you now is also this
is not real gold. If you can afford real gold, good for you, but
this is again more of a costume jewelry gold necklace and you can't go wrong
with this kind of look, it's just absolutely elegant the gold necklace
there and you know just adds to the sophistication. Just make sure it's not
turning your neck green okay and you'll find out in a very good short period of
time whether that's doing that or not. Hey I want to ask you something. Do
you like my makeup that I'm wearing in this video? Because what I did was I put
on....I'm really enjoying this.....the full L'Oreal makeup. I did a make up video. I
have not used a lot of this makeup before and I'm gonna put the link up
there because I really quite like it. I've done something different with my
eyebrows and it's really really hot in here and as you can see I'm not melting
and neither is my makeup. So if you like that I'm going to put the link up there.
Another thing that I just want to mention at this time too, is that Bill
and I are so happy and it's because of all the subscribers that we have that Amazon
has given us a storefront. And I got the makeup there....we have kitchen appliances
that we love, all kinds of things....things for the home and you can find it at So if you're saying hey I want to get
some of that makeup or whatever that's someplace else that you can take a look.
And soon we're gonna have if it's not up already, gifts for her and gifts for him.
So some of our favorites that we would either like to give or also get. So yeah so
check that out. Now oh I'm on number seven. Last but not least.
So my next tip is the most important elegant tip that there is. I think it's
probably the most important fashion tip period and that is your posture. You know
when you have really good posture you exude
confidence. If you're wearing that dress you're you're pulling it off much more
elegantly and our Mom's were right. Sit up straight and unless you have health problems,
which I know you know some of us do, but if you don't have the health problems my
gosh I remember when I was I went into grade 9. And over that summer I shot up
to 5 feet 8 and a half inches and I was so tall all of a sudden and I used to
slouch around like this because I wanted to be down with the other people. My mom used to
just say, stand up straight, stand up straight and so I did and now I feel
that I have that the way of caring....well I was still in modeling as well, but I
really have that way, where you know, I do put my shoulders back and stand up
straigh.t So now I have been going to a lot of shows you know health shows home
shows that sort of thing and I found this amazing product and I'm going to
show you over here kind of what I found. It's a brace that you wear and now you
probably wouldn't wear it under your elegant dress, but you would wear it
around the house and I've talked to some of the inventors of products like this
and it basically keeps your shoulders back. You tie it a little bit it's kind
of like shapewear actually and it helps you especially if you're you know
walking around or standing around maybe you're going for a walk to the store and
you can wear this very very inconspicuously underneath your
clothes. So you know as far as I'm concerned this is something that it's so
important and if you found that over the years you're slouching a little bit more
we're going to find that we're gonna have a link for it. I've already made
sure that Amazon has them and why not you know we we sometimes do this for 20
or 30 years and then you know maybe mom's not around to tell us to sit up
straight but I am. So I think that's a really really
important tip there and all the best with that. So on the other side of the
spectrum....he's not looking too elegant these days our little scrap-a-muffin.
Yes you're looking a little bit scruffy. He definitely needs a haircut but anyway
Hurricane's here to give me kisses, but also say a very big hi or maybe it's
a woof to you guys for being our subscribers. So thank you so much for
that and hey if you're not a subscriber there's a button down there and also
ring that bell and you'll be notified of our other videos that come out and they
come out on Tuesday for fun and oh what else do we have there Hurricane. We have
food and travel and lifestyle all kinds of different things and of course
Friday's our beauty and fashion and what I really want to do also you everybody
who's subscribing talk in the comments and even if you're not subscribing, but
anyway talk in the comments let me know how you really make an outfit look more
sophisticated or classy. Maybe it's a pair of amazing red pumps that you wear
or maybe you know your parents, or not your parents, but maybe it's your mom's
cultured pearls or whatever. I'd love to hear when we all share together in the
comments. So let's let's share all of those ideas and I guess in the meantime,
as I see that he is yawning again, you're yawning again, yes you are, in the
meantime you know what, go out and shine and show that amazing awesomeness that
you have and we'll see you later. Everyone's invited to subscribe and join
us on our videos.
Getting 'That Shot': Capturing the beauty of fashion with Christian Ammann - Duration: 2:27.
Meghan Markle: The fashion sacrifice the Duchess of Sussex makes every time she attends events with - Duration: 2:47.
Meghan Markle and the Queen appear to be getting on like a house on fire, as the Duchess of Sussex attends many royal engagements with Prince Harry's grandmother
Kate Middleton's sister-in-law looks confident when out and about with the monarch, while still letting her take the lead at royal events
In the same way, Meghan also ensures she doesn't outshine the Queen with her outfits by making a fashion sacrifice
Everyone knows the Queen is famous for her bright outfits, with the monarch previously explaining she does it to help the public see her in a crowd
Top Stories Five Meghan Markle looks you can recreate on the high street This missed moment from Meghan Markle's latest royal engagement is causing a huge debate With that in mind, it appears Meghan is ensuring the Queen is the focal point when they're out together as she opts for more plain colours with her outfits
For their first event together, which was a visit to church on Christmas Day in 2017, Meghan chose a brown coat and brown fascinator while the Queen stood out in bright orange
Following her wedding to Prince Harry, Meghan and the Queen visited Chesire, which was the former Suits actress' first solo event with Queen Elizabeth II
While Prince William's grandmother stunned in a lime suit, Meghan made sure she was considerate with the outfit in a cream dress
Most Popular Charlotte Crosby 'announces she's PREGNANT' in image with Joshua Ritchie Declan Donnelly and wife Ali Astall are all smiles with baby Isla Jon Clark SUSPENDED from TOWIE after 'slapping' Diags in the face Since then, any occasion the Duchess is out with the Queen, she will follow suit in a modest ensemble
While Meghan usually sticks to black, grey and navy, she has been known to experiment with brighter shades including green and yellow
Top Stories Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'party in Amsterdam with stars' Meghan Markle outfit: Duchess of Sussex wears all black for first solo royal outing Meghan Markle Prince Harry cutest moments: Duke and Duchess of Sussex's romantic bond
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