hey what's up guys Shawn Ryan vigilance elite I'm Jeff Reid from frozen trident
kennel today we're gonna kind of go over building a shelter out the middle of
nowhere so some things to look for where to build it where not to build it and
then actually how to build it so starting off what where would you want
to build one all right so you find yourself in a situation one of the first
things you're going to want to do is get yourself right now it's raining out of
the rain into some kind of shelter where do you want to build a shelter first
thing you want to look for is like right here where we're at in the stand of
trees it's going to protect you from the wind the environment you also want to
look for a place that's near water source but not too close if you get too
close that water can rise get everything wet ruin your shelter and you also want
to be near some food food sources as well there's berries here I saw some
cranberries there was a rabbit over there eaten by bear which brings us to
another point on things you don't want to be near yeah there's plenty of bears
on here there's bear shit we saw a moose kill site and a rabbit that was torn up
just over there alright guys check this out as we were
gathering firewood or our wood to build our shelter came across this it looks
like a be an old bear kill it looks like killed a moose all that is left here is
bear shit and just bone shards nothing else is left pretty cool what you can
stumble on out here so I found this bunny rabbit here that it's been
decapitated and then Jeff just found the moose over there that was eaten so
there's bear shit all around pretty cool definitely threats in the area we're so
fucked there's plenty of bareness areas and but
you can't really help it where you're at in a survival situation got to make the
best of what you got and that's where it's important to be in a stand of trees
some place protecting you yeah you know what you want to kind of be in as much
structure as you can find so it kind of keeps you out of the wind a little bit
it keeps some of the rain off you and it gives you a hell of a lot of
concealment yep so yeah and like you were saying a lot of people want to
build like right or you know put up put something up right on the river you know
but you know the snow starts melting and there goes your structure yeah so but
yeah so let's talk about well how to build this thing yeah so what we started
out here is just your a-frame structure we had to we'll take this door off you
look at it we got the a-frame right here we just took two pieces of wood put them
on each other like this and then we have a cross beam right here that is anchor
them together from there what we did is we found branches dead tree branches
like this we just start to stack them on each other and then once we had this
thing covered with tree branches we took this Moss right here which is all over
the place abundant which makes an excellent insulator and we just cover
this with moss that does two things one it keeps that you out of the rain keeps
you dry and two most importantly I think is it insulates it so it traps in the
heat and it blocks blend yep coming into so this stuff we didn't do this all the
way but when you are sleeping out here especially when it's cold the ground
gets cold and your body is gonna absorb that cold so pine pine branches are a
great insulator so you can take these put them in there stack them up a little
bit and that'll keep your body off the ground and it'll keep you warm so or
keep you up help you retain that body heat a little bit more so just a good
thing to know you know I've done that before yeah several times but another
option for that right now we can't do this because it's been raining here for
the last two days but this Moss here makes great insulation as well but only
when it's dry so if you have a way to dry this out you can use this instead of
the pine needles or with the pine needles but if it's wet its defeating
the purpose you're trying to use it for so only this dry moss would be good for
the leyland for bedding yeah so you'd actually probably want to get all the
get out of there yeah and then you know before you start laying your bedding
down but these this really helps too so yeah so last once you get all this done
the insulation on which is the moss you get your bedding put in there the last
thing you do whenever you crawl in there to go to bed
to increase your warmth is a door and you can use the same thing these spruce
branches make great doors and all that is it's just sealing it up so that way
traps and all that heat from your body you don't know that your body heat
losses coming out of the shelter so the door is actually a pretty important part
and it protects the win as well it's gonna be a little tight in here dumb big
spit yeah so alright a hundred thousand likes and the film crews coming back out
here and we're doing a winter series
what you guys think of that anyways subscribe to my youtube channel check
Jeff out at frozen tried in on Instagram check his dogs out they're awesome and
see you next week
For more infomation >> Vigilance Elite - How to Build a Survival Shelter - Duration: 7:05.-------------------------------------------
Welcome to the beautiful world of Aquascaping, to the Green Aqua Gallery in Budapest, Hungary.
What are you doing there behind the aquarium?
𝄞 "You can't hold me down... You can't hold me down..."
...Check it out?!
There's nothing behind it.
I know I was just trying to get away from this video.
Peter Roscoe is here with us guys!
Because we thought that we really need to show you how an aquarium is made.
By someone who has some experience in the Aquascaping...
𝄞 "You still get misidentified..."
What's that?
That's my nerves!
Shaky hands?
Yeah... I have some experience.
All right.
Tomi, do you have some experience?
I've never done this before.
Tomi has never done this before, but I think he's gonna help Peter get this aquarium
ready for you guys in the next 15 minutes. Go!
𝄞 "We're gonna make it, we're gonna make it...
𝄞 "I kept my soul no matter how hard that they try to take it."
- It's actually f*cked. - OK, buddy, alright! Jeez, does anything in this car work?
Ahh, it's just got f*cked this morning.
𝄞 "You can fade it... Listen:"
𝄞 "You can't hold me down, you can't hold me down..."
There's just not enough room!
I thought you are good at driving!
Where's my boy, Viktor?
𝄞 "Listen! You can't hold me down! ..."
Well, you know... When I say I'm an amateur...
I really am. I've done 3 tanks, and I'm coming up and do my 4th tank.
You can find scissors in there.
That's how amateur I am I don't even know how to use scissors.
I'm... My father has always had tanks and he ended up getting someone to do them for me, and...
Tomi's like become a friend.
I mean I don't really like the guy, but he knows what he's doing.
When it comes to aquascaping... So...
He comes around and helps as much as he can.
Jesus, Tomi!
But that's it. So I've been pestering these guys how to actually make an aquarium properly.
And finally I get to do it.
Full bag?
Half of it for the start. And then we're gonna...
There's how much an amateur I am.
- Keep going? - OK, yeah you can go with the full bag.
So I was right!
Who's the amateur here?
Put it in the middle and the back, not the front of the tank!
We have 15 minutes Tomi, we gotta be quick.
- Should be. - Want more towards the back.
I'm just happy to serve you Tomi.
The front should be flat.
- Is that flat enough for you? - Yep. Like that.
We've actually prepared some hardscape before.
In the back area where we store all the hardscapes.
The wood and the stones.
I got flower for Viktor.
Where's Viktor?
We gonna go with Iron Wood today.
OK. Let's go.
Yeah, so we're building a tank with roots.
Have you got any cable ties?
- So we can tie stuff together? - Yep.
Let's go crazy.
So this is the wood that will sink yeah?
It should sink from the start.
- Ready! - OK.
Let's go in there.
Here's what I made earlier.
Now I'm just sort-of guessing.
Something like that.
Should be fine for the start and then we can adjust later.
Peter, can you tell us where are you from?
Because I know you live in Budapest, right?
Yeah I live in Budapest, but...
Yeah, I'm from the UK.
I grew up in Middlesbrough - North-East.
Around there. But my parents really didn't like me so I left as soon as I could.
Been here for 7 years?
My first aquarium was actually when I was maybe 5 or 6-years-old believe it or not.
It was a very basic aquarium of Goldfish.
That we won at a local fare.
And yeah, that's it.
But my father had spent thousands and thousands on aquariums. Saltwater tanks and stuff.
And every time we go on holiday we come back and it's in a complete revamp.
He's got too much money and I don't think he wants to leave me any in the will.
But yeah, I always fantasized about - I mean nothing on this level but, you know, it's just relaxing
to look at an aquarium.
Unless you come to my house and look at my aquarium, which is just depressing.
Can you show it to us? The picture?
I'll tell you what. If this video gets 50 likes - just 50 likes, I'll share the picture.
- How's that? - Easy enough.
That's fair enough no?
That's an easy task.
All right.
250 likes, there you go.
Came all the way from England and he's not even here.
What's next?
Captain Tomi.
Next is - we can start planting.
And actually we should go from the back towards the front.
I have the plants for you right over there.
Have you seen Tomi's Black Magic?
No one knows what's inside there.
We actually got it from Jurijs.
A few weeks ago when he was here at the Grand Opening.
It's some gloves. If you don't want to get your hands dirty.
I think there was something else in that tub before that, wasn't there Tomi?
Yeah, there was.
We're not gonna use it today because we don't use any soil in the tank,
so this is basically most useful when you use some soil and that gets underneath your nails.
What do you mean? Are you guys gonna plant actually in the sand?
Nobody does that.
Yeah we do.
We've got some ADA Multi Bottoms.
So we're gonna have some fertilization for the roots.
In the sand itself.
See there's another reason I'm an amateur.
- I just plant it in the sand and hoped. - Let them die.
I think these grow quite tall.
This is gonna be pretty red.
- This is Rotala wallichii. - Rotala Vickky.
So this is Rota Wall Licky?
Which is a Danish STD.
OK, so another stem plant for the back which is... Yeah, that's gonna be orange-ish.
It's Rotala Vietnam Hra.
This looks like an STD as well.
- And then we have Tonina. - Tallina.
Which is gonna be full green.
So you should have a green-to-orange-to-red in the scape itself.
OK, so you want a left-to-right green-to-red.
Whichever way you like it.
Here's one thing I always struggled with.
Which is taking off this foam-bit.
- OK. - Because after weeks-and-weeks...
This one is going to be quite easy.
Let me grab this here for you so it doesn't fall in the tank.
After weeks-and-weeks I always find bits of sponge floating in my tank.
Along with loads of dead fish.
Now what's best here is just basically plopping the roots straight down.
Yep, you should actually take apart into 2 or 3 smaller bunches.
So you can spread it a bit more along the long-side of the tank.
You know if someone was watching this it would sound very sexual.
You gotta spread it and...
Black Magic, and...
𝄞 "You call me dirty and uneducated..."
Can't work with these amateurs.
𝄞 "This is not about you."
𝄞 "We're gonna make it..."
Should we put some of this fertilizer in?
Looks like rabbit-shit.
You should put this down to the glass.
A bit more inwards.
- Like that? - Yep.
Right down!
Low as you can.
Another one.
In about 10-15 cm. Yep. Right about there.
Am I right by saying the more fertilizer you use the better the plants will be?
For the longevity of it?
Well, mostly, yeah.
But actually if you use more fertilizer you're gonna have fertilizing for a longer time.
And how long does this last?
You should replace these every 3 or 4 months.
It's not a proper fertilizer, it's just...
- And you can just replace it by just... - Just putting another one in.
OK, so these don't stick there. They get released in the water.
OK, this will be it.
We actually put the root sticks in.
So now we can start planting.
I'd recommend you to grab a shorter tweezers.
Here's another tip for you.
Don't use your fingers.
- You tried it! - I've done that too much.
Again, it sounds really...
Innuendos, isn't it?
Use your fingers.
So I'm going roughly where I put the fertilizers in Tomi, is that right?
Yep, basically when you are planting in the background you just have to be aware of the sides of the tank.
Don't put it directly on the sides.
Leave at least 5 or 6 cm in the side so you can build it up.
And it will not be just a wall in the back.
Got you.
Around here?
Yep. Should be fine
And just put it down as much as you can.
- As much as I can... - Yep. Exactly.
It's gonna grow out to the light so it's not gonna be a problem.
Now what do we do now that we planted, I think we spray it?
I've seen that in your channel somewhere.
Do we spray it first or do we plant all the plants?
Actually, we should've sprayed it before.
You should get the soil wet...
You're teaching me bad habits.
Yeah. It doesn't really matter if you plant in sand...
But if we would use some soil it would definitely be the first thing to spray it so it gets moist
and it's much easier to plant in it.
So is this pumped?
No idea, try it.
Yeah, it works.
Thank you very much.
And how much should I...
- It should get all moist. - All moist. All moist, OK.
I'm not gonna make a comment.
So, let's move these over here.
So these ones are going to be the focal point in the middle.
Yeah, exactly.
And again, all the way down to the bottom.
As much as they go.
Pushing about perfect.
I think that's the first compliment you've ever given me.
No way.
Other than you like my shoes.
- Your shoes? - Yeah.
I did say that?
- No-no. - No way.
OK, so... Sorry...
We skipped a bit here.
We're on to the Danish STD.
The Rotala.
Rot Ala.
Yeah. Yep.
What's the second part?
Yeah, good enough.
And this is gonna go on the far right so we should have a nice...
Separate colors.
I can see Tomi's blood boiling at the way I'm doing this.
Nah, it should be fine.
Yep. Perfect.
And actually use the second...
Wait, what?
What's this?
That's the other way around?
There's a rookie mistake. I planted this one upside down.
Cause why not?
Just seeing if it would work.
Yeah, I was curious.
That's one of the good things about aquascaping is curiosity.
You know..
I'm always experimenting with my fishtank.
You know with fish...
Shrimp. Turtles.
And that's the same tank!
In the same tank, yeah.
Seriously. That's maybe why it never works, but...
I just can't trust Tomi 100%.
Yeah, and when the wife says that she wants turtles then you're gonna get some.
So what's the secret to a good aquarium?
If you're watching this video this far the secret probably is to completely do the opposite of what I'm doing so far.
But, to be honest I think - patience.
For me... I just want to get... I like plants and stuff, but I do like the fish moving around.
So for me it's getting the fish in as quickly as possible. Which means I tend to rush things.
So let's say if you want a really good aquarium, take a couple of weeks in time...
If you just want to gung-ho...
Just throw water in and fish and see who survives.
And come in and ask these guys - obviously - at Green Aqua.
They do help a lot.
My issue I have is I never listen.
It would all have been different if I came in and met Viktor first when I came here.
Cause my aquariums would probably be good.
Not that Tomi's got inability.
Look at him, you can't trust that.
You can't trust that.
So this one's called Easy.
No. The other words.
It says easy on the card.
Tropica labels all the plants by Easy, Medium and Difficult - I think.
So how much light it needs, how much CO2 it needs ...
If you're starting out and you have an idea in mind on tank, budget and stuff.
Make sure you don't do it step-by-step because I started with a built-in filter...
Then I realized that was rubbish. Then I wanted crystal-clear water, so I needed more plants...
But then I needed more CO2...
So just find out: do you want crystal-clear water, plants and fish?
Find out how big it is, how many filters you need.
What lights you need, that's another thing.
And yeah, I got enough spares at home to open my own Green Aqua.
And you'll see me on YouTube competing with these guys in the next 6 weeks.
Tomi has identified his favorite hole.
Let's put that in there.
Don't tell my wife!
We need to edit that out, alright?
Now, another challenge.
The In-Vitro plants.
I'm always up for a challenge.
I actually got you some water.
Where you can rinse them.
Or actually at least try to...
Basically all the rest of the plants have small leaves.
So it's up to you where you want them...
What would you recommend for pleasing reasons, to mix all the plants in randomly?
As nature would intend, yeah?
Yeah, exactly.
That's modern art, right there.
500 likes... If you want me back in the video. For me to select fish.
And I'm only going to select fish that will upset Tomi.
So what name are we giving to this one Tomi?
Is this the one we're gonna let the audience decide?
Everyone who has an idea... Just give us a comment for the name of this plant.
It's actually Staurogyne repens.
What's the name for it?
I'm gonna call it Viktor.
Viktor! OK!
Got flowers for Viktor.
There you go buddy.
- Here you go. - Thank you.
- Happy Birthday Viktor (not his birthday!)
Actually these plants are not so big.
They fit nicely next to my monitor.
Tomi likes it not so big.
Thanks buddy, I love you!
Doesn't like you.
Alright! Peter is, I think, ready with the help of Tomi.
Thank you.
Still the shaking...
Do you have glue?...
No-no-no, I wore gloves... Did you not watch the video (HELL, it's edited out, folks).
I mean I wouldn't want to touch Tomi's gloves.
It was a very good job, thank you so much.
We were wondering if you guys would like to buy this aquarium.
I mean... I don't know, we'll see.
If someone wants to buy the tank, then...
I guess drop a price below...
Start an auction? What? 1000 Forints?
All right, we can do that.
All right guys, so thank you Peter for being here with us.
If you like our channel you can subscribe to it. Now we have a subscribe button on the video.
Because apparently Viktor told us that he couldn't find it (on mobile) underneath the video.
That way, I think.
It is that...
And then there's the bell.
On the other side.
I never saw the bell.
- You should check it. - But never mind.
Never mind... Anyways... Thanks for being with here, with us.
Oh, what, what am I saying?
Put a comment below if you want him in the next video.
Cause I mean he's pretty amateur, right?
Finally we can get rid of him.
Alright, guys. Until next week, goodbye. Cheers.
𝄞 "We're gonna make it, we're gonna make it..."
𝄞 "I kept my soul no matter how hard that they tried to take it..."
𝄞 "We're gonna make it, we're gonna make it..."
𝄞 "Got at it by my side, ain't no way that you can fade it..."
𝄞 "Listen!"
𝄞 "You can't hold me down..."
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