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but everyone's counting on me okay I've got five minutes I don't know what
I'm doing but I'm gonna put my whole heart into it
ladies and gentlemen members of the board please welcome our new director of
presentations thank you Anse Adams a shrimp what do these things have in
common you ask small but what does this smallness mean it means no donut Fridays
no donut Fridays means unhappy employees and worst of all small means smaller
profits he's in gentlemen there's no reason to panic for the reason I am here
is to give a solution in that solutions think big monster trucks mount
Rushmore's burritos these are things our company should strive for it's that
simple bigger ideas figure goals bigger fonts
the answer my friends is big big big can we take a rest for a minute please
Samantha what's the meaning of this intrusion we're getting married daddy
married hmm so tell me how did this happen Samantha come on tell him oh yeah
sir we were on a bike we went through a car wash
maybe he proposed to me on top of the Billboard there was so romantic proposed
on top of a billboard that's how I proposed to your mother
I like your style of great men think alike you have my permission to wet my
daughter hope you're engaged thank you I didn't understand a thing you said but
I love it let's do it really yes and I have just the perfect
new spokesman for our new venture
what we're selling my little brother no no no he's selling us
he's the new spokesman for our chain of booba shops bába ráma your ideas his
style and a perfect settle on my side
please save I space hmm notify the shareholders we're gonna trip fi our
stocks and get me marketing on the line hold up everybody
I'm Grizz get down from there I will
this is who I really am this is my true form I think we should take some time to
think about this marriage uh-huh you really should freedom I hate to say this
but we bears are not suited for this lifestyle are you leaving the company
yes consider this our resignation mr. CEO
onward brothers to freedom
yeah we're naked got a problem at my naked body
freedom freedom huh I done wearing those ridiculous clothes guys lesson well
learned Ice Bear wants freedom boba from boba Rama
yeah let's try somewhere else shares in boba rama actually dropped 22% last
For more infomation >> We Bare Bears Fashion Bears Ep 3 - Red Crow - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
SWEDEN vs AMERICA|H&M vs GAP| What fashion brand Japanese girls and boys love - Duration: 10:24.
Wow GAP is loosing again.
They also have kids clothes. I see families there.
One of them is not from America. Which one do you think?
Hey guys it's Cathy Cat. Right now I hit the streets of fashionable Tokyo to ask
Japanese people which they would actually prefer:
Do they prefer H&M or GAP and do they actually know where these
brands are from, and are they different to Japanese brands in sizing and similar?
Let's go and Ask Japanese.
And don't forget to subscribe for more stuff from Japan. Let's ask them.
There are two foreign fashion brands. Do you know them? - I do.
Have you been to both? - I have.
If you were asked, which one do you like more?
You have come here to shop? - Yes for shopping.
Have you already bought something? - Not yet, we are going now.
You have an American Eagle bag here. - That's just the bag.
Ready go....
Oh H&M!!!
They are quite cheap.
They have pretty fancy design.
That'S why I prefer H&M
Compared to GAP, H&M has more of the styles I like.
I have never been inside a GAP.
I don't have any near where I live.
What do you buy at H&M?
H&M... I have bought a shirt there...
Slacks and such.
I get socks there.
When I want clothes but I don't have money...
I go and get myself a shirt there.
What's different between H&M and Japanese fashion?
The material is too thin.
The sizes there fit me, but I am very skinny, so they don't fit at the waist.
I get that a lot.
Nobody is voting for GAP.
What do you like about H&M? - It's so cheap.
They do lots of collaboration items.
What collaborations? - Justin Bieber T-shirt collaborations.
I like that.
When you buy something there, what do you get mainly?Basics or collaborations?
What do you buy?
I get jeans there.
What is your most favourite collaboration they have done?
The Justin Bieber T-shirts.
How many do you own?
Maybe around 3? - Maybe around that....
What do you see more of in Tokyo?
I see GAP a lot.
But you buy at... - H&M!
Do you sometimes see items at H&M that Japanese can't wear in Japan?
There are some very flashy ones.
What's so flashy. - They're too colourful. Bit too much.
Not a single point for GAP. Zero.
What's your choice for picking H&M ?
They have lots of black clothes there.
Does that mean you like wearing black? - I love black.
Gap is very causal.
I don't wear much casual stuff.
I don't go to GAP.
At H&M I get more black items than casual items.
Since nobody voted for GAP, what kind of people go there in your opinion?
They sell kids clothes, so families go there.
More mature people go there.
H&M includes many fashion trends.
Are there trends at H&M that you couldn't wear in Japan?
There are...
Super tight damaged jeans and such.
They have high legged bodices and such.
If foreigners wore that in a coordinate, they would look cool but...
But Japanese people can't wear that.
Where do you think these brands are from? - Where is H&M from?
We both study at a fashion school. We should have learned that...
Our teacher will get so angry at us!
Where was H&M from....
Somewhere from Europe...
You are getting closer.
Where is GAP from? - Gap?
I feel like they are all from America...
GAP is from America.
Now challenge H&M...!
Starts with S - Sweden?
You got it.
H&M is winning with you both. Why?
They are cheap...
They are cute. Young people wear it.
It's easy to wear and has a foreign touch to it.
I like America. That's why it's a very foreign fashion brand.
One of these brands is not from America. Which one do you think it is?
H&M is not from America. From Russia or such.
H&M is not from America!
So where do you think it's from?
Europe. - The UK.
What do you think?
Russia. - Both wrong.
H&M is from Sweden. - WHAAAAAT?
Is that so? - I didn't know that.
What the! - I will tell everyone that!
What do you usually buy there?
Accessories and such...
I get tops. Small cropped tops.
What's the difference between H&M fashion and Japanese fashion?
It's very simple.
It's easy to coordinate. - They have a lot of sizes too.
Yes so many sizes.
Not enough sizes in Japan?
We only have S M and L in Japan.
H&M has sizes like 34,38 and up to 40s
In detail. - Yes.
Are there sizes that don't fit Japanese people?
They fit.
Yes but... foreigners have longer legs and arms.
So sometimes those are too long for us.
Trousers being too long. - Yeah that sometimes happens.
You need to try them on first.
Are there clothes that Japanese people wouldn't wear?
Yes there are. - A lot.
The too sexy ones.
Do Japanese not wear sexy clothes...
We do... I am interested in wearing them.
What's your reason for going to H&M? What do you buy there?
I buy my clothes normally there.
They are cheap and their design is cute.
I get accessories there, cheap earrings and such.
Nice. Is H&M different from Japanese fashion brands?
The cut or the style? - The clothes are a bit too big.
The sizing is foreign to me. So I don't know what fits me.
It's because they use numbers? - Yes.
They have things like 34 or 35. - We don't have that in Japan.
Have you picked the wrong size before?
I first try it on
GAP is from America but H&M is from Europe.
Where do you think it's from?
I have no clue about Europe.
There are so many countries in Europe.
Starts with an S... - Spain.
I have no clue. - It's probably not Spain.
It was Sweden.
Nobody got it at first. Don't worry.
Those were our questions. Thank you.
H&M versus GAP. We asked people in Japan you can see GAP didn't get
a single vote. That might be because the generation we were interviewing
doesn't quite have the money yet to go shopping at GAP.
What other said, Gap is more for people who have kids because they have
a kids selection. Also it's more expensive than H&M.
Another thing, H&M is doing a lot of fun collaborations
for example with Namie Amuro who is a famous singer here in Japan.
Crossing over the boundaries between a western fashion store with Japanese interests.
I hope you enjoyed this show. don't forget we have more videos on Ask Japanese...
lots to browse and find out more about Japan.
Be sure to subscribe to us, so you don't miss any future videos and click
on the notification symbols so all our videos get recommended to you and you don't miss
stuff from Japan. I hope you have a great day. This was Cathy Cat and
I catch you soon for another video from Ask Japanese. Bye.
Es war die am heißesten erwartete Show der Fashion Week. Vor den Augen zahlreicher Stars zeigte Top- - Duration: 2:58.
Es war die am heißesten erwartete Show der Fashion Week. Vor den Augen zahlreicher Stars zeigte Top-Designer Hedi Slimane in Paris seine erste Celine-Kollektion
Und er ließ keinen Stein auf dem anderen.Paris (dpa) - Vor einem Aufgebot internationaler Stars wie Lady Gaga hat Top-Designer Hedi Slimane seine erste Kollektion für das Modelabel Celine in Paris vorgestellt - und dabei den Look der Marke komplett verändert
Zum Start seiner Show ließ er ein Model im Pünktchenkleid aus einer sich drehenden, metallisch glänzenden Kubus-Struktur auf dem Laufsteg erscheinen - das Kleid eine einzige übergroße Schleife
Viele Zuschauer, darunter auch Karl Lagerfeld, Catherine Deneuve, Cara Delevigne und Virgil Abloh - jubelten, manch einer verdrückte gar eine Träne am Freitagabend
Die Marke Celine, die vorher von Phoebe Philo geführt wurde, war der Liebling vieler Moderedakteurinnen
Sie hatte den Ruf, intellektuellen Frauen zu gefallen, stand für erwachsenen, aber sinnlichen Minimalismus
Von dieser Ästhetik ist unter Slimane nicht viel geblieben. Minimal ist bei ihm allenfalls die Rocklänge
Seine Celine-Frauen tragen überkurze Babydoll-Kleidchen, die mit ihren ballonartigen Röcken, Volants und schimmernden Bolerojäckchen ein bisschen an Prom Queens denken lassen
Das Zuckrige, die Netzhüte und Pailletten bricht Slimane durch Nieten, Leder, Cowboyboots und viel Schwarz
Die zweite große Neuerung und deutliches Zeichen, dass der französische Luxuskonzern LVMH (Dior, Louis Vuitton, Moet&Chandon) mit Celine einen Schritt weitergehen möchte: Die Marke gibt es jetzt auch für Männer
Scharf geschnittene schwarze Anzüge, schmale Krawatten, Leopardenmäntel, elegante Slipper, metallisch glänzende Stoffe und lässige Lederjacken
Hedi Slimane zeigte den typisch glamourösen Rockstar-Look, mit dem er auch die Marke Saint Laurent zum absoluten Verkaufsschlager machte
Ob ihm mit Celine der gleiche Kunstgriff gelingen wird, muss sich erst zeigen.
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