English Subtitle Coming Soon
X-Men: Dark Phoenix - Resmi Fragman Tanıtımı | Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
The Dark Prince Returns - Duration: 21:06.-------------------------------------------
Cùng chơi Dark Souls III - #3: Ngôi làng của Undead phần 1. - Duration: 51:50.-------------------------------------------
Dark Souls: Remastered - Bez nerwów (Nintendo Switch) - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
The Sorry State of Dark Matter Alternatives - Duration: 6:14.[♪ INTRO]
Over the years, we've talked a lot about dark matter, and you can't blame us.
Even though it exerts gravitational effects, this stuff is invisible in telescopes.
And it's found all over the universe, but scientists aren't totally positive what it is.
Dark matter is one of the coolest mysteries in astronomy,
but it's also made many of you raise your eyebrows.
Whenever we bring up dark matter, commenters ask why scientists are so stubbornly positive it exists.
Like, why can't they just admit they're wrong about gravity?
The truth is, though, scientists have spent decades trying to alter gravitational laws
to explain dark matter... without dark matter.
And while they have had plenty of successes,
a recent paper says they're really likely to be wrong.
Like... this likely to be wrong. That's a lot of 9s.
Lots of independent evidence points astronomers toward dark matter.
The most famous comes from stars and galaxies.
Some of them move too quickly, to the point that the gravity from visible matter
can't be the only thing holding them together.
Computer simulations of the universe's evolution also require dark matter to produce realistic results.
And the Cosmic Microwave Background, temperature variations imprinted on the universe by the
Big Bang, has patterns we can't make sense of without a bunch of the stuff.
Specifically, we need about five times more dark matter than regular matter.
Which is the same amount we infer from those other methods.
So it's not like astronomers have been chomping at the bit to postulate what this matter is.
They have been forced to their current ideas by almost a century of measurements.
Even if we keep failing to discover what exactly dark matter is,
the case that it's there seems pretty solid.
Then again, to make dark matter work, we do have to make some pretty extraordinary claims.
Like, we have to conclude that there's
five times more invisible stuff out there than what we can see.
So some researchers haven't given up on searching for alternate explanations.
One of the most famous is an astrophysicist named Mordehai Milgrom.
In the 1980s, he wondered just how much you would have to change our ideas about gravity
to explain galaxies' behavior without dark matter.
To figure it out, he invented the field of Modified Newtonian Dynamics, or MOND,
and it's been growing since his initial papers.
Currently, gravity is explained by Einstein's spacetime-warping general theory of relativity.
Among many other things, it shows that gravity gets
continuously and smoothly weaker as you get farther from an object.
MOND is a little different.
This method tweaks general relativity's mathematical approach to gravity.
Near something massive, its predictions are pretty similar,
but they're different as you get farther from something.
Instead of gravity getting continuously weaker,
MOND usually has what's called a fundamental acceleration scale.
It's a sort of lingering gravitational effect
where you wouldn't really expect one using general relativity.
So far, this new method seems like it can explain a lot.
Many galaxies' motions fit MOND's predictions just as well as dark matter's, and simulations
with MOND have even had success reproducing the universe's large-scale structure.
But the method still has plenty of problems.
For example, it has trouble recreating those patterns in the Cosmic Microwave Background.
And it can't really account for all the different ways we see galaxies behave.
Some galaxies act like they have almost no dark matter in them, while others might be
90% dark matter or more, and MOND has trouble reproducing that variety.
MOND also has issues with objects like the Bullet Cluster,
an object some 3.7 billion light-years away.
There, gravitational effects seem to be completely separated from visible matter,
as if there's dark matter in one place and matter in another.
Some people would argue that general relativity and dark matter have had a decades-long head start,
and that researchers will work out the kinks in MOND eventually.
But others aren't so confident.
Earlier this year, a team of astronomers searched for the fundamental acceleration scale
by looking at the rotation rates of almost 200 galaxies.
And they found that MOND doesn't fit thedata.
No matter which specific model you're using, MOND would predict the
fundamental acceleration scale should be the same throughout the universe.
But this team found that different galaxies required a different scale,
which kind of throws a wrench in things.
Of course, nothing in science is 100% certain.
But the team's analysis says that the chance that MOND is still right is pretty slim.
Like, about 1 in a hundred billion trillion, a number with 23 zeros in it.
Some scientists have disputed that extreme statement,
saying there's far more uncertainty than the new paper claims.
But possible is awfully far from 1 in a hundred billion trillion.
Now, this all might have been the death of MOND once and for all,
if another paper hadn't come out a few weeks later.
In it, a different group studied almost all of the exact same galaxies,
but they analyzed the data in a slightly different way.
And they found clear evidence of a fundamental acceleration scale that worked for all of them.
It's not obvious what caused this difference, but it does mean that MOND isn't dead yet.
At least for now, though, the majority of astronomers and cosmologists do think dark
matter is still the right approach, and they have decades of good evidence to support that.
After all, on scales bigger than individual galaxies,
MOND repeatedly fails while dark matter repeatedly succeeds.
Researchers will keep looking into alternate explanations, but, at least for now,
no other idea is anywhere near as successful as dark matter is.
So we'll just have to keep looking.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space, and thanks to all the commenters
who asked questions and inspired this episode!
If you have a pressing space question or fact you think is really cool,
go ahead and leave it in the comments.
We'll do our best to check them all out.
If you want to make sure we see your question, though, you can go to patreon.com/scishow.
The DARK TRUTH About Telltale Games Shutting Down - Duration: 5:31.The award winning gaming company TellTale Games brought you some of your favourite episodic
games over the last decade. The walking dead, Game of thrones and minecraft, just to name
a few. But last week, telltale's ceo announced that the company was shutting down, and 90
percent of their employees were let go without severance. The shutdown has caused a massive
uproar on social media. Telltale has gotten a pretty bad rep over the last few months,
and this shutdown seems to be a part of a much wider problem. I'm going to tell you
everything you need to know, right now on IO.
Welcome back to inform overload, where we keep you up to date with everything that's
happening on the internet. I'm charlotte dobre and if you need a place to get your
news on youtube, hit that subscribe button. You should also follow the io team on instagram,
our links are posted down below. On September 21st 2018, the ceo of telltale
pete Hawley announced that telltale was shutting down, and 90 percent of its employees would
be fired that day. That's 225 to 250 employees that were told to drop what they were doing
and leave. These employees were not given a warning, severance pay, and they only had
a limited amount of time left on their health care benefits, 9 days to be exact. They were
given 30 minutes to leave the building. To make matters even worse, one employee who
was working until 3 am the night before did so with no thought that the studio was about
to let them go. Telltale said Only 25 employees were going to be continuing on to fulfill
the companies obligations to its board and partners. They still need to fulfill he contractual
obligations for Minecraft: story mode for Netflix. This abrupt shut down happened after
their last major investor pulled out of the company. No one knows exactly who this investor
was, but its rumoured that it was Lionhead. There is no word on whether or not telltale
would be finishing The wolf among us, season two, game of thrones season two and the highly
anticipated stranger things project, but apparently all the employees who were working on these
games have been let go. That being said, neflix reportedly still plans to produce the stranger
things game despite the collapse. Telltale also did say that they would be finishing
the walking dead final season. In an update, the company wrote on twitter
that there are multiple potential partners who have stepped forward who have expressed
interest in helping to see the final season of the walking dead through to completion.
The question is, is telltale going to use the money from these financial backers to
provide severance to the employees they let down. Can you really use the excuse, we have
no money, at this point where people have literally offered them money. It also seems
like pretty poor planning. Why did it get to this point where they had to announce the
closure of their company before they exhausted all their opitons first. Clearly there are
investors that want to pitch in, why didn't you look for those investors before laying
off over 200 people? It seems like telltale is poorly managed, and this isn't the first
time that's been said either. This abrupt shut down of telltale has caused
a lot of anger in the gaming community, and among the employees. Former telltale employee
Brandon Cebenka tweeted. None of my sleepless nights or long hours on weekends trying to
ship a game on time got me severance today. Don't work overtime unless you're paid
for it ya'll. Protect your health. Companies don't care about you. Tweet is in the comments
folder. There are a lot of rumors floating around
that telltale was exploitative of their employees, and a lot of people think that game developers
should unionize. The fact that these employees were not given any form of severance is pretty
terrible. A few months back, there were a lot of rumors going around that telltale was
a company that suffered from toxic management, where employees were constantly overworked
without overtime. Those same employees were never rewarded for the long hours and time
they spent away from their families. Emily Grace Buck, lead designer on several of telltale
games including the final season of the walking dead, has been one of the most vocal of the
employees let go. She said. Yes its true. We usually worked 50+ hour weeks. Sometimes
70-80. Weekends were often expected. We were constantly 'understaffed'. Deadlines were
ludicrously tight. Our schedules were so close we went from one crunch directly into another.
Whats more is, she would work multiple nights in a row with barely any sleep to hit a milestone
review, only to have 90% of that work not constructively criticised and thrown out the
window at that very review. Telltale has been having financial problems
for quite some time. Co founder of tell tale and former ceo Kevin Bruner sued the company
back in june seeking financial damages. Telltale responded by saying that the suit was nothing
more than a way for Bruner to seek revenge against a company that was already under financial
strain. That being said, telltale is not the only
gaming developer that doesn't treat its employees well. Its part of a much wider problem
in the industry. Contracts are often one sided, hours are always long, and managers, well,
you get the picture. Lets hope the remaining employees at telltale
listen to the massive uproar on social media, and pay their employees what they deserve.
Anyways guys, that's all I have for you on that story, its time to respond to some
comments. Alex – will you have kids if you do what
would you name them. I probably will have kids but not for a few years. I've always
really liked Egyptian names like cleo. I used to like I S I S but yeah that's not appropriate
anymore. Rosie Murray – can you do a French accent.
Not well. I also feel like I sound quebecois. Grimm hades – charlotte I am glad you reinvented
what potato stands for. It used to be derogatory now its good. We are proud to be spuds. And
I am proud to be your queen. Johnny yyy – charlotte whats ur favourite
meme. I love classical art memes, they are my favourite. Like the y tho guy. If you don't
follow classical art shit on instagram I highly recommendd
Nyte Fish – I love IO, always keeps us updated with the trending news. That's ma job, thanks
for the support. The video is over! don't worry, we've
put together a playlist for you that you should check out, its right over here. and if you
enjoyed this video, smash the thumbs up, subscribe and notification bell, and I will see you
in a future IO video.
X-Men Dark Phoenix TRAILER LEAKED & Trailer TONIGHT CONFIRMED! - Duration: 3:42.what is good YouTube warstu here with a video on the Dark Phoenix x-men movie
so following from the video we did a couple days ago talk about the reshoots
and the images have come out we've now got some pretty interesting information
for you Fox x-men fans so leaked footage appeared on reddit it was shaky you had
to watch it through a chair so I'm not gonna include it in this video but it is
on reddit if you want to see it so the dark phoenix trailer was shown to a fox
presentation in russian hence white if you watch the clip i
might even put the clip down below if you want it's in russian so it's quite
hard to understand but you can follow it so everyone is expecting this trailer to
drop with the Veneman theatrical cut next week but i think it's gonna come
out a lot sooner than that and I will get into at the end of this video so
careful for spoilers so during this trailer we get firstly the first images
that we saw emerge last year are actually in this trailer there is some
fiery imagery of Jean Grey walking through a cemetery then it cuts to
Michael Fassbender who obviously plays magneto he's speaking in Russian to Jean
there was also some flashbacks then we see a younger Jean Grey in a back of a
car as the doors song this is the N plays over this clip then we catch a
glimpse of Jessica who is still a unknown villain Cyclops eventually shows
up along with storm halfway through the footage the camera pulls itself up and
we get a better view of mystique and Professor X having a heart heart
conversation eventually beast shows up alongside with Quicksilver there are
some interesting VFX special effects show in the world coming apart and
magneto is seen pullin on his old helmet this cuts to storm in the rain at a
funeral presumably Jean Grey beast is seen standing by a grave soaked to the
bone a few new mutants that I couldn't make out are revealed so if you know who
they are let me know a quick character clips leading up to a big Dark Phoenix
reveal with her eyes glory and with a fire so guys if you do see this trailer
it's really hard to make it out I've tried to interpret it as best as I can
also last night on Twitter there were some interesting kind of comments about
this some people were positive some people
negative someone said this so V Tana looks so good in Dark Phoenix trailer
when I saw the Phoenix another person said when the Dark
Phoenix trail it matches up to the plot leaks that sounded like garbage from a
few months ago so I'm not really gonna give my opinion about the trail until we
actually watch it so we do have some information at that sophie Turner who is
starting games of throne sir who you probably know she's going to be a guest
on The Late Show with James Gordon on September 27th which I presume they
pre-recorded it's gonna be airing on Thursday and presumably this would be
the only reason that her for her to be there game with Rowand isn't back till
next year so they wouldn't start doing interviews for Game of Thrones so soon
so presumably she's going to have a teaser trailer there or she's going to
announce when the trailers come in but what everyone's expecting the trailer to
at least drop next week when venom comes out during that it would make perfect
sense obviously there's gonna be a lot of people going to watch venom it's
tracking 60 million plus the opening weekend so it makes a lot of sense so in
a nutshell there's a trailer online it's leaked it's in Russian if you want to
see it I will put the link down below if you want and also sophie turner might be
dropping the trailer on the james corden show coming up Thursday so guys let me
know what you think about this video down below are you excited for this I do
think it sounds pretty good from what we're hearing but that's not for people
saying it's bad so anyway guys I do have a twitch channel the link will be down
below if you could check it out and follow that would be awesome and I will
catch you in that next video very soon catch you later
X-MEN DARK PHOENIX Teaser Español (2018) - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
i'm like a b0ss bit?
You're A M A Z I N G.
thx bro
-Don't gooo. -I have to go yes.
The Daily Kona Blend Dark Roast Coffee Review - Duration: 4:00.hey welcome to coffee coffee coffee your place for average Joe coffee reviews
today's coffee is buttery today we are reviewing the daily Kona blend dark roast which is
supposed to be bold rich buttery macadamia nut and chocolate notes so we
also reviewed the medium roast of this it pretty much was the same exact tasting
notes except for this as bold and rich right as opposed to smooth this was only
$5.99 for the bag and it says Kona blend which again Kona blend in Hawaii if you
say that by law has to be 10% I think at least but then if you do it in America I know Hawaii
is part of America sorry Continental yeah in the lower 48 it's
okay to basically there's no law right one bean right right what yeah one bean
so um so it's kind of an odd thing so who knows how much Kona is really in
here but I mean regardless $5.99 for 12 ounces of coffee is you know not
super cheap right it's not really expensive either and kona tends to be
super expensive yeah and I don't really care like if I have an Ethiopian
coffee or a Kenyan coffee I don't really care how many of the beans came in from
there yeah I just worry about the taste
so this coffee at first I like when we were drinking both of these at
the same time well not at the same time I know like we would switch back and
forth we had one of those helmets straw from the bold and a straw from the
medium we did not have that but at first I clearly liked the medium better like it was like
there's no contest whenever we would have this one I was like no I don't really
enjoy it but as its kind of had time to air out and you know just kind of mellow
a little bit I really enjoy it too so I will say though I know when actually
well yeah this one has chocolate notes too I don't get as much of a strong
macadamia and chocolate flavor as the other one the other one was like wow you could
really taste both those flavors this one to me it's more roasty and yeah you can
it's a darker it makes sense this is the darker roast but I just don't get those
same like outstanding flavor notes you know it I like it but it's not this you
know it's not that Wow I really like it kind of thing
yeah I agree it feels like the good parts of the other coffee which were the
macadamia nut and the chocolate are overpowered by the roastiness exactly yeah
so that's not in there as much well put I should have gone to
coffee College you should've okay so overall the donut rating on this one I
would say I would say it a say it you know it's gonna be the right one now
now I don't even know now you're doubting yourself yeah I was gonna say it three and a half
yes that's exactly what I was gonna say its not quite a four to me a four to me is like wow I've got to have that again
three and a half is like it's good but I would probably buy other coffees before
this one same thing here yeah so have you ever gone to a TJ Maxx or a home
goods or a Marshalls or a Ross or a wherever you might find coffees like
this like we do let us know in the comments below what you found and what
you though of the things you tried and if you've ever had these daily Kona
coffees let us know about those and if you know
anything about the history of the company or where we might find out more
information also if this video has helped you please be sure to like
comment and subscribe be sure to hit the bell so you get notified whenever we put
out a new video and until next time keep grindin
Dark Ride Brothers - Dark Ride Vlog "That's How You Write A Song" (English subtitles available) - Duration: 3:20.Hi Folks!
Making songs ain't nothing where you
just decide that "Now here they come!".
You should be in a good flow
and sometimes you just are, sometimes you're not.
But our latest song "Swallowed By Clouds" is an example
of a song that was built around the chords.
It's a really old song that has its origin in my previous band "Mosesgun"...
where it never really belonged.
It used to be an acoustic song, and after that we tried to develop some kind of grunge version out of it.
And on our gigs it actually worked quite well,
but, to be honest, it was somehow "forced" shouting and yelling.
In the beginning, the song did not really fit into Dark Ride Brothers' repertoire, either.
But we decided to take it to the studio anyway
and Teemu Aalto, our producer, did an awesome job on it.
But how was the song originally created?
It is based on very simple chords
So there were a minor, e minor and then there were C major and G major.
And really, that's it.
But then the melody began to emerge around those chords.
And the vocal melody also became the guitar melody for it.
So it started to emerge around the a minor chord.
And later on, this became the melody of the vocals.
So there we had a verse, but every song always needs a chorus.
At least in our case!
So, let's move on to the chorus: In fact, we picked some really typical chords for it
... but combined with that a minor there is this change to e minor, C major and G major.
There is this funny twist because se chorus starts with an entirely different chord.
So it returns to that G major
and moves on to D major
and then
At this point I gotta say one thing: These absolutely fantastic lyrics are written by Masa Tepponen.
They fit this fall mood pretty well.
But this is basically it!
There are two different chord progressions: This is the one for the verse, and this is the one for the chorus.
Good songs are often pretty simple.
If you start "squeezing" too much, the result won't necessarily be very good.
So here's what making songs is at it's easiest.
And of course, the producer does a lot of work in the studio later on!
It's really cool that so many of you are listening to "Swallowed By Clouds" on Spotify and YouTube.
This really warms our hearts and whats' best is that we already have our next singles waiting to be released!
But more on that in our next Dark Ride Vlog. Stay Tuned!
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